|I||||||III US005619682A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,619,682 Mayer Et Al
|I||||||III US005619682A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,619,682 Mayer et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 8, 1997 54 EXECUTING NETWORK LAYERED Hartig et al., "Operating System(s) on Top of Persistent COMMUNICATIONS OF A FIRST SYSTEM Object Systems-The Birlix Approach”, Jan. 1992, pp. ON A SECOND SYSTEM USINGA COMMUNICATION BRIDGE TRANSPARENT 790-799, IEEE. TO THE DIFFERENT COMMUNICATION LAYERS Primary Examiner-Thomas C. Lee 75 Inventors: Bruce D. Mayer, Arlington; Martin Assistant Examiner-Sang Hui Kim Berkowitz, Newton; Sudershan K. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Gary D. Clapp, Faith F. Driscoll; Sharma, Brookline, all of Mass. John S. Solakian 73) Assignee: Bull HN Information Systems Inc., Billerica, Mass. (57) ABSTRACT 21 Appl. No.: 127,925 A layered communications bridge mechanism connected 22 Filed: Sep. 28, 1993 between an upper communications layer of a first commu (51) int. Cl. ..................... G06F 3/00 nications layer mechanism executing in a user level process 52 U.S. Cl. ................... 395/500; 364/264.3; 364/2809; and a layered communication kernel process of a second - 364/280; 364/DIG. 1 system corresponding to the next lower layers of the first 58) Field of Search .................................... 395/500, 2.86, communications layer mechanism. The bridge includes an 395/700, 650, 882, 892 upper bridge mechanism operating to appear to the lowest (56 References Cited layer or the layers of the first communications layer mecha U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS nism to be the next lower layer of the first layered commu nications mechanism and a lower bridge mechanism oper 4,727,480 2/1988 Albright et al.
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