Nr 1(29) 2011 Contents
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Nr 1(29) 2011 Contents Ewa Łużyniecka, Architectural examinations of the parish church in Dobrzyki 3 Editorial Counse Dalia Klajumienė, Ewa Święcka, The Wall Painting in the Franciscan Church Zbigniew Bać (Polska) of St. John the Baptist in Holszany: History and Conservation Works . 11 Michaił Balzanikov (Rosja) Bo Larsson (Szwecja) Zygmunt Świechowski, “The Ladder of Virtue” in Bath Cathedral . 19 Joaquim Braizinha (Portugalia) Stanisław Kowalski, Czesław Lasota, Andrzej Legendziewicz, Jerzy Charytonowicz (Polska) The Late-Gothic Town Hall in Zielona Góra and Its Remodelings Małgorzata Chorowska (Polska) in the 16th and 17th Centuries . 23 Tore I.B. Haugen (Norwegia) Ada Kwiatkowska (Polska) Ewa Cisek, Archetype and community character of the nest residential Tomasz Ossowicz (Polska) building development . 35 VladimÍr Šlapeta (Czechy) Magdalena Baborska Narozny, Exposed or disguised? the hierarchy of form Elżbieta Trocka-Leszczyńska and function in case study analysis of recent industrial architecture (Polska) in Lower Silesia . 47 Marek Konopka, About the quality of the Prudnik and Gogolin railway landscape . 55 Editor-in-Chief Monika Wolting, Hellerau – a road to the future or a model of urban planning Ewa łużyniecka from the beginning of the 20th century? . 61 Secretary Lucjan Kamionka, The problem of defining standards in the sustainable Ewa Cisek () architecture design . 69 Presentations Cover designer Sustainable development of residential environment . 77 Artur Błaszczyk Our Masters Editorial Office Address Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski – the end of the journey . 83 Wydział Architektury Politechniki Wrocławskiej ul. Bolesława Prusa 53/55 50-317 Wrocław tel. 0 71 320 65 39 tel. 0 71 321 24 48 Nr 1(29) 2011 Spis rzeczy Ewa Łużyniecka, Badania architektoniczne kościoła parafialnego w Dobrzykach 3 Rada Naukowa Dalia Klajumienė, Ewa Święcka, Malowidło ścienne w kościele Zbigniew Bać (Polska) franciszkanów p. w. św. Jana Chrzciciela w Holszanach:historia Michaił Balzanikov (Rosja) i prace konserwatorskie . 11 Bo Larsson (Szwecja) Zygmunt Świechowski, „Drabina cnoty” katedry w Bath . 19 Joaquim Braizinha (Portugalia) Jerzy Charytonowicz (Polska) Stanisław Kowalski, Czesław Lasota, Andrzej Legendziewicz, Gotycki ratusz Małgorzata Chorowska (Polska) w Zielonej Górze i jego przebudowy w XVI–XVII w. 23 Tore I.B. Haugen (Norwegia) Ada Kwiatkowska (Polska) Ewa Cisek, Achetypowy i wspólnotowy charakter zabudowy mieszkaniowej Tomasz Ossowicz (Polska) gniazdowej . 35 VladimÍr Šlapeta (Czechy) Elżbieta Trocka-Leszczyńska Magdalena Baborska Narozny, Eksponowane czy ukryte? Hierarchia formy (Polska) i funkcji w najnowszych realizacjach architektury przemysłowej Dolnego Śląska . 47 Marek Konopka, O jakości krajobrazu kolei prudnicko – gogolińskiej . 55 Redaktor naczelny Monika Wolting, Hellerau – droga ku przyszłości czy model urbanistyczny Ewa łużyniecka początku XX wieku? . 55 Sekretarz Lucjan Kamionka, Problem określenia standardów w projektowaniu architektury Ewa Cisek () zrównoważonej . 69 Projekt okładki Artur Błaszczyk Prezentacje „Rozwój zrównoważony środowiska mieszkaniowego” – Warsztaty architektoniczne szkoły naukowej habitat’10 . 77 Adres redakcji Wydział Architektury Politechniki Nasi mistrzowie Wrocławskiej Profesor Andrzej Tomaszewski – koniec podróży . 83 ul. Bolesława Prusa 53/55 50-317 Wrocław tel. 0 71 320 65 39 tel. 0 71 321 24 48 Architectural examinations of the parish church in Dobrzyki 3 2011 Nr 1 (29) Ewa Łużyniecka * Architectural examinations of the parish church in Dobrzyki Dobrzyki is a village situated in the Warmian-Masurian first one from the east side and the other one from the west. Voivodship on the territory of Iława Lakeland District. Not Probably the terrain to the north of the church was originally far from the village there are two small lakes Ewingi and a cemetery. Nowadays, there is park greenery at that place. Jeziorko. A bit farther to the south there is a big lake Płaskie. A parish building with conference rooms also constitutes an St. Apostles Peter and Paul Church is located not far from the important element of the land development. fork of roads which go from Zalew to Susz (Fig. 1.a, b). The Architectural examinations were carried out on the initia- terrain, on which the church is situated, constitutes the local tive of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodship Restoration Officer upland and it slopes from the east to the west. It is sur- in Olsztyn and with the help of the c priest Mariusz rounded by a wall built of stones. At present, there are two Pawlikowski as well as the Dobrzyki community, for which functioning entrances in the southern part of the wall – the the author would like to express her most sincere gratitude. a b Fig. 1. Church in Dobrzyki: a) village location b) view from the south, 2010 (photo by E. Łużyniecka) Il. 1. Kościół w Dobrzykach: a) lokalizacja wsi b) widok od południa, 2010 (fot. E. Łużyniecka) History of the village The origins of the village go back to 1287 when the issued in 1304 by the master Konrad Sack [8]. By the Dzierzgoń komtur Sighad Schwarsburg granted 60 feuds law of this document, the sheriff received six feuds free to the sheriff of the village. The proof of this grant was of rent along with one third of receipts from judiciary of a location document of Dobrzyki village on Chełmno lower instance. Four feuds were designated for building law (which was called Weisdorf in the Prussian times) the church. Peasants were let off any services for ten years. Afterwards, they had to pay the tithes which were given to the church and the tax which was given to the * Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Technology. state in the amount of 16 coops and two hens per one 4 Ewa Łużyniecka feud annually. They were also obliged to work in the Bukowiec, Czaplak, Jerzwałd, Jeziorce, Kiemiany, castle press in Przezmark. All the inhabitants of the vil- Kiemiańskie Nowiny, Likszany, Matyny, Najka, lage got a privilege of fishing in the nearby lakes Ewingi Polajny, Rucewo, Rudnia, Siemiany and Stare Swale and Jeziorko. At the beginning of the 15th century in the – 1626 persons in total. All the time it was strongly con- village there were windmills and two inns, about which nected with the Polish people. Around the year 1890 there is a mention in the rent books from the years there were still circa one hundred Polish parishioners 1410–1411. In these years there were 36 settled and 12 there. free feuds in the village. Some time later, the pastures A tax book from 1939 gives us information concerning – located in the place of the lost Prussian village Kabity sources of living of the village inhabitants. At that time situated on the western Ewingi lakeshore – were includ- Dobrzyki village along with Koziny village comprised 172 ed in the village terrains. farms and 732 inhabitants; out of this number 467 earned As a result of the Reformation the church became a living by farming and forestry, 134 by working in industry protestant and since the 16th century Polish service was and craftsmanship and 21 by working in trade and transport. celebrated there, in which plenty of inhabitants of the After 1945 the village was already within the limits of Polish nationality from the surrounding villages took the Polish state and Catholics regained the church. The part. In the 17th and 18th centuries the church in church architecture was appreciated and in 1968 it was Dobrzyki was a branch of Zalew and Polish deacons entered in the monument register under the number looked after it. According to the register from 1818 the A–1053. Four years later in 1972 a Roman Catholic par- following villages belonged to the Dobrzyki parish: ish was established. State of examinations The church in Dobrzyki was of great interest to mation times. In his book there is a photograph from the researches probably because of its interesting eastern 1960s, which shows the church interior before the repair façade. A. Boetticher [1] described it for the first time in works. At that time the arrangement of the pulpit stairs 1893 and specified the time of its construction before the was different. There was also a different arrangement of year 1320. Fifty years later B. Schmid [7] confirmed this the chancel and nave niches. At the end of the last century date and he also presented the inventory of the eastern a short description of the church appeared in the work façade of the church. concerning brick architecture by D. Loyal [6]. A more detailed analysis of the building is in the monu- A good compendium of knowledge from the beginning ment catalogue of DEHIO-HANDBUCH series, which was of our century constitutes the evidence card of architec- published in 1952 and 1993. It was determined that the chan- ture and construction monuments prepared by D. Cho- cel was built in the years 1320–1330 and the nave was built dakowski [5] in 2002. A location plan of the building, a in the years 1360–1380 [2]. It was also stated that the Gothic draft of the basement projection, a description of the crucifix made of rood arch was made at the beginning of the structure and dating the church for the years 1320–1330 15th century. On the basis of historical sources it was ascer- were presented in it. tained that the church was renovated in the years 1776 and The church in Dobrzyki was also mentioned in the 1864. The time of the wooden tower construction was ascer- catalogue concerning the mediaeval architecture in the tained to be 1796. It was also assumed that at the turn of the territory of old Prussia. Ch. Herrmann [3] is the author of 18th century the western wall of the church was rebuilt and the catalogue and it was published in 2007. Herman dated stairs to the attic were placed there. It was connected with the construction of the building for the years 1320–1340. building the western and southern matroneum in 1776 which He described sizes of bricks, presented technological fea- along with the patron’s pew was made by Jan Marschall.