Behind the Scenes, Lab Expertise Helps U.S. Negotiate with Iran

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Behind the Scenes, Lab Expertise Helps U.S. Negotiate with Iran VOLUME LII, NUMBER 21 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 Behind The Scenes, Lab Expertise Helps U.S. Negotiate With Iran By Jeff Garberson not readily available outside Livermore Rotary Club. the 1990s. to bring World War II to a Find Out What's In ways that are not pub- the specialized world of the He called his presentation While much of recent close 70 years ago. Today licly evident, expertise at nuclear laboratories, which a “primer” on the talks to U.S. news coverage has fo- it is a “technological obses- Happening Lawrence Livermore and includes the weapons design date and the challenges re- cused on politics and contro- sion” for “thousands of lab other national laboratories is facilities at Sandia, Los Ala- maining. versies, laboratory support employees” to do what they Check Out Section A being brought to bear as U.S. mos and Livermore, as well Davis has held senior for the diplomatic effort was can to keep Iran from devel- Section A is filled with negotiators in Lausanne, as Argonne, Oak Ridge and positions at the Defense described in a news article oping the bomb, according information about arts, Switzerland seek to firm up a few others with associated Department and has partici- published by the New York to the Times. people, entertainment and details of an agreement and capabilities. pated in high level studies Times a month ago. Exactly what contribu- special events. There are follow-up inspections in- A sign of strong local for the defense community. The Times likened the tions the separate labs are education stories, a variety tended to keep Iran from de- interest in the talks was seen of features, and the arts and He also participated in sev- efforts to a reverse Man- making is difficult to know. entertainment and bulletin veloping nuclear weapons. last week in a briefing given eral of the United Nations hattan Project, referring to LLNL did not respond to re- board. The technical skills avail- by former LLNL associate inspections of Iraq’s covert the crash effort to develop (See IRAN, page 5) able at the laboratories are director Jay Davis to the nuclear weapons program in the atomic bomb in order Glazer Wins Livermore Senate Seat Council Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer won the 7th Senate Votes to District seat with nearly 55 percent of the vote against Assemblymember Susan Oppose Bonilla. Results with 99 percent Off-Road of the precincts in the district partially counted showed Glazer with 60,667 to Bo- Expansion nilla's 50,401. The election fills the seat The Livermore City vacated when Mark DeSaul- Council voted to oppose the nier was elected to Congress. expansion of an off highway Glazer and Bonilla were the vehicle park. top two finishers in a March An overflow crowd of op- 17 primary. ponents and supporters were Bonilla was backed by the on hand at Monday's council California Democratic Party meeting to provide input and labor unions. Glazer on the draft environmental received heavy financial sup- impact report (DEIR) for port from L.A. businessman the proposed expansion of Bill Bloomfield. the Carnegie State Vehicular Democrats comprise Recreation Area. nearly 44 percent of the reg- The vote was 3 to 2 to istered voters in the 7th Sen- ate District. Glazer sought oppose the expansion. A to attract Republicans and second vote, to ask staff independents. to comment on the DEIR, Glazer captured 57.1 per- was approved by the same cent of the vote in Alameda Photo - Doug Jorgensen margin. Laureen Turner, County and 54.1 percent in Lisa Wilson helps a student with his work. For the story, go to page 8. Steven Spedowfski and Bob Contra Costa County. Woener were in the majority. Only 17.79 percent of Turner, who made the those eligible to vote in motion to oppose the ex- Alameda County turned in Fast Results in Curbing Pleasanton School Suspensions pansion, noted that it's the ballots. In Contra Costa the responsibility of the City turnout was 24.76 percent of The Pleasanton Unified School District has reduced Just having staff development this year has raised aware- Council to protect what is registered voters. student suspensions by nearly 29 percent. In addition, there ness of the new approach, which teachers have been using important to the community. Glazer, the mayor of were no expulsions this year, compared to nine students to produce the dramatic statistics in the drop in suspensions "We have a policy of protect- Orinda, is a trustee of the expelled last year. The change came about because of a and the elimination of expulsions, said Johnson. ing open space in Livermore, California State University new program. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports One major requirement of the grant is to show a reduc- and though this is on our system, and owns a small (PBIS), backed by a $2.3 million federal grant. tion of 20 percent annually in suspensions. "We already are outskirts, it absolutely does business The school board at its meeting May 12 gained an ahead of that schedule. We want to keep pushing the idea impact the city," she noted. overview from staff about the five-year plan for all grade that for students to be successful, they have to be in class," The majority also sup- Committee levels. So far, the district has communicated to selected said Johnson. Three days of unexcused absences earns a ported a letter asking the personnel at each school site the philosophy of PBIS, and suspension. state to address water, sedi- Pursues Policy how it can help all students, not just those at risk. The PBIS Social workers will assist the district in aiding with ment, and noise issues. In approach promotes creation of a good social and emotional such information as learning why students are not coming addition, they wanted to see on Open Space atmosphere that supports learning, said senior director of to school. a non-motorized alternative The Altamont Landfill pupil services Kevin Johnson. Creating a positive school climate is also important in re- (See SCHOOL, page 2) (See OFF-ROAD, page 10) Open Space Advisory Com- mittee has launched a pro- cess to develop a strategic vision for the committee. Stanford Finishes The group is respon- sible for approving grant Affiliation Pact proposals to purchase lands using fees generated by the with ValleyCare Altamont Landfill Settle- ment Agreement. Under Stanford Health Care now president of Stanford the agreement, a fee paid (SHC) has completed its Health Care - ValleyCare. affiliation agreement with He will report to Rubin. (See ALTAMONT, page 4) ValleyCare Health System. Gregerson said, "As a ValleyCare will be a sub- result of this partnership, Memorial Day sidiary. The formal name the new Stanford Health will be Stanford Health Care Care – ValleyCare will be Events Set – ValleyCare, according to well positioned to address an announcement May 19 today’s challenges in health The Pleasanton Memo- from SHC. care, and deliver preeminent rial Day observance will be “We are delighted to care to Tri-Valley residents held at the Pleasanton Senior welcome ValleyCare to the for many years to come.” Center, 5353 Sunol Blvd., on Stanford Health Care fam- Dr. Lloyd Minor, dean Monday, May 25. ily,” said SHC president and of the Stanford University A patriotic ceremony will CEO Amir Dan Rubin. School of Medicine, said take place starting at 11 a.m. “For more than 50 years, that Stanford Medicine is The Pleasanton Community ValleyCare has served Tri- leading the biomedical revo- Plants bloom in area that burned. Concert Band will perform Valley residents with dis- lution in precision health, The event was organized tinction. Now, as part of working to make possible a Rare Opportunity for Mother Nature to by the Pleasanton American Stanford Health Care, Val- future where health care is Legion Post 237 and VFW leyCare can further en- proactive, predictable and Post 6298 to salute this coun- hance health in the region precise." Blossom Following Fire on Mt. Diablo try's fallen heroes by advancing the delivery of “Through the new Stan- By Carol Graham as residents of a dozen - for life forms to appear that leading edge and highly co- ford Health Care – Val- On a hot September night towns ringing the mountain emerge only when the condi- Livermore VFW Post ordinated care," said Rubin. leyCare affiliation, we will in 2013, a coppery blaze watched in helpless alarm. tions are right, perhaps just 7265 will be hosting Me- ValleyCare's daily opera- bring high-value health care tore up the eastern slope of What many didn't know once over a period of many morial Day ceremonies on tions will continue to be led to Tri-Valley residents, while Mount Diablo. It doubled, then is that the inferno would decades. Mon., May 25. by Scott Gregerson, who is (See STANFORD, page 10) and soon doubled again, open the door for rare beauty The first will be held at (See RARE, page 8) Roselawn Cemetery, 2104 No. Livermore Avenue be- ginning at 10 a.m. The cer- PET OF THE WEEK emony will take place at St. Inside Daisy is the prettiest of May flowers. As your Michael's Cemetery on East affection for this four-year-old brown tabby grows, Avenue at 11 a.m. followed SECTION A Editorial..............................4 you’ll quickly realize, “She loves me!” Not that there by Memory Gardens Cem- Art & Entertainment.......... 8 Mailbox...............................4 was ever any doubt. Pick Daisy today at Valley etery at 11:30 a.m.
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