GSA TODAY • GSA Section Meetings Southeastern, P

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GSA TODAY • GSA Section Meetings Southeastern, P Vol. 8, No. 1 January 1998 INSIDE • Geoindicators, p. 3 GSA TODAY • GSA Section Meetings Southeastern, p. 19 A Publication of the Geological Society of America Cordilleran, p. 24 MANNA FROM MANNS Valerie G. Brown, Director of Development, GSA Foundation GSA, IEE, and the GSA Foun- dation join in recognizing John and Carol Mann for their contin- uing and extraordinary invest- ment in the Society. In 1994, John and Carol Mann celebrate with GSA Foundation President Bob Fuchs at the 1997 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. the Manns created a charitable remainder unitrust; in 1996, they contributed a major cash gift; last an asset portfolio of $50,000, and the administrative staff of 50 had relocated October they pledged another major administration (three part-time posi- to a headquarters building in Boulder, gift; with an aggregate value exceeding tions) worked in a room at Columbia Colorado. $2 million, their gifts place the Manns University. Speculating about the possible among GSA’s most important Then, on July 31, 1931, Richard nature of GSA’s third epoch, Eckel benefactors. Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr., died. prophesied that it would require infu- Since its inception, the Geological A man of exceptional intelligence and sion of large amounts of new money Society of America has profited and achievement, he gave to GSA a power- to fuel the expansion in activities that prospered from the dedication of the ful legacy of leadership and security. In gave unique character to the Penrose membership to the organization’s wel- his lifetime, he was both a venturer, epoch. Perhaps not accidentally, 1981 fare. To describe GSA’s success is largely developing the Utah Copper Company saw the birth of the GSA Foundation to to recite the names of those whose and selling the thriving enterprise to support what Eckel termed “the single time, talent, and philanthropy first Kennecott Copper, and a scholar, pursu- grandest scheme ever conceived by a ensured its existence and have since ing as well as supporting field and sci- scientific society”: the proposed Decade ensured its vigor. Among the philan- entific research and amassing an impor- of North American Geology project to thropists, one name has long been pre- tant library of geological texts. In his commemorate GSA’s centennial. eminent in GSA’s modern history— lifetime, he served GSA as president and Since that beginning, nearly $14 R.A.F. Penrose, Jr. More recently, the as benefactor, endowing the award now million in revenue from gifts and grants names of Joseph Pardee and John Mann known as the Penrose Medal. At his has supplemented income from opera- are becoming comparably important to death, he bequeathed half his consider- tions and the Penrose Endowment. GSA’s future. able fortune and all of his library to One-third of that total is attributable to In the epilogue to his 1982 history GSA, realizing a gift in excess of $4 mil- the benefactors of the third epoch. of GSA, Edwin B. Eckel posited that the lion and launching the Society’s second Joseph T. Pardee was a westerner 90 years of the Society’s life to that time epoch. born and bred, and his life was spent in were almost equally divided into two In the period from 1932 to 1980, the field as a 32-year employee of the epochs. The first, extending from the virtually every Society activity was U.S. Geological Survey. In that 32 years, Society’s founding in 1888 to 1931, was affected both by the opportunities aris- his investigations ranged from glacial “marked by gradual growth in maturity, ing from the Penrose bequest and by deposits to gold deposits, from mine numbers, and prestige, in parallel with coincident and unprecedented increases sites to dam sites. Operating almost significant additions to the body of geo- in the body of knowledge, the quality exclusively in the Northwest and Mon- logic knowledge.” By 1931, Society of technology, and the number of pro- tana and purposefully avoiding the membership was approximately 600, fessionals. By 1980, GSA’s membership limelight, he nonetheless contributed annual income and expenses were in had reached 12,600, its annual operat- balance at about $12,000 augmented by ing budget was $2 million, and an Manns continued on p. 2 IN THIS ISSUE GSA TODAY January Vol. 8, No. 1 1998 Manna from Manns .................... 1 Cole Awards for Geomorphology and Micropaleontology ................ 18 GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published monthly Environmental Change, Geoindicators, Section Meeting Final Announcements by The Geological Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 and the Autonomy of Nature ....... 3 Southeastern .......................... 19 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Mailing address: P.O. Box Cordilleran ............................ 24 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, U.S.A. Periodicals postage GSA Summer Internships ............... 8 paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Northeastern Section Student Grants . 30 Washington Report .................... 10 Postmaster: Send address changes to GSA Today, Member- Bulletin Update ........................ 30 ship Services, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Congress Is Us ........................ 11 New GSA Fellows ...................... 30 Copyright © 1998, The Geological Society of America, Inc. GSAF Update .......................... 12 (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on content Bulletin and Geology Contents .......... 31 prepared wholly by U.S. Government employees within the GSA Research Grants ................... 15 1998 GeoVentures ..................... 32 scope of their employment. Permission is granted to individ- In Memoriam .......................... 15 uals to photocopy freely all items other than the science arti- Calendar .............................. 34 cles to further science and education. Individual scientists are Memorial Preprints ..................... 15 GSA Meetings ......................... 35 hereby granted permission, without royalties or further requests, to make unlimited photocopies of the science arti- SAGE Remarks ......................... 16 Award Nominations .................... 35 cles for use in classrooms to further education and science, Penrose Conference Scheduled: 1997 Annual Meeting Review .......... 36 and to make up to five copies for distribution to associates in Ophiolites and Oceanic Crust ........ 18 the furtherance of science; permission is granted to make Classifieds ............................. 38 more than five photocopies for other noncommercial, non- profit purposes furthering science and education upon pay- ment of a fee ($0.25 per page-copy) directly to the Copy- right Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA Manns continued from p. 1 department, and continuing to teach for 01923 USA, phone (508) 750-8400; when paying, reference GSA Today, ISSN 1052-5173. Written permission is required 19 years while simultaneously developing from GSA for all other forms of capture, reproduction, to site selections of the Grand Coulee and a consulting business specializing in and/or distribution of any item in this publication by any Hungry Horse dams, produced an authori- ground water. Among his first consulting means, including posting on authors’ or organizational Web sites, except that permission is granted to authors to post tative compilation of ore deposits in west- clients was the United Water Conservation the abstracts only of their science articles on their own or central Montana, and provided observa- District forming northwest of Los Angeles. their organization’s Web site providing the posting includes tions key to resolution of the Channelled The relationship endured for 42 years and this reference: “The full paper was published in the Geologi- cal Society of America’s newsmagazine, GSA Today, [include Scablands controversy that occupied geo- generated some truly pioneering work, year, month, and page number if known, where article logical attention throughout four decades. including the 1959 report “A Plan for appears or will appear].” GSA provides this and other forums His was a useful if modest career. Yet fol- Ground Water Management,” which may for the presentation of diverse opinions and positions by sci- entists worldwide, regardless of their race, citizenship, gen- lowing the death in 1994 of Pardee’s be the first formal application of the con- der, religion, or political viewpoint. Opinions presented in daughter, Mary Kelly, GSA succeeded cept. John’s accumulating expertise, while this publication do not reflect official positions of the Society. to their combined estates in the amount focused in the Los Angeles region, was rec- of $2.7 million. ognized and sought as far afield as Spain, SUBSCRIPTIONS for 1998 calendar year: Society Members: GSA Today is provided as part of membership As with the Penrose bequest, the GSA Egypt, and in the shadow of his grandfa- dues. Contact Membership Services at (800) 472-1988 or Council elected to treat the “windfall” as ther’s English birthplace. His creative (303) 447-2020 for membership information. Nonmembers & Institutions: Free with paid subscription to both GSA Bul- an endowment, investing the initial gift understanding of his subject has made letin and Geology, otherwise $50 for U.S., Canada, and Mex- and using only the earnings for the a lasting mark on water policy and law. ico; $60 elsewhere. Contact Subscription Services. Single intended program support. Even with The Mann gifts synthesize the vision copies may be requested from Publication Sales. Also avail-
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