Mehmet Bitmez Biography

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Mehmet Bitmez Biography MEHMET B İTMEZ Mehmet Bitmez, Studied the Theory of Turkish Music with Neyzen Aka Gündüz Kutbay , Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin , and Cinuçen Tanrıkorur . Mr. Bitmez, who is regarded as one of the world’s leading oud performers, has analyzed Tanburi Cemil Bey’s concept of maqam and performance extensively. Additionally he has carried out comprehensive research on advanced oud performance styles and techniques. Having researched the performances, styles, and technical qualities of oud masters such as Şerif Muhiddin Targan, Udi Nevres Bey, Yorgo Bacanos, and Cinuçen Tanrıkorur, Mr. Bitmez has developed his own personal and unique style which is fundamentally based on classical and traditional elements. Particularly by the bright sound and colors he manages to bring out with the oud, as well as his advanced technique, he has established himself distinctly among the master performers of this instrument. Mr. Bitmez has composed countless songs and instrumental pieces as well as having been published extensively in the field of Musicology. Mehmet Bitmez has performed dozens of concerts with musicians such as İhsan Özgen , Lawrence “Butch” Morris , Kudsi Erguner , Cihat A şkın and Erkan O ğur throughout the most prestigious concert venues around the world and as well participated in many important projects within international music festivals. Alongside his oud recitals he has given workshops, seminars, and master classes on the unique sound qualities of Turkish classical and folk music, and maqam music and theory at academic conferences and organizations by universities and music institutes worldwide. Mr. Bitmez performed on the soundtrack of the film “İstanbul Kanatlarımın Altında(İstanbul Under My Wings”. Additionally his creative musical input was crucial in the composition of its soundtrack. The soundtrack of this film was the first in its category to be published later as an album CD. In 2004 he performed at the Meeting of Ottoman and Flamenco Musical Traditions in Beirut , Lebanon, where he additionally gave a seminar and master class at the Conservatory of Beirut . In 2005 he represented Turkey at the “International Lute Meeting” in Athens, Greece, with an oud recital. In 2005 he performed at the Palestine International Festival in Ramalla and East Jerusalem. The same year he gave a seminar at the Damascus Higher Institute of Music, where he was appointed on official duty. He gave classes at the same institute on the Sound System of Turkish Music , Maqam Knowledge, and Oud, followed by a concert at the renowned Opera Hall of Damascus . Throughout 2005-2006 he organized numerous conferences and performed many concerts in memory of the great masters of Turkish music in cooperation with the Cultural Department of the Municipality of İstanbul . These concerts commemorating the masters were named The Instrument Virtuosos of Turkish Music and were comprised of concerts in memory of Tanburi Cemil Bey , Yorgo Bacanos , Şerif Muhiddin Targan , Udi Nevres Bey in due order. Refik Fersan , the great composer of Turkish Instrumental Music, was also commemorated as a part of these activities and his compositions were performed in a series of concerts. In 2006 Mr. Bitmez performed his own project Güne şin Do ğuşu (The Rising of the Sun ) with percussionist Jarrod Cagwin at the Cemal Re şit Rey (CRR) Concert Hall in Istanbul.The same year he gave a concert entitled From the IIIrd Selim to Tanburi Cemil Bey with the İstanbul Sazkâr Ensemble . Furthermore, he participated as a jury member and performed at the First International Festival of Andalusian Music in Algeria. Additionally in 2006, Mr. Bitmez organized and conducted a conference commemorating the 90th anniversary of the death of Tanburi Cemil Bey followed by a concert of Cemil Bey’s compositions in Istanbul. In Damascus, Syria, he carried out a 10-day workshop on Maqam in Turkish Music and Oud Performance at The Higher Institute of Damascus . In 2007 Mr. Bitmez again performed the Colours of Music Project with the İstanbul Sazkâr Toplulu ğu. The following year he produced his own project entitled The Story of Three Ouds . This project brought forth the different performance characteristics of Turks, Arabs, and Greeks, all fundamentally based on the same musical/maqam system. He was accompanied by the oudists Naseer Shamma from Egypt and Kyriakos Kalaitzides from Greece. In June 2009 he was invited as a jury member to the Academy of Arabic Music at the Holy Spirit University in Beirut. There, he was the head of the jury for the Best Oud Player Competition for performers 18 to 30 years of age. The competition was followed by a workshop and oud recital. In August 2009 he was invited to Damascus as a jury member by the Syrian Music Academy . This was the second stage of the former competition in Beirut, where international competitions in two categories for ages of 9 to 13 and 14 to 18 were carried out for the Best Oud Player . The competition was followed by a recital by Mr. Bitmez. His project entitled The Music of Writing was realized on the 31st of May 2010 at the Cemal Re şit Rey concert hall as a part of the activities of İstanbul 2010 European Cultural Capital . Between the 25th and 30th of October, 2010, he gave a seminar and three concerts in Bethlehem, Ramalla, and Palestine, as part of the Eastern Jerusalem Festival . As well in 2010 he produced a concert at the C.R.R. with Palestinian musicians, bringing to the forefront the war, injustice, and tragedy that Palestine has been subject to for many years. He participated in the 2010 Qatar Doha Festival with his ensemble İstanbul Sazkâr Toplulu ğu, performing several concerts. Between the 25th and 30th July 2011 he gave a conference and recital at the Baghdad International Music Forum. In May 2012 he gave the opening concert of the International Moroccan Tetouan Festival , where Turkey had been invited as an honored guest country of the festival. On the 25th January 2013 he gave a concert at the Cemal Re şit Rey concert hall with the title of Two Women Masters of Turkish Music . Mr. Bitmez has participated as a studio performer in countless albums in different genres of music, collaborating with artists such as Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin , Kudsi Erguner, and İhsan Özgen . He also won the Favorite Song of the Year Audience Award in competitions organized by the newspaper Milliyet , with his song Seni Sordum Yıldızlara in Bayati maqam in 1990, and with Ömrümü Çalan Yıllar in Hüseyni maqam in 1995. Throughout 2004-2007 and 2009-2011 he was the director of BİSED (The Committee of the Organization of Scientific and Artistic Activities) and he has worked as the Head of the Department of Mızraplı(plucked) Instruments for many years at ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music . In addition to oud, Mr. Bitmez plays lavta, tambur and cümbü ş. .
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