off like clockwork SPALDING Short-Hosel Irons The weight is shifted for Pendulum Precision ... greater distance!

• Short-Hosel Irons groove a swing the way a pendulum moves on an arc. Weight shifted down to the blade means natural momentum, a smooth, easy flow of power that helps control the stroke, puts more hitting weight behind the ball.. Shots travel straight- er and farther.


• The improved curved-face con- struction of TRU-FACE WOODS scien- tifically '.'bends" heel and toe shots at impact, actually straightens out hooks and slices. The result: greater dis- tance, more accuracy, lower scores! ® MARKS THE EXTRA "SWEET SPOTS" Most golfers aren't experts. They often hit on heel and toe of the club- head, missing the center "Sweet- Spot." TRU-FACE WOODS have three "Sweet Spots" instead of-one. Make it easier to play better golf.

March, 1942 21 and resident); a calendar listing of the Featured speakers on the convention days of the week with the member listed program were Ferre C. Watkins, president under the hour division he prefers to start 'of the Union League Club of ; / play; a city map with the location of every Duncan Hines, author of "Adventures in playing member and his route to the Good Eating"; Edward B. Horgan, asst. club in colored pencil. chief field deputy of the Internal Revenue Dept.; and Dr. Preston Bradley, noted By this method a member who has cus- preacher, radio lecturer and author. The tomarily been playing in a Saturday after- town club round-table discussion group noon foursome, driving an aggregate of was to be led by Harry Doherty, manager from 80 to 100 transportation miles or of the Merchants and Manufacturers Club, more, can from the bulletin board, with the Chicago; B. D. Carter, manager of the help of the director, establish a foursome Ridgewood (N. J.) CC, chairmans the that Will drive no further than the member country club group; and Jacques DeJong, living the greatest distance from the club. manager of Beach Point Club, Mamaro- A car exchange can be devised whereby neck, N. Y., is in charge of the beach .the members' cars may be rotated for a and yacht club discussion sessions. division of expense and wear on tires. One of the association's largest con- This system should not only reduce vention attendances was in prospect, ac- transportation costs and conserve dim- cording to President Harry J. Fawcett. inishing transportation facilities, but should conserve time. It should help break up foursomes of low handicap players that have been playing under tension for high stakes, which is not in keeping with the Ball Shortage Heminds Members reasons for the continuity of golf for the of Pro's Expert Service duration. It should throw high and low handicap players together, which would be A S forecast some months ago in GOLF- beneficial to both. It should break down DOM the 25 cent golf ball is no more. petty differences that have kept certain Virtually all these balls have passed out members apart, acquaint members with of manufacturers' stocks. There is a gen- each other, build twosomes and three- eral retail price increase of 10 cents on somes to foursomes for the conservation of former 75 cent balls and on former 35 playing time-all in and for the spirit cent balls; a nickel raise on 55 cent balls. of cooperation so sorely needed in these Corresponding increases have been made critical times. in quantity buyers' prices. Balls are being quite closely rationed by' leading manufacturers on a basis propor- Managers Hold Annual tionate to 1941 early season purchases. Most pros are rationing already. Nu- Meeting Mar. 4-7 in Chicago merous fee courses are limiting ball sales SIXTEENTH annual convention of the to not more than 2 to a customer per Club Managers Assn. of America was round, and telling buyers purchase of one just getting under way at the Drake Hotel ball a round would be more desirable in Chicago at GOLFDOM's press date. A all around. Private club pros, having report of the addresses, conferences and been rationed by their sources of supply round table discussions of club problems and unable to .get balls except, by luck therefore will be made in GOLFDOM's from manufacturers to an extent dispro- April number. portionate to last year's sales, are in a A "welcome party" was to be held for delicate spot. "I'hey'd like to tell mem- convention early arrivals on Wednesday bers who didn't buy balls from them in evening, March 4; Barney E. O'Grady, previous years to see if the cut-price convention chairman, and Olympia Fields stores will assure a ball supply to their CC manager, was scheduled to open the customers now. Necessity of providing first regular session at 10 a. m. Thursday .. players with golf balls prevents selling The meeting, whose central theme, of the pro-shop supply only to former cus- course, will be how to solve club prob- tomers, but pros, in some instances, are lems caused by the present national emer- making discreet reference to the fact that gency, will conclude with the annual the pro is the dependable source of banquet Saturday evening, March 7. supply. 22 Golfdom What Are a Pro's Duties?


A GOLF professional is hired. at a golf goes on exhibition-every move, every ex- club for the sole purpose of keeping pression, every statement is subject to golf interest at high pitch at that particu- close scrutiny; and a member's respect, lar club, so that said club will be prosper- admiration or confidence rises' or falls ous, and the members happy. In order to according to the calibre and the manner accomplish this, a golf pro's duties are of instruction. And don't forget that a very numerous and his abilities have to be winning smile and a neat appearance are equally numerous. important here. First of all, a pro must play the game Because of the numerous duties a golf well, not necessarily win tournaments or professional has, the ability to teach is any tournament, but must play in good not all-important-he can make up in golf style. Secondly, a professional must some other department as a player or be a business man-at least have enough . an executive, supervise the shop or the business sense to properly stock and op- course, or the general play. But this is erate a golf shop so that the member's only true at the larger clubs. demands will be properly filled. And,' a For the rank and file PGA pro, how- professional must be enough of an execu- ever, the ability to teach is very often tive to supervise a properly trained corps the difference between success, or just of caddies. another job. So golf instruction becomes Lists Other Duties and is, except in a very few cases, the most important phase of a golf pro- In addition to this a golf professional fessional's business. Ability to teach must generally: brings in revenue, increases sales of mer- 1. See that members' clubs are cared chandise and perhaps more important for properly. than these, establishes the instructor in a 2. Aid in arranging and conducting an position of respect, confidence and ad- interesting tournament schedule. miration: 3. Aid in establishing and maintaining a fair and practical handicapping Instruction a Weak Spot system. Golf instruction has been one of our 4. Supervise general play on the course. weak spots. There is no logic or reason 5. Assist in care and upkeep of the behind the first two illustrations of this golf course. weakness, nevertheless they serve to illus- 6. And last, but not least, must be able trate a rather disappointing situation. to teach the members how to play. How many times have you read of some To do this, the professional must new victory on the golf links after which basically know the game, and have the new champ comes out with the re- an ability to impart that basic mark, "I never had a lesson in my life." This idea of never having had a lesson knowledge. is not true because he must have had Now, in none of the varied duties that lessons, silent or otherwise, when he a professional has to render, are the listened to someone or unconsciously or opportunities' so great or the pitfalls so consciously imitated someone's golf style. numerous, as in teaching. When a golf professional is teaching a member or giv- Another common remark is this, "No ing a lesson, the opportunity to establish use in my taking lessons. I know what I friendship, win admiration and ·confidence am doing wrong." During the past few is unlimited and aside from the revenue years it has been said often that the gained from teaching, the opportunity to word "don't" seldom should be used in make sales of' needed equipment is un- teaching. That is a most progressive step. Such a plan in teaching enables the player surpassed. However, when one undertakes to teach to concentrate on something constructive, another (try it on your wife), the teacher rather than making him mainly conscious of his errors and weaknesses, and develop- ing an inferiority complex. *Excerpts from Teaching Program Report at PGA Convention. Another observation that golf instruc- 23 AN ARMY GETS ITS llBEJjB~ FROM Jl VIGOROUS, CONFIDE 1180ME" FRONT

• If, as Napoleon said, "An army travels on its stomach," it also ~ "fighting heart" from the knowledge that the folks at home are 0 Let any number of our soldiers learn that their families are not so, that there's sickness and trouble at home, and the fighting heart army, so very vital to victory, will weaken-the will to win ~ softened by worry. What does this mean? It means that while our boys do their part army, navy and air force, it is up to those at home to keep fit, phy and mentally. In this important phase of our war effort, nothing is more es: than a continuation of our American sports-for the workers, for in school and in offices-for business men and our womenfolk. A sport, among the many this company serves with modern equip is helpful to so many, so consistently, as golf, the great conditio America's millions. So play golf. Play regularly to keep fit. Buy new equipment if y01 it. Or have your present equipment put in shape and kept in shap play golf to keep fit for the biggest war job that can be done at h. keeping up thefighting heart of the boys in our-country's service. ~ Sporting Goods Co., Chicago, New York and other leading citie

Buy U. S. Defense Savings S,tamps and Bonds

IT'S WILSON TODAY IN S·PORTS EQUIPMENl To All GOl'".Lers: Now is the to get togeth lme f'or all

0 golf er. Patron --- gOlf'ers to COUrses 12e YOUr 1 Prof'e .: Or clubs oCal sSI.onal . Pe. tr'o . ball to . Learn how t nl2e Your to get more Out 0 hi t the

conserve e 0 Of'YOUr gol t qUlpmen t game and . and the f' 0 • Ameri tOday mo aClli ties... ca !]~eds re th .LOr --- memb an eVer b golf' er -- wh 0 ef'ore A Ie 1 th . nd r P ermitted t e quantit e- f'ora'toO make may b Y We are lme th e CUrt 0 Ship Of' 0' e qUalit aIled

be 0 WIlson GOlf' Yoand leader_

maIntained EqUIpment 0 . WIll Yours f'orVictory,


GOLI' EQUIPM.BoNTo Corner of the new golf shop at Starmount Forest CC, Greensboro, N. C., where George Corcoran is pro. The shop is attractively paneled,· and the floor covering is good looking and withstands spiked-shoe wear. There's plenty of room for inviting display of enough merchandise to' prove to players that they still can get equipment for the game.

tion is one of our weak spots lies in this: fessionals fundamentally teach the same Reliable sources place the number of kind of golf, with variations that can golfers in this country at about 4,000,000. easily be reconciled. (About 2,300,000 active and 1,700,000 in- In order to get some idea of golf in- active players.) There are 1800 all-class struction and the results obtained it might members in the PGA, and another 1200 be wise to consider for a moment the in- who do not belong to the PGA, making a structional methods and their influence in total of some 3000 professionals. Now, golf. Golf is just a little over fifty years with an army of 4,000,000 golfers, each old in this country. Let's trace golf in- professional actually has a potential struction through that period to see what school of 1333 golfers. has been happening:- Well, how many country clubs are there 1. All the early books on golf followed of 1333 members and how much golf in- a general style or plan: Chapter No. 1 struction is done at clubs having such was on the driver; No. .2 was on the a membership? Certainly, it is more than brassie; No. 3 was on the cleek ; No. 4 one man can handle. But that is exactly was on the midiron ; No. 5 was on the where we ought to be today, with each mashie; No. 6 was on the mashie niblick; professional having 1333 members to take No. 7 was on the niblick; No. 8 was on care of and more teaching than he can the putter, etc. etc. take care of. Instead of that what have The result that such a presentation can we? A sort of general hesitancy to take have is that the reader or pupil is bound - golf instruction, particularly from anyone to get the impression that each and every but the home club professional because club in golf is used or played in a different potential students are afraid "that their way. Learning one way is difficult enough. style or their game is going to be changed!" Of course, the matched-set idea has Maybe it needs changing, but what I done a lot to correct any confusion from am trying to prove is that the golfing this plan, but there are still many schools public does not have enough confidence in of instruction that teach driving one way, the professional. The golfers should not playing irons another way, approaching hesitate to take lessons whenever they another way, putting another way. The get a bit off because the qualified pro- game would be simpler and easier to learn 26 Golfdom. ~SUNHATS VISORS and CAP S

"Why Under The Sun Don't You Wear One?"

KING CONGO ••• No. 2900 Smartly tailored in top quality light weight Zelan finished material. Steam blocked, flexilile multi- stitched brim, made in light tan • • • small, medium, large and extra large R ·1 150 sizes eta) $ .

ROYAL CONGO • • • No. 2350 White or tan duck material, fashionable blocking, side ventilators and transparent green pyralin eye- :::::·la~;a:!~es~.~~.~::: ....~~~=.~....~.~~Retail 65c

CONGO 50 ••• No. ·2200 White or tan duck material with large mesh ven- tilators and transparent green pyralin eyeshade. Made in small, medium, large and • 50 extra large sizes•...... _...... RetaIl c

CONGO 65 ••• No. 2300 White or tan duck material, steam blocked, air- stream ventilators, transparent green pyralin eye- shade. Small, medium, large and R ·1 65 extra large sizes•...... _...... etat c

FOREST HILLS ••• No. 395 Sanforized gabardine, felt sweatband. Colors: white, tan, blue and green. White cap has green lining under visor. Small, medium, large and extra large sizes...... Retail 65c

W.IMBLEDON • • • No. 475 Write for Catalog and Name 01 Neared lobber Sanforized twill, padded forehead shield, adjust- able, elastic back, fits all heads. Colors: white, tan, THE BREARLEY CO•• Rockford. III. blue and green. White visor under- Headquarters lor Sunshine Headwear tined with Jrreen material Retail 50c March, 1942 27 12 WINS P LU 5 IN 1941 TOI

WINS: Thomasville Open • Co-winner Miami Four-Ball • Greensboro Open. Asheville Open • Inverness Four-Ball • • Tam O'Shanter Open • Providence Open • • Harlingen Open • Beaumont Open


WINS: Los Angeles Open • • Sal Francisco Open • Western, Open. Texas Opel

PLAY TOURNEYS* -the clubs used by winning golf professionals



28 Golfdom RUNNERS-UP: Masters Tournament • PG Championship. Western Op n • Oakland Open • Texas Open • N w Orleans Open Thomasville Op n St. Pe erlburg Open • aelfair Open • Mahoning Vall y Op Tam O'Shanter Ope • Providenc Op n • Rochester Open • Miami Open eaumont Ope

RUNNERS-UP: Weltern Ope ing Crosby Amateur· Pro Championship Texa Open

YOU N rs' to b tter th cores of your club memb r -to create CJreater memb rship inter -to improve your own positio

.to u. S. '''T. OFF. CRAWFORD, MAC REGOR, CAN Y CO., D YTO , OHIO March, 19",~ Pat McDonald, pro at Rolling Green CC, is responsible for the rigid putting and Arlington Heights, III., sent a card to his approaching styles. membership in early February informing them of the scarcity in golf balls, but with the re- Just a comment at this point on this minder that he was going to take care of an so-called British type of play. Apparently, members wanting golf balls. Members were in all sports, the British carry out this asked to indicate what price of golf balls, and idea or practice of no pivot, no body how many, they wanted,and to leave it up to action-a good example of this is in their Pat to see that they got them. national game, cricket, where there is • little or no body motion. In comparison, if play of the clubs were taught to the Americans employ the "swat" or "break same basic pattern. your back type" of play, because Ameri- The above plan of playing every club cans are inclined to always want to score differently is somewhat closely similar to a -home-run or a knockout. another school of golf instruction. The It may be that this explains that some plan of playing each club differently is years ago when American golfers went somewhat closely allied to the school of to England with their full pivot style of instruction that insists that individual in- play they easily out-scored the lighter struction is necessary for each person hitting pronation style of British golfers. playing golf. This is an assumption I am As a natural result, this pronation type sure can be refuted. Physically, all human of golf instruction is on the wane but beings have the same general make-up; a have we replaced it with anything as body, two arms, and two eyes, and sets of definite as that was? muscles to work these arms, legs, and So, briefly, then, in golf instruction we body. If they wish to throw something, have had the following schools: they use certain arm muscles=-if they wish (1) Play every club differently. to walk they use certain leg muscles. (2) Teach every pupil individually We all have the same general muscular (differently). and the same general bone structure. So (3) The "Don't use the body" rule, all we all walk, run, kick or throw about the of which is somewhat contradictory same way. and bound to produce confusion. Just as an argument, let me present this Is it any wonder then, that golf in- thought-suppose there were a uniform struction as such has been one of our plan of instruction, and an instructor gave failings? How can these inconsistencies exactly the same instructions to a class do anything but provide confusion? of ten pupils. Obviously, out of the ten Is it any wonder that golfers hesitate, pupils, some would respond better than yes, refuse, to take lessons? others due to a better understanding they Now in addition to the difficulties and received, or due to better physical make- the confusion that are bound to result up or ability. Giving all ten pupils the from a conflict of theories or teaching same instruction, after a few lessons the methods there are other reasons why the results would be tha t some of the ten PGA must through its teaching program would be very good, and some of the ten improve the golf instructional phase of . would be fair, and some of the ten the profession . would be lagging in performance. It would There is, and rightfully so, a consider- then be necessary to do just what they able and well organized promotional effort do in the army-make up an awkward being made in golf-and the PGA should squad-and give these backward pupils support all these promotional efforts be- individual attention, and perhaps some cause eventually they will produce more varied or personal instruction to aid them golfers to use our merchandise and more over the obstacles that resulted from in- golfers who will need our advice and complete understanding or physical weak- guidance. nesses. A great deal of this promotion is being A third type of instruction is the type done in the schools and colleges of the that decrys use of the 80dy. It is the country where the task of teaching golf instruction that calls. for emphasis on is of necessity being delegated to persons arm and wrist action only. This type of outside of the profession. instruction developed the so-called "pro- Such a development requires close nation" type of play, where all control watch by the PGA so our established rep- is vested in the hands and wrists. This utation as authorities on the game will type of instruction, no doubt because of not be lessened or lost sight of in any its basic warning, "Don't use your body" way. 30 Golldom