WELLINGTON 28 JULY – 13 AUGUST 2017 BOOK AT NZIFF.CO.NZ L New Zealand Films Smash Palace Mauri How Far is Heaven The Last Dogs of Winter The World’s Fastest Indian Lambs Madam Black Giselle Night Shift Once Were Warriors Watch your first f ilm for free We have 200 free views to give away for f irst-time subscribers, for a limited time only. Visit ondemand.nzf ilm.co.nz and register. It takes just a few seconds. You will receive a conf irmation of registration by email. Forward your conf irmation to
[email protected] and we will send you your unique free-to-view promo code. It’s as easy as that! This offer is limited to the first 200 new subscribers who forward the NZFC (
[email protected]) their confirmation email and is one free viewing per new subscriber. Your free viewing must be used by 31 October 2017. This offer expires at the earlier of 200 new confirmation emails received or 31 August 2017. 46th Wellington Film Festival Presented by New Zealand Film Festival Trust under the distinguished patronage of Her Excellency The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, Governor-General of New Zealand EMBASSY THEATRE PARAMOUNT SOUNDINGS THEATRE, TE PAPA PENTHOUSE CINEMA ROXY CINEMA LIGHT HOUSE PETONE NGĀ TAONGA SOUND & VISION 28 JULY – 13 AUGUST 2017 CITY GALLERY WELLINGTON Director: Bill Gosden General Manager: Sharon Byrne PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY Communications Manager: Rebecca McMillan Wellington Festival Manager: Caroline Palmer Assistant to General Manager: Lisa Bomash Publicist (Auckland): Liv Young Programmer: Sandra Reid Assistant Programmer: