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The Hobart Town Gazette 1880

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VOL. LXV. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1880. No. 532-2.

COLONIAL TREASURY. from the time of raisin; such loan: And notice is hereby .Hobart Town, 28th November, 1879. further given, that a Public Meeting of the Municipal T is hereby notified that Trea-ury Bills, issued under Electors of the said Nlunicipali,y, for the purpose of I the authority of the Act of Parliament, 43 Viet. No. taking into consideration the expediency of raising such 6, in sums of not less than £100 each, and bearing loan, will be holden at the Council Chambers, Oatlands, Interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, payable in the said M nicipality, on Thursday, the 22nd day of half-yearly, the principal to be paid (,fl at Twelve Months January, 1880, at one o'clock in the afternoon. from the date of i,sue, can be obtained at par on Given under my hand, at the Council Chambers, Oat- application at the Colonial Treaqury. lands aforesaid, the twelfth day of December, 1879. W. R. GIBLIN, Colonial Treasurer. R. D. LORD, Warden.

BOARD OF ED U CATION. SPECIAL GENERAL SESSIONS, LAUN- Hobart 7 own, 29th December, 1879. CESTON. GLENORCHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. APPEALS FROM ASSESSMENTS. APPLICATIONSforthe charge ofthe Public NOTICE is hereby given, that a Court of Special School, Glenorchy, will he received by the Board Lv General Sessions of Justices of the Peace residing of Education up to noon on Monday, the 12th proximo. within the Town of Launceston will be held in the Court HENRY BUTLER, Chairman Board of Education. House, Launceston, on Wednesday, the 7th day of January next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the NORTH ESK ROAD TRUST. purpose of hearing Appeals from the Assessment of the annual value of the lands and buildings within the said NOTICESwan, ofis hereby Dunedin, given, was dulythat e'.ectedCharles a TrusteeCameron of Town as set forth in a Hobart Town Gazette Extra- the above Road District, in the place of Peter Isaac De ordinary of this date. Bomford, under Section 26 of 11The Cross and B e Dated this 19th day of December, 1879. Roads Act, 1870." Dated this 16th day of December, 1879. G. SMITH, Clerk of the Peace, Launceston. JAMES SCOTT, Chairman of Trustees. PUBLIC - HOUSE AND PACKE T LICENCES. RURAL DIUNICIPALI rY OF OATLANDS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the First Quarterly IN pursuance of the provisions of 11The Rural Al uni- L' Licensing Meeting of J u,tices of the Peace, for the crpolitics Act, 1865," notice is hereby given, that it consideration of applications for certificates of approval of is the intention of the Municipal Council of the Rural persons receiving Public-house and Packet Licences, of Municipality of Oatlands to aise a loan of One thousand applications for certificates approving of the transfer of six hundred Pounds at a rate of interest to be paid in existing Public-house and Packet Licences, and of respect thereof not exceeding Six Pounds and Ten Shil- applications for certificates of permission to continue to lings per cent. per annum ; and the purposes to which sell Liquor under Public-house Licences the holders such loan are to be applied will be the building of a whereof have died or been declared Bankrupt, until the Town Hall for the said Municipality, and also to pay for expiration thereof by effluxion of time, will be held the necessary land upon which to erect the said Town at the under-mentioned places in the several Districts Hall; and that a Rate of One Penny and a Halfpenny hereinafter named, on Monday, the 2nd day of February in the Pound upon the annual value of all property next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. within the said Municipality will be the amount of the Notice is hereby further given, that all applications for, special rate which it will be necessary to impose in order the above purposes must be delivered to the Clcrl.s of to provide for the repayment of such loan with interest Petty Sessions of the said several Districts fourteen clear thereon, within a period not exceeding Thirteen years days before the holding of such meeting. B TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1880, 19 proprietors of the said pieces of land as by law directed, another reserved road, along Lot 384 purchased by Moses Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be Cohen, and along the Crown Reservation (crossing two otlief' reserved roads 50 links wide each) to Port Cygnet, thence by inspected at the Lands' Titles Office, Hobart Town, and that port northerly to Nichols Rivulet aforesaid, and thence at the Police Office of the District in which the several by that rivulet north-easterly and north-westerly (recrossing [ands are situated. one of the before-mentioned reserved roads) to the point of ,COUNTY OF WELLINGTON. commencement. Originally., located to William Nichols Fifty-eight acres. Lot 2418. Vicinity of Stinking Creek, under whom applicant claims. JOHN NICHOLS, (Appli» fronting upon the Government Road.No. 2, adjoining Lot cation 543 a), 7th February, 1880. 2417 purchased from the Crown by William Moore. Origi. Dated this 5th day of January, 1880, at the Lands'' nally granted to Henry Smart and registered in the name of Titles Office, Hobart Town, Tasmania. William Jones. One acre two roods and thirty perches. Town of Wynyard; Lots 10 and 11, Section B. Fronting upon G. P. ADAMS, Recorder of 71iilei. the Esplanade, Goldie-street, and Hogg-street, adjoining Lots ,3 and 9. Originally granted to Francis George Spicer and NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GOLD registered in the name of William Jones. JOHN ANDER- MINING LEASE. SON, (Application '05 R.P.), 24th January, 1880. E,the undersigned, herebygivenotice thaton COUNTY OF DORSET. VICINITY OF THE RIVER W the 2nd day of January, 1880, we did leave BRID. with the Commissioner for Tasmania an application for a LOT 4069. 100 ACRES. Fronting on a reserved road, adjoining lands respectively Gold Mining Lease, the particulars whereof are hereunder belonging to George Tyson and David Turner, Lot 3828, and set forth :- Crown land. Originally granted to and registered in the Name in full of each applicant, with the full address of name of John Tevelein. PRUDENCE TEVELEIN, each.-George Faulkner, Distillery Creek ; Peter Nielson, (Application 209 R.P.), 24th January, 1880. Lisle. Extent of ground applied for, and whether alluvial or TOWN OF ULVERSTONE. quartz reef.-10 acres, quartz. Section F. Lots 6 and 11. Precise locality of the ground.-At the Golconda, Deni- 2A. 2R. Op. son Goldfield, adjoining lease applied for by John Westwood Fronting upon Cross and Grove streets, adjoining Lots 10, and Owen Reece. 5, and 2. Originally granted to Sophia Vowel Frith and Term required. -10 years. registered in the name of John Robert Frith. ANN FRITH, Whether the boundaries of the land applied for will include (Application 210 R.P.), 24th January, 1880. any river, creek, deposit of permanent water, spring, artificial Dated this 22nd day of December, 1879, at the Lands' reservoir, public roads, or subject to any public rights.- Titles Office, Hobart Town, Tasmania. General remarks.-Nil. Date and place.-2nd January, 1880; Iaunceston. G. P. ADAMS, Recorder of Titles. GEORGE FAULKNER. RECORDER . OF TITLES ' OFFICE, PETER NIELSON. TASMANIA_ CLAIMS TO GRANTS OF LAND. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GOLD MINING LEASE. THEREAS the persons named at foot hereof have the undersigned, hereby give notice that on the 3rd V each respectively for himself applied for a grant W l , day of January, 1880, 1 did leave with the from the crown of the Land set forth and described before Commissioner for Tasmania an application for a Gold his name: Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be Mining Lease, the particulars whereof are hereunder set lodged with the Recorder .of Titles, by some person forth :- having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before Name in full of each applicant, with the full address pf the date herein below for each case specified, grants will each.-'Thomas Donovan, Lisle. issue for the said pieces of Land, a, by law directed. Extent of ground applied for, and whether alluvial or Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be quartz reef.- 10 acres, quartz. inspected at the Lands' Titles Office, Hobart Town, and Precise locality of the ground.-South and adjoining ground .at the Police Offices of the various Municipalities and applied for by Westwood & Reece, Denison. Districts in which the Lands are situated. Term required.-Ten years. Whether the boundaries of the land applied for will include COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. PARISH OF PEDDER any river, creek, deposit of permanent water, spring, artificial 78 ACRES. reservoir, public roads, or subject to any public rights.-None. General remarks.-Nil. Bounded on the north west by 85 chains 50 links north- Date and place.-3rd January, 1880; Launceston. easterly along the Crown Reservation, along Lots 13 and 541 purchased by Henry Stevenson Hurst and John M'Connell THOMAS DONOVAN. respectively, and along part of Lot 3756 purchased by Philip Devereux commencing at a point on Port Cygnet distant 1 EANE.RUPTCY. chain 50 links south-westerly from the south angle of the first- mentioned lot (crossing a reserved road 50 links wide) and IN THE SUPREME COURT extending to Nichols Rivulet, thence by that rivulet south- OF TASMANIA, easterly and south-westerly (recrossing the before-mentioned IN BANKRUPTCY. reserved road) to Port Cygnet aforesaid, and thence by that port northerly to the point of commencement. Originally In the matter of proceedings for liquidation by located to William Nichols, under whom applicant claims. arrangement or composition with Creditors WILLIAM NICHOLS, (Application 542 a), 7th February, instituted by ROBERT WILSON, of Hobart 1880. Town, in. 7'asmania, Clothier. COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. PARISH OF PEDDER. OTICE is hereby given, that a First General 242 ACRES. N Meeting of the Creditors of the above-named Bounded on the north west Oy 3 chains 85 links north- Robert Wilson, has been summoned to be held at the easterly along part of Lot 3756 purchased by Philip Devereux offices of Mr. Thomas Sheehy, Number 106, Collins- commencing at Nichols Rivulet and extending to the east street, Hobart Town, on the nineteenth day of January angle of that lot, on the north east by 33 chains 90 links instant, at-Three o'clock in the afternoon precisely. south-easterly along land purchased by George Drew, along Dated this fifth day of January, 1880. L9t 4100 purchased by Philip Devereux and along Lot 4101 (crossing a reserved road 50 links wide), on the south east by THOS. SHEEHY, Attorneyforthe said 110 chains 65 links south -westerly along crown land, along Robert Wilson. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1880. 131

ASSESSII TENT ROLL , 1IUNICIPALIT V OF WESTEIIR.Y. OTICE is hereby given that, the following Assessment Roll having been prepared by the Municipal Council of N Westbury, pursuant to 'T'he Rural Municipalities Act, 1865," and the Property Valuation Acts, Nos. 2 and 3, all persons affected thereby may appeal to a Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at the Court House at Westbury, on Wednesday, the 25th flay of February next, at 10 o clock in the forenoon, upon any ground whatsoever of inequality or unfairness of such Assessment as respects the property of the person so appealing. No Appeal can be entertained by the said Court unless notice in writing, specifying the grounds thereof, be given by the Appellant to the Council Clerk of the said Municipality, at his office, at least four days previous to the holding of such Court. Dated at Westbury this 15th day of January, 1880. F. BELSTEAD, Council Clerk.

ASSESSMENT ROLL bor the Rural Municipality of WEST-BURY for the Year 1880.

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Reszdence of the Name and Residenceof the Area of the Rateable property. the property. occupier of'the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ Farm Exton Appleby, William, on property Thomas Wm. Field, Westfield 140 56 Land Silver Mines Adams, Wrn., ditto Said W. Adams 50 5 Farm Exton Appleby, Wm., jun., ditto Henry Martin, Exton 80 38 Cottage Westbury road Attley, Thos., ditto James Holliday, Westbury under 1 13 Land Near Ilfracombe Adams, John, ditto Said John Adam;. 116 6 ditto Near BlackSugar Loaf Allen, Chas., Illawarra Said C. Allen 750 50 ditto Somerville ditto ditto 180 19 Lots 2376 & 2377 Parish Wycombe ditto The Crown 2535 20 Land Silver Mines Adams, Win., Silver Mines Philip Pearmain, Longford 30 3 Cottage Bracknell Adley, John, on property E. Perrin under 1 8 Parsonage Quamby Adams, Rev. E. P., ditto Church of Fngland 13 41

Cottage William-street Betts, Jayne-, ditto Wm. Smith, sen., Westbury under 1 8 Farm Black Sugar Loaf Bullock, John, ditto Said John Bullock 40 7 Scrub land ditto ditto ditto [nett 50 7 Land Liffey Bennett, Ann, on property Trustees of John & Roger Ben- 100 10 House, school, and Westbury Board of Education Board of Education 1 26 land Land Golden Valley Bakes, Joseph, on property John Hart, Deloraine 50 5 15 Farm ditto ditto Said Joseph Bakes 100 ditto ditto B ak es, Willi am, di tto J osep h B a kes, G old en V all ey 330 30 ditto Hagley Bendall, Samuel, ditto Rowland Robt. Davies, Hobart 130 52 Cottage Suburb road Barry, Charles, ditto Said C. Barry [Town under 1 7 Farm Moore-street Bowater, Daniel, ditto Said D. Bowater 47 23 ditto Quamby Beve' idge, William, sen., ditto Said W. Beveridge, sen. 240 108 ditto ditto Boutcher. Richard, ditto Said R. Boutcher 347 156 ditto Hagley Bradon, Christop>her, ditto Said C. Bradon 250 93 ditto Oaks Blazely, John, ditto , Entally 220 77 ditto Exton Burke, Daniel, ditto John Field, Calstock 455 176 ditto Quamby Breadon, Wm., ditto J. & J. Phelps, N. S. Wales 201 80 Land King-street Empty; E. Dando, agent IsaiahMorris, Launceston 2 2 Farm Exton Barrett, E. and H., on property - Ingram, New Ground 120 42 ditto G Lenore Badcock, John, jun,, ditto Said J. Badcock, jun. 300 105 Cottage Westbury road Barry, Daniel, ditto Douglas & Collins,Launceston, 5 9 trustees for Miss Sams House and land Silver Mines Brown, Peter k William, ditto Said Peter and William Brown 600 35 Land Golden Valley Brown, Thomas, ditto W. Bussey 186 30 Farm Exton Breen, Denis, ditto John Martin, Exton 105 37 2111 ditto Near Exton Burrower, H., Prospect Village Said H. Burrowes 20 1 House and shop King-street Best, George, on property John Best, Hagley 65 Timber yard ditto ditto George Best, Westbury 1 10 40 30 Land Adelaide-street ditto,Westbury JohnBest, Hagley 1 2 ditto Lyall-street ditto George Best, Westbury House and shop William-street Barnard, Samuel, on property Said S. Barnard under 1 25 House King-street Best, James, Mrs., ditto Said Mrs. J. Best ditto 15 Farm Emu Plains Badcock, John, sen., ditto John Badcock, jnn., Glenore 60 18 110 ditto Hagley Badcock, Samuel, ditto Said Samuel Badcock 292 Cottage Westbury Bayles, Mrs, ditto John Crow, Launceston under 1 4 ditto Arthur-street Bray, George, ditto A. F. Marriott, Europe 17 13 Land Adelaide-street ditto, Westbury Win. Aikenhead, Launceston 1 2 ditto Mary and Dexter-sts. ditto [perty Mrs. J. Williams, Westbury 20 14 House and land King-street Brennan, Dominick, on pro- Smith and Poole, Launceston 16 23 Cottage Hagley Breadon, Mrs. Jane, ditto D. Parry, Hagley- under 1 9 Land William-street Belstead, Francis, Westbury Said F. Belstead 5a 4 Baker's shop King-street Brown, John, on property M. V. Davern, Westbury under 1 13 Land Strath Bennett, Miles, ditto Jno. M'Kinnon, Strath 2717 350 1 1 Allotments Dexter-street Boyer, George, Westbury Said G. Boyer 75 Farm Exton Beveridge, Wm., jun., on pro- John Field, Calstock 200 20 7 Land Bracknell Barker, Thos., ditto [perty I Said T. Barker 424 TU E 110BART TOWN GAZETTE,

NORTONROAD TRUST for the election of three Trustees in the places of Messrs. 5th April, 1880. Thomas Littlechild, Richard David Lord, and Alfred NOTICE is hereby given, that the Trustees for the Thomas Pillinger, who retire but are eligible for re- l Road District of Horton have appointed Mr. election, will be held on Thursday, the 29th day of April Michael Henry Lyons, Jun., to be Collector of the Road instant, at 1 P.M., at the Council Chamber, Oatlands. Rates for the current year. Dated this 3rd day of April, 1880. H. J. E M M ETT, Chairman. J. CARR LORD, Chairman of the Oatlands Road Trust. HAMILTON ROAD TRUST. Raznilto't, 6th Apt ill 1880. PERTH ROAD DISTRICT, NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with Perth, 9th April', 1880.. "The Cross and Bye Roads Act, 1870," the T a Meeting of Landholders held at Queen's Head Annual Meeting of the Landholders of the Hamilton A Hotel, Perth, on Friday, 9th April, 1880, the fol- Road Trust will be held at the new Court House, lowinY; Landholders were duly elected as Trustees to the Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 27th day of April instant, at above Trust :- 1 o'clock P.M., for the election of three Trustees, in the Mr. Alfred Youl, of Elsdon, Perth. place of Messrs. Henric Nicholas, T. C. 11. Marzetti, Mr. Ernest Gatenhy, of Woodlralf, Perth. and Wallis M' Donald, who retire by effiuxion of time Mr. Henry Clayton, of Perth. but are eligible for re-election. ERNEST GATENBY, Chairman of Meeting,. JOHN KING, Acting Chairman. DELORAINE ROAD TRUST, TABLE CAPE ROAD DrSTR.ICT OTICEis herebygiven that, in accordancewith Wynyard, 8th April, 1880. Nthe 11th Section of "The Cross and Bye Roads• T a Meeting of Landholders held at the Court Act, 1870," the Annual Meeting of Landholders of the A House Hotel, Wynyard, on the 7th day of April, Deloraine Road District will be held at the Council 1880, Messrs. Peter Bowick, of Flowerdale, Charles J. Chambers, Deloraine, on Wednesday, the 28th April, Mackenzie, of Fair-hill, and James Gale, of River Cam, 1880, at 1 P.M., for the election of three Trustees in were duly elected Trustees in the room of Messrs. Peter place of Messrs. John Field, Robert Hall, and Robert Bowi,-k,Y R.. W. Mackenzie, and J. Harnett, retiring Hall Munce, who retire but are eligible for re-election. from office. Dated this 10th day of April, 1880. JOSEPH ALDERSON, Chairman of the Meeting. WILLIAM ABEY, Clerk to the Trust„

DON ROAD TRUST. KENSINGTON ROAD TRUST. 8th April, 1880. f" HE Annual Meeting of Ratepayers will be held at NOTaboveiC E is Road hereby Districtgiven, have,that inthe pursuanceTrustees ofof the Liddle's Hotel on Tuesday, the 27th April, 1880, 18th Section of '" The Cross and Bye Roads Act, 1870," at 1 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of electing two Trustees fixed Saturday, the 24th April, 1880, at 12 o'clock noon, to fill vacancies caused by retirement of Messrs. Hugh at the Horse and Jockey Inn, New Town, for holding Lillico and A. M. Walker. the Annual Meeting of Landholders of the said District for the election of two Trustees in the place of Messrs. JOAN HENRY, Chairman. Isaac Wright and William Belbin, who retire from office] WEST TAMAR ROAD DISTRICT, and of one Trustee in the place of Sir , deceased. 8thApril, 1880. OTICEis hereby given, that the Trustees ofthe Dated at Hobart Town this 10th day of April, 1880. above Road District have, in pursuance of the S. P. H. W RIG H T, Chairman. 18th Section of " The Cross and Bye Roads Act, 1870," AUGUSTA ROAD DISTRICT. fixed Thursday, the 22nd day of April, 1t180, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at Rosevear's Hotel, West Tamar, for NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of Rate- lr payers will be held at the Tru=tees' Office, bolding the Annual Meeting of Landholders of the said District, for the election of three Trustees in the place of Stephen-street, on Thursday, the 29th day of April, 1880, Messrs. Adams, Castley, and Thomson, who retire from at 1 o'clock of the day, for the purpose of electing two office. Trustees in the place of and Richard WM. BARNES, Chairman. Hickman, who retire in accordance with the provisions of " The Cross and Bye Roads Act, 1870," but who are 'WEST WOOD ROAD DISTRICT. eligible for re-election. Springlands, 8th April, 1880. By Order, OTICEis herebygiven, that the Trustees of the ALFRED MURRELL, Secy. Augusta Road Trust. Road District of Westwood have, in accordance N FORTH ROAD DISTRICT. with the 18th Section of "The Cross and Bye Roads Act, 1870," fixed Wednesday, the 28th day of April, 1880, at Ulverstone, 5th April, 1880. 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Mr, George Gregory's X-T OTICE is hereby given, that the Trustees of the house at Westwood, for holding the Annual Meeting of L Forth Road District have, in pursuance of the the Landholders of the said District for the election of 18th Section of " The Cross and Bye Roads Acr, 1870," two Trustees in the place of Messrs. Charles Allen and fixed Wednesday, the 28th day of April, 1880, at 11 Thomas Cheek, who retire from office. o'clock in the forenoon, at Mrs. M'Donald's, Leven Inn, Dated this 8th day of April, 1880. Ulverstone, for holding, the Annual Meeting of Land- JOHN MILLAR, Chairman. holders for the purpose of electing two Trustees in the place of Messrs.--P. Callaghan and Henry Riggs, who OATLANDS ROAD DISTRAC T. retire from office. N OTI C E is hereby given, th 1t the Annual Meeting of P. CALLAGHAN, Chairman. the Landholders of the Oatlands Road District, JAMES FILLEUL, Trustee. Sd-*'r• a U I .Aq

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VOL. LXV. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1830. No. 5341.

SALE OF CROWN LANDS. Formerly purchased by Sarah Roberts. A. R. P. £ s. d. OfficeofLands and Works, 2nd April, 1880. Lot 2. Section A 8. 10 0 8. Upset 33 6 8. EFAULT having been made in the payment of Lot 2. Section A 7. 9 3 39. Upset 33 6 8. Lot 3. Section A 6. 9 3 36 Upset 33 6 8. D certain instalments on the following Lots of Crown Lot 4. Section A 6. 9 3 37. Upset 30 13 4- Land, notice is hereby given, in .accordance with the Lot 5. Section A 6. 10 0 8. Upset 30 13 4. provisions of "The Waste Lands Act," that the Lots Lot 1. Section A 8. 10 0 0. Upset 33 6 8. hereinafter described will be offcred for sale by Public Formerly purchased by Henry Bryce. Auction at 12 o'clock on Tuesday, 29th June next, at Lot 1. Section A 4. Sa. Or 5p. Upset £30 13s. 4d. Formerly purchased by S. M. Castray. the Alliance Rooms, Macquarie-street, Hobart Town, Lot 5. Section A 3. 9a. 3r. 36p. Upset £32. by Mr. G. S. Crouch, subject to the provisions contained TOWN OF TUNNACK. in the said Act, unless such instalments are paid before Formerly purchased by George Wright. that date. Lot 1. Section B. 9a. I r. 8p. Upset £20. Terms Cash.-One-fifth of the purchase-money must Formerly purchased by John Byrn, jun. be paid at the time of sale, and the residue within one Lot 9. Section F. 9a. Or. 33p. Upset £19 3s. month. Cotun3anbo, Country Ranbo. TOWN OF FRANKLIN. COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. Formerly purchased by John Latham, jun. PARISH OF ANGLE' EA. Lot 6. Section V. 9a. 2r. `p. Upset £29 6s. 8d. Formerly purchased by Bernard Markey. Lot 7634. 15 acres. Upset £20. TOWN OF HOWDEN. Formerly purchased by Patrick Cruse. PARISH OF ARGYL EE. Lot 1. Section G. 8a. 2r. 5p. Upset £19 9s. 8d. Formerly purchased by Joseph Marney. Lot 2. Section G. 6a. 2r. 30p. Upset £22 13s. 4d. Lot 7635. ;52 acres. Upset £34. TOWN OF KUNNARRA. PARISH OF BAGOT. Formerly purchased by John Nisbet. Formerly purchased by Wm. Coulson. Lot 2. Section B. 9a. 2r. 10p. Upset £29 6s. 8d. Lot 7634. 164 acres. Upset £218 13s. 4d. Formerly purchased by William Wagner. Formerly purchased by H. Chesterman. Section A. Lot 7637. 201 acres. Upset £269. A. R. P. £ s. d. Formerly purchased by E. Ford. Lot 1. 9 1 0. Upset 20 9 0. Lot 7638. 314 acres. Upset £418 13s. 4d. Lot 2. 10 0 0. Upset 22 8 0. Formerly purchased by Wm. Nicholls. Lot 3. 9 0 0. Upset 20 9 0. Lot 7639. 98 acres. Upset £130 13s. 4d. Formerly purchased by Thos. Maley. TOWN OF NUBEENA. Lot 7640. 26 acres. Upset £32 is. 4d. Formerly purchased by Elizabeth Cursey. Formerly purchased by T. G. Cowen. Lot 2. Section H. Ila. lr. 36p. Upset £37 6s. 8d. Lot 7641. 50 acres Upset £66 13s. 4d. TOWN OF RHYNDASTON. Formerly purchased by Henry Ivey. Lot 5668. 20a. Ir. 24p. Upset £19 his. 7d. Formerly purchased by Thomas Wren. Formerly purchased by Wm. Smith. Section L. Lot 7643. 412 acres. Upset £34 17s. A. R. P. £ s. d. Lot 5. 6 0 0 Upset 24. 0 0 Formerly purchased by H. B. Evans. Lot 6. 7 2 0 Upset 28. 0 0 Lot 1248. 100 acres. Upset £146 13s. 4d. Lot 9. 7 2 0 Upset 25. 6 8 Formerly purchased by James Coulson. Formerly purchased by John M`Connon. Lot 3001. 40 acres Upset £49 6s. 8d. Lot 3. Section C. I acre. Upset £80. Formerly purchased by Michael Coy. Lot 7645. 20a. 3r. 15p. Upset £27 13s. 4d. TOWN OF ST. HELEN'S. Formerly purchased by James Howard. Formerly purchased by D. R. Bealey & It. A. Hall. Lot 3869. 172 acres. Upset £22 13s. 4d. Lot 1. Section F. 5 acres. Upset £29 16s. ' 11d. Formerly purchased by Thomas Douglas. Lot 2. Section F. 5 acres. Upset £29 16s. '11d. Lot 7760. 25 acres. Upset £33 6s. 8d. Z TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1880. 451

NUMBER OF CARRIAGES. COLONIAL TREASURY. E-+ ztd Two INLAND REVENUE BRANCH. Parties to whom Four Wheels. Wheels. o Licences have been issued. 16th April, 1880. Two One One or more ICENCES have been issued to the under-men- Horses. Horse . Horses. L tionedpersons, in accordancewith the provisions of "The Carriage Duties Act," for the year ending 14th Reed, Henry ...... Carr iages. 6 October, 1880:- Bennett, Henry .. .. 1 2 Ditcham , Button , & Co. NUMBER OF CARRIAGES. Hart, Frank ...... 1 Parties to whom Corbett, Thos...... Carr iages. Two z Four Wheels. Hill, William...... 1 Licences have been issued. Wheels. w 2 o U Manser, Chas...... 1 w Tmo One One or more a Hart, & Son, W...... Carr iages. 6 Horses. Horse. Horses. Edgintorr, Thos...... 1 2 Selby. Gunn, R. C ...... 1 Hobart Town. Baker, Edwin ...... 1 Sargeant,D...... 1 11'rixon, Mary ...... 1 Page, Grace...... 1 .. . . Peck, Thomas . ... . Solomon, Joseph ...... Carr iages. Cowle, Thomas P.... . 1 Whitcomb, G...... 1 Griffith,-,,Henry ...... Crowther, E. L...... Carr iages. Crosby, W...... Carr iages. Brighton. Agnew. J. W...... 1 Hayes, John ...... 1 2 Webb, John...... For hire Poynter, G. F. B...... 1 Hinsby, H...... rl inds, T. R...... 1 2 Tolman, J. C...... Risby, J. E ...... Bothwell. Cumming , Angus .... White, John ...... Knowles, George...... Syn iiot, Fredk ...... 1 Rex, It. a...... Reid, Alexr ...... Carr iages. 6 Cameron, R. B...... M'Dowall, A...... 1 2 Roberts, H. L...... Anders, James...... Clarence. Wilson,G ...... Westbrook, Thomas 1 j 2 Prop-ting, Henry..... CampbellTown. Batt, J ...... Jones, Robert ...... I. 1 M 'Gregor,Alexander.. 1 Lethbi idge, C. W...... 1 Abbott, J. W ...... Bayles, Robert ...... Carr rages. Davison, James ...... 1 Mason, Thomas...... 1 Mather, Thos. B...... Taylor, David ...... Carr iages. 1 Arnold. George ...... P srker, A. T...... 1 Dove, Samuel ...... Forhire Taylor, John ...... 1 Cook, J...... G i i so n, James ...... Carr iages. Carr iages. Macfarlane, James .... Built, Mrs. C...... 1 Carr iages. Clarke, Hannah ...... Leake, Sarah E...... 1 Wilson, Sir J. M...... Carr iages. Headlam, Charles .... Carr iages. 1 Atkins,R A ...... Thirkell, G. F...... 1 Westgarth , W...... For hire Gibson, W. H...... 1 Clapperton, L. M. .. . Bayles, Jas. J...... Carrliages. Gracie, Wm...... 1 .. Parker, Alfred...... 2 Dowdell, Chas...... Watt, Thos. T ...... Deloraine. Blyth, Robert ...... Bowman, F. J...... Farmilo, D ...... 1 .. Munce,U. H ...... Jeffrey, Henry ...... For hire Sltore , S...... 1 Belbin, Wm...... 1 .. Beck,Henry ...... Lord, John...... Carr iages. M'Neece, J. M...... 1 Propsting , George ...... 1 Douglas, H...... 1 Hobart. +,nauBay. Lyne, Albert ...... 1 Smith, J . W. N..... 2 Blackman, F. A...... 1 Willis, A. B...... 2 Livingston, J. L...... 1 Alexander , Jos...... For hirel 4 Bayley, James...... 1 Becker, Jane ...... Carr iages. Evandale. Murdoch, James ...... 1 IChitehead, John ..... 1 Douglas, Robert ...... 1 Cameron, D...... Carr iages. .Cook,Henry ...... 1 Cameron, Maria S...... 1 Langdon. Mrs. A...... 1 Hartnoll, Wm. 1 Abbott, F., jun...... 1 M'Kinnou,Donald ...... Coverdale, J...... 1 You), C'hailes ...... 1 Little, Dugald ...... 1 Cox, James ...... Carr iages. Marsh, H. J...... 1 Harrison, R. W...... 1 Fisher, John ...... 1 . . Fingal. Rout, Chas. B 1 ...... Legge, R. V. ...'.... Carriages. 6 Launceston. Steel, Michael ...... 4 Gleadow, J. W...... 1 2 steel, M...... 2 Grubb,: Marianne. .... Carr iages. 6 Hewitt, H. Scott...... 4 Fisher, George... , ... .. 1 2 Clark, Robert ...... Carr iages. 6 500 THE HOBART TOWN GAZETTE,

DIVIDEND. LESLIE ROAD DISTRICT. IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT, Ist May, 1880. LAUNC ESTON. TENDERSwillbereceived bythe Trustees ofthe In the matter of a special resolution for liquida- above-named District till Tuesday, 18th May tion by arrangement of the Offuirs of JUSTUS instant, at noon, from persons willing to contract for JACOB RUMPFF, of Launceston, in Tasmania, keeping in good order for twelve months, from 30th June Commission Agent. next, Ten Miles of the New Huon Road, commencing at FIRST and final Dividend of Two Shillings and the Hobart Town boundary. A Three Pence in the Pound has been declared The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. payable at my Office, St. John-street, Launceston, on For further particulars apply to Mr. William Sherwin,, and after Wednesday, the twelfth day of May, 1880, Liverpool-street, or Mr. Richard Millhouse, Murray- to those Creditors who have proved their debts and street, with whom Tenders may be left. whose debts have been allowed. J. L. LI VI NGSTON, Chairman. Dated at Launceston this first day of May, 1830. JOHN FRANCIS HOBKIRK, Trustee. UPPER AVON ROAD TRUST. Upper Iluon, 26th Aprd, 1880. LANDS AND WORKS OFFICE. N consequence of non-attendance of Ratepayers, Mr. 3rd.Jfay,1880. I John Skinner and Mr. W. J. Wright retain their seats as Members of the Upper Huon Road Trust for the OTICEishereby given, that the under-mentioned ensuing term. Gold Mining Leases under "The Goldfields Regu- N At a Meeting of Trust held afterwards, April 24th, lation Act," 34 Vtct. No. 6, and the Regulations there- 1880, Mr. John Skinner was elected Chairman; and a under, are hereby severally declared void by reason of the Rate of One Shilling in the Pound was levied for use of applicants having tailed to execute the said Leases within the Trust for the ensuing year, made payable May the time prescribed by law, and by reason of their having 1st, 1880. failed to pay the rent due thereon :-- JOHN SKINNER, Chairman. JOHN BUXTON, No. Of Name of Applicant . Area. Situation. W. WRIGHT , Trustees. Lease. J. RODMAN, BOARD OF EDUCATION. 77 New Specimen Hill Gold 13 acres County of Dorset, Hobart Town, 3rd May, 1880. Mining Company , Re- Nine Mile gist Bred Springs >;SHE Governor in Council has, upon the recommenda- 98 Ditto 17a.3r. 8p Ditto t tion of the Board of Education, been pleased to 241 Thomas Henry Turner 10 acres Waterhouse appoint the under-mentioned gentlemen 17etnbers of the 15 Henry William Do«,glas Ditto Denison 254 The Enterprise Qnattz Ditto Ditto following Local School Boards, in accordance with the Crushing Company, terms of "The Public Schools Act," 32 Viet. No. 14. Registered HENRY BUTLER, Chairman Board of Education. 255 Ditto Ditto Ditto 257 Ditto Ditto Ditto 247 Hugh Rowlands Ditto Back Creek Peppermint Bay. Alexander M'Kay. C. O'REILLY, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Black Brush. John Munday. Pont r•ille. LANDS AND WORKS OFFICE. H. C. Wheatley. l st May, 1880. Jerusalem. PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ACT, 1877. Alfred Nicholls. Latrobe. Road, Don Bridge to Formby. ENDERSwillbe received atthis Office tillnoon on Wm. Allanby. Wednesday, the 19th instant, for works on Sec- Black River, Emu Bay, Forest, Montagu, Somerset, Stanley, T Waratah, Wynyard. tions 2 and 3 of the above-mentioned Road. Rev. D. A. Gilseman. Specifications can he seen at the Post Offices, Don and Gould's Country. Leven ; the Public Buildings, Launceston ; and at this John Johnston. Office. Evandule. Tenders must be in accordance with the prescribed form Rev. John Russell. (which can be obtained at the above-mentioned places), Park. and endorsed on envelope " Tender for Road, Don Bridge C. W. Allen. to Formby, Section No. -." BOARD OF EDUCATION. C. O'REILLY, Director of Public Works. Bobart Town, 3rd May, 1880. OLD LEACH ROAD TRUST. 3rd May, 1880. THE Members resignations of the of under-mentioned the following Localgentlemen School as Boards have been accepted. THE Annual Meeting of Ratepayers of the Old Beach J_ District will be held at the Public School-room, HENRY BUTLER, Chairman Board of Education. Old Beach, on Satnrd-ty, the 15th day of May, 1880, at 1 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of electing two Trustees Brown's River , Long Bay, and Three Hut Point , Margate,, in place of Mes-rs. W. Brock and W. Reynolds, who Oyster Cove, Peppermint Bay. Rev. J. Bach. retire according to the provisions of the 19th Section of Glenora , New Norfolk, River Plenty. The Cross and Bye Roads Act," but who are eligible Rev. C. Saunders. for re-election. Nook. VICTOR R. L. ELLISTON, Chairman to the Trust, Rev. J. Cowperthwaite. Getting around this CD

Navigating Archive CD Books CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required.

Searching Text on Archive CD Books Australia CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book!

Different Versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a “Find” and a “Search” tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool • Acrobat Reader v5 has only a “Find” tool (not a “search” tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. • Adobe Reader v6 has only a “Search” tool (not a tool labelled “Find”). HOWEVER — what is called “Search” is the same as the tool that used to be called “Find” Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool

Tips For Searching and Getting More From the CD Books • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering “rederi” if you want “Frederick”, but find that the letters “F” “c” and “k” are sometimes misread. • use the “Match whole word” option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith. • use the “Match case” option to eliminate all the occupations “smith” if you only want the name “Smith”. • don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: › look for others of the same name › look for others who lived in the same place or street › who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? › how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? › what churches were there and what time were services held? › what other activities were there in the community? › look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • all of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You can learn much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. • Many CDs have only one file, but some have the book content spread over several files. Adobe Reader normally searches in the file that is open at the time. If you wish to search ALL files at once choose the "All PDF documents in" option and select the CD drive or directory the files are in—Adobe Reader 6 only. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT