The Iran Tribunal On the Abuse and Mass Killings of Political Prisoners in Iran, 1981-1988 Findings of the Truth Commission, Held 18th-22nd June, 2012 Iran Tribunal Publication 2013 The Iran Tribunal On the Abuse and Mass Killings of Political Prisoners in Iran, 1981-1988 Findings of the Truth Commission, Held 18th-22nd June, 2012 ISBN 978-91-637-1749-7 Cower design: by Jamshid Golmkani First edition 2012 Second edition2013 Iran Tribunal Publication P.O.Box 95 123 22 Farsta Sweden
[email protected] Iran Tribunal International People’s Tribunal Finding of the Truth Commission Preface to the Report on the Findings of the Truth Commission of the Iran Tribunal In the 1980s the Islamic Republic of Iran went about arresting, imprisoning, torturing and executing thousands upon thousands of Iranian citizens because their beliefs and political engagements confl icted with that of the regime. The religious fervour of these crimes makes them ever more shocking: for instance, a woman’s rape was frequently the last act that preceded her execution in Iran, as under the “Sharia” law guidelines, the execution of a virgin fe- male is non-permissible. This process culminated with Khomeini’s “Fatwa” (Islamic De- cree), in July 1988, whereupon the mass execution of Iran’s politi- cal prisoners was implemented and within two months, between August and September of that year, thousands of political prisoners were executed. They were asked a few questions by what became infamously known as the “Death Commission” and were later sen- tenced to death. There are no exact fi gures of the number of victims due to the sup- pressive political climate and severe censorship in Iran.