1 Dharma Blogs 2018 FALL By Michael Erlewine 2 INTRODUCTION This is not intended to be a finely produced book, but rather a readable document for those who are interested in my particular take on dharma training and a few other topics. These blogs were from the Fall of 2018 posted on Facebook and Google+.
[email protected] Here are some other links to more books, articles, and videos on these topics: Main Browsing Site: http://SpiritGrooves.net/ Organized Article Archive: http://MichaelErlewine.com/ YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/merlewine Spirit Grooves / Dharma Grooves Copyright 2018 © by Michael Erlewine You are free to share these blogs provided no money is charged Cover image is Tilopa 3 Contents HALLUCINGENS AND DHARMA .............................. 8 THE REST OF THE MIND ....................................... 11 BEING IS BECOMING ............................................. 14 THE DHARMA OF LOCATION ................................ 16 TALES OF RECOGNITION ...................................... 20 INTUITION OR DOUBT ........................................... 23 DHARMA: GETTING PERSONAL ........................... 26 DHARMA: NO PLACE TO GO ................................. 29 DHARMA WISDOM: WHAT IS THAT? .................... 33 DHARMA: SEARCH UNTIL EXHAUSTION ............. 36 AUTUMNAL ............................................................. 39 FROM A DREAM ..................................................... 41 WISDOM ENERGY .................................................. 42 DHARMA: TWO GREAT OPPORTUNITIES