AMIYA CHAKRAVARTY A Saint at Work William Penn Lecture 1950 WILLIAM PENN LECTURE, 1950 A Saint at Work A View of Gandhi’s Work and Message Delivered at Race Street Meeting House Philadelphia by Amiya Chakravarty Published by The Book Committee Religious Society of Friends Philadelphia and Vicinity 302 Arch Street, Philadelphia 2 AMIYA CHAKRAVARTY AMIYA CHAKRAVARTY 43 A Saint at Work A Saint at Work as to a common bereavement. If this spirit remains with us, then indeed Gandhiji’s suffering will not have been in vain; like the death and suffering of other innocent men, his testimony will be a part of our future. Gandhiji will perhaps succeed with us in his death though we failed him in his life. In a last gesture of farewell, a friend of man folded his hands, and greeted us. And then when his body was carried away to the room where many of us had seen him at work, in happy conversation and full of affectionate joy, he was quiet and still. Perfect peace lay on him, as the candlelight Dedicated in friendship to played on his face and hymns were sung in God’s name, the Blanche And William Stuart Nelson hymns that he had loved. That is the picture of a heroic Howard University saint who conquered. Published 1950 by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Republished electronically © 2007 by Quaker Heron Press email:
[email protected] 42 AMIYA CHAKRAVARTY AMIYA CHAKRAVARTY 3 A Saint at Work A Saint at Work a challenge – a challenge which we cannot ignore.