Canary Color Matings Reierence Data
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Krishs Aviary 17971 Sun Knoll Dr. Yorba Linda, CA 92686 d (714) 996-1296 fi\r!;-~i\~l ~ \I\~\ Guaranteed Quality,. \~ 1\ I COCKATIELS tA~ \1 t~~~\ For Sale ~ ~\IJ.~,!\~ babies ~\~~ ~ l~n' yearlings 'I )\7' breeders' AI I~ Normals, Lutinos, ' . Pieds, Cinnamons, Pearls, Splits Y ~ SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICES AND AVAILABILITY Canary Walnut Acres Aviaries Special Interest Breeding Grass Parrakeets, and Rosellas Color Matings Australian Grass Finches Birds aviary raised outdoors. FOR SALE. All species of Austral ian Grassfinches and Reierence Data many varieties of African and Asian Finches, Rosellas. Kakarikis, and Grass Parrakeets. Call or Write: Jerry Jennings (213) BUFF x BUFF and with birds of this classification a From pure Buffall the progeny should be breeder should produce the best of white 884-5416 Buff· stock. 1803 Pontius Ave. Buffis a recessive color and the progeny of RECESSIVE WHITE x YELOW Los Angeles, a pair of pure Buff birds should result in 100% Yellow. CA.90025 100% Buff. A real Buff color depends on Pure Yellow being a dominant color will, the purity of the parent birds of this light when bred with Recessive White, produce color. Variation of color tone can range all yellow progeny. These will be hetero from Buff of almost "white-yellow" to a zygous because they will contain blood of mealy lemon yellow. Any color deeper both Yellow and White birds. agapornis than this should be classified as "yellow" . RECESSIVE WHITE x HETERO acres ZYGOUS YELLOW (from Yellow YELLOW x BUFF White ancestry) 75% Yellow, 25% Buff. 50% Yellow, 50% White. The progeny ofYellow and Buffwill come Owing to the fact that the Yellow parent in Mendelian ratio of 25% dominant pure has inherited genes from both White and yellow with silky feather texture, 50% im FOR SALE Yellow parents the progeny will be 50% of pure dominants comprising birds of vary All Species and Mutations each color. ing tones of yellow but with more satis of Lovebirds DOMINANT WHITE x DOMINANT factory contours, and 25% Buff. From the WHITE (this is not a desireable mating) 50% group will come many show speci 25% Yellow, 50% White, & 25% White mens but when bred these birds are likely which usually die in shell or soon after Write for current price list to throw young ofboth Yellow and Buff. hatching (non-viable). (714) 727-1486 RECESSIVE WHITE x RECESSIVE This mating usually begets in each four Lee Horton - after 6 p.m. WHITE progeny, one yellow, two whites and non 2376 Bella Vista 100% White. viable white. This last named will usually Vista, CA. 92083 These birds if they are pure Recessive die in the embryo state or soon after hatch Whites will produce all white progeny, ing. 37 DOMINANT WHITE X YELLOW GREEN-YELLOW MOTTLED x 50% White, 50% Yellow YELLOW This is the best mating to obtain Whites 50% Mottled. 50% Yellow. and Yellow, as there is no lethal factor as The variegated progeny of this mating is dominant white mated to dominant white. useful in producing pretty marked birds HETEROZYGOUS YELLOW x HET depending on the ability of the breeder in CUSTOM EROZYGOUS YELLOW (Yellow mating suitable pairs of related stock,pro BUILT White bred) perly placed markings. From the Yellow 75% Yellow, 25% White. progeny some bright and attractive speci AVIARIES mens are likely to result though their mot These yellow birds which have the blood tle inheritance will likely reveal the inhib of a white parent will produce approxi Specializing in ited markings when the birds are bred. Bolt-Together mately one white young in every four of and Hanging the progeny. It is from such yellow birds YELLOW X TICKED-YELLOW that the novice fanciers are likely to get a 50% Ticked Yellow, 50% Yellow. surprise when a white bird is produced. This mating is frought with possible beau GREEN x WHITE ty in the progeny from which one might get T. George Clymire 25% Green, 25% Blue, 50% Blue-White. pretty eye-ticked birds and also 4-point The crossing ofa green parent with a white specimens which can be so attractive. 12515 Wagner Street Los Angeles 90066 will likely cause the mottled progeny YELLOW CINNAMON X BUFF (213) 822-5010 (through fusing of these two colors) to be CINNAMON grey in color in their variegation. 75% Yellow (Golden) Cinnamon, 25% From among these Blue-Whites (Maltese) Buff(Silver) Cinnamon. lOVEBIRDS will likely appear all Blue Selfs and vary These two varieties of Cinnamon possess ..\ ..::.~ Blu~ Peach Faced, ing degrees ofmottling ofblue-white. In a the same feather condition and reaction as 'c.. _ Lutmo, mating ofGreen to White can also come a have the Yellow x BuffMating. The Yel ~ Black Masked, few birds in which the yellow color has low (Golden) Cinnamons show a more - Blue Masked displaced the white in which event the brilliant hue on the breast and body while progeny of this phase would be ordinary the Buff (Silver) are a duller and sombre Green-Yellow Variegated birds. shade ofYellow (Buff) on the breast which BLUE X BLUE-WHITE pertains in the Cinnamon back ofthis bird. 25% Blue, 75% Blue-White. From the Buff Cinnamons come the best It is from this mating that you will obtain color tone ofCinnamon canaries. self Blues and Blue-Whites. By selective CINNAMON X YELLOW (be sure mating with the Blues one can obtain some male is Cinnamon) Write for current even-toned birds of "soft" self greys 25% Cinnamon, 75% Mottled (Cinnamon price list. Send (blue). With the variegated Blue-Whites Yellow). self addressed envelope. one could produce birds of pretty even The progeny ofthis mating can come with markings. some brilliantly hued birds. The evenly sn14) 748-3847 BLUE-WHITE x WHITE marked and four point specimens can be 50% Blue-White, 50% White. classed with the most beautiful of colored na~ This mating can result in progeny ofpleas canaries. P.O. Box 866, Poway, CA 92064 ing appearance in their Grey and White CINNAMON X WHITE (be sure male feathering. In common with any variety of is Cinnamon) parti-colored birds these Blue-Whites can 25% Cinnamon, 25% Fawn, 50% Mottled give some choice specimens of attractive Fawn-White. beauty. The progeny of this mating can include TICKED-WHITE X WHITE some attractively toned Silver Cinnamons 50% Ticked-White, 50% White. and Fawns and Fawn-Whites. From this This mating of light mottling will give combination there is a possibility of pro some attractive ticked white birds ducing some ofthose very rare and elusive Especially if the ticking should appear silvers of selfs and variegation. A mottled about or through the eyes or on the crown silver specimen with white bib, flights and ofthe head. tail is a rare beauty. .. GREEN - YELLOW FAWN X FAWN SUPERIOR QUALITY - DOMESTIC 25% Green, 75% Mottled. Purefawns should give 100% Fawn. ~NI.Y.Atillet' Green to Yellow will nearly always pro There is a possibility of producing with duce greens and variegated progeny in the Fawns some delicately toned dilutes. With 60 plump. full stems per bundle! proportions indicated under the illustra Fawns and pastel shades ofbirds ofthe red g" to 12" long. 2 bundles (approx. 6 Ibs) $15.00 tion. There is little difference in the factor variety there should be scope for Postage Paid U.S.A. marking results between this mating and breeding many pastel colored canaries of (Calif. Residents add 6',1,% Tax) that of Green x White, excepting that rare beauty and high values. ARS. Inc. -Box 2.5521 there is little or no likelihood of Blue MOTTLED FAWN-WHITE X Whites appearing as yellow coming from WHITE Sahuose,CAQ5t26 Blue-Whites. 50% Mottled, 50% White. 38 This mating is practically the same as SISKIN X CANARY group listed above, but with a dominance Parental Generation. (F 1 Hybrid. Fifth INFORMATIVE BIRD BOOKS of the white. The Fawn markings have a Generation.) Cage Bird, Game Bird, Pigeon, Poultry, remote chance of being replaced by Silver The Black-hooded Siskin is the source of Waterfowl and Ornithology Books. Grey periodically. the Orange color in a canary which is ob We can supply an excellent choice of MOTTLED FAWN-WHITE X tained by crossing these two species. The new, used, out-of-print and limited editions. WHITE original canary of the first cross should be 50% Mottled, 50% White. either a clear yellow or a white. It matters Send $1.00 (refundable) for a copy of our latest catalogs. This mating is practically the same as little which color it is though some group listed above, but with a dominance breeders claim the White hen will give a Lloyd Imig Bird Books of the white. The Fawn markings have a better result. However owing to the dom 310 Maria Drive Dept. WB remote chance of being replaced by Silver inant dark native color ofthe siskin it takes Wausau, Wisconsin 54401 (715) 845-5101 Grey periodically. a few generations of selective breeding of the hybrid progeny of clear color before ORANGE X ORANGE clear orange color and canary song are 100% Orange. definitely established to prepotent condi Unless the birds of this mating are ofpure tion. These clear birds which have in strain Orange, there will likely be much herited the Orange factor range in color variation in depth of color depending on tone from a pale pink tint to deep red FLYING CAGES the reaction of Yellow or White color of orange. designed and fabricated to fit ancestry. All are classified as "Red-factor" ca your particular location and This mating which should produce young naries.