CRESCENT AGENT, Taking U 8 S’S New 124 40: *4S', GENERAL Heavily in Our Market
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AND THJf NJBWS OBSERVER APRIL 20. 1807. 7 W. J. groat advance in price, wheat simmered higher during the forenoon with the s’a HICKS. President. H. BECKWITH, Vlct-Pre*J<teirt. W. J. ELLINGTON, Trees and Strpl down to about its usual subdued nervous- registered gaining 8 per cent The gains ness. The final outcome was that May- were subsequently lost and the market E. B. Cuftbsrt 4 C?., STILL GOING DOWN closed worth 75 and .Tuly 74%@75, as closed weak. The salt's were $119,000. Carolina April North Building Supply compared with 73%@73V£> respectively Chioauo, 19. and Co. Saturday. markets had a Opening. Closing. Hankers The other WHEAT. TELEPHONE 30. SHOPS, 101 N. WEST ST. and Brokers, Cotton Closed at a Loss cf 7 to somewhat similar experience except in April 77ft 75 the ease of provisions, no advance was es- May 77ft 75 I Orond .... 14 Points. tablished for the day. The outbreak of iulv 77 ft 75 Street New Ya k. September 74 72ft >t hostilities between Turkey and Greece, CORN. .Vannfactureri: overshadowed all else in its influence on 4pril 24 24ft akAkCH OFFICES; WAR - SCARE 4 IRESULT OF markets. May , 4ft 24 ft the July 26ft 25ft Sash, Doors, Blinds, As was expected, wheat was wild and ¥ ¥ September 27 27 «©8 Wedftjrtor 3lr-}B» AND OF ADVICE FROM excited at the opening; the news that OATS. ABSENCE Mav BallasteKs, Rails, Newels, war had actually begun, produced con- 17ft 17 ft (23 Parrish Street . July 16ft l ft a Ovrfcai*. ft Ct EUROPEAN MARKET sternation among the shorts, and the September 19ft - ?52 Tarboro Street. utter disregard of caution displayed by MESS PORK, Per Bbl. Laths, Shingles, Dressed Lumber wilsaa. * c $8 6 them was clearly May «5 47ft - a majority of indicated 51 Hay . WILD AND EXCITED July Street. Feyett«*»e. * C WHEM by the prices they paid att heir first on- ...$8 70 sil! And All Kinds Building LARD, Per 100 Lbs. Materials. • 37 Wade Street. - • rush. May wheat, which Saturday clos- May S 4 25 4 Wadettwc. ft. C morning in July 84 80 War News Produced Consternation ed at 73%, started this one 85 4 «9 Fast Trade Street, - - September 81 45 4 40 Charlotte. N. D. mighty bound from 3Vi to 4% cents high- SHORT RIBS. Per lQn Lbs. ’ Caused Prices Beyond Competition. .Among the Shorts and er. There was a difference of one cent Mav $4 R 5 4 77ft •Jot‘.on, Stocks, Grain and Provision* per in price between the first July $1 K 5 4 77 Wheat bushel 90 Reckless Buying, May transactions made simultaneously in dil- September- 8* 4»5 Specifications furnished for work in any part ofthe State. bought and sold for ciiah or on ,T9argi rt the NEW YORK. ng 3 I*4 4 1-4 Higher ferent parts of pit. Co to Although from the growing reports Aprtll • * • Nkw Yoke. 17.—Flour strong: citr H. S. CHADWICK, • Prasldant crop were enough in themselves, to pro- mil patents 14.7-a4.95; do. clear St.iOat tW: and Treasurer. at One Bound. H2(aitio duce a strong market, it is probable that .vinueßOta patents Minnesota ha- April cotton mar- bulge a re-ac- ir -rs $! 4<>n <7O winter patents *4 45a1.70; do. New York, 19—The after Saturday’s excited swaights s4.ofial 25; do. winter extras $ .3 0 ket broke 12 to 15 points to-day, n*» a nat- tion would have been recorded to-day had 3.80: winter low grades $2 55h2.75 Wanted 1 ural result of the European war scare, it not been for the outbreak of hostilities Rye flour Arm; superfine ¥2 3-'a2 60; fancy absence of advance from Eu- in As it was, after the first wild fUMMft and in the Europe. Corn meal steady; yellow western 62; city ropean cotton markets, which remain scramble the excitement l*egan to die 63 Brandvwlne $1.80*1.90. was Rye irregular; 89fta39ft: car Charlotte Eastertide holidays. Realizing during this time No. 2 western Machine Company, closed on acouirt of down. very from after of long wheat lots. 40ail One good Life Insurance Fears of bearish advices Liv- enormous. Line line teeding 27a27ft malt- to an • iune> firm erpool markets tol-inorrow lead was thrown on the market, and acted like ing 35*48: Parley mah quiet; western ’Ba‘>6 active liquidation early in the morning, oil on stormy waters. Indeed, this fact Wheat, spot, unsettled: No 2 red f. o. b. CHARLOTTE, N. C. which there was some rally on re- probably prevented what many looked 86ft: >o 1 .'•orthern Duluth B,ft t. o. h. afloat; Solicitor for Charlotte, and after >o 8 har t winter 82 f. o. b afloat: options. No. reports of an alarming character for to-day, namely, 80 cent wheat. 2 red April closed 85; May toftaß3ft, closed viewed the lowest the most from the flooded districts. At Cudahy, Linn and Barrett were 81st one or two point the market showed a loss of 12 to conspicuous sellers during the first hour, corn, spot firmer but quiet: No 2,80ft in special men to and be taking olevatoi; utUau; yellow ; options, pril Engineers, 15 points, and was finally quiet the two former supposed to closed 30ft. Contractor. Dealers in Machinery. steady at a net loss of 7 to 14 points. profits on long stuff, while the latter sold oats, spot, firmer; No. 2, 23: options. May July SPECIALTY work & the short account. 22a 2ft. closed ‘22ft ; 24a 3ft, closed 23ft. in Piedmont and Cen- B. B. OUTHBERT OO.’S LETTER. for good Cudahy with Hay steady; shipping 55060; to choice New York, April 19.—(Special)-Wheat and Linn were credited Wa7s. something like SIOO,OOO each as Hops tral was a wild market all day, with heavy clearing quiet choice to common 1895 crop 2ft a Cotton Mill Machinery and Equipment North Carolina. First result of the day’s transactions. John 0, 1896 crop s(a loft. Pacific coast, 1895 crop 3a mixed trading and violent fluctuations, a beg to we Gates, of the Illinois Steel Company, 6; 18*6 crop 7a12 We annom ce that are agent* for the General E'ectric Company covering range 3 to 4 cents. The W. firm; Galveston, 20a25 lbs, 14; Buenos class contracts good men. a of Baker, won heavily. Hu es and are prepared to male eatiuiates ar d »quip nulla, facories and houses to started off at all sorts of prices, and also W. T. also Ayres dry, 2ua24 lbs, 18ftal9: Texas dry, with market the price down in man- 11: California, light and power. We cam a complete line of electri# and heavy covering and outside Before settled the 24a* P»- 21u25 lbs. 16 aupplies your order* with general ner indicated, touched on Lea hersteady; Hemio> k sole Buenos Ayres will receive prompt attention. Correspondence Address from this source it had 74%e. lignt w-.-ights, 20ti21; solicited. buying. The demand course, reacted to a t be tvy acid. 39023. sales for a time its downward and Wooi ttria; domestic fleece, I6a2i: pulled absorbed the realization round 75c. It rose again to 70%c., once 78 among tremen- 15a3i. and prices advanced to more got down to 75c. and closed at that. He*-f steadv; family SO.SOaIO'O extra mess dous excitement and heavy trading. None $7 50a8.00: beef hams SI * 60; parked $8.0(01 D. BOND QUOTATIONS. »135(-a J. BOUSHALL’ the foreign markets were open and 9.00. citt extra 'unu mess 4JW are of steady; pn-kied consequence, foreigners dealt 0 8 4*snewreg... M TK Ist 4-8.... 82ft Cut meats bellies sasft; as a the reg... M T K f-6 do. picaied strouiders 4ftas: do. hams 9a9ft. CRESCENT AGENT, taking U 8 s’s new 124 40: *4s', GENERAL heavily in our market. Instead of U 8 reg H2X MU 68 112 bard eas; western steam $4 "ay everything in sight, they turned sellers 0 8 s’s coup 114 NJCgenS’s. 110 nominal: refined steady, continent $4.76; Ralkiuh. V «. lsts —ll6ft South American *5 50. compound 4ft "-THE—- led to a violent 0 8 4’s reg 111ft Northern and their action break 118 NP2nds 51 ft Por* quiet: old mess »5,75a9 60: short clear 0 8 4’s ai0.75; family of 3% to 4%. The big plungers who 0 8 2’s reg....••••96ft Nbrth\v-ept con... 144 $9 5! $w.75a10 5o ’*s..lolft N’west S F def s’ell3ft Huiter quiet; western creamery ’3017; ¥ Thurs- , , helped to manipulate the advance Pacific6’sof d>. (actor. Elgin- 17; imitation G f it V H, j. Saturday, heavily the Ala.,clasß A 1«>« R G West lsts— 71 ttallft: day and sold from class B lift 8t Paul con 7’s .. .132 ft crearrery llalj;Stale dairy 13a 17: do, cream- BICYCLES:: Ala., best. start to secure their profits, and as the Ala., class C 100ft St P, C & P w s’s .11 ft ery 13aDft currency... l'O StL &L M gen s’s 70 ft Cheese quiet- large State 9<ail2ft; small short interest had been run in and the Ala. They Lh. new con. 4 9-. *»ft StL 4c 8 F gen 6's 311 ft fancy 9@La; part skim* 4(gj7ft: full skims are made in the largest factory in the world. J< *HN til LI., Re.-efwr foreigners also continued to liquidate, the 100 Tex Pac lsts 88 2 4©’.