Birmingham Museums

Birmingham Botany Collections


Edited by Phil Watson

© Birmingham Museums

Version 1.0 June 2014 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

1 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Introduction The collection of lichens in Birmingham contains over 3,800 specimens within the herbaria of six individuals (Rhodes, Stone, Whitwell, Bagnall, an anonymous collection and Scholes). Brief biographies of Rhodes, Stone, Bagnall and Scholes were given in the fascicle on Mosses; Whitwell and the anonymous collection will be discussed below. As with the holdings of Liverworts there is a significant international element again due to the incorporation of the Rhodes collection. There are just over 1,660 specimens from Britain and Ireland and 2,200 from the rest of the world. The 860 specimens from England come from 35 different counties. The biggest group (146) is from Warwickshire, the majority collected by Bagnall with fewer by Rhodes. Yorkshire, Shropshire, Somerset, Cambridge and Devon are the next best represented counties with between 100 and 51 examples. Over half (263) of the 480 Welsh specimens come from Merioneth with a further 90 from neighbouring Carnarvon. A third of the 145 Scottish examples are from Perth and Forfar and of the 84 Irish ones 61 come from Counties Kerry and Down. Finally there are 92 specimens from the Channel Islands. The 2,200 strong international collection shows a distinct bias towards Europe with 1,535 specimens from 20 countries or regions. However the majority come from Switzerland (472), Sweden (289), Italy (229) and Russia (129). The 637 examples from the Americas are overwhelmingly from the north (420 from the USA and 205 from Canada) with only 5 from Central America and 7 from South America. Asia, Africa and Antarctica are represented by just 25 specimens.

P G M Rhodes The most important group of lichens which dominates the entire collection is that of over 2,950 specimens formed by Rhodes and presented to the museum in 1928. Just over 1,000 of his specimens come from Britain and of these he collected almost a third (315) himself, predominantly in the Channel Islands and Cambridge (1908-09), Oxford (1910), Pembroke (1910 and 1924), Co Kerry (1924) as well as collecting locally in Warwickshire and Worcestershire. He teamed up with D A Jones to collect 170 specimens from in 1910, 1924, 1925 and 1927, mainly in Merioneth (126 examples) but also in Carnarvon, Denbigh, Anglesey and Brecon. He also collected 4 specimens in Somerset in 1918 with W Watson. The rest of his specimens were supplied by a variety of other collectors the most notable of whom were W Watson (Somerset), D A Jones (Wales), A R Horwood (Leicester), D Lillie (Caithness), J Glover (Co Down), H H Knight (Gloucester), M C Knowles (Ireland) and J A Wheldon (Lancashire). However, almost two thirds of Rhodes’ Lichen collection (1,929 specimens) are foreign. He collected just over 10% of these himself in Switzerland between 1911-1926. He collected in Switzerland with J Aebischer in 1923 (20 specimens) and Aebischer supplied him with a further 180 plus specimens from his own collecting. The collection has over 200 specimens from Sweden the majority collected by C Stenholm between 1894-1928 with smaller groups from A H Magnusson (1917-1925), A Hulphers (1916-1923) and E P Vrang (1904-1924). Italy is represented by over 150 examples collected by C Sbarbaro (1909-1925) and around 30 by Gresino (1913-1925). Countries represented by 50 specimens or more are Germany (collected by Voigtlander, sometimes with Tetzner), Austria (F Bresch), France (A F Jeanjean) and Russia (from the 1908-1909 expedition to Kamatchka by Komarov and Savicz). Beyond Europe the specimens from North America are most numerous. S Rapp supplied over 200 examples which he collected in Florida between 1906-1929. Other American collectors who provided Rhodes with specimens were J M Grant (Washington 1921-1926), P O Schallert (North Carolina 1913-1924), H E Hasse (California 1890-1915) and M F Miller (1898-1912). The majority of his relatively few Canadian pieces were collected by F A MacFadden.

J B Stone The dominance of Rhodes’ collection is illustrated by the fact that the next largest collection of lichens in Birmingham is that of Stone at a meagre 281 specimens. Of these only 53 are British and the majority were collected by Stone himself in Devon, Yorkshire, Perth and

2 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Merioneth (all in 1886) and Carnarvon (1887). His 228 foreign examples are dominated by a group of 164 collected by J Macoun in Canada. He collected 38 specimens himself on trips to Norway (1882 and 1889) and a further 15 on his travels to France (1886), Switzerland (1888) and Japan (1891).

W Whitwell The herbarium of William Whitwell FLS (1839-1920) was presented to the museum by his family in 1921. It comprises mainly around 5,000 specimens of flowering plants and ferns. Included among it however are 267 specimens of lichens which form the third largest group in the collection. All but one of these are British and although many are undated those that are represent some of the earliest specimens in the collection. Thus there are examples from Scotland collected by G Webster in the 1850s. The majority (around 200) were collected by W A Leighton in Carnarvon, Cumberland, Devon, Merioneth, Shropshire and Yorkshire and where dates are given they fall within the 1870s. Whitwell collected only 19 specimens himself, mainly from Yorkshire in the 1880s. Other known early collectors represented by a few examples are W Gardiner, J Nowell, J M Crombie and G Bohler.

J E Bagnall Bagnall’s collection of lichens is surprisingly small at 180 specimens compared to his 4,500 mosses or even his 700 liverworts. It does however continue to demonstrate his personal activity and predominantly local interest as over half of it (97 examples) was collected by Bagnall himself in Warwickshire. The next largest group is around 20 specimens collected by E M Holmes in south west England. The single foreign example in his collection was collected by Stone in Norway.

Anonymous Collection The person who formed the next largest lichen collection is unknown as there appears to be no associated data other than the specimen packets themselves. Three quarters of the 161 specimens are British and one quarter foreign. Roughly half (76) of the collection has packets which are annotated with a set of initials (which may read HO but the writing is very flowery and other interpretations are possible). It seems probable that this person may be the one who assembled the collection. The collecting events thus initialled span the period 1920-1925 and took place in Hampshire (1920, 1922, 1924), Cardigan (1920), Channel Isles (1921), Cambridge and Derbyshire (1924), Warwickshire (1924, 1925) and Norway (1925). The only other foreign specimens were collected by Rhodes and Aebischer in Switzerland and Rhodes also supplied four British specimens (3 from Pembroke and 1 from the Channel Isles). Roughly half of the British examples in this collection however have no collector information. It seems that whoever formed this collection was acquainted with Rhodes but beyond that little can be ascertained.

T S Scholes As with his collection of mosses the Scholes collection, although the smallest, contains the earliest examples all 17 of them having been collected by W Gardiner in Aberdeen and Forfar between 1842-1845.

The Checklist The checklist below gives collection data drawn from the specimen packets and is arranged in five columns as follows:

1 County for British specimens, arranged in the order England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland; country or region for foreign specimens in the order Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa. Note that old “historic” county and country names have been retained and no attempt has been made to rationalise these into modern boundaries. Most of the lichen specimens are not recorded by Vice County so again no attempt has been made to retrofit the locations into Vice Counties.

3 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

2 Detailed location as given on the packet. Variant spellings, especially for Welsh place names, have been recorded as on the packet. As, in several cases, the handwriting on the packets is approaching illegibility (especially that of C Stenholm) some place names, especially foreign ones, are subject to interpretation by those who may be more familiar with the areas in question. 3 Date of collection is given as; where the day of collection is not known this is given as Undated specimens are listed as n.d. 4 Collector(s) 5 The herbarium from which the specimen derives

Due to the large number of foreign specimens it was decided to present the British specimens first followed by a separate listing of the foreign ones (below p. 62). As there has been no recent assessment of the collection or any attempt to bring the taxonomy up to date and as the collection is currently stored in three different formats both the British and foreign specimens are presented alphabetically under the names recorded on the packets.

British Specimens

Acarospora admissa Merioneth 00.04.1915 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Acarospora benedarensis Co Dublin Broad Strand, Howth 13.05.1922 M C Knowles Rhodes

Acarospora fuscata Shropshire Haughmond n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Hainworth Moor, Keighley n.d. T Hebden Rhodes Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Acarospora lesdainii Yorkshire Bill Horn Lane, Keighley 00.12.1914 T Hebden Rhodes

Acaraospora sinopice Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1915 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Acarospora smaragdula Merioneth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes var. sinopica Carnarvon Aber n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1915 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Acrocordia biformis Carnarvon Gwydir Woods 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Cae Du, 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth 00.04.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd-du Farm, Harlech 00.04.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Argyll Inverary 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes

Acrocordia epipolaea Gloucs Chedworth 26.08.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

4 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Acrocordia gemmata Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Hartshill Hayes 00.03.1894 J E Bagnall Stone Yorkshire Maltby Woods n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Merioneth 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry road to Torc, Killarney 25.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Acrocordia salweii Somerset Hillfarrance, near Taunton 00.01.1923 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Alectoria bicolor Lancs Salter Fell 00.11.1904 A Wilson Rhodes Carnarvon Cwm Idwal 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Alectoria chalybeiformis Merioneth Cwm Mawr, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Orkney Hoy 21.06.1909 D Lillie Rhodes

Alectoria jubata Devon Dartmoor 00.02.1886 J B Stone Stone Devon Dartmoor n.d. x unnamed Aberdeen Ben-na-Muic Dhui 00.07.1845 W Gardiner Scholes Forfar Deerhill Wood 00.04.1844 W Gardiner Scholes Kirkcudbright Carsphairn 00.05.1902 W West Rhodes Perth Glen Shee 00.07.1889 W West Rhodes var. c halybeiformis Aberdeen Craig Koynoch 00.06.1844 W Gardiner Scholes

Alectoria ochroleuca Inverness Braeriach 00.06.1913 A Wilson Rhodes

Alectoria sarmentosa Aberdeen Ben-na-Muic 00.07.1845 W Gardiner Scholes Sutherland Ben Laoghal 29.05.1912 D Lillie Rhodes

Arthonia aspersa Yorkshire Baysdale, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall

Arthonia astroidea Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthonia astroidestera Co Kerry Cromaglan, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthonia gregaria Caithness Dunheath Strath 26.05.1908 D Lillie Rhodes var. kermesina

5 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Yorkshire Teesdale 10.10.1886 J B Stone Stone Yorkshire Ingleby Park n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. pruinata Yorkshire Easby Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Arthonia ilicina Co Kerry Torc Cascade, Killarney 16.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthonia lapidicola Gloucs Longhope 14.06.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Arthonia lurida Yorkshire Oggeray Gill, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. spadicea Somerset Broomfield 00.02.1916 W Watson Rhodes

Arthonia pruinata Hereford Hay Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Staplegrove, Taunton 00.09.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Arthonia punctiformis Yorkshire Teesdale 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone var. melantera Somerset Copley Wood, Somerton 00.04.1923 W Watson Rhodes

Arthonia radiata Shropshire Pontesford 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Wellesbourner 15.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Merioneth Ynysfaig, Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Forfar Wills Braes 00.04.1845 W Gardiner Scholes var. swartziana Cambridge Cherry Hinton 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Olton 00.10.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Arthonia varians Shropshire Long Mynd n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Channel Is Icart, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia analepta Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 19.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia areniseda Lancs Freshfield near Southport 00.03.1910 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa Devon Ilsham Wood, Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Arthopyrenia epidermidis Worcs Broad Heath Wood n.d. J E Bagnall Bagnall Worcs Wyre Forest 00.10.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Doncaster Carrs n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell

6 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Arthopyrenia foveolata Merioneth Harlech 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia halodytes Anglesey Trwyn y Penrhyn, Beaumaris 23.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Harlech 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia laburni Yorkshire Ayton n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Arthopyrenia leptotera Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia litoralis Merioneth Harlech, shore 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Harlech, cliff 00.12.1926 D A Jones Rhodes

Arthopyrenia punctiformis Shropshire Stableford 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Cliff-rigg, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Gwydir Woods 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Co Kerry Torc, Killarney 16.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia pyrenastrella Co Kerry Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia saxicola Denbigh Minera 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia stigmatella Devon Ivybridge n.d. x Bagnall Yorkshire Newton Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Gwydir Woods 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Co Kerry Torc Cascade, Killarney 16.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia submicans Somerset Curland 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Aspicilia calcarea var. contorta Somerset Cheddar Head, Mendip 00.04.1917 W Watson Rhodes

Aspicilia dicksoni Westmore Farleton Knott 00.04.1913 J W Hartley Rhodes

Aspicilia recedons Carnarvon Clogwyn, 00.10.1924 Knight & Jones Rhodes

Bacidia arceutina Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Bacidia atrogrisea

7 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 27.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Leitrim Dromahaire 03.07.1916 M C Knowles Rhodes

Bacidia beckhausii Carnarvon Pont Aberglaslyn 27.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Bacidia chloroticula Co Wicklow Lough Tay 00.09.1914 M C Knowles Rhodes

Bacidia inundata Merioneth Glyn, Harlech 25.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Bacidia luteola Bucks Buckingham n.d. x Bagnall

Bacidia muscorum Warks Shirley Heath 00.10.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Bacidia rubella Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Bacidia umbrina Merioneth Aberamffra, Barmouth 05.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Tyrone Pomeroy 00.10.1916 M C Knowles Rhodes

Baeomyces aeruginosus Caithness Benacheilt 19.04.1906 D Lillie Rhodes

Baeomyces roseus Hampshire Linford Valley 08.02.1908 J F Rayner Rhodes Kent Fawke Common, Sevenoaks 00.01.1909 E M Holmes Rhodes

Baeomyces rufus Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Hampshire Pranshaw Wood, New Forest 00.05.1913 R G Livens Rhodes Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. G Bohler Whitwell var. prostii Co Kerry Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. subsquamulosus Shropshire Wyre Forest 00.10.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Mulgrove Woods, Whitby 00.10.1912 T Hebden Rhodes

Biatora pleispora Northants Market Harborough 22.10.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes

Biatorella campestris Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorella clavus Denbigh Bersham near Wrexham 00.07.1923 D A Jones Rhodes

Biatorella moriformis Gloucs Buttledown, Cheltenham 26.01.1928 Knight & Jones Rhodes

8 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Leicester Keyham 09.01.1916 A R Horwood Rhodes Shropshire Stableford 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell

Biatorella ochrophora Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorella pinicola Merioneth Cwm Bychan 00.04.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorella privigna Yorkshire Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Biatorella pruinosa Co Down Kircubbin 00.12.1913 J Glover Rhodes

Biatorella simplex Somerset Dodhill, near Taunton 00.12.1919 x Rhodes Denbigh Minera Mt, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth near Harlech 00.00.1923 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Biatorina bouteillei Co Laois Abbeyleix 00.11.1924 R A Philips Rhodes

Biatorina caeruleonigricans Pembroke High Cliff, Caldey Is 15.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorina chalybeia Denbigh river Dee, Llangollen 08.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Denbigh river Dee, Llangollen 00.10.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Co Antrim near Glenarm n.d. x Rhodes

Biatorina cyrtella Warks near Shustoke 16.03.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Merioneth Harlech 00.04.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Biatorina graniformis Merioneth Cwm Bychan 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorina griffithii Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 04.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorina pilularis Brecon Llewyn Madoc 12.06.1923 D A Jones Rhodes

Biatorina pulverea Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd Woods 00.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Bilimbia aromatica Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

9 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Bilimbia lignaria Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Bilimbia lubens Leicester Waltham 03.12.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes

Bilimbia metamorphea Denbigh Minera Mt, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Bilimbia naegelii Wiltshire Savernake Forest 00.01.1920 C P Hurst Rhodes

Bilimbia sphaeroides Lancs Formby 00.04.1913 W G Travis Rhodes

Bombyliospora incana Co Kerry Cromaglawn, Killarney n.d. D Moore Rhodes

Buellia canescens Hampshire the Thicket, near Havant n.d. H Beeston unnamed Leicester between Arnesby & Fleckney 14.08.1913 H P Reader Rhodes Shropshire near Shrewsbury n.d. x Bagnall Warks Sherbourne 15.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Hampton-in-Arden 00.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 26.06.1921 HO? unnamed

Buellia colludens Dorset Chesil Beach 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Buellia disciformis Derbyshire Grindliford Bridge n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Warks Shirley Heath 00.10.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Solihull 00.02.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Buellia impressula Brecon Abergwesyn 00.06.1921 H H Knight Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Buellia myriocarpa Hampshire the Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed Cardigan river side Cardigan 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed

Buellia parmeliarum Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Argyll Glen Orchy 00.07.1912 W G Travis Rhodes

Buellia spuria Surrey Shiere n.d. x Bagnall Pembroke Fort Hill, Fishguard 30.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Buellia stellulata Cornwall Tintagel 21.09.1911 H M Livens Rhodes

10 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Buellia verruculosa Somerset Stapleby near Taunton 00.12.1917 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle n.d. Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Calicium curtum Hereford Hay Park n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Perth Loch Rannoch 00.07.1910 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Calicium hyperellum Gloucs 26.08.1925 Jones, Rilstone & Rhodes Chedworth Woods Rhodes Hereford near Cheplow Cliffs 19.08.1925 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Kent Penshurst n.d. x Bagnall Leicester Braunstone 22.03.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes Shropshire Almond Park n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Surrey Shiere 00.07.1879 x Bagnall Warks Little Alne 08.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs near Worcester 00.05.1869 x Bagnall

Calicium sphaerocephalum Denbigh Nant y Fridd 05.04.1925 Rhodes & Jones Rhodes Aberdeen Braemar n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell

Calicium sp. Hampshire the Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed

Callopisma cirrochroum Carnarvon Great Orme 02.08.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Callopisma laciniosa Cumberland near Keswick 00.06.1910 A Wilson Rhodes

Callopisma ochracea Lancs Silverdale 00.06.1909 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Calloplisma turneriana Co Down Kircubbin 00.08.1914 J Glover Rhodes

Callopisma vitellinulum Pembroke Priory Bay, Caldey Island 20.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Candelaria concolor Shropshire Berwick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Candelariella vitellina Durham Middleton, Teesdale n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Merioneth Harlech 25.04.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cetraria aculeata Derbyshire moors above Baslow 00.07.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Derbyshire Washgate near Flash 18.04.1924 HO? unnamed Dorset Studland 00.04.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes Durham Widdy Bank Fell 00.06.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Lancs Todmorden n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell

11 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Teesdale 00.11.1885 J B Stone Stone Yorkshire Stansfield Moor n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley n.d. T W Hebden Rhodes Carnarvon Glydr Fawr summit 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cetraria chlorophylla Leicester Bardon Hill n.d. x Bagnall Merioneth Cwm Bychan 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Cetraria crispa Yorkshire Strensall Common 00.01.1889 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Cetraria cucullata Inverness x n.d. x unnamed

Cetraria diffusa Leicester Gopsall n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Cwm Bychan, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Cetraria glauca Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Middleton 24.08.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1883 J B Stone Stone

Cetraria hiascens Forfar x n.d. x unnamed

Cetraria islandica Durham Teesdale 00.11.1887 J B Stone Stone Yorkshire Ingleborough n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Yorkshire near Scarborough n.d. x Bagnall Yorkshire Scarborough n.d. x unnamed Aberdeen Morne Mountains 00.07.1844 W Gardiner Scholes Forfar Clova n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Forfar x n.d. x unnamed Inverness Creag na Leacainn 00.05.1908 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes Inverness Ben Nevis 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes var. platyna Aberdeen Ben-na-Boord 00.07.1844 W Gardiner Scholes Forfar Clova n.d. W Gardiner Whitwell

Cetraria nivalis Aberdeen Lochnagar 00.00.1850 G Webster Whitwell Aberdeen Ben-na-Boord 00.07.1844 W Gardiner Scholes Forfar Clova n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Chaenotheca acicularis Yorkshire Bousdale Gill n.d. J Mudd Whitwell

Chaenotheca aeruginosa Yorkshire Bousdale Gill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

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Chaenotheca chrysocephala Hereford Downton Castle n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Chaenotheca melanophaea Hampshire Lyburn, New Forest 02.01.1912 H M Livens Rhodes

Cladonia alcicornis Kent Dungeness 17.07.1911 H J Parsons Rhodes Pembroke Jones Bay, Caldey Island 15.06.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Boulay Bay, Jersey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia bacillaris Hampshire Pound Bottom near Redlynch n.d. HO? unnamed Worcs Hartlebury Common 00.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Devils Spadeful, Kidderminster 00.11.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia bellidiflora Argyll Bendoran 00.08.1913 W Watson Rhodes

Cladonia caespiticia Hampshire Bramble Hill, New Forest 00.01.1912 H M Livens Rhodes

Cladonia cervicornis Carnarvon Moel Siabod 00.04.1908 W West Rhodes Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Perth Rannoch Moor 00.07.1910 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes Channel Is Grande Rocque, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. cladomorpha Westmore Wasdale Crag 00.05.1909 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Cladonia coccifera Somerset Blagdon Hill 00.01.1918 Watson & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Roman steps, Bwlch Tyddis 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Dolgelly n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall

Cladonia cornuta Warks Shelley Coppice 00.10.1876 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Cladonia crispata Perth Trossachs 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone var. cetrariaeformis Somerset Churchstaunton 00.07.1922 x Rhodes

Cladonia deformis Yorkshire Lounsdale n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Glamorgan Mynydd Rhesolven 00.00.1852 x Bagnall

Cladonia degenerans var. anomaea Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley n.d. x Rhodes

Cladonia digitata

13 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Thorn Bay n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Argyll Inverary 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes var. brachytes Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia endiviaefolia Devon Dawlish Warren 24.04.1909 H J Parsons Rhodes Channel Is Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia fibula var. subcornuta Worcs Devils Spadeful, Kidderminster 00.11.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia fimbriata Cambridge Great Heath 00.10.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Duke Bridge 00.03.1880 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Knowle 00.03.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Yarningale Common n.d. J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Oscott College, Sutton Coldfield 29.03.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 00.03.1883 x unnamed Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed var. apolepta Somerset Chard Common 18.10.1914 x Rhodes subsp. fibula Warks Oakley Wood 20.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Worcs Rednal 00.04.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 22.04.1912 J Glover Rhodes var. radiata Channel Is Guernsey 00.06.1921 x unnamed var. simplex Worcs Hartlebury Common 00.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. subcornuta Warks Oldbury 00.03.1880 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Chalcot Wood 08.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Warks Solihull 28.11.1880 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. tubaeformis Warks Kenilworth 11.04.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Co Down Grey Abbey 00.08.1911 J Glover Rhodes

Cladonia flabelliformis Shropshire Nescliff n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Coleshill Heath 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 08.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 08.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. polydactyla Yorkshire Ingleby Moor n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. tubaeformis Yorkshire Whitby n.d. T Hebden Rhodes

14 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia floerkeana var. carcata Cheshire Delamere Forest n.d. Crombie Whitwell Shropshire Arcole Hill 00.00.1894 W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Castle Neroch, Blackdown Hills 00.11.1915 W Watson Rhodes Sussex Broadwater Forest 18.07.1879 W Whitwell Whitwell Warks Sutton Park 00.00.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley 00.10.1915 T Hebden Rhodes var. intermedia Somerset Blagdon Hill 05.01.1918 Watson & Rhodes Rhodes var. synphycarpea Warks Sutton Park 00.00.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia furcata Oxford Cothill 00.10.1882 E M Stone Stone Warks Sutton Park 10.04.1874 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Yarningale Common 31.08.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Hill Bickenhill 00.06.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. corymbosa Denbigh Minera mountain 18.08.1912 x Rhodes var. erecta Cheshire Delamere n.d. G Bohler Whitwell var. foliosa Warks Coleshill Heath 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. furcato-subulata Warks Coleshill Heath n.d. J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Tanworth 00.03.1873 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. pinnata Bedford Luton 00.02.1885 E M Stone Stone var. racemosa Warks Tanworth 00.03.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Whitby n.d. T Hebden Rhodes var. recurva Yorkshire Hawes 16.05.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell var. spinosa Cambridge Devils Dyke, Newmarket Heath 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cambridge Fleam Dyke, West Wratting 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. subulata Yorkshire Sedburgh 00.01.1882 W Whitwell Whitwell

Cladonia gracilis Dorset Studland 00.04.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes Worcs Hartlebury Common 00.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Nant Artro 14.04.1915 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. chordalis Devon Exmoor 00.08.1908 H M Livens Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1886 J B Stone Stone var. hybrida Worcs Hartlebury Common 09.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia impexa

15 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Somerset Blagdon Hill 00.01.1918 W Watson Rhodes Somerset Heath Hodders Combe, Quantocks 00.00.1915 W Watson Rhodes

Cladonia lepidota Carnarvon Snowdon 00.08.1915 W Watson Rhodes

Cladonia macilenta Hampshire near Redlynch, New Forest n.d. HO? unnamed Warks Sutton Park 00.10.1872 x unnamed Warks Solihull 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 00.10.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Olton 00.11.1871 J E Bagnall Bagnall Co Down Deerpark, Kircubbin 20.02.1909 J Glover Rhodes var. coronata Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. scabrosa Yorkshire Horden Gill, Keighley n.d. T Hebden Rhodes Co Down Deerpark, Kircubbin 00.03.1913 J Glover Rhodes

Cladonia papillaria Merioneth Cwm Bychan 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia pityrea Co Antrim Morlough Glen 13.07.1915 J Glover Rhodes

Cladonia pungens Cambridge Worsted Lodge, Fulbourn 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cambridge Kennett 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Lye Hill Quarry, Holton 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 00.12.1910 J Glover Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 20.03.1913 J Glover Rhodes

Cladonia pyxidata Cambridge Kennet Heath 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cardigan Gwbert-on-Sea 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is La Bouree, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. chlorophaea Cambridge Devils Dyke, Newmarket Heath 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Chilterns, Chinnor 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Trumpley Road, Kidderminster 00.10.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. pocillum Devon Dartmoor 00.01.1886 J B Stone Stone Devon Braunton 00.09.1913 W Watson Rhodes Warks Earlswood 00.03.1885 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Cladonia rangiferina Cheshire Oakmere n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Cheshire Delamere Forest n.d. x unnamed Carnarvon Glydr Fawr summit 00.06.1910 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 19.03.1910 J Glover Rhodes

Cladonia rangiformis

16 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. foliosa Cambridge Hildersham 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. muricata Hampshire Basingstoke n.d. x Bagnall

Cladonia squamosa Hampshire near Redlynch, New Forest n.d. HO? unnamed Carnarvon Conway Falls 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Dolgelly 21.04.1911 H & G Livens Rhodes

Cladonia subsquamosa Somerset Homer Woods, Porlock 17.08.1908 H M Livens Rhodes Warks Hartshill Hayes 18.04.1888 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Cladonia sylvatica Hampshire New Forest 00.01.1884 J B Stone Stone Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Sussex Broadwater Forest 18.07.1879 W Whitwell Whitwell Denbigh Llangollen n.d. W Whitwell Whitwell Merioneth Dyffryn 00.07.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 00.03.1909 J Glover Rhodes var. alpestris Leicester Swithland Slate 00.08.1909 H P Reader Rhodes var. scabrosa Warks Kenilworth 11.04.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Teesdale 18.10.1885 J B Stone Stone var. tenuis Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1886 J B Stone Stone var. laxiuscula Denbigh Llangollen 05.08.1875 W Whitwell Whitwell Yorkshire Settle n.d. G Bohler Whitwell

Cladonia uncialis Devon Bengy Tor 14.08.1868 H J Parsons Rhodes Hampshire near Redlynch, New Forest n.d. HO? unnamed Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Baddesley Common 13.01.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Baddesley Common 13.01.1884 x unnamed Caithness Clyth 00.08.1909 D Lillie Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 07.08.1911 J Glover Rhodes var. elatior Merioneth Barmouth 00.02.1886 J B Stone Stone var. obtusata Yorkshire Keighley n.d. Hebden Rhodes

Cladonia verticillata Co Down Kircubbin 23.06.1911 J Glover Rhodes

Clathoporina calcarea Co 00.09.1926 RAP Rhodes Westmeath Hill of Usinach

17 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Coccocapia plumbea Cornwall St Miniver 00.00.1881 R V Tellam Rhodes Pembroke St Ishmaels rocks 00.00.1907 A Brinkman Rhodes Argyll Cen Buch 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes

Coenogonium ebeneum Merioneth Coed Crafnant, Artro Valley 14.04.1915 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Harlech, school garden 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Arran Corrie 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes

Collema aggregatum Somerset Staple Fitzpaine 17.05.1913 W Watson Rhodes

Collema auriculatum Derbyshire Millers Dale 00.06.1881 W West Rhodes

Collema cheileum Oxford Cuddeston Mill 00.01.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Coombe Wood, Cuddesdon 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Somerset Dodhill Gate, near Taunton n.d. Sims Rhodes Warks Stivichall 00.05.1881 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Collema crispum Somerset Sandhills, Berrow 00.09.1913 W Watson Rhodes Yorkshirehire Coatham Marshes n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Collema cristatum Oxford Lye Hill Quarry, Holton 00.09.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Lewknor, Oxford Rd 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema flaccidum Devon Babbacombe 00.03.1913 W Watson Rhodes Devon Torquay 00.09.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes

Collema furvum Isle of Wight Shalfleet church 19.10.1906 H M Livens Rhodes

Collema glaucescens Leicester Market Harborough 23.12.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes

Collema granuliferum Somerset Thurlbear 00.10.1915 W Watson Rhodes Carnarvon Cwm Idwal 00.06.1910 Wilson & Rhodes Rhodes

Collema melaenum Lancs Warton Crag 06.04.1908 JWH Rhodes Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema nigrescens Merioneth Dolwreiddiog, Llanbedr 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema polycarpon Somerset Cheddar Head 00.04.1917 W Watson Rhodes

18 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Pembroke Caldey 21.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema pulposum Leicester North Easington, GNR 00.02.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes embankment Rutland Belton 11.06.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Mountstewart 00.01.1916 C H Waddell Rhodes

Collema tenax Somerset Vallis 00.01.1921 x Rhodes

Collemodium schraderi Cambridge The pit, Madingley 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Aston Rowant 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collemodium turgidum Kent Seal near Sevenoaks 00.12.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes Leicester near Hamilton 00.00.1913 H P Reader Rhodes

Coniocybe furfuracea Isle of Man near St Fermans 05.06.1914 Hartley & Wheldon Rhodes

Coriscium viride Hampshire Bramble Hill, New Forest 05.07.1913 H M Livens Rhodes Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cell Fawr, Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Crocynia lanuginosa Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. x unnamed Merioneth Harlech Castle 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Cyphelium inquinans Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Worcs Goosehill Wood, Droitwich 20.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cyphelium stigonellum Yorkshire Easby Wood, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Dacampia hookeri Perth Ben Lawers n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Perth Ben Lawers 00.06.1913 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Dermatocarpon aquaticum Somerset near Oare 00.06.1913 W Watson Rhodes Radnor river Wye, Llanstephan 14.07.1928 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Dermatocarpon cinereum Denbigh Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Dermatocarpon hepaticum Gloucs Little Billing 05.03.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Hereford Moor Park n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

19 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Dermatocarpon lachneum Merioneth Harlech Castle 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Dermatocarpon miniatum Yorkshire Askrigg 02.06.1879 W Whitwell Whitwell Carnarvon Diganwy n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Channel Is Petit Bot, Guernsey 00.06.1921 HO? unnamed var. complicatum Cornwall St Brock n.d. W Curnow Bagnall Yorkshire Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Dilposchistes bryophilus Denbigh river Sychnant, Bwlchgwyn 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Diploschistes scruposus Shropshire Greenfields n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Dirina repanda ? ? 00.03.1926 D A Jones Rhodes

Endocarpon fluviatile Cumberland Derwent Water 00.06.1910 A Wilson Rhodes Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Caithness Dirlot 01.10.1906 D Lillie Rhodes

Endocarpon hepaticum Cambridge Devils Dyke, Newmarket Heath 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cambridge Fleam Dyke, West Wratting 02.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Endocarpon lachneum Devon Barton, St Mary-Church 04.12.1911 C E Larter Rhodes

Endocarpon miniatum Merioneth Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Bec du Nez, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. complicatum Yorkshire Ingleborough 00.09.1907 W West Rhodes

Endocarpon rufescens Lancs Dalton Crag 00.02.1904 A Wilson Rhodes Carnarvon Twll Du, Cwm Idwal 00.06.1910 Wilson & Rhodes Rhodes

Enterographa crassa Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Talsarnau 30.03.1927 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Enterographa hutchinsiae Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Ephebe lanata Merioneth Afon Cwm Mawr, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

20 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Co Kerry O'Sullivans Cascade, Killarney 12.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ephebe pubescens Westmore Coniston 00.06.1913 W G Travis Rhodes Carnarvon Pont Pen y Benglog, Llyn 00.06.1910 D A Jones Rhodes

Ephebeia hispidula Carnarvon river Ogwen, Ty'n-y-maes, 03.08.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bethesda Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 24.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Evernia furfuracea Durham Nidderdale n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Yorkshire x 00.00.1884 x unnamed Merioneth Cwm Mawr, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Forfar Deerhill Wood 00.04.1845 W Gardiner Scholes

Evernia prunastri Cambridge Madingley 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Hampshire the Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed Hampshire Rowlands Castle 00.12.1920 HO? unnamed Oxford Combe Wood, Cuddesdon 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Almond Park, Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Charlecote 15.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Ipsley 03.09.1886 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. stictocera Devon near Dawlish 00.04.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes Anglesey Newborough 20.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Graphina anguina Carnarvon Gwydir Woods 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. pulverulenta Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Graphina inustula Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall

Graphina ruiziana Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 22.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Graphis dendritica Hampshire Ramshaw Wood, New Forest 12.03.1911 H M Livens Rhodes

Graphis elegans Devon Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Gloucs Woodchester Park 00.07.1908 H P Reader Rhodes Hampshire Rowlands Castle 00.00.1922 HO? unnamed Westmore Naddle Forest 07.05.1904 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

21 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon near Bettws-y-Coed 00.04.1912 W West Rhodes Co Kerry Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Graphis ramificans Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 26.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Graphis scripta Derbyshire Melbourne n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Leicester Ingarsby 05.04.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes Shropshire Abdon n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Shirley Heath 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. divaricata Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. serpentina Shropshire Weir Coppice, Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall Shropshire Abdon n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Combe St Nicholas 00.12.1921 W Watson Rhodes

Graphis sophistica Channel Is St Martins, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Gyalecta cornea Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Llechwedd Woods 23.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Gyalecta cupularis Isle of Man Glen Maye Farm 00.00.1914 Wheldon & Hartley Rhodes

Gyalecta exanthematica Denbigh Llangollen n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes var. dolichospora Gloucs Crickley Hill near Cheltenham 20.12.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Gyalecta flotovii Cornwall Falmouth 10.07.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Ingleby n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Gyalecta flotowiana Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 27.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Gyalecta rubra Yorkshire Rievaulx, Bilsdale n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Gyrophora cirrosa Co Wicklow Tonlagee n.d. G Bohler Whitwell

Gyrophora cylindrica Durham Teesdale 00.10.1888 J B Stone Stone Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Carnarvon 00.06.1910 Jones, Wilson & Rhodes summit of Glydr Fawr Rhodes

22 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Caithness Bennabad 02.06.1908 D Lillie Rhodes Perth near Glen Beag 00.07.1889 W West Rhodes Perth summit of Ben Lawers 00.06.1913 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes Stirling east of Strathyre 00.08.1908 W West Rhodes

Gyrophora erosa Perth Trossachs 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone

Gyrophora flocculosa Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Gyrophora polyphylla Cumberland Mardale 00.04.1910 J W Hartley Rhodes Devon Dartmoor n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Yorkshire Battersby Moor n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Hawes 16.05.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Brecon Cwm Hepste 17.08.1927 Knight & Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Ayrshire Goat Fell, Arran 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes Perth Kinloch Rannoch 00.07.1910 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes Perth Ben Ledi 00.08.1908 W West Rhodes var. congregata Shropshire Arcoll Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Gyrophora polyrrhiza Devon Bone Hill, Dartmoor 02.08.1912 W Watson Rhodes Carnarvon Cwm Idwal 00.02.1887 J B Stone Stone Argyll Black Mount, Rannoch Moor 00.07.1912 A Wilson Rhodes

Gyrophora proboscidea Aberdeen Lochnagar 00.08.1852 Webster Whitwell Aberdeen Lochnagar 00.08.1852 x unnamed Caithness Bennabad 02.06.1908 D Lillie Rhodes Inverness Creag a Chalamain above 00.07.1908 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes Rothiemurchus Forest Forfar Clova 00.07.1846 x Bagnall Forfar Clova n.d. W Gardiner Whitwell Perth Trossachs 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone Perth Ben More 00.07.1905 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes var. fimbriata Aberdeen Lochnagar 00.00.1850 x Whitwell

Gyrophora spodochroa Westmore Langdale Pikes 00.05.1908 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Gyrophora torrefacta Merioneth Cwm Mawr, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Shetland Colle Firth 00.08.1911 W West Rhodes

Haematomma coccineum Durham High Force, Teesdale n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Shropshire Nesscliff Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Haematomma ventosum

23 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon Pen-Maen-Mawr n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 24.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanactis abietina Hampshire Fritham, New Forest 10.09.1912 R G Livens Rhodes Northumber Wark 00.07.1879 W Johnson Bagnall

Lecanactis illecebrosa Shropshire Upton Magna n.d. x Bagnall

Lecanactis premnea Derbyshire Grindliford Bridge n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Devon Lynmouth 00.08.1877 E M Holmes Bagnall Devon Lynmouth n.d. x unnamed Hampshire Fritham, New Forest 30.12.1912 H M Livens Rhodes

Lecania albariella Cambridge Cherry Hinton 27.05.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecania erysibe Anglesey Llangwyfan 20.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 00.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecania prosechoides Somerset Clevedon Beck 00.04.1924 W W Rhodes Merioneth Glyn, Harlech 25.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Limerick Fogues? 00.06.1910 M C Knowles Rhodes

Lecania syringea Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora actophila Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora allophana Cambridge Bourne 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cambridge Madingley 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Garsington 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora angulosa Cambridge Cherry Hinton 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora atra Oxford Horsepath 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Hartlebury Common 03.05.1871 J H Thompson Bagnall Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon Borth-y-Gest 00.08.1908 H J Parsons Rhodes Pembroke Redberry Bay, Caldey Is 25.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Grande Rocque, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora atrocinerea Channel Is Tour de Rozel, Jersey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

24 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora atrynea Cheshire river Mersey, near Eastham 00.01.1904 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Lecanora aurantiaca Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora badia Shropshire Long Mynd n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh Minera Mt, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Harlech 13.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecanora caesiocinerea Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora calcarea Gloucs Painswick n.d. HO? unnamed Oxford Combe Wood, Cuddesdon 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. contorta Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh Minera Mt 05.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora callopisma Carnarvon Little Ormes Head 01.03.1911 H Wilkinson Rhodes

Lecanora calva Isle of Man Ballasalla 00.09.1914 J Hunter Rhodes

Lecanora candicans Lancs Silverdale Cove 00.03.1910 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Lecanora carpinea Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecanora cartilaginea Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Lecanora cerina Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora chlarona Cambridge Copley Hill, Babraham 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Aston Rowant 11.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 04.01.1911 J Glover Rhodes Co Down Saintfield 00.03.1910 C H Waddell Rhodes

Lecanora cinerea Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Shropshire Long Mynd n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Channel Is Vale Castle, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Le Jaonnet, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

25 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora cirrochroa Lancs Silverdale 00.11.1910 A Wilson Rhodes

Lecanora coilocarpa Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Shirley Heath 00.11.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Lecanora conizaea Isle of Man Ballasalla 00.09.1914 J W Hartley Rhodes Warks Hampton-in-Arden 28.06.1883 R Rogers Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Great Packington 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 00.01.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 28.08.1924 HO? unnamed

Lecanora crassa Lancs Warton Crag 06.04.1908 J W Hartley Rhodes

Lecanora crenulata Lancs Walton 00.02.1913 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Lecanora dicksonii Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell

Lecanora dispersa Warks his garden in Edgbaston, 12.09.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Birmingham Warks his garden in Edgbaston, 12.09.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Birmingham

Lecanora epanora Merioneth Barmouth 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Talsarnau 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora erythrella Channel Is Chilean Pt, Sark 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora expallens Somerset Thurlbear, near Taunton 06.06.1914 W Watson Rhodes Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Glyn Artro, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora ferruginea Channel Is Moulin Huet Bay, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. festiva Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora flavida Yorkshire Cockshaw Bank n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Lecanora frustulosa Perth Ben Lawers n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

26 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora galactina Cambridge Madingley church 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Leicester Ashby Magna 07.03.1912 H P Reader Rhodes subsp . dispersa Warks garden at 91 Wentworth Rd, 00.09.1923 W H Edwards Rhodes Harborne Warks garden in Edgbaston, Birmingham 31.08.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Yardley, Birmingham 00.10.1923 x unnamed

Lecanora gelida Merioneth Talsarnau, Harlech 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora gibbosa Leicester Burrough Hill 12.03.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Merioneth Abergwynant, near Dolgelly 05.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora lacustris Brecon Blaen Hepste 18.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Fishguard 30.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora lobulata Merioneth Trufanau 19.08.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes Channel Is Hommet off Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora lutea Leicester Baggrave Park 00.00.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes

Lecanora muralis Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Cock Inn, Wishaw 00.10.1871 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Lecanora murora Cambridge Madingley Court 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Lancs Silverdale 00.09.1904 J A Wheldon Rhodes Channel Is Vale Castle, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora pallida Cornwall St Minver 10.07.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Preston Bagot 22.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Lecanora parella Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Cardigan Gwbert-on-Sea 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Pembroke Redberry Bay, Caldey Is 25.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 00.06.1921 HO? unnamed var. turneri Yorkshire Ayton n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Lecanora piniperda Oxford Garsington 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cwm Bychan 00.06.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecanora polytropa

27 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. subglobosa Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley n.d. T Hebden Rhodes

Lecanora prevostii Gloucs Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham 01.05.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Lecanora rugosa Cambridge Cherry Hinton 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Aston Rowant 11.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora saxicola Channel Is La Coupe, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora sordida Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Harlech 22.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora spodophaezia Caithness Forse 05.08.1908 D Lillie Rhodes

Lecanora subcarnea Merioneth Cwm Bychan 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora subcircinata Switzerland Birbaumena, Plasselb, Fribourg 24.06.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora subdepressa Denbigh Llanycil, Berwyn 08.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora subfusca Cambridge Madingley 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Hereford Holme Lacy 00.10.1879 E M Holmes Bagnall Oxford Aston Rowant 11.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Olton 00.04.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Bourton Heath 14.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wootton Wawen 00.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Preston Bagot n.d. x unnamed Worcs Lickey Hills 04.10.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. allophana Warks Wootton Wawen 22.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Copt Heath 00.11.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wootton Wawen n.d. x unnamed var. campestris Cambridge Chesterton 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Vale Castle, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. chlarona Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Wootton Wawen 00.04.1878 J E Bagnall Bagnall var. geographica Somerset Aisholt 29.11.1914 W Watson Rhodes

Lecanora subtartarea

28 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora sulphurea Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Talsarnau 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Arran Corriegills 00.07.1910 W G Travis Rhodes Channel Is Tour de Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora symmictera Somerset Edington 00.07.1916 W Watson Rhodes Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora tartarea Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Twll Du, Cwm Idwal 00.06.1910 Wilson & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Rhaiadr Du, Dolgelly 31.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes var. gonatodes Forfar Clova Mountains 00.07.1843 W Gardiner Scholes

Lecanora umbrina var. gregata Co Down Kircubbin 07.09.1915 J Glover Rhodes

Lecanora urbana Warks Oscott College, Sutton Coldfield 29.03.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora varia Cambridge Milton 00.01.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Leicester Haxby Hills 08.01.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Oxford Aston Rowant 11.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Wyre Forest 00.10.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Hampton-in-Arden 00.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Sutton Park 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Lecanora variabilis var. ecrustacea Lancs Silverdale 00.03.1911 J W Hartley Rhodes

Lecanora ventosa Caithness Leodibuist 12.09.1906 D Lillie Rhodes Perth Glen Beg 00.07.1889 W West Rhodes

Lecanora vitellina Oxford Horsepath 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora xantholyta Lancs Warton Crag 00.04.1910 J W Hartley Rhodes

Lecidea alboatra Channel Is near Le Gouffre, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is St Martins Point, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is La Coupe, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

29 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea albocaerulescens Channel Is Rozel Fort, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea alpestris Perth S. side of Ben Chalum 00.07.1910 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Lecidea arctica Argyll Bendoran 00.08.1913 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea caeruleonigricans Cambridge Devils Dyke, Newmarket Heath 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea canescens Cambridge Grantchester churchyard 00.02.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Leicester Kibworth 24.09.1903 Miss Whitton Rhodes Sussex Winchelsea 22.10.1909 W H Wilkinson Rhodes

Lecidea caradocensis Rutland Bolton 11.06.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes

Lecidea carneolutea Dorset Studland 25.04.1908 G M Holmes Rhodes

Lecidea chalybeia Isle of Wight St Brinfare Down 23.04.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes

Lecidea cinerascens Pembroke Goodwick Bay, Fishguard 30.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Argyll Meall nan Tigeann 00.07.1912 W G Travis Rhodes

Lecidea coarctata Leicester Burrough Hill 12.03.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Shropshire Abdon n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Isle of Man ? 00.08.1909 J W Hartley Rhodes

Lecidea confertula Merioneth above Harlech 00.03.1922 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 00.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea confluens Perth Ben Lawers 00.08.1913 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea contigua Oxford Chinnor 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon Cwm Cnyfian, Ogwen 00.06.1910 Wilson & Rhodes Rhodes Isle of Man Clycur 00.08.1908 J W Hartley Rhodes Channel Is Le Catel, Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry O'Sullivans Cascade, Killarney 14.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. platycarpa Pembroke St Ishmaels rocks 00.07.1907 A Brinkman Rhodes

30 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea crossa Caithness Sevutial 07.11.1907 D Lillie Rhodes

Lecidea crustulata Leicester Botcheston 08.01.1905 A R Horwood Rhodes Shropshire Gloppa near Oswestry 00.04.1914 W G Travis Rhodes Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea decipiens Somerset Bruton 21.03.1908 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea decolorans Leicester Beacon Hill 12.04.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes

Lecidea exanthema Lancs Warton Crag 00.03.1911 J W Hartley Rhodes

Lecidea expansa Somerset Blue Anchor 00.09.1921 W Watson Rhodes Warks Hampton-in-Arden n.d. J E Bagnall Bagnall

Lecidea friesii Inverness Larig Ghru 00.07.1909 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Lecidea fuscoatra Devon Lynton n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Carnarvon Moel Gwynant 00.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Glyn, Harlech 25.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea gagei Merioneth Llechwedd 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea geographica Carnarvon Moel Eilio 23.08.1904 H J Parsons Rhodes

Lecidea glaucolepidea Co Wicklow near Liffey Head Bridge 18.08.1929 M C Knowles Rhodes

Lecidea goniophila Merioneth Harlech 07.12.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecidea granulosa Westmore Cleavethorpe Fell 00.04.1913 J W Hartley Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 00.02.1925 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Bousdale n.d. J Nowell Whitwell

Lecidea immersa Derbyshire Matlock n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Denbigh Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea jurana Denbigh Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

31 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea lactea Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 24.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea lapicida Durham Saltburn 00.08.1913 W T Dull Rhodes

Lecidea latypea Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 28.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1928 Rhodes & Jones Rhodes Channel Is Hommet Benest, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea lenticularis Leicester Burrough Hill 12.03.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes

Lecidea leucophaea Denbigh Minera Mt 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea lightfootii Caithness Scouttoal 25.10.1906 D Lillie Rhodes

Lecidea lucida Merioneth Glyn, Harlech 25.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea lurida Durham Teesdale 00.10.1888 J B Stone Stone Yorkshire Ingleborough 00.04.1887 W West Rhodes

Lecidea metzleri Dorset Portland 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea micrococca Somerset Castle Neroche, near Taunton 00.01.1924 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea myriocarpa Cambridge Sheeps Green 00.02.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Leicester Cold Newton 28.07.1904 A R Horwood Rhodes Leicester between Knighton & Wigston 15.04.1909 H P Reader Rhodes Magna Channel Is Roman Wall, Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea ochracea Gloucs Longhope 14.06.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Lecidea ostreata Bedford Ampsthill 21.10.1909 H P Reader Rhodes Oxford Nuneham Park, Burcot 00.05.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Lecidea parasema Cambridge Haslingfield 00.06.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Isle of Wight Carisbrooke n.d. x Bagnall Oxford Cuddesdon Brook 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. elaeochroma

32 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon The Woods, Colwyn Bay 06.03.1911 W H Wilkinson Rhodes

Lecidea petraea Bucks near Wendover 00.09.1908 H P Reader Rhodes Flint Gwernymyndd 00.08.1910 W G Travis Rhodes

Lecidea phaeops Merioneth Cwm Bychan n.d. x Bagnall Merioneth Cwm Moch, Harlech 00.00.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecidea prominula Merioneth Bryn gwyn, Harlech 00.01.1923 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecidea protusa Merioneth Nant Artro 00.10.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecidea quernea Somerset Hawkridge, Taunton n.d. W Watson Rhodes Worcs Malvern n.d. x Bagnall

Lecidea rivulosa Hereford x 05.04.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes Merioneth Bird Rock, Towyn 24.08.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes

Lecidea sabuletorum Channel Is Petit Bot valley, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea salweii Channel Is Petit Port, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea sanguinaria Carnarvon Moel Siabod 00.04.1908 W West Rhodes Forfar Dundee n.d. W Gardiner Scholes Inverness Larig Ghru Pass 00.07.1909 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes var. affinis Merioneth Cwm Bychan 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea sanguineoatra Channel Is Roman Wall, Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea submoestula Co Antrim Whitepark Bay 00.08.1927 M C Knowles Rhodes

Lecidea sylvicola var. infidula Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 x Rhodes

Lecidea tricolor Leicester Shawell Wood 26.11.1908 H P Reader Rhodes

Lecidea turneriana Pembroke Caldey Island 00.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

33 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea uliginosa Lancs Formby 00.04.1913 W G Travis Rhodes Lancs Freshfield 00.12.1911 W G Travis Rhodes Lancs R. Mersey, Hale 00.08.1912 W G Travis Rhodes Leicester Glo….. Field 06.05.1910 A R Horwood Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 23.03.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Sutton Park 00.00.1925 HO? unnamed Warks Sutton Park 28.08.1924 HO? unnamed Perth Ben Lin 00.08.1913 W Watson Rhodes

Lecidea umbonella Merioneth Cwm Meirch, Llyn Gwynant 00.03.1925 D A Jones Rhodes

Lecidea viridiatra Denbigh Minera Mt, Wrexham 00.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Leciographa parasitica Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Lemmopsis arnoldiana Gloucs Whitcombe Woods, Birdlip, 00.01.1928 Knight & Jones Rhodes Cheltenham

Lemmopsis leptogiella Surrey Shiere n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall

Leproloma lanuginosum Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogidium dendriscum Co Kerry near Derrycunihy, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium microphyllum Cornwall near Penzance 00.03.1921 W Watson Rhodes

Leptogium andegavense Somerset Staplegrove, Taunton 00.02.1921 W Watson Rhodes

Leptogium biatorinum Gloucs Gotherington railway cutting, nr 16.03.1925 H H Knight Rhodes Cheltenham

Leptogium burgessii Merioneth Harlech Castle 22.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Argyll near Loch Awe 00.04.1907 W West Rhodes

Leptogium fragrans Yorkshire Ingleby Park n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Leptogium lacerum Oxford Coombe Wood, Cuddesdon 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Somerset Broomfield 00.05.1912 W Watson Rhodes Perth Kenmore 00.06.1913 A Wilson Rhodes

34 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Perth Trossachs 00.10.1888 J B Stone Stone var. lophaeum Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 22.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium microscopicum Somerset Hestercombe 15.03.1911 W Watson Rhodes

Leptogium minutissimum Leicester Ashby Magna 01.04.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes

Leptogium palmatum Channel Is Guernsey, Monhin Huet Valley 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium pulveratum Lancs Warton Crag 20.03.1908 J W Hartley Rhodes Leicester near John O Gaunt station 00.11.1914 A R Horwood Rhodes Carnarvon cascade nr Bettws-y-Coed 21.04.1912 HM & RG Livens Rhodes

Leptogium pusillum Gloucs Sheepscombe near Cheltenham 20.12.1924 H H Knight Rhodes Gloucs near Cheltenham 00.12.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Leptogium ruginosum Merioneth Llechwedd du Mawr, Harlech 00.01.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Leptogium schraderi Yorkshire Wicken Cragg, Keighley n.d. T Hebden Rhodes Co Kerry Mucros, Killarney 16.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium scotinum Lancs Freshfield 00.11.1913 W G Travis Rhodes Merioneth Morfa, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Inverness head of Glen Nant 00.07.1912 W G Travis Rhodes var. sinuatum Lancs Sandhills, Formby 00.12.1905 J A Wheldon Rhodes

Leptogium subtile Somerset Pond Wood near Monksilver 00.10.1916 W Watson Rhodes

Leptogium tenuissimum Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley 00.06.1913 T W Hebden Rhodes

Leptogium tremelloides Merioneth Llechwedd Woods 00.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle 23.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium turgidum Lancs Freshfield 00.11.1910 W G Travis Rhodes Shropshire Upton, Shiffnal n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Lichina confinis Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is St Peter Port, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

35 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Caithness Forse 30.05.1906 D Lillie Rhodes

Lichina pygmaea Devon Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 01.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Anglesey Porth y Post, Holyhead 28.07.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Anglesey Trwyn y Penrhyn, Beaumaris 23.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lobaria laciniata Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Perth Killin 23.04.1908 J Hunter Rhodes Perth Killin 23.04.1908 J Hunter Rhodes

Lobaria laetevirens Yorkshire Ingleton n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell

Lobaria pulmonaria Devon Lydford n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon near Bangor 00.06.1884 J E Griffith Bagnall Carnarvon near Dolwreiddiof, Llanbedr 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon Beaumaris n.d. x unnamed Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1886 J B Stone Stone Argyll Oban 00.08.1881 J Morley Bagnall Co Antrim Unslough Glen 13.07.1915 J Glover Rhodes

Lobaria scrobiculata Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Massalongia carnosa Cornwall Helmentor 11.07.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Merioneth School garden, Harlech 00.10.1922 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Nant Artro, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Melanotheca gelatinosa Shropshire Stableford n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Oareford 00.05.1918 H H Knight Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.04.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 28.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Microthelia micula Merioneth Cwm Bychan, Harlech 00.04.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Nephromium laevigatum Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. parile Merioneth Harlech Castle 22.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Nephromium lusitanicum Devon Dartmoor 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone

36 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Devon Torquay n.d. x Bagnall Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Harlech 00.08.1911 Travis Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr quarry 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Inverness Glen Nevis 30.08.1907 W West Rhodes

Normandina pulchella Carnarvon Llyn Aran 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Co Kerry Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Mayo Louisburgh 00.06.1911 W West Rhodes

Opegrapha atra Cheshire Birkland n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Leicester Sproxton 03.12.1907 A R Horwood Rhodes Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs near Kidderminster 00.00.1854 x Bagnall Yorkshire Easby Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Cardigan river side Cardigan 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Co Down Tollymore Park 00.07.1889 C H Waddell Rhodes var. arthonioides Co Down Saintfield 00.02.1910 C H Waddell Rhodes var. denigrata Shropshire Tong Priory n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. ocellata Co Down Kircubbin 04.01.1909 J Glover Rhodes var. parallela Channel Is Hougue des Doreys, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is near St Martins, Jersey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Opegrapha calcarea Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Harlech Castle 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Leitrim Dromahaire 00.07.1916 M C Knowles Rhodes

Opegrapha chevallieri Oxford Palace, Cuddesdon 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Opegrapha confluens Cornwall Tintagel 14.09.1911 H M Livens Rhodes

Opegrapha herpetica Cambridge Teversham 00.11.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Rutland Belton 11.06.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Somerset Whitestaunton 00.05.1918 W Watson Rhodes Yorkshire Airyholme Wood, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall Yorkshire Cleveland n.d. x unnamed var. elegans Yorkshire Ingleby n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. fuscata Nottingham Rufford Manor 00.05.1889 J B Stone Stone var. subocellata Yorkshire Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

37 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Opegrapha leightonii Gloucs Puckham Farm, near Cheltenham 02.02.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Opegrapha lentiginosa Hampshire Bramshaw Wood, New Forest 11.11.1909 H M Livens Rhodes

Opegrapha lyncea Durham Birkland n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Hampshire Bramble Hill, New Forest 18.02.1912 H M Livens Rhodes Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Opegrapha saxicola Lancs Morecambe Bay 00.00.1910 J W Hartley Rhodes Carnarvon Llandudno n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. decandollei Denbigh Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Opegrapha siderella Somerset Aisholt 00.04.1924 W Watson Rhodes var. subsiderella Somerset Kingston, near Taunton 14.04.1924 W Watson Rhodes

Opegrapha varia Durham Birkland n.d. G Bohler Whitwell Shropshire Nesscliff n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. notha Shropshire Montford Bridge n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. rimalis Leicester Gopsall n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell var. tigrina Northumber Wark 00.00.1879 W Johnson Bagnall

Opegrapha vulgata Lancs Warton Crag 00.03.1908 J W Hartley Rhodes Leicester near Scraptoft 10.04.1904 A R Horwood Rhodes Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Bryn Maelgwyn n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Cader Idris n.d. x Bagnall Merioneth Cader Idris n.d. x unnamed Co Tyrone Dungannon 00.09.1916 M C Knowles Rhodes

Opegrapha zonata Merioneth Harlech 22.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Pannaria hookeri Perth Ben Lawers n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Pannaria nebulosa Cumberland Ennerdale Lake 00.00.1879 W Johnson Bagnall Isle of Man Glen Wyllin 00.08.1912 J W Hartley Rhodes

38 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Somerset near Minehead 12.07.1913 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle 22.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Pannaria rubiginosa Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Cumberland near Seatoller, Borrowdale 00.06.1910 A Wilson Rhodes Co Kerry Ross Island, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. conoplea Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 23.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Glyn Artro, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Pannularia nigra Gloucs mill at Painswick n.d. HO? unnamed Leicester Tilton Hill 17.04.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pannularia triptophylla Dunbarton Glen Suse 00.08.1908 W West Rhodes

Parmelia acetabulum Cambridge near Mafingley 00.11.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia borreri Leicester Gilmorton 00.03.1912 H P Reader Rhodes Leicester Kibworth 28.10.1903 M E Whitton Rhodes Co Wexford Guniscorthy 00.04.1908 V Cooper Rhodes

Parmelia caperata Kent military canal, Hythe 02.10.1911 W H Wilkinson Rhodes Warks Oakley Wood 20.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wiverley Wood 11.04.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Burford 00.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Oakley Wood n.d. x unnamed Warks Burford n.d. x unnamed Cardigan river side Cardigan 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Merioneth Barmouth n.d. x unnamed Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Co Galway Barna Head 00.08.1912 R G Livens Rhodes Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 26.06.1921 HO? unnamed

Parmelia cetrarioides Merioneth Harlech Castle 04.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia ciliata Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia conspersa Cumberland Borrowdale 00.03.1910 W West Rhodes Lancs Cropstone n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Yorkshire Clapham n.d. T Hebden Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell var. isidiata Carnarvon Capel Curig 28.02.1887 J B Stone Stone

39 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Parmelia delisei Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia dubia Leicester Twycross 07.09.1878 J E Bagnall Stone Warks Preston Bagot 22.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Merioneth Cae du, Harlech 24.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes var. reddenda Merioneth Talsarnau, Harlech 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia exasperata Cambridge Madingley 00.11.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs near Bewdley n.d. HO? unnamed Yorkshire Ayton n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Co Donegal near Dungloe 00.08.1901 W West Rhodes

Parmelia fuliginosa Cambridge Hayley Wood, E Hatley 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Somerset Taunton 07.05.1912 W Watson Rhodes Warks Arley 31.11.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Frankton Wood 14.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Coleshill Heath 05.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wootton Wawen 00.04.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wootton Wawen n.d. x unnamed Wiltshire Sarsen stones, Fifield 07.05.1908 H J Parsons Rhodes var. laetevirens Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 24.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia hyperopta Merioneth Nant Artro, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia laevigata Cumberland Rosthwaite, Borrowdale 00.03.1910 W West Rhodes Devon Lustleigh Cleeve 00.08.1868 H J Parsons Rhodes Carnarvon Llanberis 00.08.1915 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Rhaiadr Du, Dolgelly 31.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 00.02.1886 J B Stone Stone

Parmelia lanata Carnarvon Moel Siabod 20.04.1912 H M Livens Rhodes Caithness Bennalead 02.06.1908 D Lillie Rhodes Inverness Ben Lui 00.07.1912 W G Travis Rhodes Sutherland near Tongue 31.05.1912 D Lillie Rhodes

Parmelia mougeotii Cornwall Withiel, Bodmin n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Yorkshire Battersby Moor n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Glyn, Harlech 25.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia multifida Merioneth Cwm Mawr, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia olivetorum

40 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Somerset Hawkridge, Aisholt 21.02.1915 W Watson Rhodes

Parmelia omphalodes Cumberland near Seatoller 00.03.1910 W West Rhodes Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon Cwm Idwal 00.09.1871 J E Bagnall Bagnall Carnarvon Cwm Idwal 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Cwm Idwal n.d. x Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 28.02.1887 J B Stone Stone Merioneth above Dyffryn 07.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes N Wales Moel Cynwch 00.04.1911 H M Livens Rhodes Perth Rannoch Moor 00.07.1910 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes Channel Is Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin, moors 25.12.1911 J Glover Rhodes var. alpestris Inverness Geal Charn, Glen Feshie 00.07.1909 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Parmelia perlata Devon Slapton Sands 01.05.1909 H J Parsons Rhodes Hampshire Rowlands Castle 00.00.1922 HO? unnamed Worcs Holly Bush Hill, Malvern 03.04.1866 x Bagnall Worcs Malvern n.d. x unnamed Merioneth Barmouth n.d. x unnamed Merioneth Dolgelly n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1907 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Sark 05.06.1921 HO? unnamed var. ciliata Channel Is Sark 00.00.1921 x unnamed

Parmelia pertusa Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Rhaiadr Du, Dolgelly 31.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth n.d. x unnamed

Parmelia physodes Cambridge Great Heath 00.10.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Hampshire The Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed Hampshire The Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed Hampshire Rowlands Castle 00.12.1920 HO? unnamed Lancs Todmorden n.d. Nowell & Bohler Whitwell Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Hampton-in-Arden 18.11.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Honiley 00.03.1880 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Shustoke 04.04.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Shustoke n.d. x unnamed Warks Sutton Park, Upper Nuthurst 28.08.1924 HO? unnamed Channel Is Le Jaonnet, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. labrosa Worcs Hartlebury 06.04.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire Harden n.d. T Hebden Rhodes

41 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Merioneth above Dyffryn 00.07.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. platyphylla Kent Hythe 25.09.1911 W H Wilkinson Rhodes

Parmelia pilosella Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Parmelia proboscidea Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Parmelia prolixa Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 01.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Doyles Pillar, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes unnamed subsp. d elisei Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Parmelia revoluta Hampshire Bournemouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Cricket St Thomas 00.10.1914 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.05.1922 D A Jones Rhodes var. concentrica Dorset Melbury Hill near Shaftesbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Parmelia saxatilis Cambridge Comberton 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Derbyshire near Nashgate, Longnor 18.04.1924 HO? unnamed Shropshire Wrekin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Worcs Malvern n.d. x Bagnall Yorkshire Cononley 06.06.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Ayrshire x n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Caithness Dunbeath 18.04.1906 D Lillie Rhodes Inverness? near Loch Maree? 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 26.06.1921 HO? unnamed x x n.d. x unnamed

Parmelia scortea Leicester Burrough Hill 12.03.1908 A R Horwood Rhodes Warks Hill Bickenhill 20.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Denbigh Llangollen 16.04.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia sinuosa Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Parmelia subaurifera Co Down Kircubbin 00.12.1914 J Glover Rhodes

Parmelia sulcata Cambridge Gamlingay 00.10.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Somerset near Taunton 00.05.1912 W Watson Rhodes Warks Charlcote 14.10.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Napton-on-the-Hill 00.08.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall

42 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Warks Eatington 15.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Charlcote n.d. x unnamed Warks Napton-on-the-Hill n.d. x unnamed Worcs Arley 00.03.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Ayton, Cleveland n.d. x Bagnall Cardigan x n.d. HO? unnamed Merioneth Dyffryn 00.07.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia tiliacea Merioneth Torrent Walk, Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.05.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Parmelia tristis Caithness Ben na Lead 02.04.1908 D Lillie Rhodes Sutherland near Tongue 31.05.1912 D Lillie Rhodes

Parmelia vittata Merioneth Cwm Bychan 10.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia sp. Warks Blackroot Glade, Sutton Park 09.03.1924 HO? unnamed

Parmeliella corallinoides Merioneth Glyn Artro, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry near Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmeliella plumbea Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Devon Throwleigh n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Devon Dewerstone Rocks 00.03.1879 E M Holmes Bagnall Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Co Kerry Ross Island, Killarney 15.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmeliopsis ambigua Essex near Wake Arms, Epping Forest 08.01.1910 R Paulsen Rhodes

Peltidea aphthosa Yorkshire near Sedbergh 00.04.1879 H P Parsons Rhodes

Peltigera canina Devon Dartmoor 00.02.1886 J B Stone Stone Devon Dartmoor n.d. unnamed x Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall Warks Coleshill 14.04.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Mulgrave Woods, Whitby n.d. Hebden Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth above Dyffryn 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. crumpens Warks Hampton-in-Arden 18.11.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Peltigera horizontalis Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

43 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Northumber Wark 00.00.1879 W Johnson Bagnall Warks Compton Verney 14.04.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Teesdale 00.05.1894 J A Wheldon Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Rostrevor 00.07.1898 E M Holmes Rhodes

Peltigera polydactyla Cornwall Helmentor n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Leicester Long Clawson tunnel 22.03.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes Oxford Coombe Wood, Cuddesdon 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Hope Bowdler n.d. W A Leighton Bagnall Warks Lye Green 00.03.1880 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Tanworth 00.10.1873 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Tanworth-in-Arden n.d. x unnamed Cardigan Lane, Verwig 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Channel Is Jersey, St Martins 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Peltigera rufescens Lancs Clitheroe 00.00.1906 J A Wheldon Rhodes Lancs Warton Crag 20.03.1908 J W Hartley Rhodes Warks Coleshill 05.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Arley Wood 00.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Coleshill n.d. x unnamed Cardigan Lane, Verwig 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed var. praetexta Warks Rowington 00.04.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Oxford Aston Rowant 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Peltigera spuria Gloucs 00.01.1928 Knight, Jones & Rhodes Andoversford Rhodes Yorkshire Harden Moor, Keighley n.d. Hebden Rhodes Merioneth Morfa, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Peltigera scutata Perth Trossachs 04.10.1886 J B Stone Stone Perth Trossachs n.d. x unnamed Co Kerry Hunting Tower, Killarney 23.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria amara Cambridge Hayley Wood 00.06.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Horsepath 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria ceuthocarpa Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Moulin Huet Bay, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. variolosa Channel Is near Tour de Rozel, Jersey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

44 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Pertusaria coccodes Leicester Long Clawson 22.03.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes

Pertusaria concreta Merioneth Talsarnau 06.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Loch Gal 00.08.1913 x Rhodes

Pertusaria dealbata Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Pertusaria faginea Hampshire The Thicket, near Havant n.d. x unnamed Hampshire Stanstead near Rowlands Castle 00.10.1924 HO? unnamed Worcs near Bewdley n.d. HO? unnamed Worcs Diglis 00.11.1868 x Bagnall Yorkshire Bolton Woods 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone

Pertusaria globulifera Leicester between Lutterworth and Kimcote 04.06.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes Warks Solihull 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Pertusaria lactea Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 24.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria leioplaca Somerset Puckington 00.06.1915 W Watson Rhodes Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Derrycunihy, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Rozel Manor Valley, Jersey 00.04.1903 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria multipuncta Gloucs Woodchester 00.07.1910 H P Reader Rhodes Merioneth Crafnant, Artro Valley 00.10.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Pertusaria pertusa Oxford Aston Rowant 11.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Edge Hill 18.04.1884 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Whey-porridge Lane 00.09.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Hawes 16.05.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Loretto Convent, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria reducta Merioneth Nant Artro, Harlech 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria sulphurea Merioneth Cwm Moch, Talsarnau 00.10.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Pertusaria wulfenii Somerset Hornet Wood 13.07.1913 W Watson Rhodes Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

45 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Phaeographis inusta Derbyshire Melbourne n.d. G Bohler Whitwell var. macularis Merioneth Ynys-faeg n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Phaeographis lyellii Derbyshire Melbourne n.d. G Bohler Whitwell

Phlyctis agelaea Yorkshire Airyholme Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Phlyctis argena Leicester between Gadby and Kegthorpe 00.09.1913 H P Reader Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 24.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia adglutinata Cambridge Cherry Hinton chalk pits 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia aipolia Leicester between Theddingworth and 00.08.1913 H P Reader Rhodes Laughton Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. cercidia Cambridge Grantchester 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia aquila Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia astroidea Cornwall Newlyn Cliffs, Penzance n.d. W Curnow Bagnall Leicester Twycross n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Physcia caesia Derbyshire Brierlow near Buxton 04.08.1905 H J Parsons Rhodes Devon Dartmoor 00.03.1885 J B Stone Stone Denbigh Bwlch gwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Physcia ciliaris Durham Middleton, Teesdale n.d. Bohler & Nowell Whitwell Oxford Wheatfield 00.04.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Oakley 00.06.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Edge Hill 00.07.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Oakley n.d. x unnamed Worcs Cowleigh Park, Malvern 14.05.1868 x Bagnall Pembroke Dale 00.08.1907 A Brinkman Rhodes var. melanosticta Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell

Physcia elaeina Merioneth Cae du Abor, Harlech 00.12.1923 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Harlech 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

46 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Physcia erosa Somerset Toulton near Taunton 16.02.1908 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth , Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Cae Du, Harlech 24.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia flavicans Scilly Isles St Mary 00.04.1903 W West Rhodes Channel Is near Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is La Moye, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia fusca Devon Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Guernsey n.d. x unnamed

Physcia hispida Cambridge Upware 05.07.1924 HO? unnamed Cumberland Skelton 00.00.1879 W Johnson Bagnall Shropshire x n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Simonstone, Hawes 16.05.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Anglesey Trwyn y Penrhyn, Beaumaris 24.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Forfar Auchterhouse 00.05.1843 W Gardiner Scholes

Physcia leucomela Devon Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Dorset Studland 00.04.1908 E M Holmes Rhodes

Physcia lithotea Brecon Blaen Hepste n.d. x Rhodes Denbigh Minera Mountain 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia orbicularis Cornwall Penzance 17.06.1870 W Curnow Bagnall Warks near Stratford-on-Avon 00.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Pembroke Tenby 06.01.1885 J B Stone Bagnall

Physcia parietina Cambridge Coe Fen 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Broadway Hill 12.03.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes var. ectanea Channel Is Doyles Monument, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 00.06.1911 J Glover Rhodes

Physcia pityrea Cambridge Coton 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia polycarpa Cambridge Devils Dyke, Newmarket Heath 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Leicester Ingarsby 00.07.1913 H P Reader Rhodes Leicester Ayleston 15.03.1906 A R Horwood Rhodes

Physcia pulverulenta Cambridge Trumpington 02.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

47 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cambridge Fordham 00.06.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Oxford Cuddesdon 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Farnborough 00.04.1887 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Lower Eatington 15.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell var. pityrea Kent military canal, Hythe 22.09.1911 W H Wilkinson Rhodes Oxford Cuddesdon 00.02.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. venusta Somerset Stoke St Mary 08.01.1918 Watson & Rhodes Rhodes Warks Wootton Wawen 22.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Physcia stellaris Cornwall Newlyn Cliff n.d. W Curnow Bagnall Devon Sidmouth n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall var. aipolia Warks Wasperton 15.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Worcs Powick 04.05.1852 x Bagnall var. cercidia Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell subsp. tenella Leicester Kibworth 00.00.1904 Miss Whitton Rhodes

Physcia tenella Cambridge Cherry Hinton chalk pits 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Petit Port, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia ulothrix var. virella Cambridge Milton 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Cambridge Coe Fen 00.12.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physma chalazanodes Gloucs Bishops Cleeve, near Cheltenham 03.12.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Pilophorus cereolus Merioneth Cwm Moch, Talsarnau 00.10.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Placodium aurantiacum var. flavovirescens Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 00.10.1928 D A Jones Rhodes

Placodium callopismum x Salham n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Montgomery Llanymynech 00.11.1871 x Bagnall Pembroke Tenby 00.01.1885 J B Stone Stone Pembroke Caldey Island 18.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Caldey Island 00.04.1916 P G M Rhodes unnamed

Placodium cirrochroum Devon Torquay n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall

48 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Placodium citrinum Devon Millbrook, Devonport 00.08.1879 E M Holmes Bagnall

Placodium erythrocarpum Warks Shirley 00.11.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall

Placodium fulgens Pembroke Caldey Island 11.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium lobulatum Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Pembroke Caldey Island 00.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Drinkim Bay, Caldey Island 15.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes x x n.d. x Rhodes

Placodium luteoalbum Bucks near Buckingham 02.08.1875 E M Holmes Bagnall Kent Eynsford n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall

Placodium murorum Shropshire Tong Priory n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Co Down Kircubbin 00.09.1914 J Glover Rhodes var. pusillum Yorkshire Ayton n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Placodium sympageum Somerset Stoke St Mary 00.03.1914 W Watson Rhodes

Placodium variabile var. ecrustacea Pembroke Caldey Island 20.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium vitellinulum Pembroke Priory Bay, Caldey Island 20.04.1916 P G M Rhodes unnamed

Placodium xantholytum Yorkshire Clapham near Ingleton 00.04.1925 D A Jones Rhodes Carnarvon Great Ormes Head 02.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Placolecania candicans Carnarvon Great Orme 02.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Placynthium nigrum Worcs Broadway 19.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 00.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Platysma chlorophyllum Caithness Ben na Lead 02.06.1908 D Lillie Rhodes

Platysma glaucum Carnarvon Llyn Bochlwyd 00.06.1910 Wilson & Rhodes Rhodes N Wales Moel Cynwch 22.04.1911 H M Livens Rhodes var. fallax

49 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon Battws-y-Coed 22.04.1912 H M & G Livens Rhodes Merioneth Nant Col, Llanbedr 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Platysma nivale Aberdeen Cairn Toul 00.06.1913 A Wilson Rhodes Inverness Creag na Leacainn, Ben Macdhui 00.07.1908 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Platysma triste Hebrides Clisham, Harris 00.08.1902 W West Rhodes

Polyblastia schraderi Somerset Milton near Wells 00.01.1921 x Rhodes

Polyblastia thelodes Carnarvon Moel y Gest near Portmadoc 08.07.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Polychidium muscicolum Devon Dartmoor 13.04.1914 H G Livens Rhodes Perth near Loch Voil 00.11.1912 A Wilson Rhodes

Porina carpinea Worcs Sneyds Coppice, Broadwas 07.04.1928 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Yorkshire moors near Cleveland n.d. x Bagnall Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.04.1924 D A Jones Rhodes

Porina chlorotica Gloucs near Colesborne 16.02.1921 H H Knight Rhodes Somerset Combe St Nicholas 00.12.1921 H H Knight Rhodes Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Le Catel, Rozel, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. linearis Carnarvon river Ogwen, Ty'n-y-maes, 03.08.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bethesda var. persicina Co Limerick Mullough 00.06.1914 M C Knowles Rhodes

Porina lectissima Carnarvon Ffridd-du n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh R. Sychnant, Bwlchgwyn 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Porina leptalea Wiltshire Oaksey 08.06.1928 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.03.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Porina lucens Merioneth Afon Artro above Llanbedr 01.08.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Porina olivacea Yorkshire Easby Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Easby Wood n.d. J Nowell Whitwell

Psoroma hypnorum Forfar Carr Linn 00.07.1845 W Gardiner Scholes

50 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Psorotichia schaereri Gloucs Nutters Wood, Cleeve Hill, 23.05.1924 H H Knight Rhodes Cheltenham Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 00.10.1925 D A Jones Rhodes

Pycnothelia papillaria Argyll Ben Dothaidh 00.07.1910 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Pyrenula nitida Isle of Man Douglas n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Isle of Man Douglas n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. x Bagnall Carnarvon Gloddaeth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is St Martins, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Greux harbour, Sark 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. nitidella Co Down Gley abbey 00.08.1910 J Glover Rhodes Co Kerry Old Weir Bridge, Killarney 18.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Racodium rupestre Lancs Hindburn 00.08.1910 J A Wheldon Rhodes Shropshire Stableford n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Shipley Glen 00.05.1911 W West Rhodes Yorkshire Ingleton Beck 00.06.1914 W G Travis Rhodes Denbigh Nant y Ffrith 07.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Ramalina breviuscula Channel Is Hommet Benest, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ramalina calicaris Isle of Wight St Laurence 28.04.1910 H J Parsons Rhodes

Ramalina curnowii Scilly Isles St Mary 00.04.1903 W West Rhodes Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 28.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Caithness Ulbster 24.03.1910 D Lillie Rhodes

Ramalina cuspidata Channel Is Doyles Pillar, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Caithness Brough 12.11.1906 D Lillie Rhodes

Ramalina evernioides Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Down Kircubbin 00.12.1914 J Glover Rhodes

Ramalina farinacea Bedford Woburn n.d. x unnamed Oxford Tetsworth Rd, Great Haseley 00.03.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Warks Frankton Wood 14.05.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Grove Park 00.08.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Morton Hill 08.07.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Warmington 00.07.1882 J E Bagnall Bagnall

51 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Warks Wilmcote 00.05.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Morton Hill n.d. x unnamed Warks Warmington n.d. x unnamed Warks Warmington n.d. x unnamed Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Fermain Point, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. phalerata Yorkshire Askrigg 04.02.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell

Ramalina fastigiata Bedford Woburn Sands 00.02.1885 E M Stone Stone Cambridge Madingley 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Devon Fir Wood, Budleigh Salterton 27.06.1923 x unnamed Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Bearley 00.05.1879 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Warmington 06.06.1881 J E Bagnall Bagnall Cardigan river side, Cardigan 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Fermain Point, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ramalina fraxinea Somerset Norton Fitzwarren 00.11.1915 W Watson Rhodes Warks Farnborough 00.05.1887 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Wasperton 22.04.1883 J E Bagnall Bagnall Forfar Deerhill Wood 00.04.1842 W Gardiner Scholes Inverness Fort Augustus 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes Inverness Fort Augustus 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes var. calcariformis Durham Middleton, Teesdale n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Somerset Pickeridge, Blackdowns 12.06.1913 W Watson Rhodes var. ampliata Shropshire Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Ramalina pollinaria Leicester Gopsall n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Somerset Trull 00.00.1912 W Watson Rhodes Somerset Taunton 01.02.1908 W Watson Rhodes Suffolk Bungay 00.06.1913 H P Reader Rhodes Warks Bishops Tachbrook 16.06.1925 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ramalina polymorpha Devon Dartmoor 00.01.1885 J B Stone Stone

Ramalina scopulorum Anglesey near Holyhead 17.08.1891 W West Rhodes Pembroke Caldey Island, Redberry Bay 25.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Caldey Island, Sandtop Bay 17.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. incrassata Channel Is Guernsey 03.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ramalina silquosa Cornwall Lands End n.d. Major Ficklen Whitwell Anglesey South Stacks, Holyhead n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

52 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Merioneth Harlech Castle 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Pembroke Tenby 00.01.1885 J B Stone Stone Forfar Dundee 00.04.1845 W Gardiner Scholes

Ramalina subfarinacea Channel Is Doyles Pillar, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Hirynys near Harlech 00.08.1915 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Harlech Castle 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Co Mayo Clare Island 00.05.1910 W West Rhodes

Rhizocarpon calcareum Denbigh Bwlch gwyn, Wrexham 06.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rhizocarpon chlorophaeum Merioneth Harlech Castle 28.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rhizocarpon confervoides Pembroke Fishguard 30.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Rhizocarpon geographicum Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Carnarvon Capel Curig 27.02.1887 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 24.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Rozel Cliffs, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Sark 25.06.1921 HO? unnamed

Rhizocarpon obscuratum Channel Is Rozel Fort, Jersey 03.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Co Wicklow south shore of smaller Glendalough 00.09.1914 M C Knowles Rhodes

Rhizocarpon oederi Merioneth Barmouth n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Merioneth Talsarnau, Harlech 00.04.1915 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rhizocarpon petraeum Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 26.06.1921 x unnamed

Ricasolia amplissima Merioneth Llanbedr 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Perth Achmore, Killin 00.06.1913 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Ricasolia laetevirens Cumberland near Lodore 00.06.1910 A Wilson Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Argyll near Loch Awe 00.04.1907 W West Rhodes

Rinodina atrocinerea Merioneth Harlech Castle 04.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rinodina bischoffii Somerset Thurlbear 00.12.1917 W Watson Rhodes

53 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Rinodina exigua Leicester Queniborough 10.01.1916 A R Horwood Rhodes

Rinodina isidioides Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rinodina roboris Merioneth Nannau Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Rinodina sophodes Shropshire Lyth Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Rinodina subexigua Somerset Dodhill near Taunton 00.07.1922 W Watson Rhodes

Roccella fuciformis Channel Is Hommet Paradis, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is x n.d. P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is x n.d. P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Roccella fucoides Channel Is Guernsey 00.06.1921 HO? unnamed

Roccella phycopsis Channel Is Grandes Rocques, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is St Martins Point, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Solorina crocea Perth Ben Lawers 00.06.1913 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Solorina saccata Shropshire Ludlow n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Winskill Scar, Settle 29.08.1853 x Bagnall Yorkshire Simon Fell, Ingleborough 00.04.1892 W West Rhodes Yorkshire Settle n.d. x unnamed Carnarvon Capel Curig 23.09.1886 J B Stone Stone

Sphaerophorus coralloides Cumberland near Rosthwaite 00.03.1901 W West Rhodes Carnarvon Tan y Ganeg 18.09.1907 H J Parsons Rhodes Merioneth Cwm Yssethin 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Perth Glen Falloch 00.06.1913 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Sphaerophorus fragilis Lancs Wetherlan 00.06.1886 W West Rhodes Sussex West Hoathley 08.06.1908 H F Parsons Rhodes Westmoreland Rydal 00.00.1900 G Webster Rhodes Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 00.07.1925 D A Jones Rhodes

Sphaerophorus globosus Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Yorkshire Nidderdale n.d. G Bohler Whitwell

54 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Yorkshire Hawes 16.05.1884 W Whitwell Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth 00.09.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Merioneth Barmouth n.d. x unnamed

Sphaerophorus melanocarpus Sussex Balcombe n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Yorkshire Nidderdale n.d. J Nowell Whitwell Merioneth Cwm Bychan 28.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Loch Gal 00.08.1913 Hebden Rhodes

Sphinctrina turbinata Hampshire New Forest 00.12.1912 R G Livens Rhodes Staffs Hay Wood n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Squamaria crassa Lancs Humphrey Head 00.07.1915 W G Travis Rhodes Yorkshire Giggleswick 00.06.1914 W G Travis Rhodes Pembroke Priory Bay, Caldey Island 15.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes x Haverbrack Common 01.09.1910 E M Holmes Rhodes

Squamaria subcircinata Somerset Staple Fitzpaine 00.01.1916 W Watson Rhodes

Staurothele clopima Co Wicklow Lower Lake, Glendalough 00.09.1915 M C Knowles Rhodes

Staurothele hymenogonia Gloucs Nutters Wood, Cleeve Hill, 23.05.1924 H H Knight Rhodes Cheltenham

Staurothele rupifraga Denbigh Minera Mountain, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 09.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Staurothele umbrina Denbigh near Berwyn station 08.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Nant Col ravine, Llanbedr 00.03.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Stenocybe byssacea Merioneth near Cwm Bychan 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Stenocybe septata Yorkshire Bousdale Gill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Flint Nant y Ffrith 15.04.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Nant Artro 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Co Kerry Torc Mtn, Killarney 22.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Stenocybe trajecta Hampshire Bramshaw Wood, New Forest 25.12.1910 H M Livens Rhodes

Stereocaulon alpinum Inverness Creag na Leacainn, Ben Muich 00.07.1909 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes Dhui

55 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Stereocaulon condensatum Merioneth Moelwyn Bach 00.01.1922 D A Jones Rhodes

Stereocaulon coralloides Inverness West Moidart 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes

Stereocaulon denudatum Merioneth Rheidar Du, Dolgelly n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall

Stereocaulon evolutum Devon Ashburton 02.08.1912 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 26.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Argyll Barcaldine n.d. J M Crombie Bagnall Perth Ben Lui 00.08.1913 W Watson Rhodes Perth Ben Lawers 00.06.1913 Wilson & Wheldon Rhodes

Stereocaulon nanum Somerset Soulton near Taunton 26.03.1908 W Watson Rhodes Somerset Tetton near Taunton 00.05.1912 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Barmouth 00.11.1922 D A Jones Rhodes Perth Glen Lochay, Killin 00.06.1913 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Stereocaulon paschale Caithness Morven 28.07.1909 D Lillie Rhodes

Stereocaulon tomentosum Inverness Geal Charn, Glen Feshie 00.07.1909 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Sticta aurata Isle of Wight Shanklin n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Scilly Isles Bryhen n.d. R V Tellam Rhodes

Sticta damaecornis Co Kerry Killarney n.d. x Whitwell

Sticta dufourii Devon Ilsham, Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Prenteg 00.05.1923 D A Jones Rhodes Co Kerry Cromaglen, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Sticta fuliginosa Shropshire Whitecliff Rocks n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell N Wales x n.d. x unnamed Perth Trossachs 00.10.1886 J B Stone Stone

Sticta intricata var. thouarsii Merioneth Dolgelley 31.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Sticta limbata Devon Dartmoor 00.03.1885 J B Stone Stone

56 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Carnarvon Bettws-y-Coed 00.00.1872 W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Tremadoc Wood 27.07.1925 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Sticta sylvatica Cumberland Keswick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Devon Dartmoor 00.01.1886 J B Stone Stone

Stictina dufourii Kintyre W Cantyre 00.04.1909 W West Rhodes

Stictina fuliginosa Cumberland Stanley Ghyll, Eskdale 00.09.1908 A Wilson Rhodes Devon Lustleigh Cleave 07.05.1909 H J Parsons Rhodes Argyll St Catherines 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes Inverness Moidart 00.08.1907 W West Rhodes

Stictina intricata Argyll St Catherine 00.08.1910 W West Rhodes

Stictina limbata Cumberland near Rosthwaite, Borrowdale 00.06.1910 A Wilson Rhodes Perth Glen Ogle 00.08.1908 W West Rhodes

Stictina sylvatica Merioneth Dolgelly 00.08.1922 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Llechwedd, Harlech 00.06.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Argyll near Loch Awe 00.04.1907 W West Rhodes

Stigmatidium crassum Dorset Wool 17.11.1908 W H Wilkinson Rhodes Hampshire Bramshaw Wood, New Forest 11.11.1909 H M Livens Rhodes

Synechoblastus multipartitus Derbyshire Dovedale n.d. G Bohler Whitwell

Synechoblastus nigrescens Perth near Loch Voil 00.11.1912 A Wilson Rhodes

Synechoblastus rupestris Merioneth Barmouth n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Barmouth 00.03.1886 J B Stone Bagnall

Teloschistes flavicans Devon Torquay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Pembroke Caldey Island 17.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Sandtop Bay, Caldey Island 17.04.1916 P G M Rhodes unnamed

Thamnolia vermicularis Inverness Braeriach 00.07.1908 Wheldon & Wilson Rhodes

Thelidium cataractum Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

57 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Thelidium incavatum Gloucs near Cheltenham 00.02.1921 H H Knight Rhodes

Thelidium mesotropum Flint Loggerheads, Mold 00.09.1925 D A Jones Rhodes

Thelidium papulare Shropshire Whitecliffe Rocks n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Denbigh Minera, Wrexham 07.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Thelidium pyrenophorum Gloucs Longhope 14.06.1924 H H Knight Rhodes

Thelopsis rubella Perth Lanrick Castle n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Thelotrema lepadinum Hampshire Fritham, New Forest 00.01.1912 H M Livens Rhodes Shropshire Haughmond Hill n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Westmoreland near Appleby 00.09.1908 A Wilson Rhodes Worcs Holly Bush Hill, Malvern 21.05.1887 J L Thompson Bagnall Merioneth Dolgelly 00.02.1887 J B Stone Stone Co Kerry Derrycunihy, Killarney 20.08.1924 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Thermutis velutina Merioneth Harlech Castle 04.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Trachylia tympanella Leicester Filton 07.05.1909 A R Horwood Rhodes

Umbilicaria pustulata Cornwall Lupulyan 10.08.1897 H J Parsons Rhodes Devon Dartmoor 00.05.1885 J B Stone Stone Devon Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor n.d. E M Holmes Bagnall Devon Dartmoor n.d. x unnamed Shropshire Caer Caradoc n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Westmoreland Ulpha Crag near Arnside 00.11.1909 A Wilson Rhodes Worcs North Hill, Malvern 00.08.1910 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon near Bettws-y-Coed 21.04.1912 HM & RG Livens Rhodes

Urceolaria bryophila Cambridge near Kennet 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Gloucs near Woodchester 00.07.1908 H P Reader Rhodes

Urceolaria scruposa Lancs Lake Bank, Coniston 00.06.1913 W G Travis Rhodes Leicester Wanlip 20.04.1909 H P Reader Rhodes East Lothian Gullane n.d. W McAndrew Rhodes

Usnea articulata Hampshire near Redlynch, New Forest n.d. HO? unnamed

Usnea barbata

58 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Pembroke Tenby 00.00.1885 J B Stone Stone Forfar Deerhill Wood 00.00.1842 W Gardiner Scholes var. florida Hampshire New Forest 25.03.1910 H M Livens Rhodes

Usnea ceratina Co Down Tollymore Park 00.07.1889 C H Waddell Rhodes var. scabrosa Co Down Saintfield 00.03.1910 C H Waddell Rhodes

Usnea dasypoga var. articulata Somerset Exton 00.07.1915 W Watson Rhodes

Usnea florida Devon Dartmoor 00.02.1886 J B Stone Bagnall Devon Dartmoor 00.02.1886 J B Stone Stone Devon Dartmoor n.d. x unnamed Radnor near Doldowrod, Rhayader 17.07.1928 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Forfar Deerhill Wood 00.03.1844 W Gardiner Scholes var. hirta Devon Budleigh Salterton 27.06.1923 N J Webster unnamed Hampshire The Thicket, near Havant n.d. H Beeston unnamed Hampshire near Redlynch, New Forest n.d. HO? unnamed

Usnea hirta Merioneth Cwm Artro, Llanbedr 00.08.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea plicata Merioneth Cwm Bychan 00.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea rubiginea Wiltshire Bradley Wood n.d. W Watson Rhodes

Verrucaria aethiobola Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1927 D A Jones Rhodes Channel Is Petit Port, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria aquatilis Somerset Black Down Mendip 00.06.1915 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Verrucaria biformis Co Down Kircubbin 20.02.1909 J Glover Rhodes

Verrucaria calciseda Gloucs Nottingham Hill near Cheltenham 25.01.1924 H H Knight Rhodes Carnarvon Great Ormes Head n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Pembroke Caldey Island 26.04.1915 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria cataleptoides Denbigh Berwyn, river Dee 08.01.192 x Rhodes

59 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Verrucaria dufourii Lancs Warton Crag 00.03.1911 J W Hartley Rhodes

Verrucaria fuscella Somerset Taunton 05.01.1918 Watson & Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria gemmata Cornwall near Penzance 00.06.1908 W West Rhodes

Verrucaria glaucina Gloucs Chedworth 26.08.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Gloucs Chedworth 26.08.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 07.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria hydrela Gloucs Shipton Oliffe near Cheltenham 28.04.1924 H H Knight Rhodes Somerset Aisholt 00.05.1913 W Watson Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.04.1927 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Llanbedr 00.05.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Verrucaria integra Somerset Stonehouse near Taunton 00.05.1912 W Watson Rhodes

Verrucaria laevata Shropshire near Tugford n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Verrucaria lorrain-smithiae Anglesey Trwyn y Penrhyn, Penmon 23.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Mochras, Harlech 15.07.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Verrucaria macrostoma Merioneth Harlech Castle 22.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Caldey Island 00.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria maura Carnarvon Conway Bay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Carnarvon Conway n.d. J M Crombie Whitwell Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llandanwg 29.07.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Pembroke Trwyn Hwrddyn, near St Davids 28.07.1928 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is At Peter Port, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. memnonia Lancs Silverdale 00.03.1911 J W Hartley Rhodes Carnarvon Siliwen Woods, Bangor 04.08.1927 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Llandanwg 25.07.1927 D A Jones Rhodes

Verrucaria mauroides Channel Is Rozel Fort, Jersey 00.03.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria microspora Anglesey Trwyn y Penrhyn, Beaumaris 23.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria mucosa

60 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Isle of Man Derbyhaven 00.08.1912 J W Hartley Rhodes Anglesey Rhosneigr 04.08.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Carnarvon Conway Bay n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Pembroke Drinkim Bay, Caldey Island 15.04.1916 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Caithness Achastle 25.03.1910 D Lillie Rhodes Caithness Achastle 25.03.1910 D Lillie Rhodes

Verrucaria muralis Leicester near Saxelby 22.05.1912 H P Reader Rhodes

Verrucaria nigrescens Cambridge Kennett 00.02.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Broadway 19.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs Broadway 19.04.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria ochrostoma Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 08.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Cae Nest, Llanbedr 08.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria papillosa Worcs City Park, Rednal 00.04.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Worcs City Park, Rednal 00.04.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Denbigh Berwyn station, river Dee 08.01.1925 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Talsarnau 00.05.1924 D A Jones Rhodes Merioneth Harlech 00.01.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria rupestris Cambridge Worster St, Cambridge 00.05.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Shropshire Whitecliffe Rocks n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Channel Is Fermain Bay, Guernsey 00.03.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. subalbicans Yorkshire Gt Ayton n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Verrucaria striatula Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 01.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Anglesey Trearddur Bay, Holyhead 01.08.1927 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Anglesey Porth Nobla near Llangwyfan 31.07.1927 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Merioneth Llandanwg, Harlech 20.07.1927 D A Jones Rhodes Channel Is Moulin Huet Bay, Guernsey 00.04.1908 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria submersa Somerset Quantock Hills 00.08.1913 H J Parsons Rhodes Carnarvon Pen Trwyn n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Harlech town 23.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria viridula Yorkshire Ayton, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Merioneth Llanbedr 25.04.1924 Jones & Rhodes Rhodes Channel Is Fort George, Guernsey 00.04.1909 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Xanthoria lychnea Shropshire Berwick, Shrewsbury n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell x x n.d. x Bagnall

61 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Xanthoria parietina Cambridge Upware 05.07.1924 HO? unnamed Derbyshire near Crowdicot 21.04.1924 HO? unnamed Hampshire Rowlands Castle 00.12.1920 x unnamed Shropshire Berwick n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell Warks Stratford-on-Avon 00.04.1881 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Middleton Park 24.08.1872 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Cock Inn, Wishaw 00.10.1871 J E Bagnall Bagnall Warks Stratford-on-Avon n.d. x unnamed Warks Wishaw n.d. x unnamed Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 00.06.1921 HO? unnamed var. ectanea Cardigan Gwbert 00.09.1920 HO? unnamed Channel Is Cobo, Guernsey 00.06.1921 HO? unnamed

Xanthoria polycarpa Yorkshire Redcar, Cleveland n.d. W A Leighton Whitwell

Foreign Specimens

Acarospora amphibola Sweden Bohuslan, Hallesdalen, Odsmal 18.06.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Acarospora cervina Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 ? Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. percaena Italy Asiago 00.08.1917 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Acarospora chlorophana France Savoy, above Mer de Glace, 00.08.1926 D A Jones Rhodes Chamonix Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 17.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Acarospora fuscata Sweden Goteborg, Fansberg 06.11.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Acarospora glaucocarpa Sweden Jamtland 21.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Acarospora impressula Norway Oslo, Hovedon 12.08.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Acarospora insolata Sweden Halland, Jolo, Valasberget 24.05.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Acarospora lesdainii Sweden Bohuslan, Stenkyrka 29.06.1923 A H Magnusson Rhodes

62 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Acarospora murorum Italy Staglieno 00.00.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Acarospora obpallens USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1913 H E Hasse Rhodes

Acarospora oligospora Switzerland Cote la Pilaz, Posieux, 02.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 08.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Acarospora pleiospora USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. n.d. H E Hasse Rhodes

Acarospora praeruptorun Sweden Bohuslan, Stenkyrka 28.06.1923 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Acarospora reagens Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 ? Rhodes

Acarospora schleicheri France Cap d'Antibes 00.12.1925 D A Jones Rhodes Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 ? Rhodes

Acarospora sphaerospora France Lot-et-Garonne, Cuzorn 00.00.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Acarospora squamulosa Italy Capo Noli 00.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Acarospora umbilicata Czech Kleine, Karpaten 05.09.1921 G E du Rietz Rhodes Italy x n.d. x Rhodes

Acarospora veronensis Sweden Halland, Alfsaker, Hjalmared 01.10.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Acolium notarisii Italy Courmayeur, Val d'Aosta 23.08.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Acrocordia conoidea Germany x 00.00.1927 Eygler Rhodes Sweden Uland, Moghy 28.07.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Acrocordia elabens USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Acrocordia gemmata Sweden Smolandia, Odensvi 06.05.1915 P A Issen Rhodes

Acrocordia granulatula var. micula USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

63 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Acrocordia ligustica Italy S Eusebio, Val Bisagno 00.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Pontecarrega 00.04.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Alectoria bicolor Switzerland Grimentz, Val d'Anniviers, 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Alectoria divergens Canada Hopedale, Labrador 01.08.1922 W W Perret Rhodes ? ? 28.07.1925 Bodu… Rhodes

Alectoria fremontii USA Mt Hood, Oregon 18.02.1907 T K Larwood Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Alectoria implexa Norway Dovrefjield 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Norway Dovrefjield 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Norway x n.d. x unnamed Switzerland Grimentz, Val d'Anniviers, 15.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Grimentz, Val d'Anniviers, 02.06.1912 P G M Rhodes unnamed Valais

Alectoria jubata Norway Fjeldseeter near Trondheim 06.06.1925 HO? unnamed Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.08.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 06.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Kandersteg, Bernese Oberland 17.07.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed Canada x 29.08.1883 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. chalybeiformis Canada Lake Nipigon 17.07.1884 J Macoun Stone

Alectoria ochroleuca Italy Karrersee 00.09.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Aicha, Franzensfeste 00.01.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Canada Revelstoke, BC 05.05.1899 J Macoun Stone var. cincinnata Switzerland Mont Mort, Grand St Bernard, 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais var. intricata Norway S Tjhm, Roeros 06.08.1912 E P Vrang Rhodes var. rigida Sweden Funnesdalsberg, Herjedalen 00.00.1867 Hellbom Rhodes Canada Mt Albert, Quebec 23.08.1882 J Macoun Stone Canada Hopedale, Labrador 01.08.1920 W W Perret Rhodes var. sarmentosa Canada Lake Nipigon 00.00.1884 J Macoun Stone

Alectoria sarmentosa

64 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Russia Ural mountains 00.00.1887 Kusnetzov Rhodes Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Banff Windermere Highway, 19.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes BC

Alectoria simplicior Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gillivare 02.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Alectoria tortuosa USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Alectoria vexillifera Sweden Harjedalens 00.07.1917 H Smith Rhodes

Alectoria sp. Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Anaptychia aquila var. detonsa USA Wallburg Rd, Flat Rock, NC 30.06.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes

Anaptychia ciliaris var. vulgaris Russia Minsk 15.06.1923 ? Rhodes

Anaptychia intricata Italy Orri, Sardinia 00.00.1907 C Mundola Rhodes

Anaptychia leucomelaena USA Grandfather Mt, NC 16.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes USA Roaring Gap, NC 08.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes

Anema notarisii Italy Acquedotto di Staglieno 00.12.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes

Arthonia acrocincta USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia astroidea var. swartziana Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Arthonia astroidestera Switzerland vallee du Gotteron, Fribourg 07.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Arthonia austinii USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia chiosectella USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia galactilla

65 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia galactites Italy Spotorno 15.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Arthonia gregaria Switzerland vallee du Gotteron, Fribourg 07.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. anerythraea USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1915 S Rapp Rhodes USA Catalina Island, California 00.04.1915 H E Hasse Rhodes var. kermesiana Switzerland Gemeine Olu, Schiffenen, 03.01.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Guin, Fribourg

Arthonia impolita USA Catalina Island, California 00.05.1911 H E Hasse Rhodes

Arthonia lecideela Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.04.1878 J Macoun Stone

Arthonia leucomela USA Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia lobata Bohemia N Mesta 00.00.1921 V Kutak Rhodes

Arthonia marmorata Sweden Vastergotland, Satila, Lygners 29.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Arthonia montellica Italy Montello 00.00.1917 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Arthonia pinastri Italy Spotorno, Liguria 00.10.1922 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Arthonia platygraphidea USA Caranado, Volusia Co, Florida 00.06.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia polygrama USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia polymorpha USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia pruinosula USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia punctiformis USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia pyrrhula USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

66 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Arthonia quintillaria USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia radiata Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 16.10.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 08.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada Vancouver Island 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone

Arthonia rubella USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia subdifusa USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthonia velana Italy Faenza n.d. M Kohler Rhodes

Arthopyrenia enatendens? USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthopyrenia fallax Switzerland Upper Jaunbach, Fribourg 02.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Arthopyrenia grisea Switzerland Bonnesfontaines, Fribourg 04.03.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Bonnesfontaines, Fribourg 04.03.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes

Arthopyrenia punctiformis USA Sanford, Florida n.d. S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium gyrosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium interveniens USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium lecideatrapa? USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium macrothecum USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium nephelinum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Arthothelium spectabile Canada Ottawa, Ontario 16.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Arthothelium subcyrtodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Aspicilia affinis Russia Astrakhan 01.07.1926 ? Rhodes

67 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Aspicilia alpinodesertorum Russia Turkestan 00.00.1920 V S Knorring Rhodes Algeria Laghouat n.d. ? Rhodes

Aspicilia aspera Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 ? Rhodes

Aspicilia bohemica Austria Falterberg 00.05.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Aspicilia calcarea Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 03.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 03.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 02.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. contorta Switzerland Chateau d'Oex, Vaud 14.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland vallee du Gotteron, Fribourg 14.06.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Morcote, L. Maggiore, Ticino 07.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. farinosa Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 23.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Aspicilia candida Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 08.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Aspicilia cinerea Switzerland La Combert, La Roche, 15.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Pierrafortscha, Fribourg 18.08.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. glacialis Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug, 30.06.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse

Aspicilia cinereorufescens Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug, 05.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse var. diamarta Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna, 12.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Bjorkfors

Aspicilia complanata Sweden Goteborg, Hisingen, 03.10.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Bjorklanda

Aspicilia desertorum Russia Astrakhan 01.07.1926 ? Rhodes

Aspicilia esculenta Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 ? Rhodes

Aspicilia flavida Bohemia Hlavnova 00.00.1921 V Kutak Rhodes

Aspicilia fruticulosa

68 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 ? Rhodes

Aspicilia gibbosa Switzerland Creuse des Pierres, Fribourg 01.06.1927 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Les Soudains, Grangettes, 10.06.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Aspicilia hispida Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 ? Rhodes

Aspicilia hoffmanni Italy Bosco del Serino, Forte Ratti 00.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Aspicilia lacustris Bohemia Krkonose 00.00.1919 V Kutak Rhodes

Aspicilia leprosescens Sweden Bohuslan, Hisingen 24.09.1926 C Stenholm Rhodes

Aspicilia morioides Sweden Goteborg, Kallered, Stora 06.10.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Vammedal

Bacidia acerina Germany Waldsteiner Forste between 00.06.1863 Arnold Rhodes Plech and Pegnitz

Bacidia arceutina Sweden Vastergotland, Stora Lunndby 21.06.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Canada Comox, Vancouver 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone var. effusa France Parc de Versailles 04.11.1911 B de Lesdain Rhodes

Bacidia atrosanguinea var. corticola Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Stensde 06.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bacidia bacillifera USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Bacidia beckhausii Sweden Vestergotland, Hunneberg 07.04.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Sweden Bohuslan, Jorlanda, Kallsby 01.10.1926 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Bacidia chlorococca Bohemia Hory 00.00.1927 V Kutak Rhodes

Bacidia effusa Switzerland Obermuhlenthal, Dudingen, 19.07.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Raesch, Fribourg 16.10.1927 J Aebischer Rhodes

Bacidia flavovirescens

69 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Halland, Ullared 22.06.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bacidia floridanea USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Bacidia friesiana France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1926 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1926 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Italy Varazze 24.05.1922 Gresino Rhodes var. violacea Germany Affenthale, Eichstatt 00.08.1864 Arnold Rhodes

Bacidia fusco-rubella Austria Mittelwald (Franzensfeste) 00.06.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.10.1884 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1925 S Rapp Rhodes var. suffusa Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.00.1881 J Macoun Stone

Bacidia holomelaena var. corticola Italy Bruneck, Alte Adige 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Bacidia incompta Italy Galzignana, Colli Euganei 00.03.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Bacidia inundata Bohemia Vrbatova Kostelce 00.00.1928 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Vastergotland, Bjorketorp, 07.09.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Stockaback

Bacidia leucophyllina USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Bacidia luteola Mexico x 10.03.1910 G Arsene Rhodes var. porriginosa Mexico x 00.00.1910 G Arsene Rhodes

Bacidia muscorum Hungary Borsod 04.04.1921 Foriss Rhodes Sweden Vestergotland, Kinnetulle 24.07.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bacidia naegelii USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Bacidia rubella Bohemia Brunn in Mahren, Josefstal 00.05.1913 J Hruby Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Bacidia sabuletorum USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

70 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Bacidia schweinitzii USA Fogle Farm, Winston-Salem, 12.07.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes NC

Bacidia umbrina Bohemia Upice 00.00.1921 V Kutak Rhodes Italy Trento, Sardagna 00.09.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Baeomyces aeruginosus Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1884 J Macoun Stone

Baeomyces byssoides Russia Sibiria, Tabalsk 05.07.1914 B N Garadsov Rhodes Canada Gaspe, Quebec 16.08.1882 J Macoun Stone var. arneum Austria ? 00.05.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Baeomyces placyophyllus Europe ? 00.08.1914 ? Rhodes

Baeomyces roseus Austria Urfa 11.08.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Italy Serino, Val Bisagno, Genova 00.10.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes USA Saegmuller Place, Alexandria 28.11.1909 M F Miller Rhodes Co, Virginia

Baeomyces rufus Italy Spotorno 00.07.1922 Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 29.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatora ahlesii Germany near Heidelberg n.d. W Ahles Rhodes

Biatora ambigua Italy Mte Rua, Colli Euganei, 00.03.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Galzignano

Biatora atrofusca Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna, 13.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Bjorkfors Sweden Lule Lappmark, Snjarrak 00.00.1871 P J Hellbom Rhodes

Biatora byssigena USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora cadubriae Italy Lago di Misurina, Cadore 00.09.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Biatora chondrodes Italy Semonzo, Bassano Veneto 00.09.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Biatora gagei Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 23.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

71 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Biatora granulosa Bohemia Podol 00.00.1909 V Kutak Rhodes var. escharoides Canada Gaspe, Quebec 00.00.1883 J Macoun Stone

Biatora griffithii USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Biatora hypomela USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora lithophiliza Japan ? 22.02.1921 ? Rhodes

Biatora myriocarpoides Canada Ottawa, Ontario 23.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Biatora parvifolia USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes var. corallina USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1914 S Rapp Rhodes var. subgranulosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora picila Italy Mte Grappa, Bassano n.d. Trevisan Rhodes

Biatora pullata Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes

Biatora quernea USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora russula USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora sanguineota Canada Lake Nepigon 07.07.1884 J Macoun Stone Canada Lake Nepigon 00.07.1884 J Macoun Stone

Biatora styriaca Italy Piandelagotti, Modena 00.00.1920 A Lunardi Rhodes

Biatora sylvana Austria Matrei 27.07.1869 Arnold Rhodes

Biatora tricholoma USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1908 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora uliginosa Bohemia Podola 00.00.1910 V Kutak Rhodes

72 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Canada Salt Lake, Anticosti 10.08.1883 J Macoun Stone

Biatora varians Canada Wooler, Northumberland, 17.10.1893 J Macoun Stone Ontario USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Biatora vernalis Italy S Eusebio 27.03.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Biatorella cinerea Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1919 V Kutak Rhodes

Biatorella clavus Italy Riva, Valesia 00.00.1860 Carestia Rhodes Sweden Halland, Ullared 22.06.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Biatorella cyrtella Sweden Halland, Zolo 12.10.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Biatorella improvisa Russia Smolensk 29.08.1914 M P Tomin Rhodes

Biatorella moriformis Bohemia Starem Drivi 00.00.1922 V Kutak Rhodes

Biatorella morio Italy Alpi di Valdobbia n.d. Canestia Rhodes

Biatorella pinicola Bohemia Kastanech 00.00.1919 V Kutak Rhodes

Biatorella privigna Switzerland Rhone valley, Sievre, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorella pruinosa Switzerland Bois de Perolles, Fribourg 28.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorella simplex Sweden Icania, Atharp, Gluggstarp 10.04.1899 N Alvthin Rhodes

Biatorina caeruleonigricans Switzerland Rossemmatte, Kanderstegm, 29.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bern Switzerland Agy, Fribourg 10.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Agy, Fribourg 10.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorina candida Switzerland Maladevies, Sion, Valais 26.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Biatorina erysiboides Germany Bavaria, nr Eichstadt 00.08.1864 Arnold Rhodes

Biatora fuliginea

73 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Alpibus Cadubriae 00.09.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Biatorina globulosa Russia Voronezhskoya 23.05.1914 M P Tomin Rhodes Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone

Biatorina premnea Canada Gaspe coast, Quebec 28.08.1883 J Macoun Stone

Biatorina tabacino Switzerland Sion, Valais 13.04.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Bilimbia aromatica Switzerland Pfinwald, Sievre, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Bilimbia borborodes Austria Alter Birubauve, Pruchenau 09.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Bilimbia chlorococca Sweden Bohuslan, Valla, Tjorn 24.07.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Bilimbia daytoniana USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Bilimbia ingularis? Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 08.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bilimbia melaena Sweden Lycksele, Lappmark, Stensde, 04.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Sandvik

Bilimbia millaria Italy Misurina (Lago) 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Bilimbia nigrescens Switzerland Sion, Valais 13.11.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Bilimbia niveocincta? USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1924 S Rapp Rhodes

Bilimbia obscurata Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 26.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bilimbia rosella Austria Kierling 00.00.1909 Ehrenfried Rhodes

Bilimbia sabaligera USA x 00.02.1910 S Rapp Rhodes

Bilimbia sabuletorum Moravia Hatinky 18.04.1908 Picbanez Rhodes Sweden Vestergotland 12.11.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Bourguillon, Fribourg 29.06.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

74 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Bilimbia sabulosa Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 26.02.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Tour de la Baticz, Martigny, 27.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Bilimbia sphaeroides Canada Nepigon Bay, Lake Superior 00.06.1884 J Macoun Stone

Bilimbia spododes France Dunkirk, Rexpoede 16.08.1910 B de Lewain Rhodes

Bilimbia subulosa Canada Carleton Place, Ontario 12.05.1892 J Macoun Stone

Bilimbia triphragima USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Bilimbia trisepta Sweden Vastergotland 14.06.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Blastenia leucorea Sweden Jamtland, Jorm, Jormlifjallen 09.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Bombyliospora domingensis USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Bombyliospora pachycheila USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1907 S Rapp Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1909 S Rapp Rhodes

Bombyliospora polycarpa USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1906 S Rapp Rhodes

Bombyliospora tuberculosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Bryopogon jubatum Austria ? 04.10.1921 F Bresch Rhodes var. implexum Italy Col di Tenda 30.08.1920 Gresino Rhodes

Buellia aethalea Switzerland Melide, Ticino 07.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Buellia alpicola Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gillivare 03.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Buellia applanatum Sweden Vastergotland, Satila 30.11.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Buellia calarsenis?

75 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia crustulata Hungary Borsod 15.04.1923 Foriss Rhodes

Buellia dialyta USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia disciformis Switzerland Chermont, Gruyeres, Fribourg 06.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1920 S Rapp Rhodes USA Southside of park, Winston- 01.09.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes Salem, NC var. megaspora USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia discolor Switzerland Bois de Pres d'enbas, Posieux, 16.03.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Buellia duarti Italy Spotorno 00.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Buellia evolutum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia halonia USA Catalina Island, California 00.00.1914 H E Hasse Rhodes

Buellia junctiformis USA Marysville, Washington 00.01.1922 J M Grant Rhodes var. chloropulia France Gironde, Villenave-d'Ornon 00.00.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Buellia leptocline Switzerland Granges-Paccot, Fribourg 17.04.1922 J Aebischer Rhodes

Buellia minuscula USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia moriopsis Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gillivare 03.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Buellia myriocarpa Hungary Heves 28.12.1912 Foriss Rhodes Hungary Bukk Mountains 20.03.1926 Foriss Rhodes Canada Brighton, Ontario 14.10.1892 J Macoun Stone Canada Brighton, Ontario n.d. x unnamed USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1914 S Rapp Rhodes USA North Dakota 00.04.1908 J F Brenckle Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.01.1924 J M Grant Rhodes var. polyspora

76 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1917 S Rapp Rhodes var. punctiformis Switzerland Schoenberg, Tafers, Fribourg 07.05.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Buellia oidalea Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Buellia parasema var. albocincta Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 26.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. muscarum Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 31.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. triphagma USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia pulchella Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 13.02.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Buellia schaereri Austria Hofalpe 18.08.1917 Suza Rhodes

Buellia soraria Sweden Vastergotland, Billingen 14.08.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Buellia spuria Italy Varazze, Cantalupo 01.05.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Buellia subbadia Switzerland ruisseau de Chesalles, Fribourg 17.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Buellia triphagmia var. lividescens Italy Larici al Deserts, Cogoleto, n.d. C Sbarbaro Rhodes Liguria

Buellia trypethelii USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Buellia sp. Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Calicium acicculare France Gironde, Passac 00.00.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve- 00.00.1923 A F Jeanjean Rhodes sur-Lot

Calicium adspersum France Gironde 00.00.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Sweden Smolandica 12.06.1915 P A Issen Rhodes Sweden Geriasen 14.12.1919 P A Issen Rhodes

Calicium caroliniana USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

77 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Calicium curtum France Hautes-Pyrenees 00.08.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes var. denigratum France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Calicium hyperellum Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.06.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Calicium lenticulare Sweden Norkoffung 10.02.1925 P A Issen Rhodes

Calicium populneum France Gironde 00.00.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Calicium quercinum Switzerland Bois de la Siche, Arconciel, 14.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Calicium salicinum France Hautes-Pyrenees, Cauterets 00.08.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1927 S Rapp Rhodes

Calicium trichiale France Hautes-Pyrenees, Cauterets 00.08.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Calicium tympanellum USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Calicium viride Russia near St Petersburg 00.00.1907 T Weritinov Rhodes

Callopisma ferrugineum var. saxicolum Austria Spitala 12.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Caloplaca aurantiaca var. salicina Italy near Costanzella, Bassarnese 00.08.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Caloplaca caesiorufa Sweden Goteborg, Kriberg 20.05.1912 H Magnusson Rhodes

Caloplaca cerina Hungary Heves 06.07.1911 Foriss Rhodes Sweden Uland 09.08.1928 C Stenholm Rhodes

Caloplaca desertorum Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 ? Rhodes

Caloplaca ferarii Italy Stazzano, near Serravalle, 1906-1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes Serivia

Caloplaca flavovirescens

78 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Genova, Serino, Val Bisagno 00.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Caloplaca fuscolutea Italy Cortina d'Ampezzo 00.08.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Caloplaca gilva var. stillicidiorum Hungary Borsod 15.04.1923 Foriss Rhodes

Caloplaca granulosa Sweden Bohuslan, Lycke 29.05.1921 C Stenholm Rhodes

Caloplaca jungermanniae Sweden Jamtland 22.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Caloplaca lactea Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 13.11.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Caloplaca obscurella Sweden Goteborg, Kallered 06.10.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Caloplaca pollinii Italy Pontecarrega, Val Bisagno, 00.10.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Genova

Caloplaca scopularis Sweden Vastergotland, Frolunda, Naset 15.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Caloplaca vitellinula Switzerland Grange-Paccot, Fribourg 06.10.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Candelaria concolor Austria Linz 06.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Skafde 00.10.1919 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Luggenwyl, Guin, Fribourg 16.10.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1890 J Macoun Stone

Candelariella epixantha Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Candelariella vitellina Sweden Ostersund, Jamtland 17.05.1921 G Ohrstedt Rhodes Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Brighton, Ontario 14.10.1893 J Macoun Stone var. aurella Switzerland Fribourg 08.09.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes var. coruscans Switzerland Plasselb, Fribourg 24.06.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Catillaria arnoldii Italy Ghelpack, Altipiano di Asiago 00.08.1917 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Catillaria bahnsiensis

79 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Bohuslan, Langelanda, Angas 05.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Catillaria ehrhartiana Sweden Ostrog., Norskoping, Borg 10.02.1925 P Issen Rhodes

Catillaria endochroma USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Catillaria franciscana USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1914 H E Hasse Rhodes

Catillaria globulosa Sweden Vastergotland, Lerum, 18.05.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Kolboryd Sweden Halland, Faggered, Lya 30.06.1926 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Catillaria laureri Italy Pavilion de Frety, Courmayeur 00.09.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Catillaria lenticularis Italy Genova, Val Bisagno 00.02.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Catillaria synotheca Bohemia 00.00.1922 V Kutak Rhodes

Catillaria tricolor USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1914 H E Hasse Rhodes

Cerania vermicularis Switzerland Swarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1888 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed

Cetraria aculeata Switzerland Swarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1888 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Tour de la Baticz, Martigny, 27.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Canada x 00.00.1875 J Macoun Stone Canada Parsons Mt, Vancouver Island 17.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria arctica Canada Mt Niblock, Rocky Mtns 00.00.1891 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria caperata Russia ? 1899-1903 Elenkin Rhodes

Cetraria chlorophylla USA Marysville, Washington 00.06.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Cetraria ciliaris Canada Belleville, Ontario 31.05.1887 J Macoun Stone USA Hitaffer, Fairfax Co, Virginia 13.05.1908 M F Miller Rhodes

80 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Marysville, Washington 00.01.1924 J M Grant Rhodes x x 00.00.1924 H Du… Rhodes

Cetraria cucullata France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1923 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Norway Ekeburg 00.11.1882 J B Stone Stone Norway Dovrefeld 00.00.1909 W West Rhodes Russia Siberia, Tobolsk 00.00.1914 B N Garadsovaradsov Rhodes Switzerland Kaiseregg, Fribourg 08.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Daubensee, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1882 J Macoun Stone USA Quinhagak, Alaska 01.06.1921 A Stecker Rhodes

Cetraria diffusa Switzerland La Monse, Charmey, Fribourg 30.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada x 16.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria fahlunensis France Mer de Glace, Chamonix, 00.08.1926 D A Jones Rhodes Savoy Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1869 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria glauca Germany Odenwald, Neckartal, Weisser 00.08.1923 Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Stein Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 00.05.1887 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1922 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1922 J M Grant Rhodes var. fallax Switzerland Peier, Cousimbert, Fribourg 27.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. stenophyllda Canada Nanaimo, Vancouver Island 03.06.1887 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria hepatizon France Mer de Glace, Chamonix, 00.08.1926 D A Jones Rhodes Savoy Italy Misurina, Auronzo 03.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Cetraria hiascens Norway Kongsvold 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway x n.d. x unnamed Norway Kongsvold n.d. x unnamed Sweden Jamtlandia 05.07.1919 A Hulphers Rhodes Canada Salt Lake, Anticosti 00.00.1883 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria islandica Norway Kongsvold 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.06.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1869 J Macoun Stone USA Roaring River 04.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes ? ? 00.06.1912 ? Rhodes var. platyna

81 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Vestergotland 20.11.1914 C Stenholm Rhodes var. tenuifolia Switzerland Swarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1886 J B Stone Stone Canada Meadows Lake, O'Hara, BC 30.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Cetraria juniperina Norway Kongsvold 24.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Sweden Jamtland, Jorm, Jormlifjallen 08.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Sweden Oland 01.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 00.07.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed Canada Middle Springs Camp, Banff 16.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes var. alvarensis Sweden Oland 04.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes var. pinastri Canada Lakes Superior & Nepigon 00.00.1889 J Macoun Stone var. terrestris Canada Spray Bridge, Banff 11.07.1891 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria lacunosa Canada Comox, Vancouver Isalnd 03.05.1887 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria mascens var. dilatata Russia Siberia, Tobolsk 31.08.1920 B B Cano… Rhodes

Cetraria nivalis Norway Dovrefjield 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Dovre n.d. x unnamed Russia Siberia, Tobolsk 00.00.1914 Garadsov Rhodes Switzerland Arnelier, Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1924 J Uonney Rhodes Switzerland Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Switzerland Sierre, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes unnamed Bernard Canada Hector & Banff 00.00.1885 J Macoun Stone Canada Berg Lake, Mt Robson, BC 00.07.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes Canada Hopedale, Labrador 01.04.1922 W W Perret Rhodes Canada Makkovik, Labrador 14.09.1921 R S Callander Rhodes

Cetraria oakesiana USA Roaring Gap, NC 05.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes

Cetraria odontella Sweden Stockholmstrakten, Bromma, 08.12.1912 G Einar du Rietz Rhodes Alvik

Cetraria pinastri Austria Obersulzbachtal, Salzburg 20.08.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Les Graines, Gruyeres, 07.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Untersattel, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed

82 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cetraria platyphylla Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria saepincola Austria Rauhlvogl? 20.05.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Sweden Harjedalen 13.08.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Cetraria steppae Russia Stalingadskaya 20.07.1926 B A Keller Rhodes

Cetraria tenuifolia Switzerland Bourg S Pierre, Valais 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Chaenotheca brunneola France Hautes-Pyrenees, Cauterets 00.08.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Chaenotheca chrysocephala France Savoy, Chamonix 00.08.1926 D A Jones Rhodes

Chaenotheca melanophaea France Gironde 00.00.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Chaenotheca phaeocephala Sweden Halland, Okome, Ulfsby 18.06.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Chaenotheca trichialis Switzerland Bois de la Siche, Arconciel, 16.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Chiodecton crassum Italy Villa Doria, Pegli, Genova 06.10.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Chiodecton rubrocinctum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Chlorea vulpina France Hte Savoie, Argentiere glacier 00.08.1910 D A Jones Rhodes Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 06.09.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia alcicornis Austria Spitala 18.06.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Cladonia alpestris Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Tomsk, Bijsk 00.07.1909 B Keller Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1869 J Macoun Stone USA Grandfather Mount, NC 17.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Cladonia alpicola

83 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada Gaspe, Quebec 00.08.1882 J Macoun Stone

Cladonia amaurocrea Canada Salt Lake, Anticosti 00.00.1883 J Macoun Stone Switzerland Zinal, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. cladonioides Russia Tobolsk 00.00.1914 Savicz Rhodes Europe illeg 00.00.1914 illeg Rhodes Russia illeg 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes var. oxyceras Silesia 00.00.1914 Garadsov Rhodes

Cladonia appegata Chile Valdivia 00.00.1907 Rastelli Rhodes

Cladonia bacillaris Germany Harz, Brockengebiet n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg, n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Muhlhang

Cladonia beaumontii USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1926 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia bellidiflora Germany Altes Strohdach 27.09.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Harz, Brocken, Schneeloch 00.08.1926 Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Harz, Brocken, Schneeloch 00.08.1926 Voigtlander Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Jamtlandia 00.09.1919 A Hulphers Rhodes Canada Nanaimo, Vancouver Island 00.06.1887 J Macoun Stone Canada Tonquin Valley, Jasper 28.07.1926 F A MacFadden Rhodes National park USA White River, Washington 00.09.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Cladonia botryocarpa USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia botrytes Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.05.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Ostrog., Furingstad 00.10.1913 P A Issen Rhodes

Cladonia brevis Germany Oldenburg 00.03.1918 x Rhodes

Cladonia caespiticia Austria Hofal… 06.06.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Hungary Borsod, Banyahegy, Diosgyor 16.05.1921 Foriss Rhodes USA Flat Rock, Winston-Salem, NC 10.01.1923 S Chapman Rhodes

Cladonia calycantha USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

84 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia cariosa Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Stadtwaldchen 00.07.1919 A Oborny Rhodes Bohemia Deutsch-Konitz, Mahren 12.06.1922 A Oborny Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada Ontario 03.07.1884 J Macoun Stone var. cribrosa Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.05.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Cladonia carneola Sweden Westrogothia, Haglared 31.07.1923 I Soderberg Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. bacilliformis Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 19.09.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Cladonia caroliniana USA Flat Rock Schoolhouse, 25.06.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes Winston-Salem, NC

Cladonia cenotea Belgium near Driesen n.d. Lasch Rhodes Germany Bayern n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Lappland, Dorotea, 23.08.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes Arksjoberget Switzerland Albeuve V., Gruyeres, 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Canada Bow River, Rocky Mountains 21.07.1885 J Macoun Stone var. crossata Russia Kamatchka 00.06.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Ostro., Furingstack 00.10.1913 P A Issen Rhodes

Cladonia cervicornis Norway Dovrefjield 00.08.1889 J B Stone Stone

Cladonia chlorophaea Germany Schwarzwald, Mehliskopf 26.08.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Hungary Tarcsa 02.06.1916 Foriss Rhodes Sweden Westergotland, Asle mosse 20.08.1922 E P Vrang Rhodes

Cladonia coccifera Germany Rheinspfale, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Heidelberg 00.08.1924 Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Rheinpfalz, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Norway Dovrefjield 22.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Sweden Insel Hisingen, Goteborg 00.05.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland L'Arnelier, Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1924 J Uonney Rhodes var. cornucopoides Canada Vancouver Island 00.00.1895 F Terry Stone var. pleurota Russia Kamatchka 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes USA Lyonburat, Alexandria Co, 12.04.1910 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia var. stemmatina Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1869 J Macoun Stone

85 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia convoluta France Monaco 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone

Cladonia cornuta Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Poltenberger 00.10.1919 A Oborny Rhodes var. cylindrica Belgium near Driesen n.d. Lasch Rhodes

Cladonia cornutoradiata Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, 00.09.1920 A Oborny Rhodes Lerchwaldchen

Cladonia costata Germany Schwarzwald, Hornisgrinde 15.08.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes

Cladonia crispata Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Lappland, Risback 00.07.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug, 29.11.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse Canada Lake Nepigon 00.00.1884 J Macoun Stone Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone USA Southfork, Winston-Salem, NC 27.09.1920 P O Schallert Rhodes var. cetrariiformis Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Boras, Rya as 00.05.1919 C Sandberg Rhodes var. dilacerata Norway Kongsvold 00.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Vau, Jura n.d. C Meylan Rhodes var. gracilescens Germany Oldenburg, Richtmoor 00.04.1922 H Sandsted Rhodes

Cladonia cristatella Canada Belleville, Ontario 16.05.1876 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1926 S Rapp Rhodes USA El Nido, Fairfax Co, Virginia 14.05.1910 M F Miller Rhodes USA Cabin John Bridge, 22.02.1925 S F Blake Rhodes Montgomery Co, Maryland USA Washington 22.02.1928 S F Blake Rhodes

Cladonia cyanipes Russia Kamatchka 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Vg., Boias 10.03.1919 I Soderberg Rhodes Czech Hohe Tatra, Zelene pleso 00.00.1922 Suza Rhodes

Cladonia daytoniana USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia decorticata Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 25.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

86 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia deformis Austria Hochsalm 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Pfalz, Haardt, near Limburg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Lexdrega 13.09.1919 I Soderberg Rhodes Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 01.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Lake O'Hara Woods, BC 28.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Cladonia degenerans Bohemia Kleisergroll, Haida 00.08.1922 J Anders Rhodes Germany Baden, Schwetsingen n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Rheinpfalz, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Norway Dovrefjield 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Sweden Vestrogothia, Varnum 00.08.1919 C Sandberg Rhodes Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1869 J Macoun Stone var. phyllophora Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Thayatal 00.07.1915 A Oborny Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Billingen 00.10.1919 A Hulphers Rhodes

Cladonia delespertii Sweden Vastergotland, Billingen 15.08.1921 A Hulphers Rhodes

Cladonia delicata Sweden Halland, Getinge, Smollinge 22.09.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Germany Oldenburg, Hegeler Wald, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Huntlosen Sweden Oldenburg 00.10.1921 Sanstede? Rhodes

Cladonia didyma USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1926 S Rapp Rhodes var. pulchella USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia digitata Austria Pfenningberg 13.07.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg 00.09.1923 Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg 00.09.1923 Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Lampertheimer Heide 00.03.1922 Voigtlander Rhodes Norway Dovrefjield 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Ljusbult 00.07.1921 C Sandberg Rhodes Switzerland Lac Noir, Fribourg 09.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. brachytes Italy Mte Antola, Genova 00.11.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Cladonia elongata Switzerland Ohnelia, Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1921 J Uonney Rhodes

Cladonia endiviaefolia Switzerland La Geronde, Sievre, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia feliacea

87 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. alcicornis Moravia Trebic 00.00.1920 R Picbauer Rhodes

Cladonia fibula Switzerland near Valsainte, Fribourg 29.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia fimbriata France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Rheinpfalz, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Russia Kamchatka 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Orebro n.d. P J Henbron Whitwell Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 01.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Ravin du Bois du Lac, Posieux, 11.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg USA Lyonburat, Alexandria Co, 28.11.1910 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia USA Sanford, Florida 05.11.1923 S Rapp Rhodes var. cornutoradiata Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Switzerland Bois a la Siche, Fribourg 15.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland La Chafforneyre, Vauburg, 20.05.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Bois de Faye, Givisiez, 21.01.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 18.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. ochrochlora Switzerland Bas Vully 08.10.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes var. prolifera Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Lac d'Ohnon, Vaud 01.09.1924 J Uonney Rhodes var. simplex Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Rheinpfals, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden ? 00.07.1921 I Soderberg Rhodes Switzerland Creux de Pierres, Fribourg 05.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. subulata Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Poltenberger 00.10.1919 A Oborny Rhodes Norway x 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Villais-sur-Flane 29.01.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. tubaeformis Norway Dovre 24.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Canada Ottawa, Ontario 23.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Cladonia flabelliformis var. polydactyla Sweden Molla 18.06.1920 I Soderberg Rhodes var. scabriuscula Switzerland Monteynan, Arconciel, 13.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. tubaeformis Switzerland Muzzano, Ticino 04.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Monteynan, Arconciel, 13.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

88 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia floerkeana Germany Baden n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Rheinpfalz, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Reitdach, Aschhausen, Old. 00.00.1922 Sandstede Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone var. chloroides Norway x 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone

Cladonia floridana USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1927 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia foliacea var. firma Norway Dovre 00.08.1889 J B Stone Stone

Cladonia furcata Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Poltenberg 00.10.1915 A Oborny Rhodes Germany Baden, Rheinebene, n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Kiefernwalder Italy Ligurien, Castelletto 07.08.1922 G Gresino Rhodes Switzerland Burgerwald, Fribourg 27.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. erecta Austria Koglerau 03.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes var. fissa Bohemia Zwittau, Mahren, Mohrner 00.07.1919 J Hruby Rhodes Rander Italy Bosco del Serino, Val Bisagno 00.07.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes var. foliosa France Grasse, Riviera 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone var. furcato-subulata Syria x 00.11.1883 Cox Stone var. palamea Sweden Goteborg, Fassberg, Sandback 22.05.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. pinnata Norway Dovre 20.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland La Mollietaz, Le Cret, Fribourg 10.10.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Bois de la Siche, Arconciel, 09.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Tour de la Baticz, Martigny, 27.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Between Kanderstag and 27.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Gemmi, Bern var. racemosa Austria Hochsalm 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Italy Varazze, Bcco dela Forche 17.03.1921 L Scriba Rhodes Italy Serino, Genova 22.06.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Syria x 00.11.1883 Cox Stone Canada Sydney, Cape Breton 00.00.1883 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1924 J M Grant Rhodes var. scabriuscula France Gironde 00.00.1916 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.03.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

89 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. subulata Switzerland Oussannaz, Charmey, Fribourg 03.08.1904 J Aebischer Rhodes

Cladonia glauca Bohemia Poltenberg, Mahren, Waldweg 00.05.1922 A Oborny Rhodes Germany Baden, Kiefernwalder, 00.07.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Friedrichsfeld Germany Baden, Kiefernwalder, 00.07.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Friedrichsfeld Germany Baden, Kiefernwalder, 00.07.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Friedrichsfeld Germany Osenberge, Old 00.12.1922 Sandstede Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia, Bovas, 00.04.1919 C Standberg Rhodes Tokarpsberg Canada Tonquin Valley, Jasper 00.07.1926 F A MacFadden Rhodes National park var. dendroides Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Poltenberg 00.10.1919 A Oborny Rhodes

Cladonia gracilis Germany near Friedrichsfeld, Baden 00.08.1924 Voigtlander Rhodes Norway Knuden near Merok 05.06.1925 HO? unnamed Russia Siberia, Tabalsk 00.00.1911 Garadsov Rhodes Canada Vancouver Island 00.00.1888 F Terry Stone USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1926 J M Grant Rhodes var. anthocephala Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 01.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. aspera Sweden Lindome, Hassungared 03.05.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Creux de Pierres, Fribourg 22.06.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes var. chordalis Switzerland La Chaux, Charmey, Fribourg 15.09.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Europe ? 00.00.1914 Garadsov Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1885 J Macoun Stone var. dilaccrala Switzerland St Luc, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. dilatata Switzerland La Goille aux cerfs, Semsales, 18.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Canada Lake O'Hara Woods, BC 28.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes Canada x n.d. J Macoun Stone Canada x 00.00.1890 J Macoun Stone var. elongata France Hautes-Pyrenees 00.08.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Latschen, between Funtensee 00.08.1922 V Schoenau Rhodes and Oberlahnsalpe Sweden Jamtland 00.08.1923 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Kaiseregg, Fribourg 08.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Quebec & Anticosti 1882-1883 J Macoun Stone Canada Parsons Mt, Vancouver Island 17.05.1893 J Macoun Stone var. macroceras Italy Alpi Coziem Mte Saccherezza 24.08.1920 Gresino Rhodes

90 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia impexa France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve 00.05.1920 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Oldenburg, Hegeler Wald, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Huntlosen Norway Dovrefjield 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone var. portentosa Italy Pineta a Stella 04.10.1922 Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Varazze, Mt Grossa 08.06.1922 Gresino Rhodes var. pumila Italy Spotorno 00.08.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes var. spumosa Italy Varazze 22.06.1922 Gresino Rhodes

Cladonia lacunosa Mexico? Terre-Neuve 00.00.1900 Jonglet Rhodes

Cladonia leporina USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1922 S Rapp Rhodes USA near Valparaiso, Florida 25.10.1923 W W Ashe Rhodes

Cladonia leptophylla France Lot-et-Garonne 0.00.1929 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Mahren, Hugel um Znaim 00.00.1922 A Oborny Rhodes Italy Lusen, Plasell 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Cladonia lutea USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia macilenta Austria Hohenstein 06.06.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Reitdach, Aschhausen, Old. 00.00.1922 Sandstede Rhodes Germany Welpe near Vechta, Old. 00.00.1922 Sandstede Rhodes Germany Harz, Brockengebiet n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Westergotland, Gem 09.07.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes var. clavata Switzerland La Landa, La Roche, Fribourg 19.08.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Cladonia macrophylla Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Halland 24.06.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia macrophyllodes Czech Hohe Tatra, Kopa Sattel 00.00.1922 Suza Rhodes Italy Mt Antola 00.10.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Vestrogothia 05.08.1919 I Soderberg Rhodes

Cladonia major Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg 00.07.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes

Cladonia medusina Madagascar Andrangolsaka 00.11.1880 Hildebrandt Rhodes

Cladonia mitis

91 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Germany Wenden, Steimbke 00.10.1921 Sandstedeede Rhodes Germany Heide, Wenden 00.10.1921 Sandstede Rhodes

Cladonia mitrula USA Southbound, Winston-Salem, 01.11.1922 S Chapman Rhodes NC USA Rixey Station, Alexandria Co, 10.11.1910 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1922 S Rapp Rhodes USA near Bladensburg, Maryland 08.01.1928 S F Blake Rhodes

Cladonia morroensis USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1928 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia muscigena Madagascar Comoro-Insel, Tohanna 00.07.1875 Hildebrandt Rhodes

Cladonia nemoxyna Austria Karnten, St Ruprecht 16.08.1922 A Oborny Rhodes

Cladonia ochrochlora Germany Heidelberg 00.08.1924 Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Dorotea, Mangmanberget 14.08.1922 Stenholm Rhodes Italy S Nicolo di Lufen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes var. ceratodes Germany Heide, near Limburg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes var. coniscraea Italy Monte Siguello 04.07.1922 Gresino Rhodes

Cladonia pachycladodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia papillaria Bohemia K Podol 00.00.1909 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Tegelmark 02.08.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Sweden Faasberg, Sandvack 06.11.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Lyonburat, Alexandria Co, 11.09.1909 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia

Cladonia pityrea France Gironde, Pessac 00.00.1923 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Pfalz, Heide near Limburg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Tiefenbach near Kirchzarten 00.09.1923 Voigtlander & Tetzner Rhodes Germany Pfalz, Kiefernwald, Speyer 22.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Gitinge, Frollinge 23.09.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. hololepis Switzerland Hauterive, Fribourg 09.04.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. phyllophora Germany Kayhausen 06.03.1921 Sandstede Rhodes var. zwarchii France Gironde 00.00.1929 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

92 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Cladonia pleurota Germany near Muggenbrunn 00.07.1922 Losch Rhodes Germany Meyerhausen 20.03.1921 Sandstede Rhodes Germany Pfalz, Durkheim, Limburg 00.04.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes

Cladonia portentosa Germany Oldenburg, Hegeler Wald, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Huntlosen

Cladonia pycnoclada USA Sanford, Florida 00.00.1918 S Rapp Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.00.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia pyxidata France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1929 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Switzerland Grandfey, Fribourg 31.12.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1888 F Terry Stone Canada Ottawa, Ontario 16.04.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Difficult Run, Fairfax Co, 25.05.1912 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia var. chlorophaea France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve 00.00.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Switzerland Chesopelloz, Fribourg 03.04.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes var. neglecta France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve 00.00.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Heidelberg 00.08.1924 Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes var. pocillum Bohemia Schleisen 00.04.1912 J Hruby Rhodes Switzerland Sievre, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland La Boliaz, Valais 00.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Austria Hochsalm 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Cladonia rangiferina Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway Kongsvold 27.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Norway x 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamchatka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1895 F Terry Stone Canada x 00.00.1882 F Terry Stone USA Makkovik, Labrador 14.09.1921 R S Callander Rhodes var. pungens Sweden Vestrogotland, Stunstrop 00.10.1920 A Hulphers Rhodes var. stygia Sweden Vestrogothia, Billingen 00.08.1919 A Hulphers Rhodes

Cladonia rangiformis var. foliosa Germany Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes var. muricata Italy Varazze 22.06.1922 Gresino Rhodes Sweden Oland 01.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes var. scabriuscula

93 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 26.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Cladonia retipora Europe Sudinsel, Nelson, Voraljsen F v Hochstetter Rhodes

Cladonia santensis USA Sanford, Florida 00.07.1928 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia squamosa France Montarcher, Loire Austria Hohenstein 06.06.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Heidelberg, Felsenmeer n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Heidelberg, Felsenmeer n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Heidelberg, Felsenmeer n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Heidelberg, Felsenmeer n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Oldenburg, Kehnmoor, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Zwischenahn Germany Oldenburg, Kehnmoor, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Zwischenahn Germany Schwarzwald, Mehliskopf 26.08.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Oldenburg, Kehnmoor, 00.05.1927 Voigtlander Rhodes Zwischenahn Germany Pflaz, Heardt, nr Limburg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1883 J Macoun Stone var. denticollis Hungary Bokk, Pajzak, Zeero 04.07.1924 Foriss Rhodes Italy Cuneo, mte Besimauda 09.08.1918 Gresino Rhodes Sweden Stackholm 00.07.1918 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Birbaumera, Plassel, Fribourg 13.10.1927 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Burgenwald, Montiraz, 05.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg USA Mt Mitchell, NC 20.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes var. microphylla Bohemia Zlabings, Mahren, Stadtwald 00.08.1915 A Oborny Rhodes var. multibrachiata Sweden Vestergotland, Billingen 00.10.1927 A Hulphers Rhodes var. muricella Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Westergotland 09.07.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes var. phyllocoma Italy Radura, Lusen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Bois de Montegnan, Arconciel, 00.03.1922 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. polychonia Switzerland Burgenwald, Montiraz, 05.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Sweden Vestergotland, Billingen 00.10.1920 A Hulphers Rhodes var. rigida France Gironde, Pessac 00.00.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Cladonia stenophylla USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia strepsilis France Lot-et-Garonne 00.04.1919 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

94 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Eagle Farm, Winston-Salem, 01.03.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes NC USA near Mt Vernon, Virginia 01.03.1925 S F Blake Rhodes

Cladonia subcariosa Germany near Kirchzarten 00.06.1922 A Losch Rhodes USA near Chevy Chase, Maryland 10.05.1926 S F Blake Rhodes USA Riggs Mill, Prince Georges Co, 08.03.1925 S F Blake Rhodes Maryland

Cladonia subrangiformis France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve-s- 00.00.1920 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Lot France Dunen near Dunkerque 00.00.1921 B de Lesdain Rhodes

Cladonia subsquamosa Italy Ligurien, Varazze 21.09.1922 G Gresino Rhodes

Cladonia sylvatica Germany Durkheim, Limburg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Italy Malga di Colbricon, Val 00.07.1920 E Corti Rhodes Travignolo Norway Dovre 00.08.1889 J B Stone Bagnall Norway Dovrefjield 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Sweden Vestergotland 00.10.1923 A Hulphers Rhodes Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1869 J Macoun Stone Canada Chalk River, Ontario 13.10.1892 J Macoun Stone Canada x 00.00.1890 J Macoun Stone USA Lyonburat, Alexandria Co, 20.12.1909 M F Miller Rhodes Virginia var. laxiuscula Switzerland Cousimbert summit, Fribourg 12.06.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes USA Flat Rock, Winston-Salem, NC 20.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes var. silvestris Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Poltenberger 00.10.1919 A Oborny Rhodes

Cladonia tennatula USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Cladonia tenuis Germany Brandenburg 14.02.1927 W Kollhoff Rhodes

Cladonia turgida Austria Pfenningberg 21.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Italy Pizzo d'Ormea, Albenga 00.00.1908 Ricca Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Ostrog, Furingstad 00.05.1914 P A Issen Rhodes USA Brandon, Vermont n.d. D L Dutton Rhodes var. conspicia USA Long Island, New York 00.00.1913 R L Rhodes

Cladonia uncialis France Gironde 00.00.1929 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Germany Pfalz n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes

95 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Germany Pfalz, near Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Pfalz, Haardt, near Limburg 00.10.1926 Voigtlander Rhodes Germany See Zelene pleso 00.00.1922 Suza Rhodes Italy Boschi del Serino 11.10.1920 Sbarbaro Rhodes Norway Kongsvold 00.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada Lake Superior 00.07.1869 J Macoun Stone USA Chain Bridge Road, Alexandria 20.09.1909 M F Miller Rhodes Co, Virginia var. dicraea Norway x 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone

Cladonia verticillaris Brazil San Paul 00.00.1900 Rastelli Rhodes

Cladonia verticillata France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1923 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Russia Siberia, Tabalsk 00.00.1914 Goradsov Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1922 S Rapp Rhodes USA Southside Park, Winston- 02.05.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes Salem, NC var. evoluta Sweden Vestrogothia 00.08.1919 C Sandberg Rhodes Canada x n.d. J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1922 S Rapp Rhodes var. phyllophora Bohemia Znaim, Mahren, Thayatal 00.05.1921 A Oborny Rhodes

Cladonia vulcani Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Cladonia zopfii Sweden Kulltorp 04.11.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Coccocarpia astrella USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1929 S Rapp Rhodes

Coenogonium interpositum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Collema ceranoides Switzerland Neleris, Valais 23.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema cheilum Italy Follo, S Eusebio 00.03.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Collema crispum Switzerland Chateau d'Oex, Vaud 15.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes var. ceranoides Switzerland by church, Gruyeres, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema cristatum France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Switzerland Sion, Valais 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

96 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Rossermatte, Kandersteg, Bern 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema furvum Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 28.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Collema granosum Italy Pontecarrega 00.11.1923 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Collema granuliferum Switzerland Fluhweid, near Lac Noir, 29.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Charmey, Fribourg

Collema limosum Italy Plosehutte, Lusen, Brixen 00.06.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Collema meridionale Italy Spotorno, Prelo 00.09.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Collema microphylla Austria Spitala 10.09.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Collema multifidum Sweden Ostrog., Krokek, 04.08.1924 P A Issen Rhodes Marmorbruket Switzerland La Gisetta, Gruyeres, Fribourg 07.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. jacobaeifolium Switzerland Sattelschwand, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Collema nigrescens USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1923 S Rapp Rhodes var. leucopipla USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Coniocybe furfuracea Switzerland Foret Jouse de Freyvaux 21.10.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 19.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes

Coniocybe pallida Austria Steinbach-a-Z 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 21.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Fribourg 30.07.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Coniocybe sulphurella Austria Mufahr-a-Don 28.04.1921 F Bresch Rhodes France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Conotrema tropicum USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Cora pavonia USA Oviedo, Florida 00.09.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Cornicularia lanata

97 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Cornicularia tenuissima Russia Loatvia, Riga near Boldevaa 00.00.1903 K R Kupfer Rhodes

Crocynia caesioalba France Rhone, near Lyon 00.11.1927 M Choisy Rhodes

Crocynia gossipina USA Oviedo, Florida 23.11.1926 S Rapp Rhodes

Crocynia lanuginosum Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Cyphelium carolinianum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Cyphelium corallinum USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Cyphelium inquinans Italy Cortina d'Ampezzo 22.09.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Cyphelium inquinans Russia Luga, Petropolitani 00.00.1900 Elenkin Rhodes

Cyphelium stemonellum Bohemia Baumrinde bei K Podol 00.00.1909 V Kutak Rhodes

Cyphelium tigillare USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1924 J M Grant Rhodes France Hautes-Pyrenees, Cauterets 00.08.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes var. filiforme France Hautes-Pyrenees, Cauterets 00.08.1924 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Dactylina arctica Canada Lake Ottawa, Apabrin? Pass 01.08.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Dendrographa leucophaea USA near San Pedro, California 00.00.1890 H E Hasse Rhodes

Dermatocarpon aquaticum Italy Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard

Dermatocarpon arboreum USA Southbound, Winston-Salem, 01.11.1922 S Chapman Rhodes NC USA Flat Rock, Winston-Salem, NC 15.05.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Dermatocarpon cinereum Bohemia Prostred 00.00.1926 V Kutak Rhodes

Dermatocarpon hepaticum

98 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Soldiers Delight, Baltimore Co, 15.11.1915 C C Plitt Rhodes Md

Dermatocarpon miniatum Switzerland Naters, Valais 23.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 13.11.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone var. complicatum Switzerland Botheys, Cerniat 10.06.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes

Dermatocarpon monstrosum Italy Trieste, Mte Spiccato 00.00.1920 U Saba Rhodes

Dermatocarpon schaereri Italy Acquedutto di Staglieno 00.03.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Dermatocarpon subcinereum Russia Voronezhskaya 20.07.1925 x Rhodes

Diclyanema sercema USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Dictyonema sericeum USA Fort Reed 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Diploschistes actinostomus Japan Nabewari Mountain 20.02.1918 x Rhodes

Diploschistes bryophilus Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 12.03.1924 Uonney Rhodes

Diploschistes gypsaceus Switzerland Mont Vuilly, Fribourg 00.02.1920 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland La Longue Crete, Sievre, 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland road from Granges to Leno, 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Diploschistes ocellatus Italy Stazzano, Scrivia 00.00.1913 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Diploschistes scruposus Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 00.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 14.06.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 14.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada Deer Park, BC 12.06.1889 J Macoun Stone

Dufourea arctica Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes var. minor Russia Novaya Sibir 06.08.1903 V P Savicz Rhodes

Dufourea madreporiformis Switzerland Schwarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1888 J B Stone Stone

99 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Ukraine Taurica, Chatyr-Dag 00.00.1900 R D Elenviss Rhodes Canada Meadows Lake, O'Hara, BC 30.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Encephalographa elisae Italy Rocce al Montello 00.03.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Endocarpon michelii Hungary Tolgyes, Heves 20.03.1913 Foriss Rhodes

Endocarpon moulinsii Russia Irkutsk, Nilova-Pustyn 00.00.1902 Elenkin Rhodes

Endocarpon pusillum Switzerland near Naters, Valais 23.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Endocarpon veleb….. Switzerland Jura, Gorge de Longueaigues 00.04.1921 C Meylan Rhodes

Endococcus gemmifer Belgium Vallee de l'Hermelon 08.04.1911 Meylan? Rhodes

Ephebe lanata Switzerland Muzzano, Ticino 04.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Ephebe lesquereuxii USA De Schweinitz Falls, NC 25.08.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Ephebe pubescens Canada Mt Benson, Vancouver Island 06.06.1887 J Macoun Stone

Evernia divaricata Austria Obersulzbachtal, Pinzgau 18.08.1920 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Grimentz, Val d'Anniviers, 15.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Evernia furfuracea Austria Koglerau 31.08.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Austria Hochsalm 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Norway Fjeldseeter near Trondheim 06.06.1925 HO? unnamed Russia St Petersburg, near Olgino 00.00.1919 V P Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Gruyeres, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Chasseron, Jura 00.00.1926 C Meylan Rhodes

Evernia prunastri Russia Lachta near Petrapalin 00.00.1919 V P Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Foret de Moncor, Fribourg 13.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Evernia thamnodes Italy Plosehutte, Lusen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Russia Zabajkalsk, Siberia 00.00.1911 Czoadnovsky Rhodes

100 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Flacolecania candicans Italy Spotorno 09.10.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Glyphis acharina USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1924 S Rapp Rhodes

Glyphis eunfluens USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1910 S Rapp Rhodes

Glyphis lutea USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Glyphis medusalina USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Glyphis trichasa USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphina anguina USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphina nitida USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis afzelii USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1919 S Rapp Rhodes USA Gainesville?, Florida 00.00.1915 NLTN Rhodes

Graphis elegans Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.04.1884 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis myriotremoides USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis paitaei USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis paitaeoides USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis scripta Switzerland Gandria, Ticino 05.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Salem Creek, NC 23.05.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes var. serpentina Austria Schwarzenberg, Spital 06.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 10.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 29.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. vulgaris Austria Spital 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Graphis subintidula USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

101 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Graphis terminosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1926 S Rapp Rhodes

Graphis virginea USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta carneoluteola USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta cupularis Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 00.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 23.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Obermuhle…, Tafers, Fribourg 09.03.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Gyalecta exanthematica Switzerland Ripaz d'en bas, Charmey, 29.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland near Lac Noir, Fribourg 29.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Gyalecta floridana USA Sanford, Florida 12.02.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta flotowii Italy Lusen near Brixen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Gyalecta foveolaris Sweden Torne Lappmark, near Torne, 15.07.1919 H Magnusson Rhodes Abisko

Gyalecta hypoleuca Italy Pontcarrega 00.05.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Gyalecta lutea USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta phyllogama USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta pubescens USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Gyalecta rubra Sweden Vasterg., Dala, Borgatorp 13.09.1914 E P Vrang Rhodes

Gyalecta sp. France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1919 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Gyrophora angulata Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 08.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Gyrophora anthracina Sweden Jukkasjarvi 22.07.1904 E P Vrang Rhodes

102 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Gyrophora arctica Italy Plosehutte 07.06.1919 Sbarbaro? Rhodes

Gyrophora cirrosa Norway Noerok 05.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Gyrophora crustulata var. depressa Switzerland Zinal, Valais 00.07.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Gyrophora crustulosa Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Tarna, 08.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Rivovardo

Gyrophora cylindrica Italy Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Italy Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Norway Merok 05.06.1925 HO? unnamed Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Bourg St Pierre, Valais 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. delisei Switzerland Grimsel 00.08.1923 W Watson Rhodes var. denutata Switzerland Hospice du Grimsel, Berne 05.08.1925 J Uonney Rhodes

Gyrophora deusta Sweden Vestergotland 12.02.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Gyrophora dillenii Canada Algoma, Ontario 28.07.1869 J Macoun Stone USA Pilot Mt, NC 30.06.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes

Gyrophora erosa Sweden Stockholm 00.07.1918 A Hulphers Rhodes Canada Mt Benson, Vancouver Island 10.07.1893 J Macoun Stone

Gyrophora flocculosa Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Mont Mort, Grand St Bernard, 09.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Cousimbert, Fribourg 05.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland La Combert, La Roche, 15.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Gyrophora glabra Sweden Vastergotland, Satila Stromma 02.08.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Gyrophora griscea Norway Romsdal 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Sweden Ostrog., Furingstad 06.05.1913 P A Issen Rhodes

103 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Gyrophora hirsuta Germany Gorlitz, Oberlausitz 00.05.1870 Hieronymus Rhodes Sweden Stockholm 05.07.1917 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Bourg St Pierre, Valais 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Magenbroz, Valais 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Gyrophora hyperborea Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.09.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Sweden Harjedalen, Linsan 13.08.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Goose Rock, Wahington 00.07.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Gyrophora microphylla Italy Pavillon de Saint Frety, Mont 00.08.1914 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Blanc

Gyrophora muhlenbergii Russia Siberia, Zabajkelsk n.d. N K Kusnetzov Rhodes

Gyrophora murina France Rhone, near Lyon 00.11.1927 M Choisy Rhodes

Gyrophora phaea USA San Bernardino Mtns, Calif. 00.00.1912 H E Hasse Rhodes

Gyrophora polyphylla Russia peninsula Faurica, Krym 00.00.1910 G V Brejez? Rhodes Switzerland Zinal, Valais 28.07.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Gyrophora proboscidea Italy Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia insula Wajgacz 00.00.1898 Badsin? Rhodes

Gyrophora rugifera Sweden Sydvestra Jamtlands 03.07.1914 H Smith Rhodes USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1905 H E Hasse Rhodes

Gyrophora spodochroa Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Gyrophora vellea Russia Kamatchka 00.05.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Urals? 00.00.1897 ? Rhodes Canada McArthur Trail from Lake 24.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes O'Hara Canada Selkirk & Deer Park, BC 08.06.1890 J Macoun Stone

Haematomma coccineum var. porphyrium Sweden Halland, Gunnarca 02.07.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. ochroleucum

104 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Halland, Gunnarca 02.07.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Haematomma punicea USA Sanford, Florida 00.07.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Heppia guepini Italy Varallo near Vale Grande 07.11.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy S Giuliano 00.10.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Heppia virescens Switzerland Chasseron, Jura 00.11.1925 C Meylan Rhodes

Heppia zahlbruckneri USA San Gabriel Mtns, California 00.00.1911 H E Hasse Rhodes

Icmadophila aeruginosa Austria Rauhkogel 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Icmadophila ericetorum Russia Lachta near Petrapalin 00.00.1919 V Pavlovicz Rhodes Switzerland Peien, Cousimbert, Fribourg 27.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Albeuve V., Gruyeres, 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Canada Kinney Lake trail, Mt Robson, 21.07.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes BC Canada Lake Superior n.d. x unnamed

Jonaspis odora Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1928 V Kutak Rhodes

Kelleria polyspora Russia Stalingadskaya 20.07.1921 B A Keller Rhodes

Lecanactis californica USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1910 H E Hasse Rhodes

Lecanactis dilleniana Sweden Goteborg, Fassberg, Sandback 18.04.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanactis patellarioides var. convexa Italy Varazze 00.10.1922 Gresino Rhodes Italy Geneva 03.05.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecanactis plocina Bohemia Skrovadu 00.00.1916 V Kutak Rhodes

Lecanactis premnea USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanactis salicina USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1910 H E Hasse Rhodes

105 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanactis saltelii Italy Genoa 00.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecania alexandrae Russia Bronezhskaya 25.08.1925 x Rhodes

Lecania angelensis USA Clifton by the Sea, Los 00.00.1914 H E Hasse Rhodes Angeles Co

Lecania athrocarpa Italy Bassano, Veneto 01.09.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecania crytella USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecania dubitans Sweden Westgoth., Burun, Jala 00.08.1915 E P Vrang Rhodes

Lecania erysibe Hungary Heves 16.03.1913 Foriss Rhodes Switzerland Hauterive, Fribourg 30.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes USA Kulm, N Dakota 00.05.1908 J F Brenckle Rhodes

Lecania nylanderiana Sweden Dunker 00.00.1898 O G Blomberg Rhodes

Lecania rabenhorstii Russia Smolensk 25.08.1915 M P Tomin Rhodes

Lecanora albella Bohemia Mahr, Weisskirchen, Swrcow 00.12.1922 F Petrak Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanora allophana var. campestris Bohemia Upice 00.00.1927 V Kutak Rhodes

Lecanora alphoplaca Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.06.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Gressoney la Trinite, Val 27.08.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes d'Aosta

Lecanora angulosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.07.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Lecanora argopholis Switzerland Arnelier, Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1924 J Uonney Rhodes

Lecanora atriseda Sweden Vastergotland, Floby, Vastorp 05.03.1897 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora badia

106 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Piandelagotti, Modena 01.05.1924 A Lunardi Rhodes var. cinerascens Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Hospice du Ginsel, Berne 05.08.1925 J Uonney Rhodes

Lecanora calcarea Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 25.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora carpinea Switzerland Les Grand Places, Fribourg 14.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora cartilaginea Switzerland La Longue Crete, Sievre, 26.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Lecanora cateilia Austria Steinbach a. Z. 09.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Lecanora cenisia Sweden Goteborg 18.09.1926 C Stenholm Rhodes Sweden Goteborg 16.07.1912 C Stenholm Rhodes var. atrynea Switzerland Lac Noir, Fribourg 07.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland La Sarim, Hauterive, Fribourg 01.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora chlarona Italy Boschi del Serino 00.10.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 22.07.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora chlorotera Switzerland Charmey 19.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora cinerea USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes USA Kulm, N Dakota 00.03.1908 J F Brenckle Rhodes

Lecanora circinata Hungary Diosgyor 04.04.1921 F Foriss Rhodes

Lecanora coilocarpa Switzerland Lugano 00.00.1919 C Mereschkowsky Rhodes var. fuscorufa Switzerland Lugano 00.00.1919 C Mereschkowsky Rhodes

Lecanora contracta Sweden Vastergotland, Askim 03.10.1924 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecanora crenulata Switzerland Les Reposoirs, Valsainte, 28.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 25.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora cupressii USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

107 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora demissa Hungary Heves 01.07.1922 Foriss Rhodes

Lecanora dicksonii Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug, 01.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse

Lecanora dispersa Bohemia Lanova 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Vestergotland Kinnefulle 30.07.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora effusa var. ravida Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arvidsjaur, 16.07.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Prastberget var. sarcopis Hungary Bukk mountains 06.07.1924 Foriss Rhodes

Lecanora epibryon Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora expallens var. lutescens France Paris, Parc de Versailles 05.11.1912 B de Lesdain Rhodes

Lecanora flotowiana Italy Orri, Sardinia 00.00.1867 Canepa Rhodes

Lecanora frustulosa var. ludwigii Sweden Jamtland, Jarn 16.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora fulgens Sweden Vasterg., V. Klefva, Backor 00.06.1915 E P Vrang Rhodes

Lecanora fuscescens Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gallivare 12.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora galactina Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 14.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. dissipata Switzerland Birbaumera, Plassel, Fribourg 13.10.1927 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora gangaleoides Italy Forte Ratti, Genova 00.05.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecanora granifera USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Lecanora grumosa Sweden Bohuslan, Laka, Valla, Tjorn 29.07.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

108 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora gypsacea Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 22.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora hageni Italy Bologna, Val d'Idice, Castel dei 00.05.1925 G Gresino Rhodes Britti Switzerland Charmey, road to Jaun 07.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 16.04.1890 J Macoun Stone Japan ? 07.03.1918 ? Rhodes var. lithophila Sweden Oland 31.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora intercincta Sweden Bohuslan, Fjallbacka 07.08.1918 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecanora intermedia France Gironde, Pessac 00.00.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Lecanora intumescens Italy Varazze 21.06.1913 Gresino Rhodes Switzerland Charmey, road to Jaun 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora lentigera Bohemia Pollauer-Berge, Mahren 00.08.1922 J Hruby Rhodes Switzerland Rhone Valley, Sion, Valais n.d. P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland between Granges & Lens, 25.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Lecanora leprosescens Sweden Bohuslan, Torslanda 19.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecanora leptacina Sweden Harjedalens, Helagsfjallet 19.07.1913 H Smith Rhodes

Lecanora littoralis USA Marysville, Washington 00.06.1922 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanora macteuta Sweden Oland, Hogley 28.07.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora melanaspis Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug 09.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora mughicola Austria Lilienfeld 00.00.1917 ? Rhodes

Lecanora muralis Switzerland La Longue Crete, Sievre, 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 05.04.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora oleusta Sweden Vastergotland, Floby 00.04.1896 C Stenholm Rhodes

109 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora pacifica Canada Vancouver Island 07.05.1875 J Macoun Stone

Lecanora pallescens USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1915 S Rapp Rhodes var. upsaliensis Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjepluog 11.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora pallida Canada Ottawa, Ontario 24.04.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1924 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.07.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanora parella Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora pinastri Switzerland Oeschinensee, Kandersteg, 29.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bern

Lecanora polytropa Russia west Siberia 00.00.1914 M N Jaradnov Rhodes Sweden Vastergotland, Floby 00.12.1897 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Gros Cousimbert, La Roche, 25.06.1929 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. alpigena Switzerland Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard Switzerland Berra, Fribourg 07.08.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. stenotropa Switzerland Planfayon, Fribourg 11.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora prosechoides Sweden Bohuslan, Laka, Valla, Tjorn 22.06.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecanora prosechoidiza Sweden Goteborg, Hono 28.09.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora pruinifera Belgium Houx 00.00.1924 Tonglet Rhodes

Lecanora quartzina Sweden Vastergotland, Grolunde, 11.04.1910 A H Magnusson Rhodes Langedrag

Lecanora recedens Switzerland Klus, Kandersteg, Bern 26.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora rugosa Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.05.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora saepimentorum Russia Kamatchka 10.08.1916 ? Rhodes

110 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecanora saxatilis var. lignicola Bohemia Ceske Salice 00.00.1920 V Kutak Rhodes

Lecanora saxicola var. versicolor Bohemia Vapenci 00.00.1928 V Kutak Rhodes

Lecanora sinapisperma Switzerland Arvenwald, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecanora sordida Bohemia Upice 00.00.1913 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Halland 23.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecanora subfusca Switzerland Les Combes, Gruyeres, 07.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Canada x 00.04.1891 J Macoun Stone var. allophana Switzerland Chamblioux, Granges-Paccot, 18.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. campestris Sweden Vestergotland 11.06.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland St Ours, Fribourg 23.04.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes var. chlarona Switzerland Bois de la Seche, Arconciel, 21.07.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. coilocarpa Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 22.05.1883 J Macoun Stone var. glabrata Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 12.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. hypnorum Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 26.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. michaudi Switzerland Eillatzwald, St Ours, Fribourg 13.04.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes var. parisiensis Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 16.10.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes var. pinastri Switzerland Schwarzenbach, Gemmi, 27.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais var. rugosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1915 S Rapp Rhodes var. variolosa Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 12.03.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecanora subradiosa Italy Mte Sigueleo, Cogoleto 04.07.1922 G Gresino Rhodes

Lecanora subrugosa Italy Taufers 00.09.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecanora symmictera

111 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanora tartarea Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Lecanora umbrina Italy Sardagna di Trento 00.10.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Castel di …, Bologna 00.02.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Promenade des Bastions, 00.00.1919 Kereschkowsky Rhodes Geneve Switzerland Ripaz d'en bas, Lac Noir, 29.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Lecanora upsaliensis Switzerland Arnelier, Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1924 J Uonney Rhodes

Lecanora varia USA Marysville, Washington 00.08.1923 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecanora verrucosa Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea aglaea France Mer de Glace, Chamonix, 00.08.1926 D A Jones Rhodes Savoy Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjipluog 09.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea albocaerulescens Switzerland Schwartzefluh, Charmey, 22.07.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg USA Catousville, Maryland 00.03.1916 C C Plitt Rhodes

Lecidea armeniaca var. nigrita Italy Pizzo d'Ormea 00.00.1900 Estate Rhodes

Lecidea assimilis Sweden Goteborg, Anggarden, 23.10.1918 A H Magnusson Rhodes Finsmossen

Lecidea atrobrunnea Italy Pizzo d'Ormea 00.00.1916 U Ricca Rhodes

Lecidea auriculata var. diducens Sweden Bohuslan, Laka, Valla, Tjorn 22.08.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea badiopalliens Italy Pontecarega, Genoa 00.05.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecidea beringeriana Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna, 29.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Strimasund

112 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea cinerioatra Sweden Harjesdalen 16.08.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea cinnabarina USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes x x n.d. x Rhodes

Lecidea coarctata Sweden Goteborg, Orgryte 04.06.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. elacista Switzerland Maggenberg, Cavel, Fribourg 08.02.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecidea consenticus Sweden Jamtland 09.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea contigua Switzerland Burgenwald, Zenauve, 27.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Pas de Marengo, Grand St 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard, Valais

Lecidea crustulata Switzerland Gemeindewald, Plaufayon, 27.07.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Lecidea cuprea Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna, 29.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Strimasund

Lecidea decipiens Switzerland Le Longue Crete. Sievre, 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea declinascens Italy Taufers 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecidea demissa Sweden Halland, Lindarne 04.10.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea diapensiae Sweden Lappmark, Janna 10.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea elabens Italy Mijurina 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Lappmark, Vuodna 24.07.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea elaeochromiza Italy Varazze, Cantalupo 28.12.1921 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecidea elaeochromoides Italy Varazze, Mola 05.09.1923 Gresino Rhodes

113 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea flexuosa Sweden Halland, Gunnarca 07.07.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Lecidea fuliginea France Gironde 00.00.1928 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Gironde 00.00.1925 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Lecidea furvella Sweden Goteborg, Dryryte, SW shore 11.04.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes of Dalsjon

Lecidea fusca var. templetoni Italy Modenese, Pindelagotti 09.05.1924 A Lunardi Rhodes

Lecidea fuscoatra Sweden Vestergotland, Marka 26.08.1893 C Stenholm Rhodes var. grisella Italy Serino 10.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes var. subcontigua Sweden Vasterg., Habo, Eskhult 09.07.1922 E P Vrang Rhodes

Lecidea fuscocinerea Sweden Vastergotland, Hemsjo, Ryd 04.08.1919 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea fuscorubens Sweden Oland 01.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea globifera Switzerland Bremingard, Charmey, 15.09.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Lecidea goniophila Italy Varazze, Deserto 11.03.1915 Gresino Rhodes Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 05.04.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecidea gothoburgensis Sweden Goteborg, Grolundaborg 21.10.1923 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea granulosa var. escharoides Sweden Vastergotland, Floby 30.09.1916 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea grisella Sweden Goteborg 06.11.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea griseo-atra Switzerland Foret des Reposoirs, nr 28.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valsainte, Fribourg

Lecidea hageni

114 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Marysville, Washington 00.04.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecidea immersa Switzerland La Grange, Hauterive, Fribourg 30.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecidea intumescens Sweden Vastergotland 04.05.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea kochiana Italy Minerva di Scopello, Valsesia 00.00.1906 Masi Rhodes

Lecidea lapicida Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1921 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gallivare 01.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. declinascens Sweden Torne Lappmark, Jukkasjarvi, 08.07.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes Abisko var. seriata Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjepluog, 04.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse

Lecidea latypea Hungary Montis Keserushegy, Vadallo 12.10.1913 Foriss Rhodes

Lecidea latypiza Italy Piandelagotti, Modena 27.10.1924 A Lunard Rhodes

Lecidea leucophaea Sweden Goteborg 11.04.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea limosa Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gallivare 01.08.0000 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea lithophila Sweden Goteborg 11.04.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea lurida Switzerland Rossermatte, Kandersteg, Bern 29.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea macrocarpa var. platycarpa Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 12.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea macula Switzerland Bois de la Faye, Givisiez 31.01.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecidea marginata Italy Semogo 00.00.1907 Revenalli Rhodes

Lecidea metzleri Belgium Fonds-de-Leffe, Dinant n.d. A Ronglet Rhodes

Lecidea mollis Sweden Torne Lappmark, Jukkasjarvi, 04.07.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes

115 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens


Lecidea mosigi Italy Monte Bianco, Brenta 00.09.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecidea musira Sweden Goteborg, Fassborg, Sandback 17.10.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea neglecta Sweden Vastergotland, Askim 28.09.1924 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea nypapta Sweden Pitea Lappmark 23.06.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea obscurella Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Stensele, 06.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Sandvik

Lecidea olivacea Italy Varazze, S. Rocco 28.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Lecidea opaca Italy Frattuoso di Capodimonte 00.12.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Lecidea pallida Sweden Lappmark, Turna, Bjorkfors 19.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea panceola Sweden Lycksele Lappmark 03.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea pantherina Sweden Bohuslan 11.09.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea parasema Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 12.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. elaeochroma Switzerland Arconciel, Fribourg 21.07.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes var. olivacea Switzerland Combes du Milieu, Gruyeres, 18.08.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Lecidea paupercula Sweden Asele Lappmark, Dorotea 02.08.1922 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea pilati Sweden Lappmark, Turna, Umfors 20.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea plana Bohemia Upice 00.00.1912 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Vastergotland 24.05.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea platycarpa Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug 11.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

116 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea praeruptarum Sweden Bohuslan, Tanum, Hede 14.08.1917 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea psoroidea Switzerland Mazembroz, Valais 27.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Lecidea pullata Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 09.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea quernea var. rubiginans Sweden Goteborg, Landvetter, Slamby 04.09.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea rivulosa Sweden Bohuslan, Kareby 04.09.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. corticola Sweden Vastergotland 14.09.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea russellii USA William Canyon, Manitou, 00.01.1913 J C Rhodes Colo

Lecidea sanguineoatra var. fusca Italy Modena, Piandelagotti 00.12.1924 A Lunardi Rhodes

Lecidea saniercensis USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Lecidea scabra Sweden Vastergotland, Frolunda, 27.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes Hogsbo

Lecidea silacca Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 12.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea sorediza Sweden Halland, Tolo, Valas 31.08.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes var. depauperata Sweden Goteborg, Landvetter, Tahult 11.06.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea speirea Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 29.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea spilota Sweden Orebro n.d. P J Hellbom Rhodes

Lecidea sublatypea Switzerland La Provcytaz d'Amont, 22.08.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Gruyeres, Fribourg

Lecidea suffusa USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

117 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lecidea sylvicola Switzerland Bois de Perolles, Fribourg 23.06.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Lago Maggiore, Morcote, 07.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Ticino

Lecidea sympathetica Switzerland La Eine, Montbouon, Fribourg 20.08.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes

Lecidea taeniarum Sweden Bohuslan, Skafto, Lunnevick 22.07.1915 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea tenebrica Sweden Halland 06.10.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea tenebrosa Bohemia Na Balvanexh v Krkonosich 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Jalo, Tholla 13.10.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea tessellata Switzerland La Combert, La Roche, 15.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Lecidea testacea Belgium Tonglet n.d. x Rhodes

Lecidea trochodes Sweden Vastergotland, St Lundby 16.05.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Lecidea turgidula Sweden Nerike n.d. Hellblom Rhodes

Lecidea uliginosa var. humosa Switzerland Ottisbergermoos, Duedingen, 00.05.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg

Lecidea variegata Italy Plosehutte (Lusen) above 00.08.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Brixen

Lecidea vernalis Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug 09.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Lecidea xanthococca Hungary Alpe Retyczat n.d. Lojka Rhodes Sweden Lappmark, Hoyland 04.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Leciophysma finmarkicum Sweden Torne Lappmork, Jukkasjarvi, 01.08.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes Kopparasen

Lempholemma myriococcum Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 09.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

118 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Leptogium atrocaeruleum Bohemia Mahren 00.06.1919 A Oborny Rhodes

Leptogium bullatum USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptogium chloromelum Switzerland Les Combes, Gruyeres, 07.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg USA Grandfather Mtn, NC 16.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1925 S Rapp Rhodes var. stellaris USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptogium cimicidiorum Italy? x 00.02.1909 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Leptogium crozalsianum Italy Spotorno 00.04.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Leptogium lacerum Switzerland Albeuve V, Gruyere, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Shannonville, Ontario 00.00.1882 J Macoun Stone var. fimbriatum Switzerland below Muzzano, Ticino 06.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium marginellum USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptogium microphylloides Switzerland Chexbres, Vaud 24.12.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium myochroum Switzerland Chatel s Montsabours, Fribourg 26.05.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Leptogium palmatum Canada Burrard Inlet, BC 24.04.1889 J Macoun Stone USA Langley, Washington 00.01.1924 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Leptogium phyllocarpum Italy Bellosguardo, Firenze 00.11.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Leptogium plicatile Italy Genova, Val Bisagno 00.07.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Chaine de la Berra, Fribourg 07.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Sievre, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 23.01.1922 J Aebischer Rhodes

Leptogium reticulatum USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

119 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Leptogium saturninum Russia Irkutsk 00.00.1902 Elenkin Rhodes Switzerland La Berantaz, Gruyere, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Charmey, Fribourg 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium sinuatum Sweden Vestrogothia, Billingen 00.09.1923 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Chateau d'Oex, Vaud 15.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Romerswyl, Fribourg 12.05.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Leptogium subtile Switzerland Granges, Valais 25.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptogium tenuissimum Austria Spitala 09.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Leptogium tremelloides Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.00.1868 J Macoun Stone USA Grandfather Mtn, NC 15.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes Japan Nakasendo 00.04.1891 J B Stone Stone

Leptogium turgidum Switzerland Naigrange, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Leptorhaphis quercus Austria Postlingberg 16.08.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Leptotrema cubanum USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1917 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptotrema glaucis USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1909 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptotrema leprocarpum USA Sanford, Florida 00.07.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptotrema monosporum USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptotrema ravenellii USA Oviedo, Florida 00.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Leptotrema wrightii USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes USA Florida 12.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Letharia arboricola Ukraine Peninsula Taurica 00.04.1908 J Vereitinov Rhodes

Letharia canariensis Canary Isles La Palma, Cumbre Vieje 00.03.1906 x Rhodes

Letharia divaricata

120 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Canada Abitibi 1923-1924 H Dupret Rhodes

Letharia thamnodes France Cannes 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone

Letharia vulpina Russia Caucasus, Abastumon 00.00.1862 Bayern Rhodes Switzerland St Luc, Valais 01.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Zermatt 06.06.1888 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Swartzee, Zermatt 04.06.1886 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Zermatt n.d. unnamed unnamed Canada Vancouver Island 00.00.1890 J Macoun Stone Canada Vancouver Island 00.09.1895 F Terry Stone Canada Mt Robson, BC 00.07.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Lobaria laetevirens Norway Lyngen 09.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Lobaria pulmonacea France Hautes-Pyrenees, Aste 00.00.1913 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Gironde, Caussat 00.00.1916 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Gironde, Caussat 00.00.1923 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Lobaria pulmonaria Switzerland Upper Jaunbach, Jaun, 02.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Foret des Reposoirs, nr 28.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valsainte, Fribourg

Lobaria scrobiculata Italy Celle Ligure, Sandoc 11.11.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes Norway Dovre 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone

Lopadium augustini USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1911 S Rapp Rhodes

Lopadium leucoxanthum USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Lopadium perpallidum USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Lopadium pezizoideum Italy Misurina sul lago 00.00.1920 Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 24.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes var. disciforme Sweden Vastmanland, Grythytte, 07.08.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Skifferverk

Lopadium phyllocharis USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1924 S Rapp Rhodes

Lopadiun rappii USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

121 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Lopadium ..ulpinum USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1911 S Rapp Rhodes

Mallotium tomentosum Austria Steinbeck 10.06.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Melanaspicilia nephroides Japan Nabewari Mountain, Kanagawa 22.12.1918 A Tsunoda Rhodes

Melanotheca cruenta USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes USA Gainesville, Florida 00.02.1916 F G M Rhodes

Melaspilea arthonioides USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Melaspilea proximella Italy Varazze, Rio Finale 15.11.1922 Gresino Rhodes

Menegazzia pertusa Austria Hofalm 10.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Microglaena corrosa Sweden Vastergotland, Gokhem 00.08.1924 E P Vrang Rhodes

Microglaena modesta France Cap d'Antibes 00.02.1926 x Rhodes

Microthelia thelena USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Mycoblastus sanguinarius Sweden Ostrog., V Eneby, Vasby 19.10.1916 P Issen Rhodes

Mycoporellum hassei USA Catalina Island, California 00.00.1915 H E Hasse Rhodes

Mycoporellum melatyoides USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Mycoporum elabens Italy Courmayeur, Mont Blanc 00.08.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Mycoporum pyrenocarpum Canada Madoc, Hastings Co, Ontario 24.10.1893 J Macoun Stone

Nephroma resupinatum USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Nephromium arcticum Norway Knuden near Moerk 05.06.1925 HO? unnamed Sweden Lapp. Tornensis, Wassijaure 00.07.1908 C J Neuman Rhodes

122 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Canada Hector, BC 00.00.1885 J Macoun Stone Canada Lake O'Hara, BC 28.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes Canada Hopedale, Labrador 10.09.1921 W W Perrett Rhodes

Nephromium asperum USA Grandfather Mtn, NC 15.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Nephromium australe Costa Rica Puntarenas 03.03.1922 Benove Rhodes

Nephromium expallidum Norway Lavik 00.00.1890 O Omang Rhodes Russia Kamatchka, Mt Valaginy 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Nephromium helveticum Germany Selva Nera, Germania 00.00.1908 A Bomgiovanni Rhodes Canada Gaspe, Quebec 00.08.1882 J Macoun Stone USA Yadkin River power house 04.07.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Nephromium laevigatum Austria Muhl 11.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes Austria Durnstein 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Canada Lake Nipigon 06.07.1884 J Macoun Stone var. parile Canada Brighton, Ontario 23.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Nephromium lusitanicum Canada Cadboro Bay, Vancouver 31.05.1893 J Macoun Stone Island

Nephromium parile Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Nephromium tomentosum Canada British Columbia 00.00.1890 J Macoun Stone

Nephromopsis ciliaris USA Marysville, Washington 00.07.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Neuropogon soleirolii Sardinia near Cagliari 00.00.1891 G B Caneva Rhodes

Normandina pulchella Italy Varazze 24.05.1922 Gresino Rhodes

Ochrolechia akagiensis Japan Mt Akagi, Katuke 27.11.1913 A Tsunoda Rhodes

Ochrolechia pallescens Canada Gaspe, Quebec 10.08.1882 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.07.1924 J M Grant Rhodes USA Banfield, Maryland 00.02.1916 C C Plitt Rhodes

Ochrolechia tartarea

123 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1923 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Tornea Lappmark, Torne 11.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. frigida Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 17.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Ochrolechia upsaliensis Russia Kamatchka 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Japan ? 00.03.1918 ? Rhodes

Opegrapha abietina Sweden Osterg., Omberg 00.06.1915 E P Vrang Rhodes

Opegrapha atra Austria Urfahr 30.05.1920 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Posieux, Fribourg 03.10.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1924 S Rapp Rhodes var. denigrata Switzerland La Cote de la Pylez, Posieux, 00.01.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg

Opegrapha betulina Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 21.04.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Opegrapha betulinoides Italy Crocetta, Celle 07.11.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Opegrapha bicolor USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Opegrapha bulbata Austria Kurnberg 28.03.1920 F Bresch Rhodes

Opegrapha candida USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Opegrapha cinerea France Lot-et-Garonne, Pujols 00.00.1929 A F Jeanjean Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1924 S Rapp Rhodes

Opegrapha confluens Switzerland Bois de la Seche, Arconciel, 21.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Opegrapha diaphora var. signata France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1926 A F Jeanjean Rhodes France Lot-et-Garonne 00.00.1926 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Opegrapha grunulosa Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 01.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Opegrapha herpetica

124 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Foret des Reposoirs, nr 28.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valsainte, Fribourg Switzerland Bois de Perolles, Fribourg 28.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1923 S Rapp Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1921 S Rapp Rhodes var. fuscata Switzerland Corminboeuf, Fribourg 28.10.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes var. rubella Austria Spital 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Opegrapha lutulenta Italy Varazze, Savona 00.05.1927 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Opegrapha prasodea USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Opegrapha pulicaris USA Marysville, Washington 00.02.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Opegrapha subsiderella Italy Varazze 31.05.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Opegrapha varia Switzerland Chatillon, Posieux, Fribourg 00.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1925 S Rapp Rhodes var. diaphora Austria Steinbach a. Z. 05.08.1921 F Bresch Rhodes var. pulicaris Austria Kurnberg 28.03.1920 F Bresch Rhodes

Opegrapha viridis Switzerland The Castle, Gruyeres, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pachyphiale cornea Italy Gaiga near Asiago 00.08.1917 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Galzignano, Coleibus Euganeis 00.00.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pannaria brunnea Switzerland between St Luc and Chandolin, 00.06.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Canada Jupiter River, Antocosti 00.08.1883 J Macoun Stone var. pezizoides Italy Tirol, Munico 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pannaria coeruleobadia Italy Castagni al Serino, Genova 00.01.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pannaria croespedia Italy S Eusebio, Genova 00.10.1920 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pannaria eronia USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1927 S Rapp Rhodes

125 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Pannaria lepidiota Canada x 1883-1884 J Macoun Stone

Pannaria lurida USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Pannaria mariana USA Mec'c'ahammak 00.01.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Pannaria molybdaea USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Pannaria nebulosa France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve 00.00.1921 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Pannaria pannosa USA Oviedo, Florida 00.10.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Pannaria pezizoides Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 01.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Club-house, Banff, Alberta 08.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes

Pannaria rubiginosa Sweden Halland, Ullared 23.07.1921 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Pannaria stellata USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia acetabulum Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Guintzet, Fribourg 17.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia alpicola Sweden Jamtland, Duved 18.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Parmelia ambigua Germany Baden, Feldberg 00.00.1891 E Vayhuiger Rhodes Sweden Harjedalen 10.08.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Les Graines, Gruyeres, 07.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia aspidata Austria Steinbach a. Z. 17.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Parmelia aurulenta USA Flat Rock Schoolhouse, 01.06.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes Winston-Salem, NC

Parmelia austerodes Switzerland Tannen, Uri 00.00.1908 Hartung Rhodes

126 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Parmelia brunnea USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Parmelia caperata Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Roaring Gap, NC 04.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes var. subglauca Italy Varazze, S Bernardo 00.08.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmelia carporhizans Italy Serino, Genuam 25.12.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmelia centrifuga Norway Dovrefjeld 00.00.1887 O Omang Rhodes Sweden Ostrog., Norrkoping, 04.01.1925 P A Issen Rhodes Vrinnevidd

Parmelia cetrarioides Canada x 00.00.1888 F Terry Stone Canada x n.d. F Terry Rhodes Canada x n.d. x unnamed USA Marysville, Washington 00.01.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Parmelia cetrata Italy Varazze, Rio Finale 14.06.1923 Gresino Rhodes Norway x 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1910 S Rapp Rhodes Japan Sendai 17.04.1910 E Iisiba Rhodes

Parmelia conspersa Austria Durnstein 02.10.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Tourbillon, Sion, Valais 12.11.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 16.10.1892 J Macoun Stone var. stenophylla USA Grandfather Mtn, NC 15.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Parmelia coralloides USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia cornicularia Switzerland Mont Mort, Grand S Bernard, 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Parmelia crinita Canada Brighton, Ontario 18.10.1893 J Macoun Stone

Parmelia cylisphora Russia Siberia, Tomsk 00.00.1911 ? Rhodes

Parmelia delisei var. isidistyla Italy Varazze 17.01.1921 Gresino Rhodes

Parmelia dissecta

127 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Varazze, Campo Marzio 21.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Parmelia dubia var. caesiocinerea Italy Prelo, Spotorno 00.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland etang de la Chassotte, Fribourg 06.03.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes var. ulophylla Switzerland Marly-le-Petit, Fribourg 26.02.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Parmelia encausta Germany Falkenstein 29.09.1909 Spindler Rhodes Italy Plan de Jupiter, Grand St 00.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard

Parmelia endorantha USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia eristifera USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia exasperata France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve-s- 00.00.1919 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Lot

Parmelia exasperatula Canada x 1878-1884 J Macoun Stone

Parmelia farinacea Bohemia Smedova 00.00.1924 V Kutak Rhodes

Parmelia fuliginosa var. laetovirens Switzerland Bois du Devin, Marly-le-Petit, 26.02.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Parmelia furfuracea Hungary Hunyad 10.08.1913 Foriss Rhodes

Parmelia glabra Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Jaun, road to Charmey, 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg

Parmelia glabrans Italy Genova, torrente di 00.12.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Pontecarrega

Parmelia glaucocarpa Madagascar Kosi-be 00.12.1879 Hildebrandt Rhodes

Parmelia gresini Italy Cigliegio a Cantalupo 00.01.1923 G Gresino Rhodes

Parmelia hottentotta

128 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

S Africa Silo, Capetown 00.00.1900 Alberti Rhodes

Parmelia hyperopta Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arvidsjaur, 16.07.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Prastberget Switzerland Steiners, Hohberg, Planfayon, 08.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Parmelia incurva Italy Mulattiera 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Goteborg, Hisingen 03.10.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Parmelia intestiniformis Sweden Harjedalen, Fjallnas 00.07.1923 E P Vrang Rhodes Sweden Harjedalen, Fjallnas 00.07.1923 E P Vrang Rhodes

Parmelia laevigata Canada Vancouver Island 18.04.1891 F Terry Stone

Parmelia latissima USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1922 S Rapp Rhodes USA Gainesville, Florida 00.02.1916 F G M Rhodes var. sorediata USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia molliuscula USA Matheson, Colorado 08.06.1918 C C Plitt Rhodes

Parmelia olivacea Russia Tobolsk 00.00.1914 B N Garadsov Rhodes

Parmelia olivetorum Canada Beechwood, Ottawa 27.04.1892 J Macoun Stone

Parmelia omphalodes Sweden Bohustan, Torsby, Karholmen 03.06.1923 A H Magnusson Rhodes var. insensitiva Sweden Westrogothia, Goteborg, Varga 29.08.1916 H Magnusson Rhodes

Parmelia perlata USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1921 J M Grant Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia physodes Austria Spitala 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Germany Baden, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Norway Fjeldseeter near Trondheim 06.06.1925 HO? unnamed Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 00.05.1887 J Macoun Stone Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Langley, Washington 00.00.1923 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.06.1924 J M Grant Rhodes USA Roaring Gap, NC 04.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes var. enteromorpha

129 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. labrosa Russia Petropolin 00.00.1919 V P Savicz Rhodes var. platyphylla USA Marysville, Washington 00.04.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Parmelia pilosella var. excrescens Italy Campo Marzio, Varazze 21.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Parmelia prolixa Switzerland Mazenbroz, Valais n.d. P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. pokor… Hungary Nemahegy, Satoralja Ujhely 18.09.1916 Foriss Rhodes

Parmelia pubescens Canada Lake Oesa, Lake O;Hara, BC n.d. F A MacFadden Rhodes

Parmelia rudecta USA High Point Rd, Winsron- 01.08.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes Salem, NC

Parmelia ryssolea Kazakhstan deserto Kirgisorum 00.00.1904 Dubianski Rhodes Russia Astrakhan 01.07.1921 x Rhodes

Parmelia saxatilis Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander-Tetzner Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.08.1924 J M Grant Rhodes var. omphalodes Canada Deer Park, BC 00.06.1890 J Macoun Stone var. pomiformis Austria Postlingberg 27.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes var. pr…. Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gallivare 31.07.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. sulcata Austria Spital 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Parmelia sbarbaronis Italy Cantalupo, Varazze, Savona 09.08.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmelia scortea Switzerland Villars-sur-Glane, Fribourg 29.01.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. pastillifera Italy Varazze 08.03.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmelia sinuosa Italy Monti di Costanzielea, n.d. Beltramini Rhodes Bassanese

Parmelia soudians Italy Genova 07.10.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

130 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Parmelia stenophylla Sweden Upland, Dalby 10.09.1920 G Einar du Rietz Rhodes

Parmelia stygia Germany Harz Mts, Brocken n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Germany Harz Mts, Brocken n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Ostrog., Norrkoping 08.01.1925 P A Issen Rhodes

Parmelia subaurifera Russia Petropolitani district 1900-1903 Elenkin Rhodes Russia Smolensk 05.09.1915 M P Tomin Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.02.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

Parmelia subglauca Italy Moreana, Varazze 06.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Parmelia sublaevigata Italy S Eusebio, Genova 21.06.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmelia sulcata Switzerland Combes du Milieu, Gruyeres, 18.08.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Foret de Moncor, Fribourg 23.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 24.06.1893 J Macoun Stone Canada Comox & Victoria 00.05.1893 J Macoun Stone Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.00.1871 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Parmelia sulphurata USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1924 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia tiliacea Austria near Linz 16.07.1922 F Bresch Rhodes France Alpes-Maritimes, Thorenc 00.04.1926 D A Jones Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1918 S Rapp Rhodes var. sulpherosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Parmelia vagans Russia x 00.04.1925 x Rhodes Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 x Rhodes var. desertorum Russia Astrakhan 29.06.1926 x Rhodes

Parmelia verruculifera Switzerland Guintzet, Fribourg 17.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 26.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland La Berantaz, Gruyere, Fribourg 08.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia vittata Sweden Ostrog., Jonsberg 00.00.1914 P A Issen Rhodes

Parmeliella plumbea

131 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Spotorno 15.03.1923 Sbarbaro Rhodes var. myriocarpa Italy Varazze, Casanova, Cartagno 28.02.1921 Gresino Rhodes

Parmeliopsis aleurites Italy Lusen, Brixen 00.06.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmeliopsis ambigua Italy Monterignano, Val Bisagno 00.10.1909 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Parmeliopsis hyperopta USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Peccania coralloides Italy Plosehutte, Lusen 00.08.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Aiguille de Bau.., Jura 00.00.1925 C Meylan Rhodes

Peltidea aphthosa Switzerland Val d'Annivers, Valais 03.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Peltidea venosa Italy Val d'Olosta, Monte Bianco 00.09.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Vissoye, Val d'Anniviers 00.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Peltigera apthosa Norway Ekeburg 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Norway Lyngen 09.06.1925 HO? unnamed Switzerland Swarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1888 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Grimentz, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes unnamed Canada Ottawa, Ontario 21.06.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Cabin John, Montgomery Co, 12.04.1909 M F Miller Rhodes Maryland USA Marysville, Washington 00.06.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Peltigera canina Germany Odenwald, Heidelberg n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Sweden Vastergotland, Stora Lindby 06.09.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.05.1878 J Macoun Stone USA Shandaken, Ulster Co, NY 20.07.1903 M F Miller Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.02.1922 J M Grant Rhodes var. membranacea Switzerland Foret de Bulle, Fribourg 18.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Peltigera crumpens Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Peltigera lepidophora Switzerland Chasseron, Jura 00.11.1925 C Meylan Rhodes

Peltigera malacea Italy Cuneo, Peveragno 10.07.1915 Gresino Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

132 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Vestrogothia, Lynstad 00.10.1923 A Hulphers Rhodes Switzerland Les Recardets 07.08.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Peltigera polydactyla Russia Kamatchka 00.06.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada Gaspe, Quebec 12.08.1882 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Peltigera rufescens Hungary Diosgyor 15.04.1923 Foriss Rhodes Hungary Bukk mountains 05.07.1924 Foriss Rhodes Norway Lyngen 09.06.1925 HO? unnamed Switzerland Chatillon, Posieux, Fribourg 00.12.1921 P G M Rhodes unnamed Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Langley, Washington 00.01.1923 J M Grant Rhodes Japan Nakasendo 00.04.1891 J B Stone Stone

Peltigera scabrosa Russia Sibiria, Tabalsk 00.00.1911 B N Garadsov Rhodes Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug 24.04.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Peltigera scutata Switzerland Muhlenbach, St-Luc, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Parmelia sorediata Norway Narvik 22.07.1919 H Magnusson Rhodes

Peltigera spuria Switzerland Wandfluh, Jaun, Fribourg 08.07.1926 J Uonney Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Peltigera venosa Austria Postlingberg 06.06.1920 F Bresch Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland St Laurent, Zinal, Val 27.07.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes d'Anniviers, Valais Switzerland Les Petits Bois, Bouloz, 18.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Canada Selkirk Mtns, BC 29.05.1890 J Macoun Stone USA Beau… Canyon, Burkvale, 22.06.1918 C C Plitt Rhodes Colorado USA Marysville, Washington 00.04.1922 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.04.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Pertusaria amara Italy Serino, Val Bisagno 20.05.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1917 S Rapp Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.06.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Pertusaria amarescens Italy Monte Antola, Genova 00.07.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pertusaria dactylina

133 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Lulea Lappmark, Gallivare 01.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Pertusaria flavicunda USA Del Mar, San Diego Co, Calif 00.00.1909 H E Hasse Rhodes

Pertusaria globulifera Italy Biancardo, Varazze 27.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes Switzerland Villars-sur-Glane, Fribourg 29.01.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria glomerata Austria Rauli Kogl? 12.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Pertusaria lecanina USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1912 H E Hasse Rhodes

Pertusaria leioplaca Switzerland Corminboeuf, Fribourg 23.10.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1914 S Rapp Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Pertusaria monogona Italy Ormea, Monte Picco d'Ormea 00.07.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pertusaria multipuncta Canada Brighton, Ontario 20.10.1893 J Macoun Stone USA Southside Park, Winston- 12.08.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes Salem, NC USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Pertusaria oculata Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna, 13.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes Bjorkfors

Pertusaria panyrga Russia Siberia 00.00.1914 B N Garadsov Rhodes Sweden Tornea Lappmark 11.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Pertusaria protuberans Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjeploug, 29.11.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Peljekaisse

Pertusaria pustulata USA Marysville, Washington 00.01.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Pertusaria scutellata Sweden Vastergotland 00.08.1919 R R Vallquist Rhodes Switzerland Le Beriantoz, Gruyeres, 08.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Corminboeuf, Fribourg 13.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Pertusaria subviridis Italy Alpicella, Varazze 27.08.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Pertusaria velata

134 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Canada Brighton, Ontario 16.10.1893 J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1926 J M Grant Rhodes USA Brendle Farm, Winston-Salem, 12.03.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes NC

Pertusaria westringii Italy Piandelagotti, Modena 00.05.1924 A Lunardi Rhodes

Phaeographina sculpturata Colombia Nova Granata n.d. Lindig Rhodes

Phaeographis lyellii Switzerland Bois de la Seche, Arconciel, 12.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Bois de Perolles, Fribourg 28.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Phaeographis patellula USA Sanford, Florida 00.07.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Phaeographis scalpturata USA Sanford, Florida n.d. S Rapp Rhodes

Phaeographis subparilis USA Sanford, Florida 00.08.1911 S Rapp Rhodes

Phaeotrema santens USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Phialopsis ulmi Poland Tamsel 02.09.1920 P Vogel Rhodes

Phlyctis argena var. minor USA Sanford, Florida 17.06.1928 S Rapp Rhodes

Phylliscum demangeonii Italy Monte Rosa, Macugnaga estate 00.00.1914 Sbarbaro Rhodes Sweden Torne Lappmork, Jukkasjarvi, 28.07.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes Abiskojukk

Physcia aipolia Switzerland Guintzet, Fribourg 17.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia caesia Switzerland Chateau d'Oex, Vaud 23.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada Lake Nipigon 09.07.1884 J Macoun Stone

Physcia caesiella Italy Varazze 19.04.1920 Gresino Rhodes

Physcia cercidea Switzerland Froideville, Posieux, Fribourg 08.10.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Physcia ciliaris

135 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Barmaz, Val d'Annivers, Valais 27.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.03.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Neuchatel 00.07.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed var. crinalis Canada x 1883-1884 J Macoun Stone var. solenaria Switzerland Vanil Blanc, Albeuve, Fribourg 01.08.1924 J Monney Rhodes

Physcia crispa USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1917 S Rapp Rhodes

Physcia detersa Italy S Ubrico di Genova 04.10.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Physcia enteroxantha Italy Rianello, Varazze 15.03.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Physcia grisea Switzerland near Fribourg 01.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland between Dudingen & Fribourg 19.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 19.07.1923 P G M Rhodes unnamed

Physcia hispida Switzerland Ruyeres 23.05.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada Ottawa, Ontario 18.04.1891 J Macoun Stone Canada Ottawa, Ontario 24.10.1892 J Macoun Stone

Physcia hypoleuca Canada Ottawa, Ontario 16.04.1891 J Macoun Stone

Physcia integrata USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Physcia lithotea Sweden Jamtland 22.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland road Jaun to Bruch, Fribourg 12.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. sciastra Switzerland Les Sudains, Grangettes, 10.06.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Physcia major USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1913 S Rapp Rhodes

Physcia muscigena Sweden Pitea Lappmark 13.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

Physcia obscura Canada Ontario & BC 1890-1891 J Macoun Stone var. endochrysea USA Long Island, NY 00.00.1914 R L Rhodes

Physcia orbicularis Switzerland Froideville, Posieux, Fribourg 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

136 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 00.05.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. virella Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Physcia pulverulenta var. angustata Sweden Vastergotland 11.09.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. allochroa Austria Spitala 20.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes var. argyphaea Switzerland Posieux, Fribourg 23.12.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Posieux, Fribourg 12.11.1923 J Aebischer unnamed var. fornicata Austria Sternwalde 00.05.1922 F Bresch Rhodes var. lencoleiptes USA Wauconda, Illinois 30.04.1908 W H Wright Rhodes var. muscigena Canada Meadows Lake, O'Hara, BC 00.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes var. pityrea Switzerland Rivaz, Vaud 24.12.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. turgida Switzerland Fribourg 08.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. venusta Switzerland Jaun, road to Charmey, 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 08.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1891 J Macoun Stone

Physcia ravenelii USA Munroe, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Physcia setosa Italy Alpi Graie 16.08.1920 Gresino Rhodes

Physcia speciosa var. minor USA Oviedo, Florida 00.04.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Physcia stellaris Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 26.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1915 S Rapp Rhodes var. aipolia Switzerland La Berantaz, Gruyere, Fribourg 00.06.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Jaun, road to Charmey, 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg var. cercidia Norway Lyngen 09.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Physcia subaquila Switzerland Zinal, Val d'Annivers, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Physcia subobscura

137 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sweden Stockholm, Moja 08.07.1916 A Hulphers Rhodes Sweden Upland, Moja 00.07.1922 A Hulphers Rhodes

Physcia tenella var. marina Norway Bohuslan, Hallesdalen, Odsmal 12.08.1918 H Magnusson Rhodes

Physcia tremulicola Sweden Upland, Upsala 29.09.1920 G Einar du Rietz Rhodes

Physcia tribacia Canada Oka P.Q. 22.07.1924 C C Plitt Rhodes var. caesiella Italy Spotorno 00.09.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Physcia ulothrix Norway Opland, Grua, Raste 08.08.1920 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Pilophorus acicularis Canada near Apex, New Denver, BC 30.05.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes Canada Ten-Mile Creek, New Denver, 00.10.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes BC

Pilophorus cereolus var. acicularis Canada Salt Spring Island, BC 09.05.1887 J Macoun Stone

Placodium aurantiacun Switzerland Charmey, road from Jaun, 07.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone var. flavovirescens Switzerland Sagenboden, Plassell, Fribourg 07.08.1921 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium cartilagineum Norway x 00.00.1892 Elmquist Rhodes

Placodium cerinum Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 19.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Canada x 00.00.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes var. chlorina Switzerland route from Jaun to Bruch, 17.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. stillicidiorum Switzerland near Bendon, Valais 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 26.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium chalybea Italy Mussolente, Bassano 00.09.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Placodium circinatum Sweden Vastergotland 00.09.1897 C Stenholm Rhodes

138 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Placodium decipiens Switzerland Pont de la Glane, Villars-s- 26.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Glane, Fribourg

Placodium elegans Switzerland route from Jaun to Bruch, 17.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Pierre des Sauvages, St Luc, 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais USA Kubin, North Dakota 00.03.1908 J F Brinckle Rhodes

Placodium flavescens Switzerland Rivaz, Vaud 29.12.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium fulgens France Grasse, Riviera 00.03.1886 J B Stone Stone Switzerland Sierre 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Martigny, Valais n.d. P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium gilvum var. ehrhartii Russia Smolensk 15.09.1917 M P Tomin Rhodes

Placodium gordejevi Russia x 15.09.1915 Topgeel Rhodes

Placodium haematites Switzerland Lac Noir, Planfayon, Fribourg 22.07.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium holocarpum Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium jungermanniae Canada British Columbia 00.07.1890 J Macoun Stone

Placodium lobulatum Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 28.08.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium luteoalbum Switzerland Grangeneuve, Posieux, 20.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. rupestre Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 28.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium murorum var. pusillum Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 25.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium pyraceum Switzerland Cote de la Pilaz, Posieux, 02.02.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Montorge, Sion, Valais 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. holocarpum Switzerland St Leonard, Valais 25.04.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

139 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. pyrithromum Switzerland Sierre, Valais 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Placodium reuteri Switzerland Mte Pilatus 00.00.1911 M Kohler Rhodes

Placodium rupestre Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 01.02.1922 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Bois de la Seche, Arconciel, 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. incrustans Switzerland Bois de la Seche, Arconciel, 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Placodium variabile Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 23.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placodium xantholytum Switzerland Marly-le-Petit, Fribourg 04.03.1927 J Aebischer Rhodes

Placynthium nigrum Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 14.06.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes var. triseptatum Italy Prato, Val Bisagno, Genova 00.10.1916 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy Pontecarrega, Val Bisagno, 00.08.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Genova

Platygrapha elabeus USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Platygrapha phlyctella USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Platygrapha subattingens USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1917 S Rapp Rhodes

Platysma juniperinum var. terrestre Switzerland Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Platysma laureri Italy Cima d'Asta 00.00.1900 M Frenco Rhodes

Platysma nivale Switzerland S Luc, Val d'Anniviers, Valais 00.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Platysma oakesianum Italy Auronzo, Cadore 02.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Platysma pinastri Switzerland S Luc - Chandolin, Val 00.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes d'Annivers, Valais

Polyblastia inumbrata

140 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland L'Ouge, Arconciel, Fribourg 05.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Polyblastia orbicularis var. geographica Italy near Verona 00.05.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Polyblastia thelodes Switzerland L'Ouge, Arconciel, Fribourg 05.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Polyblastiopsis lilesicula USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1917 S Rapp Rhodes

Polychidium muscicolum Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 08.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Porina affinis Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 22.07.1923 Rhodes & Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Hautrerive, Fribourg 00.07.1922 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes

Porina chlorotica Switzerland Untersattel, Jaun, Fribourg 20.07.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Porina olivacea USA Sanford, Florida 00.10.1908 S Rapp Rhodes

Porocyphus areolatus Sweden Bohuslan, Langelanda, Angas 05.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Protoblastenia rupestris Bohemia Vapenci 00.00.1927 V Kutak Rhodes

Pseudophyscia hypoleuca Italy Spotorno 00.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pseudopyrenula papula USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1910 S Rapp Rhodes

Psora decipiens Switzerland La Batioz, Valais pre 1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Psora globifera Italy Cima d'Asta, Castel Resino, 00.08.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes Trento

Psora lurida Sweden Vestergotland Kinnefulle 27.07.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Sur-le-Grin, Chateau d'Oex, 23.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Vaud

Psora opaca Italy Promotorio di Portofino 27.12.1923 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Psora ostreata Bohemia Upice 00.00.1913 V Kutak Rhodes

141 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Psora savierzii Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 ? Rhodes

Psoroma holophaeum Italy Varazze 00.00.1925 Sbarbaro Rhodes Italy S Eusebio 23.05.1923 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Psoroma hypnorum Sweden Jamtland, Jorm, Jormlifjallen 12.08.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Pas de Marengo, Grand St 07.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Bernard, Valais

Psorotichia montinii Italy Rupi, Ventimiglia, Murtola 00.10.1916 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Psorotichia murorum Italy Aicha, Franzenfeste 00.07.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pyrenastrum intrusum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyrenopsis granatina Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arvidsjaur, 18.07.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Ringel

Pyrenopsis subareolata Sweden Bohuslan, Hallesdalen, Odsmal 29.07.1918 H Magnusson Rhodes

Prenula cerina USA Puola, Florida 00.07.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyrenula cinchonae USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1913 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyrenula glabrata Austria Rauhkogl 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Pyrenula leioplaca USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Pyrenula leucoplace Austria Aicha, Franzenfeste 00.03.1919 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Pyrenula nitida Austria Postlingberg 10.07.1928 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 22.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Bois du Sac, Posieux, Fribourg 22.07.1923 Aebischer & Rhodes Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1912 S Rapp Rhodes var. nitidella Austria Koglerau 30.07.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Italy Pegli 07.09.1918 Sbarbaro Rhodes Switzerland Vallee du Gotteron, Fribourg 07.09.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes

142 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Pyrenula papulosa Colombia Pie de Cuesta, Novo Granata n.d. Lindig Rhodes

Pyrenula tropicum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyrenula virella USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1913 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyxine cocoes USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyxine picta USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Pyxine sorediata Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.10.1889 J Macoun Stone USA Yadkin River power house, 04.07.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes Winston-Salem, NC

Ramalina baltica Russia Smolensk 17.08.1917 M P Tomin Rhodes

Ramalina calicaris USA Flat Rock, Winston-Salem, NC 04.07.1924 P O Schallert Rhodes

Ramalina carpatica ? Mte Dzurowa 00.10.1901 Hartmund Rhodes

Ramalina complanata USA Snake Key, Florida 00.06.1906 C H Baker Rhodes

Ramalina dilacerata Russia Siberia, Tobolsk 00.00.1914 B N Garadsov Rhodes

Ramalina farinacea Germany Pfalz, Durkheim n.d. Voigtlander Rhodes Norway Kongsvold 24.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Canada Belleville, Ontario 00.08.1868 J Macoun Stone Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 03.05.1887 J Macoun Stone

Ramalina fraxinea Sweden Vestrog., Kolaby, Tradet 00.07.1920 E P Vrang Rhodes Switzerland road Charmey to Jaun, 04.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg Canada Brighton, Ontario 16.10.1893 J Macoun Stone

Ramalina geniculata Canada x 1882-1884 J Macoun Stone

Ramalina homalea USA Catalina Island, California n.d. H E Hasse Rhodes

143 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Ramalina ligulata Sweden Ostrog., Norrkoping 27.11.1924 P A Issen Rhodes

Ramalina maciformis Italy Rome 00.08.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Ramalina montagnei USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1918 S Rapp Rhodes

Ramalina pollinaria Switzerland Villars-sur-Glane, Fribourg 29.01.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1922 J M Grant Rhodes

Ramalina polymorpha Sweden Bohuslan 11.07.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes var. strepsilis Sweden Vestergotland 21.05.1918 C Stenholm Rhodes

Ramalina reticulata Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 00.00.1877 J Macoun Stone USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1902 H E Hasse Rhodes USA Calaveras County, San 11.08.1893 G Hansen Rhodes Andreas, Ca USA Las Canoas Canyon, Santa 07.09.1910 C C Kingman Rhodes Ynez, Ca

Ramalina rigida USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1916 S Rapp Rhodes

Ramalina strepsilis Czech Trebic 00.00.1920 R Picbauer Rhodes

Ramalina tenuis USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Ramalina thrausta Russia x 25.07.1914 x Rhodes

Ramalina usneoides USA New Smyrna, Florida 00.08.1911 S Rapp Rhodes

Rhiziocarpon alboatrum var. ambiguum Sweden Vestergotland 04.05.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes var. epifolia Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 13.11.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Burgenwald, Zenauve, 27.07.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Rhizocarpon calcareum Sweden Olana, Vickleby 03.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Ober-Neuergantrisch, 08.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Plaufayon, Fribourg

144 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Rhizocarpon chionophilum Sweden Tornea Lappmark, Jukkasjarvi 14.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rhizocarpon confervoides Switzerland La Cierne, Fribourg 25.06.1929 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 02.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Rhizocarpon distinctum Austria x n.d. J Baumgartner Rhodes Austria Monte Hovelburg n.d. K Redinger Rhodes

Rhizocarpon geminatum Sweden Bohuslan, Sollerga 09.06.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland La Glane, Neyruz, Fribourg 09.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Rhizocarpon geographicum Norway Lyngen 09.06.1925 HO? unnamed Sweden Vastergotland, Landvetter 05.10.1923 A H Magnusson Rhodes Switzerland Schweinsberg, Plassell, 17.06.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Rhizocarpon grande Sweden Vastmanland, Grythytte, 06.08.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Skatviken var. eupetraeum Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjepluogs 14.08.1926 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rhizocarpon ignobile Sweden Vastmanland, Grythytte, 09.08.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Barlingstorp

Rhizocarpon lapilandi Sweden Lycksele Lappmark, Jarna 23.07.1924 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rhizocarpon obscuratum Sweden Vastergotland 10.09.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes var. lavata Sweden Goteborg, Fassberg, Sandback 18.04.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rhizocarpon petraeum Switzerland torrent du Motelon, Fribourg 30.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. concentricum Switzerland La Reschern, La Roche, 10.06.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg var. excentricum Switzerland Sommentier 10.10.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Rhizocarpon polycarpum Bohemia Krkonosich 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arvidsjaur, 18.07.1925 C Stenholm Rhodes Ringel

Rhizocarpon seductum

145 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Bohemia Rozpakova 00.00.1910 V Kutak Rhodes

Rhizocarpon vadioatrum Sweden Vastergotland 13.09.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rhizocarpon vidaleum USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes var. penichrum USA Catalina Island, California 00.00.1915 H E Hasse Rhodes

Rhizocarpon sp. Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed

Ricasolia glomulifera Italy Castagni, Val Bisagno 00.10.1908 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Ricasolia herbacea Italy Alpicella, Mt Vallerga 05.04.1923 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Ricasolia laciniata Canada Ottawa, Ontario 26.04.1889 J Macoun Stone

Rinodina bischoffii Bohemia Vapenci - Lanova 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes

Rinodina confragosa Sweden Vestergotland, Kinnetulle 29.07.1917 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rinodina coniopta Sweden Bohuslan, near Langelanda, 07.08.1925 A H Magnusson Rhodes Svanesund

Rinodina demissa Sweden Halland, Vusala 25.08.1920 C Stenholm Rhodes

Rinodina exigua Sweden Smal, Ryssby, Ryssbyholm 00.07.1915 E P Vrang Rhodes

Rinodina flavo-nigella USA Mec'c'ahammak 00.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Rinodina laevigata Sweden Uppland, Gottora, Sjoberg 26.06.1922 A H Magnusson Rhodes

Rinodina lecanozina Italy Castello d'Arguata 00.00.1908 Canepa Rhodes

Rinodina lepida USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1927 S Rapp Rhodes

Rinodina miniarea Sweden Pitea Lappmark, Arjipluog, 11.07.1919 C Stenholm Rhodes

146 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Jidtjalik Sweden Torne Lappmark, Jukkasjarvi, 18.07.1919 H Magnusson Rhodes Dassitjakko

Rinodina oreina USA North Dakota 00.04.1908 J F Brenckle Rhodes

Rinodina roscida Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 00.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Rinodina sophodes USA Sanford, Florida 10.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Roccella phycopsis Italy Capo Noli 00.10.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Roccella tinctoria Italy Carbonara, Sardinia 00.00.1907 C Mundola Rhodes

Sarcographia cinchonarum USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Schismatomma pluriloculare USA Catalina Island, California 00.00.1915 H E Hasse Rhodes USA Catalina Island, California 00.00.1912 H E Hasse Rhodes

Schismatomma diplotommoides Italy Varazze 00.09.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Scutula stereocaulorum Italy Monte Rosa above Alagna, 00.00.1869 Carestia Rhodes Valsesia

Siphula ceratites Russia Arctic 00.00.1906 A A Elenkin Rhodes

Solorina bispora Sweden Sydvestra Jamtlands 00.08.1913 H Smith Rhodes Switzerland between Kandersteg and 06.08.1926 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Gemmi, Bern var. macrospora Switzerland Schwarenbach, Gemmi, Valais 27.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Solorina crocea Norway Knuden near Moerk 05.06.1925 HO? unnamed Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Switzerland Rochers de Nave, St-Luc, 00.07.1912 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland Grand St Bernard, Valais 09.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland St Luc, Val d'Annivers, Valais 03.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Lake Agnes, Rocky Mtns 19.08.1891 J Macoun Stone Canada Apex cabin, Slocan district, BC 14.07.1925 F A MacFadden Rhodes USA near Coroua, Tolland, Colorado 11.07.1918 C C Plitt Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

147 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Solorina octospora Italy Plosehutte, Lusen 00.05.1919 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Solorina saccata Switzerland Swarzee, Zermatt 04.06.1888 J B Stone Stone Switzerland La Tufiere, Les Avants, Vaud 00.05.1911 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Rocky Mtns 00.07.1885 J Macoun Stone

Sphaerophorus fragilis Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Sphaerophorus globosus Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Kolgujew island 00.00.1902 R Pohle Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Sphaerophorus melanocarpus Switzerland Mont Mort, Grand S Bernard, 08.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Ceylon x 00.02.1891 J B Stone Stone

Sphinctrina microcephala Italy Courmayeur 00.09.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Sphinctrina turbinata Italy Varazze 07.07.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Spilonema paradoxum France Napoule, Alpes-Maritimes 00.01.1926 D A Jones Rhodes Switzerland Pierre des Sauvages, St Luc, 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Sporopodium caucasicum Russia western Caucasus 00.00.1912 V P Savicz Rhodes

Squamaria achariana Switzerland Bounavaux, Grandvillard, 21.07.1921 J Uonney Rhodes Fribourg

Squamaria albula Switzerland Wandfluh, Jaun, Fribourg 08.07.1926 J Uonney Rhodes

Squamaria bogdoensis Russia Astrakhan 02.07.1926 x Rhodes

Squamaria chrysoleuca Switzerland Les Erbets, Val d'Entremont, 10.07.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Canada x 00.00.1884 J Macoun Stone

Squamaria crassa

148 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. mediterranea Italy Capo Noli 00.10.1923 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Squamaria gypsacea Switzerland Sievre, Rhone Valley, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Squamaria melanophthalma France Hautes-Pyrenees 00.08.1922 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Squamaria saxicola var. versicolor Switzerland Baderhorn, Boltigen, Berne 17.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Staurothele fissa Bohemia Labskem 00.00.1925 V Kutak Rhodes

Staurothele hymenogonia France Lot-et-Garonne, Villeneuve-s- 00.00.1921 A F Jeanjean Rhodes Lot Italy Bologna, Castel dei Britti 20.11.1923 Gresino Rhodes

Staurothele immersa Italy Pontecarrega 00.03.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Staurothele rupifraga Italy Genova, Val Bisagno 00.05.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Stereocaulon alpinum Italy Ghiaie della Stura, Cuneo 00.00.1900 Mangiagalli Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Stereocaulon condensatum Russia Novgorad, Baroviczi 00.00.1890 V L Komarov Rhodes

Stereocaulon coralloides Italy Mt Vaccherezza, Lanzo 00.08.1920 Gresino Rhodes Norway Ekeburg 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone Norway Dovrefjield 00.08.1889 J B Stone Stone

Stereocaulon denudatum Norway North Cape 11.06.1925 HO? unnamed var. pulvinatum Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes var. vesuvianum Russia Kamatchka 00.09.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Stereocaulon incrustatum Italy Vercelli, Piemonte 00.00.1909 Accinelli Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Stereocaulon intermedium Russia Kamatchka 00.07.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

149 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Stereocaulon paschale Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Stereocaulon pileatum Sweden Vestergotland, Allinsai 00.11.1894 C Stenholm Rhodes Switzerland Bribaumena, Plasselb, Fribourg 24.06.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Stereocaulon proximum Colombia Paramo de Tolima, Mariquita 00.00.1910 Allioni Rhodes

Stereocaulon tomentosum Austria Schwarzenberg 21.06.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Norway Dovrefjield 28.08.1889 J B Stone Stone Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Canada New Denver Woods, BC 00.07.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone Canada Ottawa, Ontario 00.00.1869 J Macoun Stone Canada x 1869-1891 J Macoun Stone USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes USA Yakima Park, Washington 00.09.1921 J M Grant Rhodes var. granulosum Switzerland bed of Nevigenge, beyond 06.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Zimal

Stereocaulon vesuvianum Italy Mt Etna, Sicily 00.00.1907 Gusmani Rhodes

Stereocaulon wrightii Russia Kamatchka 00.08.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes

Sticta anthraspis Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Sticta aurata USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1919 S Rapp Rhodes Madagascar x 00.11.1880 Hildebrandt Rhodes

Sticta damaecornis var. platyphylla Madagascar Andnan-goloaka 00.11.1880 Hildebrandt Rhodes

Sticta erosa USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1913 S Rapp Rhodes

Sticta freycineti Austria x n.d. x Rhodes

Sticta fuliginosa Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 06.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Sticta oregana Canada Vancouver Island 02.06.1893 J Macoun Stone USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.192x J M Grant Rhodes

150 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Sticta pulmonaria Canada Ottawa, Ontario 25.05.1887 J Macoun Stone USA Shandaken, Ulster Co, NY 02.08.1898 M F Miller Rhodes

Sticta scrobiculata Canada Victoria, Vancouver Island 09.05.1893 J Macoun Stone

Sticta sylvatica Switzerland Foret des Reposoirs, nr 29.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valsainte, Fribourg

Sticta weigelii USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1925 S Rapp Rhodes USA Mt Pisgah, N Carolina 18.06.1923 P O Schallert Rhodes

Stictina quercizans var. flavens Costa Rica x 00.00.1902 Bongivranni Rhodes

Strigula complanata USA Sanford, Florida 00.01.1913 S Rapp Rhodes

Synalissa symphorea Italy Montesignano, Genova 00.12.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Synechoblastus aggregatus Switzerland Charmey, road to Jaun, 05.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Fribourg

Synechoblastus flaccidus Austria Pyngas 16.08.1922 F Bresch Rhodes

Synechoblastus laurei Czech Bade Stachelberg n.d. x Rhodes Switzerland La Rifaz d'enbas near Lac noir, 29.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Synechoblastus nigrescens Canada Lake Nipigon 00.00.1884 J Macoun Stone

Synechoblastus rupestris Switzerland Pont de la Glani, Fribourg 05.02.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Madonna del Sasso, Locarno, 08.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Ticino Canada x 1883-1884 J Macoun Stone

Synechoblastus vespertilio Austria Spitala 07.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Thalloidima acervulatum Europe Wallendorf n.d. Ralchbrenner Rhodes

Thalloidima luridum

151 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy Montesignano, Val Bisagno 00.12.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Thalloidima tabacinum Italy Montesignano, Val Bisagno 00.12.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Thalloidima toninianum Europe Taufers, Brunico 00.09.1921 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Thamnolia vermicularis Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1909 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia Kamatchka 00.00.1908 Komarov & Savicz Rhodes Russia East Siberia 00.00.1915 O J Kuzeneva Rhodes Switzerland Jaun, Fribourg 29.06.1922 J Uonney Rhodes Switzerland Daubensee, Gemmi, Valais 28.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Canada Rocky Mtns 00.00.1885 J Macoun Stone Canada Berg Lake, Mt Robson, BC 00.07.1924 F A MacFadden Rhodes USA Tolland, Colarado 07.11.1918 C C Plitt Rhodes USA Cascade Mtns, Washington 00.08.1925 J M Grant Rhodes

Thelidium dionantense Belgium Dinant 03.07.1899 A Tonglet Rhodes

Thelidium immersum Switzerland Cape-au-Moine, Montbovon, 22.08.1924 J Uonney Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland Gorge du Gotteron, Fribourg 02.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Thelidium papulare Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 27.06.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Thelidium sphinctrinoides Italy Pontecarrega, Genova 00.05.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Thelidium tongleti Belgium Houx 11.03.1904 A Tonglet Rhodes

Theloschistes brevior Russia Astrakhan 30.06.1926 ? Rhodes

Theloschistes concolor USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1924 J M Grant Rhodes

Theloschistes villosus Italy S Vincenzo 00.00.1899 Angelucci Rhodes

Thelotrema glaucescens USA Sanford, Florida 00.11.1909 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema lath…. USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1920 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema lepadinum

152 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Foret des Reposoirs, nr 28.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valsainte, Fribourg Austria Spital 10.06.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 19.06.1893 J Macoun Stone

Thelotrema maxima USA Oviedo, Florida 00.05.1922 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema microporum USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1914 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema monosporum USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1915 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema pachystomum Colombia N Granada 00.00.1907 A Rastelli Rhodes

Thelotrema tonningense USA Sanford, Florida 00.09.1919 S Rapp Rhodes

Thelotrema versicolor USA Sanford, Florida 00.12.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Thyrea decipiens Switzerland Lago di Lugano, Gandria, 05.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Ticino Switzerland Sion, Montorge 24.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Thyrea pulvinata Switzerland Between S Leonard and Sion, 25.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland near Loetschberg Ry., Naters, 23.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais Switzerland near Loetschberg Ry., Naters, 23.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Valais

Toninia aromatica USA Santa Monica Mtns, Cal. 00.00.1914 H E Hasse Rhodes

Toninia cumulata Sweden Lappmark, Gillivare, Patjanen 01.08.1923 C Stenholm Rhodes

Toninia squalescens Sweden Torne Lappmark, Jukkasjarvi, 08.07.1921 A H Magnusson Rhodes Abisko

Trachylia javanicum USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Trypethelium madus USA Sanford, Florida 00.06.1921 S Rapp Rhodes

Trypethelium mastaideum USA Sanford, Florida 00.03.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

153 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Trypethelium ochroleucum USA Sanford, Florida 00.02.1925 S Rapp Rhodes

Trypethelium virens Canada Ottawa, Ontario 06.09.1891 J Macoun Stone USA Sanford, Florida 00.04.1924 S Rapp Rhodes USA Binfield, Md 02.10.1914 C C Plitt Rhodes

Umbilicaria caroliniana USA Grandfather Mtn, NC 16.06.1913 P O Schallert Rhodes

Umbilicaria pennsylvanica Russia east european 00.00.1905 J V Palikin Rhodes

Umbilicaria pustulata Switzerland Vaubruz, Fribourg 18.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Russia Oloneckoy 03.07.1920 V P Savicz Rhodes USA High Rock NC 04.07.1922 P O Schallert Rhodes var. papulosa USA Elk Ridge Mt, Gapland, 03.09.1906 M F Miller Rhodes Maryland

Urceolaria clausa Austria Eidenberg 12.07.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Urceolaria ocellata Switzerland Vallon de No.., near St Croix, 00.03.1927 C Meylan Rhodes Jura

Urceolaria scruposa Austria Eidenberg 29.04.1921 F Bresch Rhodes

Urceolaria violaria Switzerland Sievre, Rhone Valley, Valais 00.06.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea aciculifera Japan ? 01.09.1920 A Tsunoda Rhodes

Usnea articulata var. sublacunosa Russia Siberia 00.00.1909 Fedtschenko? Rhodes

Usnea aspera Uruguay near Monte Video 19.08.1906 N Banks Rhodes

Usnea baileyi var. percavor Dutch East Africa x 00.11.1908 P Fafsmann Rhodes

Usnea barbata Norway Fjeldseeter near Trondheim 06.06.1925 HO? unnamed Canada x n.d. J Macoun Stone USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1926 J M Grant Rhodes

154 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens var. ceratina Canada Gaspe, Quebec 12.06.1882 J Macoun Stone var. dasypoga Canada Gaspe, Quebec 12.06.1882 J Macoun Stone var. densirostria Madagascar Tinvirina? n.d. Hildebrandt Rhodes var. florida USA Sanford, Florida 00.05.1912 S Rapp Rhodes

Usnea cavernosa Canada Banff, Rocky Mtns 00.00.1891 J Macoun Stone

Usnea ceratina Switzerland St Luc, Valais 00.07.1914 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea dasypoga var. dasypogoides German New 00.07.1903 Hahn Rhodes Guinea Sattelberg var. plicata Austria Obersulzbachtal 18.08.1920 F Bresch Rhodes

Usnea florida Switzerland Foret de Barrage, Fribourg 03.08.1923 J Aebischer unnamed var. hirta Norway Ekeburg 00.00.1882 J B Stone Stone var. strigosa Switzerland Beim Stock, Kandersteg, Bern 27.07.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea hirta Russia Petersbourg, Ostrovki 00.00.1918 V P Savicz Rhodes

Usnea longissima Russia Siberia, Primorskaja 00.00.1909 B A Fedtschenko Rhodes Canada Lake Nepigon 00.07.1884 J Macoun Stone

Usnea plicata Switzerland Stillwasserwald, Jaun, Fribourg 06.06.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Usnea sulphurea Antarctica Evans Coves, Victoria Land 00.00.1912 B A E Farnham

Usnea trichodea USA Oviedo, Florida 00.01.1923 S Rapp Rhodes

Usnea sp. USA Marysville, Washington 00.00.1923 J M Grant Rhodes

Varicellaria rhodocarpa Sweden Aktse 00.00.1871 P J Hellbom Rhodes

Verrucaria aethiobola var. acrotella

155 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Via Mala, Thusis 00.08.1923 W Watson Rhodes

Verrucaria apatela Italy Varazze, Villa Camogli, 00.04.1925 C Sbarbaro Rhodes Cantalupo

Verrucaria apomelaena Italy Prato, Genova 00.03.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria calciseda Bohemia Prachovic 00.00.1921 V Kutak Rhodes Switzerland Ramaclez, Chateau d'Oex, 14.08.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes Vaud

Verrucaria ceracea var. macrospora Italy Pontecarrega 00.04.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria clopima var. subumbonata Italy Terro di Aquileja, Trieste 00.10.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria coerulea var. fusca Italy S Eusebio, Genova 00.05.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria controversa Italy Cagliari, amphitheatre 00.00.1867 Canepa Rhodes

Verrucaria cyanea Italy Semonsetto, Bassano, Veneto 08.09.1918 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria dufourii Belgium Houx 00.08.1904 Tonglet Rhodes Switzerland Breningard, Charmey 15.09.1928 J Aebischer Rhodes

Verrucaria hochstetteri Germany Bavaria, Eichstatt n.d. Arnold Rhodes

Verrucaria integra Switzerland Grandvillard, Fribourg 12.09.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Verrucaria latebrosa Italy Celle Liguri, Savona 00.10.1920 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria lilacina Italy Asiago, Altipiano 00.00.1917 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria marmorea Switzerland Hauterive, Posieux, Fribourg 23.01.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes var. rosea Italy Sorrento, Mapoli 00.00.1907 Cufino Rhodes

Verrucaria maura

156 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Italy faro di Genova 00.00.1922 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria mortarii Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 12.03.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Verrucaria muralis Switzerland L'Ouge, Arconciel, Fribourg 05.07.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Gentilino, Ticino 06.02.1923 P G M Rhodes Rhodes

Verrucaria murina Switzerland Lit de la Serine, Posieux, 14.03.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg Switzerland ruisseau de Chesalles, Fribourg 17.05.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Verrucaria myriocarpa var. pusilla Switzerland La Seche, Arconciel, Fribourg 08.12.1923 J Aebischer Rhodes Switzerland Cote de la Pilaz, Posieux, 22.03.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg

Verrucaria parmigera Croatia Istria, Pola-Pt, Christo 00.08.1913 Hruby Rhodes

Verrucaria plumbosa var. coerulea Italy Serino, Genova 00.03.1924 Sbarbaro Rhodes

Verrucaria praetermissa Bohemia Kostelce 00.00.1920 V Kutak Rhodes

Verrucaria purpurascens France Hautes-Pyrenees 00.00.1921 A F Jeanjean Rhodes

Verrucaria rupestris Switzerland Fribourg 19.05.1926 J Aebischer Rhodes

Verrucaria sphinctrina var. macrospora Italy Genova, bosco del Serino 00.03.1924 C Sbarbaro Rhodes

Xanthoria lychnea Switzerland Breitfeld, Fribourg 00.05.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland Freibourg 00.12.1921 P G M Rhodes Rhodes Switzerland La Schurra, Pienafortsela, 29.01.1922 J Aebischer Rhodes Fribourg USA Marysville, Washington 00.03.1922 J M Grant Rhodes USA Marysville, Washington 00.05.1926 J M Grant Rhodes var. perfusa Switzerland Hauterive passerelle, Fribourg 04.12.1924 J Aebischer Rhodes

Xanthoria parietina Austria Pettenbach 25.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes Switzerland Dudingen, Fribourg 00.02.1922 P G M Rhodes Rhodes var. ectanea

157 Birmingham Botany Collections - Lichens

Switzerland Wandfluh, Jaun, Fribourg 08.08.1924 J Uonney Rhodes Canada Lake Nipigon 13.07.1884 J Macoun Stone Switzerland Pont la Ville, Fribourg 10.10.1925 J Aebischer Rhodes

Xanthoria polycarpa Canada Comox, Vancouver Island 24.06.1893 J Macoun Stone

Xylographa parallela Austria Hochsalm 22.09.1922 F Bresch Rhodes