Ruby Bridges

Tomarr J 2016 Enos Elementary School Chapter 1

Here is a few things you need to no about the civil Martin Luther King rights! The civil rights is about some white people were races making his I have a to black people but not all white people were races to black dream speach people. It was like if a white person walked up to a black person and said cut my grass they did not have choice the black person would have to do it. In 1865, end of slavery happened.1909,N. A. A. C. P is founded, . N. A. A. C. P is a Association for the Advancement National of colored people it means every day Blacks wanted to have the same rights as white people they did not wanted to be some one went to work they would fight for freedom because treated badly, black people did not want to give up there seat on the bus to a white they did not like the way life was of racism 1951, brown v person. They all wanted freedom they wanted to go in the same restaurants and stores. board of education and that allowed black kids and white kids But now to day we all have freedom black kids and white kids can go to the same school and they can go to the same restaurants. People have freedom today.Everyone to go to the same school. In 1955, and the gets an equal opportunity to have a good life. People love how they live now, black , Rosa Parks got arrested because people and white people can get married, they can have kids to together, people do not always die now like they did back then, people can live in the same neighborhood. She did not give up her seat on the bus to a white person. People have longer lives now. Also how all of the civil rights ended is when Martin 1963, JFK introduced the civil rights act. 2008, Luther King made his I have a the dream speech, and that is when the civil rights Barak Obama is elected as president. people are races to day ended. Do you want to know who shot Martin Luther King? Earl Ray but not all of people are races to blacks there are probably less James was racist at 15 year old he didn't like african-American people and he killed people that are races. Martin Luther King. Some Chapter 1

Here is a few things you need to no about the civil Martin Luther King rights! The civil rights is about some white people were races making his I have a to black people but not all white people were races to black dream speach people. It was like if a white person walked up to a black person and said cut my grass they did not have choice the black person would have to do it. In 1865, end of slavery happened.1909,N. A. A. C. P is founded, . N. A. A. C. P is a Association for the Advancement National of colored people it means every day Blacks wanted to have the same rights as white people they did not wanted to be some one went to work they would fight for freedom because treated badly, black people did not want to give up there seat on the bus to a white they did not like the way life was of racism 1951, brown v person. They all wanted freedom they wanted to go in the same restaurants and stores. board of education and that allowed black kids and white kids But now to day we all have freedom black kids and white kids can go to the same school and they can go to the same restaurants. People have freedom today.Everyone to go to the same school. In 1955, rosa parks and the gets an equal opportunity to have a good life. People love how they live now, black Montgomery bus boycott, Rosa Parks got arrested because people and white people can get married, they can have kids to together, people do not always die now like they did back then, people can live in the same neighborhood. She did not give up her seat on the bus to a white person. People have longer lives now. Also how all of the civil rights ended is when Martin 1963, JFK introduced the civil rights act. 2008, Luther King made his I have a the dream speech, and that is when the civil rights Barak Obama is elected as president. people are races to day ended. Do you want to know who shot Martin Luther King? Earl Ray but not all of people are races to blacks there are probably less James was racist at 15 year old he didn't like african-American people and he killed people that are races. Martin Luther King. Some Chapter 2 Can you imagine if your black and you go to a school with just white people? Well let me tell you a little about Ruby Bridges. She lived in Tyler town Mississippi. When Ruby was about four years old her parents moved to Tylertown . In Ruby bridges 1960 there was a little girl named ruby bridges and she was in kindergarten in a school for black kids she liked her friends and her teacher, but there was a white school closer to her house for white kids it was the William Frantz elementary school. The government said that ruby should be aloud to go to William Frantz school so she did. 1961 Ruby was in the first grade and she went to the white school. Some white people did not want a black person to go to a white school so they stood out side of the school and yelled for Ruby to go away. Ruby did not like her segregated school. Ruby's life was like torture she hated the kids that went to the white school because it was a white school.people were angry at her because they did not want her going to a white school. Ruby was the only black in school because the government said she should be aloud to go to a white school cause it was just one black person. Ruby was the first black kid to go to a white school. Thurmond Marshall is the one who got Ruby bridges in the white school. Ruby on her way into William Frantz school

Barack Obama Chapter 2 Can you imagine if your black and you go to a school with just white people? Well let me tell you a little about Ruby Bridges. She lived in Tyler town Mississippi. When Ruby was about four years old her parents moved to Tylertown New Orleans. In Ruby bridges 1960 there was a little girl named ruby bridges and she was in kindergarten in a school for black kids she liked her friends and her teacher, but there was a white school closer to her house for white kids it was the William Frantz elementary school. The government said that ruby should be aloud to go to William Frantz school so she did. 1961 Ruby was in the first grade and she went to the white school. Some white people did not want a black person to go to a white school so they stood out side of the school and yelled for Ruby to go away. Ruby did not like her segregated school. Ruby's life was like torture she hated the kids that went to the white school because it was a white school.people were angry at her because they did not want her going to a white school. Ruby was the only black in school because the government said she should be aloud to go to a white school cause it was just one black person. Ruby was the first black kid to go to a white school. Thurmond Marshall is the one who got Ruby bridges in the white school. Ruby on her way into William Frantz school

Barack Obama Chapter 3

On the morning of November 14, 1960, federal marshals dove me Ruby bridges and my mother five blocks to my new school. While in the car, one of the men explained to Me that when we arrived at my new school that two marshals would walk in front of me and two would be behind. Imagine me as a small black girl going to a white school. I just had a feeling that everything would go wrong. When me and the federal marshals arrived at the school, large crowds of people were gathered yelling and throwing objects. There were barricades set up and policemen were everywhere. First I believed it was a Mardi Gras celebration. When I entered the school under protection of the federal marshals. I was immediately escorted to the principles office. And spent the entire day there. On her second day, circumstances were so much the same as the first, And for a while it looked like I was not going to be able to attend class. Only one teacher, Brenda Henry agreed to teach me.

Ruby Bridges at school Ruby Bridges Chapter 3

On the morning of November 14, 1960, federal marshals dove me Ruby bridges and my mother five blocks to my new school. While in the car, one of the men explained to Me that when we arrived at my new school that two marshals would walk in front of me and two would be behind. Imagine me as a small black girl going to a white school. I just had a feeling that everything would go wrong. When me and the federal marshals arrived at the school, large crowds of people were gathered yelling and throwing objects. There were barricades set up and policemen were everywhere. First I believed it was a Mardi Gras celebration. When I entered the school under protection of the federal marshals. I was immediately escorted to the principles office. And spent the entire day there. On her second day, circumstances were so much the same as the first, And for a while it looked like I was not going to be able to attend class. Only one teacher, Brenda Henry agreed to teach me.

Ruby Bridges at school Ruby Bridges Chapter 4

Ruby bridges is important because she was the first black to go to a white school during the civil rights and people were not aloud to go to the same school. Every Sunday Ruby and her family went to church. Ruby's teacher loved her. Every Sunday Ruby went to church, because Ruby's family wanted her to be near gods sprint to keep her safe and and to prey to God for everything to Chang she did not like the way life was but she still stood up but it was like preying every day actually worked.Ruby's teacher loved her, even no people were races Ruby's white teacher still wanted her to learn Ruby's white teacher did not care if Ruby was black she probably thought just because other white people were races does nothing mean she had to be. She was the first black to go to a white school, no one went to a white school because there was races people but Ruby was not scared she stood up for her self and stayed in the white school she did not care what people said of did.

Ruby Bridges as a grown woman

Ruby bridges her and her parents Chapter 4

Ruby bridges is important because she was the first black to go to a white school during the civil rights and people were not aloud to go to the same school. Every Sunday Ruby and her family went to church. Ruby's teacher loved her. Every Sunday Ruby went to church, because Ruby's family wanted her to be near gods sprint to keep her safe and and to prey to God for everything to Chang she did not like the way life was but she still stood up but it was like preying every day actually worked.Ruby's teacher loved her, even no people were races Ruby's white teacher still wanted her to learn Ruby's white teacher did not care if Ruby was black she probably thought just because other white people were races does nothing mean she had to be. She was the first black to go to a white school, no one went to a white school because there was races people but Ruby was not scared she stood up for her self and stayed in the white school she did not care what people said of did.

Ruby Bridges as a grown woman

Ruby bridges her and her parents Bibliography bridges-475426#escorted-by-federal-marshals ruby_bridges.php Ruby Bridges as a teen bridges-bio

Ruby Bridges as a grown woman Bibliography bridges-475426#escorted-by-federal-marshals ruby_bridges.php Ruby Bridges as a teen bridges-bio

Ruby Bridges as a grown woman