The Ultimate Superhost Guide

The Definitive Guide: Everything You Need to Know For Hosting Success

by Andrea Clarkson Welcome!

Welcome to your on-point, simplified book to help you start your own Airbnb with ease!

When we bought our first home, I wanted to find a way to monetize the extra space we had in our mid-century modern basement. Rather than spend thousands of dollars to renovate and put in a full kitchen, we decided to try Airbnb. We hired a handyman to install a door and wall at the end of the hallway for under $400. We instantly had a separate suite that was booked within 15 minutes of going live! After a few months we were Superhosts and it’s been an experience that has been very positive. Having the extra income to help cover mortgage payments and vacations has been wonderful. When I began my Airbnb, I had so many questions and this is the book I wish I could have found that could get me up and running on the right foot. This is exactly why I wrote it for you!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 2 The Fine Print

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Any advice that is provided in this book is based on the experience of the author. The author does not receive compensation and all opinions are solely the opinion of the author, not of Airbnb. The Tax information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice.

Inside The Ultimate Superhost Guide, you will find links to products great for starting an Airbnb that your guests’ will love! These are products I have personally used for my own Airbnb,100% my own opinion and I trust them for quality. If you decide to use the links, I may receive a small commission – Thank you!

Copyright 2021 Mamma Mode. All Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 3

I’m an Airbnb Ambassador!

I want to give back to the hosting community. So, If you would like to list your place, but don’t know where to start then let me help! This means that if you sign up with my link, Airbnb pays me to help guide you through the process as your personal mentor! Whenever you have a question, about the Airbnb hosting process from creating your listing to welcoming your first guests, just message me on the Airbnb App!

No matter where in the world you live, I would love to make joining Airbnb a fun and easy process for you! Once you are ready to list:

Use my and you’ll get a $52 bonus from Airbnb when you host your first guests!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 8 Introduction

On any given night, 2 million people will stay in Airbnb homes in 81,000 cities around the world.

There are close to 5 million listings in 191 countries, more beds than the top five hotel chains combined. The shared economy is here to stay and is expected to triple in the next 5 years. There is no better time to take advantage of this new and growing economic trend! This book is for the absolute beginner to the more experienced host looking to explode their bookings. This book covers everything from creating a listing, ranking high in searches, increasing bookings and becoming a Superhost. You’ll learn to streamline your communication with guests and provide an experience that they will rave about in reviews. The more you know about Airbnb, the more you will be able to use this knowledge to optimize your listing, set goals and succeed. There is a learning curve to being an Airbnb host and this book will become an essential reference to return to time and time again.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 9 //01 Starting an Airbnb.

Since Airbnb launched in August 2008, they have built a user- friendly, trusted platform that connects travelers with hosts offering unique rentals and experiences. Airbnb hosts who provide the best guest experience are rewarded with positive reviews, higher search rankings, and more bookings. Think about what impresses you when you stay in a hotel or Airbnb. What turns you off or makes you feel disappointed? People who use Airbnb above all want to feel welcome and comfortable in your home, try to make the best possible experience for your guests.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 10 //01 Set your Expectations.

People decide to host for all different types of reasons. Some hosts use the extra income to help with their mortgage, fund their next trip, or simply save for the future. Other hosts love meeting new people, sharing stories, and helping guests have a great trip by providing a local’s perspective. Before creating a profile, think about what you want to get out of hosting and share those expectations with your neighbors and other people living in your home or building. This includes discussing how often you’ll be hosting and creating house rules that all guests will abide by.

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Your Market Dictates your Occupancy.

Some cities have a higher rate of bookings than others. In a slower Airbnb market, no matter how fantastic your property, there just won’t be enough demand. You can check who else has an Airbnb in your neighborhood (and what they are charging!) and if you’re in a hot rental market or not with AirDNA It’s free to search. It’s best to check first to know what to expect. You don’t always have to be in a top city. For example, college towns, even rural ones, have high demand as there are conferences, graduations and events.

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Make Sure its Legal.

As a host, it’s important for you to understand the laws in your city, county, state, province, territory and/or country, before you start hosting. Some areas have zoning laws or require special permits and you need to research this first.

The best way to get this information is to contact your local government to ask questions about your STR plans and what you need to proceed. Some jurisdictions may require an inspection of your property to make sure it meets minimum habitability standards. Find out what standards apply to your listing.

Follow the Rules.

It's also important to understand and follow other contracts or rules that might apply to your listing, timeshare ownership rules, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules, or rules established by tenant organizations.

Read your lease agreement and check with your landlord, if applicable. If you live in rent controlled or stabilized housing, there may be special rules that apply to you. If you are renting a place to turn into an Airbnb, make sure to discuss this with the landlord so. everyone is on the same page.

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Your Story and Branding.

In the vacation rental market, standing out above the competition is key. But, with so much competition out there, having a story is so important. Think of your Airbnb as a business and a Brand.

You’re going to put your heart, time and energy into your Airbnb, so it will essentially be your business and your brand. In this section, you’ll learn some actionable ways to make your Airbnb really a one-of-a-kind destination!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 14 //02 Starting an Airbnb.

Tell a Story.

By creating a solid brand strategy for your property and designing your space to reflect that, you’ll be equipped to grow your online presence, increase your ratings, your bookings, and even your nightly rate. Bringing out the full potential of your Airbnb and creating a holistic experience for your guests will turn your rental into a successful business.

A Solid Concept.

It’s important that you start with a solid concept — a sort of “theme” that captures your property’s story. Once you know what that story is and what message you want to get across to your guests, then you can start incorporating that into your design. Don’t just look at your property as a place for guests to crash. Think of it as an entire experience for travelers visiting your city. Better yet, think of it as a unique destination that people from around the world want to stay in because your property is just that special!

Think Outside the Box. .

Design your space with a standout feature, a spot that everyone wants to share on Instagram when they visit. Whether that be a unique wall mural, a meditation room, or a special architectural element, it really depends on your space and your brand. The important thing is that these features make sense for your property and your story.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 15 //02 Starting an Airbnb.

Think of your Airbnb As a Brand

Research shows that you have about 3 seconds to captivate someone’s interest on while scrolling through Airbnb Listings, before they move on. If you want your property to stand out in a crowded market, to be memorable among its competitors, and to become a one-of- a-kind destination, then it’s incredibly important to have a brand identity. Therefore, when thinking of the overall branding of your Airbnb ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. How do you want to be seen? A cozy cabin in the woods, a cool hideaway in the desert, a modern apartment in the city, a cheerful guest suite…

2. What are 5 emotions you want guests to ‘feel’ about your Airbnb when they see your Airbnb Listing? Maybe joy, inspiration, intrigue, interest, desire to stay there, etc..

3. What color palette would best suit your location and property?

An example would be If your Airbnb is a ‘cabin in the woods’ you would want to try to highlight everything unique about that vacation experience. Make it feel like a cabin in the woods. Guests are coming to enjoy time together, quietness, coziness, nature, and space. How can you best give guests this experience? We’ll get more into the décor and design. part later, but for now just think about some ideas.

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Gather Ideas.

One you have decided what your ‘Branding’ is incorporate that vibe into every aspect of your business — your interior design, your welcome packet, your online presence, etc.. It basically sets up a framework to keep your brand consistent & memorable.

When deciding on your Airbnb story, décor and branding you may have a million ideas floating around in your head. There are so many directions you could go right? How do you nail it down?

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Designing your Space.

One of the most exciting parts of becoming a Host is designing your space! You can hire a professional for this part, but most hosts are not designers and DIY it themselves. The secret is to use a mood board.

A mood board sets the tone for your property and will be your guide to creating a thoughtful and cohesive space that guests will love! Let’s break down those steps, and you’ll easily find a style that you love!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 18 //03 Creating a Mood Board.

When thinking about the theme and décor your Airbnb, the easiest way, is to create a mood board. Here are some tips to getting you mood board started:

Step 1: Visualize your Brand. The first step in discovering what you want is to research on Instagram, Pinterest and magazines to find styles and ideas that you love. Keep in mind your ideal guests and how you want them to feel when they see your brand.

Step 2: Start to create a few boards on Pinterest, and just save anything you like or catches your eye at first. Honestly, pin anything and everything that inspires you. This can be home décor, color palettes, furniture etc.. After a while, you will see a pattern emerge revealing the set styles you are going for.!

Step 3: Now you can create a separate board for the house and organize it with different boards for each room. Try to lock down a color and materials palette early on to guide your decor decisions.

Step 4: Work to craft mood boards with specific decor items. You can be a bit more selective and start narrowing it down to the vision you love! Choose your top 10 favorite images from this board and 3-5 colors from those photos to represent your brand color palette..

Step 5: Finally, just have fun watching your vision become reality- it’ll be what it’s meant to be!

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Creating a Mood Board

Once you have your favorite idea and a color palette that you love. Use Canva to create a mood board. They have many templates to assemble your top 10 photos and color palette together beautifully.

Use your mood board to direct all of your design and purchasing decisions. If something doesn’t feel like it will fit within the style guide you created, it will stand out and feel out of place.

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Create a ‘Look Book’

Think about creating a ‘look book’ binder for your property. Something you can take around with you. The look book can include things like floor plans, paint chips, sketches, magazine cut-outs, appliance brochures, quotes, budget spreadsheets, you name it! Take your look book to every appointment, hardware store, furniture store, etc. and when the salespeople ask what you are after, You can quickly produce an image or a measurement for them instantly. This will save you a lot of time and help simplify the process and clarify your vision for others.

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Finding Inspiration.

Remember, your unique style and ideas are what will make your Airbnb special! There are many types of Airbnb’s and styles that work. You don’t need to fit into a box. You can get creative and add your own personal touches.

One Tip: White walls look the best, especially side-by-side in Airbnb listing photographs and on social media. They give a clean and bright look and tie everything together.

Instagram is an amazing way to connect with other hosts and see their spaces from many different angles. These are some of my favorite accounts to check out for inspiration. These hosts have strong presence on Instagram and how they present their Airbnb and brand them is interesting to have a look at. Even if you just have a suite in your home or a room to rent, these are design styles and color palettes that work beautifully.

Desert Oasis: @lacasitacacao @Thejoshuatreehouse @starshiplanding

Modern + Fresh: @theunitsalex @thelofthouseco

Apartments & Tiny Homes: @stayourway_bcn @rockridgecasita

Beach Vibes: @thebeachlodge @ohi_beachhouse

Cabins: @Thehoneybearcabin @tinymountaincabin @the_hillside_house

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost | 22 Guide //05

A Host Story #1: The Loft House A Scandinavian Forest Retreat

Tucked inside a vast Ponderosa Pine forest, just a few minutes from Colorado Springs, you will find Drew and Tarah’s adorably modern Lofthouse. These Airbnb Plus Superhosts have not missed a single detail in creating a retreat that is rich in charm. Any guest who is luckily enough to find themselves in this oasis has the opportunity to exhale and enjoy the extraordinary beauty of the Black Forest.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 23 //05 The Lofthouse.

Tell us about yourselves!

Drew is a Colorado Native and I spent most of my adolescent and adult life in Colorado. We love Colorado Springs and hope to stay put for a very long time. For as long as we’ve been married (11 years), we had always talked about a house in the woods. I grew up in the trees of the Midwest and hoped to raise our children in a place where they could explore and know adventure and freedom in a special way. We kept our eyes peeled for a couple of years and never found a lot that was right for us. When we saw the lot and existing home that we have now, we knew we had found our home.

Why did you decide to build the Lofthouse?

The Lofthouse was part two of our dream to live in the woods. The focus of part one was our children and family. The focus of part two, The Lofthouse, was to create a versatile space where we could work, meet and host our guests! Internally, we wanted to have a private space away from our house to do the work we do, but in the setting of the forest that we love. With four kids, working from “home” was never an option, but we did the math on how many hours of our life we would get back commuting to work if we worked 400 paces away, instead of 30 min.. and turns out it’s a lot of time. We . wanted to have as much overlap as possible in our day to day with our kids and each other, and The Lofthouse has provided this opportunity for us.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 24 //05 The Lofthouse.

What was your favorite part of the design process?

The Lofthouse is two separate spaces under one roof. The Loft, and The House. The Loft has high vaulted ceilings, an enormous amount of natural sunlight, and is open and versatile. The Loft is where we work. The House portion is a 2-bedroom one bath 1200 sq. ft. space that we wanted to feel cozy and safe. The spaces do not connect internally, so we are able to operate separately with minimal overlap/interruption to our guests or our clients.

My favorite part of the process was diving deep into Scandinavian design. Before we began the project, I knew I loved the Nordic style. I gained a much deeper understanding of both the style and the way of life, though the process of design.

How do you keep your Airbnb so sparkling clean?

People really discouraged me from picking white and neutral textiles for The Lofthouse, but for me, it was the only way. We have had a lot of bodies in and out of the space, and so far, no mishaps! That’s not to say things won’t eventually wear, and yes, white is unforgiving, but I wanted guests to feel like they were in a clean and well-curated . space. We’ve been honest with guests about our desire to keep the space clean and orderly, and they have been incredibly respectful and appreciative of that!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 25 //05 The Lofthouse.

What advice can you give to hosts looking to decorate in a minimalistic way?

Minimalism is not scarcity. In my opinion, minimalism is paring utility with design, and being selective in what you allow in your home. Questions I ask myself: Do I like this because it’s trendy, or do I really like it? Do I like it because it’s on sale, or do I really like it? Does this add function and beauty to the space, or does it take up space? Is this piece versatile, or will I be stuck with it forever, in one spot.

We were very frugal and mindful of guests’ needs when furnishing The Lofthouse. I wanted the space to feel elevated but also inviting and cozy. There were a few things I knew I didn’t want to compromise on, and they came at a bit of a higher price. But most of what we purchased was very affordable and accessible. Curating is all about hand- selecting items with a specific purpose/place in mind. There is nothing wrong with Ikea or Target. In fact, a lot of what we have purchased came from those places. However, I tried to pair unique or more custom accessories along with those pieces, to give a more elevated and original look. It’s nothing genius, but there is definitely an art to a well- . curated house, on a budget.

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Setting Up your Space.

You will need to invest some money into your rental. If you plan on renting your space for a few years, it’s wise to think of these purchases as an investment, and source quality pieces that will last guest after guest. The first few bookings will start to cover the cost. Then it’s all profit! Always consider the guests’ comfort. Are there extra blankets on hand in case it gets cold? Is there a desk with sufficient lighting, if a guest plans to work? These are small details that will make your space stand out, without breaking the bank.

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Setting up your Space.

Guests come to Airbnb looking for something unique and comfortable; so don’t be afraid to add some personal flair to your space! Feel free to display objects from your travels, books you recommend, or painting an accent wall in your favorite color. Consider starting small with painting projects, reupholstering, or simple decor changes. Neutrals will always look fresh and modern when you use them for the main furnishings. White walls make a place feel clean and airy. Blues and greens are associated with nature and have a calming effect.

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Create Instagrammable Spaces.

I recommend designing photo-worthy backdrops in various spaces throughout the property. Stage each different area as if you’re setting up a movie set, using items such as stand-out furniture pieces (for example, a swing chair), eccentric wall art, dramatic fixtures, walls painted with art murals, or other fun props that tie to your theme. By making your vacation rental more “Instagrammable”, you'll attract the type of guest who is likely to take photos at your property and share them on their own social media accounts—which means free promotion and user-generated content! – Starship Landing

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Creating Ambience.

Consider the ambience you are trying to create when choosing furniture and décor items. Does the style of the furniture compliment the style of the house? Is your home modern, historic, mid-century? Try to anticipate the expectations of your guests. Guests want to feel at home so you should decorate the rooms like a home and not like a cookie-cutter hotel room.

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Oasis of Comfort.

Most guests will spend time relaxing in their rooms and each bedroom should be an oasis of comfort. If there is space, furniture such as a bedside table and a lamp, a comfortable chair and a small desk or table will be appreciated. Make sure to provide a full-length mirror, as guests want to see how they look from head to toe! Soft lighting should be installed; floor and table lamps will create a warm lighting effect.

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Locks on Bedroom Doors.

In shared spaces, you should give your guests the option to lock their bedroom door. Your guests will most likely trust you as the host but may be unsure of the other guests. It will give them piece of mind to be able to lock their rooms with a key when they go out. You can easily swap out regular doorknobs out for key-entry ones. Keep the second key in a safe place.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 32 //06 Setting up your Space.

Get Personalized.

People love quirky elements so adding personality and touches of color to a space makes the space feel more like a home. Try adding décor elements that are unique to your area, if you’re in a major city try to make it ‘feel’ like an apartment in that city.

Decorate Beautifully.

One way to stand out from the competition is having a bright, fresh interior, with strong splashes of color using art, textiles, rugs and pillows to achieve this. Target always has low priced Bohemian style throw pillows and rugs that look amazing in photos. Tip: I highly recommend reading my guide + 500 Free wall Art Downloads. You can just print and make beautiful gallery walls. Very cost-effective décor!

Mix New with Vintage.

Check for a few furnishings around your own house that you can use in your Airbnb to save money. Also, flea markets + vintage stores are a great source of inexpensive and interesting decor items. They can add a unique element that makes your Airbnb really feel like a home. I found a trip to Ikea was great for finding cheap and well-designed pieces to pepper around my Airbnb. .

Be Sparkling Clean.

Consider a deep cleaning by a professional cleaner or spend a good 3 hours cleaning everything from baseboards to the inside of closets before your first guest arrives. This is also a great way of finding minor repair jobs you need to tackle. A coat of fresh paint to cover up any marks and a deep carpet cleaning can do wonders.

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A Host Story #2: Starship Landing, Yucca Valley, CA A Sci-Fi Pad for Desert Stargazers

Matt and Kristi Kautz's high desert story began with a shared obsession with Joshua Tree. They explored it together often until they finally decided to buy a place nearby of their own. When they came across two mid-century houses on ten pristine acres bordering protected land as far as the eye can see, they fell in love. Local legends of alien encounters and vortex fields on the property inspired them to transform the '50's houses into Starship Landing: a place to go when you need space, whether it’s physical, mental, or cosmic.

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What was your vision when creating The Starship Landing?

First and foremost, we wanted to create a space where we ourselves would love to spend weekends entertaining friends. The idea was to make the property feel like a destination in itself, with so many fun amenities and different areas to explore, one weekend there just wouldn’t be enough. We knew we needed to set ourselves apart from other Airbnbs in the area, and we’re both suckers for a fun theme. So, since our property is located only five minutes from Landers (a town known for its UFO and alien lore), and we have the most amazing stargazing, we felt that an outer-space theme would be appealing to visitors and really fun to explore design-wise.

What was your favorite part of the design process?

The process of integrating an outer-space theme into my interior design was an absolute blast! And it was so much fun dreaming up spaces and places throughout the property that would allow guests to connect with each other and get the most out of the desert landscape. But I have to say, my favorite part of the design process was giving each house its own unique identity and personality, and then bringing it to life! I wanted guests who had stayed at one house to be excited to come back and stay at the other, so I made sure that they each offered an individualized experience to guests, while still feeling connected within the overall brand.

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What elements did you add to enhance the feel of the area?

The houses were named after goddess sisters—Luna (goddess of the moon) and Aurora (goddess of the sunrise). So going with the moon theme, I gave Luna a mystical and mysterious vibe, with a monochromatic color palette of blacks, whites, grays, and various shades of blues, and teal-stained concrete floors. I gave Aurora a more cheery and playful personality, with retro space-age decor and a sunrise-inspired color palette of oranges, reds, yellows, and pinks, with gold accents and metallic orange epoxy floors. And we assumed our target guests would love to party as much as we do, so we hard- wired disco balls in various locations to provide spinning lights for their dance parties with the flip of a switch!

Crop circles were also a big inspiration for the design—we placed round stepping-stones in a circular pattern leading to the different outdoor areas of the property such as the hot tub and hammock circles, and I added round rugs and space-themed surrealist wall art to almost every room, as well as sci-fi-esque orb lamps on all bedroom nightstands. Other little touches include wall murals in Luna's yoga room, a giant moon painted over the bed in Luna’s master bedroom, and an alien-themed croquet court in Aurora’s backyard. The cherry on top is a life-size alien statue I found in a local thrift shop, who stands guard over Luna's vintage record player.

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What advice can you give to new hosts looking to decorate an Airbnb in niche and fun way?

In my opinion, choosing a unique design theme that sets you apart from competitors is crucial, especially if your location is over-saturated with high-end vacation rentals. The best way to do this is to look at competitive listings on Airbnb and try to find a niche that no one else is doing (or doing well). Find your why—your hook. What sort of novel experience would make your target guests choose your property over others, even if it means they have to splurge or book months in advance?

I’d encourage hosts not to shy away from making bold design choices that will surprise, delight, and deliver the unexpected to their guests. Believe it or not, a themed property doesn’t have to be tacky. There are lots of ways to bring a theme to life in a minimalist and tasteful way.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 37 //08 Your Target Guests.

Decide Who Your Target Guests Are.

It’s important to target your audience, to reach more people searching for a place like yours. There are many types of travelers that you can attract: Couples, tourists, business travelers, families with young children, large groups and travelers with disabilities.

You may want to try to attract a few types of guests to keep your Airbnb booked steadily. You can encourage more bookings by providing amenities that a variety of guests will need. Your listing contains an area where you can explain in detail your space. Always be honest and guests will to be more prepared for what to expect. Ahead of booking, guests can also see what attractions are nearby your property.

Look at your area and try to pin-point who your target guests are. Are you located in a city center? Then tourists and business travelers may be your target. Are you located close to an attraction? Then families and large groups may be your target.

After a few bookings you will begin to see a pattern of which groups are booking your place. For example, you may find it’s a mix business travelers, international tourists, and couples. . To have the best possible results as an Airbnb host, adjust your amenities and property description to attract the types of guests who regularly make inquiries about your property.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 38 Tourists.

//08 If your property is located in an area that is popular with tourists, they will be interested in staying at your property. Expect tourists and International travelers How to Attract your who are looking to immerse themselves in the cultural Target Guests. experience that your location has to offer. How to Attract them? When considering the design of your space, offer a few amenities that reflect the traditions of your area. In your description you can offer some ideas for ‘local experiences’ such as cooking classes, dancing or language lessons.

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Couples are always looking to get away from it all and your space can be the perfect opportunity to unwind. In many cases when couples decide to travel, they are usually celebrating an important date such as a birthday, honeymoon or anniversary. Couples usually book over the weekend.

How to Attract Them.

Provide information about local attractions that could be date ideas, such as visiting a winery, going to an art museum, or a nature hike. All your amenities should be for two. All of the amenities that you provide should be designed for two. You could also add some romantic touches like a bottle of wine and a handwritten card to welcome them.

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Families with Young Children.

Vacationing with young children is always a challenge for parents. You can make their vacation a lot easier by providing a place that is comfortable and safe for children. Guests who are traveling with children are often concerned about the cleanliness of a property.

How to Attract Them.

Make sure to childproof the property. Install baby gates above stairs and add covers to your electrical outlets. If you have a pool it should be gated and there should be child locks for cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom. Provide information about nearby family friendly places such as public parks, zoos or science centers. Make sure that you provide items that can be easily sterilized between uses, such as toys and baby furniture. Help your guests pack less by providing an umbrella stroller, highchair and travel crib. I’ll let you know the exact items I use in the Essential Supplies chapter.


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Business Travelers.

While 90% of Airbnb is used for personal or tourism trips, business travelers are on the steady rise. 250,000 companies now use Airbnb for business. Compare that to 2015, when only 250 companies traveled with Airbnb. That's a very sharp increase in only a few years! These guests are beneficial to target as they tend to book during weekdays rather than weekends.

How to Attract Them.

Business travelers tend to have convenience and efficiency focused requirements. First, have your listing certified as ‘Business travel ready’ by Airbnb. This will allow your property to be advertised as suitable for business travelers. To qualify, you must include a laptop-friendly workspace, Wi-Fi, 24-hour self-check-in (lockbox, or keypad entry) and travel essentials like hair dryers, shampoo, and an iron. For some extras, consider purchasing smartphone chargers and a few go to items like paper, pens and a stapler.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 42 Large Groups.

From family reunions to sport teams and girls’ weekends, large groups often use Airbnb for their travel needs. For these groups the most important feature will be the amount of space your property has. If you have multiple rooms and a large kitchen and common areas, this could be a great group to target as your nightly rate can be much higher.

How to Attract Them.

Make sure to have enough beds and linens and offer optional sleeping arrangements with airbeds and sofa beds for extra guests. The dining and living room should have enough chairs and seats so that everyone is comfortable. Make sure there are bigger pots and pans for cooking and serving ware for when they dine together.

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Travelers with Disabilities.

There are more than 67 million people worldwide who have some sort of mobility issue. It is often very difficult to find vacation rentals that cater to their needs. A study showed that many inquires made by disabled guests were being refused more often than being accepted.

Airbnb now has over 21 accessibility filters that guests with disabilities can use to find accessible travel accommodation worldwide. The new filters allow guests to search for listings with specific amenities, such as step-free entry to rooms, entryways that are wide enough for a wheelchair, and more.

How to Attract Them.

Provide as many of the required amenities as possible within your listing so you are visible to this group. By adding handlebars and a removable sit-down shower you can make you bathroom accessible. Provide everything that guest’s need on one level of your home so that there isn’t any need to climb stairs. If your rental is located in a city near a treatment center as disabled guests may be travelling often. .

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Respect All.

Great hosts make each guest feel included and welcomed. They understand their guests may come from different places, speak different languages and have different religions or sexual orientations. Treat all guests with respect. This is more than a tip, it’s fundamental. It’s how Airbnb expects hosts and guests to act on their platform. Always stay open and treat others the way you want to be treated.

Treat everyone in the Airbnb community—regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age—with respect, and without judgment or bias- Airbnb

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Pricing Strategies.

Attract Guests with a Reduced Introductory Price.

How can you get guests to stay with you if you’re a new listing without reviews? If you want to jumpstart your bookings, you can try adjusting your price, which could accelerate your listings’ initial growth. You can think of your first few bookings as “investments” that help you grow your future rental business. When you launch your Airbnb listing you have an option to give a 10% discount to the first few guests. I suggest to do this. Guests will be more likely to book a listing without reviews and grab the deal.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 46 //09 Pricing Strategies.

Determining a Price.

Determining a price for your listing is a key decision. A great place to begin your pricing search is to browse similar listings of Superhosts. Look for places in your neighborhood with the same number of bedrooms and then examine if the reviews mention anything about pricing. Often time’s guests will mention if a listing’s price was affordable. Use that feedback to determine a standard base rate.

If you’d like to set different prices for weekends versus weekdays, you can do that manually or use the Smart pricing tool. The smart pricing tool allows you to set a price range that will adjust the nightly price based on demand You should also check what Airbnb suggests by highlighting each date and clicking ‘View Price Tips’ you may find prices are higher than you anticipated. Although sometimes I find they underprice. Go with your instincts and adjust prices if needed.

Plan Prices in Advance.

To avoid missing out on valuable, plan ahead your prices for future dates. Even if you increase your price for 100 nights over the course of a year by just $20, that is an extra $2000 to your account at the end of the year. Review all events and holidays that will impact. demand and pricing in your area. Maybe your city has a festival, or yearly sporting event, these dates will always draw more visitors.

Tip: Make sure to offer a little bit of a discount for weekly and monthly stays to encourage longer bookings.

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A Host Story #3 : La Casita Cacao An Eco-Friendly Desert Escape

Nestled in the high desert of California, you will find Airbnb hosts Natalie and Selin’s little desert farm stay: La Casita Cacao. It is truly a one-of-a-kind Airbnb destination for guests to unplug and reset surrounded by nature. La Casita Cacao is a renovated shed that has been transformed into an amazing off-grid tiny house. Designed with sustainability in mind and beautiful details, this desert oasis has everything a guest needs and more.

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Tell us about yourselves!

We are Selin and Natalie Cacao…just two city folks gone’ desert country! A few years ago, we decided to leave the hustle and bustle of the city for a place much quieter that would allow us to raise our family differently. We knew our 5-acre property nestled in the high desert mountains of California was the perfect place to do just that. We have always been passionate about raising our own food, reducing waste, and being self- sustainable. So naturally, we ventured into homesteading with ZERO prior experience! Fast forward to now and many adventures later we cannot imagine living anywhere else.

What inspired your dreams to turn an old shed into an Airbnb?

In 2018 as our family began to grow, we had to close our first Airbnb listing. While this was a nice break…hosting had become a creative outlet for me (Natalie) and I was beginning to miss it. At the same time, Selin had been talking about having an off-grid shelter in case of an emergency (he’s a prepper kind of guy). That’s when we thought of turning the old blue shed into a tiny house! The shed had been used as storage for years and needed a lot of work. (It was also the biggest eyesore, our neighbors personally thanked us when we painted it!) But it was the perfect space that met both our needs. So, with some vision and help from our contractor, we began the biggest project yet on the property: transforming the 45x 15 ft shed into an elevated eco- friendly living space!

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What was your favorite part of the design process?

All of it! The design process is essentially the transformation of an idea, a want, a blueprint (in our case a wrinkled napkin) into reality. It was like Christmas morning every time I walked into the casita and something was painted or finished. In fact, there were tears when the first wall went up. So, in retrospect, watching this transformation unfold and come to life without a doubt has been my favorite part. Also, I’m just going to add that the challenge of styling it on a very low budget added to the adrenaline and made me a somewhat fierce bargain shopper, I may never recover.

How important was designing with the environment in mind?

Extremely important! Our entire lifestyle is centered around self-sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. This project was the perfect blank canvas to do just that. We wanted the casita to marry modern comfort with natural living. So we searched for the best eco brands and products available to make this possible. We use the sun to power all electronics, a strategic water piping system that drains into the garden ground, and a composting toilet for zero waste (literally). We also decided to use a lot of the material already available in the shed, like keeping the original ceiling beams and having them become the focal point of the design. Undoubtedly, the result of this project is a space that provides conventional comforts without compromising esthetics.

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What advice can you give new hosts who are thinking of renovating?

Set a timeline and budget…now double it! Surprise fixes and delays WILL happen- be prepared. Take as much time as you need to find a good contractor!

Plan on managing the project from start to finish yourself. No one cares about this project as much as you do it is that simple! We noticed details would be left unfinished or design elements would be misplaced if we didn’t check the renovation on a daily basis.

Don’t start shopping the details until the big stuff is done and set ( Framing, floors, walls, etc.) I got carried away buying rugs, pretty faucets, chairs, even a murphy bed we didn’t end up using because of the size of our finished layout.

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Creating your Profile.

Now that you’ve established what you want to get out of hosting and which guests to target, it’s time to create your host profile. Even though many people find it awkward to talk about themselves, this is your chance to shine because a great profile can make a great first impression. Just remember to be natural, friendly and describe yourself as you would if you were meeting someone at a cocktail party for the first time. Share things like where you’re from, what you enjoy doing in your free time, and what are your favorite foods and films. If you can make a common connection with a potential guest, they’ll be likelier to book your listing. Apart from a written description, also be sure to add a friendly photo to help guests put a face to your listing. Since it’s your home, guests want to feel safe and that they are booking from a real person who they really know a little about.

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Captivating Listing Title.

Your headline is the most important text on your listing. It will appear in search results and should be written in a creative way that will get travelers to click on your listing. You only have 50 characters for your listing title and Airbnb recommends that you use every single character. The most important info should go at the beginning as some of the title will be cut off in mobile. You want to stand out and shine here!

Focus on highlighting your home’s best feature. This could be anything from a pool table to beach access to a close proximity to an attraction. Other items to include are: location (the name of the city or town), property type (suite, house, cabin etc..), and number of bedrooms.

Try to keep your headline short and sweet. Sunny, spacious, cozy, and private are the most desirable qualities of any property. Here are a few of examples of highly effective headlines:

Sunny 2BR Oceanfront Condo in San Diego w/ Incredible Views

Spacious 4BR Sunrise Beach Cabin on Saltspring Island w/Private Boat Dock

Modern Renovated 2BR Paris Apartment near the Louvre .

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 53 //11 Writing a Description.

Your property description is a great place to help travelers learn more about your home. A good listing description lets potential guests picture themselves staying there. Paint a picture of what the guests will see when they arrive and keep it simple. Online readers prefer to read short sentences and paragraphs. You should focus on describing your property only instead of the city and area. Of course, if the home is located close to the beach or other great location, you’ll want to include this type of information. Make sure that your description is attractive to read, and makes the guest feel like they want to stay at your place! Always read the top Superhost listings in your area. They have proven bookings and satisfied guests. You should aspire to make your listing stand out a little more!

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Writing a Persuasive Description.

A great listing description lets potential guests picture themselves staying there. Guests who are booking on Airbnb are in search of quality, accurate listings managed by Hosts who will offer them amazing trip experiences. You will have one chance to convince guests to book your place over another Airbnb.

Describing your Property.

Paint a picture of what the guests will see when they arrive but keep it simple. Online readers prefer to read short sentences and paragraphs. You should focus on describing your property only instead of the city and area. Of course, if the home is located close to the beach or other great location, you’ll want to include this type of information. Make sure that your description is attractive to read, and makes the guest feel like they want to stay at your place! Spend time first researching and reading Superhost listings in your area. They have proven bookings and satisfied guests. You should aspire to make your listing stand out a little more! Once you listing is live it will be working for you 24/7 to attract guests.

Accuracy Always. .

Remember that when the reviews come around, your guest will rate the accuracy of your listing’s description—resist the temptation to oversell or exaggerate. Highlight the quirks and things guests might find surprising. You’ll help set guests expectations and earn better reviews for accuracy. You do not want guests to feel disappointed because the space is not as described. It’s always better to under promise and over deliver.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 55 //11 Setting House Rules.

It’s important to set clear expectations with travelers by including a few essential booking rules within your property listing. However, you don’t want to scare away the majority of travelers by going overboard with restrictions. No one wants to stay somewhere with an ultra picky host. Stick with essential rules in your property listing. I suggest a minimum age requirement, occupancy limit, non- smoking policy, no parties and a pet policy.

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Cleaning Fee.

You have the option to add a cleaning fee and have someone come and clean the suite for your next guests. Or just keep the extra cleaning fee and do it yourself! A cleaning fee of $25-$150 is standard. This depends on the size of your property, and the time it takes to clean it. You can also work the cleaning fee into your price and write ‘ No cleaning fee’ which seems more of a deal to guests.

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Listing your Property.

Tips for Writing a Great Property Description:

• Proofread and be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

• Suggest the types of travelers for which your home is the best fit (families, couples, etc..)

• Provide information on the sleeping arrangements (# of beds and their sizes

• Describe what makes your property interesting (location, views, decor, amenities, etc..)

• Use “you” based terminology to help travelers imagine staying in your home (“You will love dining on the private patio”)

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Set a Courtesy Quiet Hour.

Make sure to ask for a courtesy quiet hour for neighbors and no parties or events. This way guests know in advance you want quieter people only (trust me you do!)

Think about your own noise levels. We have a toddler and the suite we rent is below our kitchen. I try to monitor our own noise levels when we have guests like not using the kitchen as much in the Am when the guests are sleeping downstairs. If you do think you’ll have a bit of night noise on your part (baby waking up, dog or cat roaming around etc..) that’s normal and should be expected in a family home.

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Flexible Check-In Time.

Remember that guests can arrive to town at any hour. They may be driving for hours or arriving on an international flight. Their flights may also get delayed or cancelled. You don’t want to limit guests to a short check-in window such as 2pm-6pm or you’ll lose potential bookings. If you don’t want to be waiting around all day, or night, that’s understandable, simply invest in a lock-box and offer 24-hour check-in if possible.

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Photography Tips.

Nothing is able to impact the performance of your listing more than the photos. Travelers rely on your pictures to determine the quality and compatibility of your property. Decide what is the best and most appealing quality of your listing, and then make sure it’s featured in your primary image! Always ask yourself this question: Would I stay in my own place just looking at the pictures I currently have online?

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Professional or DIY Photography?

You can opt to hire a professional photographer or shoot them with your phone. Airbnb has a local & approved photographer referral service where you pay the fees with your first few bookings. You can check here to see if your location is included. A professional photographer will definitely give your property the best result. I highly recommend using one. Some hosts trade a weekend stay for the photos or for a discount. If you’re doing it yourself, Just upping the brightness can help a lot to make your place seem cleaner, brighter and more appealing.

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Order of photos.

The order in which you put your photos in is important. With the first 5 photos, show your potential guests an overall view of your space. The next photos can be organized by space: Kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms etc..

Number of photos.

Don’t list more than 15- 20 photos, just showcase the best. One or two picture of each room is enough. I’ve seen some hosts post 50-60 photos, it’s just too many to go through and guests will be overwhelmed.

Adding Captions to Photos.

I recommend you add captions to every photo and guests can start imagining themselves there. It’s a great opportunity to start talking with guests and inspiring them to book. You can also add in reviews to the captions once you have a few amazing ones! //12

Listing Photos to Include.

Living Room.

Most travelers plan to relax at the end of a busy day. Make the room look cozy and capture as much of the space as possible, so guests can get a good idea of the layout.


Include at least one picture of every bedroom in your house to help travelers understand the sleeping arrangements. The person booking will likely be staying in the master bedroom, so try to capture as much of the room and amenities as possible. Cozy accents like slippers and bathrobes will make the bedrooms feel more luxurious.


Some travelers will avoid booking homes without bathroom photos so be sure to include these images in your listing. Guests want a clean bathroom; make sure to up the brightness in the photo a touch. //12

Dining Room.

Provide a photo of your fully set dining room table with flowers or candles to help guests picture themselves enjoying meals at your home.

Laundry Room.

Having a washer and dryer is a wonderful amenity. Make sure to show guests that!

Stand out Feature.

Do you have a cute kid’s corner or a hot tub? Be sure to include any photos of unique features your competition doesn’t have!

Exterior Images.

Help travelers understand the location, size and style of your home. Make sure there are no people or cars in these photos and keep your garage door closed. Try to capture pictures of any unique outdoor features such as a pool, views, BBQ, etc.. //12 Photography Tips.

Taking your own Photos.

Always shoot in natural light

• Clean your lens and check for dust

• Open your blinds and window shades (Let the natural light in!)

• Take photos at dawn when the light is soft and warm

• Turn on lamps and sources of indirect lighting for a cozy feel. Turn off T.V ( it creates glare)

• Do your best to fit the entire room into the photo

• Try standing on a chair or ladder to get a better angle

• Up the sharpness and brightness of a photo when editing

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 66 //12 Photography Tips.

Photography Staging.

• Always take horizontal shots and no vertical shots horizontal photos look better on listing sites and allows for more of the room to fit in the photo.

• Do not include any people or pets in your photos.

• Remove all clutter and personal items from the shot.

• Set the dining room table with dishes, placemats , cutlery and a vase of flowers

• Arrange pillows or a throw on your sofa, chair or bed to make it appear cozier and inviting.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 67 //13 Welcoming Your First Guests.

Now that your listing is live the real fun can start! Soon you’ll have your first booking, which is an exciting moment! Keep your calendar up to date so you won’t have to tell potential guests that your property is already booked. You can black out any dates you don’t want to rent at any time. To get more reservations you can turn on Instant book, in this case people can book directly without having to request if the apartment is available first. It all depends on your comfort level.

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Instant Booking.

Guests can book your place immediately similar to a hotel site. Rest assured you can set some rules before they can instant book such as: they must have a verified credit card and Government ID on file. You can ask that they must send you a quick message as to the purpose of their stay. You can also set up questions they have to agree to before instant booking.

Remember, hosts never have to host an instant reservation they’re feeling uncomfortable with. Always check their profile and reviews then go with your instincts. Some examples of when a host can cancel an instant booking penalty-free include:

• The guest has reviews that concern the host.

• The guest has not responded to questions the host wants to know about their trip.

• The guest made it clear they’ll likely break one of the house rules, like bringing in a pet, extra guests or smoking inside.

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Request Booking.

With this booking option you receive messages from interested potential guests about dates they want to book. Responding to guests promptly is important, so choose to accept or decline a reservation request as soon as possible.

Remember that if you let 4 consecutive reservation requests or booking inquiries expire without replying, your listing may be temporarily deactivated. The benefit is that you have the opportunity to go to the guests profile and read their reviews from other hosts. You can then decide if the person is a right fit for your space.

The downside of request booking is that some guests will skip your listing, as they prefer to book a place immediately rather than request and wait up to 24 hours for an answer.

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Airbnb Mobile App.

To be sure that you never miss a message, download the Airbnb mobile app and enable notifications for messages from guests. It’s the best way to stay up to date with what is happening and to respond in a timely manner. I use this on a daily basis to stay up to date. Guests may write several properties, your timely respond is key to be able to get the reservation. With the app you’ll receive a text message each time you have a reservation or request so you can reply within minutes. Make your life easy, do all your Airbnb business over the app. Don’t lose bookings because it’s being sent to your email only.

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Responding to Inquiries.

When responding to guests try to respond in a friendly and professional way and respond as quickly as possible. To save time, set up ‘saved response templates’ on this app in the message section. With templates you can create a sequence of customized messages and have them ready to sent out to guests at any stage before, during, check-out or after their stay. Having friendly, detailed and curated responses (that you write only once) for welcoming guests with house directions will save you so much time! Just make sure to change the person’s name each time to keep it personal.

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Always Be Communicating.

Guests love hearing from hosts before and after a booked experience. Messaging with guests through the Airbnb app doesn’t have to be simply about the directions, it’s also a chance for hosts and guests to show off their personalities, develop a relationship, and ultimately, establish trust. The more communication you have with your guests, the better, as this gives you a chance to interact with them, get to know a bit about them and what they are looking for ahead of their stay with you.

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Welcome Message.

Always send a welcome message when you receive a new booking. A welcome message through the app is a great opportunity to thank guests for booking with you; include your contact number and directions.

If you are greeting them, ask when their expected arrival time is so you know when to be at home.

Try to add something personal to the message if they have let you know why they are staying in your town.

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Example of a Welcome Message:

Guests mention they are sending their son off to University and will be staying the weekend to help him settle in.

Guest: Hello Andrea. Super excited to come stay at your beautiful place. The location is perfect! Hoping this is a place we can continue to come, as my son starts his journey at University! Jenny

Host: Hi Jenny! Thank you for booking with us. That’s wonderful your son is starting university - how exciting! We look forward to meeting you both on Aug 17th! For check-In, you can park in our driveway and knock at the front door. I’ll take you down to the suite and show you the place. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have in the meantime! See you soon! Andrea


Tip: Send a message a day before to find out their estimated time of arrival as you plan to welcome them and show them the space personally. To make the guest feel welcome say ‘we can’t wait to host you!’

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Guests without Reviews.

Some guests are new to Airbnb and simply don’t have reviews yet. You have the option to accept guests who have booked before.

I find though if you accept those bookings of ‘first time guests’ you can really wow them with your accommodations and get 5 Star reviews. They are probably used to staying in hotels and will be very impressed.

They also may need extra guidance in the welcome message about checking in and where to park, as Airbnb is all new to them.

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Greeting Guests.

Some hosts prefer to meet their guests face to face and show them the property. This is great if you have the time.

Find out their arrival time in advance. Always send a message a couple a days before to find out their estimated time of arrival if you plan to welcome them and show them the space personally.

You don’t want to be waiting around for hours during the check in window. Having a self check- in option is great for busy hosts as there are no arranged meetings or schedule conflicts.

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Self Check-In Guests.

There are many ways for travelers to let themselves in that are revolutionizing privacy, security, and the travel experience. The easiest way is to invest in a lock-box or keypad entry. This way when guests arrive late after a long day of travel, they can enter your property without waiting for you to show up with a key. Inside the Airbnb app there is a timesaving option to create a detailed check-in guide with photos and instructions.

I highly recommend using this feature to create a clear and seamless check-in experience for your guests. Having self-check in is mandatory to be featured as ‘Business travel ready’. If you still want to meet your guests face to face you can always arrange that the following day after they have settled in. You also may want less contact with guests and for the check-in and check-out to happen without your presence.

I am all about Airbnb self-check-in. With self-check-in, your guests can arrive anytime, without ‘feeling late’. You as the host, won’t be waiting around for hours. It’s honestly the best choice. Greet when you can, but you’re not constrained to be there with keys at every check-in.

. To make self check in seamless, create a clear step by step self check in guide, via the Airbnb App, that you can set up with pictures. You simply attach it to the message you send you guests a day before they arrive.

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Personalized Welcome Note.

I always leave a little card or a handwritten note for each guest. This may sound time- consuming but it’s not really. You can always pre-write your cards and then just add in the guests’ names at the top. You can even have the months’ worth of guest notes done and ready to go. You can date them and give them to your cleaning person too. I leave the note beside my guest welcome book, in a visible place like the kitchen table. Keep it short and sweet, but personal and welcoming:

“Welcome, Claire and James! Thank you for choosing our Airbnb! We hope you have a wonderful time in San Diego! All the information about our Airbnb & area is in our Guest Welcome Book. Let me know if there is anything at all you need during your stay! Best, Andrea”

This note A. Makes them feel welcome (hey, what a thoughtful host) B. Lets them know where to find your Airbnb Guest book ( fewer questions) C. Makes them feel like you genuinely want them to have a comfortable stay (host is available if I need)


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Local Contact.

If you live near your rental, you will have the option of assisting guests directly. If you live farther away, you should find someone dependable to act as your local contact. This person could be a trusted friend or family member or someone you hire. To ensure any issues get handled immediately, always provide guests with your local contact’s phone number and email. Also, be sure to request your guest’s cell number, in case you need to get in touch with them. Issues could arise like no hot water or the TV not working, and you want to be able to resolve minor issues quickly. If you ‘re out of town, consider finding a local handyman who could be available on short notice in case of any issues (like changing batteries on a beeping smoke alarm) You want to keep your 5Star reviews at all costs. Expect that issues will arise at some point.

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Know When to be Present.

Many travelers love Airbnb because

they like meeting the local hosts as

much as exploring the surroundings.

Then again, there are other guests who would rather have the level of privacy

they get at a hotel. The trick is to know which guests want which type of

attention. It’s usually easy to see from the first email communications who is

looking for that special greeting and who would rather check in

independently. If a guest books a place for a few nights using the instant

booking tool and I you never receive a message from them, they probably

don’t desire a lot of personal attention. But, however, if someone books a two-

week stay and reaches out for advice on activities and dining, be sure to meet them and point them in the right


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Be Your Own Guest.

Before your first guests arrive, spend a night in your property and experience it as a guest. You could also have a friend to spend a night who can give you honest feedback on any issues you can improve on. Annoying issues like low water pressure or a banging heat vent can be easily fixed. You can always improve your Airbnb so make the effort to stay in your own place at least twice per year.

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Hosting International Guests.

Guests can arrive jet-lagged and may be unable to communicate in a common language. Perhaps you’re there to welcome them in person, or maybe they’re following your instructions to check in with a lock box. Remember that they’ve travelled all day to arrive at your Airbnb. Those first impressions can help a tired traveler feel welcomed.

How to Communicate.

Be creative, using eye contact, pointing and sign language can help with understanding each other. You could try to learn and practice a few words of the language of the guests you host the most. Knowing how to say a friendly ‘hello and welcome’ in a few languages will go a long way. If you’re not multi-lingual, there are a few clever hacks to modern day communicating. Try the I translate App. It records what you say and translates it to any language from any language. There is also a great little book called ‘Point it’ that has pictures instead of words.

Provide Essentials.

. To make your international guests stay smooth, provide a universal adapter with the different voltages. Consider also having a drawer with everything an airline would refuse in hand luggage: shampoo, toothpaste, shaving cream, razors, make-up remover wipes and other liquid products. Guests can access what they need that first night without having to take a trip out to the drugstore.

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A Host Story #4 : The Units Alex, Queensland Australia A Modern Dual Vision Duplex

Airbnb plus hosts, Bree and Chris Nield have created a travelers’ oasis in Queensland, Australia. Renovating a duplex in Alexandra Head with two unique design concepts: Tribal + Coastal! I’ve interviewed Bree who is a cake designer, Mama, and Airbnb Plus Host. She’s sharing her design inspiration and renovation journey and so many helpful tips!

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Tell us about your two design concepts!

At first, I did not envision having two totally different design briefs for each property. I loved both tribal and coastal styling themes equally; how could I pick one? During the design stage, I remember having a coffee with a friend showing her my countless Pinterest boards of styling inspiration for tribal and coastal decor styles. In that moment the idea came to me: “I can totally do both!”

What elements did you add to enhance the feel of each?

In Tribal I chose to features bold, earthy tones and contemporary fixtures with natural textures and wildlife decor. I wanted there to be lots of black and white in Tribal, along with some timber elements. We chose to paint the unit white and incorporate the black contrast by installing black ceiling fans, doorknobs and taps.

Coastal, on the other hand, has a beachy vibe; it’s light and breezy with a palette drawn from sand and shells which whispers ‘summer’ all year round. I chose to stick with all white walls, kitchen, fans, and fixtures to maintain the crisp vibe I was striving for.

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What was the vision for your Airbnb?

The idea was simple; we adore where we live and wanted to share it with others. When we go on vacation, we love to live like a local rather than do the typical touristy things. We have worked hard to make The Units feel modern and stylish while not losing touch of the importance of being welcoming and comfortable.

Favorite part of the design process?

Call me boring but I am a planner! So, it’s no surprise my favorite aspect of the process was research and planning. My husband Chris is a builder and I am a cake decorator by trade so I guess we could consider ourselves creative people? Even though we had never done anything like this together in the past, Chris handed me the reigns of the entire design process while he handled the demolition and construction of the project. This was both exciting and extremely daunting for me. My first step was to start with oodles of boards on Pinterest, strategically categorized of course!

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What extra amenities do you provide that guests have appreciated the most?

We are huge fans of the ‘wow factor’ so we are constantly thinking of new things to provide our guests when they stay at The Units. Alexandra Headland and its neighboring suburbs have many high-rises and holiday accommodation sites, so the competition is hot. Throughout the entire design process, Chris and I were adamant to have a point of difference. Spending money on items such as luxury hand wash and 100% French linen bedding is something that does not go unnoticed by our guests.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 87 //15 All About Reviews.

Today, 89% of Guests trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Reviews can be the difference between success and failure for any vacation property that has an online presence. Great reviews are also good for your property’s SEO. Search engines, like Google, look for reviews simply because guests’ look for reviews. Therefore, Google always features well- reviewed places on the first page of their search results. After every guest check-out you’ll write a review and your guest will do the same.

Reviews help create a sense of trust by letting hosts know who is going to be staying in their home. After a trip is complete, you’ll be asked to write a review for your guests a few hours after they leave. Your guest will be asked to do the same.

Guests will not see your review until they submit theirs. If only one side submits a review there is a 14-day window before the review becomes public. I always try . to write mine on the checkout day… Honestly, I can’t wait to see what they say!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 88 //15

How the Rating works.

Guests will rate your property out of 5 stars for:

• Accuracy • Communication • Cleanliness • Location • Check-in • Value

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 89 //15 Writing a Review for a Guest.

When writing a guest review make sure to be thoughtful and detailed. Try not to leave a bad review; if they had a few little annoying habits consider telling them privately rather than public (like leaving a little messy or being a bit too loud.) You have the option to send a private message in the review to draw their attention to any issues. Try to be cool and as polite as possible.

“Hey, the set courtesy hour was 9 and there was loud music until 11, other hosts may not appreciate that, just giving you a heads up so you don’t get a bad review next time”

If they really did something you think other guests should know about, and you can’t recommend them then its best to write that in the review.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 90 //15 All About Reviews.

What Airbnb Will Ask you to Review.

Airbnb will send you a message to write a review for your guest usually about 3-4 hours after your check-out time. You will rate your guest out of 5 stars for cleanliness, communication, and observance of house rules. After this part, you will write your public review of your guest. I’m generous with stars, they have to really do something, for me to go less than 5 stars. I hope they do the same during their own review, because no one is perfect!

What if a Guest was Bad?

If they really did something you think other guests should know about, and you can’t recommend them, and would not want to host again, then it’s best to write that in the review. These would include rare cases such as damaging property, sneaking in extra guests or pets, checking out late, being rude, aggressive or leaving a big mess.

If communication was an issue and all you got were crickets after each message. I don’t publicly mention that, if they are new to Airbnb. I find is . common with new guests to not answer messages, they may not have the Airbnb app set up, or be checking the Airbnb website or email for messages while vacationing. In this case, I send a private message saying “Hey thanks for staying, you should download the Airbnb App before your next trip, that way you can easily communicate back and forth with the host“

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 91 //15

Samples of Reviews.

• Linda was an excellent guest! Communication was clear and she left the apartment spotless and tidy. I would highly recommend her to any host.

• Michael was an amazing guest! Communication was smooth, the space was left in great condition and the house rules were respected. I hope to host him again in the future!

• Sarah was a great guest! She took excellent care of the space and was tidy and quiet. Any host would be lucky to have her as a guest.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 92 //15 All About Reviews.

How to Get a 5 Star Review from a Guest.

Guests are likely to spend more money on a property that has positive reviews. So how do you get those 5-star reviews? By exceeding a guests expectations and having clear communication throughout their stay. When checking-out make with a friendly message in the morning of check-out that says for example “We hope you enjoyed your stay (name) Let us know if there is anything you need, feel free to check out a little later at 12”. If you can offer an extra hour to check-out guests will really appreciate your gesture. Your final message after checkout ‘ Thank you for choosing to stay with us, safe travels and we hope to see you again!’ should be sent within an hour, or at most a day after check out, while their stay is still fresh in their minds, increasing their likelihood to write a review and make guests feel welcome back. Always try to receive as much feedback as possible to improve yourself the next time.


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What if a Guest Does Not Write a Review?

In the beginning my first guests were new to Airbnb and did not write a review (and the 2- week window to submit the review was closing in) I found a little nudge message helps prompt guests to submit a review. “Thank you again for staying with us, I’d love it if you could take a minute to leave a review of your experience. Reviews are incredibly important to my success and help to reassure potential guests that my property is a great place to stay!” More often people just get wrapped back up at work and the review slips their minds.

If you know that you provided an excellent stay and they left happy, do the nudge!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 94 //15 All About Reviews.

How to Handle a Negative Review.

As hard as you may try to create a 5-star experience, on occasion you may have a guest who thinks otherwise. Airbnb is unique in that it allows both guests and hosts to write reviews of each other after a stay. You can share your side of the story in a response that will be posted publicly on your host page under the guest’s review. The trick is to reply in a very thoughtful and calm way that smooth's everything over. We once had a bad review as the airbed we provided had a slow leak and by the morning they were flat on the ground. They didn’t mention anything until the review came around.

Writing a Public Response to a Negative Review.

Don’t take a bad review as a personal attack on yourself or your vacation rental. Make sure to take time to breathe and process the review. Some guests will not mention any inconveniences to you in person, so use the negative feedback as an opportunity to improve your property for the next guests. Reply a few hours later when you are calm and not in a reactive mood, guests don’t want to stay with a hotheaded host. Most importantly, make sure to acknowledge the guest’s inconvenience. As other guests may read the negative review and the public response, assure that the situation has been fixed and would. not happen again such as the Airbed replaced or the hot water heater has been fixed and guaranteed for 5 years etc..

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Eco-Friendly Hosting.

Think Sustainability.

The way we choose to run our Airbnb’s can have a huge impact on the environment. There are a variety of eco-conscious idea that you can adopt, either completely or implement parts to your day-to-day Airbnb business. These small changes will not break the bank, in fact, they will save you money over time.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 96 //16 Eco-Friendly Hosting.

Eco-friendly Travel.

Airbnb travelers tend to be on board with sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. In fact, becoming ‘zero -waste’ is going to make your Airbnb stand out more. More and more guests are selecting accommodation that will help them care for the planet and reduce their carbon footprint. You can mention in your listing, ‘We strive to be eco-friendly and provide many zero-waste options as we can to help care for the environment’. Cue increased bookings!

Going Plastic-Free.

If you want to make a change to all the waste being produced by your Airbnb think about going plastic-free( as much as possible) Plastic just doesn’t biodegrade, it just breaks down into micro-plastics which causes so much environmental harm. In just 10 years, the amount of plastic in the ocean will triple unless we all make drastic changes. With so many guests, coming and going, aiming for a zero-waste Airbnb just makes sense.

Zero-Waste Airbnb.

. Zero waste is about lessening our impact through being mindful of our consumption and the waste it causes. Of course, any home or Airbnb reaching absolute zero- waste and generating no waste at all simply isn’t possible, but the goal is to reduce and eliminate waste, as much and far as possible. From the decisions you choose to make, you can prevent your Airbnb from creating excess pollution, toxicity, and waste.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 97 //17 Essential Supplies.

Your Airbnb should be stocked with toiletries and enough supplies to accommodate all of your guests. To avoid toilet paper runs consider picking up a membership to a wholesale store. In addition to streamlining your time shopping, stores like Costco offer everything your Airbnb requires at a fraction of the cost.

When purchasing from stores on Amazon, buy your items in bulk in order to reduce carbon emissions as well as reduce packaging waste. By combining your purchases into one check out, that’s fewer cars and trucks on the road delivering your package, therefore, fewer pollutants in the air. Buying in bulk also reduces the amount of packing and cardboard needed to ship your products.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 98 //17 Essential Supplies.


It’s always nice to have a few extra sets of bed and bath linens available too. Nothing is better for a guest after a long day of travel than finding a cozy made up bed with clean, soft sheets and comfortable pillows. All guests will spend time relaxing in their rooms and each bedroom should be an oasis of comfort. Create a bedroom that guests can melt into after long trip, and rave about in your reviews:

• Comfortable mattress • 2 side lamps • Bed frame • Waste basket • Waterproof mattress cover • Bench or chair • 4 waterproof pillow covers • Universal adapter • Sets of cotton sheets • Wrapped earplugs • Duvet • Throw Pillows • Duvet cover • Full length mirror • Throw blanket • Alarm clock • 2 soft pillows • 2 side tables • 2 med/firm pillows • Black out blinds/curtains • Hangers • Smoke & Carbon monoxide • Wall art / decor detector

Great Extras to Include:

• Tower Fan • Plush Robes • Luggage stand

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 99 //17 Essential Supplies.


For many guests, part of the appeal of a vacation rental is being able to cook meals at the end of a long day of exploring. If your Airbnb has a kitchen, you’ll want to provide a few essential items for cooking meals. A good rule of thumb is to have enough dishes, glassware and cutlery for the maximum number of guests and then double it. For dishware white always looks cleanest and wears the best over time. Help guests make their favorite recipes with these essential items:

• Set of pots • Glass bakeware set • Set of dishes • Set of cooking utensils • Set of cutlery • Serving dish set • Set of mixing bowls • Electric kettle • Set of water glasses • Toaster • Set of wine glasses • Oil, Salt, Pepper, Spices • Champagne glasses • Garbage bin & bags • Non-stick pans • Oven, fridge, microwave • Several cutting boards • Dishwasher/ Pods • Paper towels • Sponges/ dish towels. • Can opener • Oil, salt, pepper, spices, sugar . • Corkscrew • Teas and coffee • Set of good knives • Dish drying rack • Set of coffee mugs • Slow Cooker ( Optional) • Kruieg coffee maker • Broom + dust-pan • Sanitizable oven mitts

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide| 100 //17 Essential Supplies.

No Kitchen? Really, it’s no problem.

If you do not have a kitchen in your Airbnb this isn’t generally a problem for guests staying a week or less. You will get more bookings if you can offer a way to make coffee, store a few snacks, and heat up leftovers. A few stainless-steel mini appliances look great together and give a more modern feel.

With a few appliances you are offering more than most hotel rooms and most weekend guests don’t want to cook on vacation anyways. Placing these small appliances on an 8- cube shelf will double as a mini kitchen/ coffee bar.

Mini Fridge A minifridge that does not make much noise (some can gurgle all night long) try to place it in another room or as far from he bed as you can.

Microwave and Kettle A mini microwave will do the trick and an electric kettle is great for making a tea, instant soup etc. . Coffee Maker The standard for vacation rentals is Keurig. It’s highly convenient as there is no mess or cleaning up for the guest. They just pop in a capsule and a single cup of coffee or tea is ready! Don’t forget to provide of an assortment of Pods for every taste.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide| 101 //17 Essential Supplies.


Every weary traveler appreciates finding nice bath products and clean bathroom. Invest in some spa quality towels, a plush bathmat and a quality shower curtain. Always go with white and cotton, you can everything if they get stained (They will at some point) Consider offering a black towel especially for ‘make-up removal’, or single use make-up remover pads. I’ve had several hand towels stained with makeup that bleach and several washings was the only solution. Make guests feel at home with these essential items:

• 8 cotton towels • Cotton balls / Q-tips • Fluffy bathmat • Covered waste basket • 8 Cotton hand towels • A few cleaning supplies • Face cloths • Make-up remover pads • Shampoo/body wash • Natural room spray • Hand soap dispenser • Hairdryer • Toilet brush / plunger • Hairdryer bag • 2 ply toilet paper • Shower curtain • First Aid Kit • Apothecary jars

Here are some great extras to include, in mini sizes, that you can find in dollar stores, in case a . guest forgets to pack them:

• Toothpaste/toothbrush • Sanitary Pads • Shaver / shaving cream • Deodorant • Shower cap • Aloe vera gel

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 102 //17 Essential Supplies.

Bulk Toiletries.

As much as I love the look and ease of single-use plastic toiletries, they are really bad for the environment. It’s more eco-friendly to provide a sturdy, long-lasting in shower dispenser, that can simply be refilled when needed.

You can also go the route of putting a bulk sized bottle in the shower that takes care of shampoo, body wash and bath bubbles all in one. In this case go for something that smells great and is organic for a better impression. Going this route for $20 you can supply for about 30 guests. My choice is Everybody Soap, I just refill it up after a few guests. I love the lavender and aloe.

Always have a nice clean toilet brush in your bathroom, and use a cheaper one, stored outside of the rental space for the actual cleaning. This way it stays pristine longer; bleach it if it has any between guests.

I suggest buying a soap dispenser and buying a bulk bag of Meyers hand . soap. Guests seem to love Apothecary jars. Acrylic ones are not expensive and you can fill them with makeup remover pads and cotton balls. I find guests rarely even use them, but they make a good impression, especially in the reviews.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 103 //17 Single-Use Toiletries.

If you want a higher-end hotel feel, some hosts go with plastic free single use toiletries. You can find some really great toiletry sets from Public Goods. I always get great comments about these in your reviews. My favorite are these minimalist black and white ones. The travel pack is the perfect size for two guests staying for a week.

The best part? They bottles are made from from sugarcane and the products are all natural, cruelty-free and biodegradable.

I have a coupon use the code MAMMAMODEPGA at checkout for 15% off first purchases :)

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 104 //17 Essential Supplies.

Living Room.

Your Airbnb guests will want a comfortable space for spending time together. The living room should have enough seating for your Max occupancy number. To save some money, check for a few furnishings around your own house that you can use in your Airbnb. Flea markets and vintage stores in your town are a great source of inexpensive and interesting decor items. Help guests relax and entertain themselves with these essential items:

• Couch/sofa bed • Coffee table • Smart TV with Netflix • Reading lamp • Magazines • Side tables • Fun board games • Easy care house plants • Coasters • Deck of cards • Coffee table books

• Wall art and decor items . • Couple chairs • Blinds for privacy • Throw pillows • Throw blanket

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 105 //17 Essential Supplies.

Dining Room.

Your dining room ( if you have one) is a place for guests to dine together at the end of the day. It should be stylish and functional to encourage them to linger with their glass of wine and relax. It can also double as a good workspace in the daytime for business travelers. Make sure the dining chairs are easy to clean and comfortable.

• Dining table • Dining chairs • Flower vase • Place mats • Napkins paper/ cloth • Trivets/Hot pads • Bluetooth Alexa speaker for music • Led candles (flameless) • Side table or console • Painting/ Wall art • Tablecloth • Dimmable light fixture • Table runner .

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 106 //17 Essential Supplies.

Laundry Room.

For guests staying a week or more, a laundry room should be stocked with a few essential Items guests will need:

• Washer/ Dryer • remover spray • Laundry pods • Woolite for delicates • Wool Dryer Balls • board • Iron • Foldable drying rack

Outdoor Area.

If you have a deck or nice backyard, think about providing an area for guests to relax outdoors. Make sure to have a nicely mown lawn and a few plants to make the space beautiful. .

• BBQ + Cover • Grilling Utensils + Scraper • Outdoor table/chairs • Outdoor games • Outdoor blankets • Kid's area

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 107 //17 Essential Supplies.

Families with Kids.

If you plan to host families with small children, parents will appreciate, and often search for. Ikea has awesome and durable items for kids. Make sure to include these amenities for kids:

• Highchair - Easy to sanitize • Few sanitizable toys + board books • Travel Infant + toddler crib/bed • Travel crib sheets • Childrens dishes + utensils • Dimmable night lights • Electrical outlet covers • Umbrella stroller

Safety and Everyday. You want your guests to feel at home, with essential items that are easily found. Safety should always come first to protect your guests and your Airbnb investment.

• Fire extinguisher . • Carbon Monoxide + Smoke detectors • Fast WIFI Router • Umbrellas • Sewing kit

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Impress your Guests.

To make sure your guests’ stay is a perfect one. Anticipate any needs they have with a welcome letter, personal touches, or unique amenities. I try to surprise guests by adding something locally made from our town like sweets or a bottle of wine. This make a wonderful first impression.

Tip: Leaving quality dark chocolate is always great because it is vegan-friendly and puts guests in a good mood instantly!

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Going the Extra Mile.

Create a welcoming 5 Star experience for every guest. If you know your booking is for a birthday or anniversary, a small mini bottle of bubbly. If it’s hot and you know your guest has travelled a long way, leave a couple of cold Coronas on a cutting board with a lime and a knife. If you have a family with kids, perhaps some brochures for family friendly attractions in the area, or details about special events during their stay.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 110 Providing extra amenities will really make a //18 difference in your vacation rental reviews. Nothing is better after a long day of travel, than to find a basket of snacks and goodies! This does Welcome Basket. not have to cost very much per booking if you think ahead and buy in bulk you can do it for $5- $10 dollars per booking. If a guest is paying $100 a night this is not much of an expense for higher ratings and repeat bookings. It helps during high season to have these items ready in bulk, so you aren’t always running out to the store to buy things last-minute.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 111 //18 Impress your Guests.

What Snacks to Provide.

You want a combination that has something for everyone. Ideally follow this model: Salty, sweet, crunchy, vegan and gluten-free. Think high-end quality over quantity & provide healthy options over empty calories.

I personally provide each 2-person stay with these options and spend about $10 per booking and they consistently rave about the extra amenities and snacks in the reviews:

• 1 Kind bar Chocolate + sea salt • 2 small bags of Pop chips • 2 Nature Valley Granola bars • 1 small bag of Pistachios • 2 bags of cinnamon Instant oatmeal • Small bowl with a few oranges or apples • 2 small yogurts • 1 gallon of milk • 2 cans of bubbly water, lime • 4 bottles of small spring water


The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 112 //18 Impress your Guests.

The 5 Senses Test.

Life in the digital age is so visual that we often forget that our Airbnb guests have five senses, not just one. Ideally, when a prospective guest clicks your listing, their visual sense is impressed with attractive photos. However, when your guest arrives, their first impression requires catering to all five of their senses. Let’s learn how you can apply the “5 senses test "in your own Airbnb. You’ll have satisfied guests who will feel they have made the right choice the moment they walk in the door!

#1 Sight

Sight is always going to be the most important sense. There is already a pre-conceived idea of your space from the photos you have in your listing. Whether it’s a pristinely made up bed or a cozy living room, help remind your guest why they chose your Airbnb in the first place.

#2 Smell

Here is your chance to over deliver your guests’ expectations, by having an aromatic . bouquet of flowers or a burning aromatherapy candle to welcome them. Subconsciously our sense of smell is the most powerful and memorable sense of the five senses. You can use clean natural aromatherapy scents such as: peppermint, lemon and lavender with a plug-in oil diffuser. Simply you place in the room the morning for an hour or two before they check-in ( you don’t want it to be overpowering) The smell of fresh laundry will give an overall impression of freshly laundered and made-up beds. Natural charcoal bags are amazing at pulling bad smells out of the air.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 113 //18 Impress your Guests.

#3 Sound

You want guests to feel at home instantly so have a little ambient or classical music quietly playing when your guest arrives. You can make a playlist on your phone and sync it to your Airbnb’s bluetooth speaker. Guests can simply turn it off when they want, but they will probably leave it on and enjoy the music while they unpack and settle in. If you’re in a natural area, why not leave a window open and let in the calming sounds of the forest or water welcome guests.

#4 Taste

When a guest arrives from a flight or long car ride, they probably are thirsty and hungry, and nothing can soothe travel irritations better than a snack. Have a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter and some cool drinks in the fridge.

#5 Touch

You’ll get plenty of extra points if you find a tactile way to impress your guest’s sense. of touch. A soft, washable throw blanket draped on the couch or chair is a great way for a guest to feel welcome and pampered.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 114 //19 Self Check-In Guests

One of the best things you can do as a host is to make your guests feel welcome, the moment they walk through the door. Airbnb Self Check-In is great as not every host has the time (or desire) to wait around and personally meet every guest. So how can we welcome those weary travelers in other ways? Let's look at some ideas that you can try, that will surely impress and welcome your Airbnb self check-in guests. You want them to have the impression, you spent the effort to make their check-in as seamless and personalized as possible (which you have!)

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 115 Once again, a Lock Box or Key-Pad lock is an absolute //19 necessity for self check-in. Guests don’t have to stick to a schedule when arriving and it’s way easier on you, especially when you’re traveling and handling multiple Have a Lock Box or Key- check-ins. For extra security and peace of mind, remember to change door or lock-box passcodes Pad Entry. between guests. With the Yale smart lock or August Smart Lock you can share app access and create unique entry codes for guests. Choose from permanent, scheduled or temporary access and revoke it whenever you need to. You also can see on your app whenever the door is opened.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 116 //19 Impress Your Guests.

Thoughts on Airbnb Self Check-In.

If you are planning to greet your guests personally and gives them a tour of the property every time? If so, you may find yourself waiting around for guests with delayed flights or those who stop on the road for dinner.

For the first year of hosting, I did exactly this. I was a newbie and I thought welcoming guests at the door would somehow ensure a 5-star review. Most guests were on time but with others I would need to cancel plans depending on a guest’s ETA. After several guests who did not communicate arrival times or gave a vague ‘later afternoon’, I wanted to try something different: Self check-In.

Some guests love being checked in but I felt others preferred to pick up a key. I asked myself what do I prefer when I say at an Airbnb? My answer was self – check in so I decided to do an experiment and try self check-In for a month. I never went back.

To replace your personal tour, as sweet as it is, you simply need to create a clear step by step self-check-in guide via Airbnb, that you can set up with . pictures. You simply attach it to the message you send to guests a couple days before they arrive.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 117 //20 The Perfect Welcome Book.

A great welcome book is essential to help your guests settle in. You can answer questions about your place before they can ask them. Make sure to write your house rules and give instructions on how to use the television, lock doors, and any quirks your home may have. Let guests know about your favorite places: restaurants, farmer’s markets and great day trips. People love having adventures with local tips. I have created a clean and minimal Canva welcome book that you can edit as you like! You can find it here.

To make your book easy to sanitize between guests see my tutorial here.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 118 //20

The welcome book is one of the most important amenities in your Airbnb property. Most guests will be very appreciative of your time and effort to create a welcome book. It shows that you are a responsible host that cares about their comfort. A Guest Welcome Book is essential for setting the tone for an amazing stay. When guests know what to expect and they are more likely to be at ease and relax into your place. You can mention any quirks your place may have, add in tips about local restaurants and attractions and let them know the check out time and process.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 119 //20 GUEST WELCOME BOOK.

How to Write an Impressive Welcome Book.

A great welcome book is essential to help your guests settle in. You can answer questions about your place before they can ask them. Make sure to write your house rules and give instructions on how to use the television, lock doors, and any quirks your home may have. Let guests know about your favorite places like: restaurants, farmer’s markets and great day trips. People love having adventures with local’s tips. Your guests may need a city map, which is something you can provide for them, with a useful ‘You are here’ pointing at the location your property. Essential details that you should make sure to cover in your welcome Book:

• Parking Information • Guest Wi-Fi Password • Your Contact Info and the rental’s address • Emergency numbers • Check out procedure

Welcome Letter.

Write a short letter that is a warm welcome to your guests that makes them feel at. home right away. You can find an example here. Make sure that the first few pages your book contains the most important information that your guests need to know upon arrival. Guests may not read the entire welcome book so put the important information upfront. Otherwise, they will probably contact you for help.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 120 //20 GUEST WELCOME BOOK.

Local Transportation.

Make sure that your Airbnb guestbook also includes contact information, schedules, directions, and other related to local transportation in your area. Some options you might want to consider include: Uber,Taxi & Airport Shuttle Services, bus and Train Schedules.

Tip: Provide your Uber referral code. If they are first time users, they’ll get a free ride and you’ll earn $5 each time a guest uses your sign-up code.

Local Attractions and Activities.

You can provide a concierge service with your Airbnb welcome book. All travelers love to receive personal recommendations from the locals. Make sure that you include the website, address, and phone numbers of each places and activity so that your guests can easily find them. Sections to include are:

• Favorite Restaurants • Tourists Attractions (Parks, Museums, historical places) . • Shopping and Groceries • Day Trip Ideas (Hiking, Winery, Hot Springs) • Fairs and Festivals (Farmers’ markets, Jazz fest, Cheese Fest) • Nightlife (bars, breweries, clubs, playhouse, live music) • Kid friendly (Science Center, Playgrounds, Picnic spots)

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House Rules.

You’ve likely already provided your house rules to your guests in the listing. However, make sure to reiterate the house rules in your Airbnb welcome book so that your guests can access them at any time during their stay. Then if there is a discrepancy or doubt, it is clearly written in front of them. Try to keep the rules simple: No Smoking, no pets, no shoes in the house, no parties, no Guests other than on the original booking, courtesy quiet hour.

Tip: Don’t go overboard with rules, I had friends who stayed at an Airbnb with 99 written rules, including what time they were allowed to step out of bed (They would never stay there again!)

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 122 //21 How to Become a Superhost.

Superhosts are defined as ‘experienced hosts who have proven to provide extraordinary experiences for their guests. Once you achieve Superhost the benefits are great!

• Super Badge: Superhost badge on your profile and listing.

• Super Support: Fast track service when contacting Airbnb support.

• Super Filter: Guests can choose to see only Superhosts in their search results.

• Super Discount: Keep your status for a year you’ll get a $100 coupon to spend on your own Airbnb vacation.

• Super Exclusive: You may receive invites to Airbnb events or new product test groups. Sometimes they send swag gifts!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 123 //21

How to Become a Superhost.

After attracting those first bookings, the key is to give guests a great experience. Try to meet their highest expectations as this will result in happy guests, great reviews, returning guests (and even more guests because of the great reviews) try to make people feel welcome in your accommodation. When a guest arrives at your place assure a great check-in. During the stay keep in contact with your guest to verify that everything is going well.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 124 //21 Superhost Checklist.

To become a Superhost you need to have an account in good standing and meet the following requirements. Your performance will be measured over the past 365 days.

Superhost Requirements:

• Complete at least 10 trips • Maintain a 50% review rate or higher • Maintain a 90% response rate or higher (try to reply within the hour) • Have 0 cancellations, with exceptions made for those that fall under a special circumstances policy • Receive a 5-star review at least 80% of the time • Maintain a 4.8 overall rating

Can I Loose Superhost Status?

The answer is yes. Superhosts are evaluated four times a year. During each assessment period, Superhosts can gain, keep, or lose their status based on their activity within the last year. You have to continue to complete the requirements to keep your status.

Earning Superhost Status.

You don’t need to apply to become a Superhost. There is a quarterly assessment date; if you meet the requirements then you'll qualify for Superhost status. Airbnb will notify you. of your Superhost status at the end of each assessment period—Usually 10 days after the assessment begins. If you earn Superhost 4 times in a row, you’ll get a $100 travel credit to use!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 125 Go above and beyond to create a unique //21 experience for each guest. It can be as simple of a gesture as leaving a bottle of wine, a dark

How to Become a Superhost. chocolate bar or breakfast items. Give them a little taste of local life with a chalkboard with a few ideas for interesting things to do like a farmer’s market or a local wine tasting. When a guest feels like you’ve gone the extra mile, they will definitely give praise in the reviews. Think of it as a minor investment $10 for a bottle of wine for a $200 stay is not breaking the bank.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 126 //22 Superhost Checklist.

Superhosts have a similar mindset and are always learning from other hosts and their guests. Here are a few questions to ask yourself and consider before you launch your Airbnb listing.

A great listing title can draw your guests from a search into your listing. It can spark interest in the reader and set your listing apart from the competition.

◯ Does my title start with a descriptive word (charming, modern, spacious, cozy) inspiring potential guests to gain interest and read more?

◯ Is my title unique and interesting?

A descriptive bio can make you stand out from other hosts and inspire guests to want to stay at your home. Here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself when writing the ‘About your host’ section:

◯ Do I highlight why I’m a great host?

◯ Does my ‘About Me’ section use examples of interests draw the reader in? ‘’I am an avid world traveler, some of my favorite moments were reaching Machu Picchu and the lantern festival in Chaing Mai’.

Are you highlighting extra amenities that will set you apart from other listings? . ◯ Do I provide high quality linens, towels and toiletries?

◯ Am I providing a few extras like breakfast items, coffee and tea?

◯ Would I be satisfied staying at my listing, what would I expect to be more than impressed?

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Superhost Checklist.

Keeping your calendar open for guests planning trips in advance helps increase booking rates.

◯ Do I allow guests to plan for a future trip by setting my booking calendar 3-9 months in advance?

◯ Do I allow guests to book last- minute?

Hopefully, these questions got you thinking about how you will create or update your listing to Superhost level. Your listing is always in your hands to edit and improve over time.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 128 Once your property is live on Airbnb and your //23 have had a few bookings try searching your own listing. Successfully catering to the algorithm will mean the difference between a top-ranked listing that is clicked by thousands of travelers or Rank High to Increase a rental that remains buried at the bottom of the Bookings. list. In this chapter will can learn more about Airbnb’s algorithm and boost your listing to the top of the search!

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Think about when you use Google to search a topic, do you choose something on the first page, or do you sift through 20 pages? It’s the same when a Guest is looking for a place. When a Guest begins searching for a place and they find your property in the top few listings, they’ll book it instantly without checking the hundreds of other places available on Airbnb.

The more your listing ranks at the top of Airbnb, the more chances you’ll have to book your place, which affects how much money you will earn over time. In this section I’ll show you some techniques to improve your listing’s ranking and explode your Airbnb Bookings!

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Complete Listing and Descriptive Title.

Be as descriptive as possible. Highlight any details that set you apart from the competition. A complete listing will help Guests know what to expect from your space. If you’re missing info then your listing will be missing pieces of a puzzle. The fact is, most places really aren’t that unique and there are tons of other similar listings to pick from these days. Guests want to imagine what they’ll be doing in your space.

Let guests imagine themselves in your space with phrases that will highlight experiences they can have: Stroll to the farmers’ market and make yourself a gourmet meal in the fully equipped kitchen or cruise the San Diego coastline with two complimentary beach cruisers.

Cultivate Great Reviews.

Airbnb wants you to deliver great experiences to your Guests. They want guests to be satisfied and to re-book again and again through their site. They will rank your listing higher once you collect a lot of positive feedback and get 5-star reviews from Guests! The more you receive the more Airbnb will showcase your listing. Your listing will rank low at first, it just takes a few reviews to change that. .

Once again, the more money you make, the more money Airbnb makes. If they know that guests love booking with you, they will rank you at the top of the list and showcase your listing to the world.

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Complete Your Personal Profile.

Make sure to have a friendly picture and write an interesting description of yourself. People want to feel like they are staying somewhere safe with a responsible host. Being able to read a few lines about the host will set them at ease.

Competitive Price and Always Start Lower.

In the beginning, you can offer a discount or under price you’re listing until you get the first bookings and start getting reviews. Then, start offering a fair yet competitive price. Check what other Airbnb’s in your area charge and beat their prices. Also, use the extra charge per person option; you could have a lower rate for one person then increase for added guests.

Tip: Listings priced lower will get more bookings. There . is no need to low-ball your listing price, just have a clear idea of whether your listing is on the economy side or more luxurious in your area.

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Get Added to Wish lists.

The Airbnb platform allows you to keep track of your favorite listings in a saved section.

Potential Guests can “like and save” Airbnb listings and add them to their ‘Wish List’. The more your listing gets added to Guests Wish Lists, the more Airbnb will know that your listing has the potential to be booked and the more they will show it to the top. This really works! Look for Facebook groups where members work together to Wish Lists each other’s listings! You can always ask your own friends and guests who have booked with you to add your listing to their Wish list, which will help boost your ranking!

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Build Trust and Get Verified.

Airbnb wants to build a trustworthy community, so if you are a new host, make sure to add your phone number & to get your ID verified. If your listing is missing this information, they won’t rank you very high in the search. To do so, go in your Airbnb account under the “Profile” menu and “Trust and Verification” sub- menu. Then complete all steps you need to do to get verified. Provide as many verifications as you can.

7 verifications you can give to guests.

This is part of your Personal Profile and it can have a great impact on your bookings because many guests will decide to stay upon that information. You should first confirm your email and phone number. Then you should also connect your profile to as many social media networks as you can, which will let Airbnb know that you are a real person.

If you are new to Airbnb and don’t have any reviews yet, you can ask friends to recommend you as a host under the “Profile” and then References” sub-menu. You can ask references from your personal network, and the references will appear . publicly on your Airbnb profile to help other members get to know you. All of this will help boost your ranking and it will make your listing more attractive to your first potential Guests. Airbnb will see that you are more trustworthy and rank your listing higher.

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Tick as Many Amenities as Possible.

Have at least the same amenities as a hotel and then a few more. If you want to get into the business category, having a desk with good light, an Iron and a hair dryer is worth it!

Start Off with Lower Standards.

To get your first bookings consider to be less strict. This doesn’t mean you should allow events and pets on your property, but consider lower cleaning fees and a flexible cancellation policy to help you get your first bookings.

Turn on Instant Book.

Once again, the Instant book option shows how flexible your listing is and therefore, matches more potential guests’ targeted searches. Instant Book listings will get booked more often and are therefore favored by Airbnb. Responding quickly to reservation requests in a friendly way will show guests that you are a welcoming host and they are more likely to book.

Reply Right Away. .

Airbnb is a business and they make money when you make money so reply to all of your booking inquiries as quickly as you can. The algorithm is counting the minutes.

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Remove any ‘Blocks’ from your Listing.

Having instant book on if a guest meets your criteria will keep you near the top of the search. If your listing has too many ‘blocks’ and rules before a guest can book, Airbnb will see your listing as too complicated for guests. Every additional barrier to booking lowers your potential booking rate. These ‘blocks’ are minimum night requirements, high cleaning fees, high security deposits, and a strict refund policy. The higher or stricter you set them, the higher the barrier to booking.

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Keep your Booking Calendar Up-to-Date.

Airbnb’s algorithm identifies hosts who often update their calendars as both active and responsive. Hard work pays off, active and responsive hosts are rewarded with VIP seating in the search ranking. A quick daily visit to your calendar page will help improve your ranking. Having an up-to-date calendar is a must to run a successful listing and the algorithm rewards the hosts doing this. Tip: Have your Calendar Page set as your default page on your browser. Airbnb will respond by ranking your listing higher!

Be a Great Host and Reach Superhost Status.

Remember, Airbnb works with ratings, the more five-star ratings you get, the higher you will appear in the search results. Great reviews will also attract more potential guests.

A Superhost status places you higher the Airbnb search . engine.

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Mastering the Turnover.

I have created this room-by-room cleaning guide to make sure nothing is missed between turnovers. Guests appreciate the cleanliness of the property and consistency is key. Guests expect a hotel like presentation, so everything has the be immaculate!

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Setting a Cleaning Schedule

You should have a cleaning scheduled after each guest departure. Not only do you want your home cleaned after travelers leave, but your cleaning provider will be the eyes and ears of your property and can notify you if there are any maintenance issues or damages.

If you have days before the next guests arrives its better to go in and clean right away. You don’t want germs or bacteria taking over. You can do a quick freshen up dusting the morning before they arrive. I do a regular vacuum to deep clean when guests leave.

Tip: I also have a Rumba robot vacuum that I use if there are a few days between guests. It’s great to gather any dust that has settled and clean under the beds and furniture. .

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Taking good care of your Airbnb will be crucial to your success. Travelers expect a clean, fully functional property upon arrival, and anything less can result in a negative review. Think of your place as a boutique hotel that needs to be immaculate.

A turnover cleaning is so much more than a regular house cleaning. Think of your place as a boutique hotel that needs to be immaculate. Getting your STR cleaned as soon as guests lets you to discover if there are any damages.

You can process a claim right away if needed. If there are damages or you need to replace anything, you have the time to get it done. There is piece of mind knowing you’re done and ready, guests will notice any shortcuts.


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Communicating With a Cleaning Team.

When interviewing a cleaner, let them know exactly how you need your place cleaned. First, clean it yourself pristinely and walk them through each room with your checklist. Show them how you want things cleaned and sanitized. Make sure to add photos of each room as a reference to your cleaning checklist.

From how you want your towels folded to how the items in the guest basket need to be presented. Make sure to let them know that a STR cleaning is much different than a regular house cleaning.

Your cleaning team will never care as much as your property than you. Knowing this, you may need to give some constructive criticism at times.


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Have a Back Up Plan.

A good rule of thumb is to have a team 'B’ cleaner that you can use from time to time. If your cleaner is sick, if they are late or have an emergency. Having a back up cleaner or team is very important.

You also don't want a single cleaning to have a monopoly on your STR business. If they are your only cleaners, and they start doing a lackluster job, then what? Your reviews will suffer. Always have a back up team.

If you can, pop by after the cleaning and make sure everything is immaculate. You may need to adjust things like the position of the remote, the welcome basket. If you notice things several times, you will need to say something.


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Give Constructive Criticism.

Some cleaners may have several cleanings in a day and things can be missed. Over time some cleaners can start cutting corners to save time.

If something isn't going right, you need to say something. Make sure it is followed through. You don't want to be saying the same thing every week. When giving constructive criticism, It's best to go to the property and show them exactly what you are talking about.

Make sure to give constructive criticism with compliments so it's a balance. For example, If you get an amazing guest review about how clean the place is, print it out for your cleaning team. Thank them often for their hard work with text messages or hand-written notes.

If you get a bad review or a guest complaint make sure they see this. Let them know that you need the cleaning level to be a a higher standard. If they don't catch on, or care, it's time to let them go. You . need to be aligned with your cleaning team.

Tip: Pay the going rate per hour or even 10% more so they are truly happy to work for you. Never underpay your team.

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You want to appeal to all 5 senses of your guests, with sight being the most important. A clean well-presented property is key to your success and ratings. You want your guests to arrive to a clean, properly sanitized space, that exceeds their expectations.

Whether you clean yourself or hire a cleaning team. Consistency is so important.

Make sure a cleaning checklist is used every time as a reference. A great idea is to have it laminated. Simply punch a hole in the left corner and add a key ring. You or your team and use a washable marker to tick off as each room is cleaned.

Here is a link to a Cavna template I’ve created to create your own Cleaning Checklist with photos of how you want the room to look like.

On the following page you will find the Cleaning checklist for reference..

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Cleaning & Maintenance.

The Nitty Gritty.

Between guests it’s easy to miss grime that can build up over time. Make sure to inspect well at least once a month and go around with a ‘magic eraser’ and wipe away any fingerprints and marks on your walls, light switches and baseboards. Trust me you will find them.

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Yearly Maintenance.

Once a year you should consider to fill any nicks in the walls and touch up paint where needed. Deep clean any carpets you may have and check for squeaky cabinets and doors to oil where needed.

Sparkling Clean Airbnb.

Guests rate your place as being ‘Sparkling Clean’ or not in the reviews. Between guests it’s easy to miss grime that can build up over time. Make sure to inspect well after each Guest for small details that will leave a good impression.

Fingerprints on the Walls.

Have a good inspection of your walls in your Airbnb you . may find there are marks and greasy looking prints all over, which may make guests think, ”What else hasn’t been cleaned around here?”

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 153 //26 Cleaning & Maintenance.

Go around armed with a ‘magic eraser’ and wipe away any fingerprints and marks on your walls and baseboards. Trust me you will find them. Once a year you should consider to touch up paint where needed.

The Faucets.

The faucet and the handles of the overflow hole can have some serious bad guys lurking in there. If you have hard water it can cake onto the facet and leave a yellowish hard film and seem impossible to scrub off. Solution: Use a hard water mineral cleaner when needed. A toothbrush with comet will also do the trick.

Back of Chairs.

Check the back of your dining room chairs. I bet there’s a bit of pasta sauce or chocolate clinging on for dear life. . If guests touch a sticky chair back they will be grossed out. Carefully examine your chairs. The legs are often full of splatters and spills and they don’t often get seen and cleaned. Solution: Fill a bowl with some warm water and dish soap and go to town with a dish sponge, preferably one with a scrubber side.

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The Couch.

Imagine the remote slips down the side of the couch and your guest reaches down, only to be greeted by a handful of crumbs and a sticky candy wrapper. Solution: When guests check out you really should vacuum the couch, and down the side and middle cracks. Look for spots and with a damp cloth work on those. Using a lint roller works wonders, if you your guests had pets then definitely consider using an animal hair vacuum.

Vinyl Blinds.

If you have blinds, they may have an oily residue with dust on top. Vinyl blinds splattered with grease, such as in a kitchen, require a bit more cleaning than blinds that are simply dusty. Not the best combo for a guest to see. Solution: Since the blinds are vinyl, they may be washed . with a mild soap-and-water solution after vacuuming and dusting them to remove any grimy residue that remains.

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The Toilet.

This may be an obvious thing to clean. But how clean, how deep cleaned is it really for every guest. For sure, you cleaned the bowl and the underside of the seat? But what about the sides and behind the back of the toilet? Solution: Sit on the toilet, like a guest will, and look around with fresh eyes. What do you see? Are the baseboards clean? Are the corners of the floors clean? Pick up use some wipes and disinfect or use a swifter to get behind the toilet.

Cleaning Products.

Sometimes there is a short window between guests’ checking-in and checking-out. You don’t want your rental smelling like harsh cleaning products when they arrive. I found the nicest all natural, hard working cleaning products that do not leave a chemical smell . from Method. With gentle scents like pink grapefruit, eucalyptus-mint and lavender you can’t go wrong. You can buy Method in bulk on Amazon and refill your bottle, which is way cheaper.

Tip: keep the windows open when cleaning so a fresh scent lingers to welcome guests.

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Natural Spray Cleaner Recipe.

To make your own awesome multi-surface cleaner with just 3 ingredients, this DIY natural all-purpose cleaner comes together in under a minute + it’s safe, effective and makes your Airbnb smell WONDERFUL and fresh!


1/2 cup distilled white vinegar 2 cups of water 20 drops essential oils

Tip: eucalyptus + mint are great essential oils to use together for a fresh and clean scent.

Pour all ingredients into a glass bottle and fit with a spray top. Gently swirl the bottle to mix the ingredients together. Use immediately or as needed. .

Do not use the all-purpose cleaner if you have granite or marble countertops as the vinegar will etch the natural stone.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 157 //27 Upselling to Guests.

These days, bookings aren’t the only way to make money at your vacation rental. Guests want convenience and all the comforts during their stay, and they are willing to pay you extra for it! Offering add-ons is a great way to increase your revenue while also making the guest experience more enjoyable. If you’re looking for a modern, user-friendly, and free platform to build a guest experience page and monetize your premium services, amenities, and activities.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 158 //27 Upselling To Guests.

Maybe you have been thinking about add-on services but are not sure of where to start. Here are some of the most creative ideas for Airbnb add- on services:

• Pre-stocking the fridge (bonus points if you shop from the farmer’s market) • Charcuterie/cheese boards • Breakfast or dinner • Rental equipment: bikes, kayaks, baby gear, etc.. • Decorations for occasions • Romantic packages: Flowers, chocolate, and chilled champagne • Birthday packages: Cake, chilled wine, and flowers • Outdoor movie nights with a projector, movies, and popcorn

Or you can use local businesses to provide the services and take a share of the profits.

• In-suite spa services: massage or facial • Horseback riding • Private yoga instructor • Chef made dinner . • Mini photography session • In-suite spa services: massage or facial • Horseback riding • Private yoga instructor • Chef made dinner • Mini photography session

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With a platform like ATLIST, you can create a visually beautiful add on-page in just a few hours and it’s 100% free for hosts. ATLIST provides all the templates for post creation and you’ll be guided through the process from start to finish. They only charge hosts if you need additional content support.

Who Provides the Services/Amenities?

You can take care of operations yourself, or you can work with an external vendor of your choice. You’ll have the option to onboard your favorite vendors by providing ATLIST with their name, email address, and your commission split (e.g., if you get 25% of the revenue, they get 75%). ATLIST will hook them up to their payment platform and link their Google Calendar to your Scheduler. They’ll handle payment splits on your behalf so you don’t have to worry about paying a vendor.


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How do I Share my Page?

Once a booking is confirmed, the Airbnb app will let you share a link in messages. You simply send the link to the guest with a short message like:

“Thank you so much for booking with us! Shop our curated selection of convenient amenities, homemade treats, and local activities—hand-picked to enhance your experience at our Airbnb!” *link*

Here are some other ways you can share your portal with your guests:

• Add it to your navigation bar if you have a website • Add the link and a QR code to your welcome book or a sign in your vacation rental • Text the link to your guests if you use text messaging • Add it to your Linktree on Instagram ( it’s free)

Coupon: If you want to try ATLIST you can use the code MAMMAMODE for 50% off at checkout, which works for both plans. .

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 161 //28 Promoting Your Airbnb on Instagram.

Topping 500 million monthly users, Instagram has become a highly effective marketing share your Airbnb’s best features and amenities. You have a beautiful property with unique features, its time g tool for vacation rental sites. Social media is one of the fastest ways to to share it with the world. A picture says a thousand words.

Try to post once a week. The more posts you have, the larger your audience becomes. The possibilities are sky high. People don’t get tired of seeing your fabulous pad!

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 162 //28 Promoting Your Airbnb.

Airbnb owners are increasingly using Instagram to get a leg up on competitors. They’re branding their Airbnbs’ using the power of imagery. Now is the time to create a buzz about your Airbnb and attract future guests. With these simple tricks, you can get guests clicking over to your Airbnb listing and saving you to their favorites. Even if you are in renovation stages, you can still create a ‘coming soon’ Instagram profile for your Airbnb to be. You can even take a waiting list for guests, so they know when you are open for bookings. If you are renovating, creating a ‘Follow along’ as we renovate our Airbnb, creates a story that people love to follow. Before and after are powerful on Instagram to gain interest before you list. Everyone will want to stay there as soon as it opens!

Create an Instagram Profile.

You may already have your own Instagram profile, but you need to make one specifically for your Airbnb to start to brand your image. In the about section place the link to your listing on Airbnb for direct access to booking. A great photo of your property can hook viewer in and activates their imagination.


The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 163 //28 Promoting Your Airbnb.

Fill out Your Entire Bio.

Your bio is so important because this is where you can describe the location and feel of your Airbnb. This is also where you need to put a direct link to your Airbnb listing. So many accounts are missing this, it’s in the ‘website’ section

Make sure your bio contains these 3 key points:

• Where you are located • The description and feel of your Airbnb • Link to your Airbnb listing

Make Authentic Connections.

What works best on Instagram is making connections with your followers. When you get a new follower, start by liking other a few posts or dropping a comment. Also, remember to reply to their comments on your feed to encourage them to engage with other posts in the future. Engaging with your followers means that potential guests get to know you beyond the static Airbnb profile. These days people are looking for connections. .

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Ask New Guests to Follow You.

Ask all of your guests to follow you on Instagram before they even arrive, and they will continue to see your posts well after they check out. When guests see cozy, comfortable posts they are likely to book your Airbnb again and again. Instagram is great for inspiring repeat bookings!

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Follow Those Who are Interested.

Do a little search on Instagram for other Airbnb’s in your area and note the popular ones who have a lot of followers. Chances are the last 25 followers they have are people recently interested in travel to your area- follow them! They will often click over to see who ‘you are’ and follow you back.

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Use Hashtags.

People look for images via hash tags, when you hash tag, anyone looking for anything similar to your hash tag will see you. For example, anyone looking for all things related to Airbnb will see your beautiful house. You can add a maximum of 30 tags on each Instagram photo. You can also then add an additional 30 into the comments. Try to take dreamy and artsy pictures of your property and post a few times a week! Load your images up with specific hash tags that potential guests will search and click on such as:

#nameofyourairbnb #(the name of your city) #visit(the name of your city) # (nameofyourcounty) #weekendgettaway #vacationrental #airbnb #airbnbhost #airbnbsuperhost #newairbnb #travelphography #travel #(name of any attractions near you) #(name of any beaches near you)

Also, these are popular in search ranking: .

#airbnbbusiness #belonganywhere #airbnbfun #bedandbreakfast #airbnboftheday #airbnbwelcome #airbnbplaces #instatravel #beourguest #tairbnbhost #airbnbhosts #exploremore #airbnblove #airbnblocation #athomeintheworld #airbnbdesign #airbnblife #airbnbphoto #airbnblifestyle

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Promoting Your Airbnb.

You can also use more niche specific hash tags and hash tags people search for design inspiration:

#bohostyle #Midcenturymodern #interiordesign #beachhosedecor #bohemianstyle #luxuryairbnb #apartmenttherapy #jungalow

Tip: Copy and paste your favorite hashtags from above into your iPhone notes. Then simply paste them to every photo you post.

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Use Captions that Connect.

If people will stop and listen to your words, you have a much better chance of them connecting with your Airbnb and staying there in the future. You want to be authentic and write in a way that guests can ‘picture themselves waking up in your Airbnb’ and enjoying everything about their stay.

Here are some examples:

• Imagine waking up to this sunrise every morning on our lovely deck. You can truly unwind at our cabin.

• There are over 30 miles of hiking trails in our Airbnb’s backyard to enjoy. Which adventure will you take today?

• Our guests love the easy nature walk to the village where they can enjoy the peacefulness of the forest.

• Enjoy an early morning swim and breakfast on our dock! The best bakery in town is only a 5- . minute walk away.

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Attribute All the Things you Buy.

Give some credit where credit is due to the source of where you bought the décor in your photos. For example, if many of your accessories come from West Elm credits them when appropriate with a @westelm. West Elm may return the favor and possibly regram your post, whereby your Airbnb Instagram could get a ton of followers of West Elm, who love your style already. Free marketing can’t really get better than that.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 170 //29 Airbnb Experiences.

Airbnb Experiences are a new way to increase your Airbnb Income. Experience hosts are everyday people who offer their guests access to places and activities they wouldn’t typically find on their own. Airbnb Experiences are activities designed and led by inspiring locals. They go far beyond typical tours by immersing guests in each host’s passion and creativity. It’s an opportunity for anyone to share their hobbies, skills, or expertise without needing an extra room. During Covid-19, many hosts have creatively thought of Online Live experiences that they run from their own homes.

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The Experience Platform.

First launched in New York City in 2016 with only 150 Experiences. As of 2019, there are more than 4,0000 Experiences listed in 40 cities across 26 countries. More than just a traditional tour guide, you can host an experience and Experiences are growing around 13 times faster than the Airbnb rental property business.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 172 //29 Airbnb Experiences.

The Benefits of Hosting an Experience.

Across the experience platform, guests are willing to pay an average of $55 per booking. That can really add up, for example if you take on groups up to 10. Airbnb hosts who already rent property can join Experiences to make even more money. Adding on an Airbnb Experience is a great way to bring in more income. You can promote your Airbnb Experience on its own; you can also promote it to your property rental guests. Let them know that you also offer an Airbnb Experience and you can sell it as an upgrade to your property listing.

Start a Business.

You can instantly start a business. Airbnb will do all the advertising worldwide and bring you the clients. On experiences you get your own listing on Airbnb that guests can use to book your experience. Airbnb handles payment processing, provides 24-hour customer . service, and also covers liability insurance. Up to $1 million insurance coverage for most activities.

You can learn more here.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 173 //29 Airbnb Experiences.

Categories of Experiences.

For hosts looking to offer an Airbnb Experience, there are several categories of Experiences available to book on the Airbnb platform.

These categories include:

• Food & Drink (1/3 of all bookings) • Arts • Concerts • Classes & Workshops • Nature and Wildlife • Sports • History • Entertainment and Music • Health & Wellness • Social Impact- Inspiring activities that support local causes • Culture Walks . • Nightlife

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How to Apply.

To create an Airbnb Experience, hosts must first apply and be approved. Although the commission for Airbnb Experiences is higher than the commission for Airbnb property rentals, Experiences hosts still benefit, as they can host more frequently than with property rentals. Airbnb takes a commission of 20% of the fee per Experience charged to guests from the hosts.

Research first what others are doing in your city similar to your idea. Try to make yours shine and stand out. Airbnb will only list so many hikes and tours etc. Make sure yours is impressive and exciting for guests.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 175 //29 Airbnb Experiences.

Is It Right for You?

If you want to increase your earnings on Airbnb and you have what it takes to host, Airing Experiences is something that you should definitely look into. If you love connecting with people and have a strong desire to start a business based on a creative passion or skill, then it might be a great choice for you. You can set a schedule that works for you, whether that be daily, weekly, or monthly. Pick your group size and price, and you can manage all the details on the go inside the mobile app. However, experience hosts may need to obtain a business license. This is especially true if the Airbnb Experience involves food, alcohol or transportation.

Some Examples of Experiences:

Los Angeles, USA: Hike with a Rescue Dog Santa Monica, USA: Yoga on the Beach Paris, France: French Breakfast Cooking Class . New York, USA: Street Art with an Insider Florida, USA: Culture Walk Miami Beach Barcelona, Spain: Bike Tour and Tapas San Francisco, USA: Hike in a Redwood Forest

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Airbnb Plus.

Airbnb Plus is a new selection of only the highest quality homes with hosts known for great reviews and attention to detail. These homes are designed for the type of guest who usually only stays in hotels. Airbnb Plus gives an added guarantee of quality. It’s something to think about after you have become a Superhost, if you want to take it to an even higher level. Airbnb Plus hosts offer Superhost-level hospitality. They’re highly rated 4.8+, reliable with zero cancellations, and committed to creating a perfect stay for guests.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 177 //30 Airbnb Plus Status.

Verified for Quality.

All Airbnb Plus homes are actually visited in person by Airbnb to ensure the comfort, consistency, and design. They are checked for 100+ things that guests love, from must-have amenities to the artwork you hang.

High Comfort.

Every detail is considered, from high-quality linens and comfortable beds to blackout shades and great bath products. Airbnb Plus hosts go above and beyond to ensure that their guests will have a comfortable stay.


A consistent set of amenities that guests need to live like they do at home–from fast Wi-Fi and Smart T.V’s to . full kitchens with all the cooking essentials.

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Taxes and Legal.

Host Protection Insurance.

In the rare event that something doesn’t go as expected, Airbnb provides all hosts with Host Protection Insurance. It’s third-party liability insurance in the unlikely event that someone files a lawsuit or claim against you for bodily injury or property damage during his or her stay. The program protects against liability claims—up to $1 million USD—that happen in a listing, or on an Airbnb property, during a stay. You can read more about the Insurance details on the Airbnb website. You may want to add third party insurance to your basic home insurance policy; in case an issue it is not covered. Always report any damage or issue that you want to request compensation for within 24 hours to Airbnb. The sooner the better.

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Local and state governments are starting to monitor short-term rentals more closely. This makes it essential to understand the regulations and tax requirements that may apply to your property.

Short-Term Rental Laws.

Contact your city and county to check the current laws for short-term rentals in your area. Most resort towns allow daily or weekly rentals to encourage tourism. However, there are some areas that prohibit rentals for periods of less than 30 days.

Homeowners Associations (HOAs)

HOAs often regulate short-term rentals. To under- stand the rules and regulations for your HOA, review the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) in your HOA agreement, or contact the president of your HOA. .

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Report your Airbnb Income.

In the USA If you rent more than 14 days in a calendar year you will need to file a supplementary rental income form with your taxes. But don’t worry its easy, just spend a few minutes each month to keep track of your Airbnb Income and any deductions you can claim for taxes. Because of reporting laws, companies like Airbnb may report to the IRS all income you receive from your rentals, even if you rent for less than two weeks.

Tax Deductions.

There are some helpful tax deductions available if you’re an Airbnb host that can help you lower your tax liability. Keep all your receipts and use a free online rental accounting tool like Wave to keep track each month of any purchases. This can be exported to your accountant at the end of the year with one click. You are entitled to deduct all ‘ordinary and necessary’ expenses to operate your rental business. Like the "B&B" in Airbnb, think of your rental as a bed-and-breakfast.

If you buy new towels for your guests, repaint the bathroom or leave breakfast . items for incoming guests, you can deduct these expenses from your rental income. By keeping clear records and recording all money you spend, you won't have to go back through credit card statements for proof for the IRS.

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Save Receipts.

You'll have a much easier time with tax issues on your short-term vacation rental if you treat it as a business from the start and keep meticulous records. You want to keep all your receipts organized in a safe place. For every entry on the monthly expense record, you should have and invoice or receipt to prove the expense.

Keep it Simple.

Have a bank account just for your Airbnb with a debit card. All the receipts for one month should be keep in an envelope and marked with the month and year. At the start of each new month start a new envelope. At the end of the year place an elastic band around the envelopes and keep them in a safe place.

These receipts will be needed in case the tax department audits your . records. It’s easy to loose receipts so try to keep on top of entering and organizing them. Purchases made on Amazon are easy to find, you can look back over the past year of purchases and print off any receipts that are needed.

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What can I Deduct?

There are some great tax deductions that are available to you. Always save receipts in a safe folder and highlight any purchases you made for your Airbnb.

Here are the top deductions you can make:

• Cleaning: You can deduct the costs of a professional cleaning service or if you do it yourself you can deduct your cleaning products and supplies.

• Furnishings: If you purchased furniture for your Airbnb. Such expenses can be deducted such as: Beds, desks, side tables, drawers, and other household essentials.

• Utility Costs: Gas, electricity, water, sewer, cable, Netflix, etc.. These bills can add up over the year,

but they are deductible even it you’re renting a part . of your home. Take your home’s total square footage and the rentals footage and then deduct that portion) ex if your home is 1000 Sq. and the rental is 500 Sq. then 50% of all your utilities can be deducted from the profits x percentage of days it was rented out per month.

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• Food Items: If you provide food items for your guests such as breakfast or a bottle of wine, you can deduct these items. Make sure to keep track of every expense that’s related to business as opposed to personal food.

• Rent: If you’re renting your home and then listing on Airbnb, this is a deduction that will save you quite a bit. To figure out how much rent you can deduct for tax purposes take your monthly rent payment x the percentage days you had guests each month. If you just rent out one room in your house, the 14-day rule applies in the same way as if you rent out your whole house. Fourteen days or less, you don’t even have to report the income on your taxes, but you cannot take any deductions either if it’s just a room being rented.

• Maintenance: Collect any receipts for any Airbnb . related service work done by plumbers, electricians, painters etc.

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Best Way to Contact Support.

There are a few ways to contact Airbnb if you have an issue that needs to be resolved. The fastest way if to simply call:

(Toll-free) +1-855-424-7262 or +1-415-800-5959

You can also open an online conversation with them about your issue in the help section of

You can get help with common issues in the contact section such as:

• Reservations • Your Airbnb Account • Listing and Hosting Tools • Payments and Refunds • Safety, accessibility and Discrimination • It’s Something Else


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Cancel a Reservation.

In case you need to cancel a reservation. There may be some penalties to consider. Because cancellations disrupt your guests' plans and can impact confidence in the Airbnb community, certain penalties will be given for any host cancellations. You need to be careful to keep your calendar very updated if your Airbnb is listed on other vacation rental sights such as VRBO or Home Away.

You don’t want to get double booked and need to cancel. You can avoid this by using a guest service like Guesty who will combine all your vacation rental calendars and avoid any overlaps. Instant Book hosts can cancel 100% penalty-free if they’re uncomfortable with a reservation.

Tip: You can ALWAYS cancel an instant book reservation. You just need to call Airbnb customer service ( there is no way to do this with the app) and tell them you feel “uncomfortable” with the reservation. I’ve done this many times, during the first months of Covid-19, I canceled all my upcoming reservations, and they were always very understanding and helpful. Nothing changed in my ranking either.

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Cancellation Fee.

Airbnb may waive the cancellation fee, depending on how many times you’ve already canceled. After that, a fee will be deducted from your first payout after a cancellation of a reservation. The amount of the fee will depend on when you accepted the reservation and how soon before a guest’s check-in you that you canceled it:

• More than 7 days before check-in, a deduction of $50 from your next payout • Less than 7 days before check-in, a deduction of $100 from your next payout

Automated Review.

If you cancel before the day of check-in, an automated review will be posted to your listing's profile indicating that you canceled one of your reservations. These . reviews can't be removed, but you can write a public response to clarify why you needed to cancel.

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Guest Review.

If you cancel on the day of check-in or later, guests can leave a public review on your listing’s profile, which probably won’t be too friendly.

Loss of Superhost Status.

You won't be eligible to earn your Superhost Status for one year after your most recent cancellation.

Blocked Calendar.

Your calendar will stay blocked and you won't be able to accept another reservation for the same dates of the canceled reservation. Never cancel a booking for a better offer.

Suspension of Account. .

If you cancel three or more reservations within a year, your listing may be deactivated. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, there are no exceptions to the cancellation policy.

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Fraud and Scam Protection.

Online scams are sometimes so professionally done that you don't realize you're being scammed until it's too late. You can avoid falling victim to a scam that will cost you if you stay alert and follow these rules:

Never Let Guests Book Offline.

If you accept bookings offline you won’t be protected by Airbnb’s liability insurance if something goes array. Airbnb protects you by handling all payment and communication through a secure platform. Never let a guest wire you money. It’s a scam.

When you keep your payment and communication strictly on the Airbnb platform, payments are safe and your account is secure. Guests need to complete a profile and have a verified government ID, email address and credit card on file to be able to book through . the site.

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Keep All Communication on Airbnb.

If a guest asks to communicate via email or text message you will not have any record on Airbnb of your conversations.

Even if a guest’s profile checks out, their account may be hacked if they want to communicate off the Airbnb platform. Leaving Airbnb's site leaves you vulnerable to phishing schemes.

If a guest asks you to book offline, please report their account to Airbnb.

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Make Sure you’re on the Real Airbnb Website.

Phishing schemes are ones in which criminals send emails that trick you into revealing personal information or sending money — usually by clicking on a link or downloading a malicious software. To avoid scams, double-check the URL when you're using Airbnb's website. Airbnb's real URL will always begin with https, in comparison; a fake site could be "www.airbnb.itinerary-"

Look up Every Potential Guests Profile.

Every profile you see on Airbnb is verified through that person's email, phone number, social media platforms, or photo ID. However, if a potential guest just has a verified email, no photo, has not written a detailed biography and does not have any reviews, you might want to play it safe if it feels fishy. Don’t . dismiss any less than 5-star reviews, you don’t want an ultra picky guest who leaves bad reviews.

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Guests are Not Booking.

If you’re in a desirable location and for some reason you aren’t getting bookings there could be several reasons. Not to worry there are ways to amend your listing to be more attractive.

Your Price is too High.

If guests are giving a lower review for value, check your prices against other Airbnbs’ in your neighborhood. Always look for new listings in your area, what are they offering that is better?

A Lurking Bad Review.

A bad review is not good for your Airbnb. Always publicly respond to soften the review and let future guests know the issues have been taken care of. You can get unfair reviews completely removed. If a guests is complaining about something you mentioned in your property description for example, or they are being unreasonable, you have . grounds to request that Airbnb to remove the review.

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Lack of Reviews.

Ask a couple of your closest friends who are on Airbnb with profiles to write you a review. You can lower your nightly price for certain dates and then just pay them back the cost. You can Also set your minimum night stay to 1 and gather reviews more quickly.

Your photos or Description are Not Working.

Try changing your main cover photo; make sure it’s bright and welcoming. Try tweaking your listing description to be more appealing.

It’s Low season.

. Every city and town will have its high and low seasons. Look at what the other comparable Airbnbs’ in your neighborhood are priced at during these periods. Try adjusting your price to reflect these slower periods and see if that helps inspire guests to book your place.

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Damages by Guests.

Most guests are very tidy and careful and will readily admit to breaking something and then either replace it or offer to pay for it. If its minor a broken wine glass or towels end up damaged. Consider that you’ll need to replace those high use items every year or so, with a towel or two you may need to do that sooner. Don’t sweat the small stuff. We all break a glass here and there.

It’s more any damages that need a professional to fix that you would want to contact the Resolution Center within 24 hours and ask for the damages to be covered.

I would highly recommend including a $250 damage deposit in your listing. It makes things a lot easier getting damage covered. Guests are not charged the amount as long as there is not damage. If guests have a problem with a damage deposit, they probably are not guests for your place in the first place.

Tip: There are more cases of guests leaving something behind useful or nice for you, like a guidebook on the area, or some gadget for the kitchen, than guests breaking something. It’s usually just normal wear and tear and will balance out. .

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Guests Having Issues.

When a guest contacts you about a problem such as a no hot water or the drain is clogged, get it fixed right away and apologize to the guest. Providing quick and fast fixes to problems is a sure way to ensure you get a 5-star review.

Guests Breaking House Rules.

If a guest breaks one of your house rules, tactfully point out the problem. No one wants to feel reprimanded. Try to always stay cheerful for example, you may say

“Hello Anna, we actually do not allow smoking in the house, but your welcome to use the back patio”

Also make sure you follow the house rules yourself - At least while guests are there. .

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Receiving Less Than 5 Star Reviews.

Less than 5-star accuracy ratings usually represent a discrepancy between what your online listing promises and what your Airbnb guests experience. Luckily, it’s an easy fix. Open up the listing and work your way through each section. Delete any outdated or exaggerated information and read the reviews for any sore spots that trigger guest disappointment. Fix what you can in these areas. If the walls are very thin, or the sound of footsteps will always be heard above your basement suite, give potential guests a heads up. Most won’t mind, but those guests who would mind, will see the warning and take their stay, and negative review, to another place.

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Hosting Taking Up Too Much Time.

If running your Airbnb has starts to dictate how you live your life, it’s time take back control. Reduce the number of hours you spend ‘hosting’ and opt for self check-in. Arguably the most time-consuming task for an Airbnb host is providing in-person check-ins for every guest. More intrusive than the hours of cleaning or the frequent app chirps, welcoming each guest for a guided tour of your Airbnb is most time consuming.

While your hospitable intentions are appreciated, the mental taxation and restrictions of movement, aren’t always worth the benefits in-person greetings produce if you’re hosting several guests per week. Consider adding a co-host or two to your listing. This can be a STR management company, friend or family member who can step in when needed or when you are on vacation.

Sharing One Bathroom with Guests.

There can be awkward issues like a guest jumping in the shower at 7 am and finding yourself late for work. If need an hour in your bathroom each morning before leaving for work, you simply block it out. The best way is just get them to agree between themselves when they will use it for showers/baths either AM or PM. For everything else, a use when it’s free. policy is fine.

Tip: You could have a sign on the door so they know when it’s occupied. Leave the door open when it’s free, so it’s obvious and has time to air out after showers.

The Ultimate Airbnb Superhost Guide | 197 One Last Thing

All the best on your exciting Journey as an Airbnb Host!

I am here to support you in any way if you sign up with my Airbnb link, as your ambassador, I will personally edit and look over your entire listing to help you optimize it before you make it live!

You’ll also get a $52 bonus from Airbnb when you host your first guests!

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