
Running on Linux users have the most options and will have the best performance.

Here are the choices:

ALSA Plugs in to ALSA for audio and MIDI

Pro: Should be able to talk with any ALSA compatible MIDI hardware Con: requires installation of Fluidsynth Con: some systems can have problems with Fluidsynth audio

Fluidsynth Talks directly to the fluidsynth process.

Con: No external MIDI devices Con: requires installation of Fluidsynth Con: some systems can have problems with Fluidsynth audio

Java Plugs in to Java Midi System

1 Pro: Will detect MIDI devices through Java’s interface Pro: Can use the same SoundFont as Fluidsynth Con: requires Java

Wine This uses wine (https://wiki.winehq.org/Main_Page) to run the Windows version of TineFune. Pro: Does not require installation of Fluidsynth because it comes with the package. Pro: Can avoid Fluidsynth and run the Java portion natively on Linux (see the MacOS Wine notes)


Prerequisites: • 64bit Linux.

• Fluidsynth is required for the ALSA and Fluidsynth configurations mentioned above. It is also required for configurations that generate audio. On debian based systems try: sudo apt-get install fluidsynth NOTE: fluidsynth installs the FluidR3_GM.sf2 If you do not want to have a duplicate on your system, you can remove the one from the tar and link to the system file. For example: cd TineFune-0.0.0 rm FluidR3_GM.sf2 ln -s /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2

• Java is not required to run but is necessary for generating the graphics for samples. • ffmpeg is also required for generating graphics for samples. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Next: Download the TineFune-0.0.0.tar.xz from https://TineFune.com/ NOTE: “0.0.0” refers to whatever the latest version is.

Execute: tar -Jxf TineFune-0.0.0.tar.xz to extract the TineFune-0.0.0 directory.

Running Start in the TineFune directory. cd TineFune-0.0.0

2 If you wish to avoid this step in the future, delete the TINEFUNE_PATH in the env*bashrc and add TINEFUNE_PATH to your personal environment.

Choose one:

ALSA Execute: ./init.alsa.sh restart Start your favorite web browser and navigate to

Fluidsynth Execute: ./init.fluid.sh restart Start your favorite web browser and navigate to

Java Execute: ./init.java.sh restart Start your favorite web browser and navigate to

Wine Follow the Windows instructions for extracting the ZIP. Assuming you are in the TineFune-0.0.0 folder and that your WINEPREFIX environment variable is correct, execute: wineconsole TineFune.bat

Browse: (THIS IS THE CRITICAL LAST STEP!) Start your favorite web browser and navigate to

WARNING: Not all browsers are created equal. #1. FireFox runs smoothly. (versions 67 and up) https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/windows/

#2. Google Chrome is slightly slower.

No other Linux browsers offer the performance necessary to enjoy using TineFune.