(6-11-18)- Monday Acts 26:8- “Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?”

In my Daily Readings I have talked about how my small group prayed for our friend’s knee and it was healed and how I prayed for my foot to heal so I would be able to be healthy to counsel at a camp the next day. We might believe God will heal in this way, but when it comes to bigger health issues like cancer or a serious accident we might not have the same kind of faith in the power of God. We tend to have a very limited view of what God can do based on our lack of faith and understanding of the Bible. While it is true that God does not always answer our prayers with healing, God has the capability and power to do so if and when He chooses.

Paul has been talking about being raised from the dead. For those who are not Christ followers this is very difficult to believe, but Paul asks in Acts 26:8, “Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?” It is not incredible to think that God has this power since God is the one who created the world and gave all things life. We are not out of our mind believing God has the power to raise Jesus from the dead. We are not out of our mind to believe that God has the power to do whatever He chooses to do. We might not understand how He decides to do some things and not do others, but He is all-powerful. May we not only believe this, but look to Him to do great and incredible things in and through our lives and ministry!

Lord, forgive me for my unbelief. Help me to believe in You for all things and trust that You will accomplish what You plan to do. Help me never to doubt that Jesus was raised from the dead. Amen.

Why is it difficult for non-believers to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? Why is it not incredible to believe that God did this? Why is it important for us to believe this? How is your faith in believing that God can do all things? Blessings.

(6-12-18)- Tuesday

Acts 26:17-18, “I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’”

I remember when I broke my ankle. I was slalom water-skiing and cut too hard. The next thing I knew I was tumbling over and over on the water. However, at first my foot did not come out of the ski boot and I felt my ankle snap. Fortunately, my ankle ultimately did release before the break was too bad. Yet, I felt great pain. I was thankful for the life vest I had on that kept me afloat, and even more thankful for the boat turning around quickly to save me from having to remain in the water for too long.

This experience reminds me of how God rescued me from the penalty of eternal death and separation from God. Before I believed in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord I was walking in darkness. As the Holy Spirit touched my heart and led me to confess my sins, I was brought into the kingdom of God and into His light. Jesus saved me from Satan having power over my life. He saved me from being blinded by the darkness into which sin leads me. The world may think are crazy to believe in this way, but we are not out of our minds believing that God saves people out of the darkness (from Satan) into the light (to God). We are not out of our minds to believe that our sins are forgiven and that we are sanctified (cleansed completely from our sin) in Christ. This is Paul’s testimony. This is my testimony. I pray it is your testimony!

Lord, thank you for the blessing of being sanctified in You. I also thank you for forgiving me from my sin. Help me to walk in Your light and stay out of the darkness. Amen.

How was Paul rescued from darkness to light? What does this mean to you to be able to walk in the light of Christ? What difference does it make to have your eyes opened and be able to see the good and right way to believe and live? Have a great day.

(6-13-18)- Wednesday :25- “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”

I have been to some spectacular places: the Grand Canyon, the Royal Gorge, the Seven Sacred Pools on Maui. Nature is beautiful and powerful and awesome. However, even with as beautiful and powerful as it is, I do not think of it as something to be worshiped. I do admire nature, but I don’t worship it. I understand that nature didn’t create itself. There was a creator who created this beauty. Being a Christ follower has helped me to see all the more that God is the one who created all things for our enjoyment, but not for our worship. God alone is to be worshiped!

Our world is filled with all kinds of worship. This is not surprising because we were created to worship, so if we don’t worship God, we will worship something. One of the things people worship is nature. They look at its beauty and power and they lift it up to exalted status and worship it. Maybe they even pray to Mother Nature. This is crazy thinking to worship the creation, not the Creator. We are told in Romans 1:25 that God allowed them over to their crazy thinking, the lie they believed, as they worshiped and served the created things rather than the Creator. Let us not think that worshiping God alone, the Creator, is crazy in any way. Worshiping the God who created all things, including nature, is the wise and prudent way to go. May we give thanks to God for the nature that exists and the beauty He created for us, but save our worship for Him alone!

Lord, thank you for all of creation. Thank you for the beauty of this world. Help me to always remember that it is You who created it and You alone who are to be worshiped. Amen.

Why do some people worship the creation instead of the God who created it? Why is this crazy thinking? How does the above verse help you to put this in perspective? What is the difference between appreciating the beauty of creation, but not worshiping it? How can creation lead you to worship God all the more? Have a wonderful day.

(6-14-18)- Thursday

John 14:6- “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

When Tyler was in high school I would go to many of his baseball games. One day after the game I was coming out of the parking lot and I turned left onto the main street. It didn’t take me two seconds to realize that it was a one-way street and I was going the wrong way. Fortunately, the light was red so there were no cars approaching me. I quickly turned around and went the other way. It would have been foolish of me, even crazy, to have continued on in the wrong direction. It would have been crazy of me to tell the authorities that this shouldn’t be a one-way street.

The Apostle Paul committed his life to preaching the Gospel, that Jesus is the only way to receive salvation. He regularly told people that it is in Jesus, and Jesus alone, that one’s sins are forgiven and removed. Yet, to this day people get upset when we preach this truth. People get upset because they believe there are many ways to heaven. They are angry with the teaching that their belief is wrong. Yet, just because they think this or say this doesn’t make it true. Like me with the one-way street, it would have been dangerous of me to proceed in the wrong direction. We need to help people see that Jesus is the only way, and that the reason He went to the cross was so that the penalty of our sin could be removed. Jesus being the only way is a loving truth. It is a truth Jesus spoke first, and one that we should believe and share with others!

Lord, thank you for what You have done for me so that I could be saved. Thank you that I can see the truth of Your being the only way to heaven. Amen.

Why do people have trouble believing that Jesus is the only way to heaven? What does it mean that Jesus is the “way and the truth and the life”? How might this sound crazy to people? How does this truth impact your life? Blessings.

(6-15-18)- Friday

Acts 26:28-29, “Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?’ Paul replied, ‘Short time or long—I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.’”

Let me give you a scenario and then ask you a question. You are on an exotic vacation and you happen to be walking in the Sahara Desert. You come along a person who is sinking in quicksand. Do you: a.) Think that you don’t want to bother yourself on your vacation to help them? OR, b.) Do you help them so they won’t die? I would imagine your answer would be “b” because you don’t want to let someone die if you have the power or resources to help them.

Paul has been giving his testimony to King Agrippa, and Festus has called him “out of his mind.” Paul has defended himself, saying that he is not out of his mind to believe in Jesus and to be committed to sharing Jesus with others. King Agrippa seems to get what Paul is doing because he asks Paul if he is trying to get him to believe in Jesus. Paul’s response is wonderful as he says that he wants all to believe in Jesus as he does. Why? Because Paul sees those who do not know Jesus as people who are “dying”. They are facing eternal death and eternal separation from God. Paul longs for all to be saved so that they can know the forgiveness of God, the power of God, the grace of God, and the love of God. Even more, he wants people to be able to live in heaven with God. I hope that you will be encouraged and challenged by this devotion to remember that you have the resource (Jesus) to save people from sinking in quicksand (the sin that is bringing them down and leading them to death).

Lord, help me to be willing and able to share my testimony with others so that Your Spirit can touch their heart and lead them to salvation. Amen.

Why was Paul sharing his testimony with King Agrippa? Why is it important for us to have this same perspective as Paul? How open and willing are you to share your faith with others? Have a great day.