Parish Mission Statement November 28, 2010 The Peace of Christ calls us to create a Dear Parishioners, Christian Community where God is found A Blessed Thanksgiving Weekend to you all—and safe journeys in the beauty and joy of our worship; in the home to all who are traveling. Congratulations also to all our Confir- breadth of our outreach; and in our love for mation candidates who were blessed last weekend or today at the 9:00 one another. A.M. Mass. God’s blessings be upon you as you prepare for your reception of that sacrament at the cathedral on January 31st. Happy New Year to one and all as well! Yes, today is the First Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the Church’s year. Some reflec- Rev. Robert T. Werth, Parochial Vicar tion point about the Mass itself will be shared in the homilies of each Rev. Brian K. Carpenter, Parochial Vicar Sunday of this year now beginning. Sometimes, we can take for Weekend Liturgy Schedule granted the things we do so regularly: it is good to pause and have Saturday 4:30 p.m. St. James such reflection, especially on that one event in the course of each Sunday 8:00 a.m. St. James week that draws a greater number of participants than any other event Sunday 9:00 a.m. St. John we could schedule here at church. Sunday 9:45 a.m. St. Ambrose One year from this weekend, a new missal will be introduced in Sunday 11:00 a.m. St. John all English-speaking churches of the Roman Catholic world. By the Sunday 5:00 p.m. St. Ambrose time that date comes, we hope to be the best prepared of anyone to greet it and celebrate with it in the most engaging way possible. Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday, ironically, is the 46th anniversary of the Mass going Monday 7:45 a.m. St. James Tuesday 9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose from Latin into English in those same English-speaking countries of Wednesday 7:45 a.m. St. James our planet. We survived the much bigger adjustments made back 12:10 p.m. St. John then. Surely, whatever is coming our way in late 2011 will be doable Thursday 7:00 a.m. St. John for us as well. 9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose Tuesday brings us to the last day of November: one more month Friday 12:15 p.m. St. Ambrose for any contributions to the parish, to our Peace of Christ campaign pledges made in 2008, and to our Catholic Ministries Appeal pledges Holy Day Liturgy Schedule made this year to be counted as deductions for our 2010 income taxes. Please check the bulletin the week of the Holy Day. Thanks so much for whatever can be done on each of these scores. Wednesday evening, we have a meeting of the 2011 Festival

Committee. Can it be that we are now already halfway between our Confessions last parish Festival and our next one?! A big thanks to all who are Saturday: 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. St. James Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. St. John already working so diligently in preparation for Festival 2011! 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. St. Ambrose Thursday, we wish a Happy Hanukkah to all of our Jewish neighbors. And in the evening, the Women of the Well do a wonder- ful presentation at St. Ambrose that I hope you can be present for as a Parish office for all three worship sites: part of your Advent preparation for Christmas. St. Ambrose, St. James and Friday, as you prepare your envelopes for the weekend, thank you St. John the Evangelist as always for remembering that special 1st Sunday of the month sec- 288-5000 ond collection for our ever-present Buildings and Grounds needs. See page 8 for staff extension numbers and There are always things to be fixed around our many buildings: just other church information. review your own home repairs and multiply accordingly. Thanks! To reach a priest in an emergency Saturday brings us to the earliest sunsets of the year. They will call the Rectory (585) 482-4280 continue just as early each day through December 13th, the feast of Priest mailing address: St. Lucy (whose name means “light”). 549 Humboldt St., Lastly, next Sunday, we have a special Retirement Reception for Rochester, NY 14610-1221 Judy Brawley in St. John the Evangelist Church Hall from 12:30 to Peace of Christ Web Site: 2:30 P.M. Be sure to stop down to wish her well for this new phase of her life! Peace to you all in this holy season of new beginnings! —Father Schrader First Sunday of Advent Page Two

Mass Intentions Date Intention/Church Monday, November 29 7:45 Month’s Mind—Patricia Keegan JA

Tuesday, November 30 9:15 Marie Bruckner by Dick & Betty Pierce AM St. Andrew

Wednesday, December 1 7:45 Mary Saraceni by Dilal Family JA 12:10 Angelina Pannone by Raymond Pannone JO

Thursday, December 2 7:00 Month’s Mind—Ashley Nicole Indovino JO 9:15 Month’s Mind—Timothy Manno AM

Friday, December 3 12:15 Month’s Mind—Loretta F. Memmel AM St. Francis Xavier

Saturday, December 4 4:30 Rose Miriam Miller by husband, Ralph JA BAPTISM

Sunday, December 5 8:00 Geraldine Stankard by Jane McCormick & Family JA BAPTISMS Second Sunday in Advent 9:00 Florence Spade by Richard & Barbara Mahoney JO 9:45 Dominick & Theresa Villa by Bess & Ryan Families AM 11:00 Robert Lewis by Bob & Janet Genthner JO BAPTISM 5:00 For All Parishioners Living & Deceased AM

The Sanctuary Lamp at St. James Church will burn this week in memory of Nan Matthews. JUDY BRAWLEY’S RETIREMENT On December 3 rd , after working among us since 1999—first as Faith Formation Director for IMPORTANT NOTE—The Mass Book for all St. John the Evangelist Parish and then as three worship sites of the Peace of Christ Par- Pastoral Associate at St. John the Evangelist for ish will be opened to schedule Masses for 2011 Peace of Christ Parish—Judy Brawley will be re- on Wednesday, December 1st. Each regis- tiring. tered family may schedule five Masses (two for Upon her retirement, Augie Misiurewicz will a Sunday and three on a weekday). Please assume most of Judy’s current pastoral responsi- stop in at the Parish Office from 9:00 am — bilities as he moves from part-time to full-time Noon, or from 1:00 pm — 4 pm to schedule Pastoral Minister, and Laura Gleeson will assume responsibility for the RCIA process as part of her role as the current Faith Formation Director for Peace of Christ Parish. READINGS FOR December 5 We wish Judy many blessings in her retire- Second Sunday in Lent ment, and we wish Augie and Laura well as they (together with the rest of our pastoral staff) carry on the pastoral ministry which Judy helped set in motion from before and through the inception of First Reading: Is. 11:1-10 our being “Peace of Christ Roman Catholic Par-

Second Reading: Rom. 15:4-9 ish of Rochester, New York!” A retirement reception will be held for Judy on Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12 Sunday, December 5 th in the church hall at St. John the Evangelist from 12:30 until 2:30 P.M. Year A Please, stop down to wish her well. First Sunday of Advent Page Three

20-30 S OMETHING ’S Save the Dates !

AN A DVENT E VENING OF R EFLECTION … THURSDAY , D ECEMBER 9 6pm - Dinner NEUMANN SCHOOL NEWS St. James Church Hall 7pm - Evening of Reflection Move over Drew Carey, Neumann students in sixth grade presented the musical comedy improv. "Whose All are welcome!!! Bring a friend or 3!!! Line Is It Anyway". Our students were challenged with skits including human props, tag team actors, comedy IT’S A F AMILY E VENT !!! songs and much more. The fun was in the surprise! The Come Caroling with Us! show went on the road to St. Ann's home and was addi- SUNDAY , D ECEMBER 12 tionally performed at school for all of our students, family 4-7pm and friends. Congratulations to the entire sixth grade Meet at St. James Church at 3:45pm and all the teachers and staff who helped with this Bring the kids if you have them!!! unique production. Dress warmly, bring a bell or bells and wear a fun hat! Last week our Kindergarten, First and Second grade classes had the opportunity to attend "Charlotte's Web" Want more info on either event? at the Nazareth Arts Center. It was a great time for all. Call ChiChi at 288-1664 or Dean at 729-4079 or email us at [email protected] . Sponsored by Peace of Christ Young Adult Ministry. 200 CLUB The winners for the 8th week are: $25 Barbara Phillips LUNCH BUNCH $15 Marge Meisenzahl The December Lunch Bunch will be held $10 Marion Apetz on Thursday, December 9th at Noon in the Marianne Bess pulled the lucky winners! Church Hall at St. John the Evangelist. The menu will consist of pot roast with onions, potatoes, car- CALLING ALL ANGELS! rots and celery, rolls and butter, applesauce, Christmas If you haven’t picked up your Angel cookies, coffee and tea. Tag yet, there are still some in the If you have not already made a reservation, you baskets at St. Ambrose and St. John, may do so by calling Bernie Hasenauer 288-7631, and on the Giving Tree at St. James. Karen Brecker 288-0586, Rita Lee 482-0476, or the of- fice 288-5000. Reservations are a must and must be in Please be sure to return the wrapped gift by next week- by Monday, December 6th . end, 12/4-5. We will purchase gifts that have not been Come and celebrate a delicious holiday lunch with returned by that date, so that everyone in our Christmas your Peace of Christ Parish Friends! Basket families receive a gift.

Thank you for your generosity!

PEACE OF CHRIST PARISH Stewardship Means Sharing

OFFERTORY Income BUDGETED Income Variance Last Week Weekly Budget Weekly Variance $11,827.00 $15,385.00 ($3,558.00)

Y-T-D Offertory Income Y-T-D Budgeted Income Y-T-D Variance $295,109.00 $323,085.00 ($27,876.00)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! (Our fiscal year is 07/01/10- 06/30/11)

Page Four First Sunday of Advent

CHILDREN, FAMILY, “Certain Women” SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION presented by Women of the Well, FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES with music led by Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco nd Thursday evening, December 2 7:00-8:00 p.m. FAMILY GATHERING: Our next Family Gathering St. Ambrose Church takes place on Monday, November 29th at St. In early December, we mark two anniversaries. De- Ambrose or Tuesday, December 1st at St. John’s cember 2 nd is the 30 th anniversary of the death of four 5:30 – 7:15 pm. Join us for fun-filled activities that ordinary, yet remarkable disciples of Jesus, point us in the right direction for celebrating to : and Sisters , Christmas. Please contact Laura M. Gleeson at th Dorothy Kazel, and . And on December 7 we 288-1620 or by e-mail [email protected] if you th plan on coming, so enough pizza will be ordered. mark the 45 anniversary of the last document produced by the Second Vatican Council. Entitled Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope) , it is also known as The Pastoral Human Rights Day Celebration on Friday, Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. In its December 10, 2010 pages we find this truth: the church is at its best when it You are invited to attend Rochester’s 13 th is in continual dialogue with the people of the world, Annual Human Rights Day celebration on Friday, De- “reading the signs of the times,” according to Gospel val- cember 10 th at the Downtown Presbyterian Church, ues. 121 North Fitzhugh Street. In a certain way, it is no accident that these two This is the 62 nd Anniversary Celebration of the events occur early in Advent. For, in Advent starkness, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human we are called to become more authentic, as God’s Peo- Rights (UNDHR); 30 Articles than span social, eco- ple. In Advent darkness, we are called to actively watch nomic, political, and human rights issues across the and wait, that we might mirror the words of Advent Psalm world. For the 11 th year, Peace of Christ’s Social Min- 85: “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteous- istry Committee is a co-sponsor of this event. There ness and peace will kiss each other.” Such becoming, are nearly 100 co-sponsors from the local area each such mirroring was the essence of the lives of these four year. missionaries. So, come and see, come and hear their Program and discussion: “Community in Con- stories. Come, be inspired by their love. Come, be filled versation – Are Immigrant Rights Human Rights?” with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is an attempt to understand the complex issues involved, in the hope that understanding may bring SAVE THE DATE real solutions that will benefit us as a community. The ADVENT TAIZE´ PRAYER SERVICE panel is prepared to engage us in a passionate – but Come and Pray Awhile.. civil – conversation about an issue that ultimately af- In Silence, Candlelight & Song fects us all.The evening starts at 5:30 PM. There will be the annual Potluck Supper (please bring a dish to pass). If you have questions, please contact SMC mem- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 ber Bob Genthner at 482-2441. ST. JAMES CHURCH More information next weekend. 7:00 pm

HAITI PROJECT Several months ago, Fr. Werth described the history of Peace of Christ Parish with a local non-profit agency called Haiti Outreach-Pwoje Espwa or H.O.P.E. for short. At that time, Haiti was getting a lot of attention due to the terrible earthquake in the capital, Port-au-Prince. Fortunately, our community hospital in Borgne did not suffer any physical damage and was able to provide care to post-op patients and to victims suffering emotional distress. There’s a Haitian proverb “Beyond every mountain is another mountain” and that describes the situation in Haiti today. The cholera outbreak has become an epidemic that is stressing the entire health care system. H.O.P.E.’s community hospital in Borgne has 5 doctors, 4 nurses and 3 aides who are working around the clock taking care of over 65 pa- tients. A hangar that was built to accommodate 35 earthquake refugees has become the isolation ward, with patients doubled up on cots or lying on the floor. H.O.P.E. is taking aggressive action to educate the people in Borgne and the outlying rural areas about clean wa- ter, sanitation and the appropriate hygiene, along with providing home water filtration kits. These kits cost $30 and we need thousands of them. If you could provide financial support, or are able to donate much needed medical supplies, please let us know. Visit or call Joan Aiello at 217-2155 for more information. On behalf of Borgne, thank you for your prayers and support. First Sunday of Advent Page Five

Refrigerator Page Parish Calendar Advent Soup Supper St. John’s Church Hall

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Wednesday, December 15th FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 6:00 P.M. Supper CHRISTMAS BASKET GROCERY COLLECTION 7:00 P.M. Speaker ANGEL GIFTS COLLECTION 9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA 9:00 Children’s Liturgy in Church JO Our guest speaker will be Sister Christine Wag- 9:00 Babysitting in Babysitting Room JO ner from St. Joseph Neighborhood Center 9:00 Confirmation Rite of Blessing in Church JO Parishioners willing to make a pot of soup or 9:00—11:00 Coffee Hours in Church Hall JO bring a loaf of bread or dessert, please sign up on 9:45 Children’s Liturgy in Church AM 9:45 Babysitting in Babysitting Room PO (Last one until forms which will be at every main entrance at each January) church site or call Marty Moynihan and Debbie 1:00—2:00 Peace of Christ Children’s Choir in Church AM Leckinger at 244-4876. A free will donation will be accepted at the door MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29 5:30—7:15 Family Gathering In Dailey Hall AM for St. Joseph Neighborhood Center. 7:00 Rosary in Daily Mass Chapel AM

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 PEACE OF CHRIST 10:15 Reflection Group in Conf. Rm. PO CHRISTMAS BASKET FOOD COLLECTION 5:30-—7:15 Family Gathering in Church Hall JO Next weekend December 4/5 is the last weekend for 7:00 Scripture Study in Liturgy Room JO The collection of grocery items for the Peace of Christ Christmas Baskets. If you missed any of the previous WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 weeks, please feel free to bring in whatever items you 7:00 Bereavement Group in Conf. Rm. PO missed. 7:00 Festival Meeting in Church Hall JA 7:00 Community Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA DATES ITEMS

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 November 6/7 Hand Soap, Dish Soap, 7:00 MOMS in Church JO Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, 7:00 Women of the Well—Certain Women in Church AM Laundry Detergent November 13/14 Canned Soup, Vegetables & FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 Fruit November 20/21 Napkins, Kleenex, Cereal, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Peanut Butter & Jelly CHRISTMAS BASKET GROCERY COLLECTION November 28/29 Pasta, Macaroni & Cheese, ANGEL GIFTS COLLECTION Canned Sauce, Coffee & Tea 4:30 Boy Scout Wreath Sale after Mass JA December 4/5 Tuna, Crackers, Pancake Mix SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 Thank you for your never-ending CHRISTMAS BASKET GROCERY COLLECTION generosity and kindness!!!!! ANGEL GIFTS COLLECTION 9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA 9:00 Children’s Liturgy in Church JO Peace of Christ Children's Choir 9:00 Babysitting in Babysitting Room JO Revised Schedule 9:00 Confirmation Rite of Blessing in Church JO The Peace of Christ Children’s Choir will sing at 9:45 Children’s Liturgy in Church AM the 4:00 Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve at St. 10:45 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall AM Ambrose. We have 6 members, so far and are in need 10:45 Boy Scout Wreath Sale after Mass AM of a few more members. Children in grades 3-8 are in- 11:30 Peace of Christ Children’s Choir in Church AM 12:30—2:30 Retirement Reception for Judy Brawley in vited to join choir. and it is not too late to join. Come to Church Hall JO this Sunday's rehearsal at 1:00PM in St. Ambrose 12:30—2:00 RCIA in Liturgy Room JO Church. You must attend rehearsals if you are planning 4:00—6:00 Jr. High Gathering in Church Hall JO to sing with the choir on Christmas Eve. 5:00 Wreath Sale after Mass AM 1. Sunday, November 28 1:00PM—2:00PM 6:00 Website Committee Meeting in Conf. Rm. PO 2. Sunday, December 5 11:30AM -12:30PM 3. Sunday, December 12 11:30AM -12:30PM AM= Ambrose, JA=St. James, JO=St. John the Evangelist, PO=Parish Office 4. Thursday, December 16 5:00PM- 6:00PM 5. Sunday, December 19 11:30AM- 2:00PM BOY SCOUT WREATH SALE AFTER MASSES ON If you have any questions, please contact me: Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5 at Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco, Director of Music Ministry, at St. Ambrose and St. James. 288-5000x110 or JAndrychuk [email protected]. Page Six First Sunday of Advent

Catholic Ministries Appeal 2010-2011 “Let Your Light Shine!”

Each week, this page has appeared in the bulletin to thank all those who have given to this year’s Catho- lic Ministries Appeal. From this point forward, it will appear once per month. Names will be added to the page as we receive notice from the diocese that pledges have been received. This Roster of Appreciation will continue to list all donors throughout the campaign with each month’s new pledges being appended to them in bold print. Names will appear alphabetically. No individual pledge amounts will be shown, just the average gift given thus far in the campaign. Last weekend’s In-Pew appeal helped greatly. Now we go into the home stretch! On this monthly page, we will be showing the percentage of participation based on number of households registered in the parish. Indeed, if everyone who did not give in the past few years were to give something this year, we will be able to make our goal and make it soon! The services and ministries which the CMA supports are used by every parish as well as by the poor who are served by Catholic Charities and its offices around the diocese. Lastly, when making a pledge (and, by the way, no funds need be sent right now if it will be easier to make payment at Christmas or after the New Year or when you receive your company bonus or your tax return—but, please , at least send the pledge itself ), know that any pledge not received by the bulletin deadline on the Tues- day before the next listing will appear in a later bulletin. If you still do not see your pledge listed after a few is- sues, you may wish to check with us (288-5000) or the CMA office on Buffalo Road (328-3210) to be sure it was received and got credited to the right parish. Thanks! Incidentally, names appear on this roster either exactly as you entered them on the pledge card or (if you sent your pledge directly to the diocese) as we received them from the CMA office. Early gifts received thus far include the following:

Mrs. Barbara Abel, Mrs. Ann Adams , Ms Lena H. Adams, M/M Michael C. Adams, M/M Thomas P. Agliata, M/M Robert Alaimo, Mrs. Anna- belle M. Albert, Mrs. Matilda Alfieri, Eileen M. Aman, M/M Angelo Amico, Sr., Mrs. Ann Amico, M/M John R. Anderson, Anonymous, Mrs. Marion Apetz, Miss Mary Austin, M/M August Avangelista, M/M Norman Babij, Ms. Suzanne Bach, Ms. Margaret H. Balconi, M/M George Baldwin, M/M Joseph Balzano, Lizabeth Barrett, Mrs. Grace Barlette, M/M James M. Bartlow, M/M Michael Bartnicki, Mrs. Monica F. Bar- ton, M/M Joseph S. Bartus, Mrs. Veronica Bastien, Mrs. Mary Bates, Mr. Raymond Battaglia, Mrs. Irene Battaglia, George W. & Mary Bauer, M/M Robert Bauman, Mrs. Stella Beahan, Elaine M. Becker, Mrs. Ellen Bell, Dr. & Mrs. Edward Bell, M/M Charles Benincasa, M/M Francesco Bernabei, M/M Ronald Bess, M/M Chris Bestram, M/M Domenic Bianchi, Ms. Debra Bishop, Ms. Isabelle S. Bishop, Mrs. Mary Bliss, M/M Henry Boesch, M/M John S. Bohrer, M/M Peter Borrelli, M/M Joseph Bovenzi, Ms. Judith Boyd, M/M William Boyle, M/M Bruce Brauch, Mrs. Anne Brennan, M/M Donald P. Brescia, M/M Paul J. Brooker III, Ms. Mary Ann Brophy & Mr. Richard Eisenman, M/M Alfred Brown Jr., M/M Ralph Bruinsma, Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bruno, M/M/ Richard Buck, Mrs. Diane E. Buckley, M/M Charles Buscemi, Sis- ter Ruth Busshaus, M/M Angelo Cali, M/M Patrick M. Callahan, Mrs. Antoinette Camerchioli, M/M Anthony Cammarano, M/M Augustus Cam- meyer, Mrs. Adeline Campanaro, Mrs. Ruth Campbell, M/M Daniel Canavan, Mr. Frank Candela, Mr. Philip J. Caramante, Mrs. Geraldine Cardwell, M/M Joseph T. Carney, M/M Brad Carrier, Carol Carrigan, Patricia Carroll, Roger Carroll & Joanne Pedro-Carroll, Crystal Carter, M/M Jeremy Case, Lawrence Casey, Mrs. Margaret Catizone, Mr. Joseph O. Cavallaro, M/M Robert Cerame, M/M Richard N. Chapman, M/M Warren Chatfield, M/M Thomson Chew, Mr. Philip Cichanowicz, M/M Francis Cioppa, M/M Louis P. Cirrincione, M/M Robert Clark, Joan Cole, M/M Robert Colin, Ms. Jean Collette, Mrs. Carolyn Conrow, M/M Steve Cook, Ms. Dorothy S. Cook, M/M Rich- ard B. Cookinham, Marikay Cooper, Michael Cooper, M/M Anthony Coppola, Donna M. Corsale, M/M John J. Costello, M/M William Costello, M/M Thomas R. Coughlin, Mr. Donald Cousineau, M/M Robert Crego, Ms. Yvette Crespo, M. Charles F. Crimi Jr. M/M Edward Culkowski, Ms. Mary Jo Cupolo, M/M John C. Curran, Jean M. Curtis, M/M Angelo Cutaia, M/M Peter D’Agnolo, , M/M Gerald Dalton, M/M Edward Daly, M/M Joseph D’Amico, M/M John Dank, Ms. Lynn Davis, M/M Brian Davis, Ms. Jean M. Davis, M/M Michael DeCarlo, Mr. Bernard Deck, M/M Thomas R. Decker, Mrs. Margaret Delaney-Silvio, M/M Ken Dell, M/M Bruno DeLuca, Ms. Anne DeMare, M/M Michael DeMareo, M/M James Dengal, Mrs. Margaret Dentinger, M/M Thomas Dentinger, M/M Eugene Derleth, M/M Nazareno D’Ercole, M/M An- thony DeSalvo, M/M Albert DeSanctis, M/M Anthony DeSanctis, M/M Lawrence Desso, M/M John J. Dever, M/M Alan Dickinson, Ann Dilal, M/M Joseph Dilal, Ms. Mary Jane DiMaria, Mr. David DiNardo, Ms. Vincentine Dinolfo, M/M Michael DiPonzio, M/M John Deiure, M/M Cuong M. Do, Mrs. Alice Donofrio, Mrs. Annette Dooher, Mr. Edward J. Doty, M/M John Driscoll, M/M Robert Dugan, Jason Dusett, M/M Karl Ebert, M/M John Edelman, M/M James A. Egan, M/M Larry Eksten, M/M Thomas Emerson, M/M Phillip Ercolamento, M/M John Ewanow, Mrs. Florence Ewart, Mr. Thomas E. Ewart, M/M Kevin Fahy, Ms. Lisa M. Fahy, Mrs. Susan Fantauzzo, M/M Philip Fauzio, M/M William Fay, Ms. Lillian Ferrarone, M/M William J. Fekete, Ms. Barbara Ferrera, M/M Raymond Ferretti, M/M Michael Fields, M/M Mark Figura, Mrs. Simone Fillion, John Fiorino, Mrs. Catherine L. Fischer, M/M John J. Fitzgerald, Dr. & Mrs. John R. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ethel M. Flannery, Mr. Richard Foglia, Ms. Roseanne Forward, Mr. Frank Fracassi, Ms. Karen M. Francati, M/M Peter L. Fraver, M/M John Frawley, Mrs. Joan Frazier, M/M Lawrence Freitas, M/M Donald N. Friedler, Linda Fry, Mrs. Patricia Fuehrer, M/M Vito Fustaneo, Mrs. Irene Galante, Mr. Vincent R. Gallo, M/M Douglas Gates, Miss Mary-Jo Geglia, Muriel Geiger, M/M David Genova, M/M Robert Genthner, The Honorable and Mrs. Frank P. Geraci, Mr. Leonard Giambra, Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Giangreco, Cinderine Giancaterin, Mrs. Jennie Gigliotti, Miss Andrea Giuffre, Laura M. Gleeson, M/M Scott Goldstone, Dorothy Gordon, Mrs. Elaine Gorney, Mrs. Ursula Gorski, Ms. Mary Ellen Gotham, Ms. Patricia Grasso, Mr. Thomas Greiner and Ms. Joyce McAndrews, M/M John Griffith, M/M Michael Grosodonia, Debra Guarino, M/M Jack Guetti, M/M Stephen Gullo, Mrs. Carol L. Haefner, M/M James Haldeman, Thomas Hanley, M/M Nicholas J. Harris, M/M Joseph J. Hart- man, Mr. William J. Hartman, Mr. Bernard J. Hasenauer, Mrs. Alice M. Hauser, Ms. Sue A. Hauser, Mrs. Edith Hildebrand, Mrs. Christine A. Hofmann, Ms. Patricia A. Hogan, Mrs. Ann Holstrom & Mr. Glenn Bunn, Mrs. Mary M. Hollanda, Mrs. Donna M. Hooker, Mrs. Ruth Hub- ner, M/M Blake Hunt, M/M Dale W. Hurley, M/M William M. Iman, M/M John Indovino, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Insull, Mr. Theodore P. Jablonski, Ms. C. Suzanne Jakubowski, Mr. Raymond v. Jankowski, M/M Allan Jarvie , M/M Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Helen M. Johnson, Ms. Mary E. Johnson, Mrs. Pauline Johnson, Jim Kalaska , Mrs. Anne M. Kamm, Nick Karba & Sarah McLellan, Ms. Eileen Kasperski, Mr. Wayne Keim, M/M Thomas Keller, Mrs. Mary Ann Kelley, Sister Magdalena Kellner, M/M Dan Kellogg, Mrs. Anne M. Kelly, M/M Jeff Kenyon, Mr. Raymond Kesselring, M/M Chris Kiely, Ms. Elizabeth Kinsky, M/M Joseph Kiseleski, Dr. & Mrs. Klein, M/M Paul Klem, M/M Lawrence Knapp, M/M Donald Kozlowski, M/M Donald A. Kreinsen, M/M Bodo Kretschman, Sally C. Krowl, Mrs. Betty Kruppenbacher, M/M Ivo Kulic, Richard & Kay Kurz, Ms. Ann E. Kurz, M/M Donald Kwarta, First Sunday of Advent Page Seven

Ms. Irene Labue, M/M Leonard LaCara, Mrs. Sara Lachiusa, M/M George Lachiusa-Rondash, Mrs. Mary M. LaClair, M/ M Joseph J. La- Franca, M/M Brett Lagoe, Ms. Mary Ellen Lansing, Mr. Richard A. Lanson, M/M James Lash, M/M Rene Latour, Mr. James Lattuca, Ms. Marion Laudenslayer, Ms. Patricia Lawlor, M/M James Leathersich, Mrs. Rita M. Lee, Ms. Janet Lee, Mrs Genevieve Leone, M/M James M. Leone, Mrs. Irene Leveson, Mrs. Eleanor Lewis, M/M Frank Liberti, Mrs. Frances Licherdell, Mrs. Patricia Lindsay, M/M Louis Litzenberger, Mrs. Santina LoCurto, Josephine Locke, Mrs. Dolores Logar, M/M Jeffrey A. Lohmaier, M/M Franklin Loiacano, Ms. Jane R. Lorey, M/M Tho- mas Loughborough, Mrs. Jeanne Loysen, Mrs. Christine Lukasiewicz, Mr. Michael Lukasiewicz, M/M Andrew J. Lukus, Mrs. Sue Ann Lyons, M/M Thomas Lyons, M/M Chung Ma, M/M Michael Madigan, Claudia Madsen, Mrs. Anne Magnanti, Mrs. Marjorie Magnanti, Richard & Barbara Mahoney, M/M Thomas X. Mahoney, M/M Richard Maida, Edwin Maier & Barbara Mattle,M/M Larry Maier, Ms. Gloria Malaggese, M/ M Patrick Malgieri, M/M Dennis Malinowski, M/M Kenneth Malta, M/M Eric Maltzan, Mrs. Evelyn Mance, M/M Patrick Manfreda, Ms. Teresa Marconi, Mrs. Jennie Marcoux, M/M James Marino, Patricia Martel, M/M Christopher B. Martin, Anthonia Masia, Helen Masley , Denice Mattle, M/M Arthur W. Maurer, Mr. Michael L. May, Ms. Jean McClure, Jane H. McCormick, M/M Sean McGrath, Mrs. Olive H. McDonald, Mrs. Nancy McLaughlin, M/M Edward J. McNamara, M/M John R. McQueen, Mary McWilliams, Mr. John F. Meadows, M/M Gerry Menz, M/ M Gary E. Merz, Ms. Angelina Messmer, M/M Charles Miceli, Mrs. Madeline M. Miller, Mr. Ralph F. Miller, M/M Richard B. Miller, M/M Ralph Minchella, Mrs. Victoria Mirabella, Richard & Helen Moehlmann, Mrs. Patricia Moffett, Miss Mary Ellen Monnat, Mrs. Mary Mohan, Mrs. Pearl Monteau, M/M George Morgan, M/M Gilbert Morelle, Mr. Martin Moynihan & Mrs. Deborah Leckinger, Ilona Murphy, M/M Michael Murty, M/M Thomas Myers, Joyce Nagle, M/M Anthony J. Nardone, , Mrs. Anne T. Nary, Michael A. Nasello, Mrs. Nancy Nastasi, M/M Niman N’dobi, Mrs. Stephanie Neder, Katherine E. Neidert, Mr. Chi Chi Ng, Mrs. Judy Ng, Mrs. Margaret Nichols, Joyce Nichols-Clark , Mrs. Lorraine Niger, Ms. Paula Niger, Mr. Raymond, W. Nolan, M/M Anthony D. Nozzi, Douglas Nordquist, M/M Daniel W. O’Brien, Mrs. Eliza- beth U. O’Brien, M/M Gregory O’Brien, Mrs. Lucille O’Brien, Mr. Matthew O’Brien Jr., Mrs. Ruth O’Brien & Mr. John O’Hanlon, M/M Ter- rence O’Brien, Angela O’Connor, M/M Joseph O’Connor, Maryann Oddo, M/M John O’Flynn, M/M Michael O’Grodnik, Mrs. Rita O’Hara, Ms. Kathleen O’Herron, David & Wendy O’Keefe, M/M Dennis O’Keefe, Carol Oliver, Ms. Ellen M. O’Neill, Mrs. Patricia L. O’Reilly, Althea Orlick, Mr. John Osborne Jr., Eric S. Oswald, Ms. Cynthia A. Ottina, M/M Richard D. Otto, M/M Michael Palazzo, M/M Michael Palermo, M/M Gary M. Palmeri, M/M John Papa, Rita Parker, M&M Ronald J. Passero, Mrs. Emma Paul, M/M Richard Pavone, Mrs. James Payne, Mrs. Anna J. Pease, Dr. & Mrs. Peter Pellittieri, M/M George Perrotta, M/M Michael Perrotta, Mrs. Theresa Perticone, Mr. Harold Petrus, M/M John Petrus, Mr. Michael M. Pellittiere Sr., M/M Frank E. Phillips, Mrs. Jeanne M. Picone, M/M Richard C. Pierce, Mrs. Louise Pisano, Ms. Carol Platania & Mr. John Lathron, Mr. Robert T. Polasik, Mr. Robert Post, Mr. Philip Powderly, M/M Ronald Powell, M/M James J. Prattico, M/M Patrick Prota, Mrs. Mary Przysinda, Patrick D. Pudetti, M/M Bernard Puglisi, M/M Giuseppe Raffaele-Adamo, Mrs. Giovanna Ragusa, Mrs. Catherine Reagan, Mrs. Linda F. Reagan, M/M Guy Kevin Reed, Mrs. Arlene Reiser, M/M Sante Renna, M/M Donald Rhoads, Margaret Richter, Mr. Richard J. Richter, Mrs. Nancy Ricotta, Michael F. Ritz, Mrs. Mary Roessel, Goldie Rogers, Mr. John Rosenberry, Mrs. Rose Ann Rosica, Ms. Maria Rosica, M/M Anthony P. Ross, Robert J. Ross, Mrs. Jennie Rossi, Ms. Marian Roth, Mrs. Carmen Ruggeri, Mr. William A. Rund, Kathryn A. Russell, M/M Daniel V. Ryan, M/M James Ryan, Joseph E. Ryan, Mrs. Nora Ryder, M/M Steve Sabin, Mrs. Josephine Sackley, Mrs. Clara Santucci, M/M Paul Saracen, M/M Walter J. Sargent, Mr. Ted Scardino, Mrs. Rose Scardino, M/M Dennis Schaut, M/M Craig Schautz, M/M William Scheidt, M/M David Schickler, M/M John M. Schmidt, M/M Leo F. Schmitt, Mrs. Nancy Schnei- der, M/M Joseph Schoeffel, Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Mrs. Jane F. Scura, Mr. David Seconi and Mrs. Bridget Shumway-Seconi, Mrs. Susan Seidenberg, Mr. Albert Serenati, Margaret Seward, Mr. Andrew Setter & Madeline Setter, M/M John Shaffer, M/M Joseph Sheedy, Mr. Raymond Sherbinski, M/M Justin C. Sherrill, Ms. Helene C. Shields, Mrs. Patricia Shively, Mrs. Melody A. Siebert, M/M David P. Silva Jr., Mr. Donald Simonds, M/MRichard Sinaguglia, Sisters of St. Joseph at St. Ambrose Convent, M/M Nicholas Skvarta, M/M Walter Smith, Donald & Sarah Smith, The Honorable & Mrs. Gary E. Smith, Mary B. Smith, M/M Roger L. Smithgall, M/M Edward Smyda, Eric & Julie Socha, Ms. Lorie Sparacino, M/M Terry Speck, M/M Sam Spinelli, M/M Stephen Staveski, Mrs. Lois Stephany, M/M Michael Stoll, M/M Tom Stoll, Mrs. June Strang, M/M William Strang, M/M David Sturtz, M/M Jason Sullivan, Mr. John Szybist & Ms. Joan Aiello, M/M Charles Taber Jr., M/M Paul Tandlmayer, Christopher & Ruth Tanner, Mr. Paul M. Taylor, Mrs. Frances Terranova, Ruth Tetlow, Mrs. Marion Thieme, Mrs. Ann Todair, Mr. Daniel Toole, Ellen Tomasso, M/M James A. Trovato, Angela Tucker, M/M Peter Turchyn, Gloria Ulterino, Mr. John Urlaub & Ms. Patty Yahn-Urlaub, Jeanne S. Utter, M/M Paul Valente, Mrs. Myrtle Vallone, Mrs. Akiko VanAuken, Mr. John Van- denBrul, M/M John VanMorrelgem, Mr. Mike Vasapolli, M/M Paul Venniro, M/M Mark E. Verna, M/M Emilio Vetusto, Sister Marlene Vigna, Laura Vincent-Boyd, Mrs. Yolanda Vito, M/M David Volkmuth, Miss Mary Vollo, M/M Andrew Volpe, Sharon Waldnig, M/M George J. Wal- lace, Mrs. Jean Wargo, M/M David Warth, M/M Joseph F. Watro Jr., Ms. JoAnn Wawrzaszek, M/M Paul Way, M/M Henry Wehner, M/M Charles J. Weidenborner, Miss Susan Weidenborner, Rev. Robert T. Werth, Mrs. Nancy R. Whiting, Ms. Rita J. Widner, Theresa Wigmore, M/M Jeffrey D. Williams, M/M Michael Williams, M/M Joseph Wisniewski, M/M Albert Witner, Catherine L. Witner, M/M Gordon J. Woodhams, Ms. Patricia Woods, M/M Martin Wuest, Mrs. Mary Yacono, M/M David A. Yanz, M/M Jesse Yockel, Mr. William E. Yoerger, Theresa M. Young, Mrs. Margaret O. Youngman, M/M Joseph Zanche, Mr. Frank Zarcone, M/M Alfred B. Zazzaro, M/M John Zeitvogel, Mrs. Barbara S. Zenkel, Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Ziarnowski, M/M Marc Zicari, M/M Andrew Zona, M/M Hartley W. Zwahlen

The average gift thus far is $144.41 and the above represent 34% of our parishioners, and we have reached 73.73% of our goal.

So, thank you for the typical generosity of your sacrifices, and for sending in your support for this current year’s Appeal. Please, pray that we will be able to have as close to 100% participation in this year’s appeal as possible since we ALL benefit from the services supported by our Catholic Ministries Appeal. By the way, all pay- ments actually received by year’s end will be deductible for your taxes as the law allows. Thanks, and have a blessed Advent ahead as you “Let Your Light Shine” in so very many ways!


WHEN: Saturday, December 11, 2010 help us to prepare for the coming WHERE: 4.00 PM Mass, St. Ambrose Church of Christ your Son, WHAT: Celebration of Mass in Italian with Italian choir May he find us waiting, —followed by an Italian Dinner of eager in joyful prayer. lasagna, (vegetarian option available) From the Liturgy of the Hours, salad, cuccia, wine and coffee in Dailey Hall Morning Prayer, Monday of the Doors open for dinner at 5:45 PM First Week of Advent. (Table places will be reserved for those purchasing 4 or more tickets.) DESSERT: Bring your favorite Italian dessert to share. One family-oriented way to prepare for Ad- vent and Christmas is by having a simple Advent TICKETS: $8.00 per person—make checks payable to Wreath somewhere in the home where the family Peace of Christ Parish Gathers. Each Sunday, an additional candle is lighted. This prayer may be recited: New this year, seating will be assigned when tickets are purchased. Please, please, make your purchase immediately this weekend, to be guaranteed a seat. If Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus there are any tickets left, they will be available after Come and be born in our hearts. Masses on 12/4-5.

DESPERATELY NEEDED: Cleaners and servers — please call Father Bob Werth at 288-5000 ext. 105 if you can help.

Peace of Christ Parish Office 25 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335 (585) 288-5000, Fax: (585) 654-7658 Family Faith Office: (585) 288-1620 St. Ambrose Church Finance Office: (585)-482-5238 Located at Web Site: 25 Empire Blvd Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon. through Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Tues. and Wed. 5-8 p.m., Sun. 10:45 - 12:45

St. John Neumann School 31 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335 (585) 288-0580 St. James Church Located at PARISH STAFF 130 Brett Rd Rev. Robert Schrader, Pastor , Ext. 104 Rev. Robert Werth, Parochial Vicar , Ext. 105 Rev. Brian Carpenter , Parochial Vicar, Ext. 114 Judy Brawley, St. John the Evangelist Pastoral Associate, Ext.122 Laurie Maier, St. Ambrose Pastoral Minister, Ext. 103 Sr. Marlene Vigna, RSM, St. James Pastoral Associate, Ext. 123 Laura Gleeson, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 111 Alison LeChase, Director of Youth Ministry and CYO Athletics, Ext. 121 Carmen J. Sanchez, Business Manager, 482-5238 Eunice Leone , Bookkeeper, Ext. 118 Colleen Griffith, Secretary, Ext. 102 St. John the Evangelist Vicki Iannettone, Secretary, Ext. 119 Church August Misiurewicz, St. John the Evangelist Parish Visitor, Ext. 120 Located at Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco, St. Ambrose/St. James 553 Humboldt St Dir. of Music Ministry/Organist, Ext. 110 Dane Noble-Rosema , St. James and St. John the Evangelist Music Assistance Ext. 125 Joanne Insull, Pastoral Council Chairperson

Our Peace of Christ Parish Community staff mission is to deepen the presence of Jesus, in ourselves and among all in our parish, by loving, empowering and serving others in their need today.