f NEW Y OIIK II KHALI), SATURDAY , APRIL 25, 1858..TItlPLI! SHERT. T - « J.- THE SOUTHERN ELECTIONS THE NEW DOMINION. It upon the Treasury, and p«rhiip« uio-e*® even, a* rm.VT Mlir»w8 the Kir*t National Bank of Wa-thtngtm WASHINGTON. s- disbursing oitlre* a,250 M Close Couie»i.Vet li'uknotvn. Bill.Nova .Hralku'x 0|i|t<>c>ltiou to Secretary Dtrpottiu iV FROM (irnrml Mrboflutd Nominated by thr Pmldrnt Wade favora E. II. Ward, of Detroit, an Kaucuiu, April J4,1S6*. ('tufrdi-rattan. f»r of W*r. Tre.mury. Total deport* fl,WM,07& 6# are the Ott'awa, 1M*. Mforotary captain, who hua iuu.lv several million*,exgieuinboat Tlie following majorities reported a^aiuat April 21, Tlie President to-day withdrew tlic nomination of U. s. tion,006 'M> constitution:.Catawba, (ton; Iredell. The Hctiee Te»ti»nont:il Committee have Bent and who now want* a position. Thw would wut The Corn Rxci 'uage National HanK of f'nit.idelphi® ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. 1,000; Orange, Thomas EwIiik aa Secretary of u» the Alamance. aoo; in tho of the several cities 111 the War, goading Chandler: but Morgan aud CoiiKHuk, for New York, as follows:. 6<)0; Cleveland, 700; Cumberland, Mayors circularsSenate the communication:. Individual tfeiioHics. 78 Ho wan them to initiate u movement in nut of following and several New Knglaud Senators pretest $1,I^KJ juj; tiaaton, 200; (official) 477; Llneolu, 200; asking Uotniuiotito tiik sknatk ok tlik i'vivki) htatks:. tutted Suitun dciHMtUi' 4$ ' and demand who will Davie, Si&O; Duplin, 400; Sampson, two. New the fund to ilischarK the liability < against tin* estate have nominated Joliu M. Schotlehl t.» he somebody rvprP*f*ta.voliei'lently, ] So there is a *t Alfred and are of the lute Mcllee. Tlie subscription list, for of the Department of iu the of capital, bomlM and speclul MmMl Totu! deposes Prince of Shot an Craven, Edgecombe Halifax largely D'Arry War, place ' England by Hanover, Ktlwin M. Stanton, to be removed. Secretaryrumpus anion? the iui{ieucliers ill advance alxiut Hie U. H. I ion I s deposited to av ui't! « iU,l)0J 0It radical decreased majorities. Franklin is doubt* the same purpose, among I lie Senators aul mem) >crs, Ollt' ol tlllSii I WII natuiiul I.ink, 1-1 ill-t ttcrn-M ff!H 1 nI. Chatham la reported against the constitution. was opt-ned to-dar. Arrival of the Arkansas Cuacrrciialonal l)elt« distribution of the spoils, and particularly almut. tins street from ami the other Assassin in Australia. Tlie whs which all arc turned iu the Treasury DepHrtin^nt Wayne, 2i:» for the constitution (otticial). Wake, Militia 1)111, ufier a long tliscithsion, read aUa*. Treasury, to patriotic eye* Is' wlrhtn a few rods from the ('lute-' Statea between 800 and inn mwmu nine in me House iasi nigni. fervent devotion. two, including Raleigh (S04 official) A of the Arkansas elected far The people's money is certain.'* no saferDepository.iu for the constitution. The Nova Scoua members will hold a meeting portion delegation Massachusetts is very busy after preferment. either <»r t liem than in the United Stabs Treasury. The repuiilicaus claim Craven county by 1.M4 to consider the means to be taken to haretodaythe Sonata nod llou*o of Representatives of the wants tin pay for impeachment an SecretaryUutI'Tof the Hous.-of rti«t;ve. taking th<* and Lenoir resolutions air.iiu.it i lie eonfederation ti»the of the corps. Accordingly l?epres Mi* majority by 1,300 majority. It i* rumored protesting halted States Id connection with the new State, general disgust diplomatic same view of the subject, pause*! a Wll l*st January Royal Ilijjlimss Danger- thai Urecne gives lfto for the upon the journal of Hie House of iiotumona. enteredIt Sumner seeks it also, but will compromise on lilt- ,1 hi Innaa iAm..lall 1 AO * majority republicans. arrived In tills Senators prohibitum posit I»r goveumu itt motiey any » Is understood lie iu city to-day. The elect., «>!oo. burke and McDowell counties aroAlexander,radical Celebration of Nl. ( eurve'it liar and Heavy friend, Alley, snyituncertainty. killing it. though i may tie called up at anyvirtually u small the Third district, will follow in a few It Ui is not a candidate for the Cabinet, bat that HnMer is, by majority. Know Storm at Montreal. days. time. Meanwhile the people continue to pay Secret Proposals from Russia Columbus county, complete, (fives 87S conservative proposed by the delegation at the flrst opportunity. as he was under Johnson In IMS, Iieeause lie could tlielr borrowod money, ami tlie nationalintvesioaban** Bladen and Montiieai., April 24, IMS. then Hettl e hts old scores with (Irani and "bottle" to iv«; majority. Robeson counties give suiail not uutll alter the of the him continue have the of a score «»f million* O' to majorities for the radicals. Klcliuond county is St. George's day, the occasion was probably completion up as he did his army, according to the more of il wltliout payin/ a cent interest. England. Yesterday being trial.to the new (lovernor Bullock also (.eueral'Hto a doubtful, wiili chances in favor of the radicals. celebrated in Hie usual manner. The St. George's formally present constl-*Impeachmentreport, aspires Of course | Irelieve that .t Senator, like a king, ''cruf Duplin county gives 4S7 majority for the tutlon to Congress. Baclt member of the delegation position, and so does Bank*, nnil so does Dawes, jnd 50 majority for procuring making up Cabinet Is to incapacitate tlx* holder tHereof from holding a seat Ab(li<>atioi^ > the provisional doubtful looiv of the fniure since the recent elections. on the Senate Fiwtnce Committee wniie the question radical A heavy snow storm occurred yesterday morning. All agree that Urunt lias excited uo enthusiasm from bank majority. two of Arkansas. It is understood that the authorities uf withdrawing government funds hi# of snow of Japan. Keturus thus far received indicate the vote on the In some places the drifted to a depth whatever, ami that t'.ie chances are he will lie consideration? iaunder constitution to be ver.vclo.se and that the extreme leet, of the senii-reeonstructed State aro makingconservativesan lieateu as Scott was, If a Rood conservative liea>liadlyWithout questioning the integrity o4 monitors of western counties will uecide the result. effort, to nullify the election of fraud. nominated. He ttiretare trh-s to keep out of the at same time nauonat hank upon charges hut his man [Congress, who are the ISLAND. The official returns of the election from General row, Friday, Washimrne, is in dally presidents or owners,. I liold it Impossible for them AUSTRALIA. RHODE with Wade, and they are trying to ookconsultationup tliu.t The Remit Still Conjrcfurtxl In (leor|fa«*A Alvin C. (Jilleiu have not reached ( rani's a sort of lo legislate upon this particular subject \itli """ jel Qenerel ple-hald Cntitnet among theiu. and it seem* » a While wants of impartiality always desirable; deFree Negro Killed by Soldier In Au«ruaia. I*riiP Fight In Wurwlck.The Combat tints Ar« headquarter*. grant iHcininlng and to tie 10 me a for interest* J'rincr of Htaot in Sydnej. to tint himself, members of Illsuncommittedstair whu tha' proper regard great public Alfred, England) IrtftK. » anybody to uie At'ursTA, tia., April i!4, reiletl by tfar Police and Committed to Jail. A Virginia Hrlrgntion at tlie War Depart* have heretofore done most of the political Mutineer ilioiilit impel them to- resign positions, t+i 111m ltoyal lligknew Dancerounlr Wounded. The counting of the votes la progressing slowly, I'KdVtUKNt K, Apill 24, 1808. meut. ing. have proclaimed for that nimble, sly and small east, so very questionable. and It will l»e several days before the result will be A number of left this A of radicals from Va.. to-day gentleman, Mr. Colfax, as their preference for Vice London, April 24.Midnight. large spwrtiug gentry city delegation Danville, President. This dwManition has dlst iniied the Hen Wiide and Ollii-f officially known. a a Mr. Stantou at the A happy t.ate ami startling intelligence has just been early this morning for point in Warwlct, dozen visited War Department. family considerably, and the energetic Wudc, iu his correspondence (AprilTrader*.[Washingtonik> of in* De'rort It is believed that the radicals havo carried thta miles south a took In which the thanked a In this from Australia. recoivod of this city, to witness prize tight parley place, delegation plain, Anglo-Saxon style, has pronounced Pout.Senator Chandler's organ.] city district by electing I'rlnce to Congress and giving s between Robert Hellers, of Providence, and Peter tlie Secretary for the determination on stair officers iii general, which madebenedictionsome While impeachineni goes on there is much pertinacious hairs stand on an end about Wtlsou, and some efforts at as to sun Prince Alfred, who is visiting Sydney, was shot majority for the constitution and for Bullock. Knglish, of Baltimore. In "sticking" ut his post, to which Mr. Stanton head(|uartors. managing speculation,Iry The claim Ave out of seven A posse of followed and reached the displayedof Massachusetts, ami little Mr. Col lax, of smiling otllees, iu ihe near future; provided ine lion. it. I'. an democrats police them, that he "was he was the Imve entered into an -and dangerously wounded by unknown person. elected and a of the. Legislature. scene after the contest had been going on about replied proud that recipient platitudes, unholy alliance Wade should occupy the White House for the coming majority Congressmenof «r minh Irlmllv fiwllmra itTl.«. against Wade, and swear as hard as members of the year. Wiitiiu a week a of gentlemi'a The would-be assassin, who was said to be a 'me republicans are confluent" of the election minutes, in a second story of a dance hall. fortyliveBoth delegation Bullock and the democrat*) are sure of the were badly punished, and exhausted. then and the temperance society trail do that he shall not be prominent iu the politico of ous of uie equally parties nearly retired, redoubtable Secretary retired ul IMiioawik ivlm lt«iu nnunpnomirmtAilfnf larger Slates visited Mr. Wade and was promptly arrested. Fenian,election of Uordon; but all of tliln is conjecture. The Both were arrested, taken to East Greenwich, his defences. within Ills election us trio, of I lie official count will show a close vote. before a magistrate aud committed to jailarraignedIn given President pro Senate, suggested that if he could give courteouslyplaces' Vhe Prince according to the last advices was ted a soldier in a row default of bail Both become blind Tho South Ciirolinn Kin-lion. is of the same mind, as are also (irirnes ami in his Cabinet to two eminent persons tlie.v named A negro man was bayonet by $:i,000 each. have various others. the yesterday. He was buried this afternoon. The lxwly from the effects of the blows received. The two The foil «winfc has tieen received at General Orunt'a Preltngtmyseu prays against from their State they could insure hiin support lowly recovering. was followed to the ^rave by a large procession of spectators were (tenanted to escape. hundred liliu in ohurcli and does unmet tuns stronger of their delegation to Chicago ns Vice President fur men aud wouien. All is now headquarters from General Canby:. in caucus. He is a very conscientious the next election, in substance, hla answer waas. quiet. UiIh .Senator from New for he reads 1 am not to or and do not LIXULANU. Cll AKI.KSTON, 8. 0., April 33, iHtW. Jersey, inclivulnal,"(lentlemon, open ixiy sell, Total vol,: in South Carolina, ho far as reported, all the evidence and hears all the arguments after expect or liiUiua to ue. ir i snail i>e t'resiueii;. ror a Macon, April 24, inn*. MICHIGAN. 86,84;i; majority for the constltntion, 43,161. Three having decided long ago to convict the President; lew months, I shall try to net the twist anil most The ('andinn Question.Secret Proposal* «f The vote has not yet been counted. To-day was districts not heard from; six incomplete. Nothing while his colleague, G'aliell, only went so far as to anil honest men to (111 otllces; anil in doing(aj»ahieho t in Fatal Kxplonlon at ManUUid.Ki(ht Meu from North Carolina. make a public speech for impeachment at .shall have no prejudice against your Stale more thau R.h. spent assorting and comparing with the registers. There will be some curious thingsPhiladelphia.to tell any other In the selection; but my great object will London, April 24.Midnight. Accounts from Southwestern Georgia are stilt more Killed iiud Four Wouadcd. CM*tomj| Receipt*. w lien this mockery of a trial Is over, for no greater be to (lml sueh men wherever they are, an.I I shall In the House of Commons this evening Lord favorable to the democrats. Nearly every county has Chicauo, April 24, 1804. The receipts of customs at the porta below mockery was ever contrived in t lie outraged name of try to do It, whether it makes or mars iriy ls)7ig Vice against the constitution and electa the full The hi cam saw mil! of llreen of Chlcugo, from April lit to the 18th inclusive, were us justice and the abused forms of law. President or bidug anything else. lUou't fate enough iti reply 10 a question, admitted that theStanley, Brothers, mentioned,Serious trouble is expucted before thU business for any oillcc to turn I'rom this course." Soneemocratlc ticket. at was follows:. of Russia had made secret proposals toGin2>erorthe Savannah, April 24,1468. Manistee, Mich., completely destroyed l>y Ore iliall be ended, for when the peoplo come to realize British government with regard to the Cretan The Board of Registration commenced counting on Wednesday night. The Are was caused by the Boston $n»5,fioo the extent of the iniquity and Its selrtsli motives HOUSE OF EEPRESENTA.TT7E5. the votes at four o'clock this been oi u New Y ork 2,628,000 there will be a fearful reaction. And the intention but which without the consent of the Czar afternoon, having explosion boiler. Ki«lit workmen were instantly of martial law In and 24, i80*. difficult;,delayed on the question of admitting challenged and killiHl and Tour others Philadelphia 218,078 declaring Kentucky, .Maryland WAsniNorotf, April the gravest results. to its chamber returned majority, general The second trial of John H. Hurratt id fixed for If is to Sublime Porte will not concede without compulsion) opinion is that they are ahead in the city by a large Wade gets Into the White House, the design The Si'KAKKit presented a n*.tm(>er of Kxeoutive 1* a it is for Great Britain to in Chicago lor the Molding or the Tuesday, May 12. It Ih understood that Judge Hlaclc, keep the radicals In, coBt what it may. Thev are policy which Impossible majority. Preparation* bent on at aim .ommiinieatlons in reference to the Indians and Orders were received by the commanders of this National Convention. Merrick and Bradley, Jr., will appear for tho defence. wielding power any price pinml.-ruig xiier which were ail pursue. from General Meade to the Republican the government through possession. "."Ms is the subjects, appropriately post notify daily 1S0S. Internal Kcveimo Stumps. whole motive of and else, it rorcrred. 4>i»iulwu of the Disraeli Doubtful to cease the publication of incendiary andAttn-rttner CHICAGO, April 24, impeachment, uothiuf Mr. Dawks, ot' Mass., introduced a bill to Budget articles or it will be N'o will 1>e made in the of the The committee, which lias been engaged for some is revolution, Jnst as much as Napoleon's suet cssful (r»p.> suppressed. inflammatorychange place holding a which Facilitate the settlement of certain prize cases In the Economy. time in examining the various kinds of revenue foup was revolution, converted was National Republican Convention. The committee, past Prance from a into a incau Southern district ol Florida, winch referred to London, April 24,1868. republic military lie Committee on Naval Atrairs. The Rennlt in Louisiana.Certain Sirrom of front the shortness of the lime, is compelled to stamps and the various methods of cancellation, These destructives aim at the sniuc result,despotism.but The Kmlgct, which was Introduced in the House, the for the Internal Revenue seek to attain It a is a Mr. I'kick, (rep.) of Iowa, presented Joint Radical!*.Frauds Hrporli-rJ. the of the citizens to erect a adoption by proposed in different way. Then- of on the last the Chancellor of the proposition decline In the means, but no difference In the the Iowa Legislature followingresoluions evening by Exchequer, new oki.kam, April 24, ISM. on the iuke shore. The House will be have reported that in their opinion no plan distinction reference to pom meters agents forms the chief of editorials this with wigwant Department, Instead of one perjured conspirator we navepurpose. making subects:.In topic morning Further returns increase the majority in the fitted to hold hundred that lias been submitted for examination, which is lit a monster. "or the distribution of revenue stamps; to couticct the London press. up twcnty-cigtit persons, hydra-headed ihe waters of tlie Mississippi with t!ic waters of Uik« parishes for the constitution. It will he some day* of the convention. exclusivefor adoption, has auv such claim for novelty a.s to 1 a and Michigan; have the Iowa river dec.lurod The Times, and most of the liberal journals, are before the result is otllclally promulgated. The Theodore Cameron, gambler of this city, should authorize the to give a The Treasury Uinjp-More l.itrfii Needed.A In reference to the Missouri riv<*. Bruce, n from IwcAtne department and bridging unimvigihle; uiHHiiiiwica wmi ine estimates or tlie Chancellor, is ratified aud the republican State ticketconstitutionJoseph ga*-fltfer Philadelphia, for it as a The National Hunk President on the United Mr. of Wis., a memorial oi doubt. The the Involved in an altcn atiou to-night which terminated plan. priuciple recommendedcompensation Cohu, (irp.) presented an<1 elected beyond ReputiHcnn wiys na<» the Wisconsin Legislature a*king for a giant of laud say that the Budgot is indefinite and annate. aeat of the democratic elect in the shooting and killing of Bruce. Cameron tiv (lio Aniiimlftiift id >iiiiitilv ttiiu* Tit oithor aluno Suites Senate Pinnneo Committee.I'nited The rimes Maun, Congressman to the to aid In the const ruction of the Wisconsin Val.e/ predicts tliat supplementary estimates from the First district, will be contested by the hiuisolf authorities. surrenderedor combine with other printing a tine design, States Deposit* in National Kail road, which was referred to (he Committee on >111 be found neccssary to meet defl<;lencles, and republican candidate. Frauds are chanteddefeated capable of production on tlie most minute Met ulloeh'a l.etter.PactaBnnics.SecretaryNhowinc l*ul>lic Lands. thinks t hat the new burden ought to fall on customs on the radicals, and a case is cited of one How the la I'sed. The House then, at half-past three o'clock, ad In this city wlirru over one thousandprecinct OHIO. scale, and by the highest appliance* of art, as a People's Money iouraedtlll twelve o'clock te» printed and A little light thrown upon the operations of the Ask lor a VVullhum Watch. Tk» Keolan Murder Trials.Defence mf the General that one of lliu ballot-l>oxes bearscommanding at this time would be IT IS THE I1K8T; IT IS TIIK CHEAPKST marks of violence and shows conclusively that it. lias Cincinnati, April 24, isos.. colored with tho ordinary coloring matter of Treasury ring just productive T. B. HYNNKK A 1H» N. V. Pridoners. of much Whatever take in CO., Hr.««it»ay, London, April 34.Evening. been tampered wit. This morning Ihe First district United Stales writing inks. Upon the ground thus preparedcommon good. change may place The Republican Toots up the returns from effected the largest seizure of illicit whiskejrAssessorIhe Htamp in to be printed. The value of tills plan administrations or parties, the Treasury ring The Kintup that Knrbantn ttar World.fb» The trial of the Fenian prisoners, accused of parishes. Riving 20,000 majority in favor thirtyfourof the MpiIicI*ii owFit much to ihe of Its material ratification of the constitution. The ever made in the, West. After midnight the lies In the fact that the. same agents which, when ready to adapt itself to any political exigencyremains, Vt-niiH, purity caused the recent explosion in Clerkenwcll,havingwas remaining wrn!l tin the beauty of iU proportion*. But what U p<4t*lMrt will Incnvute Home will so long as it is to the marble to a t a charm tUal mar bn xesnmed at the parishes probably the*' figures.fourteen city police accidentally discovered parties will remove the cancellation marks alsoapplied, permitted manipulate people's reaplenilfiit complexion Old Bailey at ten o'clock this secure il anil fllAI.ON'S l'AI'lllAN The republicans claim twenty-four out or thirty-six barrels from a canal boat under destroy the of the money for Its own t>enefll. Changing one form of perpetuated by lining After the of a few more Senators and members of the House as tar as unloading effectually groundwork Htamp mv »avui examination witnesses,morning. forty and the fact Itself as to the agmn-i, losses government security for auotlier and making a fat "whose was corroborative of that heard from. suspicious circumstances, reported protect, government by testimony merely bt the assessor, who proceeded to make ruse. commission on both; making secret sales of A Card from Aldcrtnan Farley. already given, the case for the prosecution was Governor Brownlow tlie Mention investigation, rnejr round men at work, ana aoo To Tiir Knixoit or tub Tkiihiw*:. Pwiponn of unloaded and rolled Into the Applications Tor TrciMury Appointments. gold, so as to leave a handsome margingovernmentto km.In consequence of some anonymous attacks winch rented. in Tennenaer. whiskey barrels have been recently made on m» in the New xv.rk Citl rcn and establishment of It. 1>. Rockh'.ll, 011 the canal. In response to the resolution of Congress passed operators, and depositing the people's borrowotl the i that will the enclosed letters of At this stage of the Mr. M. Williams, K ASII lfWH. The were or rectifying Tribune, beg you publish proceedings vil1.K, April 24, barrels without murk government recently, requiring a report of the applications made mo-iey in pot national banks, without interest, are .the hlsfrs of Charity. The block running from Sixty ninth the ooansel for moved for the of a nolle brand of any kind. The officers took Immediate to Seventieth and Thlnl to Fourth uremic*, was pur O'Keefe, entry Governor llrownlow. at the request of the to the for official since auiong the favorite operations of this infamous street, in or his client. possession of Rockhlll's establishment and the cunul Treasury Department position* 'tinted from the De Forest entitle by myself and some other jprusmjui thejease for Congress, has consented to postponecandidatesthe boat containing the remainder of the whiskey. The the 23th of February, it has been found, by actual count, which exists only i>.y the timidity of combination,gentlemen, and at the request of the Slater* of Charily « Mr. Straight argued that none of the proof adduced election until November. l;oo barrels were In a bonded permitted them to select the half of the block running i ma placed warehouse. that the number of application* made between that and an absence of a knowledge anion#politiciansthe Lexington to.Fourth areuue, at half the price paid by us lar the connected his a toy prosecution client, Timothy date aud the 20th of the month people of its operations. the whole block. Owing to change In their plans of Desmonds, with the Fenian plot. The Election In Virginia Postponed Brcnuao present aggregate building, the Misters subsequently desired to CongrcM Fniln to Appropriate a Snm for EUROPEAN MARKETS. MM, and during that time the number of The bill prohibiting the deposit of public money in their purchase, and the money advancedabandonby Mossrs. Keogh and Green also spoke at length for (hem was returned. We hare sloe* sold a the has not been over otic hundred, fifty of which national banks In places whore government of thine lots at an advance of orer fit) cent above their and Barrett. Mr. Green wa« Bxpenaei. appointmenu per portion clients, English Richmond, April 24,1%M. i.ondo.n mokky MaKKKT..london, April 24..'> i'. were made In the Second Auditor's office by special depositories exist, which passed the Mouse the price to tie paid by the Sisters of Charity. i should not certain that Barrett was not implicated in the M..Consols close at a #3X for and the HubTreasuryhare noticed the attacks were It not for the annoyance which quite General Schofleld Issued an order this morning money law, aud the remainder to fill vacancies caused by almost unanimously in January last, only to he hose ladies feel at having their private attaint made the remotest degree in the Clerkenwell crime. He sifted account. American securities close at the following Instrument of and that Congress haviDR made no appropriation to uotat Ions:.United States Ave twenties. ex resignations or removals. shelved in the Senate, needs considerable light. Injustio calumny. the evidence against his client, showing a mass of 70^, Kesiiectfullf, tkrknck farley. the expenses of the election in Virginia, for thedefray3Ivldend; Krle Railroad shares, 46; Illinois Central. Inlertvling to Internal Jtevenne Collectors, On the 4th of liecembor last the House, by Dated April u, 18 a would that Barrett was in ratification or of the the n Hear Kir.We Inclose contradictions. He prove rejection constitution, In answer to the from a collector of Inter- requested the Secretary of the Treasury to fur- j11h k. ucvki.in, Ksq.Esteemed will not take June unless Fkankfort Roiikak. . inquiry resolution,herewith a ot our letter to Messrs. Mcltalie * on the 13th of December, the day on which place A Congresselection Franekort, April 24.. of "the copy Far.ey, (Glasgow should make an appropriation before that date. If nnlted stale* five twenty bonds close at 7S'i a 75"£ mil revenue to mo jwcrciary or me treasury as to nlsh a statement amount of government McCafferty lor publication. We rogrct that those gent eme« the occurred. A shoemaker of that cltvl clectlon does not on that hoold lie so scandalously sssal ed, and It Is peculiarly ns explosion the take place day Uongress f.ir the o.d issue. whether he would be allowed to bold stock iu a funds that remained on deposit In national bank*, to us that our names shouid he use.l to had sworn that he saw will substitute a later of wtuwi 4m notice will Parts 24..The pleasant bring named McNaughty, already day, Hoirsk.., April bourse closed national bank depository, wliere he deposited public specifying the amount in each bank on the 1st day on thein. Trusting that our letter will exonerate tiediareditm be irlveil. . Dim on the 12th, 13th and 14th, and heard him read steady. Kenton, w francs 27 centimes. i'll.iv and perfectly, i remain yourm very respectful y and Willi Livkki'ooi. Cotton Market..Liverpool, April moneys, the reply lias been made tliut he could of each month from the .totti of June, iftM, to Hie aist best Wishes In cbl 1st, Mother m. ji.kuj'. i.. in account of this very explosion in his shop. Other 24.5 P. M..The cotton market closed Orm and the of October, 1867." [Copy.) not, a standing rule of the department forbidding it. Ac«l».st or Mount 8t. wltnemes from Glasgow would swear to the same VIRGINIA. sales foot up 20,000 bales. Tiie following are the the oth of after lire Vi.NtmnTr.f closing quotations:.Middling uplands, 12*,d.; Supplies Wanted for Destitute Indian**. On January, nearly weeks N«a« Yoni-m*, n. Y., Feb. #1, |x«n. ( facta. Orleaus, 127*d. Several communications were sent to the House of Mr. Secretary McCulloch vouchsafed a reply,delay,Me-srs, Thiici Fahi.k\, JortEPU -JOUtlgf., ItoiiKUT of Mr. Green's the court Faar Persons Drowned at Jad'e* J itmr« middling MoOsrriERT* On lite conclusion remarks, Ferry, HavreCottonMarkkt..Havre, April 24..Cotton to-day from the Secretary of tips which, when printed, inade a pamphlet of thirty ukn ri.k.ar.n .We have to acknow'cdge the receipt of your Klrer.llannientt M (he in Kick closes at lf»2 francs cwt. Representatives eertuied check for lp7,l)w), being the amount with amounted till to-morrow. Slump strong per for tres ordinaire otllctal an pages, and which he staled lie '-believed to contain deposits.) on the spot anil ISO frauc* to urrive. Interior, enclosing papers, showing yon lor Uie purchase ol tl>e lots oetwsen Sixty ninth and rter Mad. for an to furnish the desired information." entleth streets, and Fourth and Lexington avenue*, New Trapk Report..Liverpool. April 24.5 p. M.. necessity appropriation immediate Vork check for interest on said ws Richmond, Va., April 24, i'm*. from Manchester are This doe* not the ; also, amount; bavin* IRELAND. The advices favorable. The supplies to destitute Indians at and near Fort Cobb thirty page reply contain desired mmm not to complete snlil purchase, because f would in Miss Rutzel ami Mr. Mortimer rox, of this city, a market for fabrics aud tim i.s strong. voire a than we are able to undergo. we m the Indian Territory, the liig Heml of the Arkansas Information. Mr. McCulloch's tatiiuf to the contrary larger expenditure of the Prior* of Wales. ferryman and a negro weir drowned on Wednesday Liverpool Hkbahjti:i ks Markkt..Liverpool, did not expect Interest »u the amount. we thank you lor It, Departure night while crossing the James river at Jude's ferry. April 24.u P. M..The market closed quiet, Corn, river, and Nnri.li I'latto City, Nebraska, aud lu notwithstanding. and tor having so kindly permitted us to withdraw Iromour Dublin, April24, IMA. :ws. «<1. for new mixed Western. It the amount of funds on engagement even mailing us toiloso without low orcmL A republican meeting this afternoon, composed of per quarter Wheat, ami Daootali Territory. Kansas spetiiliM government In conclusion, allow me to wish you e cry spiritual and The ITince of Wales embarked for England to-day. three thousand negroes, was addressed i»y Mr. 16s. 2d. per cental for California while, anil 14s. er bbl. for Westen Canal. to the lluu*c of Representatives, Mays there Li special not give thu amount of government funds that Wsrtl'n Perferl Fillin* Shirts, ilroaiU hxI and enthusiasm prevailed. Liverpool Provisions Mareet..Liverpoot, on in national as was way toil Union square; also at Xfi Broadway. K feeling Split aad Withdrawal of Home of the Dele* April 24.f> P. M..The market closed steady. Beef, need of lour steamers for marine cutler service, deposit banks, remained one on by the language of the resolution. required vaten. 122s. flil. per bbl. tor extra prime mess. Pork, Hfts. namely, one at Alaska, the Columbia river In order to ttei the aggregate amount seventeen A.-H'trd** Cloth i.lned I'iumt r«llan tnd SPAIN. A i fxa vdkia, April 24, IW. |ier bbl. lor F.astern prime mess. I,;ird firm at 6ft*. and the coast of Oregon, one for Charleston, S. C. long columns of tlgures, each some four Culls, llnssdwav and l.nlon square; aiswl Uiirnii iliu iuir containing retail at 381 Tlie Radical County Convention met to-day, and and one lor Mobile, the aggregate cost ol which rnniiirrn item*. muso oe nmwii np, ano a lew aman Mroadwsy. ewt. credit* not culled hv Pahllc Br. WOLCOT r'S PA IM I'AIM', yourig lady Despatches received from various parts of Spain State Convention, which meets in Richmond on the Carolina, per uencrul order No. 19 has Itceu issued by coinmaud from the avirrcuMtc. .So that to tlli'i bv Mr.deductedof mine Hio was In extreme agony from iiiMminia'-ury cwt. X&percH Kelincd In firte«n minutes the >11 of I'aiu that the disorders have liecn 6th of Mav, and Instructed ttiem to vote for Turpentine, petroleum, instructs the MoTulioch'* letter the amount or government fuml* rheum iUsni by S| pllcati to-,lay report repressed. 1*. :ut. per gallon. Spirits petroleum, M. |mt gallon. nf (ieu' r.il (irant. It commanding In Paint to that she was entirely free from pain. Kor urtl.er They also recommended Uoneral Tuckerllawxhurat.for deposited national batiks wouid re<|itlrti at loata a ol WM. K. I. iltoi of and nominated one white man one London Marki? ..London, April24..Sugarqniet itenetals of the Military Districts comprising the week's lubor ol a Hklllcd accountant. pariieulsrs plesje iii'pute PKhNTlCE, .m ' The New Cabinet. Congress, and at J'ks. 6d. cwt. for No. 12 I Mitch standard. Albsny Ar^us. nemo for the Legislature. per Mutes of Virginia, North Carolina, .south Carolina, Several guexse* have l»eeii made. but I have taken Madrid, April 21, iw. oil, CKi |>er ton. I.lnaced cakes, £lo 1. perUuwedton the trouble to have the exact fnof lii^s made for for feeling. 1 lieorgla, Honda, Alabama, Mtssisrippi, Louisiana Anirrli-it..Tlioar lirunf il°ul Silirulr Bask The Mtowing Is the new Cabinet:.Bralto Murrtllo, the people may rn throuirli*i\-teeumonths.AoihatK.-tti wanted i* Cort.andt street. DELAWARE. PrrKuiJtirM Markbt..Antwmr, April and Texas to cause.Klrst, all vessel* arriving at Tiik IIkkaio what amount of their moa?» ha* been s, just puo.lshed; jgeut* Narvaez, an4>i OnviU'n Spring Ntjlf of Ucali.aiCD'* llal*, | present with a cargo of cotton, arrived at thi- |w»rt early tlil.« Decemlier ii.WI,«« AuiruM »*,.!«»,4!»1 5 !W^ Broadway, n«-ar Duam* atreet. were elected to the (Thlcniro Convention:. at quarantine, to be i|iiaraiitlned for ilileeu days after Keiireateat ol the Of. delegationsmorning. tun.Septemlier.... 21,37:1,12:1 Tyeoaa."Indeainlly" Joshua T. Heald, Lewis Thompson, R. II. Hmlthrrs, he termination of the last case, and thoroughly Jatimtrv ri,7«4,->l« October -%n:,l,04ft Blrlifiw A Youna .Man Amilo.-Sfr Ilia PW I'ered Tar Murdered Frenchmen. H. ON CARS. lu out this district February ( OKraph on liw nrrivnl tn America au J «rh»n lie departed lor Fhanias H. Coursey, C. Lkyton, isa:tc J. Jenkin-. THIEVES tmnlgutcd. currying quarantine of the iln for Ite work London, April 24, 186ft. wire to nominate Ileueral THE_STREET The averinc deponli* people'* money in l.nnUnd. CHKVALIfcR'8 Ltle lb* Hair dleen received and endorse Two of tlicni are Nt:w York, April 2*2. i*n><. iIhmc few pet. national interest, dur- S^m Lalor and important Intelligence Urant impeachment. odlcers of the navy iu their vicinity, ami the teen month* above mentioned wa* exact- 1 {my b»lr. KmCHBVALIEK'd TrritilM on thi> H»lr To thk Km tor ov rnK Hbrai.h:. correspond Inn *fci liy autll fi <-p, ami elfin uwav at tlx uniK^mU. from Japan via Shangliac. The Tycoon, Stotsbashl, as follows:. direct with the Meerelarv of the in to ly twenty-oeven million two hundred ami twenty- KAKAtl A. Broadway. on arriving In this about eleven o'clock lant Navy reference two hundred ami CHBYALIKK, 1,1X1 bad retired from the government. The Mikado Resolved, That we approve the plan adopted i>y city, mn'h assistance and co-operation. seven thou*iui. Indemnity for the murder of the French sailorsoffersCongress reorganization States; night, escape lieing robtied, forty-three dollars For llath P»lrbr% Freck Ira it ml Tnn on the is noil Km mi or on tbr Afrlra n ('miirt. Ihe la-t statement of the debt that it* vital principle. Impartial suffrage, just as manner which it mav tie instructive to your readers PnlllrRCf monthly ptiblle Pacts, line at Oaaca. well as politic, and that In view of t'ie a< tlnn of Ourconxal at Port Mahon, under date of March 31, show* that the people arc borrower* (coin Intercut PhKRY'S "MOTH AXD FRM'KLK LOTI"N." already had. m well aa of natural justice,ConiTess,we to state. I had walked from the llud«on River borrow em) to the amount of nearly two thousand Kvild pvrywrtocrr. CHINA. express the that such an amendment of the depot to Kighth avenue, carrying rather ft heavyHallroadreport* that infortnatlou ua* been received »ii»:re million dollar*, paylntr six per cent la gold and hope Slides fever hui on the const of the Irom taxation. the Constitution of the Tnlfed will be made ai travelling >aii. 1 took the tlrst car for the City Hail that the typhi* appeared prim'lpul Taking exempting Iliiaitr ('Irnnliw .Miidr &mj *ne, and It was not, full Africa tion from tax, voti Dud thai the people are Neaaaa. the republic. throughjut a* it ia \ known t (hat paying Resolved, That we gtve our voice to. and pledge onr Inside, imt a crowd suddenly formed on the after cauaet (Treat anxiety, well fai about thirteen per cent Interest on the bulk or their Aflrr Anmkrr with London, April 24, IMS. I was tumtied takeu a few One Cold Will, Many assistance in the maintenance of, the national ratth platform. considerably, my bag plague usually follow* famine. Quarantine in Indebted lie-*. Tat favored national bunk* are roiMlllntiona, ( eurWy nataM'-li the »e«»d* of »>n«umplioo in Advices from China report that the tea season has that the by a conspicuous person, who stood where the the u*e of over inllllon dollar* III* Tfcoar III nfl o( a rentrdr * III Ood in J AV M K'H nnd credit. Insisting In pnvmeni of the debt strict ei I to three'lay*' otiwcrvatlon, to he i»erf>»ruicw»r rati>« 'Jb»n al t*iisued, Kdward 0. Bradford, Howard M. Jenkins inside, who sn ted what wm on. hud barefaced ? naalnrw anT daapaurh, rlf.-wby charlatanry lh* MKTRWrOLlTAN JOB PRINT1.XU IUHA BUSH* litfT,. » supporting It. not called out, "Look out for pickpockets?' Hnt li i* h.iI<1 Dial the people1* borrowed inmie'v l« V7 Naaaau «tre«t. . l.ofland and oilier* opposing The resolution was the crowd on the vanished as if In in i litem national bank* Tor Hale | amid enthusiasm and platform whereupon . SPECIAL CORRESPONDS OF THE HERM.0. deiMrtttcd keeping <*) Dually adopted great cheeriug manic, and I found myself safe enough, but another and for the convenience of borrower*. l,et u* we. K»r«l I III vn tin UlMna -Mm I'iiill in U<»l4k.1 by a test vote of 7ft traveller had lost Ids and 1 cannot liirnlah»il. The hii

  • -tt raioa lor WffUly Mnrket Report.Kxrhan«e toj»7. i"-rn pocketbook f4o. TTie Hmllcnl Revoltiiion.Aif>irHat« far t nkU Directly ai row the *tmct oiipmite .l:«Ti eu.su rv Information paid Doout>l»na i hp iicimraie* nave inn uiiinirien in regnM the conductor or car No. n.r>. of nt and all kind* of Mold and Mtlvrr. < to Vloe Ixit the acquit gross aputny. Ml nml kurrivn »tanolutmetit* II. D.Cooke (of Jay Cooke .1 Co.). Prtrddent. A CO., Hunk.tr*, 1-i Wall alrtel, N %. >1 the Convention la generally favorable to Mr. VIi a Mwhiruimi. , April 34, is«*. Wade. thing for snch a crowd to hustle on the platform Presidency. .lliwiuanThr The al»ovB mentioned letter from Hie Secretary of tlio Tbn are the of merchandise when the inside was not crowded. When spoken to W A-mxoToN, i4, is«*. Truunry chow* the government d»piH in t&l* Hw»l«N Panuron. ku b»rn la nw nnv» far following cloning price* April «ima yrar* Por Scrofula and kludrnl dtv»«<>* l( u» % about It he coolly replied thai he was not a detective \\ »* bank to"have been an follows:. flfty for the vwk:-Sugar, 7X a 8 reals per armbe for No*, tutl It was none of business. Iml'ver may pretended bj radical leaders, the inodl faluablr ~mwly Uionnamia Mrs tealltlud lo vurtia MISSISSIPPI. Ills )! '. lift?. lijr u. Pur talc l»v all dritKgiau. afr.:ci«a jo to 12, aud 8.V a 10 for Nos. 15 to 30; molasses t.KOiit.K C. MAHON, of Detroit. fuel In notorious In political circle* here that they July$79-2,048 W March 2.,K>M«l '24 otigur, r>V a for Nos. 7 to 10; muscovadoe*, a rii* CnTmlio.Fatal \tfrny Hftwpra Me liave Ikmti ronferritiR for week* pint in regard to the Align*! 704,2** M April 444 »l Tk« Metropolitan JoK Prinllna PERSOIAL of in September.... A10.M7 47 May AI3.mii 40 Naatan li Cir o 1 for inferior to common roflnlng, 7)f a for rnlr to Holdlrr*. new onier ihinirn which to follow ihi-removal oo Mrcrl, pj»|ur« | in furm*!! Card*,KalaMUkRUT,fl aad ran JNTELUGENCE. October S74,«7fl f»7 June 7Ja,74fi nr», Pampblcta, Law Caae*, Pi atria an 1 <-vrrv il<>n of and a 8 for fair to uf Piwhlent Jolin«>n, for tUat has lieen a foregone > fixxl roflnlng 7l« good grocery JACIKW, April 34, 1MW. T.lst of Americans registered at the oillce of November. .. a,«0e,KW M July 24 1 I'rintlag at rate* iwfitjj-tire p«r c«n\ low than wjui sc ivlex, Molasses, 4J* a 6 real* per keg for clayed Bowles, Drevet A Co.. 24 rue de la I'aix, I'arla, for coiiclii-ioii ilnci! the article* of Impeachment were December ....o,l->6,soi ou August *.w,7m '22 .amcd elMWhtre to tli« clijr. Tlte Convention ha* the report of the Committee on the week ls6s..From New l*«7. &H i ;i a 0 for common. 2 i>ox for ( ending April 10, vol ci|. Thi) vol en of Feanenittn ami tnmc other* on .^eptemtHjr.... T44.274 61; Freights, f per sugar Drdlnnnce and Schedule* tinder consideration. W. W. Clarke and ramlly. Mr. W. C. HunterYorkMr.and Jannary l, Vernal Blrtialncn..M|>rin« Hrln«« l'«» , > A row at a Mile motions have no whatever. iiinlll budding Oownr* anl nil that g">«» u> / % Northern United Slates porta; 90 a $10 per hhd. occurred last night negro ball In which family, Mis* H. B. Snow, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sage, significance They Febrmry -4.«n,0M m aJllft, I""*"'*"nn»jt» * two soldier* were one killed and one K.artk )*a>itirul i hut nonp ol Ha hi*#«, C<*dce A Co.) Is rlv allad lur tlnlth, r'cmarkabln (or Htir.vHiitr, In V tot idtt^Hr to Southern ports. Hams 18c. per lb. THE INDIANS. C. J. Adee. Mr. H. I>. Craig, Mr. H. Foraythe, Iohii*on I* an obstruction to radical di e la»hi'»ni*b iea W 22c- for cured. Butter 26c. s Mr. C. Vafle. Boston.Mm. H. Bartiett, Miss Ihi- rr>'<)|ilenUal iraine. and theri>r tie re- ih>u.*un sugar Mr. H. and Mr. seventyw.ven r Webster, Hastings family, Diovoy tho frankur radical*, ilkn Chan.llcr, Conk I in* A < «ay* the Indiana attacked ft r< » «» offering jh 8 l*V-. per tierces, and ltfc. a 20c. lu 2o Cheyenne A. Cheney. Worcester.Mr. C. I.. Putnam. Mrs. Wade waa in oonsaltatioa with Stanton ton '>!*.»« I'lei.ilelil. innkwx he naw recently riignrd), mi a4 ih litm. Bacon I4',c. 0 14> In rejtant to thei ratiinft, and oiTerwl htm au.r 1 HOVfT and 011 Paris, 2 premium; on the I nited .states, In cur- to the train. belonging Mr. J. Win#, Mr. J. M. Ix.ntinui uml f.iuill.v. place he thou(flit proper to choo*t. Stanton "HI «'» JuIv, fH0.4t'i *.1 April." 141, 7142 CHILDREN'S w OLOTMINQ sight, 2U a Mh discount; In gold 1 a 1 J* New Mexican pipers report the fndtann in tho Mr. J, Hill Hil l if(!, Mi-rt J. A. I'littor. Rplfanl . October #11,9.10 S«l July,. .ilw.lMW M tvney, long MlchlRID- out, at l"a-t temporarily, tn or>t in Merely January f'! J3 I'Uoe, op|Hi«itp /\»ior pl.ve. Aew Tor*, ami Liberty, from Baltimore. I i>er of cattle. » r.irrotl N ny «.». ".m-t Mr. J ^'iivh riii. Mit| »:t I. i.It-.*, hi .111 OfH'Hl i.< viv »m \.» .iiiuu i o p >f of ttieCowptroller <>f Mi.-O'if K.. utli «-'fii'.m, U«g(>«r V'"W>