
LIBRARY COPY Bedrock Geology of the Kassler Quadrangle

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 421-B Bedrock Geology of the Kassler Quadrangle Colorado




A survey of the east flank of the Colorado with emphasis on rocks and on structural geology



GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract------71 General geology-Continued Introduction______71 and sedimentary rocks-Con. ______Acknowledgments______73 97 Geographic setting______73 Fort Hays ~ember ______97 General geology______73 Smoky Hill member ______98 ______:... ______99 Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks______7 4 Fox Hills ______104 Metasedimentary rocks______74 Laramie formation ______104 Quartzite ______· 7 4 ])awson arkose ______106 Sillimanitic biotite- gneiss______7 4 Intrusive dike rocks ______106 Biotite-quartz gneiss______75 Andesite ______------106 Amphibolite ______.___ 75 Rhyolite_--·----- ______--- ______107 Structure ______:______Lime silicate gneiss______77 107 Precambrian structure ______Granitized metasedimentary rocks______78 107 gneiss and migmatite______78 Faults ______.______------____ _ 108 Sillimanite granite gneiss______80 Folds ___ -·- ______----·------_ 108 Hornblende granite gneiss ______-. 80 Pennsylvanian structure ______108 Laramide structure ______109 Intrusive rocks------81 109 Gneissic granite______81 Faults------Folds_. ______Quartz diorite and hornblendite ______81 110 History of Laramide structure ______111 Biotite-muscovite granite______82 Post-Laramide structure ______Pikes Peak granite______83 112 Geologic history ______113 Granite in granite_ 84 Economic geology ______Granite pegmatite______84 114 Nonmetallic deposits ______---______114. sedimentary rocks______85 Sandstone dikes______85 Mica------­ 114 114 Source of the sand______86 ClayFeldspar------_____ .;, ______114 Process of emplacement______87 . Coal.:. ______114 Fountain formation______88 Limestone ______- _____ ..; ____ ------·~ -- 115 Lyons sandstone ______: ______-·-______89 Structural stone------~-- 115 Lykins formation______90 Sand------115 Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks______91 Road metal ______115 Rals~on Creek formation______91 Metallic deposits ______115 Iron ______Morrison formation______92 116 Lytle and South Platte formations______94 Copper ______116 Uranium ______Graneros shale, , and Car- 116 lile shale ______.:. ______94 Engineering problems ______117 Graneros shale______94 Fossil localities ______-- __ - ___ - ____ _ 118 Greenhorn limestone______95 References cited ______------120 Carlile shale______95 lndex------123 m IV CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS

J:>age PLATE 2. Bedrock geologic map of the Kassler quadrangle______In pocket 3. Correlation of rocks in the Kassler quadrangle with a reference sequence for the western interior of conterminous 1Jnited States------In pocket FIGURE 28. IndexmaP------72 29. Granite gneiss and migmatite ______79 30. Pikes Peak granite in nearly fresh outc~OP------·------83 31. Distribution of sandstone. dikes ______---______85 32. Thinning of the Fountain formation to the south by faulting______89 33. Contour diagram of ·lineations______1 08 34. Jarre Creek fault an~ general view of south end of quadrangle______110 35. Cross section of Front Range showing tilting of mountain front______111


Page TABLE 1. Spectrographic analyses of sandstone dikes and Sawatch quartzite______87 2. Stratigraphic distribution by ammonite zones of fossils of the Pierre shale______100 3. Lithology and faunal zones of the Pierre shale------.---~------103 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, JEFFERSON AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES, COLORADO



ABSTRACT jasper, and locally gypsum. At the base of the Morrison for­ The Kassler quadrangle lies along the South Platte River mation is a lenticular sandstone unit. The upper part of the on the east flnnk of the Colorado Front Range a few miles Morrison formation is also of continental origin and consists south of . of fresh-water limestone, variegated siltstone, and thin sand­ Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks constitute the· stone beds. bedrock of the mountains. The oldest rocks are metasedimen­ Most of the Cretaceous beds in the urea are of marine origin. tnry quartzite, amphibolite, lime silicnte gneiss, biotite-quartz The Lytle and South Platte formations are predominantly gneiss, nnd sillimnnitic biotite-quartz gneiss. These older rocks sand, but contain a thin bed of marine shale near the middle. were invaded by granitic solutions that generally produced The , Greenhorn limestone, and con­ large bodies of grnnite gneiss, but that locally were so inti­ sist of black marine shale including (a) a thin siliceous silt­ mately interbedded with the metasedimentary rocks that mig­ stone (Mowry equivalent) in the lower part; (b) calcareous mntite wns formed. Gneissic granite (probably equivalent shale, brown calcarenite and gray dense limestone in the middle, to the Boulder Creek granite) and quartz diorite and asso­ and (c) chalky shale, silty and sandy shale, and calcarenite in. cinted hornblemHte also inyaded the older rocks and were given the upper part. The Niobrara formation consists of the Fort n metnmorphic structure by the last stage of regional meta­ Hays limestone member at the base and the Smoky Hill shale morphism to affect the crystalline rocl\:S of the Front Range. member. The Pierre shale is predominantly dark marine shale, The biotite-muscovite granite, the Pikes Peak granite, and but contains the friable marine Hygiene sandstone member grnnite pegmatite were intruded into all earlier rocks in later near the middle and another soft sandstone near the top. Faunal Precambrian time. zones were defined in the Pierre shale on the basis of n remark­ In Inte Precambrian time a r:mg-e of low mountains ap­ able fauna of ammonites. The Fox Hills sandstone, a brackish­ parently wns uplifted in the present position of the Colorado water marine sandstone, overlies the Pierre shale. The sea Front Runge, nnd fnults, such as the Jarre Creek fault and withdrew from the area for the last time after the Fox Hills other northwest- and northeast-trending faults that cross the sandstone was deposited. The Laramie formation, which over­ l1'rout Rnnge, were formed. These faults are the framework lies the Fox Hills, was deposited in the streams and swamps ; it of the ll'ront Rnnge fault system, and major movements have contains the only minable deposits of coal in the area. The tnken plnce nlong them periodically since Precambrian time. Dawson arkose contains the coarse detritus that was eroded as After erosion in late Precambria~ and E'arly and Middle Cam­ the Front Range was uplifted during Laramide time. brian time, the sea encroached on the area in Late Precambrian faults were reactivated during the Laramide time and started to deposit the Sawatch quartzite over the young and possibly some new faults were formed. Late Cre­ fnults. After only a few feet of sand was deposited on the sea taceous ( ?) and Tertiary ( 'l) dike rocks were intruded into the fioor, the Precambrian fnults were opened, possibly by earth­ faults and later both the dike rocks and the sandstone dikes qunlces; sand wns sucked or injected into the fault system, and were brecciated. a widesprend networl\: of sandstone dikes was created. INTRODUCTION About 11,500 feet of sedimentary rocks unconformably over­ lie the crystalline rocl\:S. The is ·the result of The Kassler quadrangle, an area of about 57 square erosion of all pre-Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks as the miles in , is about 18 miles south of Peunsylvnnian Ancestral Rockies were uplifted. The Fountain Denver (fig. 28). The quadrangle is in Douglas County nrkose contnins detrital material eroded from these moun­ except for a small area northwest of the South Platte tnins. Transgression of the sea and reworking of River that is in Jefferson County. continentnl fnn deposits eroded from the mountains resulted The quadrangle is accessible by U.S. Highway 87 in deposition of dune sand of the Lyons sandstone. The sea from the east and by Colorado Routes 67 from the south remained in the area only long enough to deposit maroon silt­ and 75 and 221 from the north. County and U.S. stone and limestone in the lower part of the Lykins formation. Forest Service roads, logging roads, and trails traverse ~'he upper pnrt, which is of Permian ( ? ) and ( ? ) age, contains . maroon siltstone and sandstone deposited by wind the western third of the area. The Atchison, ·Topeka nnd streams. The Ralston Creek formation of (Kim­ and Santa Fe Railway and the Denver and Rio Grande meridgiun'l) age contains fresh-water limestone, siltstone, Western Railroad cross the northeast corner of the area. 71 72 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO


LARIMER j I ' 0 ~-~ \ 2 . I ~r---7------1

O ((_ BOULDER I Z ). I ~ ) \

40" ,-1 / Flatirons X 'r-----:J=- 1 L GILPIN ,., \ ...... , ADAMS '"\__").. Idaho Springs ---.... 0 ~lver Plume


I Po,.k I Strontia I '---+--+--¥-....::S:!:p.:..:.ri:.:!ng~s:...._j ELBERT South Platte R II R"d1 1pegmatite distric~sse ge 1

I I ~ Perry Park I I / X I


~I 2 ;; I I OCalhan I (;) 39" ~ I N I TELLER {1'\ I EL PASO I I I I iGarden of the Gods 1 rj I I ~olorado Springs 1 I L __l

FIGURE 28.-Index map showing Kassler quadrangle and other places mentioned in text. BEDROCK GEOLOGiY" 73

Commercial activities include farming,' manufactur­ High Plains in the area range in altitude from 5,500 to ing, mining, and supplying of water to cities. Dry 6,500 feet; the mountains, from 5,600 to 8,050 feet. The farming and beef-cattle raising are the two main agri­ total relief is 2,550 feet. · cultural activities. A large explosives manufacturing Many of the streams in the area are consequent upon plant is at Louviers in the northeast part of the area, faults, upon a northwest-trending foliation of the meta­ and a guided missile plant is north of l{assler. One of morphic rocks in the mountains, and upon the hogbacks the Denver water-supply filtration plants is at Kassler, of sedimentary rocks that flank the mountains on .the where the South Platte River emerges from the moun­ northeast. Most of the streams on the pla:ins are under­ tains, and a pumping plant to supply water for the city going rejuvenation; both perennial and intermittent of Aurora lies east of Willow Creek. streams have cut deep arroyos. The whole area is The study of the l(assler quadrangle was undertaken drained by the South Platte River and its tributaries, in 1950 primarily to provide geologic information re­ Plum, Indian, Willow, Jarre, and Rainbow Creeks. quired for engineering projects planned by the Denver (pl. 2). City Water Board and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation GENERAL GEOLOGY along the South Platte Riv~r. Rocks ranging in age· from Precambrian to Recent The geology was mapped in 1950, 1955, and 1956 on crop out in the Kassler quadrangle. aerial photographs and then transferred to the topo­ Rocks of Precambrian age crop out in the western graphic map of the quadrangle at the sca~e 1 : 20,000. part of the area and form the mountainous region of. The distribution and attitude of .the rocks in the quad­ the quadrangle. Sedimentary rocks crop out east of rangle are shown on the geologic rna p (pl. 2) . Color the mountain front; the more resistant units form names and designations in. the text refer to the Rock­ ridges parallel to the mountains. The formations of Color Chart of the ·National Research Council (God­ Paleozoic age include the Fountain formation of Penn­ dard and others, 1948) and to the Munsell soil-color sylvanian and Permian age; the Lyons sandstone of chart (Munsell Color Co., 1954) which were used Permian age; and the Lykins formation, which includes throughout the fieldwork. The fossil localities are the Harriman shale, Falcon limestone, Bergen shale, listed on pages 118-120; the localities are also shown Glennon limestone, and Strain shale members of LeRoy on plate 2. (1946, p. 31), of Permian(~) and Triassic(~) age. The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mesozoic formations are the Ralston Creek formation, Owners of the Willow Creek, Slocum, Nelson, Penley, which includes the Entrada ( ~) sandstone, and the Mor­ Lambert, Feeley, N ockols, and Helmer ranches made rison formation of Late Jurassic age; the Lytle and their lands accessible for this survey. Ray E. Johnson, South Platte formations of Early Cretaceous age; the forest ranger at the Indian Creek ranger station, gave Graneros shale of Early and Late Cretaceous age; and helpful information on roads and trails in the Pike the Greenhorn. limestone, Carlile shale, and Niobrara N atJional Forest. formation, which includes the Fort Hays limestone and Several specialists gave advice on fossils. William A. Smoky Hill shale members, the Pierre shale, which in­ Cobban of the U.S. Geological Survey visited the area cludes the Hygiene sandstone member, the Fox Hills several times and made fossil collections and identifica­ sandstone, the Laramie formation, and the lower part tions that are the 'basis for most of the stratigraph~c of the Dawson arkose, all of Late Cretaceous age. In­ zoning of the Cretaceous formations. R. E. Peck of the truded into the Precambrian rocks are dikes of andesite University of Missouri identified charophytes from the that may ·be of Late Cretaceous age. Jurassic formations. Rocks of Cenozoic age include the upper part of the Dawson arkose of age, rhyolite of possible GEOGRAPHIC SETTING Paleocene age, and a series of Quaternary surficial de­ The quadrangle is partly in the posits that are described in chapter A of this report section of the physiographic province and. (Scott, 1963). Pre-Wisconsin surficial deposits include partly in the Colorado Front.Range (Fenneman, 1931). three alluviums and an older loess that are of Nebraskan The surface of the plains rises gradually toward the or Aftonian, Kansas or Yarmouth, and Illinoian or southwest and passes from gently rolling hills and Sangamon age. Wisconsin surficial deposits include gullies to dissected pediments at the foot of the moun­ the Louviers alluvium, a younger loess, and the Broad­ tains. The pediments are largely destroyed nearer the way alluvium. The Recent deposits include three mountains, and in their place rise steep northwest­ alluvial deposits, two eolian deposits, deposits of bog trending hogback ridges that dip sharply away from the clay, and landslides. higher mountains of the Front Range (pl. 2). The The bedrock was tilted and faulted by uplift of the 74 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO mountains. The oldest sedimentary rock, the Fountain of the quadrangle, and as persistent layers in an area formation, dips northeast away from the mountain a;bout 1f2 to 1 mile north of the Indian Creek ranger sta­ front and unconformably overlies the Precambrian tion, in the southwest quarter of the quadrangle. Most rocks. The sedimentary and Precambrian rocks are cut of the quartzite bodies lie in conformable contact with or by a series of northwest-trending faults, most of which near lime silicate gneiss or amphibolite. are believed to have formed during Precambrian time The quartzite is a medium-grained medium-gray rock and which were reactivated during the formation of the that weathers olive gray. It consists mostly of quartz ancestral Rockies in Pennsylvanian time and again dur­ with some biotite, plagioclase, and magnetite and, ing the Laramide revolution in Late Cretaceous and locally, of minor amounts of hematite, apatite, epidote, early Tertiary time. diopside, and sericite. Epidote and diopside are com­ mon in the quartzite bodies near lime silicate gneiss, PRECAMBRIAN METAMORPffiC AND such as the outcrop in the NW%,NEY.t, sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. IGNEOUS ROCKS 69 W. Magnetite is abundant in the quartzite in and The Precambrian rocks consist of a complex series of just north of the NW%NE% sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 68 W., metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks. For where two prospect pits were dug. Apatite is included description they are divided into three categories: (a) in the quartz grains. The following table gives the metasedimentary rocks, (b) granitized metasedimen­ modes (volume percent) of two samples of the quartzite: tary rocks, and (c) intrusive rocks. The metasedi­ mentary rocks are the oldest of the Precambrian SC-2 SC-43 formations. Mappable units are quartzite, sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss, biotite-quartz gneiss, amphibolite, Quartz______75 93 Biotite______5 7 and lime silicate gneiss. Some of these rocks were Plagioclase ______·______20 Muscovite______Tr. Tr. changed to granite gneiss ahd migmatite, then were in­ Sericite______Tr. truded by a series of igneous rocks, from oldest to Magnetite______Tr. ______Apatite ______..: ______Tr. youngest, gneissic granite, quartz diorite and horn­ Hematite ______-- Tr. blendite, biotite-muscovite granite, Pikes Peak granite, and granite pegmatite. SC-2: NW~NE~4 sec. 3, T. 8 8., R. 69.W. SC-43: NW~NE~ sec. 3, T. 8 8., R. 69·W. METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS The quartzite is even grained; most grains are 0.2 Metasedimentary rocks are the oldest rocks in the mm in diameter although a few are as much as 0.33 mm. quadrangle and have been described previously in other Most grain bounda.ries are straight or slightly curved. areas of the Front Range. · Ball (1906, p. 374; Spurr The magnetite-bearing facies is slightly coarser and and others, 1908, p. 37) applied the name Idaho Springs contains megascopic magnetite grains. Bedding result­ formation to a similar series of metamorphic rocks, be­ ing from the alinement of concentrations of hematite, lieved to be of sedimentary origin, in the vicinity of magnetite, and biotite can b~ seen in the quartzite. Idaho Springs, Colo. The terms used hy Ball (Spurr and others, 1908, p. 37) and ·the terms for equivalent BILLIMANITIC BIOTITE-QUARTZ GNEISS rocks in the Kassler quadrangle are given below: . The sillimanitic biotite-quartz. gneiss is confined to the southern part of the quadrangle and is particularly Ball (Spurr and others, 1908, p. 87) This report abundant-where the foliation turns from N. 75° W. to Lime. silicate member______Lime silicate gneiss Hornblende-diopside gneiss N. 20° W. in sees. 34 and 35, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., and in unit ------Amphibolite sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2). Contacts between the Biotite schist______Biotite-quartz gneiss sillima.nitic biotite-quartz gneiss and other metasedi­ Biotite sillimanite schist_ __ Sillimanitic biotite-quartz mentary rocks are conformable. gneiss Quartz-magnetite gneiss ___ Quartzite Sillimanite cannot easily be detected in the field in amounts less than 5 percent; therefore, only those rocks The lithologic names of the metasedimentary rock units with more than 5 percent sillimanite and with abun­ of the Kassler quadrangle are the same as many of those dant biotite and quartz but little are jncluded used by Harrison and Wells ( 1956, p. 37; 1959, p. 5). in sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss. The sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss is a yellowish­ QUARTZITE gray well-foliated rock in which plates of biotite and Quartzite crops out a8 irregularly shaped bodies east needles of sillimanite are set in a platy matrix of quartz and northeast of Thomas Hill, in the south-central part and feldspar. A freshly broken fragment is dark gray BEDROCK GEOLOGY 75 and vitreous and appears quartzitic. On weathered in the unfractured part of the rock are rounded, oval, surfaces the sillimanite gives a yellowish-gray or light­ or irregular shaped. Hematite a.nd limonite halos sur­ gray felted appearance like asbestos, or a silken sheen round' some of the magnetite grains. cryst~ls. may be reflected from the needlelik_e The BIOTITE-QUARTZ GNEISS gneiss is fine crrained except where It contan1s large masses of ma;1etite~ Porphyroblasts of microcline Biotite-quartz gneiss underlies a very small part of and quartz as large as one-half inch in diameter are the map area (pl~ 2). Most of the mappable bodies of common. One-fourth-inch biotite porphyroblasts also biotite-quartz gneiss are along the west margin ~nd in the southeast corner of the quadrangle, but thin· un­ occur in the o-neiss near the Pikes Peak granite. Bio­ ma.ppa'ble bodies are conformably interlensed with tite flakes a:d matted layers of sillimanite generally granite gneiss throughout the quadrangle. The con­ produce the foliation and the lineation. Locally ':foli­ tacts between the biotite-quartz gneiss and other meta­ ation is due to magnetite. In one specimen compo~ed sedimentary rock units are conformable. The contacts of magnetite and sillimanite, one-fourth mm-tluck are marked by slight changes in the amounts of silli-. layers of magnetite are wrapped around the_ crests ~nd manite, quartz, and microcline. Rocks that are mapped troughs of isoclinal folds only one-half Inch lngh. as biotite-quartz gneiss contain abundant biotite and Macrnetite stands out fron1 the weathered surface of the b • quartz, but sparse feldspar. · rock n,nd stains it light brown owing to the alteratiOn The biotite-quartz gneiss is very light gray mottled of the magnetite to limonite. with black and commonly has a salt-and-pepper appear­ The sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss is composed of ance· it is medium grained, though some outcrops con- quartz, biotite, feldspar, muscovite, magnetite, and sil­ tain crrains' of biotite one-fourth inch in diameter. B.lO- limanite. The plagioclase content probably averages b • • tite layers produce the foliation. The gneiss contains about 20 percent, but may be as high as 50 percent. As about 70 percent quartz, 20 percent biotite, and 10 per­ a corollary, the quartz content, which is commo~1ly n~ar cent feldspar although composition varies considerably 45 percent, may be as low as 30 percent. MICrochne between outcrops. Microcline and oligoclase are the rancres from 2 to 12 percent. The following table gives most common . Muscovite, ma,gnetite, silli­ the ~nodes (volume percent) of three samples of silli­ manitic biotite-quartz gneiss: manite, apatite, hornblende, titanite, an~ g~r~et are accessory minerals. Some of the muscovite IS Ill par­ allel growth with biotite. Sericite (mostly altered SC-9 SC-12 I SC-45 plagioclase) makes up as much as 10 percent of soi?e Microcline ______------weathered rocks. Most of the biotite lies along grain Quartz ______---_----- !; 4~ ------50 boundaries of quartz and plagioclase. Euhedral apa­ Plagioclase _____ ------3 40 30 Biotite __ ---_------8 2 15 tite is included in larger anhedral grains of quartz. Muscovite ______- ___ ----- .2 1 Tr. Grain boundaries are straight or slightly wavy; su­ Sillimanite ______-_-_----- 25 10 5 Magnetite ______------5 5 Tr. tured boundaries are uncommon. Most of the magne­ tite is between other grains; however it is also included SC-9: NW~NE~ sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. in plagioclase and is intergrown with sillimanite. . SC-12: NW~~NE~ sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. SC-45: SE~Nl<~H sec. 34, T. 7 8., R. 69 W. A garnetiferous variety of the biotite-quartz gneiss crops out in the SE14NElt4 sec. 34, in the adjacent part The sillimanitic biotite-quar•tz gneiss in thin sections of sec. 35, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., and in the NEJ4NWJ4 sec. has a texture dominated by prismatic sillimanite crys­ 28, T. 7 S., R. 69 "V. The garnetiferous variety is tals whose greatest dimensions are subparallel to the medium bcrray to bo-rayish red, depending on the amount. plane of schistosity. The biotite grains also have a of garnet. Many of the biotite flakes exceed 4 mm In preferred orientation and lie along grain boundaries of diameter. Garnet makes up as much as 20 percent of the feldspar and quartz. Some of the biotite grains the crneiss and is in well-formed crystals as large as have sutured boundaries embayed with elongate grains b • l 3 mm in diameter. The garnet apparently IS a man- of feldspar and quartz. Feathery sheaves of needle­ dine, the same variety found in the Freeland-Lamartine like crystals of sillimanite lie along fractured zones district by Harrison and Wells (1956, p. 40). that contain ground-up fragments of feldspar and quartz. Most of the feldspar along the fraCtured zones AMPHIBOLITE is altered to sericite. Muscovite lies parallel and inter­ The amphibolite, which Balf (Spurr and ot~ers, grown with biotite in the biotite-rich layers. The mag­ 1908, p. 37) included in the Precambrian Idaho Spnngs netite grains in the fractured zones are elongate; those formation, crops out throughout the western part of

654901 Q-63~-2 76 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO the quadrangle. In the southwestern part of the quad­ eral pods of amphibolite are alined parallel to the folia­ rangle the amphibolite is interlayered and grada.tional tion of the granite gneiss and the foliation of the pods with the granite gniess and migmatite, quartzite, and is parallel to that of the granite gneiss. A few bodies lime silicate gneiss, and may constitute as much as 10 of amphibolite crosscut the foliation of the enclosing percent of the rock. Few of the layers can be followed rock, but their foliation is parallel to that of the en­ for more than 100 feet and their contacts are usually closing rock. covered. The float indicates that most of the small The amphibolite is typically a dark-gray or dark ridges in the southwest corner of the area are underlain greenish-gray fine- to medium-grained, even-grained by layers of amphibolite. In the rest of the western gneiss consisting of hornblende, plagioclase, quartz, and part of the quadrangle the amphibolite occurs in pods locally, biotite. The common accessory minerals are from a few inches to ten's of feet in length associated apatite, magnetite, hematite, titanite, and pyrite. The with smaller pods of lime silicate gneiss, .both enclosed following table gives the modes (volume percent) of in the granite gneiss and migmatite. Typically, sev- 13 samples of the even-grained typical amphibolite:

SC-6 SC-14 SC-15 SC-16 SC-17 SC-18 SC-21 SC-22 SC-25 SC-32 SC-33 SC-40 S-4

Hornblende______70 60 40 60 50 50 50 45 20 30 35 50 45 Plagioclase______11 40- 60 30 30 40 40 50 40 35 20 30 20 Quartz______15 Tr. ------10 20 10 10 5 8 5 20 15 35 Biotite------2 ______------Tr. 20 30 25 40 Apatite ______------Tr. ------Tr. · ------Tr. Tr. Tr. 1 Tr. Tr. 5 Tr. Magnetite______2 ------Tr. Tr. ------Tr. Hematite ______------______Tr. ------Tr. ------Tr. ------Tr. Titanite------______Tr. ------1 Tr. ------Tr. Tr. Pyrite______Tr. ______- _____ ---- __ -- ______-- ___ - Tr. Epidote------.------Tr.

SC-6: Along South Platte River near Strontia Springs one-half mile west of Kassler SC-21: SE~ sec. 34, T. 7 8., R. 69 W. quadrangle. · SC-22: SE~ sec. ~4_, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-14: SEU sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-25: SWUNWn sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. SC-15: SEU sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-32: SWUSEU sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 69 V.'. SC-16: SEU sec. ~4_, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-33: SWUSEU sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. . SC-17: NWUSWn sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. SC-40: Russell Ridge west of Bennett Mountain, Platte Canyon quadrangle. SC-18: SE~ sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. S-4: NWUSW~ sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W.

In the amphibolite, a rock that has less than the amphibolite bed in sec. 16, T. 7 8., R. 69 W., along the average amount of hornblende has more than the aver­ South Platte River contains poorly formed crystals of age amount of biotite and a rock that is below average hornblende, magnetite, titanite, scapolite, and albite. in plagioclase is rich in quartz. Alternating layers of Varieties of the amphibolite include a strongly foli­ plagioclase and hornblende, not always visible in hand ated type that contains more than 70 percent horn­ specimen, give a rock its foliation, except for rocks blende in tabular crystals, a porphyroblastic type in having a high percentage of biotite; in these rocks the which amphibolite porphyroblasts constitute about 15 orientation of the biotite gives the rock its foliation. to 20 percent of the rock, and an augen type in which Hornblen''de in the amphibolite is generally in simple segregations of hornblende crystals amount to about prisms but may have sutured borders embayed with 50 percent of the rock. plagioclase and quartz. Inclusions in the hornblende The strongly foliated variety occurs in small out­ are quartz and opaque iron minerals. Euhedral grains crops throughout the area and is gradational with the of plagioclase are not common in the typical amphibo­ typical amphibolite; it differs principally from the lite, the form of the plagioclase being dependent upon typical amphibolite in having, on the average, a higher that of the surrounding grains of hornblende and percentage of hornblende, which may in part explain quartz. An average of 17 percent of the plagioclase its being more strongly foliated. A typical sample of has been altered to sericite. .The plagioclase and quartz this variety (sample S-39 from the NE:l4NW¥.t, sec. 4, have been strained. Titanite was probably altered T. 8 8., R. 69 W.) contained (volume percent) 70 per­ from titaniferous magnetite; two thin sections showed cent hornblende, 11 percent plagioclase, 11 percent grains of titanite grouped around hematite and limo­ quartz, 3 percent magnetite, and a trace of apatite. As nite. Vugs lined with crystals of hornblende, epidote, much as 20 percent of the plagioclase is altered to seri­ and quartz are common in the amphibolite, especially cite. The hornblende and feldspar crystals are near beds of lime silicate gneiss. One vug in an oriented subparallel to the plane of schistosity and give BEDROCK GEOLOGY 77

the rock a nematoblastic texture. The foliation is included in his lime silicate rocks. These are the the result of alinement of the hornblende crystals and, quartz-epidote-garnet rock and the -lime silicate in some specimens, of the biotite crystal&. rock. Lime silicate gneiss crops out mostly in the south­ The porphyroblastic variety of amphibolite crops ern part of the quadrangle where beds as Inuch as 8 out in sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W., and sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. feet thick and several hundred feet long were mapped. 69 ,;v,; it differs from the typical amphibolite princi­ Such large beds are uncommon, but beds that cover only pally in containing on the average less hornblende, 10 a few square yards are common. Most of these smaller to 20 percent, and in having the hornblende concen­ beds are discontinuous unmappable irregular-shaped trated in the porphyroblasts. This concentration gives pods that are abundant in the granite gneiss and migma­ the rock a gray color with black spots. Field data tite in the southwest corner of the quadrangle. were insufficient to determine whether the porphyro­ The lime silicate gneiss contains many minerals, com­ blastic variety is a facies of the typical amphibolite or monly as well-formed crystals in vugs. The mineralogy a distinct variety. The following table gives the modes varies from locality to locality. Fifteen slightly dif­ (volume percent) of two samples of the porphyroblas- ferent suites of minerals were found. The more simple tic amphibolite: suites such as garnet-epidote-quartz are common, but the complex suites are generally found at only single SC-4 S-26 outcrops. These suites (most of which were in beds too small to map on plate 2) and the sample locations are Hornblende______15 20 Plagioclase______35 80 as follows: Tr. 1. Garnet skarn with limonite. SW:JA,SW:JA, sec. 4, T. 8 S., R. Tr. A pati te ______Tr. 69W. ~r~~~~======Magnetite______Tr.~g ______2. Andradite (determined by X-ray) -epidote-quartz. Many Pyrite ______------Tr. localities along road north of Indian Creek ranger station. Diopside or hedenbergite ______Tr. 3. Garnet-epidote-hornblende-biotite. SE:JA,NW% sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 69W. SC-4: NEUNWU soc. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. 4. Meionite (determined by X-ray) -andradite-epidote-allanite­ 8-20: NEUSWU soc. 3, 'r. 8 S., R. 69 W. titanite-apatite-calcite, with later azurite, malachite, chrysocolla, chalcopyrite, pyrite, limonite after pyrite. The texture is porphyroblastic; the crystals of horn­ NW:JA,NE% sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. blende in the porphyroblasts have a preferred orienta­ 5. Meionite (determined by X-ray) -garnet-epidote-allanite­ tion and the crystals of the groundmass are oriented at titanate-apatite-calcite-diopside-hornblende-gahnite. NW random. The hornblende crystals are as much as 3 %NW% sec. 35, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. mm long and have a sieve structure and inclusions of 6. Scapolite-garnet-diopside-quartz and scapolite altered to blue talc. South Platte Canyon near Strontia Springs quartz. As much as 10 percent of the plagioclase is west of Kassler quadrangle. altered to sericite. A granulated zone 1 mm wide, which 7. Epidote-actinolite-hornblende-serpentine-quartz. SW:JA,NW% contained quartz and sericite as the predominant min­ sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. erals, was noted in one slide. 8. Diopside-tremolite-quartz-limonite. NW:JA,SW:JA, sec. 15, T. The augen variety of amphibolite occurs where the 7 S., R. 69W. 9. Vesuvianite\ hornblende-serpentine-orthoclase-quartz. In typical amphibolite is adjacent to lime silicate gneiss, prospect pit in NW:JA,SW% sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. and probably represents a transitional facies between 10. Epidote-scapolite-garnet-magnetite-quartz-calcite and scapo­ the typical amphibolite and the lime silicate gn·eiss. lite altered to serpentine. SE:JA,SW% sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. The augen variety differs from the typical amphibolite 69W. principally because the hornblende is concentrated in 11. Epidote-diopside-garnet-scapolite-quartz. South Platte Can­ yon near · Strontia Springs west of Kassler quadrangle. knots. A typical sample (sample S-35 from the NWlM 12. Tremoli te-muscovite-serpentine-talc-red mineral (kaolinite?) sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 vV.) of the augen variety had a with later malachite. NW1MNE1M sec. 21, T. 7· S., R. 69W. mineral composition (volume percent) of 50 percent 13. Quartz-pyrite-tremolite, and limonite pseudomorphous after hornblende, 25 percent plagioclase, 25 percent quartz, pyrite crystals. South Platte Canyon near Strontia and a trace of titanite. The texture is porphyroblastic; Springs west of Kassler quadrangle. 14. Hornblende-orthoclase-qt~artz-chlorite and hornblende al­ hornblende in the porphyroblasts and the groundmass tered to diopside, with later chrysocolla, turquoise, smith­ shows a preferred alinement. Each porphyroblast, or sonite (botryoidal light green encrustation), malachite, au.gen, is about % inch long, 1M inch wide, ~ to !YJ. 6 inch azurite, tenorite (black pitchy), conichalcite (radiating thick. ~lusters of bright green crystals), and limonite. SW% LliME SILICATE·GNEISS NElA,NE:JA, sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. 15. Hornblende-scapolite-titanite-albi.te-magnetite-pyrite. South Lime silicate gneiss in this report includes only two Platte Canyon near Strontia Springs west of Kassler of the rocks that Ball (Spurr and others, 1908, p. 41) quadrangle. 78 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO Some of the minerals of the lime silicate gneiss are Titanite : as wedge-shaped dusky-brown crystals ; some crystals the same as the minerals of the surrounding rocks, and surrounded by hornblende and epidote ; some partly altered to leucoxene. the rocks that cut the gneiss commonly contain minerals Apatite: as perfectly fo·rmed microscopic light-blue prismatic derived from it. Lime silicate gneiss interbedded with crystals surrounded by scapolite, calcite, and quartz. amphibolite contains abundant hornblende; lime sili­ Biotite : as yellowish-brown plates with hornblende. cate gneiss cut by granite gneiss contains abundant po­ Muscovite: as clear plates associated with tremolite. tassium feldspar. In pegmatite dikes that cut lime sili- . The order of crystallization of these minerals, as de­ cate gneiss, hornblende commonly takes the place of termined from suite 5, on the basis that the early crystals biotite, and hornblende crystals locally line vugs in the are more nearly euhedral than later crystals, apparently . was: Most of the minerals are in well-formed crystals or 1. Allanite 8. Epidote in large crystalline masses. A description of them 2. Titanite 9. Hornblende-tremolite- follows: 3. Diopside (as crystals) actinolite Pyrite : as well-formed crystals one-fourth inch in diameter; 4. Garnet (andradite- 10. Diopside (massive now partly altered to limonite. schorlomite) crystalline) Quartz: as small crystals in vugs and intcrgrown with feldspar. 5. Gahnite 11. Calcite Gahnite (zinc spinel) : rare, as well-formed octahedrons 1 mm. in diameter; dark bluish-green, translucent: vitreous faces. 6. Apatite 12. Quartz, feldspar Calclte : as groundmass around crystals of garnet, diopsidc, 7. Scapolite (meionite) scapolite and epidote. Where the calcite is dissolved, it leaves This sequence is al~ost identical with the crystallo­ vugs lined wit!! partly dissolved crystals of the other minerals. blastic series of Becke (Turner and Verhoogen, 1951, Diopside: in two forms, as crystals or partly dissolved blebs p. 510), which in effect implies that allanite has the one-fourth inch in length, light green to dark dusky green. Occurs as grayish-green to dusky-green crystalline masses, greatest force of crystallization of any of the above except ln. the NWlA,SW% sec. 15, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., where minerals and develops euhedral crystals regardless of diopside .is intergrown with tremolite as large pale-olive its time of crystallization. Similarly, any other min­ cleavable masses. eral in the sequence could have formed before quartz Tremolite: as grayish-green bladed aggregates partly altered to and feldspar. red serpentine, and as granular masses of small pale-green crystals. GRANITIZED METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS Actinolite: as dark greenish-gray bladed aggregates. Granitized metasedimentary rocks include the granite Hornblende: as greenish-black segregations· at many localities; locally in sheaflike black crystals 2 inohes in length. gneiss and migmatite, the sillimanite granite gneiss, and Garnet: as moderate-brown to grayish-brown well-formed dodec­ the hornblende granite gneiss. ahedral crystals of andradite intergrown w.ith scapolite and GRANITE GNEISS AND MIGMATITE diopside; slightly dissolved. Also as small masses of black schorlomite (determined by X-ray) with crystal faces; schor­ Granite gneiss and migmatite, the most common rock lomite shows peculiar reticulated etch figures. Probably all unit in the quadrangle, is composed of two rock types gradations between nontitan'iferous andradite and titaniferous that are interlayered and gradational into each other. schorlomite are :Present. One type is migmatite composed of metasedimentary Scapolite: as large columnar masses with prism faces and as well-formed prismatic crystals, white or yellowish-gray with rocks, commonly biotite-quartz-plagioclase gneiss in pearly luster; intergrown with garnet and diopside crystals; layers a few inches to several feet thick with conform­ scapolite commonly coated by epidote, and locally altered to able Y2 - to 12-inch-thick layers of leucocratic granite serpentine and talc. Determined by X-ray diffraction to be (fig. 29). The other type is biotite granite gneiss that the meionite end member. (R. S. Jones, U.S. Geological Survey, analyst.) is strongly foliated but indistinctly layered and does Vesuvianite: definitely identified only at one prospect pit in the not have layers of recognizable metasedimentary rocks. NWlA,SW% sec. 3, T. 8 S., R. 69 W., although not uncommon Biotite granite gneiss predominates in the l{assler in lime silicate rocks outside the area; occurs as one-fourth quadrangle. inch olive-gray prismatic crystals with inner zones consisting The granite gneiss and migmatite unit apparently of yellowish-gray layers alternating with olive-gray layers that parallel the crystal faces. is equivalent to the pegmatite, the granite-pegmatite Epidote: as coating on scapolite and garnet, or as large crystal­ and associated , and possibly the gneissoid line masses associated with garnet and surrounded by quartz; granite of Ball (Spurr, and other, 1908, p. 49-51, 60- found rarely a,s small perfectly formed transparent grayish 67), and to the migmatite and the granite gneiss and olive-green to greenish-black crystals with as many as 10 pegmatite of Harrison and Wells ( 1956, p. 49-53). ·In forms developed on one crystal. Allanite: as thin flat plates· one-half inch long, partly altered to this report the term "granite gneiss" is used in a litho­ a dark reddish-brown metamict mineral; associated wlth logic sense and is not intended to mean that the rock is titanite. of igneous origin. BEDROCK GEOLOGY 79

FIGUREJ 29.-Granite gneiss and migmatite along the South Platte River.

The granite gneiss and migmatite is the most abun­ clase, and biotite; part of the biotite is altered to dant unit of the crystalline rocks; its relation to other chlorite. The accessory minerals are magnetite, tita­ rocks is well shown throughout the mountainous part nite, apatite, limonite, muscovite, and the chlorite of the quadrangle. It is well exposed in sees. 16, 21, altered from biotite. and 28, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. The contacts of the granite The following table gives the modes (volume per­ gneiss and migmatite with the hornblende granite cent) of four samples of the granite gneiss and r gneiss, sillimanite granite gneiss, quartz diorite and migmatite: hornblendite, and the biotite-quartz gneiss are grada­ SC-8 SC-30 S-51 S-59 tional. Contacts with the amphibolite, quartzite, and lime silicate gneiss, are sharp. Quartz______55 32 41 40 Microcline______33 32 17 ______Composition of the granite gneiss and migmatite is Biotite______5 3 9 20 Plagioclase______7 31 31 40 variable. It contains rocks that can be classified as Magnetite______Tr. 1 Tr. alaskite, granodiorite, monzonite, quartz diorite, and Titanite ______------· Tr. 1 ______Apatite______Tr. Tr. ______Tr. quartz monzonite. Most of the rock is granitic in Chlorite ______Tr. 2 ______composition. Muscovite______Tr.

The granite gneiss and migmatite is a pale-red, very SC-8: Granite gnei::;s from sec. 28, T. 7 S., R. 69 W . SC-30: Thinly banded quartz monzonite facies from SE}iN W}i sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. pale orange, or grayish-orange medium-grained well­ 68W. S-51: Quartz monzonite facies from SW}iSW}i sec. 4, T. 8 S. , R. 69 W. foliated rock composed of quartz, microcline, plagio- S-59: Quartz diorite facies from SE}iSW}i sec. 33, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. 80 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO The texture is shown by tahular crystals of quartz, matite. The sillimanite granite gneiss is very resistant feldspar, and mica oriented subparallel to the schistos­ to and forms high ridges above the sur- ity. Most grains are anhedral; feldspar crystals grew rounding rocks. · against biotite crystals; quartz and muscovite are inter­ Sillimanite can be easily detected in granite gneiss grown with both feldspar and biotite; vermicular if it makes up 5 percent of the total composition; there­ quartz is embayed in microcline. About one-third of fore, those rocks that are of granitic composition and the biotite is altered to chlorite. Most of the plagioclase contain at least 5 percent sillimanite are mapped· as is oligoclase and is twinned according to the albite law; sillimanite granite gneiss. it and part of the microcline are altered to sericite. The The gneiss is a dark-gray well-layered fine-grained quartz is strained and fractured. rock composed of interlocking tabular and acicular Structure of the gneiss is the result of (a) foliation, crystals. Only the sillimanite crystals are euhedral. (b) dark beds that are folded in, or (c) intruded granite The following table gives the modes (volume percent) pegmatite. The foliation is the result of biotite aline­ of two samples of the sillimanite granite gneiss: ment. Where stringers and pods of biotite are abun­ dant, the foliation is conspicuous (fig. 29). The biotite SC-11 SC-41 layers are crenulated, and the biotite flakes are stretched along the foliation plane and perpendicular to Quartz______10 53 Micro cline______66 38 the axes of the crenulations; they produce two linea­ Biotite ______-' ______2 2 Sillimanite______10 5 tions, one parallel to the folds and the other perpendic­ Muscovite______2 2 ular to the folds. Minor folds can be seen and meas­ Magnetite______10 Tr. Apatite ______------ured best where dark beds are folded into the gneiss. Tr.

Ptygmatic folds of granite pegmatite that cross the SC-11 and SC-41: NW~NE~ sec. 3, T. 8 S .• R. 69 W. foliation are not as common as elsewhere in the Front Range, and generally occur only in the more thickly The major minerals are microcline, quartz, silliman­ foliated gneiss. ite, and magnetite; the minor minerals . are biotite, The granite gneiss and miginatite unit contains mi­ apatite, and muscovite. The sillimanite, magnetite, crofractures that have been healed with later minerals. and mica are restricted to thin, less granitic layers that Fractures are filled by epidote, titanite altered to leu­ parallel the foliation. · At axes of folds, sillimanite coxene, magnetite, and clay minerals. The fractures are crystals are small and densely packed; on the limbs of less than 1 mm thick. and the offset is visible only in thin ·folds the crystals are larger and more loosely packed. section. As many as five parallel fractures per inch Muscovite generally is the matrix for the sillimanite may be observed either parallel or perpendicular to the crystals. foliation. The gneiss has a simple planar structure. Silliman­ A more thinly banded granite gneiss crops out in the ite segregated into layers produces both the foliation southeast corner of the quadrangle along J arre and and lineation. Locally the gneiss is intricately folded Indian Creeks and extends a:bout as far west as the and the folds are broken by fracture cleavages. boundary (pl. 2). The biotite HORNBLENDE GRANITE GNEISS in this granite gneiss is streaked out in separate layers to form the foliation. The gneiss is pale red, medium The hornblende granite gneiss crops out in the south­ grained, and evenly handed. In a road cut in the ern part of the quadrangle in a belt that parallels the NW1;4SW1;4 sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. (pl. 2), it is iso­ border of the Pikes Peak granite (pl. 2). The contact clinally folded. A mode of this rock (sample SC-30) of the hornblende granite gneiss is sharp with the silli­ shows it to be quartz monzonite in composition. manite granit~ gneiss, but gradational. with the granite gneiss and migroatite and the amphibolite. Quartzite SILLIMANITE GRANITE GNEISS bodies with epidote and hornblende are common along Sillimanite granite gneiss, a well-foliated fine:-grained the borders of the hornblende granite gneiss and the grayish-brown rock, crops out principally at the crests gneiss can be traced into beds of amphibolite. of folds in the south end of the area (pl. 2). It gen­ The hornblende granite gneiss is a grayish orange­ erally is surrounded by and gradational with sillima­ pink and dark greenish-gray equigranular fine-grained nitic biotite-quartz gneiss and granite gneiss and mig- well-foliated gneiss that contains quartz, microcline, BEDROCK GEOLOGY 81

biotite, and hornblende. Epidote and hornblende S-121 S-138 masses elongated parallel to the foliation are abundant. Some of the hornblende has partly replaced diopside. Quartz______35 31 Plagioclase______5 18 On weathering, the diopside dissolves readily and leaves Microcline______55 45 Biotite ____ ... ______5 vugs as large as 2 inches long and 1 inch wi.de. 6 Titanite ______----- ____ - Tr. · In t~in section the rock is xenomorphic granular in Mus co vi te ______"" ______Tr. texture. The major constituents are quartz and micro­ S-121: SW~SE~ sec. 33, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. cline; the minor constituents are hornblende, biotite, S-138: Western border of the biotite-muscovite granite in the SW~ sec. 23, T. 7 S., R.69W. magnetite, muscovite, apatite, epidote, and hematite~ Most of the grains are rounded and anhedral; horn­ QUARTZ DIORITE AND HORNBLENDITE blende is in part lathlike and produces a lineation. The The quartz diorite and hornblendite unit crops out in following table gives the modes (volume percent) of several small areas in the west-central part of the quad­ three samples of the hornblende granite gneiss: rangle and along the South Platte River in the north­ west pa_rt of the quadrangle (pl. 2). The unit is much SC-1 SC-28 S-2 like the quartz-bearing diorite and associated horn­ blendite described by Ball (Spurr, and others, 1908, Quartz______50 60 50 . Microcline ____ .______35 35 40 p. 54-57). Biotite______10 Tr. 5 The quartz diorite is locally concordantly interlayered Hornblende______5 5 5 Mu.gnetite______Tr. Tr. Tr. with the granite gneiss and migmatite and the metased­ Muscovite______Tr. ------Apatite ______Tr. ______imentary rocks and is cut by hornblendite and granite Epidote______Tr. Tr. ______pegmatite. Hornblendite dikes as much as 2 feet thick Hematite ______------Tr. ~------cut the quartz diorite at all angles. Ptygmatic veins of granite pegmatite cut the quartz diorite and horn­ SC-1: SB~NW~ sec. 3 ..._T. 8 S., R. 69 W. S0-28: SE~ sec. 34, T. 7 1::1., R. 69 W. blendite. The pegmatite is very coarse grained and S-2: NE~ sec. 1, 'r. 8 S., R. 69 w. contains l-inch-long biotite crystals, 2-inch-long feld­ INTRUSIVE ROCKS spar crystals, and bulbous quartz masses as large as 1~ The intrusive rocks include gneissic granite·, qu.artz feet in diameter. diorite and hornblendite, biotite-muscovite granite, The quartz diorite and hornbleridite weathers to more Pikes Peak granite, and granite pegmatite. rom1ded outcrops than the granite gneiss and migma­ tite, and on weathered surfaces forms pits about one­ GNEISSIC GRANITE half inch in diameter. A few tabular bodies of a rock that is predominantly The quartz diorite occurs in two facies, a massive gneissic granite crop out in the west-central part of the facies and a well-foliated facies. The massive quartz quadrangle (pl. 2). The granite is similar to the quartz diorite is a medium-gray fine-grained xenomorphic monzonite of Ball (Spurr and others, 1908, p. 51), the granular rock consisting principally of complexly Boulder Creek granite of Lovering and Goddard ( 1950, twinned andesine, hornblende, orthoclase, quartz, and p. 25), and the granodiorite of Harrison and Wells biotite. The accessory minerals are apatite, titanite, (1956, p. 53-54). magnetite, and limonite. The rock is generally a gray, pink or grayish-brown The well-foliated quartz diorite is gneissic, owing to medium-grained gneiss that contains quartz, plagio­ segregation of the minerals into mafic-rich and quartz­ clase, microcline, and 'biotite. The foliation is· well feldspar-rich layers. It is a black and white coarse­ formed except in the center of large bodies where it is grained rock consisting of andesine, orthoclase, biotite, indistinct. In thin section the rock is xenomorphic hornblende, and quartz and traces of apatite, titanite, granular in texture. Porphyroblastic bodies near the and muscovite. border of the g11eissic granite are cut by a plitic dikes of Hornblendite also has a massive and a well-foliated the biotite-muscovite granite. The porphyroblasts are facies. The massive hornblendite is a greenish-black microcline; many of them show carlsbad twinning. medium-grained hypidiomorphic granular rock com­ The following table gives the modes (volume percent) posed of hornblende, andesine, and quartz with minor of two samples of gneissic granite: amounts of biotite, apatite, magnetite, and hematite. 82 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO The well-foliated hornblendite is gneissic, owing to rock, but around the border the flow lines in small discontinuous layers of plagioclase. It is a black fine­ granite apophyses are locally discordant. The relation grained rock composed of hornblende and andesine with of these small discordant granite apophyses to the traces of biotite, quartz, magnetite, apatite, and hema­ gneissic granite country rock is well shown in the sw~ tite. The following table shows the modes (volume sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. where the granite has a thin percent) of seven samples of the quartz diorite and reaction rim of aplite and it tails out in small pegmatite hornblendite : dikes that cut the gneissic granite. The granite is pale red and moderate orange pink, and weat11ers pale reddish brown, moderate orange pink, S-60 S-71 S-40 S-122 S-7 S-52 S-32 ------1------and pale yellowish brown. It consists principally of Quartz______5 12 3 25 10 30 1 porphyritic fine-grained granite. The composition Plagioclase______50 4 7 11 45 25 30 22 Orthoclase______13 9 16 ______varies from granite to quartz monzonite to granodiorite Biotite______7 16 40 15 Tr. Tr. 2 to quartz diorite. Hornblende______25 11 30 15 65 40 · 72 Titanite ______Tr. Tr. ______The granite contains alined large tabular euhedral Apatite______Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. Muscovite ______Tr. ______crystals of microcline that form a flow structure. Most Magnetite______5 ______Tr. 3 of the tabular crystals are one-half ·inch or less in length Hematite ______Tr. Tr. Limonite ______Tr. ______~---- ______but are as much as 3 inches at an outcrop in the w.y2 sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. (sampleS-54). S-60: Hornblende-quartz diorite from SE~SE~ sec. 33, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. The granite in thin section is seriate porphyritic. S-71: Fine-grained quartz diorite with microg-(aphic texture from SWXSW~ sec. 26, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. S-40: Well-foliated biotite-quartz monzonite from SE~SW~ sec. 26, T. 7 S., Needlelike crystals of rutile or some other opaque min­ R.69W. S-122: Well-foliated hornblende-biotite-quartz diorite from SW~SW~ sec. 16, eral penetrate the microcline, quartz, and plagioclase. T. 7 S., R. 69 W. S-7: Hornblendite from SE~NW~ sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. (not mapped). Muscovtite and epidote fill cataclastically fractured S-52: Hornblendite(?) from NW~SW~SE~ sec. 4, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. S-32: Well-foliated hornblendite from NE~SE~ sec. 4, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. areas in the rock. The following table gives the modes (volume percent) of 10 samples of the biotite-muscovite BIOTITE-MUSCOVITE GRANITE granite: The biotite-muscovite granite occurs in a few large bodies and many small bodies throughout the quad­ SC-27 SC-35 SC-36 SC-38 S-1 8-3 S-43 S-47 S-54 S-76 ------1------rangle. Most of the bodies are concordant. The bio­ Quartz______·24 18 35 22 40 45 30 28 30 40 tite-muscovite granite is nearly undeformed and is Microcline______60 48 45 46 60 45 30 ______21 4 Orthoclase______15 ------6 6 9 Plagioclase______23 16 20 10 30 46 31 45 similar in fabric and mineralogy to the Silver Plume Biotite______1 6 Tr. 6 Tr. Tr. 4 13 12 Tr. Magnetite______1 Tr. 2 ------Tr. Tr. 5 Tr. 2 granite (Ball, 1906) from the type area at Silver Plume, Apatite ... .,_------Tr. 1 Tr. Tr. ------Tr. ------Tr. ------Colo.· Muscovite______Tr. 3 3 4 ______------5 2 ------¥R~~i~~-~~~==~=== --ri'i-~- ======Tr~ --Tt-~- ======--Tt-~- ======:::::: The granite is well exposed in large bodies on and Chlorite ______------Tr. ------______Tr. ------Tr. ------Limonite ______------Tr. ------around Carpenter Peak (pl. 2) and in small bodies Hornblende ______------______------1 ------scattered through the area. It crops out as rounded SC-27: Granite from SW~ sec. 14 T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-35: Granite from NW~NW~ sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. knobs as large as 12 feet in diameter that rise above the SC-36: Cataclastically deformed granite from NW~NW7;l' sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. SC-38: Granite from NW7;l'NW~ sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. surrounding terrain and project from a mantle of loose S-1: Granite from SW~NW~ sec. 1, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. S-3: Granite from SE~ sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. weathered granite. Crystals of feldspar project from S-43: Quartz monzonite from NW~NE~ sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. S-47: Quartz diorite from NEUNE~ sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. the surface of the rugged knobs. S-54: Quartz monzonite from W7\! sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. S-76: Granodiorite from NWUNWU sec. 22, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. The contacts with the ·country rock are generally sharp, but locally they are transitional zones several Some outcrops of the granite 'are alaskitic, as shown tens of feet wide.. In the NEljtSW~ sec. 23, T. 7 S., by the modes. Alaskitic granite is more abundant in R. 69 W. (pl. 2), the biotite-muscovite granite is mas­ the adjoining Platte Canyon quadrangle where it was sive but grades outward toward the border through called gneissic fine-grained granite (Peterson and two gneissic zones. The inner zone contains blebs of Scott, 1960). The foliation in the granite is caused by typical granite; the outer zone is cut by pegmatites and the orientation of biotite plates. contains randomly oriented xenoliths of granite gneiss Pegmatites and epidote veins are comn1on in the from the walls. alaskitic granite. Small pegmatite clots that are lack­ The flow lines in the biotite-muscovite granite are ing in mica and apparently not connected with discrete generally concordant with the foliation of the country pegmatite dikes are scattered through the granite. BEDROCK GEOLOGY 83

Epidote veins and masses 6 inches across are abundant active because of a greater concentration of allanite and in the granite, especially in sees. 14 and 15, T. 7 S., R. cyrtolite; it also contains some xenoliths of metamor­ 69 w. (pl. 2). phic rocks. Zone 3 contains porphyritic Pikes Peak Origin.- Harrison and Wells (1956, p. 56) considered granite of monzonitic or dioritic composition. Xeno­ the biotite-muscovite granite to be of magmatic origin liths, which make up about one-third of this zone, are because the internal strlJ_cture, which they interpreted extrem;ely migmatized and disoriented. as flow structure, is parallel to the walls of crosscutting bodies and because of the small amount of deforma­ tion. The border relation, as noted in the Kassler quadrangle, also seems characteristic of magmatic rocks. · The granite may have crystallized from intru­ sive magma, and the transition zone around it probably formed by reactions between the magma and its walls. The biotite-muscovite granite and the Pikes Peak granite are not in contact in the Kassler quadrangle. Hutchinson (1959, p. 1622) determined by the argon­ potassium method that the ages of the Pikes Peak granite and the Doublehead pluton (a correlative of the biotite-muscovite granite) are 1,050 and 1,240 million years respectively.

PIKES PEAK GRANITE The northeastern border of the Pikes Peak granite batholith curves across the southern part of the quad­ rangle. The granite, which was named by Cross (1894a, p. 1), is massive and coarse grained and con­ sists principally of microperthite, quartz, and biotite. Figure 30 shows the typical appearance of the granite in nearly fresh outcrop. The rounded cubical shape of the outcrops is the result of weathering along joints. Segregations of biotite and hornblende weather out as knobs on the surfaces of the outcrops. The granite, at its contact with the metamorphic rocks, may be divided into five zones. Where the folia­ tion of the country rock is parallel to the border of the · FIGURE 30.--Pikes Peak g,ran.ite in nearly fresh o.utcrop at the Noddle granite, the individual zones are thin, but where the Heads 3 miles southwest of the Kassler quadrangle. foliation is normal to the border of the granite, the metamorphic layers apparently provided easier access Zone 4 contains pegmatites with miarolitic cavities. and the zones are wide. The five zones are, from the Pegmatites with cavities are typical of the Pikes Peak typical granite outward, ( 1) a miarolitic pegmatite granite, but are unknown in the metamorphic rocks. zone in the typical granite, (2) a metamorphic gneiss The cavities contain pale-brown microcline crystals as zone, (3) a porphyritic granite and xenolith zone, ( 4) a large as 6 inches in diameter, clear quartz crystals 6 miarolitic pegmatite zone in the metamorphic rocks, inches in length, and, locally, muscovite crystals as and ( 5) typical metamorphic rocks. large as 2 inches in diameter that are perched on the In zone 1, small pegmatite lenses with miarolitic microcline and quartz. Muscovite is unknown from cavities are abundant only a few feet inside the border typical pegmatites of the Pikes Peak granite; therefore of the Pikes Peak granite. In zone 2 a 100-foot wide I think that these pegmatites owe their composition belt of foliated metamorphic rock, generally sillimani­ partly to contamination from the metamorphic rocks. tic biotite-quartz gneiss or locally lime silicate gneiss or Xenoliths in zone 4 are less migmatized and locally are quartzite, concordantly follows the border of the oriented parallel to the regional foliation trend rather granite. The granite between the pegmatites of zone than parallel to the border of the granite. Some layers 1 and the metamorphic rock of zone 2 is highly radio- of metamorphic rock extend into the pegmatite zone.

654901 0--63----3

- ~ 84 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO The granite is a homogeneous coarse-grained grayish­ granite are distributed at random and protrude fron1 orange pink rock composed chiefly of microperthite, the surface of the weathered material. quartz, and biotite. The microperthite is in moderate Origin.-The Pikes Peak granite is of magmatic ori­ reddish-orange or yellowish-gray grains as large as 1 gin. Several lines of evidence ('Villiams and others, inch in diameter, the quartz grains are as large as three 1954, p.143-144) lead to this conclusion: (a) microper­ eighths inch in diameter, and the biotite plates are as thite exceeds other feldspars in quantity, (b) only a large as 1 inch in diameter. single alkali feldspar is present, (c) plagioclase is com­ The granite in thin section is hypautomorphic gran­ plexly twinned in combinations of albite and carlsbad ular to xenomorphic granular in texture, and consists of twins and, (d) plagioclase shows oscillatory zoning. In microperthite, quartz, plagiocl~se, and biotite and traces addition to the above criteria, the characteristics of the of apatite, titanite, magnetite, hematite, chlorite, and border of the Pikes Peak granite are more like those zircon. Microperthite, much of which is twinned ac­ of a granite of magmatic origin. cording to the ca.rlsbad

green apatite was seen in about five of the tourmaline 105° pegmatites. The apatite is either in crystals or in crys­ talline masses as large as 2 inches in diameter. Dark reddish-brown garnet, which crystallized earlier than 40° both tourmaline and apatite, was seen in one pegmatite. In another pegmatite sillimanite surrounds and cuts across both toul'lnaline and apatite; hence, it was the last mineral to form. Beryl was found in a pegmatite that intrudes a lime silicate gneiss bed in the NW~4NE% sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 69 ,iV. (shown at a prospect pit on pl. 2). Both the lime silicate gneiss and the pegmatite were later in­ N vaded by copper-bearing solutions. Microcline crystals 6 inches in diameter are common in the pegmatite: A light bluish-green beryl crystal one-fourth inch in di- . ameter and 1 inch in length was found at the contact of microcline and quartz. This occurrence of beryl is the first known in this area south of the Bigger mine, where beryl is abundant in a pegmatite in the meta­ morphic rocks, or east of the South Platte pegmatite district, where beryl has been found in pegmatites in the Pikes Peak granite. Chrysoberyl was found in the l{assler quadrangle by ~1aynard Bixby. The locality is listed (Schrader and

others, 1917, p. 84) as "six miles west of Sedalia; at old · 39° mica prospect, with black tourmaline and muscovite, and near large garnets." The locality was not found but probably is somewhere in sees. 25, 26, 35, or 36 of · T. 7 S., R. 69 ,V. Tourmalii1e-bearing pegmatite with garnet was found only in the S"T% of sec. 25. EXPLANATION Where quartz-microcline-muscovite pegmatites cross· Fault, containing sandstone beds of hornblende granite gneiss, lime silicate gneiss, dike or amphibolit~, they pick up hornblende. Pegmatites with hornblende as the ferromagnesian mineral were Fault, may contain sandstone I seen in the SE1,4SE% sec. 34, T. 7 S., R. 69 ,V., and dikes in places in the NE%S'V%NE1,4 sec. 4, T. 7 S., R. 69 ,V. (pl. 2). 0.._ __._ Epidote and titanite are locally associated with the __ 10 __ _.20 MILES hornblende. FIGUREJ 31.-Distribution of sandstone dikes in faults. 86 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO largest and most persistent dike trends northward cent) of total number of grains of the sandstone dikes along Bear Creek and Stevens Gulch, then northeast­ and Sawatch quartzite: ward between Stevens Gulch and Mill Gulch. The S-64 S-91 S-101 S-77 sandstone forms a small ridge where it is bordered on ------1------both sides by fault gouge. Elsewhere it forms small Grains: spurs along the sides of the valleys. The J arre Creek Quartz______98 99 99 98 Microcline______2 Tr. . ______2 fault also contains a sandstone dike in the NvVJ4NE1,4 Muscovite ______Tr. sec. 8 and in the SW1,4SE1,4 sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. Apatite ______Tr. Tr. Rutile(?) ______Tr. ______Tr. Outside the Kassler quadrangle in the Front Range Plagioclase______Tr. ______the sandstone dikes are known to occur in an area that Magnetite______Tr. Biotite ______Tr. extends from west of Colorado Springs northward to Cementing material: Boulder Creek and as far west as Shawnee (fig. 31). Limonite______xi x Hematite______x x x The northernmost sandstone dike in the Front Range Dolomite______x is on the west branch of the Rogers dike in the Pore space______15 ______44 W1;2SE14 sec. 3, T. 1 S., R. 72 W., north of Colorado 1 Mineral present. Highway 119 and 2.6 miles west of Boulder Falls. The S-64: Red sandstone from dike in SWUNEU sec. 4, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. S-91: Red sandstone from dike in NEUNEU sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. westernmost sandstone dikes in the Front Range crop S-101: Green sand~tone from dike in NEUNEU sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. out as far west as the intersection of the West Chicago S-77: Sawatch quartzite from Williams Canyon, Manitou Springs, Colo. Creek road and the road toward Griffith Mountain in Quartz constitutes 98 to 99 percent of the sandstone; the SE11.tNE11.t sec. 23, T. 4 S., R. 74 ,V., Georgetown microcline, plagioclase, and other minerals constitute as quadrangle. much as 2 percent. Needlelike inclusions of apatite Sandstone dikes lie in great fault valleys, where the and rutile are common in the quartz grains. Biotite thickness of the shattered rock may exceed 300 feet, piates are bent between the grains. and along small faults where the sandstone occupies the Limonite cements the sandstone so firmly that it has full width of the faults. The Bear Creek fault, for the consistence of quartzite and fractures through the instance, contains recemented fault gouge on both sides grains rather than around them. The limonite cement of a sandstone dike that in contrast is only slightly has been leached out of spherical spots in the sandstone. fractured. On the east side the fault gouge looks like These spots are 1Js to lj2 inch in diameter and about 1 vuggy granite pegmatite. Most of the quartz is milky inch apart. Loose sa.nd falls out of the centers of some and amorphous although occ~sional vugs contain small spots when the rock is broken. clear quartz crystals. Hematite is abundant in the The only bedding or alinement in the dikes is parallel vugs, and the fault gouge is slightly more radioactive to the confining walls; no layering was observed that than background. On the west side, the fault gouge is would indicate that the sand settled slowly to the bot­ pulverized quartz cemented :by hematite; it contains tom of a water-filled crevice. In some dikes the coarse chlorite, serpentine(?), and a purple amorphous min­ grains are alined para.llel to the walls of the fractures. eral (fluorite?). Colored bands, produced by ground water, and minor The sandstone in the small faults is either extremely fractures also are parallel to the walls of the dikes. An­ shattered or not shattered at all, as though some faults gular fragments of granite and other wall rocks are moved after the emplacement of the sandstone and alined along the walls of the sandstone in almost every others did not. dike. Many of these fragments are as large as 2 to 3 The sandstone dikes are composed of red or green inches in diameter and all are angular; the angularity fine-grained quartzitic sandstone. The sandstone is indicates that the fragments did not move far. greenish gray to pale olive to light olive gray, yellow­ The dikes are either tabular or lenticular and com­ ish brown to grayish orange or· pale brown or grayish monly are less than 1 incli thick, but are quite persistent req to pale red. Many outcrops of the sandstone are except where faulted. vVhere faulted, the sandstone is mottled with several colors, sucli as grayish red, mod­ brecciated, intermixed with the wallrocks, mineralized, erate yellowish brown, and pale red. and lenticular. Thin sections show fractures that ex­ The sandstone is fine grained, mostly 0.2 to 0.33 mm tend through the quartz grains and leave finely ground in diameter, with some silt and a few grains larger quartz in the fractures. Both the microscopic and than 5 mm. Most of the grains are rounded to sub­ megascopic fractures are healed by silica and hematite. rounded, but a few are subangular. The borders of SOURCE OF THE SAND the grains are ragged, as though they were etched. This discussion of the origin of the sandstone dikes · The following table gives typical modes (volume per- deals mainly with two points: (a) the source of the sand BE·DROCK GEOLOGY 87

'l~ABLE 1.-Spect1·ographio analyses of sandstone dikes and Sawatch quartzite [Analysts: Paul R. Barnett and Nancy M. Conklin, U.S. Gcol. Survey, Denver, Colo. In this table the following figures only were used: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.3, 2.6, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, with tho necessary decimal point shifts; thus, the reported values should not be considered as being accurate to two significant figures but as bolng grouped into approximately equal geometric subdivisions. Looked for but not detected: Ag, As, Au, Be, Cd, Ge, In, Pt., Sb, Sn, Ta, Th, Tl, U, W, and Zn]

Sa watch quartzite

D1324 ••• ·-·····1······10.04610.00301 0.0004210.001910.004410.3810.000110 0. 28 10 1 o 1 o. 000471 o. 00211 o 0.008410.0661 0. 001410.002410.000171 0. 018 D 1331. ••••••••• o. 0052 . 062 0 . 0001 . 00063 . 0014 . 34 . 00032 0 . 0092 . 00090 . 0007 0 . 0029 0 . 018 . 096 . 0016 . 0019 . 0002 . 046 1 1

Sandstone dikes

Dl323 •••••••••• ...... 0.098 0 0. 00061 0. 0003 0. 0014 0. 55 0 0 0.084 0. 0028 0 0. 00074 0 0 0 0.042 0. 0004 0 0 0.012 Dl:l25 •••••••••• . 0088 0 0 . 00038 . 00092 .84 . 0001 0 . 0093 0 0 .0002 0 0 0 .080 . 0004 . 0008 . 00009 . 012 )1326 •••••••••• ...... ------. 0034 0 0 . 00070 . 00032 . 51 . 0002 0 . 0086 0 0 . 00030 0 0 0 .11 . 00064 . 0008 . 00005 . 014 )1327 •••••••••• ------.016 0 . 00060 . 0010 . 00041 1.4 . 00034 0 .046 0 0 . 0015 0 . 00060 .0003 .11 .0022 .0008 . 00006 . 018 )1328 •••••••••• ...... 07 0 .0005 . 001 .0008 2 .0004 0 .09 0 .0007 . 001 0 .0007 . 001 .11 . 0012 .0029 . 00035 . 022 Dl332 .••••.•••• ------. 0043 0 0 . 00034 . 00064 . 78 .0002 0 . 0083 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 081 . 00078 .0014 .0001 . 014 1333 •••••••••• ------. 018 0 .0002 . 00057 . 00058 1. 7 . 00063 . 014 .072 0 . 001 . 00050 0 0 .0004 .11 . 00058 .0027 .0002 .022

D1324: (S-77, p. 86 In modes). From about 2 feet above base in W11liams Canyon, Dl328: Green sandstone from dike In SE~SE~ Rec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 71 W., Plne quad­ Manitou Springs. rangle. Dl331: From 21n. above base In Ute Pass woRt of Manitou Springs. D1332: From Ute Pass fault, North Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs. Dl323: SE~4SE~4 soc. 33, '1'. 7 S ...t R. 69 W., KasRler quadrangle. D1333: Green sandstone from dike 1n Ute Pass fault, North Cheyenne Canyon, Dl325: NE~~NE~4 sec. 16, '1'. 7 b., R. 69 W., Kassler quadrangle. Colorado Springs. DI320: NW~4NE~ ~cc. 21, '1'. 7 S., R. 69 W. Kassler quadrangle. Dl327: Groen sandstone from dike 1n NE~fNE~ sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., Kassler quadrangle. and (b) the process by which the sand was emplaced. soli dated sand into open fissures (Cross, 1894a, p. 3; In the past, the sand generally 'vas considered to have 1894b, p. 228; Crosby, 1895, p. 113-147; Vitanage, 1954, been derived frmn the Sawatch quartzite. The Sa­ p. 499) ; (b) dragging of the Sawatch sandstone into the watch quartzite was favored as the source of the sand fault zones during Laramide faulting (Finlay, 1916, p. by Crosby (1895, p. 113-147), Finlay (1916, p. 10), 10); (c) injection of quicksandlike material from the ttnd Vitanage ( 1954, p. 500). sedimentary rocks of the downthrown block of the Ute Specirnens of sandstone from the dik~s were com­ Pass fault into fractures in the upthrown block during pared with the Sawatch quartzite both petrographically faulting (Roy, 1946, p. 1226); and 1(d) the possibility and chemically. The sandstone from the dikes is tex­ that the dikes represent unassimilated sandstone beds turally and lithologicnJly indistinguishable from the of the Precambrian Idaho Springs formation (D. B. Sawatch qua.rtzite. Beds 15 feet above the base of the Osterwald, in Vitanage, 1954, p. 493). Sawatch most closely resemble the dikes. The cement The first hypothesis, that is, injection of Wlconsoli­ :in the sandstone dikes generally is iron oxide and in dated sand into open fissures, is the only one that fits the Sn,watch quartzite generally is calcite or dolomite. the facts already presented. Disagreement on the The difrerence in cement is not, however, considered to origin has always centered around whether tmconsoli­ be significant because the cement is not an original con­ dated sand ~vas injected into preexisting fractures or stituent of the sand. The great difference in pore SP.ace whether previously consolidated sandstone was intro­ between the Sawatch and the sandstone dikes may be duced by faulting. The evidence seems conflicting be­ the result of the different types of emplacement. cause at one place the sandstone is fractured, at another Quantitative spectrographic analyses of two samples it is unfractured. of Sawatch quartzite and seven sa.mples of sandstone If only one episode of faulting were assumed, the dikes, as shown on table 1, show no greater variation presence of both fractured and unfractured sandstone of minor elements within each rock than between the would be difficult to explain. Ilow·ever, in Laramide two rocks. Although correlation between the dikes time alone, the faults were intruded by igneous dikes, ttnd the Sawatch quartzite cannot unequivocally be faulted once, _and mineralized. They probably were pro~ed, the similarity of the two rocks is remarkable disturbed as much or more in Precmnbrian time and and suggests that further analyses or examination for possibly again in Pennsylvanian time. The presence of microfossils· may eventually confirm the Sawatch tmfractured or only slightly fractured sandstone be­ quartzite to be the source of the sandstone dikes. tween two thick laye·rs of fault gouge in the Bear Creek fault and in the Ute Pass fault at Colorado Springs in­ PROCESS OF EMPLACEMENT dicates that the fault gouge was formed before the sand­ Four hypotheses have been proposed to explain the stone was emplaced. emplacement of the sandstone: (a) injection of w1con- Northwest- trending breccia reefs are well known in 88 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO the northern part of the Front Range, and northwest­ arkosic conglomeratic sandstone and minor amounts of trending faults containing sandstone dikes are well arkosic conglomerate, siltstone, and dark reddish-brown known in the southern part of the Front Range between shale. The grains range from pebbles, as much as 6 the South Platte River and Colorado Springs, but their inches in diameter, to silt. Most of the sandstone is relation to each other has not been discussed. Similari­ coarse grained. The gravel in the· lower half of the unit ties between them are apparent: The trend and the kind is coarser than that in the upper half, and conglomerate of movement along them is the same, they both contain and conglomeratic sandstone are more a.bundant in the much limonite and hematite, both are strongly silicified, lower half. Orthoclase feldspar and quartz are the both have chloritized shear zones, both are notahly poor predominant minerals. The feldspar grains are fresh in ore minerals, and both cut the sedimentary rocks and only slightly rounded, a.nd the quartz grains are locally. Because of these similarities, I consider the angular to subangular. Muscovite, in places as much breccia reefs of the Front Range mineral belt and the as 1 inch in diameter, is com:rnon throughout the forma­ northwest-trending faults containing the sandstone tion. Zircon is the most · abundant heavy mineral; dikes to be part of the same fault system. there are minor amounts of rutile, tourmaline, epidote, sphene, hornblende, ga.rnet, staurolite, and loca.lly FOUNTAIN FORMATION apatite and clinozoisite. Pebbles in the conglomerate The Fountain formation (Cross, 1894a) of Pennsyl­ and conglomeratic sandstone consist of quartz, quartz­ vanian and Permian age crops out in an eastward-dip­ ite, feldspa-r, granite, gneiss, and schist; the pebbles of ping belt 1,500 to 3,000 feet wide that extends southeast­ igneous and metamorphic rocks are restricted princi­ ward from near the northwest corner of the area to sec. pally to the lower half of the formation. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W., in the southeast quarter of the quad­ The sediments of the formation are cemented with rangle, where it is cut off by the J arre Creek fault (pl. iron oxide, silica, and carbona.te. Iron oxide is the most 2) . In general the formation is not well exposed ; the aJbundant cement; hematite films on the sand grains, sandstone· of which it is composed is poorly cemented pink feldspar, and red interstitial argillaceous materia-l and forms a valley between the Precambrian rocks on give the formation its red color. The occurrence of the west, which the Fountain formation unconformably resistant beds of the Fountain in the Roxborough Park overlies, and the Lyons sandstone hogback on the east, area, as well as in the Garden of the Gods in ·colorado with which it is gradational. Within the valley, how­ Springs, at Perry Park, in Red Rocks near Morrison, ever, hogbacks, ridges, and spires composed of more and in the Flatirons at Boulder, is probably the result resistant sandstone stand conspicuously above the gen­ of a higher content of silica cement; such occurrence ap­ eral rolling topography of the valley. The best ex­ parently is also related to nearby faults or fault zones. amples of such features are in the area of Roxborough Carbonate cement occurs only locally. Park in the central part of the belt (fig. 32). Hayden The stratification of the Fountain is typical of a for­ (1873, p. 31) considered outcrops of the Fountain for­ mation consisting of stream-channel and minor flood­ mation in this area to he the most picturesque of those plain deposits. The sandstone beds are very thin to along the Front Range. thick horizontal or crossbedded units. Channel cut and The contact between the crystalline rocks and the fill structures are common. The lithology of individual Fountain formation is an erosional unconformity. At units changes vertically and horizontally, and there are most exposures of the contact, the crystalline rocks show abrupt changes in lithology between units. Discon­ no pre-Fountain weathering; in sees. 28, 33, and 34, T. tinuous siltstone and shaly siltstone units, commonly 6 S., R. 69 W., and sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 69 ,V., (pl. 2) how­ green rather than red, occur locally between the sand­ ever, the granite gnei~ is weathered to a depth of about stone or conglomerate beds or crossbeds. Locally the 30 feet. The weathering consists of the alteration of siltstone and shale units reach thicknesses of 50 feet. feldspar to kaolin and biotite to chlorite. The minor The Fountain formation ranges in thickness from folds in the weathered granite gneiss stand out in sharp about 2,250 feet at the north edge of the quadrangle relief in contrast to the unaltered adjacent granite to about 1,150 feet at the south. The change in thick­ gneiss in which the folds are not nearly so apparent. ness is gradual throughout the entire distance and is The absence of a relic soil at the base of the Fountain probably the result of a strike fault which cuts out some and the thinness or absence of a weathered la.yer in most of the beds (fig. 32), The relief of the Preca.mbrian sur­ of the area indicate considerable pre-Fountain erosion. face on which this formation was deposited, at least in The sediments that resulted from the erosion are de­ this small area, is not. the cause of the wide range in posited in the lower 25 feet of the Fountain formation. thickness. The contact of the Fountain formation with The Fountain consists of moderate reddish-brown the Precambrian is not well exposed, but where ex- BEDROCK GEOLOGY 89

FIGURE 32.-Thinning of the Fountain formation to the south by faulting. Note how individual beds ap·proach the mountain front as they are traced to the south. Thinning is caused by strike fault. posed, and where inferred for mapping, the contact in­ (Maughan and Wilson, 1960) in the Ingleside forma­ dicates a Precambrian relief of only 1 to 2 feet. Post­ tion, with which the Fountain intertongues in northern Fountain erosion does not explain the range in thick­ Colorado, and on the Pennsylvanian fossils in the Glen ness. At the top of the Fountain formation an interval Eyrie shale member of the Fountain formation in the of about 45 feet of interfingering beds of Fountain- and Colorado Springs area (pl. 3). Lyons-type sandstone indicates a gradual change from LYONS SANDSTONE conditions of sedimentation of the Fountain formation The Lyons sandstone (Fenneman, 1905) of Permian to those of the Lyons sandstone. age overlies the Fountain formation and east of the I found no fossils, nor have any been previously re­ mountains forms a continuous hogback that dips about ported from the Fountain formation in the Kassler 60° NE. The formation is well exposed throughout quadrangle. The Pennsylvanian and Permian age of the quadrangle. It consists of yellowish-gray to pale­ the Fountain formation is based on Permian fossils red massive fine-grained crossbedded quartzose friable . ,

90 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO sandstone about 235 feet thick that contains some lenti­ The Bergen shale member of LeRoy is a moderate cular layers of channel conglomerate near the base. A reddish-brown thin-bedded silty shale about 40 feet bed of conglomerate and coarse-grained sandstone that thick. The Bergen shale and the Harriman shale are contains large flakes of muscovite marks the top of the mapped as Harriman and Bergen shale members. formation. The sandstone is composed almost ex­ 2. Lykins formation in NE%NE114, sec. 31, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. clusively of clean well-sorted well-rounded quartz Lykins formation (part) : Feet grains. Stratigraphic section 1 is typical of the Strain shale member of LeRoy : Red shale, mostly formation. covered. The cementing material is predominantly limonite Glennon limestone member of LeRoy : and calcium carbonate. Limonite also fills fractures 4. Limestone, grayish orange-pink, finely lami- nated, fine-grained; wavy bedding, shaly to and forms concretions. Some of these concretions are platy; upper par.t porous______12. 0 large and hollow, others are small accretions one-eighth 3. Limestone, pinkish-gray, massive, laminated__ 2. 8 inch in diameter that resemble fish eggs. Crossbedding in the Lyons suggests an eolian origin. Thickness of Glennon limestone member_____ 14. 8 The Permian age is based on its correlation with the Harriman and Bergen shale members of LeRoy (part) : Satanka shale of Permian age in (Mat~ghan 2. Shale, modera•te reddis.h-brown, blocky, silty__ 33. 0 and Wilson, 1960) and its correlation with the Cedar 1. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive, lami- Hills sandstone of l(ansas (Maher, 1953). nated ; (Falcon limestone member of

1. Lyons sandstone in the NE34NWJ4SEJ4 sec. ~7, T. 6 S., R. LeRoy)------2.5 69 W. Measured thickness of Harriman and Bergen Lyons sandstone : Feet 4. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, with pink stains ; thin­ shale members------35.5 bedded, crossbedded, medium-grained; pebbles Covered; moderate reddish-brown shale, down to Lyons sandstone. as much as 1 inch in diameter; some arkose ·beds------81.4 3. Lykins formation in SE%SE% sec. 11, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. 3. Sandstone, white, massive, friable, fine-grained__ 18. 5 Lykins formation (part) : 2. Sandstone, reddish-brown, pink and yellowish- Covered, red shale. gray, massive, crossbedded, fine-grained, medium Glennon limestone member of LeRoy: Feet hard to soft; conglomerate lenses______90. 9 4. Limestone, pale-red, thinly laminated; appears 1. Sandstone and conglomerate, arkosic, coarse­ to be one-half sand, shaly, wavy bedded____ 12. 0 grained. (Lower transitional part of Lyons 3. Limestone, white, wavy-bedded; contains sandstone)------44.5 chert nodules as much as 1 in. in diam- Thickness of Lyons sandstone______235. 3 eter------3.3

LYKINS FORMATION Thickness of Glennon limestone member---- 15. 3 The Lykins formation (Fenneman, 1905) of Per­ Harriman and Bergen shale members of LeRoy (part) : mian ( ~ ) and Triassic ( ~) age lies in a valley between 2. Shale, red, silty, thin-bedded______40. 0 the Lyons sandstone hogback on the west and the hog­ 1. Limestone, white; contains black manganese back on the east composed of the Lytle and South Platte dendrites ; friable to floury, thin-bedded~ formations (pl. 2, fig. 32). The formation conformably (Falcon limestone member of LeRoy)------2. 0 overlies the Lyons sandstone. It has a northeast dip of about 60° except in the southern part of the quadrangle, Measured thickness of Harriman and Bergen shale members------42. 0 where it is overturned to the east by a thrust fault. It Covered down to Lyons sandstone. contains in ascending order the following- members as 4. Lykins formation in the NE%NW%SEJ4 sec. ~7, T. 6 S., described by LeRoy (1946, p. 31): the Harriman shale, R. 69 W. the Falcon limestone, the Bergen shale, the Glennon Lykins formation : limestone, and the Strain shale. Stratigraphic sections Strain shale member of LeRoy : Feet 2, 3, and 4 illustrate the lithology of the members. 7. Covered ------.------165. 0 The Harriman shale member of LeRoy is a moder­ 6. Sandstone, gray, crossbedded, limy ; weathers orangegraY------1.5 ate reddish-brown thin-bedded silty shale about 70 feet 5. Shale, orange-red, clayey------86. 0 thick. Locally a moderate reddish-brown sandy lime­ stone crops out a few feet above the Lyons sandstone. Thickness of Strain shale member ______252. 5 The Falcon limestone member of LeRoy is a yellow­ Glennon limestone member of LeRoy : ish-gray massive or thinly laminated, porous limestone 4. Limestone,· grayish-orange to pink; wavy 2 feet thick. bedding surfaces; sandy______17. 0 BEDROCK GEOLOGY 91

4. Lyk,ins tornwtion in the NElA,NWlA,SElA, seo. 2?', T. 6 S., Creek, Morrison, and Lytle and South Platte forma­ R. 69 W.-Oontinued tions, the Graneros shale, Greenhorn limestone, Carlile Lyldns formation-Continued shale, Niobrara formation, Pierre shale, Fox Hills sand­ Harriman and Bergen shale members of LeRoy : Feet 3. Covered; probably reddish-brown shale______43. 0 stone, Laramie formation, and the lower part of the 2. Limestone, gray, massive, thinly stratified; Dawson arkose. The upper part of the Dawson arkose (]l'nlcon limestone member of LeRoy)----- 2. 4 is of Cenozoic age. 1. Covered; probably reddish-brown shale.______71. 8 RALSTON CREEK FORMATION

~rhiclmess of Harriman and Bergen shale The name Ralston Creek formation of Late Jurassic members ------117. 2 age was adapted from LeRoy (1946, p. 46-55) by Van Horn (1957, p. 755-756) and is used for the series of ~rhiclmess of Lykins formation------386. 7 and between the Lykins formation and The Glennon limestone member of LeRoy is an ex­ the :Morrison formation (see stratigraphic sees. 5, 6, and cellent marker; it is exposed in a small hogback almost 7). Despite the probable IGmmeridginn (Morrison) continuously along the Front Range. The limestone age of these beds, their thinness ( 45 feet or less locally) , consists of 15 to 17 feet of grayish orange-pi~1k, mod­ and their lithologic similarity to parts of the Morrison erate yellowish-brown, and yellowish-gray thin-bedded formation, differentiation from the Morrison formation sandy layers that are finely laminated, wavy, intricately is justified because these rocks are n1ore easily recog­ folded, a.nd faulted or slightly brecciated. Pale-red nized and are more persistent than adjacent rocks in chert nodules and granular quartzose layers with small the Lykins or Mo.rrison formation. A jasper horizon vugs of qu~trtz crystnJs were found in the middle of the is a particularly persistent surface and subsurface limestone. Some of the quartz grains show crystal faces marker bed in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Ari­ and indicate that part of the quartz was formed in place zona. and was not transported from older sedimentary rocks. The lower boundary of the formation is at the top The chert nodules are rimmed by crystalline calcite. of the earthy light-brown Entrnda( ~) sandstone equiv­ The lamination of some of the limestone consists of alent, or where the Entrada ( ~) is absent, at the top of htyers of calcite crystals. the moderate-brown siltstone or grayish yellowish-green The Strain shale member of LeRoy is moderate red­ shale of the Lykins formation. The upper boundary is dish-brown silty shale about 250 feet thick interbedded at the base of the lowest, most persistent sandstone of with some thin ]ayers of light-green shale and some the l\1orrison formation or at the top of the uppermost layers of grayish-orange massive, loosely cemented, algae and jasper-bearing limestone of the Ralston Creek. cross bedded sandstone. The Ralston Creek formation contains either a fresh­ The age of the Lykins formation is based on its cor­ water limestone facies or a gypsum facies along the relation "·.it:h the Satanka, Forelle, and Chugwater for­ Front Range. Limestone beds crop out between Ral­ mations of "'yoming C~1aughan and 'Vilson, 1960) (see ston and Bear Creeks (fig. 28) and between Deer Creek also pl. 3). and J arre Creek. Gypsum beds crop out between Bear At the top of the Lykins there is a soft earthy sand­ Creek and Deer Creek and at Perry Park. Limestone stone about 5 feet thick. The sandstone is reddish beds have been seen in the gypsmn facies but gypsum brown and contains sand grains of two sizes; the larger was not observed in the limestone facies. grains range from 0.33 to 1.5 mm in diameter and the 5. Ralston 01·eelc to1·mation in gully no1·th ot Kassler school­ smaller grains average less than 0.1 mm in diameter. house, SWIA,SE% sec. 2"1, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. The grains are mostly quartz; the larger ones are frosted Ralston Creek formation (part) : Feet and well rounded and the smaller ones are angular. 28. Shale, olive-gray, silty; weathers to pinkish-gray Silt is a minor constituent. The grains are loosely held flakes and pinkish-gray limy nodules______0. 4 27. Shale, pale-brown, silty; weathers to pink flakes_ . 1 together by calcium carbonate. The frosted grains in­ 26. Shale, light olive-gray, silty, calcareous; weath- dicate that the sandstone probably is of eolian origin. ers to pinkish-gray flakes------1. 6 T'his sandstone strongly resembles and may be correla­ 25. Limestone, yellowish-gray, nodular, silty; finely tive with the Entrada sandstone of Gilluly a.nd Reeside crystalline; contains charophytes______. 7 (1D28, p. 76-78). 24. Shale, light olive-gray, silty, calcareous; weathers to pinkish-gray fla]{eS------4. 0 MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 23. Limestone, light olive-gray, massive, finely crys- talline; contains charophytes______. 4 l\1esozoic rocks include, in addition to the upper 22. Shale, light olive-gray; silty, calcareous; Triassic ( ~) part of the Lykins formation, the Ralston \Veathers pinkish gray ______1.1? 654901 0--63----4 92 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO.

5. Ralston Creek formation in gully north of Kassler school­ 6. Ralston Creek formation 'in the NE~NW~SE~ sec. 2"1, '1'. house, SW~SE~ sec. 2"1, T; 6 S., R. 69 W.-C'ontinued 6 S., R. 69 W.-Continued Ralston Creek formation (part)-Continued Feet Ralston Creek formation (part)-Oontinued Feet 21. Limestone, olive-gray, massive; contains lenti­ 15. Limestone, gray, fine-grained; contains clots of cular nodules of grayish-brown jasper as red jasper______1.7 much as 6 in. in length and 2 in. in thickness. 14. Shale, gray-brown, silty------'----- 30. 8 Contains algae (Echinochara spinosa) and 13. Shale, olive-gray, blocky, clayey------~------12. 0 gastropods ( Gyraulus veternus a;nd Lymnaea 12. Limestone, gray, dense; contains jasper nodules; morrisonensis) . Gastropods replaced by quartz almost solid jasper in places______. 6 and jasper______.9 20. Shale, light olive-gray; weathers to light-gray Measured thiclmess of Ralston Creek formation__ 57. 0 flakes; silty, calcareous------2. 0 7. Ralston Creek fo?·nwtion in the SW~NW~ .

10. Morrison formation in quarry in NW:l4SW:J4 sec. 35, T. 6 S., beds of light-gray and yellowish-gray fine-grained R. 69 W. crossbedded sandstone with gray clayey siltstone beds Lytle formation. and partings. The unnamed middle shaly member is Morrison formation (upper part) : ·· Red claystone un:it : Feet primarily gray and brown siltstone and fine-grained 18. Covered------40.0:t sandstone. Near the top it contains dark-gray silty 17. Shale, reddish-brown; sandy______7. 0 shale with som.e marine fossils. Waage ( 1955, p. 41) 16. Sandstone, rusty brown ; medium grained ; identified I noceran1/U8 bellvuensis Reeside, I nocerawus weathers brown______6. 0 15. Shale, reddish-brown; sandy __ :______2. 0 comancheanus Cragin, and Pteria salinensis White from 14. Sandstone, reddish-brown, medium-grained_ 3. 0 this shale. In addition, a mold of an echinoid was 13. Shale, reddish-brown; a sandy silL______3. 0 found in float from the shale in the SW%NW1;{a, sec. 35, Yellowish-gray claystone unit (part) : T. 6 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2, loc. 2). The Kassler sandstone 12. Shale, gray ; stained reddish . brown from member, whose type locality is at the north end of the overlying shale; nodular, calcareous_____ 3. 1 ·quadrangle, consists of thick beds of yellowish-gray 11. Sandstone, tan and gray ; fine grained ; weathers pink______2. 0 fine- to coarse-grained cross-laminated friable sandstone 10. Shale, reddish-brown, silty------6. 0 that contains clay pellets and has a chert and quartzite 9. Shale, olive-drab and green, silty------. 8 pebble conglomerate at the base. The Van Bibber shale 8. Sandstone, tan-gray; fine grained; weathers member contains ~s many as five minahle refractory tan gray-tan mottled______2. 1 clay beds interspersed with thin yellowish-gray sand­ 7. Shale, reddish-brown and pink, silty------1. 0 6. Sandstone, lightl-gray; weathers maroon; stone beds. The clay is finely laminated and, where medium grained------5.5 fresh, is medium gray to medium dark gray; where 5. Shale, olive-drab, silty------. 6 weathered, it is white. The unnamed sandstone unit at 4. Shale, reddish-brown, silty------3. 1 the top of the South Platte formation contains at its 3. Shale, green; weathers light green______1. 2 base a 45-foot thick light-gray, tabular to massive, fine­ 2. Sandstone, tan-gray mottled______. 4 1. Shale, light-olive, blocky, limonite-stained__ 8. 0 to medium-grained, crossbedded sandstone that contains scattered clay pellets. This sandstone is quarried for Covered. silica sand. Crossbedded sandstone from the same Measured thickness of Morrison formation_.,______94. 8 horizon in the southern part of the area was used for LYTLE AND SOUTH PLATTE FORMATIONS dimension stone, a purpose for which it is especially adapted because of its hardness and well-formed system. The Lytle and South Platte formations form the most of joints. Above this unit are thin gray soft fine­ prominent hogback in the quadrangle (fig. 32) . They grained sandstone beds interlayered with thin beds of are about 320 feet thick in the northern part of the-quad­ clayey siltstone and porcellanite. rangle but are faulted out in the southern part (pl. 2) . Waage ( 1955, p. 46) subdivided the Dakota group, in GRANEROS SHALE, GREENHORN LIMESTONE, AND ascending order, into the Lytle formation and the South CARLILE SHALE Platte formation and described ( 1955, p. 34-35) an The Graneros shale, Greenhorn limestone, and Carlile excellent section of the two formations. The type shale are about 550 feet thick and are equivalent to the locality of the South Platte formation is at the north . They were not mapped separately be­ boundary of the quadrangle. ca.use of poor outcrops. The best exposures in the quad­ The Lytle formation (Finlay, 1916) of Early Cre­ rangle are in the SW!4 sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., and taceous age consists of aibout 40 feet of yellowish -gray in sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. These formations are conglomeratic sandstone that contains pebbles of quartz, described in stratigraphic sections 11, 12, and 13. chert, and quartzite and logs of agatized wood; locally GRANEROS SHALE it consists of medium-grained sandstone with lenses of variegated claystone. A widespread disconformity The Graneros shale (Gilbert, 1896, p. 564) lies con­ separates the. Lytle formation from the South Platte formably on the South Platte formation. The lower formation. 15 feet is dark-gray fissile noncalcareous siliceous silty The South Platte formation (Waage, 1955) of Early shale that contains light yellowish-orange bentonite Cretaceous age is subdivided into the Plainview sand­ layers near the top. .Thin nodular sandstone beds lie stone member (56 feet), an unnamed shaly unit ( 64 in the lower part and platy sandstone beds in the upper feet), the l(assler sandstone member ( 72 feet), the part. This lower 15-foot-thick unit contains diagnostic Van Bibber shale member (20 feet), and an unnamed fish scales that indicate that it is equivalent to the sanqstone unit at the top (85 feet) (vVaage, 1955, p. ~1owry shale of Early Cretaceous () age (Dane 46). The Plainview sandstone member contains thick and others, 1937, p. 210) (pl. 3). BEDROCK GEOLOGY 95 The upper 210 feet of the Graneros shale is of Late p. 67) of age is about 130 feet thick and con­ Cretaceous (Cenomanian) age (Cobban and Reeside, tains 7 or 8 beds of gray massive hackly or nodular, 1952, chart lOb) and is composed of dark-gray soft finely crystalline limestone about 6 inches to 2 feet clayey noncalcareous shale that contains several layers thick, separated by bluish-gray nodular or thin-bedded of black noncalcareous hard siltstone. Cone-in -cone calcareous· shale. The upper beds in the Bridge Creek concretions that weather dark yellowish-brown are 105 contain Inoceramus labiatus ( Schlotheim) , a slender feet above the base. Thin beds of light-gray or yel­ clam, and Ostrea sp., an oyster (USGS Mesozoic loc. lowish-orange bentonite are abundant in the upper part. D1088); the lower beds contain Sciponoceras gracile The formation is stained by rusty beds and veins. Shumard a.t other nearby localities.

GREENHORN LIMESTONE CARLILE SHALE The Greenhorn limestone ( GilLert, 1896, p. 564) con­ The Carlile shale (Gilbert, 1896, p. 565) of Turonian tains, in ascending order, the Lincoln limestone member, age contains, in ascending order, the Fairport chalky the.Hartland shale member, and the Bridge Creek lime­ shale member, the Blue Hill shale member, and the stone member. Codell sandstone member. The Lincoln limestone member (Logan, 1897, p. 216; The Fairport chalky shale member (Rubey and Bass, Rubey and Bass, 1925, p. 47) of Cenomanian age is 1925, p. 16, 40) contains about 45 feet of grayish-yellow about 125 feet thick and contains many thin layers of thick-bedded nodular chalky marl that weathers pale pale yellowish-brown and dark-gray platy calcarenite yellowish orange and clayey; Inoceramus labiatus, that is composed mostly of shell fragments. Ostrea sp., and Oollignoniceras ~ sp. were found near At the base of the forniation is an extensive !-foot­ the base of this member at USGS Mesozoic loc. D1089. thick dark yellowish-orange flaky soft bentonite that is The Blue Hill(~) shale member (Logan, 1897, p. 218) · called the marker bentonite in the (Stern­ includes about 8 feet of dark-gray blocky noncalcareous berg and Crowley, 1954, p. 38). Overlying the marker silty shale with a thin olive-gray fine-grained sand­ bentonite is a pale yellowish-brown oyster-shell-bearing stone at the base. The shale contains rusty brown iron­ calcarenite bed about 2 inches thick composed of broken stained beds and streaks. shells of Ostrea beloiti Logan and local impressions of The Codell sandstone member (Bass, 1926, p. 28, 64; a large ammonite with large horns, Acanthoceras ~ sp. Dane and Pierce, 1933) is a gray, finely crystalline, ir­ (USGS Mesozoic loc. Dl). The calcarenite has a regularly bedded to massive hard calcarenite that is only petroliferous smell when broken. Locally, thin lenses 2 feet thick in this area. It weathers pale yellowish of the calcarenite bed also underlie the marker bentonite brown and is very resistant to erosion. Sand grains and and are included in the Lincoln. small quartz and phosphatic pebbles were observed in it. The main part of the Lincoln is made up of olive­ Shark teeth, fish sca1es, and shell fragments are abun­ gray platy calcareous shale that weathers yellowish dant; the rock generally breaks around the shell frag­ orange and clayey, and thin beds of very light gray and ments. Prionocyclus wyomingensis Meek, Ostrea yellowish-orange bentonite. At the top is a persistent (Alectryonia) lugubris Conrad, and Scaphites whit- thin platy petroliferous calcarenite bed composed of calcite prisms of Inoceramus shells, bones and tee.th of fieldi Cobban were collected at· USGS Mesozoic locs. shell-crushing sharks, and foraminifera. Inoceramus D1086 and D1087. pictus Sowerby, a small clam with evenly spaced fine According to Johnson ( 1930), the Carlile shale is growth lines, Ostrea elegantula Ne,vberry, a smooth­ overlain disconformably by the Fort Hays limestone shelled small oyster, and Oalycoceras cwnitaurinwm member of the Niobrara formation. Apparently two ( I-Iaas) ~, a coarsely ribbed large ammonite, were col­ scaphite zones, Scaphites nigricollenBis Cobban and lected at USGS Mesozoic loc. D2. Scaphites corvensis Cobban, are missing from the Front The I-Iartland shale member (Bass, 1926, p. 33) of Range section as a result of this disconformity (pl. 3 ; Cenomanian age is composed of about 60 feet of gray Cobban and R·eeside, 1952, chart lOb). fissile calcareous fossiliferous shale that contains abun­ dant paper-thin calcarenite layers, some thin yellowish­ 11. Gramwos shale, Greenhorn, limestone, an(l OarWe shale in the SW%SW14 sec. 19, T. "' S., R. 68 W. gray crystalline platy limestone beds, and some thin yellowish-orange bentonite beds. Inoceramus pictus Carlile shale : was identified. Ruth Todd of the U.S. Geological Sur­ Codell sandstone member : Feet vey also identified Thalmaninella greenhornensis (Mor­ 11. Calcarenite, gray; weathers brown; massive; contains worm 1tubes, pieces of mollusks; row) of Cenomanian to early Turonian age. made up primarily of calcite prisms from The Bridge Creek limestone member (Bass, 1926, Inoceramus shells______1.0 96 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

11. Granf;rOS shale, Greenhorn limestone, and Oalile shale in 13. Granero8 shale, Greenhorn limestone, and Carlile shale, in the SW%SW14 sec. 19, T, 7 S., R 68 W.-Continued limestone quarry in the SW:J4NW% sec. 3{j, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. Carlile shale--Continued Feet Carlile shale : Blue Hill(?) shale and Fair.pol'lt chalky shale Coden sandstone member : Feet members of the Oar1ile shale, and the Bridge 38. Limestone, yellowish-gray, nodular ; worm tubes, Creek limestone member of the Greenhorn limonite nodules, oyster shells, and shark teeth_ 1.00 limestone: 37. Shale, yellowish-gray, fissile ______.10 10. Shale, gray, most covered. This interval is 36. Limestone, yellowish-gray, sandy, nodular; worm slightly thicker than normal because of tubes, oyster shells, and shark teeth fragments_ . 75 duplication by faulting ______194.0 35. Calcarenite, yellowish-brown, sandy, lumpy, nodu­ 9. Limestone, light-gray, hard, finely crystalline ; lar, hard; limonite balls; moderate yellowish breaks into angular pieces; ·base of Bridge brown, crystalline in lower part ; fossiliferous ; Qreek limestone member------"""'------2.0 contains Ostrea lngub'l"is, Prionocycltu; wyo- mingenis (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1098) ______1.7 Thickness of Blue Hill ( ? ) shale and Fairport chalky shale members of the Carlile shale and Thickness of Codell sandstone member______S. 55 the Bridge Creek limestone member of the Green- horn limestone ______196.0 Blue Hill(?) shale member: Hartland shale member: 34. Shale, dark-gray, blocky, silty, noncalcareous; 8. Shale; weathers yellowish gray; calcareous, rusty brown streaks ; weathers gray and poorly exposed______37. 0 muddy------8.00 7. Limestone, gray, thin-bedded; weathers yel- 33. Sandstone, olive-gray, fine-grained; weathers lowish gray______.2 gray------.10 6. Shale; weathers yellowish gray; calcareous; mostly covered ______· 24.6 Thickness of Blue Hill ( ? ) shale member------8. 10 Fairport chalky shale member : Thickness of Hartland shale member------61. 8 ~2. Shale, olive, blocky, thin-bedded, chalky, Lincoln limestone member : clayey; weathers tan gray; contains 0.1 ft 5. Limestone, gray, platy, finely crystalline; calca:r,-enite near base. Oollignoniceras? sp. weathers grayish orange; contains am­ 8.0 feet above base; Inoceramus sp. (USGS monites, Inoceramus pictus (USGS Mesozoic ·loc. D2) ______.:,. ______.:.____ . 4 Mesozoic loc. D1089) ------47. 00 Thickness of Carlile shale______; _____ 58. 65 4. Shale ; weathers yellowish gray ; calcareous ; Greenhorn limestone (part) : mostly covered------125. 0 3. Limestone, gray, medium-:-crystalline; weathers Bridge Creek limestone member : (part) dark yellowish orange ; composed almost en- 31. Shale, gray; blocky, calcareous; weathers tirely of oyster shells, Ostrea beloiti, Acan- light gray; contains Inoceramus labiattts thoceras sp (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1) ______.1 (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1088) ------10. 0 Rest of Greenhorn limestone and upper part of Graneros Thickness of Lincoln limestone member------125. 5 shale covered. Graneros shale: Graneros shale (part) : 2. Shale; weathers yellowish gray; calcareous_____ 17. 0 1. Shale, black, fissile, clayey; weathers olive gray; Covered. 30. Shale, gray and yellowish-orange, clayey, blocky; lower part is equivalent to the Mowry shale; weathers fissile ______27. 0 mostly covered ______.,. 211. 0 29. Ironstone concretions, dark yellowish-orange, Thickness of Graneros shale ______228. 0 clayey, pisolitic; cone-in-cone around outside; these concretions probably are the same as simi- 12. Graneros shale at Helmer Bt·os. clay mine, NE%SW1A, sec. lar concretions at Pueblo and other places in 13, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. southern Colorado that contain Oalycoceras___ 1. 2 Graneros shale (Mowry shale equivalent) (part) : Feet 28. Shale, gray, clayey, blocky; weathers to thin 5. Shale, medium-gray, silty ; limonitic streaks ; chips ; contains many 2- to 4-in. thick soft \veathers to small chips ______10.0 bentonite beds that weather fissile ______36. 0 4. Sandstone, grayish-yellow, blocky, laminated, 27. Bentonite, dark yellowish-orange______. 9 fine-grained ------1.4 26. Shale, gray, clayey, blocky; weathers fissile ____ 15. 0 3. Shale, medium-gray, blocky; weathers to chips__ 2. 9 25. Ironstone nodules, 0.4-ft-thick, clayey, in dark- 2. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, laminated, fine­ gray shale------~------1.8 grained, hard------~------1.1 24. Shale, dark-gray, clayey, soft; yellowish-orange 1. Sandstone, moderate reddish-brown, ocherous___ 1. 3 streaks------5.0 23. Ironstone concretions, dark-gray to yellowish­ Measured thickness of Graneros shale___ _:______16. 7 orange, silty; weather blocky------.7 BEDROCK GEOLOGY 97 13. Graneros shale, G1·emthorn limestone, and Carlile shale in arate the limestone beds. The lowest bentonite lies 11 l·imestone q1ta1-ry in the SWJ4NW:l4 sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W.­ feet above the base. Sandy limestone beds at the base Continued contain clusters of altered pyrite crystals. · The lithol­ Graneros shale (part)-Oontinued Feet 22. Shale, dark-gray, clayey, soft______2. 0 ogy of the member is shown in stratigra,phic soction 14. 21. Ironstone nodules, moderate yellowish-brown, Two zones of fossils were found in the member. The clayey, soft centers______1. 2 lower 15 feet (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1090) contains 20. Shale, dark-gray, clayey, soft; weathers fissile ___ 11. 0 Inoceramus sp. (not deformis) and Ostrea congesta; 19. Sandstone, grayish-orange, nodular------. 1 18. Shale, darl{-gruy, clayey, platy, soft______1. 0 the upper 20 feet (USGS Mesozoic locs. D4 and D1091) 17. Sandstone, grayish-orange, platy, fine-grained___ .1 contains Inoceramus dejormis Meek and Ostrea con­ 16. Shale, dark-gray, bentonitiC------12. 5 gesta. Mrs. Cecelia Head, who formerly owned the 15. Shale, pule yellowish-brown, nodular, and gray quarry in the NE*NW*SE* sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. siltstone mottled witb brown______1. 5 (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1085), loaned to the author an 14. Siltstone, very dusky red, platy______.1 13. Sbale, pale yellowish-brown, platy------2. 0? impression of an ammonite said to be found in the (Mowry shale equivalent:) middle of the member. W. A. Cobban identified it as 12. Bentoni·te, yellowish-orange ______. . 2 Peroniceras sp., which is most common in rocks of 11. Snndstone, yellowish-orange; weathers olive gray, nodular ______1.0 age but i~ rare in the western interior of the United States. 10. Shale, black, platy, bard; weathers fissile, medi- um gray ; noncalcareous; contains fish scales__ 4. 0 14. Niob1·ara formation in limestone quar·ry in the SWJ4NW:l4 9. Shale, light olive-gray, fissile, soft______. 7 sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. 8. Siltstone, yellowish-gray, platy; dark yellowish­ Niobrara formation (part) : Feet orange streaks------2.25 7. Sandstone, yellowish-gray and dark yellowish­ Smoky Hill shale member (part) : orange, platy, unevenly bedded; top surface un- 38. Shale, yellowish-gray; clayey, calcareous, even ; contains clay balls------. 8 blocky; weathers to smallligbt-gray chips_ 8. 00 6. Shale, medium light-gray, fissile, and thin sand­ Fort Hays limestone member : stone layers______.9 37. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; upper 5. Sandstone, nodular, fine-grained, and interlayered part weathers sbaly. Inoceram1t.S deformis medium light-gray to dark yellowish-orange (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1091) ------1. 40 und white shale______1. 0 36. Shale, yellowish-gray, calcareous:------1. 25 4. Sandstone, dark yellowish-orange to white, mas- 35. Limestone, yellowish-gray, nodular; weath- sive, fine-grained______.7 ers shaly; Inocerarmts deformis______. 60 3. Shale, light olive-gray and yellowish-brown; 34. Shale, yellowish-gray ; weathers to irregular snndy near top; carbonaceous______.5 flakes------1.25 2. Sandstone, light olive-gray, nodular, fine-grained, 33. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; Inoc- carbonaceous------.3 eramus deformis------1. 80 1. Siltstone, brownish-gray, carbonaceous______1. 6 32. Shale, yellowish-gray, platy, hard, cal- Measured thickness of Graneros shale ______133. 05 careous------.40 31. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; l-in. NIOBRARA. FORMA.TION thick shaly parting 5 in. from top ; lower The Niobrara formation (Meek and I-Iayden, 1862, 3 in. platy limestone; weathers sbaly ---- 1. 90 30. Shale, yellowish-gray,· hard, calcareous______. 20 p. 419, 422) of Late Cretaceous age is predominantly 29. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive, Inoc­ marine limestone, chalk, and chalky shale. The lower eram1ts detormis______2. 10 part is w~ll exposed at many places, but the upper part 28. Shale, yellowish-gray, calcareous; bentonite is poorly exposed. liard beds at the base, in the middle, in"lower 2 in______. 60 and at the top form small hogbacks. The Fort Hays 27. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive, nodular; Jnoceram1ts £lefonnis______. 80 limestone member (Williston 1893, p. 108-109) at the 26. Shale, yellowish-gray, platy; bentonite at base n.nd the Smoky Hill shale member (Cragin, 189'6, base; Inoceram1ts defot·mis______. 90 p. 51) ma.ke up the formation. 25. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive______2. 70 24. Shale,- yellowish-gray; bentonite in lower FORT HAYS LIMESTONE MEMBER 1 in------·25 The Fort IIays limestone member of Coniacian age 23. Limestone, yello~vish-gray, massive ______. 2.10 averages 35 feet in thickness and contains yellowish­ . 22. Shale, yellowish-gray; bentonitic in middle__ . 20 21. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; Inoc- gray, dense hard thick massive limestone beds at the "eramus deformis, Ostrea congesta______. 60 base ~tnd softer, thin tabular limestone beds at the top. 20. Shale, yellowish-gray, platy; bentonite at Thin calcareous silty shale beds and bentonite beds sep- base------.50 98 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

14. Niobrara formation in limestone quarry in the SWlA,NWlA, the base. About 135 feet above the base is a very pale sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W.-Continued orange thin-bedded speckled chalky ridge-forming Niobrara formation (pa.rt)-Oontinued limestone 17 feet thick that weathers to a sticky cal­ Fort Hays l.i.mestone member-Continued Feet 19. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; weath- careous clay. The limestone contains Olioscaphites ers hackly; Inoceramus deformis, Ostrea choteauensis Cobban and large shells of Inoceramus congesta ------2.00 platinus Logan that are covered with shells of 0 strea 18. Shale, yellowish-gray, granular, bentonitic__ . 20 congesta. 17. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; weath- Olioscaphites choteauensis is shown by Cobban and ers hackly ; Inoceramus sp. (not d.etormis) (USGS Mesozoic loc. D1090) ------1. 10 Reeside ( 1952, chart lOb) as being expected near the 16. Bentonite, grayish yellowish-green, blocky__ . 75 top of the Smoky Hill. Inasmuch as it was found in the 15. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive______. 40 middle instead of near the top, in the Kassler quad­ 14. Shale, yellowish-gray, fissile______. 20 rangle the characteristic faunas of the Telegraph Creek 13. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive______. 30 formation and Eagle sandstone (pl. 3) may lie in the 12. Shale, dusky yellow; bentonite at base_____ . 50 11. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; weath- upper part of the Smoky Hill rather than in the lower ers blockY--~------.75 part of the Pierre shale. The upper half of the Smoky 10. Shale, dusky yellow------.------.10 Hill member contains grayish-orange fissile to thick­ 9. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive; platy at bedded chalky shale. At the top is yellowish-orange base; Inoceramus sp. (not deformi.s)----- 1. 50 thick-bedded speckled chalky ridge-forming limestone 8. Shale, dusky-yellow, platy to blocky______1. 60 7. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive______5. 20 that weathers to large irregular flakes and slabs and 6. Shale, yellowish-gray, fissile______. 20 then to calcareous clay; Unweathered limestone is dark 5. Limestone, yellowish-gray, massive______. 70 gray. The upper limestone contains smooth baculites, 4. Limestone, yellowish-gray, nodular ; worm Ostrea congesta, Inoceramus sp., and fish scales and tubes------.50 bones. 3. Shale, yellowish-gray, silty, fissile, calcareous_ .20 2. Limestone, yellowish-gray, nodular; worm Chalk beds in the Smoky Hill are contorted and frac­ tubes ------.40 tured. In the SWI4SWtt4 sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 1. Shale, yellowish-gray, fissile______. 20 the dip varies 36° in 12 feet of section-from a nor­ mal dip of 60° NE., to an overturn of 84° SW. In the Thickness of Fort Hays limestone member------34. 35 SWtt4 ·sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., the member is dras­ The Fort Hays limestone generally dips 60° NE.; in tically brecciated by the J arre Creek fault and the frag­ the southern part of the area, however, it is overturned ments are recemented by calcite. Small fractures in the to the east and cut out by a thrust fault. In a quarry chalk at other places are also recemented by ·calcite. in the NEtt4NEI4 sec. 24, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., the lime­ Analyses of the chalk that were considered typical stone is folded strongly by a bedding-plane fault. In by Elias (1931, p. 38-39) show an average of 85 percent calcium carbonate, most of the other 15 percent being the SEI4 sec 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., the limestone is brec­ insoluble in acids. No quarries were opened in this ciated by the Jarre Creek fault and recemented with clayey chalk in the ·Kassler quadrangle. . calcite. The names Fort Hays limestone and Timpas liine­ SMOKY HILL SHALE .MEMBER stone have been considered to be synonymous ·and are The Smoky Hill shale of Coniacian and used interchangeably by many geologists, but the upper age conformably overlies the Fort Hays limestone and boundary of the type Timpas limestone is not c'Oincident is 535 feet thick in this area (pl. 2) . The member is with the upper boundary of the type Fort Hays lime­ best exposed in the NEI4 sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., and stone. Gilbert (1896, p. 566-567) defined the Timpas in the SWI4 sec. 19, T. 7 ·s., R. 68 W., along a branch limestone as the lower 175 feet of the Niobrara group. of the Jarre Creek fault. The lithology of the member He recognized 50 feet of limestone beds at the base that are now called Fort Hays, but he also included in his is shown in stratigraphic section 14. Timpas a hogback-forming white limestone and under­ The member consists of chalky shale with several lying shale of the Smoky Hill; he stated that the upper thick beds of chalky limestone. A yellowish-gray soft limit of the Timpas was indefinite even at the type lo­ calcareous shale in the lower 22 feet contains thin beds cality. Away from the type locality I found that the of limestone similar to those of the Fort Hays that white limestone in the Smoky Hill becomes softer and weather hackly and contain Inoceramus deformis and even more indefinite. Along the mountain front near Ostrea congesta. Next is yellowish-gray chalky fissile Kassler, it forms only .a local low ridge between the shale that contains thin bentonite beds and a yellowish­ Fort Hays and the middle chalky limestone rather than gray chalky platy speck1ed limestone about 70 feet above the prominent bench that is common south of the BEDROCK GEOLOGY 99 A:t;kansas River. Over the years this erroneous inter­ nation of the forms (111) and (103). The lower 500 pretation of Gilbert's nomenclature has been used in feet of shale is generally unfossiliferous. A horizon many articles on Front Range geology. The proper between 500 and 600 feet is distinguished by B aculites relationship of these beds is shown in Cobban and Ree­ asperiformis Meek, and is characterized lithologically side ( 1952, chart lOb). by large brown septarian limestone concretions, small The conformable contact of the Smoky Hill shale and gray limestone concretions, and hard fissile lenticular the Pierre shale is marked by a change from yellowish siltstone ·beds. At 600 feet above the base large rough orange to olive gray and from chalk to calcareous shale. hard gray petroliferous crystalline masses of limestone The change can be seen in a cut at the north edge of were found. The term "tepee butte limestone" is used the quadrangle. for this type of limestone because near Pueblo the large masses weather to cone-shaped hills that were called PIERRE SHALE tepee buttes by Gilbert ( 1896, p. 569). These tepee The Pierre shale (Meek and Hayden, 1862, p. 419, butte limestones weather to dark yellowish -orange 424), of Late Cretaceous Campanian to Maestrichtian cavernous fragments :from which project casts o:f gas­ age, is predominantly olive-gray clayey shale and sand­ tropods, pelecypods, and cephalopods, including stone of marine origin. Limestone and ironstone con­ B aculites asperiformis Meek. cretions are abundant and characteristic of the Pierre. Between 600 and 1,200 feet above the base is slightly Fossils are abundant and were collected inten·sively. calcareous, blocky shale that contains abundant clayey Faunal zonation of the Pierre for this quadrangle ironstone concretions. The smooth ovate B aculites n. was based partly on earlier work by Cobban in other sp.lies between 800 and 1,100 feet above the base within areas and partly on the local fossils. Most of the faunal this horizon. zones are based on Bamdites, but some are based on The medium-grained olive-brown Hygiene sandstone other ammonites (table 2) that have equal value as zone member (Fenneman, 1905, p. 31-33) is exposed from fossils. Thirteen zone lines, including one of phos­ 1,200 to 1,775 feet above the base. Its outcrop belt is phatic nodules, are shown on the geologic map (pl. 2). covered by a profuse growth of yuccas. It consists o:f One extra fossil zone, Baculites obtusus, is shown on thin-bedded friable micaceous sha:Iy sandstone with a plate 3 but not on the geologic map. The character of few thick-bedded hard limonite- or calcite-cemented the structural disturbance in the Pierre shale caused by sandstone beds. Small crystals of ~arcasite are the J arre Creek fault (pl. 2) became known only after abundant in the unweathered greenish-gray sandstone. the faunal zones were traced in the field. Until that Where weathered, the sandstone is dusky yellow and time a questionable single fault had been drawn through limonitic. Fossils apparently were the centers for the PietTe. calcite concentration in the sandstone, for nearly all The Pierre shale is well exposed only in the southern fossils are found in the centers o:f dark greenish-gray part of the quadrangle where, unfortunately, the rocks hard sandy limestone concretions. Weathered concre­ are :faulted and a complete stratigraphic section cannot tions are light greenish gray and split around the fos­ be measured. No beds are resistant enough to :form sils. Interconnected crevices in the concretions contain ridges, but the formation is well exposed on the flanks marcasite crystals and encrustations of clear barite. of eroded pediments and in the banks of streams. The · From 1,200 to 1,400 feet the Hygiene is a sparsely best outcrops are in sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., and serve fossiliferous, :friable olive-brown shaly sandstone that as the basis for the description below. has some platy calcareous hard sandstone beds in its The Pierre shale consists o:f about 5,200 feet o:f marine lower part, but in the upper part small limestone con­ sediments which contain five major groups o:f strata. cretions and thinly la.minated beds are abundant. They Table 3 shows the main subdivisions of these five units. commonly contain well-preserved Inoceram!U8 sublaevis The basal part of the Pierre shale consists o:f 1,200 Hall and Meek. The. thin limestone beds locally thicken :feet o:f olive-gray clayey fissile, chiefly noncalcare.ous abruptly to form large masses of rough gray crystalline shale (table 3). The lower 80 :feet is calcareous clayey tepee butte limes.tone. B aculites gregoryensis Cobban shale and thin bentonite interbeds ; from 80 to 500 feet is found in beds from 1,200 to 1,400 :feet in the Hygiene above the base the shale is iron-stained, noncalcareous, sandstone member. At 1,400 feet Baculites scotti Cob­ and silty and has beds o:f bentonite that contain selenite ban is first found in limestone beds at the base of a thick crystals. Peculiar crystals :from the SE'%,SW%, sec. 19, section that is characterized by hard thin sandy iron­ T. 7 S., R. 68 W., are flattened so that the c axis is stone beds and ironstone concretions. This ironstone shortened and the forms (110) and (010) nearly elimi­ unit lies from 1,400 to 1,775 feet above the base of the nated. The resultant crystals are dominantly a combi- Pierre and also contains B. scotti. The ammonites 100 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

TABLE 2.-Strat.igraphic distribution by ammonite zones of tossiZs ot the Pierre shale

[Numbers refer to fossil localities shown on pl. 2; see alsop. 118-120. aff., most closely resembles the species listed; cf., not certainly identified but resembles the species listed· ? , may be the species listed] . '

~ Q) Q) ~ ~ Baculites ;s asperiformis ~ Baculites gregoryensis Baculites scotti Cobban Meek d Cobban Species ~ ~ .. ~ :tl"' e ] ~ ~

17 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 22a 23 24 25 26 27 30 32 28 29 31 33 34 35 il6 37 3R 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ------·l--1------Coelenterata: Corals ______------______------___ ------______X ______Molluscoidea: Bryozoa: Membranipora SP------______0 Meek and Hayden ______------·-----·------BT~~~faTerebratula~~t:ida helena Whitfield ______------______------___ ------___ ------______--· ______Mollusca: Pelecypods: Nucula planimarginata Meek and Hayden ______------___ ------______SP------___ ------___ ------___ ------___ X ___ --- ___ --- ___ --- __ _ Nuculana evansi (Meek and Hayden) .. ------______------___ --- ___ ------______------______cf ______n. SP------______--- ___ ------______--- ___ --- ______--- ··------______Nemodon sulcatinus (Evans and Shumard) ______------Inoceramus sublaevis Meek and Hay- den ______------X ------___ X ------· -·~- ______cf ______X ______tenumneatus Hall and Meek ______------______------X X X------X--- X ___ X X--- ______------______X ______aff. convexus Hall and Meek ______------X --- X --- X X X X ___ --- X --- ___ ------______--- ______--- ______--- cf. cycloides Wegner ______------______------X------X------___ ------______--- ___ --- ___ --- ___ ------typicus (Whitfield) ______------saskatchewanensis Warren ______------______------X ------___ X ------X --- ___ X ______--- X X ___ ------sagensis Owen ______------? jibrosus (Meek and Hayden) _____ ------___ ------___ ------C~~!b~~~8M~~~:n~~-~~~~-~~======:::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: -X ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: balchii Boehm ______------··------·· ------sp ______---- X------X X--- X ------~------· --- X Pteria linguaeformis (Evans and Shumard) ______------X ___ X------X ______--- ___ --- ___ ------SP------X--- X------X------Ostrea inornata Meek and Hayden _____ ------·------SP------· Pecten nebrascensis Meek and Hayden. ------___ ------··-- --~ ------·------

======::: 1~ci~~~~~~{£~~~!~J~v~~~:?ii~:~~~ ~~~yd;~~aW:~~r~~-~~=~~~~=== ::::==== ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ======::: ::: ·x ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·x :::==~ :::~== ·x ::: ::: ::: ·x ::: ·x ::: ::: ::: ::: ·x subundata Hall and Meek ______------______------___ X --- X ------X ___ X ___ ------SP------··------·------X ------

Pelecypod,~~i~:~~ !:~~l~~~~e~~;-~~~~~~~~~:= genus undetermined ______------======~ :::X------· ======--·=~ ··--=== ---:~ ---=~ === --- === ------=== ---~~ ===--- ===--- ===___ ~~X------~~ =~ ~~ ~~ ===--- :::--- ~~X ===___ =~X--··------======::: ===·-- Scaphopoda: Dentalium gracile Hall and Meek. _____ ------______------~ ___ ------______X --- -"'------Scaphopod, undetermined ______------Gastropoda: Margaritella n. sp ______·------•-- --- Polinices? SP------______------___ ------X ------______X ------Amauropsis paludinaeformis (Hall and Meek>------Anchura? SP------______. ______------___ --- ______------___ ------___ ------X ______------Drepanochilus nebrascensis (Evans and . Shumard>------______------___ X------.X------___ X------sp_ ------1 ~fe~~~~gfz~~:~i- ~~-i:~~ ~-~:::::::::::: :::: ::: ::: ::: -~ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: -~ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·x ::: ::: ::: ::: Gastropod, undetermined ______------___ ------"------Cephalopoda: Baculites obtusus Meek______? ------.- __ ! ------~~~~-if(~:!~l~~r:bed-veiiter):::::: ======-~ -~ -ci === ::: === ::: ::: ::: ======::: ======::: ::: ======::: ======::: ======

rugosusmrr:~~~;i:~:~======Cobban ______====------======------=== ---=== ---=== ---=== ---=~ ---=== ---=== ---=~ ===------=~ ---=== ---=~ ===------~~ ---======--- === ------~~ ~~--- ~~-~- ---~~ === ------=== ---~~ ---~~ ---=== ---~~ ~~------~~ ---~~ ---~~ ---~~ eliasi Cobban ______------grandis Hall and Meek ______------clinolobatus Elias ______------SP------X X X------X------X------X------X------~:l:~gg:::: ~:,.~~~~ fii:~~~~>iiay"deii) :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: === ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :;: ======::: ::: === ::: === ::: ======::: ::: === ::: ::: ======::: ======SP------Oxybeloceras crassum (Whitfield) ______--- ______--- ___ ------___ ------X --- X X ------SP------X------Didymoceras nebrascense (Meek and Hayden>------·-- ~~~~:-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~}_=-~======:~ ======::: ======::: ======-~ =~ -~ =~ === ::: ::: === BEDROCK GEOLOGY 101

TABLJ~ 2.-Stmtig·mphic dist·ribution by ammonite zones of fossils of the Pierre shale-Continued

Baculites asperijormis Baculites gregorgensis Baculites scotti Cobban Meek Cobban Species-Continued

---l-~-~~~--1--l--~~---~~-.-~~--'l--~~~------~--~~~.-~~~.-.--.-:--.-~--~ 17 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 22a 23 24 25 26 27 30 32 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ------·1------Mollusca-Continued 1 Co;}~~~~gfc~~~~Ue~~~~~l~ ~~~---············· ••••••• --- X X .•. ------· -·------X X ------DiscoscaJ>hitcs n. SP------·------··· ------­ SP------·-·-·------A?laJJaChylilsctts? complexus (Hall and Meek) •••• -----·-·------·-· ------~------X ------X --- -•------· ------­ llfennites? n. SP-----··········-···-···· •....•. --- ... --· ------· ------· ------· --· X --· --- X ------· ------••• --- ••• --- Pochydiseid ommonlte ______------.- ••• ------X X --- X X ------X ------___ --- Placenticeras meeki Boehm ______-----··------••. --·------••• --- intercalare (Meek ond .Hoyden) •••••••• ------·------·------·------sp. ------____ : •. ------X ------SJ>henoliiscus sp ••••••••••••••••••••.••• ------···------Crustocea: Arthropodo:J)ukoticancer SP------·-· ___ ··- ___ --- ___ ... ______... ______--- ______... ______Fish: Ichthyodectes sp. (scales) ______--- X ------Bones •••••.•••••••• ------······------.'!..------~------·------Vortobrt\ •••••••••••••••• ______------X ------'l'eeth ______------~ ------Petrified wood •• ------7 ------

·~ ~ ~~~= .. .c oo-e .. .c ~ 0 '0= ::~ ~ ~ 0 ool» Baculites scotti ~ ;:!<5 Cobban- ~~ ...... Eriteloceras jenneyi ~ ·;; Baculites grandis Baculites clinolobatus .. -e 00'0 f: ,g ~~ Continued o::~d o::~- · (Whitfield) o::~'O Hall and Meek Elias o.Q) 8 ~ Spocles t;o5 -;;~ <>,lod ~'S .. <>·~ ~~ .'l::l ~.c "' ~~ ~~ -~» ij~ ~::: i;lc:e ~ ~e .,...... , o:;~tll ~ ~ Q:l ~ ~~ ---~~---~-~------·1-~~~~-~------l--~----~--·~---~------~------·------Coolonteroto: Corols ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ___ •••••. ___ ••• ···- •.• ------X •••••• ------.•• ____ ------••• ------••• ------•.•••• ------••••••••••••••• Mollu~coldeo: Bryozoa: 111embraniJ>Ora SP------•.. ___ ... ______--- ___ ------____ ------____ ------X ------... ------132!~~~~l~0~~Widtt Meek ond Hayden .••• ___ •••.••••. ______--- ___ --- ______------____ --- ___ ------X 'l'erebrahtla helena \Vhltfleld ..•••• ______•.. ____ --- ___ ..• --- ___ --~ ----· ------____ ------X X------Mollusco: Pelecypodo: Nucula J>lanimaroinata Meek and Hayden •.••••••••••••••••••••..••• ______••. ______--- ___ ------____ ------___ ------•••••• --- X ------SP------••. --- ••. -~------..• ------•.. X ------Nttrulanal:IoydenL.------evansi (Meek and •••••• ___ ••• ______n. SP------X X ------••• --- Nemolion S1tlcatinus (Evans and Shunwrd) .•••••••••••••••••••••••. ___ ••• --- ______··- ··------X------·-----·------Inoceram1ts s1tblaevis :Meek and l:loyden •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ______. ______--- ___ ------____ ------••. ------temtilineattts Holland .Meek •. ______--- ______------· --- --· ------·· ------afT. convexus 1-Iall ond l\1eek ..••••••••• ··- ______------·· ------~:p~g~~~o~~~~h1i8~j~l

TABLE 2.-Stratigraphic distribution by ammonite zones of fossils of the P·lerre shale-Continued

~'"' ;; 'i .0 .. ~ ~~ ;S .0 ~I» 0 '0= BaculUes scotti J5oS j ~ 0 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Cobban- oo'O ""'"' Exitelocera& jenneyi Baculite& grandis Baculites clinolobatus Species-Continued Continued ~~ (Whitfield) ~ :~ ""'0 Hall and Meek Elias "'~ .. ~ 8 ~ _g~ ~~ :g-; ~ ~~ ~~ :ti"' :ti ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~--- ~fl.) ~--- ~ ~ ~~

49 50 51 52 53 54 56 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ------1------Mollusca-Continued Pelecypoda-Continued A&tarte gregaria (Meek and Hay- den) ______,_-··------______--- ______------______------X ______llltcinasubundata occidenta.li& Hall Mortonand Meek ______--- X ------X------______------. ------______------______------__ _ Tellina.,citulaSP------~-- Meek and Hayden. ______------______------X X X ------______------cfX •••--- ___--- •••--- Geltena gracili& (Meek and Hay- . · den)------X------X X X X------X------X X cf X X------­ X ------X ------? ------X --- ? Pelecypod,SP------genus undetermined •• ---______------~-- ______---- ___ ------______Scaphopoda: Dentalium gracile Hall and Meek. ______------______X ______------______Scaphopod, undertermined ______------______X ______------______--· ______Gastropoda: ~ir:r::!;1 ;~~:~~--~~======::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: -~ ::: === ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: === ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·x ::: ::: ::: A mauropsis palu.dinaejormis (Hall o and Meek)------______------______X X ___ ------___ ------___ --- ______--- ______Anchura? SP----~------Drepanochilus nebrascensis (Evans ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Aporrhaisans~~~~-~~_r~)-~=::::::::::::::: meeld Whitfield ______------______--- ____ ------______T ::: ::: ::: _ PiestochilusGastropod, undeterminedSP------______------___------___ ---___ ---X ---______------___ --- ___ ---___ ---___ --- ___ ---___ ---___ ---___ ---___ ---___ ·--___ ---___ ---___ ---___ ---___ ---X ---_____--- _ Cephalopoda: Baculites obtusus Meek ______------______--· ---- ______••• ___ ••• ___ •••

::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~~~-i{~~~~l~;itkb.e(i"~eiitei-5:gregorvensis Cobban ______--- ______------:::=---- :::______::: :::--- :::______::: :::--- ::::---- :::___ :::--- ::::---- :::______::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: _ scotti Cobban______X X X ___ X ------______------___ ------______crickmayi Williams ______--- ______X ------______--- ______------___ ------______~~~~f~o~~~~~~:::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: -~ -~ :::: -cr" -ci :::: ::: ::: ::: ~== ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~ff:o1~b;~:i\~li~~~~~~======::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: -~ ::: -~ _: _:_ -~ _: ::: ·x ·x ::: ::: ·x ·x ·x ·x ::: ::: Exit~Pocera~-iennevi-(wiiiitieici)::: ::: ::: ::: ::: === ::: -~ --~ -~ ::: ~ ~ ·x ::: :::: ::: ::: --~ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: -~ === ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: _: Solenoceras mortoni (Meek and . Hayden) ••. ~------X ------X X ------______--- ______------OxybelocerasSP------crassum (Whitfield) ______------X------______X------______---- ___ --- ______SP------X X ------X ------• .:.. ------___ ------· --- Didymocerasand Hayden) nebrascense ______(Meek X X---- ______--- ______---- ___ --- ______n. sp. (tightly coiled) ______--- ___ --- ___ ------___ ------1!f~~;.~~~~~1~W~~~=~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ =~ ~~~ ~~~ ;;~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~= ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ m~~~ ~:~ ~~~ ~=~ ~~~ m~~= ~~ =~~ =~ ~~~ =~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ :~ ~~ ~~~ i~~ Anapachydiscus? complexus (Hall Menuites,and Meek) n. ______sp ______------___ ------______------_ PlacenticerasPachydisdd ammonitemeeki Boehm ______------______--- ___ ------___ ------______------______------X ______------·-- ---______------_ intercalareHayden) ______(Meek and . ______--- ___ ---- ______cf ______sph:Eadiicua--si;_-:::::::::::::~: ::: ::: ::: ::= ::: ::: ::: :::: === ::: ::: ::: -~ ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::· ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·x ::: ::: Crustacea: Arthropoda: Dalcoticancersp ______------___ ------___ --- ______--- ______--- X------__ _ Fish: =:: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: Vertebra~~~~~~~~t_e~-~~:-~~~~~~~:::::::::: ______::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::--- ::: --- ::::---- :::--- ::: --- -~------~== ------~==___ --- ______--- ·x___ :::--- :::______::: :::--- :::______::: :::--- :::______::: :::--- :::___ :::--- ::: --- ·x__ _ Teeth ______------______--- ___ ------______---- ______--- ______--- .. _ --- ______------___ --- X ~etrified wood ______------___ ------X BEDROCK GEOLOGY 103

~PABLE 3.-LithoZogy and faunal zones of the Pierre shale clayey shale. Moderate yellowish-brown clayey iron­ stone nodules and thin layers of brown fibrous aragonite Height of top of and cone-in-cone are scattered on the slopes overlying unit Unit above Lithology Fossils this part of the section. Large gray tepee butte lime­ base of section stone masses are found in this part of the 'section in the (foot) southern part of the area. Phosphatic nodules shaped Shnlo, gray, clnyoy 5, 200 Contains phosphatic nod- like tear drops and dumbbells were noted about 2, 700 nnd silty ules and ironstone beds. feet above the base. Ewitelooeras jenneyi (Whitfield) Snndstono, shnly, 4, 700 Contains large calcareous Baculites clinolobatus, olive-brown sandstone concretions. Inoceramus? fibrosus. and Baoulites n. sp. were found in limestone concretions Contains layers of cone- Baculites grandis from at 2,430 feet above the base; at 2,530 feet the large am­ 4,050 in-cone and aragonite, 4,050 to 3,900 ft. and ironstone concre- monite Plaoentioeras meeki Boehm is abundant. tions. 3, 740 Contains brown limestone Inoceramus typicus at Clayey shale constitutes the next 415 feet of strata concretions. 3, 740ft. from 2,700 to 3,115 feet above the base. From 2,700 3,450 Blocky. Baculitea eliasi at 3,450 ft. feet to 2,800 feet, gray hard dense limestone concretions 3,115 Silty. occur in three or four layers in light olive-gray sandy 2,800 Chalky; contains lime- chalky shale. They contain B aoulites oorrugatus Elias Shnlo, olivo-gmy, stone concretions. clayey in the Littleton quadrangle but are too poorly exposed 2, 700 Contains gray limestone Placenticeras meeki at concretions. 2,530 ft. Exiteloceras to yield fossils in the l(assler quadrangle. jenneyi at 2,430 ft. The overlying 315 feet of Pierre shale is poorly ex­ 2,200 Contains ironstone con- Didymoceras cretions. nebrascense posed in the northern part of the area and probably Contains ironstone con- faulted out in the southern part of the area. An out­ 2,150 cretions and has sandy shnle at top. crop in the SW%,NWlt4 sec. 36, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., shows 1,825 Contains tepee buttes Baculites acotti. light olive-gray silty shale that contains moderate Shaly; contains thin, hard Anapachydiacus? com- yellowish-brown concretionary ironstone layers and ironstone layers and plexus, Menuites? n. 1, 775 concretions. sp. from 1, 775 to layers of pale yellowish-brown aragonite and yellowish­ 1,575 ft.; Baculites Hygiene sandstone acotti 1,575 to 1,400 gray cone-in-cone. member, olive- ft. brown Above 3,115 feet, the strata again become olive-gray Shnly, platy, calcareous; Baculites gregoryensis , 1,400 contains tepee buttes Inoceramus aublaevas.1 clayey shale, and this lithology extends to 4,200 feet and limestone beds in upper part. above the base. Ironstone concretions and small gray Cnlcareous, blocky; con- Baculites n. sp. from limestone concretions lie in a gray blocky clayey shale 1, 200 tains clayey ironstone 1,100 to 800 ft. concretions. from 3,115 to 3,450 feet; at about 3,450 feet they contain Shale, ollvo-gmy, clayey Septarian limestone con- Baculites asperiformis. Baoulites eliasi Cobban. Yellowish:brown limestone 000 crctions and siltstone beds. concretions in olive-gray clayey shale lie between 3,450 600 Silty, noncnlcareous. and 3,740 feet. At about 3,740 feet in the zqne of Baou­ 80 Calcareous, bentonitic. lites baoulus Meek and Hayden (tables 2 and 3), the concretions contain many small, sharply ribbed I no­ Anapaohydisous? o01hplewus (Hall and Meek) and ceramus typious (Whitfield). The shale is olive gray M ewwites? n. sp. are 100 to 200 feet below the top of and clayey, and contains cone-in-cone layers, aragonite the sandstone. ' layers, and reddish-brown and black ironstone concre­ About 700 feet of olive-gray clayey shale overlies the tions from 3,740 to 4,050 feet. At 3,900 to 4,050 feet I-Iygiene sandstone mem.ber. From 1,775 to 1,825 feet the ironstone concretions contain B aoulites grandis Hall the shale contains tepee butte limestone masses more and Meek. than 15 feet in diameter, and small oval gray dense lime­ The upper part of the formation is dusky yellow or stone concretions. B aoulites scotti Cobban occurs olive-brown shaly sandstone from 4,050 to 4,700 feet, abundantly in the small concretions and in the tepee and olive-gray clayey or silty shale from ·:1:,700 to 5,200 butte limestone. The clayey shale above the tepee feet-the contact of the Fox Hills sandstone. B aoulites buttes frmn about 1,825 to 2,150 feet includes a thin belt olinolobatu8 Elias, the highest baculite, and Ino­ of sandy shale covered by yuccas. From 2,150 to 2,200 oeran1u,s? fibrosrus (:Meek and I-Iayden), which are char­ feet, Didyrnooe'l·as neb?·asoense (:~1eek and I-Iayden) is acteristic of the Mobridge member of the Pierre shale common in yellowjsh-orange ironstone concretions in the in South Dakota, lie in large gray calcareous sandstone lower part and in gray limestone concretions in the concretions between 4,050 and 4,700 feet. Above the upper part. From 2,200 to 2,700 feet above the base, sandy beds, about 500 feet of blocky light olive-gray gray limestone concretions are abundant in olive-gray clayey shale contains ironstone nodules and layers (see 104 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO stratigraphic sections 15 and 18). One of these layers, abundant apatite and minor amounts of calcite and which, crops out in the NE1!.t,SE1,4 sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. quartz. FOX HILLS SANDSTONE 68 W., and in the NE114,SW1!.t, sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., is 27 feet thick and is composed of innumerable mod­ The Fox Hills sandstone (Meek and Hayden, 1862, erate yellowish-brown pea-sized limonite nodules and p. 419, 427) of Late Cretaceous age is predominantly phosphatic pebbles. This layer lies about 290 feet be­ brackish-water marine sandstone. It is best exposed low the top of the Pierre shale and is an excellent in the NE1!.t,S"T14 and the SE-%,N'Vl(t sec. 29, T. 7 S., marker bed. Above the limonite layer is light olive­ R. 68 W., and in a gully in the SE%,SW1!.t, sec. -7, T. gray silty shale and thin limestone interbeds, one of 7 S., R. 68 W. (pl. 1). The exposed thickness of the which contained. Yoldia evansi (Meek and Hayden) formation is only 30 feet, but 155 feet of covered beds and comminuted plant fragments. were included, and make a possible thickness of 185 feet. Neither the lower nor the upper contacts were 15 .. Pierre sha.le on slope of pediment in the NEI4SWI4 sec. exposed. Stratigraphic sections 16 and 18 illustrate 29, T. "'/ S., R. 68 W. the lithology of the formation. Fox Hills sandstone. The formation is divided into a lower sandy shale, a Pierre shale (part) : Feet middle ridge-forming sandstone, and an upper soft 4. Covered; partly sandstone and shale______61. 0 3. Limestone, yellowish-gray, blocky, dense, hard; sandstone. The lower part is mostly soft, olive-brown contains plant fragments, Yoldia evansi·______.- 5 sandy shale that contains thin limy sandstone layers 2. Covered; presumed to b(} olive-drab limonitic and carbonaceous plant fragments. The middle part is sandy shale ______157.0 29 feet of olive-gray to yellowish-gray fine-grained 1. Shale, moderate yellowish-brown, limonitic; limo- massive to slabby sandstone. It is friable to hard and nite layers ; made of one-fourth in. limonite nodules and phosphatic pebbles as much as 2 is thin bedded; in some places it is crossbedded in thin in. in maximum dimension, some of which laminae. The sandstone is composed of subrounded are casts of mollusks, Baculites clinolobatu.s, quartz grains that are firmly cemented with calcium GeUena SP------27.0 carbonate. Cone-in-cone layers lie between some of the sandstone layers. This middle part also contains dark­ Measured thickness of Pierre shale ______245. u brown hard calcareous sandstone concretions as large The contact of the Pierre shale with the Fox Hills as 4 feet in diameter. The upper part is almost com­ sandstone is so poorly exposed that its position could pletely covered, but probably is olive-brown or olive­ only be inferred from the texture of the overlying soil. gray soft sandstone. A fe\v poorly preserved brackish­ The lithology in the contact zone is gradational ; there­ water pelecypods were found in the middle sandstone. fore, the Pierre contact was placed at the top of the The Fox Hills sandstone is a transitional deposit be­ highest marine clay shale and the base of the lowest tween the marine Pierre shale and the continental massive sandstone that contains large hard brown sand­ Laramie formation. The upper contact lies under a stone concretions. covered interval, below which is marine sandstone and Phosphatic nodules are particularly abundant in the above which is nonmarine sandstone and coal. upper part of the Pierre. Beds of nodules lie in both of the upper two faunal zones. Good outcrops of the 16. Fox Hills sandstone on slope of pediment in the NEI4SW% phosphatic nodule beds are in the NE1,4SW1!.t, sec. 18, sec. 29, T. "'/ S., R. 68 W. T. 7 S., R. 68 W., in the SE1,4SE1,4 sec. 19, T. 7 S., R .. Fox Hills sandstone (part) : Feet 68 W., and. along the Jarre Creek fault in a slice of 5. Sandstone, olive-gray, nodular, limonitic; contains Pierre that is only 30 feet thick in the SWl!.t,SEl!.t, sec. laminated clay balls; fine-grained; 1 ft. slabby sandstone at tOP------8.0 32, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. The pebbles are rounded and 4. Covered ; probably shale with cone-in-cone layers_ 5. 0 abraded and include phosphatic casts of Geltena sp. 3. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, massive, fine-grained_ 1. 0 and B aculites clinolobatus and teeth and bones of fish. 2. Covered; may be soft sandstone______12. 0 Some pebbles ·have holes that were bored by worms on 1. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, slightly crossbedded, the floor of the ocean. friable, fine-grained______3.0 The pebbles were analyzed chemically and by X-ray Measured thickness of Fox Hills sandstone______29. 0 diffraction. J. P. Schuch of the U.S. Geological Sur­ vey found that the dull granular pebbles contain 12.4 LARAMIE FORMATION percent P 205 and the vitreous pebbles as 1nuch as 25 The Laramie formation (King, 1876) of ·Late Cre­ percent P205. A. J. Gude 3d of the U.S. Geological taceous age is predominantly fresh-wate.r siltstone, Survey found by X-ray that th~ pebbles contain very claystone, sandstone, and coal. The best outcrops are in BEDROCK GEOLOGY 105 the center of sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., and at the Lehigh 18. Dawson arkose, Lara·mie formation, Fox Hills sandstone, Mine along the west border of see. 20, T. 7 S., R. 68 ,V., and Pierre shale in arroyo in the NW%SWJ4 sec. 20, T. "1 S., R. 68 W.-Continued and in sec. 7, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., but the formation is Laramie formation : Feet generally covered. The basal contact is not exposed; 31. Conglomerate; very light-gray; predominantly the upper contact is well exposed at the localities listed dark-gray and red chert______1.0 above. 30. Clay, medium-gray; montmorillonite (204715) __ _ .2 The formation is about 660 feet thick and consists of 29. Conglomerate; predominantly dark-gray and red light olive-gray and pale yellowish-brown clayey shale, chert; upper half very light gray, lower half yellowish brown; montmorillonite (204716) __ _ .9 yellowish-gray friable well-graded sandstone, mode­ 28. Shale, medium-gi.·ay ; becomes very sandy and rate-brown hard limonitic sandstone, moderate-brown light gray in upper 4 ft.; montmorillonite hard limonitic conglomerate, white clean friable (204717) ------18.0 conglomern,te; and brownish-black lignitic coal beds 27. Conglomerate, yellowish-brown; predominantly dark-gray chert; some red chert______ranging in thickness from 0 to 6 feet (see stratigraphic 3.0 26. Shale, medium-gray; montmorillonite (204718) __ 7.3 sections 17 and 18) . The sandstone and fine-grained 25. Sandstone, light-gray, friable, medium-grained; conglomerate beds consist of medium-grained clean some iron stains; kaolinite (204719) ------3.0 angular to subrounded .quartz sand that is loosely com­ 24. Shale, medium-gray; base covered ______2.0 pacted and cemented by calcium carbonate or silica. 23. Sandstone and shale, gray to buff ______273.0 The mnny concretions and concretionary layers are 22. Sandstone, light-gray, medium-grained, iron- stained; few pea-sized iron concretions; few concentrically banded and range from % inch to 4 lea.f prints; kaolinite (204720) ------6.0 feet across. 21. Sandstone and shale, gray and buff ______32.2 20. Shale, medium- to dark-grny, kaolinite (204721) _ 4.0 17. La:ra:mie fo?·mat-ion on slope of pediment in the NEJ4SWJ4 19. Sandstone, light-gray, iron-stained, crossbedded, sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. medium-grained ------1.0 Laramie formation (part) : Feet 18. Shale, medium-gray; upper part dark-brown and Upper part covered. carbonaceous; montmorillonite (204722) ------10.5 17. Sandstone, light-gray, fine-~rained ______._ ___ _ 10. Sandstone, moderate-brown, shaly, hard, limoni- 1.6 16. Shale, dark-gray, carbonaceous ______tic; leaf impressions------1. 5 1.0 9. Covered; limonitic friable sandstone; concretions 15. Sandstone, light-gray, iron-stained, medium- on surface------75.0 grained; kaolinite (204723) ------3.3 8. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, massive, soft, friable; 14. Sandstone and shale, gray and buff______52.0 contains nodules and layers of dark yellowish­ 13. Sandstone, light-gray, medium-grained; kaolinite ornnge sandstone______1. 7 (204724) ------2.0 7. Coal, grnyish-blacl.:, soft, lignitic______. 2 12. Coal ------6.0 6. Sandstone, pinkish-gray, soft, friable, fine- 11. Covered ------42.0 10. Snndstone, light-gray, medium-grained; kaolinite grained------2.8 4.. 0 5. Coal, brownish-black, sofL------'------. 6 (204725) ------lOa. Covered ------·------64.0 4. Shale, pale yellowish-brown, silty------7. 6 Thickness of Laramie formation ______538. 0 3. Coal, brownish-black, peaty, soft, impure______1. 6 Fox Hills sandstone : 2. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, soft, friable, medium- 9. Covered ------80. 0 grained------25.0 8. Shale, medium-gray, clayey, montmorillonite 1. Covered ; may be shale ; may be partly Fox Hills (204726) ------. 6.0 sandstone------155.0 7. Covered ------98. 0 Thickness of Fo~ Hills sandstone------. 184. 0 ~lensul'ed thickness of Lnramie formation ______271. 0 Pierre shale (part) :

lK /Jaw::WI/. urkOi:iC. Larau1ic formation, Po.r Hills ~Sandstone,. 6. Shale, light olive-gray, very silty; contains Dis­ li'IHI Pi('rrc ::rhale in. a·rroyo ·i·n tlw NW1J~ SWJ4 sec. 20, T. "1 S., oosoazJhites sp. Contains sandstone layers, R. G81V. , fine-grained, loose, as much as 1.5 ft. thick, montmorillonite (204727-8) ------163. 0 [l\lcnsliJ'Cd by G. R. Scott and Richard Vnn Horn. Clay mineral lden­ 5. Limestone, brown; plant-fossil layer______. 1 t:iflcntlon br A . .T. Gude ;jd, USGS lahoratorr serial number llsted after cltt~· mineral. Samples collected· by Hichard Vnn Horn] 4. Covered ------72.0 3. Shale, light olive-gray silty; thin limestone lay- Dnwson arkose (part) : Feet· ers, limonite nodules, and limestone nodules; 33. Conglomerate, arkosic; has dark yellowish-orange montmorillonite (204729) ------54. 0 ana black clay at base; base covered; mont­ 2. Limonite nodules, phosphatic nodules, and shale; morillonite (204714) ------100. 0 brown; montmorillonite (204730) ------27. 0 32. Covered------28.0 1. Shale, light olive-gray, silty, partly covered; montmorillonite (204731) ------100. 0 Measured thickness of the Dawson arkose ______128. 0 :\leasured thickness of Pierre shale______416. 1 106 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO The thin sandstone and conglomerate beds are len­ ing lithification. Channel-and-fill crossbedding is ticular; the thick shale beds are persistent and regular pronounced. in thickness. Bedding planes are fairly even in the Granitic fragments are abundant in the conglomerate, thick sandstone beds, which commonly part along lay­ quartz is common, and chert, rhyolite, quartzite, sand­ ers of heavy minerals. Bedding planes are undulatory stone, petrified wood, chalcedony, and scoria occur in in the shale, and occur along layers of carbonaceous minor amounts. The greater part of the material con­ material. sists of pebbles 14 to 1 inch in diameter. Lesser Abundant leaf prints lie along the bedding planes of amounts of sand and cobbles, as much· as 6 inches in sandstone and ironstone beds near the top of the for­ maximum dimension are present. Biotitic olive-gray mation. R. W. Brown identified several Upper Cre­ clayey shale is common. Because of the fluvial origin taceous leaves frmn an ironstone bed at loc. 85 about of the formation, vertical variations in grain size are 125 feet below the top of the Laramie formation, in the extreme. Most of the grains are subrounded, unpol­ SE11(NvV~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. They are: Ficu8. ished, alid are loosely compacted with much pore space. ctre[~-acea Lesquereux, F. planicostata Lesquereux, F. The grains are cemented with calcium carbonate, silica, trinervis l{nowlton, Anona robu.rsta Lesquereux, and opal, or iron oxide. Local increases in silica cement Dombeyopsi.(] sinuata Knowlton. result in quartzite beds, as at Wildcat Mountain, the highest point east of the mountains in this quadrangle. DAWSON ARKOSE Alteration of feldspar to kaolinite has caused the basal The Dawson arkose (Richardson, 1912, p. 267-276) conglomerate to become nearly white. of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene age, which consists of Leaf prints are the only fossils found in the Dawson conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, un­ arkose of this area. Platy sandstone beds that are ce­ derlies almost 18 square miles of the east part of the mented· by iron oxide are the best source of fossil-leaf quadrangle (pl. 2) . The conglomeratic lower part of prints in the Dawson arkose. The iron oxide may have the Dawson forms local ridges (fig. 32); the upper part been altered from iron sulfide that was deposited under forms brl,lsh-covered badlands. The thickness of the swampy conditions. R. W. Brown (written communi­ Dawson is about 1,450 feet; of this, approximately the cation, 1950) identified two species of Upper Cretaceous lower 500 feet has been assigned on the basis of fossils leaves, Ficus planicostata Lesquereux and F. trinervis to the Cretaceous by Brown ( 1943). The Cretaceous Knowlton, from the lower part of the Dawson arkose at part of the formation dips northeast ·at 50° or more. loc. 86 in the NW14SE%, sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. The dip decreases upward in the section, but 400 feet Paleocene leaves were collected by Arthur Lakes of the above the base of the Tertiary or 900 feet above the base Colorado School of Mines and later by Brown ( 1943, of the Dawson it is still at least 12°. p. 73) from a gully in the SE14NW14 sec. 20, T. 7 S., Eldridge ( 1888, p. 97) proposed the name Willow R. 68 W. The Paleocene leaf Rhamnus goldianus Les­ Creek beds and, later, Arapahoe formation for the 600 quereux was found in ironstone in the SE14SW14SE1)a, to 1,200 feet of beds cropping out "from 1 to 3 miles sec. 30, T. 6 S., R. 68 W. southeast of the mouth of Platte Canon, where it has its greatest and most typical development." This in­ INTRUSIVE DIKE ROCKS cludes almost the entire section between the Laramie Two intrusive dike rocks were mapped. One is an­ formation and the Castle Rock conglomerate, but these desite, which crops out in small bodies throughout the beds are here called Dawson arkpse because by previous mountains. The other is rhyolite, which crops out at usage the name Ara'pahoe has been restricted to beds only one place west of Roxborough Park. that underlie the Denver formation in the Denver area. The Dawson arkose in the Kassler quadrangle con­ ANDESITE sists of light-gray, yellowish-gray, moderate-brown, or Andesite of Late Cretaceous ( ~) age crops out as dikes pale reddish-brown conglomerate (see section 18), in the western one-fourth of the quadrangle (pl. 2). sandstone, and clayey shale; the clayey shale contains The dikes are poorly exposed because of a cover of some green beds and lenses of brownish-black lignitic surficial material and. vegetation and most of them were coal. The lower part of the Dawson is characterized mapped on the basis of float. They are discontinuous by conglomerate, the upper part by shale. Bedding is lens- to tabular-shaped bodies that range in length irregular, most beds being curved and lenticular. In­ fron1 25 feet to 1 mile and in width from 1 to 10 feet. dividual beds range in thickness from 0 to 200 feet; They range in thickness from 1 inch to 10 feet. The conglomerate beds are the thickest. Shale beds have wallrocks are metasedimentary and granitic rocks. The been thinned and highly contorted by compression dur- dikes that intrude northwest-trending faults are nearly BEDROCK GEOLOGY 107 vertical; the dikes that intrude northeast-trending (pl. 2). The rock probably was intruded into the faults are nearly horizontal. granite gneiss along a fault or fracture, which now is The andesite is pale brown, olive gray, or black. It covered by the deeply weathered rock in the area of its weathers to dark gray or brownish gray. The texture outcrop. The rock is micro porphyritic; the ground­ is generally microporphyritic, but a few megaporphy­ mass, which constitutes 91 percent of the rock, is a ritic dikes were see.n. ~fost of the feldspar phenocrysts crystalline aggregate of potassic feldspar and quartz; n,re smal1er than 2 mm in length and are alined in a the phenocrysts which constitute 7 percent of the rock flow structure that is parn,llel to the walls of the dike. are anorthoclase. Traces of plagioclase., biotite, mag­ Average composition of the andesite is 50 percent py­ netite, and microcline are present. Flowlines of feld­ roxene, 40 percent andesine, and 10 percent magnetite. spar crystals are weakly formed in the rock. The magnetite alters to limonite. STRUCTURE In thin section the andesite is composed of a ground­ mass of andesine crystals set in a cryptocrystalline mass The rocks of the Kassler quadrangle have been af­ that appears to be altered basaltic glass (petrography fected by diastrophism at least six times. The earliest based mostly on an examination of thin sections by R. and most severe was the Precambrian metamorphism E. "\Vilcox, of the U.S. Geological Survey). The of a series of limestone, shale, and sandstone deposits groundmass texture is felted. The felted andesine that now constitute the metasedimentary rocks. The crystals have a composition of An 33-36 in the centers second was later in Precambrian time when the biotite­ and An :.! 7-ao in the rims. Andesine phenocrysts as large muscovite granite and all earlier rocks were subjected as 2 mm in lengtll" are set in the groundmass and have a to cataclastic deformation. The third was in latest composition of An 45_48• The phenocrysts are twinned Precambrian time when mountains were slightly raised according to both the albite·and the carlsbad laws and and a system of northwest and northeast-trending some of them. are curved. The rock is crowded with faults was formed. The fourth time was in the Early opaque skeletal growths of magnetite. l{nots of cor­ Pennsylvanian when the ancestral Rockies were up­ dier.ite were seen scattered through the andesite. The lifted and the Precambrian faults were locally ·reac­ cordierite has inclusions of magnetite; and it may have .tivated. The fifth time was in the Laramide Revolu­ for1ned from clayey inclusions of fault gouge picked up tion when the were formed; the Pre­ by the andesite during intrusion. Most of the andesite cambrian faults were again reactivated and some new is lacking in ferromagnesian minerals, but one specimen faults were formed in both the crystalline rocks and in contained !50 percent pyroxene as groundmass and an­ the sedimentary rocks. The sixth and last time was in other about 10 percent hornblende as phenocrysts. Py­ late time when the Rocky Mountains were up­ rite was seen in one dike that cuts amphibolite. lifted slightly. The andesite in the northwest-trending faults was intruded into fault gouge and was brecciated by later PRECAMBRIAN STRUCTURE faulting. The dikes are lenticular and continuous. Precambrian diastrophism can be divided into seven The andesite in the northeast-trending faults was in­ episodes that eventually resulted in the formation of a truded into almost horizontal fractures that contain thick mass of banded metasedimentary rocks and three little if any fault gouge. They are tabular and dis­ intrusive bodies. Recrystallization and deformation continuous, n.re jointed perpendicular to the walls, and was the first episode of a long cycle of metamorphism occur in very small lenses. that fonned .. rocks of varying composition. A second The andesite probably correlates with group 1 of the episode of metamorphism was the metasom~tism of the intrusive rocks of the Front Ra.nge mineral belt de­ recrystallized sedimentary rocks to produce the granite scribed by Lovering ( 1935, p. 30). · Lovering stated gneiss and migmatite; the third episode was further that group 1 is later in age than the Late Cretaceous metasomatism and plastic flow of the foliated rocks Lara.mie formation and older than the Laramide revo­ caused by intrusion of the gneissic granite. The fourth lution. These dikes may be part of the body of andesite episode was intrusion of the biotite-muscovite granite that was eroded and deposited in the Denver forma.tion which may be a late phase of intrusion of the gneissic and in the Drt wson arkose; therefore the dikes could be granite. The fifth episode was the cataclastic deforma­ as old as Late Cretaceous. tion of all rocks of the age of the biotite-muscovite granite and earlier. The sixth episode was the intru­ RHYOLITE sion of the Pikes Peak granite, which, although it is the A small weathered body of rhyolite of Paleocene(?) largest batholith in the Front Range, has produced only age crops out in the NEl)J,SE%, sec. 15, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. slight metan1orphic effects in the foliated rocks. The 108 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO seventh episode was slight uplift and faulting of the N . Precambrian rocks. FAULTS Faults that are inferred, from the presence of dikes of sandstone, to be of Precambrian age, lie along major fault zones in the southwest pttrt of the quadrangle. These faults trend north or northwest and contain cemented breccia. Most of them were truncated or abut against later sedimentary rocks. The attitude of the faults is nearly vertical and some cross each other or branch. Thick layers of gouge can be seen along the larger faults, but the smaller ones contain only sand­ stone dikes. The larger faults also have been intruded by andesite dikes and, as indicated by brecciation of the dikes and sandstone, have been active several times since Precambrian time. FOLDS 0 Most of the Precambrian folds in the area are either tight and asymmetrical or isoclinal and overturned. In an area about a mile southwest of Kassler a group of smaller folds can be studied in excellent outcrops. The folds are tight and the distance between the crest of FIGURE 33.-Contour d.iagra·m of lineations, lower hemisphere plot of 52 an anticline and the trough of a syncline does not poles. b11 major fold axis ; a1 , axis of crinkles on major fold. Con­ exceed 75 feet. Drag folds of many sizes can be me.as­ toured on number of! poles. ured on the flanks of the larger folds and all the drag folds are similar to the large folds in bearing and northeast-plunging folds of the rocks formed before plunge. Broad arcuate patterns of some of the rock the intrusion of the biotite-muscovite granite, inasmuch units in the southern part of the area outline some as some small bodies of the granite are intruded along larger open folds. the fold axes. The lineations that were measured on folds and min­ PENNSYLVANIAN STRUCTURE erals in the area were plotted on the lower hemisphere of a Schmidt equal-area net. Concentrations of poles · Mountains of Pennsylvanian age rose in about the on the net were then contoured to show the average ·same position as the north end of the modern Front bearings and plunges of the folds. The resulting dia­ Range. Along the east margin of the Front Range gram (fig. 33) shows concentrations of poles at 38° N. north of Perry ·Park, which lies 4 miles south of the 80° W., 65° N. 20° E., 35° N: 25° W., and 45° N. 85° E. quadrangle, pre-Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks are The 38° N. 80° W. fold is considered to be the ma.jor absent and Pennsylvanian arkose rests on Precambrian fold axis b1 and the 65 ° N. 20° E. fold is considered to rocks that locally are deeply weathered. Pebbles of represent the crinkles, ~, on the flanks of the major cherty Mississippian rocks in the basal layers of the fold. The major fold is an isoclinal fold overturned arkose indicate that a once continuous layer of Mis­ toward the southwest. As shown on figure 33, no linea­ sissippian limestone was stripped off in Pennsylvanian tions ha.ve a southwest bearing, but many have a north­ or pre-Pennsylvanian time. The lack of pre-Pennsyl­ east bearing which indicates that the fold limbs gen­ vanian rocks in the quadrangle indicates that the front erally dip to the northeast. of the ancestral Rockies was slightly east of the present Minor folds were observed in the NWlit, sec. 3, T. 7 east edge of the Front Range. S., R. 69 W., that are imposed on the flanks of the major The history of Pennsylvanian diastrophism in the folds. The be.aring of these minor folds is about 30° to Kassler quadrangle, which began with uplift, is as fol­ 40° more northerly than the major folds. One of the lows. The p"re-Pennsylvanian rocks were stripped from concentrations of poles on figure 33 is at 35° N. 25° W. the Precambrian rocks as the ancestral Rockies rose, and may indicate a minor fold system. and the mountains were reduced to a gently sloping The bends in the ridges that trend northwest in the surface. A minimum of 140 feet of uplift (the thick­ center of sec. 33, Nlh sec. 34, and NW cor. sec. 35, T. ness of marine pre-Pennsylvanian rocks at Perry Park) 7 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2), probably resulted from broad was required to expose the Precambrian rocks at sea. BEDROCK GEOLOGY 109 level in Pennsylvanian time. The Pi·ecambrian .rocks rocks and branches into several faults (pl. 2), one in the were ";eathered and eroded, and the Fountain forma­ Fountain formation and the others in the Pierre shale, tion then was deposited on the gently sloping Precam­ which is thinned and its bedding twisted by the fault. brin.n rocks in the Pennsylvanian period. The ancestral Slices of more resistant beds lie along the eastern R.ockies must have been lowered, not simply eroded off, branches of the fault. Far~ther north, the fault grad­ to explain the encroachment of the Permian sea, for ually cuts across younger rocks and cannot be recog­ the Fountain arkose has not been eroded, though it was nized beyond sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., where it originally deposited above sea level. apparently cuts the Fox Hills and La.ram ie forma,tions. The fault trends south ·to Perry Park where it is dis­ LARAMIDE STRUCTURE sipated in bedding faults. Farther south the trend is taken up by another reverse fault that continues south The R.ocky Mounta.ins are the result of the La,ramide to Colorado Springs. The J arre Creek fault probably period of mount.a in building in Late Cretaceous rtnd formed during Precambrian time, inasmuch as between early Tertiary time. The magnitude of the Laramide Bee Rock and Perry Park sandstone dikes can be seen force is shown by the present height of the mountains-­ at many places in the J arre Creek fault and in smaller, more than 25,000 feet of arching at the center of the probably related fractures in the Pikes Peak granite. Front H.n.nge and about 17,000 feet on the flanks at the A branch of the Jarre Creek fault follows the Foun­ contact of the sedimentary rocks and the crystalline tain formation north from J arre Creek. The thinness rocks. of the formation between J arre Creek and Roxborough FAULTS Park is due to deletion of beds along the J arre Creek Faults of four types are recognized that are related fault. The eastward bulging of Precambrian rocks at to faulting, intrusion, or mineralization during the Jarre Creek was the result of great compressive stress Laramide Revolution: and apparently localized the fault. Beds in the Foun­ 1. Reactivated northwest-trending Precambrian faults tain formation slid along each other in bedding faults, that contain cemented breccia, sandstone dikes, and and a 3-mile-long outcrop was faulted to about two­ andesite dikes. A thrust fault along the mountain thirds its original thickness. Apparently the lower part front is included in this type. of the Fountain formation was removed by the bedding 2. Northwest-trending Laramide faults with unce­ faults. As beds in the upper middle part of the Foun­ mented iron-stained fault breccia. tain are traced south from l(assler to the south end 3. Almost flat, west-trending north-dipping Precam­ of Roxhorough Park (fig. 32) they gradually swing brian faults with thin layers of fault gouge, min­ west toward the Precambrian rocks and then disappear eralized probably in Laramide time. in a belt that apparently contains the crushed fragments 4. Almost flat, west-trending north-dipping faults with of the lower part of the Fountain formation. Several andesite dikes. small areas of the Fountain formation one-half mile Laramide movement along the Precambrian faults is north of Jarre Creek have been stripped bare of the indicated by the brecciation of both the sandstone and overlying pediment gravel in a search for minable de­ the andesite. The amount of movement and brecciation posits of uranium. The Fountain formation there is was slight compared to the brecciation along the faults not only severely crushed but contains many faults with prior to the injection of the sandstone and andesite. reddish-gray slickensided clayey fault gouge. The The Jarre Creek fault is a high-angle branching re­ fault continues north through RoX!borough Park where verse fault that cuts the sedimentary rocks in the south it gradually slices higher into the middle part of the end of the quadrangle (pl. 2). It dips steeply to the Fountain formation and leaves the lower part unfaulted west and throws flat-lying Dawson -arkose against the 1 mile south of the South Platte River. It crosses the crystalline rpcks near the 'mouth of J arre Creek (fig. river west of. Kassler and apparently joins a northwest­ 34). Just south of Jarre Creek, the fault twisted a trending fault in the Precambrian rocks that offsets large mass of Dawson arkose upward in a hingelike the mountain front one-half mile north of the quad­ movement. The arkose crops out with vertical dips as rangle boundary. a high ridge called Bee Rock. Outcrops of Dawson A few northwest-trending near-vertical faults were north and south of Bee Rock are nearly horizontal, as seen that contain shattered rock, stained deep maroon though they are separated by tear faults from the high by hematite. The shattered rock is not recemented and ridge. Just northwest of Bee Rock, the rocks appar­ does not contain milky quartz like the Precambrian ently were intensely brecciated, for no rocks crop out faults. These iron-stained faults are interpreted as ttnd that area is now occupied by landslides. Toward Laramide in age. A good example is the fault in the the north, the fault cuts across the older sedimentary center of sec. 5, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. 110 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLE R QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

FIGURE 34.-Jarre Creek fauU. Daw.son arkose is faulted against cry.stalline rocks. The low tree-covered mountains on left are composed of Pikes Peak granite ; the higher, almost bare mourutalns on rigM are composed of foliated crystalline Docks. ..,.:_

Mineralized west-trending Precambrian faults that placements of less than 1 foot were seen in the Lytle, dip 27° N.W. were seen along the South Platte River South Platte, and Lyons formations. One of these in (pl. 2) and in a few other places where the rocks are the Lyons sandstone is in the NW1;4SW1;4 sec. 30, T. well exposed. The fault gouge in them is , generally 7S.,R.68W. less than 3 feet thick, is lenticular, and is locally mineralized. Another flat-lying set, into which an­ FOLDS desite of Cretaceous ( ~) age was intruded, apparently The Front Range anticline is the largest and most was formed in early Laramide time, for the andesite spectacular fold in the area. The truncated hogbacks in these faults is not brecciated. are remnants of a blanket of sedimentary rocks that A few north-trending near-vertical fau,lts with dis- originally lay over all the crystalline rocks in the quad- BEDROCK GEOLOGY 111 rangle. The sedimentary rocks now dip northeast in rocks were· reoriented. How far this reorientation ex­ a monocline off the Front Range. In general, the tends into the center of the mountains was not deier­ steepest dips are related to the ,J arre Creek fault in mined, but rocks throughout the Front Range may be the southern part of the area. One mile northeast. of affected to some extent. Interpretation of the origi­ .Tarre Creek at "'ildcat ~fountain the Dawson arkose is nal attitudes and significance of Precambrian internal almost vertical. South of 'Vildcat ~fountain the upper structures is made complicated, if not impossible, by part of the Dawson arkose gradually flattens to 6°. the tilting. Most of the older strata along the fault zone also dip In order to determine the effect of tilting, the atti­ vet:y steeply northeast or are overturned to the south­ tudes of pre-Laramide rocks were reconstructed by west. In the northern pa.rt of the area the rocks dip rotating out the 60° to 70° of dip now shown by the 60°-70° NE. D.ips in the Pierre shale are variable,· sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary structures indicate partly because of the influence of the Jarre Creek fault that the Fountain formation was originally deposited and partly because of slippage over each other of the on a surface that sloped about the same as the Pleisto­ soft shale layers at the time of uplift. cene pediments (about 2° E.) and that this surface was Uplift of mountains in Pennsylvanian and Laramide tilted to about 60° or 70° during the Larall)ide uplift. time tilted the overlying blanket of sedimentary rocks The internal structures of pre-Laramide rocks near the t,,rice. The amount of tilting in Pennsylvanian time ~nountain front also were rotated 60° to 70°. Struc­ can only be guessed, but tilth1g in Laramide time is tures in the crystalline rocks that were parallel to the known to be more than 50° (fig. 35). The tilting cer­ mountain front had a change of dip only; structures tainly was not confined to the sedimentary rocks but that were not parallel had a change of both trend and involved also the uppermost of the underlying Pre­ dip. The amount of tilting was determined on several C!l.mbrinn rocks. All planar and linear elements that Precambrian structures where both trend and dip were were part of the internal structure of the Precambrian changed. A Precambrian fault that now is a reverse fault was originally formed as a normal fault. A Precambrian fold that now has a gentle plunge to the west originally plunged nea.rly vertically. Presumably the amount of rotation would be greatest at the east and west fronts of the range, and, unless the whole range was tilted as a block, would decrease to zero somewhere near the center. The outcropping pre­ Laramide rocks on the west flank of the Front Range Pre-Pennsylvanian rocks dip about the same as the rocks on the east flank; there­ fore I infer that the range rose nearly v~rtically and 1. Pre·Laramide time showing uplift of Pennsylva·nian age that the tilting on the two sides is nearly symmetrical. The rotation may have been evenly spread between the center and the front of the range, but it seems more likely that the rotation was concentrated in a narrow strip near the front. Small faults and shear zones may have absorbed most of the tilting within only a few miles of the mountain front. Figure 35 shows my the.ory of the effect of tilting on the faults along the east and_ west flanks of the Front Range. Most of the fracturing and reorientation caused by uplift of preexisting structures I believe was con­ 2. Post-Laramide time centrated along the edges of the crystalline mass. Tension fractures probably opened between the large shear faults in the center of the range.

HISTORY OF LARAMIDE STRUCTURE The uplift of the Rocky Mountains started far to the

Not to scale west near the end of Pierre shale (early Maestrichtian) time, but the sea covered the l{assler quadrangle until FIOUHE 35.-Simplltle

bed]; 12-foot bed (sandstone); 4-foot bed [l~wer coal formation where the degree of jointing made the rock bed]." Platte Canyon Fuel and Power Co. mine No.2 favorable for dimension stone. About 1,000 cubic yards lies one-fourth mile south of mine No. 1. The shafts of sandstone have been removed for use as structural of both of the Platte Canyon mines are closed. Frag­ stone in the abandoned coal-mining town of Lehigh. ments of weathered coal and carbonized tree stumps lie The Pikes Peak granite has been quarried along the on the dumps. A railroad was built to these two mines North Fork of the South Platte River west of the quad­ about 1900, but the mines and the railroad were aban­ rangle and probably would be suitable elsewhere at one doned before any coal was hauled. The entrance to the of the rare unweathered exposures. ' Lehigh mine is also caved and the access road is washed out. SAND The inclined shaft of the Willow Creek mine in the Sand is quarried from the South Platte formation NW%,NWI,4 sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 68 W., is still open; and Lyons sandstone for three purposes: as silica sand, however, the mine was shut down after a cave-in far­ molding sand, and core sand. The sandstone is suitable ther down in the mine. ·Two beds were worked in the ior silica sand and has been used for glass-bottle manu­ Willow Creek mine, a 6-foot upper bed and a 4-foot facture, but the quantity available is too small to sup­ lower bed. port a large glass factory (Vanderwilt, 1947, p. 262- The shaft of Morgan's mine in the SW%SW% sec. 264). Six quarries (pl. 2) are operated in the South 6, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., is also open and some coal is still Platte formation; all the product is used for molding 1nined for local consumption. Mr. Morgan did most of and core sand. The sand bed that is quarried from the the exploration for coal in the quadrangle; three of his South Platte lies near the top of the formation in the un­ prospect pits lie along the strike of the bed on the Wil­ named sandstone unit (Waage, 1955, p. 46). The mined low Creek Ranch in sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 68 W. bed is a 28-foot-thick massive soft friable white sand­ Other outcrops of the coal were observed, but none stone; thin iron-stained interlayers are removed before was as thick as the be.ds that were mined. The beds crushing. appear to be too thin and the coal of too low grade to The bed in the Lyons sandstone which has been permit mining under present ·economic conditions. quarried at the localities shown on plate 2, is an 18.5- LIMESTONE foot-thick massive fine-grained soft friable white sand­ The Glennon limestone member of LeRoy of the stone that lies about 80 feet below the top of the Lykins formation and the Fort Hays limestone mem­ formation. Three small quarries were opened, but no ber of the Niobrara formation are the only limestones sandstone was being taken from th~ Lyons sandstone in thick enough to be quarried. The Glennon limestone 1950. 1nember was probably quarried for agricultural lime, ROAD METAL for several kilns were observed along the outcrop. This Road metal is defined as material that may be applied limestone is not only thinner but less pure than the Fort to a road to improve the performance characteristics I-Iays limestone. The thickness of the bed usually of that road. quarried ranges from 14 to 17 feet. No quarries were Weathered Pikes Peak granite is used extensively for opern.ting in 1960 in the Glennon member. road metal on the mountainous part of State Route 67. The Fort IIays limestone is quite pure and is used No crushing or other treatment is necessary to prepare for foundry limestone. The thickness ranges between it for this use. A 15-foot blanket of suitable weathered 30 and 40 feet; however, the quarried thickness averages granite overlies the unweathered granite in most of its ]ess than 30 feet in most places. The Helmer Bros. outcrop area. A quarry is operated in the NE%,SWlf.1 ~ quarry ~n the SEl,.i sec. 2, T.7 S., R. 69 W., is operating sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. part time. At least five abandoned quarries are located The Dawson arkose is used for road metal on several along the outcrop of the Fort Hays member. s1nall county roads. No quarries are open for this pur­ Other limestone beds lie below the Glennon lime­ pose, but where the road traverses the arkose, graders stone member of the Lykins formation, in the Ralston have spread it for road metal. Creek formation, and near the middle and at the top of the Smoky Hill shale member of Niobrara forma­ METALLIC DEPOSITS tion. They have not been used because of their thinness or impurity. Metallic ore minerals have not as yet been found in STRUCTURAL STONE minable quantities in the quadrangle, but deposits of One quarry in the NWl,.i sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., iron, copper, and uranium may well be present there was observed in the upper part of the South Platte in minable quantities-awaiting discovery. 116 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO IRON Three claims had been explored by power equipment Hematite occurs in small pods along the west side of but uranium minerals were discovered in only one. On the Bear Creek fault in sec. 33, T. 7 S., R. 69 1V., and in the Bonzo No. 1, in the South Platte canyon in the sec. 4, T. 8 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2). The pods are north­ SE14SW14SW% sec. 33, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2), a west-trending bodies interlayered with the foliated pod of uraninite with secondary minerals gummite and rocks and apparently are related to mineralization along autunite and with other unidentified minerals was ex­ the Bear Creek fault. Lovering and Tweto (1953, p. posed in the e~rly exploration. Further exploration in 31) described' a similar small body of high-grade hema- an incline and raise yielded more pocketlike deposits of . tite mined from the Hurricane Hill reef in the Clark uranium minerals. tunnel in the Boulder tungsten district. Other small A fractured zone in the NW1Jt,NE14 sec. 21, T. 7 S., deposits of hematite were observed in the quartzite. in R. 69 W. (pl. 2) has been explored by a bulldozer open­ the southeast corner of the area, for instance, in the cut. Mr. Vance Haynes, a geologist and prospector, NE14 sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 68 W. Pyrite is a common min­ reported uraninite on this dump; oxidized uranium min­ eral in lime silicate gneiss, amphibolite, and in veins, erals were found later, but the radiation count in the but is too disseminated to be of economic interest. Mag­ pit was only slightly above background. netite is abundant in the granite gneiss and migmatite Test trenches and shafts have been dug in the Foun­ and in the granite pegmatite. It has been concentrated tain formation nor.th of J arre Creek in search of ura­ in sluices as a byproduct of gravel pits along the South nium deposits. The pits were said to contain oxidized Platte River. uranium mineral~ and to be quite radioactive, but they COPPER have been abandoned. Radioactivity above background was measured along Copper minerals were seen in many prospects in the the Bear Creek fault in sec. 33, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., and quadrangle, both in veins and disseminated near faults in the saddle on the section line between sees. 26 and in the lime silicate gneiss and amphibolite. The most 35, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2). common minerals in these deposits are malachite and Springs flow from one of the radioactive faults that azurite. Other copper minerals seen at a few prospects contains a sandstone dike 1n Stevens Gulch 1n the are chalcopyrite, tenorite, chrysocolla, turquoise, and middle of the Nlh sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. The water conichalcite. Smithsonite, a zinc mineral, was seen at from two of these springs was analyzed by chemists. of one copper prospect. Three samples (see table below) the U.S. Geological Survey. Sample 245703 is from a from a copper prospect opened-by a 10-foot shaft along spring that flows directly from fractures in the sand­ a northwest-trendi~g fault in the SW14SW14 sec. 22, stone dike. Sample 245704 is from a larger spring that T. 7 S., R. 69 W. (pl. 2), were tested for uranium, flows up through valley alluvium after flowing from the ·nickel, cobalt, and copper by the U.S. Geological fault. Survey.

[Values for eU are for radioactivity, expressed in terms of equivalent uranium; Analysis, in parts per million, of water from springs in Stevens analyst S. P. Furman. Values for Ni and Co were obtained by rapid methods Gulch, NH sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. used for geochemical prospecting, analyst H. E. Crowe. Values for Cu were obtained by the more precise electrolytic method, analyst D. L. Skinner] [Total solids analyzed by gravimetric method. Specific conductance and pH ana­ lyzed electrically. Ca and Mg analyzed by versenate volumetric method. Li, Sr, Na, and K analyzed by flame photometer. U analyzed by fluorimetric method, Laboratory Analyses by Wayne Mountjoy, except analyses of pH and uranium by H. H. Lipp.] analysis Rock eU Ni Co Cu ------245703 245704 D81776 Limonite gossan ______0. 001 0. 002 0. 017 2. 3 6 D81777 Biotite-quartz gneiss ___ . 002 . 01 . 09 5. 0 3 Uranium------~------0. 001 0. 001 D81778 Lime silicate gneiss ____ . 001 . 004 . 03 2. 54 Lithium ______3 4 Strontium ______17 12 Calcium ______724 708 Sodium ______488 500 Although uranium, nickel, and cobalt are present only Potassium ______9 \) in traces, the copper content approaches that necessary ~agnesium~------2 2 for an ore deposit. In a copper mine in the NE14 sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., copper is slightly more abun­ Total solids ______- 3, 980 4,_130 dant, and may constitute a minable deposit under more ·Specific conductance ______micromhos __ 5, 370 5, 500 pli ______7. 0 7. 4 favorable economic conditions than at present.

URANIUM The residues of the two samples were analyzed spec­ The J(assler qua~rangle had been prospected for trographically for 64 elements. The results of this uranium and more than 100 claims had been located. semiquantitative analysis are shown below: BE:DROCK GE:OLOGY 117 Spectrogtaphic analysis of residues jrO'In spring water in Stevens and by crystals of diopside, apatite, garnet, scapolite, Gulch, NH sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 T'V. epidote, and quartz that have been pitted and rounded [Figures oro porcont of roslduo; M, mnjor constituent (>10 percent). Sl, Al, Cs, F, and H.b wero not looked for. rsual sensitivities do not apply owing to use of and given a waxy appearance by solution. dilution 'teclmlque. Analyst, J. C. Hamilton, U.S. Geol. Survey) Uranium and other ore minera1s in the amphibolite 245703 245704 and lime silicate gneiss apparently were not entirely dependent on fractures for their localization. The min­ 0. 07 0. 07 erals are disseminated through the rock as though some M M Sodiutn~~~I~~~~·~~-_~:======:======______M M were original constituents. Some of the rocks are frac­ Titanium ______--- __ -_------Tr. 0 tured, others are not. Many of the fractures are healed 13oron ______Tr. Tr. l3arium ______- ___ - _------. 0007 . 0007 by hornblende . StrontiutnCopper------______. 0007 . 0007 .7 .7 ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Vanadium ______. 0015 . 0015 The engineering problems in the Kassler quadrangle are varied because there are so many geologic units. R. D. George (George and others, 1920, p. 394) gave The problems involving the crystalline rocks are caused an analysis of water from Strontia. Springs, which flows principally by fractures and faults and the freedom of from a fault about 1 mile southwest of and parallel with water circulation in them. These fractures must be the fault along Stevens Gulch. Although the total grouted beneath large concrete dams, both to provide a solids make up a greater proportion of that water, t.he solid foundation and to prevent seepage. In building chemical composition of the spring water from the two highways, drains should be installed to carry away the locaJities is similar. water seeping from the fractures and to prevent frost Wa.ter and gas from the springs in Stevens Gulch heaving and pumping under the pavement. The were analyzed for radium and radon. The results are weathered mantle is sufficiently deep over most of the shown below : crystalline rocks that small one-way logging roads can be built without blasting, but larger roads would re­ Radium and radon in spring water from Stevens Gulch, NH sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 69 W. quire considerable blasting, except in the Pikes Peak [Analyst, A. B. Tanner, U.S. Gcol. Survey] granite where the weathered rock is thicker. Clay is the principal cause of trouble in road con­ Spring in Sll.lldstonc Spring in valley dike alluvium struction in the Graneros shale, Greenhorn limestone, Carlile shale, Niobrara formation, Pierre shale, Fox Water Gas Water Gas phase phase phase phase Hills sandstone, Laramie formation, and the Dawson arkose. Some of the clay expm1ds when wet, and H.a226 (micromicrocuries per should either be removed and backfilled with permeable liter± 20 percent) ______40 40 Rn222 (tnicromicrocuries per ------material or should be kept dry. Cuts in these shales liter± 10 percent) ______7,500 29,000 3,600 17,000 should not exceed a slope of 45 °, arid in the Pierre shale Partition ratio: Rn in water+ Rn in gas ______0. 26 0. 21 cuts should be less than 20°. On the flanks of the pedi­ Equilibrium partition· ratio __ . 32 . 29 ments, landslides can be observed on 25 ° slopes several places in the Pierre shale. Most of the a.Iluvium in the area is well drained, but In explanation of these results Tanner stated (written the soils in the older alluvium and the Piney Creek and communication, 1956) : post-Piney Creek alluvium are clayey, waterlogged, full The concentration of radium in the water samples was ano­ of organic n1atter, and not suitable for fill; they should malous by ubout an order of magnitude and that of radon by be stripped. and backfilled with free-draining granular about hnlf an order of magnitude. Natural waters containing more than 3 micromicrocuries per liter of radium or more than 1naterial. Both the clayey and organic-rich materials 2,000 micromicrocuries per liter of radon are unusual. The expand when wet and shrink when dry and thus nnomalies in radium and radon concentration suggest the make w1stable foundations. The loess also may cause presence of slight anomalies (0.005 to 0.010 percent eU) in similar problems because it contains much clay from uranium concentration in the vicinity of the sampling points. the Pierre shale and the Dawson arkose. The bog clay, Along faults, the lime silicate gneiss and the amphi­ which is crossed by a north-trending road south of Rox­ bolite were the rocks most receptive to mineralizing so­ borough Park school, sags and allows the road to become lutions, probably because they contain vugs and because rutted and difficult to traverse after rains. The sub­ many of their constituents are ea,sily dissolved by acid­ base of the road was built of bog clay, whereas the bog charged water. The a.mount of acid that acted on these clay should have been stripped and backfilled with per­ rocks is demonstrated by etched figures on schorlomite ·meable material. Because water is the primary cause 118 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

USGS of trouble in the clayey sediments, drains should be Locality Mesozoic established wherever water can stand or where it seeps (pl. 2) locality out at the contact of a permeable bed overlying the GREENHORN LIMESTONE-Continued clayey shales-such as where alluvium overlies the Bridge Creek limestone member Pierre shale. 5 D3 SE~NW~ sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from thin light-gray limestone bed. Scott, 1953. The geologic materials are listed below by excavation 6 D1088 SE~SW~NW~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., characteristics : light-gray limestone at top. Scott, 1956. Rock excavation (requires blasting) : CARLILE SHALE All crystalline rocks. Fairport chalky shale member Sandstone dikes. 7 D1089 SE~SW~NW~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., Fountain formation. from tan chalky platy shale at base. Scott, Lyons sandstone. 1956. Lykins formation; the limestone layers and possibly all Codell sandstone member shale below a depth of 25 feet. 8 D1086 NE~NW~SE~ sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., Morrison formation ; the thick limestone and sandstone from brown calcarenite. Scott, 1956. layers and possibly all shale below a depth of 25 feet. 9 D1087 SW~SW~ sec. 12, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from Lytle and South Platte formations. brown calcarenite. Scott, 1956. Graneros shale, Greenhorn limestone, and Carlile shale; 10 D1097 SE~SW~NW~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., possibly all beds below a depth of 15 to 25 feet. from brown calcarenite. Cobban, 1956. Codell sandstone member of the Carlile shale and Fort Hays NIOBRARA FORMATION limestone member of Niobrara formation. Fort Bays limestone member Smoky Hill shale member of the Niobrara formation below 11 D1090 SE.USW.UNW~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., a depth of 10 to 25 feet. from lower 15 ft. Scott, 1956. Pierre shale ; possibly all shale below a depth of 50 to 100 12 D1091 SE.USWUNWU sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., feet. from upper 15 ft. Scott, 1956. Fox Hills sandstone ; the massive sandstone and possibly 13 D1085 NEUNWUSEU sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from all shale below a depth of 50 feet. middle of limestone. Loaned to Scott by Laramie formation; the massive sandstone and possibly all Mrs. Cecelia Head, 1956. shale below a depth of 25 feet. 14 D4 NEUNWU sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from Dawson arkose; the conglomerate and sandstone and pos­ near top of limestone. Scott, 1954. sibly all siltstone and claystone below a depth of 10 to 25 feet. PIERRE SHALE Common excavation (requires power equipment such as bull­ 15 D260 SW.UNW~SW.USE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 dozer with hooks, earth mover, and power shovel) : W., about 600 ft above base. Scott, 1954. All surficial deposits. 16 D261 SWUNWUSW.USE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 Parts of the bedrock units above the depths mentioned W., about 630ft above base. Scott, 1954. under "Rock excavation" above. 17 D802 NEUSWUSEUNEU sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from limestone concretions. Scott, 1956. 18 D262 SWUNWUSW.USE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68, FOSSIL LOCALITIES W., from light-brown limonitic limestone layer. about 640ft above base. Scott, 1954. 19 D5 SWUSEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from Localities of fossils in the bedrock formations in the Kassler quad­ tepee limestone. Scott, Cobban, and Van rangle are listed below in stratigraphic order. Fossils were collected Horn, 1954. by the field workers in the years indicated. 20 D264 NW~NE~ sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., about USGS 600ft above base. Cobban and Scott, 1954. Locality Mesozoic (pl. B) locality 21 D394 NWUNW~ sec. 12, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from .ironstone concretions in gray clayey shale. RALSTON CREEK FORMATION Scott and R. D. Miller, 1955. 1 SE~SW~SE~ sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. 22 D798 SE.USE.USWUSEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 Scott, 1954. W., from shale just below Hygiene sandstone SOUTH PLATTE FORMATION member. J. H. Smith, 1956. 22a Dl105 SEUSW.USEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 2 SW~SW~NW~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W. from tan-gray limestone concretion in tan E. B. Eckel, 1954. sandy shale, 26 feet above D798. Scott, GREENHORN LIMESTONE 1956. Lincoln limestone member Hygiene sandstone member 3 D1 SW~SW~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from 23 D791 NWUNWUSW~SEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 oyster limestone at base. Scott, W. A. W., from small gray calcareous concretions. Cobban, and Richard Van Horn, 1954. Scott, Cobban, and Van Horn, 1956. 4 D2 SW~SW~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from 24 D1099 SWUSE.U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from brown platy calcarenite at top. Scott, tan-gray sandy shale 15.5 feet above D791. Cobban, and Van Horn, 1954. Scott, 1956. BE·DROCK GEOLOGY 119

USGS USGS Localit11 Mesozoic Locality Mesozoic (pl. t) locality (pl. e) localitll PIERRE SHALE-Continued PIERRE SHALE-Continued Hygiene sandstone member-Continued Hygiene sandstone member-Continued 25 DllOO SW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68W., from sandy 44 D792 SE,USW~NW,USE,U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 limestone conc.retions 18 feet above D1099. W., from hard sandy bed 44ft. above 22840 Scott, 1956. and 25. ft below top of Hygiene sandstone 26 D9 SE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from shaly member. Scott, Cobban, .and Van Horn, sandstone. Scott, Cobban, M. E. Cooley, 1956. and Van Horn, 1954. 45 Dll03 NW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from iron­ 27 D790 NW~SE~N:W~NW~NW~ sec. 19, T. 7 stone concretions in gray sandy shale 47ft. S., R. 68 W., from phosphatic nodule zone. above D792. Scott, 1956. Scott, Van Horn, and Cobban, 1956. 46 D800 SW~NW,USE,USE,U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 28 D809 NW~NE~N·W~NW~ sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. W., from brown ironstone concretions. Scott, 68 W., from sandy calcareous concretions. 1956. Scott and Cobban, 1956. · 47 D793 SW,USW,USE,UNWUSEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., 29 D828 NW~SW~ sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from gray R. 68 W., from top of Hygiene sandstone limestone nodules. Same level as D391 and member a little higher than D792. Scott D6. Scott, 1956. and Van Horn, 1956. 30 D391 SE~NW~NW~NW~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. , Shale above Hygiene sandstone member 68 W., from gray limestone concretions in 48 D824 SW~NEUSW,U sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., sandy shale. Scott, Van Horn, Miller, and from tepee butte limestone in sandy shale. Cobban, 1955. Scott, 1956. 31 DllOl SW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., fr()m gray 49 D827 NEUNE,U sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from earthy limestone concretions 28.5 feet above brown silty calcareous nodules in sandy shale. DllOO. Scott, 1956. Scott, 1956. 32 D779 Near center N~N~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., 50 D285 SW,UNW,UNW~ sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from iron-stained limestone bed in Highline from gray tepee limestone and brown lime­ canal 190 ft below D6. Scott and W. L. stone concretions. Scott, 1955. Peterson, 1956. 51 Dll04 NWUSEU sec. 19,- T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from tan­ 33 D1102 SW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 21 ft gray chalky shale 31 ft above Dll03 and above DllOl. Scott, 1956. about 10 ft. above D793. Scott, 1956. 34 22840 NE~NW~SW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 52 D263 NW,USE,U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R ..68 W., from con- W., from limy nodules 86 ft above loc. 33 cretion 33ft above Dll04. Scott, 1954. Scott, Cobban, Cooley, and Van Horn, 1950. 53 D794 NW,USE,UNW,USEU sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 35 D799 NE~SE~SW~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., W., from sandy shale above D263. Cobban from sandstone ledge near middle of Hygiene and Scott, 1956. sandstone member. Scott and Cobban, 1956. 54 D795 NE,USE,UNW,USE,U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 . 36 D810 NW~NE~NW,UNW,U sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. W., from gray tepee limestone and rusty 68 W., from sandy calcareous concretions. ironstone concretions. Scott and Cobban, Scott and Cobban, 1956. 1956. 55 DB NE,UNW,U sec. 19, T. 7 S., R . .68 W., from 37 D392 SW,UNE,UNW,UNW~ .sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from small gray and brown limestone olive-gray limestone concretion in clayey concretions. Scott, Miller, Cobban, and shale. Scott and Miller, 1954. Van Horn, 1955. 56 D7. NE,USW,UNW,U sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from olive-gray limestone concretions in 38 D826 NE,USW~SW,U sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., clayey shale. Scott, 1954. from gray sandy calcareous nodules. Scott, 57 D808 SW~SWUSE,USW,U sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 1956. from iron-stained concretions. Scott and 39 '? SW,UNE~SE,U sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., Cobban, 1956. from gray sandy calcareous nodules 25 ft. 58 D811 NEUSE,USW,USW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 below D1012. Scott, 1956. W., from brown-weathering dark-gray lime­ 40 D393 SE,UNE,UNW~NW~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. stone concretions in gray clayey shale. 68 W., from sandy limestone concretions. Scott, 1956. Scott and Miller, 1955. · 59 D807 NW~NW,UNEUNW,U sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 68 41 22838 NW~NW,U sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from W., from brownish-gray tepee butte lime­ limy sandy nodules in sandy shale. Scott stone. Cobban and Scott, 1956. and Cobban, 1950. 60 D803 SWUNE,USE,UNE,U sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 42 D6 SW~NE~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., from W., from brownish-gray tepee butte lime­ gray limy concretions. Scott, 1954. stone. Scott, Cobban, and Smith, 1956. 43 D1012 SW~NE~SE~ sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 69 W., 61 D825 Center NW~ sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 69 W., from from gray sandy tepee limestone and limy gray limestone concretions in clayey shale. nodul.es. Scott, 1956. Scott, 1956. 120 GEOLOGY OF THE KASSLER QUADRANGLE, COLORADO

USGS . USGS Locality Mesozoic Locality Mesozoic (pl. f) locality (pl. t) locality PIERRE SHALE-Continued PIERRE SHALE-Continued Shale above Hygiene sandstone member-Continued Shale above Hygiene sandstone member-Continued 62 D804 SW~NE~SE~NE~ sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 81 22841 NW~SE~ sec. 32, T; ·7 S., R. 68 W;-, from W., from brown and gray. limestone nodules friable sandstone· in cut. Scott, Cobban, 15 to 30 ft above D803. Scott, Cobban, and and Van Horn, 1950. Smith, 1956. 82 D814 SE~SW~NE~SW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 63 D801 SE~NW~SE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., W., from sandy limestone concretions in from iron-stained limestone concretions in shaly sandstone. Cobban and Scott, 1956. clayey shale. Cobban, 1956. 83 D13 NE~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from top 64 D796 SW~NW~NE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 of exposures or' upper sandy shale about 100 W., from gray calcareous concretions above ft above D12. Scott, Cobban, Cooley, and D795. Cobban, 1956. Van Horn, 1954. 65 D789 NE~SW~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 84 D815 NW~SE~NE~SW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 from gray calcareous concretions and iron­ W.; fossils replaced by olive-green sandy stones. Scott, 1956. phosphatic nodules. Cobban and Scott, 66 D788 NW~SE~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., 1956. from brown- and gray-weathering limestone concretions. Scott, Cobban, and Van Horn, LARAMIE FORMATION 1956. 85 SE~NW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from 67 D806 SW~NE~NE~NW~ sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 68 sandy ironstone bed about 125 ft below top of W., from brown- and gray-weathering lime­ Laramie formation. Scott, 1950. stone concretions. Scott and Cobban, 1956. DAWSON ARKOSE 68 D805 NW~SW~SW~NE~ sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 68 86 NW~SE~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from W., from sandy concretions in sandy shale. sandy ironstone bed in lower part of Dawson Scott and Cobban, 1956. arkose. Scott, ·1950. 69 D812 SE~NW~SE~SW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 87 SW~NE~ SW% sec. 8, T. 7 S., R. 68 W.; fossil W., from brown ironstone concretions in leaves from clayey ironstone beds in upper clayey shale. Cobban, 1956. part of Dawl:!on arkose. Scott, 1950. Ficus 70 D813 NE~NW%SE~SW~ sec. 29, T. 7 S., R. 68 sp.; age not determinable. W., from ironstone concretions in clayey shale. Scott, 1956. 71 D834 NE~NE~ sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from gray clayey shale. Scott, 1956 (collection REFERENCES CITED missing). 72 D786 NW~SE~NW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., Ball, S. H., 1906, Precambrian rocks of the Georgetown quad­ from ironstone concretions and cone-in-cone rangle, Colorado: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., v. 21, p. 371-389. layers in dark clayey shale. Scott, Van Bass, N. W., 1926, Geology of Hamilton County, pt. 2 of Geologic Horn, and Cobban, 1956. investigations in western Kansas: Kansas State Geol. Sur­ 73 D787 SW~NE~NW~ sec. 18, T. S., R. 68 W., vey Bull. 11, 95 p. from dark clayey shale a little above D786, Brown, R. W., 1943, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Denver Van Horn, 1956. Basin, Colorado :. Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 54, no. 1, 74 22837 SE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W. from sandy p. 65-86. shale. Scott, 1950. Chronic, John, and Ferris, C. S., Jr., 1961, Early Paleozoic out­ 75 D585 NW~SW~NW~ sec. 7, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., lier in southeastern Wyoming, in Lower and middle Paleo­ from gray limestone concretions in gray zoic rocks of Colorado: Rocky Mtn . .&ssoc. Geologists 12th sandy shale. Scott, 1955. Field Conf., South central Colorado, 1960, p. 143-146. 76 DlO NE~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from Cobban, W. A., and Reeside, J. B., Jr., 1952, Correlation of the hard 8-inch sandstone layer in sandy shale. Cretaceous formations of the western interior of the United Scott, Cobban, Cooley, Van Horn, 1954. States: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 63, no. 10, p. 1011-1043. 77 22839 SE~NE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., Cragin, F. W., 1896, On the stratigraphy of the Platte series, or from sandy shale. Scott, 1950. Upper Cretaceous of the Plains: Colorado Coll. Studies, v. 78 Dll NE~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from 6, p. 49-52. hard calcareous concretion about 50 ft above D10. Scott, Cobban, Cooley, and Crosby, W. 0., 1895, Sandstone dikes accompanying the great Van Horn, 1954. fault of Ute Pass, Colorado: Essex lnst. Bull., v. 27, p. 118- 79 D12 NE~SW~ sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., from hard 147. sandstone layer about 55 ft above D11. Cross, 0. W., 1894a, Description of the Pikes Peak sheet [Colo­ Scott, Cobban, Cooley, and Van Horn, 1954. rado] :U.S. -Geol. Survey Atlas, Folio 7, 5 p. 80 22836 SE~NE~SE~ sec. 19, T. 7 S., R. 68 W., ---1894b, Intrusive sandstone dikes in granite: Geol. Soc. from sandy shale. Scott, 1950. America Bull., v. 5, p. 225-230. BEDROCK GEOLOGY 121

Dnne, C. H., nnd Pierce, W. G., 1933, Geology and oil and gas Lovering, T. S., 1935, Geology and ore deposits of the Monte­ prospects iu pnrt of enstern Colorado: U.S. Dept. Interior zuma quadrangle, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper Memo. 72215, June 8, 1933, 8 p. 178,119 p. Dane, C. H., Pierce, 'V. G., and Reeside, J. B., Jr., 1937, The Lovering, '1'. S., and Goddard, E. N., 1950, Geology and ore de­ strntigrnphy of the Upper Cretnceous rocks north of the posits of the Front Range, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Arlmnsas River in eastern Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 223, 319 p. Prof. Pnper 186-K, p. 207-232. Lovering, T. S., and Tweto, 0. L., 1953, Geology and ore deposits Eldridge, G. H., 1889, On some stratigrnphical and structural of the Boulder County tungsten district, Colorado: U.S. features of the country about Denver, Colorado: Colorado Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 245, 199 p. Sci. Soc. Proc., v. 3, pt. 1, p. 86-118. Lupton, C. T., 1914, Oil and gas near Green River, Grand County, Elias, M. K., 1931, The geology of Wallace County, Kansas: Utah: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 541, p. 115-133. Kansas State Geol. Survey Bull, 18, 254 p. McKee, E. D., Oriel, 1S. S., Swanson, V. E., MacLachlan, M. E., l~mmons, S. l!"'., Cross, C. ,V., and Eldridge, G. H., 1896, Geology MacLachlan, J. C., Ketner, K. B., Goldsmith, J. W., Bell, of the Denver Bnsin in Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Mon. R. Y., and Jameson, D. J., 1956, Paleotectonic maps of the 27, 556 p. Jurassic system: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map l!"'enneman, N. M., 1905, Geology of the Boulder district, Colo­ I-175, 6 p. rado: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 265, 101 p. Maher, J. C., 1953, Permian and Pennsylvanian rocks of south­ ---1931, Physiography of western United States: New eastern Colorado: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. Yorli:, McGraw-Hill, 534 p. 37, p. 913-939. Fiulny, G. I., 1916, Description of the Colorado Springs quad­ Martin, G. C., 1908, U.S. Geol. Survey Mine Notes 9-911, note­ rangle [Colorado] : U.S. Geol. Survey Atlas, Folio 203, 15 p. book 1: U.S. Geol. Survey Archives No. 2541. George, R. D., Curtis, H. A., Lester, 0. C., Crook, J. K., Yeo, Maughan, E. K., and ·wnson, R. F., 1960, Pennsylvanian and J. B., and others, 1920, Mineral waters of Colorado: Colo­ Permian strata in southern 'Vyoming and northern Colo­ rado Geol. Survey Bull. 11, 474 p. rado, in Guide to the geology of Colorado : Geol. Soc. Gilbert, G. K., 1896, The underground water of the Arkansas America, p. 34-42. Valley in eastern Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. Meek, F. B., and Hayden, F. V., 1862, Descriptions of new Lower 17, pt. 2, p. 551-601. 'Silurian (Primordial), Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary Gilluly, Jnmes, and Reeside, J. B., Jr., 1928, Sedimentary rocks fossils, collected in Nebraska Territory, with some remarks of the San Rafael Swell and some adjacent areas in eastern on the rocks from which they were obtained: Acad. Nat. Utah: U.S. Geol. Sun-ey Prof. Pap~r 150, p. 61-110. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 13, p. 415-447 [1861]. Goddard, ID. N., and others, 1948, Rock-color chart: Natl. Re­ Munsell Color Co., Inc., 1954, Soil color charts. search Council, 6 p. Peterson, ,V. L., and Scott, G. R., 1960, Precambrian rocks and Gregory, H. E., 1938, The San Juan Country: U.S. Geol. Survey structure of the Platte Canyon and Kassler quadrangles, Prof. Paper 188, 123 p. Colorado, in Guide to the geology of Colorado : Geol. Soc. Hat'l'ison, J. E., and 'Yells, J. D., 1956, Geology and ore deposits America, p. 181-183. of the l!"'reeland-I.amnrtine district, Clear Creel{ County, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1032-B, p. 33-127. Richardson, G. B., 1912, The Monument Creek group: Geol. ---19G!), Geology and ore deposits of the Chicago Creek area, Soc. America Bull., v. 23, p. 267-276. Clear Creek County, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Roy, C. J., 1946, Clastic dikes of the Pikes Peak region [Colo­ Paper 319, 92 p. rado] [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 57, no. 12, p. 1226. Hayden, F. V., 1873, The geological features of the east slope Rubey, ,V, ,V., and Bass, N. ,V., 1925, The geology of Russell of the Colorado Range of the Rocky Mountains from Cache County, Kansas, with special reference to oil and gas re­ la Poudre River southward to Pikes Peak: U.S. Geol. and sources: Kansas State Geol. Survey Bull. 10, p. 1-86. Geog. Survey Terr., embracing Colorado, 7th Ann. Rept., · Schrader, F. C., Stone, R. ,V,, and Sanford, Samuel, 1917, Useful chap. 1, p. 31 [1874]. minerals of the United States: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 624, Hutchinson, R. M., 1959, A40/K40 age determinations of rocks as­ 412p. sociated with north end of Pil

Turner, F. J., and Verhoogen, Jean, 1951, Igneous and meta­ Vitanage, P. W., 1954, Sandstone dikes in the South Platte area, morphic petrology: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 602 Colorado: Jour. Geology, v. 62, no. 5, p. 493-500. p. Waage, K. M., 1955, Dakota group in northern Front Range foot­ Vanderwilt, J. W., 1947, Mineral resources of Colorado: Colo­ rado Mineral Resources Board, 54 7 p. hills, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 274-B, 51 p. Van Horn, Richard, 1957, Ralston Creek formation, a new name Williams, Bowel, Turner, F. J., and Gilbert, C. M., 1954, Petrog­ for the Ralston formation of LeRoy (1946) [Colorado] : raphy-an introduction to the study of rocks in thin sec­ Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 41, no. 4, p. 755- tions: San Francisco, W. H. Freeman & Co., 406 p. 756. VanSant, J. N., 1959, Refractory-clay deposits of. Colorado: U.S. Williston, S. W., 1893, The Niobrara Cretaceous of western Kan­ Bur. Mines Inv. Rept. 5553, 156 p. sas: Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 13, p. 107-111. INDEX

A Page Page Page Clay, refractory, South Platte formation______94 Fish, bones, Niobrara formation.------_. 98 Abstract •••••••••• ------.------___ -----. 71 Clay deposits ______------114 bones, Pierre shale. ______-. 101, 102, 104 Acanthoceraa SP------95,96 Clio8caphites choteauemia______98 scales, Carlile shale.------__ 95 Access •••••••••••••••• ----.------71 Coal deposits •• ------114-115 Graneros shale·------94 Acknowledgments ___ ------73 Codell sandstone member, Carllle"shale ______95,96 Niobrara formation ______._ 98 Actinolite, in lime sllicate gneiss______78 Collignoniceras 95,96 teeth, Pierre shale. ______101,102,104 Algae, 1n Morrison formation______93 SP------Commercial activities .• _------73 vertebra, Pierre shale ______101,102 in Ralston Crook formation______92 Conlchalclte ______------____ 116 Flow structure, biotite-muscovite granite..... 82 Allanite, 1n limo sUlcate gneiss______78 Conklin, Nancy M., analyst______87 Folds, Laramide ______UG-111 Amattropaia paludinaeformia. ------100,102 Copper deposits______116 Precambrian._------____ ----- 108 Ammonite zones, Pierre shale ______99-103 Corals, 1n Pierre shale ______100,101 Amphibolite, Precambrian ______7&-77 ptygmatic, granite gneiss and migmatlte. 80 Crenella elegantula ______100,101 Foliation, amphibolite.______76 Analyses, sandstone dikes and Sawatch Crowe, H. E., analyst. ______.__ 116 biotite-muscovite granite______82 quartzite._------___ • 87 Crystallization, biotite-muscovite granite_____ 83 springs, Stevens Gulch ______116,117 granite gneiss and migmatlte. _------78,80 order, minerals of lime silicate gneiss •• ____ 78 uranium in copper prospect______116 homblendite •• ------__ ------81-82 Pikes Peak granite, border zones______83 Anapachgdiacua complezua •••••••••••••• 101,102,103 D quartz diorite ••••• ------81 Anchura SP------100,102 sllllmanitic biotite-quartz gneiss •••••••••• 74,75 Andesite dikes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 106-107 Dakoticancer SP------101,102 Fort Hays limestone member, Niobrara for- Anona robuata. ------106 Dawson arkose, description ______105, 106 folds ______• ______.____ 111 mation._------97-98 Apatite, in lime slUcate gneiss._------78 Fossils, 1n Carlile shale______95 Aporrhaia meekL •••• ------100,102 Aatarte gregaria •••• ______100,102 Jarre Creek fault.------109 In Dawson arkose------106 Dentalium gracile ______100,102 Fountain formation ______-. 89 Autunite •• ------__ ------___ 116 Azurite .• ______• __ •••• __ ._ •• ______116 Didymoceraa nebrascense •• ------100, 102, 103 Greenhorn limestone ••• ------~----- 95 n. sp. (loosely coiled) ______100,102 Laramie formation ______-. 106

n. sp. (tightly coiled).------100,102 locallties ______~------ll8-120, pl. 2 B sp ______------100, 102 Morrison formation ______-. 93 Dike rocks, Intrusive ______106-107 Baculitea aaperiformi&.------99,100,102, 103 Niobrara formation·------·------.--- 97,98 Dikes. See Andesite dikes and sandstone baculua. __ ------103 Pierre shale------.- 99, 100-104 clinolobatua •• ______·100, 102,103, 104 dikes. Ralston Creek formation______92 Dinosaur bones, Morrison formation______93 corru,gattta _.------·------___ 103 stratigraphic distribution by ammonite Dlopslde, In lime sUlcate gneiss______78 zones in Pierre shale ______100-103 crickmayi. ------· ------100, 102 Fountain formation, description ______88-89 eliaaL.------100,102,103 Discoscaphite8 n. SP------101,102 grandia ______100,102,103 SP------101,102,105 folds ••••• ______•• __ ._. 111 oreoorvenaiB------99, 100,102, 103 DombevopBiB ainuata.------106 Jarre Creek fault. ••..•. ------109 Doublehead pluton______83 Fox Hills sandstone------104,105 obtnBttB------·------99,100,102 Drainage. ______--____ -- __ .______73 TUOOBU8 •••••• ------·-•••• ------••••• 100, 102 Fractures, healed, granite gneiss and mig- matite______.______------80 8COtti_. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99, 100,102,103 . Drepanochilu8 nebra8cenai8------100,102 sp ____ ------_------__ ------__ 100, 102 n. sp. (weakly ribbed venter). ___ 99,100,102, 103 ---~----- Front Range, cross section showing structure. 111 Furman, S. P., analyst______116 sp. ------•••• ------___ • _____ ------_ 100, 102 Barnett, Paul analyst.______87 E R., G Borgen shale member, Lykins formation ______90,91 Beryl, In pegmatltos.------8.5 Echinochara 8pino&a •.. ------92 Gahnlte, in lime silicate gneiss______78 Biotite, In limo slllcate gneiss______78 Echinoid, mold, South Platte formation______94 Garnet, in lime silicate gneiss______78 Biotite-muscovite granite, Precambrian ______82-83 Engineering problems------117-118 Gastropod, undetermined------100, 102 Blot.ltc-quartz gneiss, Precambrian______75 Epidote, In lime slllcate gneiss______78 Gastropods, in Ralston Creek formation______92 Excavation characteristics of bedrock______118 Dluo Hill shale member, Carlile shale ______95,96 Geltena gracilis.------100,102 Exitelocera~jenneyi. ______100,102,103 Bonzo No. 1 claim______116 SP------100, 102, 104 Bridge Creek limestone member, Greenhorn Geographic setting •• _------:.----- .73 formation ______95,96 F Geology, economic••• ------114-117 Brown, R. W., fossllldontification...... 106 generaL.------73-107 Fairport chalky shale member, Carlile shale .• 95,96 historic•. ------113-114 c Falcon limestone member, Lykins formation. 90 Glennon limestone member, Lykins forma- Faults, history __ ------·--- 112 tion.------90, 91 Calcite, ln limo silicate gneiss______78 Laramide ______• __ ---- _____ .------___ 109-110 Gneissic granite, Precambrian------81 Calgcocera8. ______----_------_____ ------96 Precambrian._------108 Graneros shale •••• ------94-95,96 canitaurinum. _____ ------______95 Quaternary------______112 Granite, gneissic, Precambrian______80 Carillo shale ______95, 96,97 role in emplacement of sandstone dikes •.• 87-88 Granite gneiss and migmatite ______78-80 Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. See Mesozoic thinning of Fountain formation______89 Granitized metasedimentary rocks, Precam- and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Faunal zonation, Pierre shale ______99, 10o-103 brian._------___ -----_---_---_ 78-81 Chalcopyrite. ___ ------___ 116 Feldspar deposits------114 Greenhorn limestone.------95, 96 Charophytos, in Ralston formation______91 Ficus arenacea .• ------·------106 Gudo, A. J. 3d, analyst.------104 Chrysoboryl, in pogmatitos.------~---- 85 planico8tata ______------______• 106 Gummite _____ ------116 Chrysocolla. ___ ------116 . trinervis ••••••• ------__ ------106 GyraulU8 vetern'U8------92

123 124 INDEX

H Page 0 Page Lithology, amphibolite ______76-77 Page Hamilton, J. C., analyst______117 andesite dikes______107 Origin, biotite-muscovite granite______83 Fountain formation______109 Harriman shale member, Lykins formation ___ 00,91 biotite-muscovite granite·---~------82-83 Hartland shale member, Greenhorn limestone. 95, 96 biotite-quartz gneiss______75 Lykins formation .... ------.------91 Helmer Bros. mines______114 Carlile shale ______95, 96,97 Lyons formation______90 Hlllside mine·------114 Dawson arkose ______105,106 Pikes Peak granite______84 Hogback mine______114 Fountain formation______88 Ralston Creek formation______92 Hoploacaphitea n. SP------101,102 Fox Hills sandstone._------104,105 Ostrea (Alectrvonia) lugubris______95 Hornblende granite gneiss, Precambrian ______8o--81 gneissic granite______81 beloitL.------95,96 Hornblende, in lime silicate gneiss.______78 Graneros shale______94-95.96 conge8ta ______97,98 Hornblendite, Precambrian_------81-82 grai:rlte gneiss and migmatite ______79,80 elegantula ______. _____ . ______95 Hurricane Hill reeL __ ------116 inornata .. ------100, 101 Greenhorn limestone._------95,96 lugubriB ______---- 96 Hygiene sandstone member, Pierre shale _____ 99,103 hornblende granite gneiss.------~ SQ--81 SP------95,100,101 hornblendite. __ ------81-82 Oxvbeloceras crauum______100,102 Laramie formation._------105 Lykins formation ______90-91 SP------100, 102 IchthuodecteB sp. (scales)._------101,102 Lyons sandstone ______: ______89-00 p Inoceramus balchiL ------100,102 Location, mineral suites, lime silicate gneiss.. 77 barabinL ------100,101 quadrangle·------71,72 Pachydiscid ammonite ______101,102 bellvuenaia. _------94 Lucina occidentalia ______100,102 Paleozoic sedimentary rocks ______85-91 comancheanus ______----______---_----- __ 94 aubundata_ ------100,102 Peck, R. E., fossil identification______92 Pecten nebraBcemiB ______100,101 convexus •• ------100,100,101 101 SP------~------100,102 cucloidea ______Lykins formation ______90-91 (Svncvclonema) halliL ______100, 101 deform is._------___ 97,98 Lumnaea morriaonenaia. __ ------92 Pegmatites, granite, Precambrian ______84-85 fibroaus ______100,101,103 Lyons sandstone, description ______89-00 faults ______------______110 in biotite-muscovite granite.. _------82-83 labiatus •••• ------95,96 in Pikes Peak granite______83,84 pertenuia_ ------100,101 Lytle and South Platte formations, descrip- Pelecypod, genus undetermined ______100,102 pictus. _------95,96 tion._------94 faults ______----______110 Petrified wood·------101,102 platinm _------98 PeroniceraB sp __ ------97 aagenBiB------100,101 Phosphatic nodules, Pierre shale______103-104 BaBkatchewanenaiB------100,101 M Pierre shale, description ______99-104 aublaeviB.------99,100,101,103 folds ____ ------______._ 111 tenuilineatuB------100, 101 Malachite.------116 Jarre Creek fault______109 tvpicua ______100, 101,103 Margaritella n. SP------100,102 Piestochilus SP------100,102 SP------96, 97,100,101 Meionite. See Scapolite. Pikes Peak granite, Precambrian ______83-84 sp. (not deformiB)______98 Membranipora SP------100,101 Placenticeras intercalare ______101,102 Intrusive rocks, Precambrian______81-85 Menuitea n. 101,102,103 SP------meekL.------101,102,103 Iron deposits.------116 Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks ___ 91-106 sp. ______-~ ______. __ _ 101, 102 Metasedimentary rocks, Precambrian ______74-78 Plainview sandstone member, South Platte J Modes, amphibolite, even-grained______76 formation ______----__ ---______--- 94 amphibolite, porphyroblastic______77 Platte Canyon Fuel and Power Co., (prob- Jarre Creek fault, description ______109,110 biotite-muscovite granite______82 able) mine No. L______114 gneissic granite______81 in Fort Hays limestone______98 granite gneiss and migmatite______79 mine No.2_------115 in Fountain formation______88 Polinices 100, 102 in Pierre shale______99,104 hornblende granite gneiss______81 SP------hornblendite______82 Precambrian, metamorphic and igneous rocks. 74-85 sandstone dikes ______------86 Prionocuclus wuomingenaiB.------95,96 Pikes Peak granite._------84 Pteria linguaeformia ______100, 101 K quartz diorite·------~---- 82 quartzite, Precambrian______74 aalinenaia .. ______------_------94 sandstone dikes______86 SP------100, 101 Kassler sandstone member, South Platte for- Ptygmatic folds, granite gneiss and migma- sawatch quartzite. __ ------86 tite .• ______80 mation._------94 slllimanite granite gneiss______80 Pyrite, in lime silicate rock______78 slllimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss______75 L Miarolitic cavities, Pikes Peak granite______83 Q Mica deposits._------114 Laramie 104-106 formation.------~----- Migmatite. See Granite gneiss and migma- Leaf prints._------106 Quartz diorite, Precambrian______81 tite. Lehigh mine·------114, 115 Mineral deposits, metallic ______115-117 Quartz, in lime silicate ~meiss.______78 Lime silicate gneiss, Precambrian·------/-- 77-78 Quartzite, Precambrian. __ ------74 Limestone deposits ______"____ 115 nonmetallic______114-115 Mineralogy, granite pegmatites ______84-85 Lincoln limestone member, Greenhorn 'lime- Minerals, in lime silicate gneiss______78 R stone.------: ______95, 96 Lineation, contour diagram______108 Modiolm meekL------100, 101 Mollusks, Morrison formation______93 Radium and radon, analysis in spring water Lingula nitida. _------100,101 Morgan's mine______115 from Stevens Gulch______117 Lytle and South Platte formations______94 Morrison formation ______92-94 Ralston Creek formation.------91-92 Morrison formation ______93-94 Reeside, J. B., fossil identification______92 Niobrara formation ______97-98 Mountjoy, Wayne, analyst______116 Rhamnus goldianus.------106 Pierre shale ______99, 103-104, 105 Muscovite, in lime silicate gneiss._------78 Rhyolite. ____ ------107 Pikes Peak granite._------83-84 N Road metaL •... ------115 quartz diorite. ___ ------81 Rogers dike. __ ------86 quartzite, Precambrian______74 Nemodon sulcatinus ______100, 101 Ralston Creek formation._------91-92 Niobrara formation ______97-99 s rhyolite._------107 Noddle Heads, Pikes Peak granite outcrop___ 83 sandstone dikes. ___ ------86-87 Nucula planimarginata ______100,101 Sand deposits .. _------115 sillimanite granite gneiss______80 sp_ ------_------100, 101 Sandstone dikes, description ______85-86 process of emplacement ______87-88 sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss ______74-75 Nuculana evansi._; ___ ~------100,101 Lipp, H. H., analyst------116 n. sp ____ ------100, 101 source of sand.------86-87 INDEX 125

Page. Page u Sawatch quartzite, compared to sandstone Lyons sandstone. __ ------90 Page dikes.---______----______87 Morrison formation------93-94 Unnamed sandstone unit, South Platte Mowry shale equivalent ______96,97 formation ______• ______.______94 Scaphites corvensis •• ------95 nigricoUensia •• _•• ______•• ______.. 95 Niobrara formation ______97-98 Unnamed shaly unit, Soutb ·Platte formation. 94 Uranlnite ______------______• _. __ __ 116 whitfieldL ••••• •• ______----. ______95 Pierre shale ... ------105 Scaphopod, undetcrmtned ______100, 102 Ralston Creek formation __ ------91-92 Uranium deposits __ ------116-117 Scapoltte, in lim~ stllcate gneiss.------78 Strotlflcatlon, Fountain formation______88 Ute P8SS fault------87 Schuch, J.P., analyst------104 Structure, granite gneiss and mlgmatite______80 Lnromide ______109-112 Sdponoceras gracile.------95 v Sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic and Cenozoic •• 91-106 Niobrara formation______98 Van Bibber shale member, South Platte Paleozoic.------____ ------___ 85-91 Pennsylvantan_ ------108-109 formation ______.____ 94 Selenite crystals.------99 Pierre shale·------99 Vesuvlanite, ln lime silicate gneiss______78 Shark teeth, Carllle shale------95 post-Laramide •••• _------112 S111ca sand, quarry, South Platte formation___ 94 Precambrlnn ••• ------·----__ ------107-108 SUllmantte granite gneiss, Precambrian______80 sUllmanite granite gneiss------80 w Stlltmnnttie biotite-quartz gneiss, Precam- T Weathering effects- brian ••••••• ------74-75 biotite-muscovite granite______82 Skinner, D. L., analyst------116 Carllle shale______95 Smitbsonlte. __ ------______116 Tanner, A. B., analyst------117 Fountain formation______88 Smoky Hm shale member, Niobrara forma- TeUina scitula. _------100, 102 Graneros shale~------95 tion •• ------97, 98-99 Tenorite ••••• ------____ ------___ ------__ 116 mortonf. ______100,102 Solenoceras Terebratula helena.------100, 101 Morrison formation.. _____ ------93 Niobrnro formation______98 100, 102 ThalmanineUa greenhornemia______95 SP------Pierre shale. ____ ------99 South Platte formation .. See Lytle and South Thin sections, amphiboltte. _------76 Pikes-Peak granite ______83,84 Platte formations. andesite dikes.------107 biotite-muscovite granite______82 quartz diorite and hornblendite______81' Sphenodiscus SP------101. 102 slliimanite granite gneiss______80 Stone, structural.------115 gneissic granite·------81 Strain shale member, Lykins formation ______90,91 hornblende granite gneiss______81 sllllmanitic biotite-quartz gneiss _____ ----- 74-75 Wilcox, R. E., tbln section examlnatlon______107 Strottgraphlc section, Carllle shale ______95-96 Pikes Peak granite._------84 Dawson arkose------105 sillimanitic biotite-quartz gneiss______75 Wlliow Creek mine.------115 Fox Hills sandstone._------104, 105 Titanite, ln lime sUlcate gneiss______78 y Graneros shale------~------96-97 Todd, Ruth, fossflidentlflcation______95 Tourmallne, ln pegmatites______85 Greenhorn limestone.------96 Yoldia eoanai. _. _------104 Laramie formation______105 Tremollte, ln lime silicate gneiss______78 Lykins formation ______~1 Turquoise______------__ ------116