Work 56 (2017) 31–43 31 DOI:10.3233/WOR-162465 IOS Press Review Article The contributions of occupational science to the readiness of long duration deep

Janis Davis∗, Macy Burr, Maria Absi, Rochelle Telles and Howard Koh Occupational Therapy Program, Stanbridge College, Irvine, CA, USA

Received 22 November 2015 Accepted 3 May 2016

Abstract. BACKGROUND: This study introduces the contributions of occupational science (OS) to the preparation and support of during long duration space exploration. Given the hostile environment of space, it is not surprising that there is grave deterioration of both physical and mental health when off Earth. However, OS, through occupational therapy (OT), can identify strategies that maintain health and minimize disruptions in task performance for mission success. OBJECTIVE: To determine the gaps in NASA’s preparation of astronauts for long duration space exploration and the viable contributions of OT. Because occupational therapists are trained to address deficits and modify environments to support meaningful engagement in occupations, the OT practitioner is well suited to address the disabling conditions astronauts experience in space. METHODS: A literature review revealing the challenges of deep space travel on humans was completed. A survey was also sent to (N = 170) occupational therapists worldwide to identify opinions about the profession’s involvement in deep space exploration. RESULTS: Ninety-seven percent (N = 163) of the participants believed that OS can inform long duration space travel. Approximately ninety-eight percent (N = 166) of respondents believed that OT interventions can be used on space travelers during long duration space flights. CONCLUSION: OT interventions can be implemented in any phase of space flight to increase the likelihood of mission success and safety and well-being.

Keywords: Occupational therapy, meaning, astronaut, health effects, Mission,

1. Introduction imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans and positron emission tomography (PET) scans of Long duration space exploration places humans focal areas in the body have allowed researchers to in a unique environment never before experienced distribute the body into subcomponents to study the by earthbound souls. A significant body of research effects of space exploration on human health [1–8]. currently exists describing the various health effects Unfortunately, space travel is not commonly viewed of space travel on astronauts. Scientific knowl- from a holistic and occupation-based perspective. edge and technology such as magnetic resonance This study is unique in that it sought to identify how Occupational Therapy (OT), with its founda- ∗ Address for correspondence: Janis Davis, PhD, OTR/L, Stan- tion in Occupational Science (OS), could contribute bridge College, 2041 Business Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92612, USA. Tel.: +1 949 794 9090/Ext. 5282; Fax: +1 949 794 9094; to the well being and optimized task performance of E-mail: [email protected]. astronauts.

1051-9815/17/$35.00 © 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 32 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration

Occupational science is multidimensional with its interventions OT clinicians and educators would philosophy grounded in a holistic view of the individ- use to contribute to the health and well being of ual. The science studies the components of function astronauts. as well as occupations, encompassing the elements of cognition, psychomotor skills, emotions, social awareness, self-knowledge, and many other concepts 2. Method associated with a variety of social science and health disciplines. Occupational science is primarily con- 2.1. Participants and procedures cerned with promoting health, well-being, and a higher quality of life through a of occu- Given the exploratory nature of this study, a mixed pations. It is also used to inform all areas of OT method approach was used. A literature review was practice [9]. By examining the transactional relation- conducted to identify domains of human health and ship between the individual (client factors) and skills performance compromised during space travel. In needed for optimal task performance (performance addition, a survey was sent to OT practitioners world- skills), occupational therapy practitioners facilitate wide to further investigate occupational therapists’ health, well-being, and enhanced participation in opinions regarding the subject and to suggest poten- life’s roles [10]. tial interventions. This transactional relationship between occupa- The literature review was limited to English- tion and overall health have been investigated by language literature published primarily between numerous researchers [11–14]. For example, Shaw 1990 and 2015. Databases were searched including: and Rudman [11] have explored occupational sci- Google Scholar and EBSCO host including: Med- ence concepts and their impact on health, well-being line Complete, ERIC, Ebook collection and CINAHL and productivity. Trudela et al. [14] discussed the complete. Search terms used included: “National link between a stressful work environment and psy- Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)”, chological stress. Furthermore, Schreuer, Myhilla, “space exploration”, “neuroscience”, “psychologi- Aratan-Bergman, Samant, & Blanck [13] claim that cal effects”, “cardiovascular effects”, “astronaut”, occupational therapists play a unique role in the “cognition”, “physiological effects”, “confinement”, workplace environment to optimize productivity and “isolated”, “cognitive neuroscience”, “context”, task performance of workers who may benefit from “environmental conditions”, “occupational depriva- ergonomic accommodations. tion”, “ deprivation”, “space, “sensory depriva- Given the extreme conditions in space (e.g. tion”, “neurocognitive performance”, “incapacitating microgravity, radiation, isolation), there is degra- symptoms”, “cardiac”, “human”, “sympathetic ner- dation in many health domains that will influence vous system”, “life science”, “space flight”, “space well-being and occupational performance [1–8]. travel”, “health effects”, ‘immune response”, “psy- Occupational therapy practitioners are uniquely chological stress”, “health consequences”, “stress” qualified to examine the intersection of person, “workers” Basic inclusion criteria were publications environment, occupation, and performance during dating primarily between 1990 to 2015, and articles long duration space exploration through current pertaining to the domains of health OT practitioners practice models and frames of reference such as might be concerned with that are affected by space psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, neurodevelop- travel (See Fig. 1). A drop-box with news articles, fact mental, biomechanical and sensory integration. A sheets, and various resources provided by the Long thorough review of the literature was undertaken to Duration Space Exploration Behavioral Readiness reveal the risk factors associated with space travel Consortium, 2030 (DSR30) and advisement from related to human health and functioning. In addition, American astronaut, Dr. Yvonne Cagle, was used to ideas regarding interventions to promote wellness guide research and draw conclusions. for life in space to ameliorate these risks were After approval from the Institutional Review Board explored. for Protection of Human Subjects, researchers devel- Another purpose of this study was to determine if oped an eighteen-item questionnaire to send to occupational therapy clinicians and educators would occupational therapy practitioners and educators. agree that OT has a place in long duration space Demographic questions such as area of practice, edu- exploration. The researchers were also interested cation level, age, and area of residence were included. in what types of models, frames of reference, and Questions regarding what types of OT frameworks, J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration 33

Fig. 1. The Literature Review Process for the Investigation of Domains of Human Health Affected by Space Travel. models and interventions were included. Open-ended themes and subthemes by searching for patterns questions regarding thoughts about how OS and OT and connections among responses. To establish could contribute to long duration space travel were interrater reliability, each researcher coded the infor- included. Random and snowball sampling was used mation until common themes and subthemes were to gather email addresses from OT practitioners and identified [11–13]. The findings revealed there is educators. The survey was also circulated to OT a high level, excellent, agreement among raters, practitioners in California through the Occupational k = 0.90. Therapy Association of California (OTAC) email list. Participants were encouraged to send the survey to people within their professional networks. Google 3. Literature review results Docs was used to send the anonymous survey and completion of the survey indicated consent. If the Occupational therapists are trained in assessing participant wished to learn of the survey results the the interrelated components of client factors such as option was given to include their contact information body functions and body structures when considering upon completion of the survey. The analysis tool in a client’s ability to engage in meaningful occupa- Google Docs provided the analytics for the quantita- tions. Body structures include anatomical parts of tive information. the body which support body functions [10]. Body functions which are dependent upon body structures 2.2. Analysis include sensory, affective, cognitive, perceptual, car- diovascular, respiratory and endocrine functions [10]. Results of the qualitative information were Because astronauts engaged in long duration space coded to identify common themes and sub-themes. exploration need to adapt to a hostile anti-gravity Each researcher read participant’s responses thor- environment, are exposed to radiation, perform under oughly. Categories were identified and headings extreme stress, and are essentially isolated from selected. Under each heading, phrases or words the rest of humanity, there are many detrimen- were listed. Further examination of the data yielded tal effects imposed on them. Table 1 displays the 34 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration

Table 1 3.2. Musculoskeletal effects Client factors affected by space travel Client Factor Disruptions Researchers have revealed that the anti-gravity Body Structures Bone mineral loss, atrophy, environment also has negative effects on the mus- cardiovascular deconditioning, radiation culoskeletal system [3]. Specifically, skeletal muscle effects on neuroplasticity, cerebral-spinal fluid compressing on the optic nerve atrophy is a major concern [4]. Research indicates Body Functions Alterations in muscle activation variability, that long-term missions could reduce overall muscle orthostatic reflexes, decreased strength, function by nearly half [2]. Study subjects who com- balance problems, vision degeneration, pleted missions with duration of up to two weeks sensory deprivation, the lack of sensory integration needed for optimal functioning showed alterations in muscle activation variability. including proprioception, sight, auditory Specifically, increased variability in ankle and knee and tactile restrictions, impaired manual joint motion, alterations in head-trunk coordination control, impaired executive functioning, and impaired balance were noted. Osteoporosis is concentration problems, anxiety, depression also a serious health consequence caused by the loss of mechanical stress experienced in space [2, 5]. Canan [2] indicated there to be a continuous and progressive bone loss during microgravity exposure client factors affected by space travel. Furthermore, that can be identified as early as after one week in Table 2 shows the performance skills that are space. Furthermore, Fulford [5] found that the leg impaired by the extreme environment experienced in and hip bones lose their density most quickly in space. microgravity increasing the risk of: kidney stones, fractures, hip and spine issues and impaired healing 3.1. Cardiovascular effects ability.

Space travel has extreme adverse effects on the 3.3. Sensorimotor impairments cardiovascular system [3]. In the beginning of space flight the central blood volume increases while per- In addition to the debilitating effects of low grav- fusion and hydrostatic in the lower half ity on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, of the body decreases. The slightly higher preload radiation exposure may cause and stroke volume can lead to bradycardia, increased damage. Researchers have found that changes in the renal blood flow, and polyuria. Over time the plasma sensorimotor system occur during space travel [8]. volume and the efficacy of orthostatic reflexes reg- These impairments include: diminished control of ulating blood pressure decrease. These effects can movement, reduced ability to see and interpret infor- lower blood pressure, cause fainting, and make it dif- mation from the eyes, impaired spatial orientation, ficult to stand upright. Other cardiovascular changes and difficulty [4]. Alterations in the senso- such as heartbeat and heart rhythm irregularities and rimotor system can contribute to impaired postural reduced aerobic capacity may occur [3]. control, locomotion, gait and manual control [4, 8].

Table 2 Performance skills affected by space travel Performance Skills Disruptions Motor and Praxis Skills Delayed motor controls and spatial orientation leading to significant challenges completing tasks and meaningful occupations, motor coordination and movement timing problems, impaired postural control and self position accuracy, difficulty walking Sensory Perceptual Skills Vision degeneration, sensory deprivation, the lack of sensory integration needed for optimal functioning including proprioception, sight, auditory and tactile restrictions, visual attention problems, somatosensory problems, sound localization difficulties, vestibular dysfunction and binaural Cognitive Skills Color , memory loss, impaired executive functioning, diminished attention, perceptual disorientation Emotional Regulation Skills Psychological effects of extreme working conditions, excessive activation of the stress response, depression, irritability, and lack of motivation. Communication Skills Ineffective communication, lack of team cohesion, interpersonal conflict, diminished social interaction J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration 35

Astronauts can also suffer from an overall perceptual systems, they might be at risk for experiencing sen- distortion, disorientation and reduced performance sory deprivation [1]. Additionally, many aspects of in tasks relying on a high level of sensory-motor space travel such as eating the same foods, hearing the and sensory-cognitive skills such as piloting a same sounds, continuously smelling the same smells spacecraft. and being around the same people for such long peri- ods of time may become monotonous. Researchers 3.4. Cognitive deficits have suggested that a lack of sensory input can impair how information is processed in the brain [1]. Fur- Research supports the relationship between thermore, Rasmussen [19] linked sensory deprivation microgravity exposure and reorganization in the to neurological changes in the brain that can lead somatosensory cortex and the cerebellum. For exam- to psychological effects such as hallucinations and ple, a decreased number of synapses and degeneration anxiety. of axon terminals have also been identified [4]. De La Torre [3] suggest that the following neurocognitive 3.8. Sleep deprivation deficits may occur: somatosensory problems, self- position accuracy problems, color perception and Circadian rhythms help maintain sufficient periods loss of acuity, sound localization and binaural hear- of sleep and wakefulness enabling people to perform ing, impaired executive functioning, concentration occupations efficiently [3, 20, 21]. However, this sys- problems, difficulty acquiring targets in voluntary tem is driven by variable amounts of daylight and movements, visual attention problems, irritability, darkness in different seasons and places [3, 20, 21]. and lack of motivation. In space, the lack of environmental cues such as nat- ural light and other factors such as anxiety, workload, 3.5. Vision degeneration stress and isolation result in sleep loss, poor quality of sleep, and in astronauts. Astronauts usu- Visual deficits have been identified as a major ally have between 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night, and concern for astronauts undergoing space travel even less in emergency situations [3]. Sleep depri- [3, 18]. This can be attributed to structural changes vation is a major risk factor for astronauts because in the retina and optical abnormalities caused by fatigue in the workplace has been associated with cerebral-spinal fluid compressing on the optic nerve increased risk of accident and injury in several studies [18]. Cowing [18] reported that about 29% of astro- [20, 21]. nauts who returned from two-week space shuttle missions and 60% who spent six months aboard the 3.9. Physical and psychological effects of stress International Space Station (ISS) reported visual deficits. Stress is also a risk factor for astronauts undergo- ing long duration space travel that has physiological 3.6. Vestibular dysfunction and psychological implications [22]. Not only do daily stressors lead to irritability, short temperedness, The microgravity environment also disrupts the and a lack of concentration, but psychological stress . Motion sickness occurs because can have long-term effects on an individual’s sym- sensory input identified from the eyes, muscles, and pathetic nervous system [7, 9]. Psychological stress joints or vestibular systems conflict with each other to has been described as an adaptation to the fight or cause these phenomena [3]. De La Torre [3] indicated flight response [23]. With excessive activation of this that approximately 70% of astronauts experience response, elements such as cortisol, catecholamines space motion sickness during the first week of the and neuropeptides can produce negative effects on mission. Astronauts also can suffer from a loss of the immune system and can possibly contribute to balance and spatial orientation due to the vestibular disease onset and progression [23]. Extreme stress system degrading [2]. can even induce cardiac arrhythmias [24]. Stressors in space that might trigger this response include: 3.7. Sensory deprivation constant , heat, noise, vibration, prob- lems with food and oxygen supply or waste disposal, Because astronauts have restrictions of the visual, radiation, and toxic fuels [7]. NASA Extreme Envi- auditory, olfactory, kinesthetic, tactile and gustatory ronment Mission Operations (NEEMO) has indicated 36 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration the psychological effects include depressed mood, mitigate the fear and anxiety that often accompanies anger, irritability, anxiety, interpersonal tension and a myocardial infarction. conflict with group members [6]. Occupational therapy practitioners also have extensive knowledge regarding the musculoskeletal 3.10. Interpersonal conflict and ineffective system, and how the body produces movement to communication achieve wanted motor tasks. This suggests that ther- apists who specialize in working with clients with Currently only analogue missions such as musculoskeletal disorders might offer insight into NEEMO, the inflatable lunar habitat in Antarctica, how astronauts can best perform required duties while and other research programs have been set in place to dealing with the consequences of low gravity. By explore how humans tolerate and interact in deprived helping astronauts increase range of motion, strength environments. In the polar analogue mission, group and endurance, OT practitioners can facilitate optimal interaction, outside communication, workload, and performance. recreation/leisure were found to be the most salient Additionally, neurodevelopmental techniques may behavioral issues [25]. Interpersonal conflict and be beneficial in helping astronauts retain normal ineffective communication is a major risk factor movement. Occupational therapy practitioners uti- during space exploration. A crew that cannot work lizing these techniques help their clients to restore together in a cohesive manner will have negative normal movement, and functioning, by providing effects on occupational performance and mission sensory information regarding natural muscle acti- success. vation patterns. Researchers have even found that pressure on the soles of an astronaut’s foot can pro- mote a vertical and increase neuromuscular 4. Occupational therapy’s analogous contexts activation, suggesting the effectiveness of interven- and interventions tions based on neurodevelopmental theory [8]. When planning for long duration space explo- The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework ration, occupational therapists would suggest senso- (OTPF) which outlines the domain and process of rimotor interventions. Helen Cohen, an occupational the profession of occupational therapy lists the client therapist, was part of a team that developed a training factors and performance skills needed to perform program aimed to improve the ability of astronauts to most occupations [10]. It also outlines the types of adapt to new sensory environments called the Senso- interventions used in therapy to remediate or sustain rimotor Adaptability (SA) Training [28]. By assisting optimal health and wellness. Occupational ther- crew members in learning how to solve sensorimo- apy practitioners routinely work with persons with tor, balance, and/or locomotor challenges, adaptation neurological, central nervous system, visual, mus- to this extreme environment can be increased. Sen- culoskeletal, cardiac, vestibular, sensory and mental sorimotor Ability Training involves walking on a health disorders. Therefore, occupational therapy treadmill that is mounted on a six degree of free- practitioners may have a role in addressing these dom motion base in front of a screen that provides deficits, and enabling astronauts to work effectively visual stimuli. It has been proven to improve locomo- and efficiently on long duration space exploration tor adaptability, and stability, which reduces energy missions. expenditure [28]. Ironically, one of the very few occu- Occupational therapy practitioners have been pational therapists involved with NASA is involved identified as important members of the cardiac reha- in this training program. bilitation team [26]. Not only do they assist their Occupational therapy experts in vestibular reha- clients in returning to meaningful activity and partic- bilitation offer interventions to reduce the negative ipation in life roles, but they also have the knowledge effects that anti-gravity has on the vestibular system. and background to address psychosocial adjustment Motion sickness has been controlled by a user-worn issues. For example, OT practitioners teach patients see-through display, utilizing a visual fixation target with cardiovascular disorders relaxation and control coupled with a stable artificial horizon, and aligned of breathing techniques that ultimately help improve with user movement for people experiencing motion their symptoms [27]. They also play a key role in intolerance and [29]. Vestibu- noticing defense mechanism like denial, and edu- lar rehabilitation training has also been shown to cating the client and family on coping strategies to improve other symptoms that are associated with J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration 37 space travel [30]. For example, Porciuncula, Johnson, et al. [36] identified the positive effects that multi- & Glickman [30] identified vestibular rehabilitation sensory environments have on mood levels and cogni- training as an effective means of improving postural tion suggesting the importance of enhancing the envi- stability and gaze. Additionally, Cohen and Kimball ronment of the spacecraft. Implementing a variety of [32] found that a vestibular rehabilitation program stimuli can be beneficial to an astronaut’s cognition. was effective in decreasing vertigo and improving For example, video screens and virtual reality head- independence in daily living. Cohen [34] asserts that sets may be useful modalities. Specifically, videos of occupational therapists play a vital role in vestibu- hikes, trails or landscapes could make exercising on lar rehabilitation because many patients don’t follow the treadmill more enjoyable [1]. Three-dimensional their exercise regimens, and it might be more effective video games or videos could also offer crew members to incorporate vestibular rehabilitation exercises into ways to explore the environment and increase sensory functional activities [33]. Interestingly, the Vestibular input [1]. Disorders Activities of Daily Living Scale (VADL), Cognitive rehabilitation may be necessary for was created by an occupational therapist, and may be astronauts experiencing the cognitive deficits induced a helpful instrument in determining how vestibular by space travel. Occupational therapy practitioners dysfunction is interfering with functional abilities of who specialize in working with neurological condi- astronauts [34]. tions such as dementia, cerebrovascular disease, or Vestibular functioning is only one of the few sen- traumatic brain injuries could offer cognitive training sory impairments OT practitioners are skilled in regimens to maintain or improve the problem-solving addressing. Therapists practicing in vision rehabil- skills required of astronauts to complete mission itation help their clients remain as independent as tasks. Researchers have found that repetitive cogni- possible, while dealing with the functional limita- tive training can result in macro and micro structural tion that comes along with vision impairment. For activity changes in the brain as identified by an MRI in example, they teach their clients how to compensate people with brain injuries [37]. Additionally, Cho et for loss by using adaptive equipment or al. [38] indicated that cognitive enhancement training techniques to enhance functioning [35]. They deter- improves the performance of daily living activities mine how vision impairment has limited the person’s and cognition and decreases depression levels in older ability to complete tasks, and then modify the task adults with dementia [38]. Similarly, Cochet et al. and/or the environment accordingly. Furthermore, [39] identified cognitive remediation to be effective OT practitioners also apply their expertise with adap- in improving problem solving, memory and attention tive devices and assistive technology to enable people in individuals with schizophrenia. Because cogni- to use optical and non-optical devices to complete tive training has been identified as an appropriate activities [35]. As experts in activity analysis and countermeasure in addressing cognitive deficits in environmental modification, occupational therapists a wide range of populations, there are many impli- are in a unique position to address vision problems cations for the role that OT practitioners who work experienced in space. in cognitive rehabilitation might play in addressing Because occupational therapists are trained to the cognitive deficits that astronauts experience in address deficits and modify environments to support space. meaningful engagement in occupational endeavors, OT interventions focused on stress management they have insight into ways the spacecraft can be may provide opportunities for astronauts to deal modified to reduce sensory deprivation. Bachmand with the dynamic interactions of mental, physi- et al. [1] have revealed the influence of sensory cal and psychological stressors associated with the input on cognition and the way in which infor- astronaut experience. Occupational therapists prac- mation taken in from the environment influences ticing in a psychosocial setting are highly skilled information processed in the brain. The Biophilia in helping clients overcome anxiety by teaching hypothesis proposes that individuals have evolution- relaxation techniques and self regulation skills to arily adapted to gather information through exploring recognize and manage their emotions, thoughts, their environment using the , and this curiosity and behaviors. Smith-Forbes et al. [40] describes has been beneficial to the development of cognitive occupational therapy’s role in addressing intellec- processes [1]. This implies that a lack of sensory tual, physical, emotional and or behavioral reactions input experienced on a space mission can have of service members in combat or other military a negative impact on cognition. Mansfield-Cohen operations. Stressors during combat may mirror 38 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration stressors experienced in space, suggesting the need 5. Results of the survey for OT interventions in optimizing occupational per- formance of astronauts. Training astronauts on the Occupational therapists work in a variety of set- use of cognitive behavioral techniques, such as cog- ting, some traditional, like hospitals and schools, nitive restructuring, may assist in minimizing the and some emerging practice areas like oncology irrational thinking that could occur during long dura- and homelessness. This research team was inter- tion space exploration. ested in finding out what OT practitioners would Sleep deprivation may be even more debilitat- think about the OT role in long duration space ing than operating under extreme stress. Fatigue in exploration. From the results of the online based sur- the workplace has been associated with increased vey, 96% of the participants believed that OS can risk of accident and injury in numerous studies inform long duration space travel. 97.6% of respon- [20, 21, 41]. However, by modifying performance dents believed that OT interventions can be used on patterns such as habits, roles and routines, OT space travelers during long duration space flights. interventions can address the sleep problems expe- When given a list of OT frames of reference, and rienced by astronauts. Sleep and rest are now its asked which ones would specifically contribute to own area of occupation in the American Occu- a long duration space mission, 69% responded with pational Therapy Association’s practice framework biomechanical, 67% responded with sensory integra- [10]. Occupational therapists are trained to iden- tion, 64% responded with cognitive behavioral, 58% tify contextual, performance pattern activity demands chose psychodynamic, 32% selected rehabilitation, and client factors that may interfere with restful 20% chose neurodevelopmental, 21% selected that sleep. Occupational therapy practitioners use stim- another frame of reference could be used that was ulus control to address sleep problems such as not mentioned, and 3% were unsure of a theoretical adapting nightly routines to decrease stimuli [42]. frame of reference that could be used (See Fig. 2). They also incorporate sleep restriction/compression The following question on the survey stated, “What (e.g., setting a predetermined sleep schedule) tech- performance skills are most important to focus on niques such as sleep education, light therapy and while providing an OT intervention to astronauts?” relaxation techniques. [42] Additionally, OT inter- The responses included: 80% emotional regulation ventions to promote better sleep can include physical Skills, 64% motor and praxis skills, 64% sensory activity, earplugs, eye-masks, and sleep inducing perceptual Skills, 46% cognitive skills, 35% com- music [42]. munication, and 10% said other. The last question Ball [25] states that the highest priority in opti- with detailed data asked participants to select an OT mizing performance and general living conditions model that they thought would contribute to long will be the development of an effective systematic duration space travel. The answers were as followed: approach to the management of a compatible pro- 66% person-environment-occupational-performance ductive team, who must live together in an isolated model (PEOP), 57% model of human occupations dangerous environment. Selection of personnel will (MOHO), 41% occupational adaptation, 33% ecol- be strenuous, requiring those intended to travel into ogy of human performance model, 24% occupational deep space for longer periodic missions, in order to behavior model, 13% unsure, and 7% said other (See go through a rigorous screening process. Not only are Fig. 3). OT practitioners trained to identify barriers to opti- mal occupational performance at the personal level, but also on a social level. For example, group work is 6. Discussion a common treatment modality used by occupational therapists practicing in psychiatric settings [43]. In Inherent in the OS discipline is the link between utilizing this treatment approach, occupational ther- engagement in meaningful activity and well-being. apists must assess culture and societal factors that Therefore, it could have been expected that the influence roles and group behavior. Because most OT one concept that came up most frequently in the practitioners are mandated to be culturally compe- participant’s qualitative responses (62 out of 170 tent, they are knowledgeable about group leadership or approximately 37% of participants) was mean- and dynamics. This implies that they may have ing (See Table 3). With the inability to participate insight into developing crews that can work together in meaningful occupations, well-being is threat- efficiently. ened. This implies that continued participation in J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration 39

Fig. 2. Occupational therapy frames of reference with potential to contribute to a long duration space mission. Survey responses to “What specific occupational therapy frames of reference could contribute to a long duration space mission?” Bio mec = biomechanical, rehab = rehabilitation, SI = sensory integration, psy dyn = psychodynamic, cog behav = cognitive behavioral and neu- rodev = neurodevelopmental.

Fig. 3. Occupational therapy models for long duration space missions. Survey responses to “Which of the following OT models do you think can contribute to long duration space travel?” MOHO = Model of Human Occupation, EHP = Ecology of Human Performance, OBM = Occupational Behavior Model, OAM = Occupational Adaptation Model, PEOP = Person- Environment- Occupational- Performance Model. meaningful occupations, in addition to work, is cru- However, leisure might be a necessary means of cial to optimize the health of astronauts. restoration. Leisure was mentioned 51 times by While considering that astronauts will be undergo- occupational therapists (see Table 3). From an OS ing long duration space exploration, leisure may be perspective, leisure is crucial for optimal health and subordinate to the completion of mission objectives. well-being. Numerous researchers have revealed the 40 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration

Table 3 in an optimal amount of restorative leisure time. Thematic coding of survey fill in responses Additionally, ways to maintain occupational balance Themes with subthemes Frequency (f) should be investigated. Meaning 62 Many OT practitioners recommended interven- Psychosocial Interventions 52 tions that aligned with the gaps in knowledge Coping with Stress/Depression 23 Emotional Regulation 8 identified by NASA on the Human Research Cognitive Training/Retraining 7 Roadmap. For example, psychosocial interventions Mindfulness/Awareness Training 6 were mentioned 52 out of 170 times (See Table 3). Journaling/ Storytelling 4 Occupational therapy practitioners employing psy- Leisure 51 Sensory-Perceptual Interventions 48 chosocial techniques could make suggestions for Integration 16 closing this gap and identify and validate effective Proprioception 5 treatments for adverse social conditions and psy- Vestibular 4 chiatric disturbances that might occur during the Modulation 2 Biomechanical Interventions 40 mission [48]. Specifically, interventions focusing on Strengthening 14 coping with stress, depression and other behav- Physical Activity 12 ioral consequences, emotional regulation, mindful- ROM/Stretching 8 Ergonomics 8 ness and meditation were frequently mentioned Endurance 2 (see Table 3). Isometrics 2 The majority of therapists responding to the sur- Adaptation 36 vey believed sensory perceptual skills and the sensory Communication and Social Skills 31 Maintaining Social Connections 12 integration frame of reference to be of most impor- Group Interaction 9 tance while providing treatment to people traveling Social Skills 5 to space. They believed that sensory deprivation, Performance Patterns 30 sensory integration, proprioceptive and vestibular Routines 21 Roles 7 exercises would be important. Because sensory and Rituals 3 sensorimotor deficits have been identified as gaps in Habits 3 knowledge to be addressed by NASA, OT assess- Occupational Balance 10 ments and interventions might provide an opportunity Occupational Science 19 for them to be addressed. The fill-in survey responses for “I believe the following OT inter- ventions may be useful for space travelers who endure long periods Due to the extensive knowledge regarding motor off Earth,” “what other thoughts do you have about the role of and praxis skills in regards to human performance, Occupational Science in deep space exploration?” and “what other OT practitioners likely have the background to assist thoughts do you have about occupational therapy’s role in deep NASA with creating interventions to treat muscu- space exploration?” were combined and thematically coded and loskeletal injuries that may occur during the mission reflect high interrater reliability. Note: Frequency is the total num- ber of responses but unique to only one respondent. [48]. They also might provide some insight into creating exercise regimens that assist in optimizing musculoskeletal health for maintenance of occupa- positive effects of leisure activity on health and well- tional performance. Approximately 64.1% of the being [44, 45]. Specifically, Kleinberg et al. [45] participants felt that interventions focused on motor identified leisure as an important resource for deal- and praxis skills and the biomechanical frame of ing with stressful life events. Similarly, Garcia et al. reference were significant while preparing for long [46] identified the link between leisure-time physi- duration space exploration. Specifically, physical cal activity and psychological well-being, which was activity, isometric exercises, range of motion (ROM) operationally defined as self-esteem and subjective endurance and ergonomics appeared as major sub- vitality. Because humans have an intrinsic need for themes. contact with nature, horticultural leisure activities Team function has been identified as an important might be especially beneficial and might even address area to research by NASA. Additionally, under- sensory deprivation [44, 47]. Some occupational ther- standing how personal relations/interactions affect apists who responded to the survey recommended behavioral health and performance is an area of virtual reality games with nature-scenes and the uti- concern [48]. Because occupational therapists have lization of plants on the spacecraft. Future research knowledge regarding social and communication should focus on enabling astronauts to participate skills, and the influence of the social context on J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration 41 occupational performance, they might be able to Another limitation of our study was the relatively assist with addressing these concerns. The quali- small sample size of occupational therapists who tative analysis indicated that communication was took our survey. Additionally, the majority of the mentioned approximately 31 out of 170 instances (see participants were from the west coast of the United Table 3). Specifically, social skills, group interaction, States making it difficult to generalize to occupational social connections with friends and family, journaling therapy OT practitioners across the United States, and communication logs were mentioned as potential much less across the globe. Many of the partici- countermeasures. pants also currently work in academia which might Performance patterns such as routines, roles, rit- have also somewhat skewed results. Furthermore, it is uals, and habits appeared as a major theme in our unknown what prior knowledge the individuals who qualitative analysis being mentioned 30 out of 170 participated in the survey have regarding space explo- instances. Specifically, sleep and rest routines were ration, which may also compromise the validity of mentioned frequently. Because sleep and rest are a results. Despite these limitations, this study provides major area of research for space exploration, OT an excellent foundation for future studies. Based on practitioners might provide significant insight into these findings, relevant frames of reference, mod- helping astronauts maintain regular sleep and rest els of practice and interventions have been identified routines to optimize cognition and task performance. that can assist future researchers in helping astronauts The qualitative analysis indicated that therapists optimize health and well-being, resulting in enhanced believe adaptation to be extremely important for task performance and mission success. astronauts undergoing space travel. Adapting to a new environment focused on adapting to a difference sen- sory environment. This includes adapting to different 6.2. Conclusion roles or activities or preferred activities for partic- ipants in artificial environment as well as changes The OT profession firmly believes OS can inform in gravity to occupations and tools. Being experts in the long duration space mission. Moreover, the OT adaptation and environmental modification, OT prac- profession believes OT interventions can be used by titioners might be able to provide significant insight space travelers on long duration space flights. Occu- into helping astronauts adapt to the extreme environ- pations can either facilitate or limit the capacity of an ment experienced during space travel. individual to succeed in adapting to environmental Interestingly, when asked what thoughts partic- demands. Deep space exploration presents environ- ipants had about the role of OS in deep space mental demands not yet experienced by humankind. exploration, a very small pool of participants included By exploring the many dimensions and inherent the term “occupational science” in their responses. meaning of occupations, insight into meaningful These results indicate that the term or concept of OS occupational therapy interventions in space can be does not easily come to mind for this population. It illuminated. These interventions can address the is unclear if this is a lack of knowledge of or famil- deficits associated with long duration space explo- iarity with the concepts of OS. However, participants ration. responded to this question multiple times with the terms “occupational deprivation” and “meaning,” two concepts closely associated with OS. Acknowledgments

6.1. Limitations The researchers would like to thank Dr. Yvonne Cagle and Jan Kingaard, and all those involved with It is important to note that the list of occupational the Long Duration Space Exploration Behavioral therapy interventions suggested from the respondents Readiness Consortium 2030 for their guidance in the is by no means exhaustive. The responses suggest a creation of this article. Each of the authors would like role for occupational therapy as a means to address to thank their families and friends who have supported the many health risks of long duration space missions. us throughout this process. We sincerely hope this The sample interventions collected by this survey are, paper will contribute to the knowledge bank for the at the very least, a foothold to occupational therapy’s Long Duration Space Exploration Behavioral Readi- claim as an integral part of maintaining the health of ness Consortium 2030 and that elements of this paper people who participate in space missions. will be recognized globally in the future. 42 J. Davis et al. / Occupational science and space exploration

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