Tolurne 29 - Nmber 34 - Concluding our twenty-ninth season A.&qst 11, 1962 ...... b...... *b...*..*.fi.S.*.* HE LF! "If DX XXTI3 is this much help in the smer, I can't wait for winter to roll aro?mnd!ft -Larry Eacsett - 4419 Elmwood - Royai Oak, j\lAchigai~

-BJJEEK -M-EALB-E-R-S- 1803 Van Camp Omhb 7, Nebraska /POBEET 3. G0I;DER 730 Church Road Eraad Channel 93, Xm York /PAT O~SEGEIT 9004 Vhetstone Road Evansville, 1nd.i am JR~BERT J. TIARA 20 Drabbington Way maston 93, h'Iassachusetts yROlJAiJ FX.?FON Rural Route Ksmpton, JDST MOEAJT 17775 Clyde Avenue Lansing, I llinois ,,VfILLIAM W. TfILLIS 4125 Ramsdell Avenue la Crescents, California -R-EEbTTEJ!-A-L-sS_ dames A. Lee (re-joinin~) 8ob Coomler Francis H. 3Tittler

LAST CALL M THE COE'VENTION! Yes, this is our last issue before that great ard happy avent, and eo wa want to sound our final clarion call to a11 of you to rridlre your ctecisLon An fc~vorof attending, for you are guarmteed s fine time! Talk DX, visit local e tations, and redax zmng your f'clLcvr bTRC rI?m'L;ers! Ivlake those reservations II\OvEDLATELYt See Dave Roy s spc.,ci it1 ~ge in this iasuo, the final issue of Volume 29, and be there when the band star* playing!

A LOSS FOR WORD3, bs DAN PAILLFIR 1. 3. I'm .at a loss for words, you see To pasts I show my best verie card; When to friends I talk of DX. Ten watts, Santat s Nor%hPolo Hut, What seems a srholesome hobby to me But aven the clevz?rest find it hard To oYn3rs is very complex. To comprehend, and reply blandly, "So 2. 4. Vhat? I take thw to my DX Den I sadly turn and lead them mvq 'Po tell of my exploits and tvode. Try vainly to surpreos a tear. I talk but brief1.y of catches and then "Try WLWf a well-wisher would say - The sz?-.o story always goes. I'Theytre loud and real easy to hear!n

And tkeTefs aa much truth as poetry in these lines! To find soneone vvith v~llcrfi;~ou CAY talk DX, and lots of them, be sure to plan to be at tns NEC1s INDIATJPPOLIS CO;TiPm,TTON! The dates are Sept. 1-2-3, at the Claypool Hotel, in Indianapolis, Incliaii!

NEXT ISSUE FJPT. 15 The deadline mill be Tuesday, ~e-ptember11 in Brookl~n,and Fednesday, Sspfm~ber12 in nkndota. me will very soon notify you as to the new Editor of the International DX Digest, but for this Se~ttember15 issue, there will be no foreig 8ec:ion. T.-en, the next DX bm1S after this one will be two weeks later, on September 29 ; then Oil Oztober 13th. Lett s have those reports for these issues as we go into our t,I~.'.rtie.t,~h?~eafi~, / -by BTOO~-~S~L:25 P.O. We received an unsealed envelope from Larry Schvartz marked llReceivsd vi thut Coiltents' 540 C B X K. J. Lamb, Opns 1390 hV Q L C J. B. Griffitk, CE F W G T 0 David A. Schiick, CE 1400 K C 0 W Robert Carr, CE H 570 17 AuA X Nike McDougald, GM V: S P Z William Newbrough, CE H 590 T7 A5 B S William HenzljT, CE K S L Y Joii Borba C 1'1 K Z 0 Francis Morse K X I 'J Irving Faulkner, CE C. 620 V ET J R. Seston, CE KTUC RovsrA Lebsoclc, CE G W C A X J. m. Tiarney, CE W J E T Richarm. Zahiaer, CE J 68Q V D E G Robert B~nninser,AE 1410 K QuV F'illiam Gilmore, CF: A G9O K E Y R Roger Bartlstt, CE 1430 W I L @.G. H.;.rt, CE E 740 Kf'R IlIuG Delbert T. Keeling, CE KApLI Charles J. McGee, CE G 810 K C ?A 0 !Carl Troeglen, CE IV I V E Sam Jackson Jr. H 860 K 0 iff 0 T. A. Kiley, CE .I450 IY H T C Julius Vandens, CE Ii K 3'13 A John E. Nalson, CE V! I BB4 Phillip F. Cm-pm, CE H K 17 'I R Paul Demarae a460 I( EpN 0 James 18. Blaine, CE A 870 W V L J??illiamA. Dean V! K A Ivi Thom Pringle , CE A 900 VJ E A S 3. Allen Brfmmer, CE TAl 'Ii A D Ervin ?rhite, CE A 910 m DM .Ii Lyle C. Henry, CB F! B U C Jesse 3. Ne~~rnan F K Bd 114 Janes L. Tonne, E 1480 K S E E Tony Garcia, GI15 C K 0 Y N Richard J. &sky, E VI A Fi I James T. Reedsr, CE B K LcC I? Joseph LJedrns, CE bbO Vi CrE Q 3aa Zika, \Jomensl D 1) K AqL L W . Dl Orr Cozzens , CE V A B 3 C. Cnsietophsr Ilog~sACiZ E 920 TI OqX Y Ray Cooke, CE W E S B William I~.V!inn, CE, PD K 930 Vl 11 0 L T1mman F. Smith, E 1510 Vl L K M J. I. Grove, CE H VJ F 1.; D ~~ssellBassett, CE ?J AuU X Adb E . Randall A B! SuL I C. A. Perkins K H A V. F. Strange, CE H 940 K If0 A Leonard Ballard, CE K C T X R. ivl. Hagan, B 0' sH W N R G (David B. Jordan 1540 V; PltT S Iir. & Ncs AngeJo Biorin~E (Lonnie Bliullins, E 1550 V P T N (~arr~Nunn, M 3?H 970 V Y P B Liniiiell P. Cruise, CE (3. B. Crawley H m Ar1.Z D J. L. Allen, M W D L R Maurice E. Sheetz, E H V! C S H Benjamin A. Hubley, Sfl V? B V M Fred H. Harrin@on, CE H 1050 C H U George E . Jones, CE Vr K T B Crover C. Baker, m,PD R 1060 IT H 0 F William C, Glass r, CE I hiid3 K ~obert?!. Hitc, II L 109 0 K WqJ7 S Don Mslley , CE 1560 KIQS kalterD. Stwmt, P G

1130 ' K T H S Fred Page, PD Vl G L D (~onaldLarenze H 1150 CKX E. H. Davkes, CE (Fred Austin L 1190 K LqI F Glen Callison, CE G'! T I? S H. S. Philaba*, CE H 1220 VJ K li T Jonas Bridges, M 1570 VI I L 0 V. K. Kaspar, 0 H K V S A James Hunt, CE Vl S H H R. S. Cresloy H 1230 K G F J JeanCorlis, Exec S W F U R Gilbert Vfaite, CE H K I B S- Eltvayne L. Clement, Sh!I Tl 0 K C Allen Stokes H 1260 ?T V Y N 3'. B. Heidecker, CE ?? E E R L. M. Hamilton, P K 1280 t7l 0 37 V G. R. Thayer, Opli, GM 1590 W K I G Mrs. Judy V. Cobb D 1300 W 0 Cl D Dale molters, &E K C G I~ kgenia Cullins, id D 1310 K N O X (David L. Chumley, CE V. S K T Hsrbld J. i\!iorgan, 0 H (Don Lmon W N J H John A. I\2mscalco H K LqI X Dennie R. Lowe, CE 1590 K C C R Sheldon Smith, CX A 1320 W E E T;T James R. Ne'vfcan, P, K UpD U Iiichard R. Heske~r, CE G 1330 K F H Los Cmpbell, CE 1600 V? C G 0 Anthony Santucci, GIG F g Vfl7 L Edward M. Tink, DOE W R S K Vernon h4cCerthy, CE F 1340 K O;;R ,Z J. m. lhcnrmray , GM K W 0 \V John Dallas, C3 G 1350 lr7l R 17 :! Jerilyn Humphries c-R.E-D-1-T-s- 1360 C1/ S A I George Welaon, PD A - D. om- H - \/. Stone I!/ H B G Harold Richardson, 'CE 3 - N. Pillsbury I - J. 3-~zison 1370 'J'I EqII I John 1. Stavt, M C - J. Critchett J - P. Crocker V ,' F A R, Schon, CE D - L. Kruse g - Ti. JO;I~ITL~S 1380 VJ G 1.5 Ii Enrcet t Kozel, E E - K. Shirley L - C. Ho~ington \Y P L B David H-d, CE F - 3. Fagas I$ - E. Cooper 13.0 K E IT N David R. Johnson, CE G - R. Pietoch /%any more a@ hand; later W P U P 0. R. Buckler,' GI\!, CE , 1962 ------DX NEWS- 3 Daniel ~iller-1121 Parkway Avenue - Covinaton, Kentucky Hi fellows. Notv that the school year is behind me, I am getting intosome ser20.v-s DX- ing. About all I had time for last season was trying to catch the DX Spcials, and I didnft hear all of them I needed. Static has been at an all time low this year, so I have been able to mbke a few additions tothe log. By date: 7/5- VISE-1310 ID Ashe- ville, U.C. Bn SSS below FISH. TIMIX-940 very briefly at 7:48 on SSS. Tape sent, They are 5,000 D in lrlt. Vernon, Ill. 7/8- WBAC-1340 ID at 6:30 am, dandy signal for a 250 watter. No report, lots of mss on 1340 as,usual, WEi?B-1420 on an abrupt s/on at 6: 58 am, no SSB or anytnink, mentioned call dna freqvency and went right into RS. Ver- ies are: v/l, VRGN-1340 and VJBNS-1460. V/c, WIRE-1430 VJPFB-910 (really nice). A note to all, including "AN Situation Listn, PEA1 is not AN saven days as listed in Condi- tion of Frequencies. They-are off Sunday AMs 2:00-5:00,- per a visit to them. I got myself invited into the control room to watch the.operations by one of the DJs and got promptly thrown out by a newoman. Hoo-hah! The DJ, Paul Furtan, is from %uf falo N. Y. and is very familiar with the NRC, .how about that? Also visited WCKY wha were very hospitblb for s large -outfit. Local WZIP-1050 are supposed to s/off at a:00, but last night left their carrisr on until after 10:30; I thought daytimsrs were suprjosed to wait until 8fter 12:00 to test. I called the studio to inquire into tbhs fiasco,. but no answer. On 7/20 I am leaving for Northern 1VIichigan on vacation and this year have the family's consent to stop at some radlo stations. Prill visit PfC~WCEW VSOO and others if I can get .away with it. Above and bvo nickels will get you a dime! 73. A/~cDon Roller. - AF22961093 - 122d A & E Sq. - APO 247 - New York, Nevi York I have three major items of ipterest. 1, For the past severdl wesics I nas able to gain access to a magnif lcent receiver - a Collins R-390, located In our,base communi- cations ceater. 24 I just returned from a very wbnderful week in Sweden, r!here I at- tended the 1962 DX Parliament. 3. I will probably be back in the States by 8/1, and look forward to being able to. help ~riththe fiml arrangements for tb India-mpolis Convention, First, a brief resume of DX in NE France lately. 5/39- Noted good signal from AFN-13C4 at 7:05 p EST s/off. 2:00 a.m., NAs picking up. 3 :30, WCKY noted. 3:46, it kappendd! A distinctive vdice in tbmuddle on 1190 kd/s. nut of tl?e noise came none o-ther than WOVJO - about 15 minutes of tape was takdn, includibg a portion of the Indianapolis Time Trials! (ED. note : Fort VJayne is Don, s home tom. ) 6/4- WCBS 6 8:05 Frn (2:05 am, CET). WJAR-920 at 8:30 and WNJR at 9:55 (twilight outside) plus us- ual stuff, including Brazilians. Beside these very unusual (for late spking, anyway) catches. 1 ::ave noted the fo.llowing which seem to be comnon when NA is good: 12i4EX-151: WEZE-1260 VTOP-1500 '21QXR-1560 V!KBlV-1520 WPTR-1540 WBT-1110 CBN-640 CJON-930 CBI-1140 CBA-1070 T7TIC-1080 NBZ-1030 VINEJ1!-1130 and VIHN-1050. Less frequbntly , PrLAilG-1470 T'rBAL- 1090 TlEGP-1390 VCAU-1210 and nrNJR-1430 have sk.m up. There are nearly altvays Brazilp ians present, be tween the hours of 8-10 gm (2-4 atn, CET) strong on 1180 1190 1220 1340 1280 1000 2~1dweaker ones on many other frequencies. As for this side of the water, reception of many Italian, Spanish and Garman stcttions continues to be the rule in the evening hours. After tne Spnisn Qhv~clehrs tne an dt 7 p-r~ (1:dO here) the reld- tively few ANs have very good signals such as Horby-I178 Yrague-1295 and many DDR and Radio Moscol:~ relays. At 9:05 pm (3:05! the 8 /off of URS-Azores-1500 can be heard. There are only a few consistant sianals from North Africa, these being Algisrs 1-890 Algiers 11-980 and Tunis-962. From the Near East, Jeddah-723 is the only sonsistant SSS DX. A3 I mentvioned I attended the 1962 DX Parliament in Lund, Sweden. It nas certainly a most enjoyable and wonderful experience. Also I spant several dzys in Stockholm as guest of Lars Eyden, a most amiable and accomplished host. It's State- side or Bust and f hope to see everybody in Indianapolis. Hemember, the 71225 Tnc Fighter ?Jiilg ;.ill be in 1AWn.a in time for the grandest NRC Convention ever-?:ill you? Len Kruse - 1675 Glen Oak Street - Dubuaue, Iowa Vri th no early morning DX 3one at this den in recent weeks, I have no new DX 'C.-~~CFBSto re~ort. FIoi~e~erI did gat 22 f/ups to my overdue reception reports, and thus I have 10 new verificatione in my collection. ~/lscame from WSH KCGIG V!PUP Vs%ETT "IaG T;iRJrH KTCZ WYPR T,%AS and a note on rriy reception report from VKBQ t;o bring my total veries to 3,627. On a recent trip to Central Iona I visited three Iowa radio stations aeeded tjr me, namely ~C~IIin Vlashingtori; l3JIA Khoxville and KDLS in Perry. I also stoppad at Iildianola and rrade inquiry of the nevv KBAB-1490 which has a CP ; but their Chanber of Commerce told me tby knew no thing more .than 1 did and that there was no work b$rie yet in construction. So this one will not be taking the air in the near future. (P. 4) ------4 ,D-x- -N-E-vr -s- August 11, 1962 en Xruse, conld. ) Just recently Bob Gorsuchts WIG-1450 Cedar Rapids has c'mnged call letters to KLW ; possibly these new calls coincide with their new owners who are KTVIVL in Waterloo, Iowa. --Carlon How inaton - 13880 Greenland Avenue - Uniontown 1, Ohio I guess it is about tine for another report to let everybody know I am still alive. I havenlt been doing much BCB DXing in the la& couple of months, as most of ny time has been at the TV set. My TV log is up to 210. Well, backto BCB DX. 513- \'IIT?CH-1300 in c ovdr WERE at 5:56 pn. 5/5- WYGO&3330 on f/c at 4 :43 arr, and IYMTL-1580 also on f/c at 5 am. WDCL-1590 throuyh PrAKR at 5: 01. 517- VrKBH-1410 at 12:43 am till 1:OO ain sloff ; PTORT-1550 on an ET at 1:21 am. 5112- OJSHP-1480 on RS at 4 am %/on. 5/17, VATS-960 at 4:37 am and WKVA-920 at 5:06. 5118- WPTX-920 at 4307 an. 5/27- V!XLFJ-950 at G am s/on under PICTIJ and WFRB-740 at 6:35 am. 613- VXVA-1550 at 5 am s/on in tb clear. 614- VILAV-1340 on a f /c at 12:55 am. 6116- VBUD-1260 on AN show at 3:47 am. 6/21, WGLD-1560 in C'hardon, 0. aJl day under C1:TNS, they began RS on 5/15. A few veries have cone in since last report: WTTR EOUR KOGO WFNL KGW FIAliD WDBL PIMTL 2AP ITIKBH TK?CH WORT WOOK WYGO IGAR WSHP PrMFC KETA WPTX WKVA KC11 VJXLW FIRD KT'S0 WXVA KTSnlI PrHEE IQTBY WTOE KNDY WCVA l~KFl33 KCn WGLD PTT14SK !T7PCFVLAIT. I hope to see everybody in Indianapolis. Till next time 73s and thanks for all the surveys. James E. Crictheht - 1504 Glenwood Drive - SAn Diego 3, California No reception reports have been sent out bebwden 616 dna 7/11. I had been v~oskin,$dv- ertime, and didnl t rbdnt to lose tne sleep. Tnan we brent on vacation trip for a week. Now that we are at home, both the SX-43 ard SX-62A are in shops for general overhaul; surely hope that I get better results this coming season with one or both of them. Verifications were received from KGFJ-1230 KSLY-1400 KXIV-1400 for a 12/10/~0report (nel~rCE cleaning out the files) ; 1420-W!HK 1489-KSEE 1550-KEDD and 1600-VIIQIF-QSL. More f/ups needed. On our vacation trip we deadheaded North along the Codst as far as Pet- aluma, then cut bland to Scaramento, Roseville and Auburn. Then w4 went SE along the Gold Rush country to Sonora, and from there West via Livennore to San Francisco. I spent a very pleasant evening with Pete Taylor among all his Hi-Fi equipnent . Return- sd via San Luis Obispo and Santa N~ria,Santa kaula and Los Angeles. Too short a trip, ht fun. The short visit with Pete Taylor and stops at KSLY and KSEE ercphasized the need for a prepared form to accompany reception reports, explaining what is wanted in a verification. Tony Garcia from KSEE wanted to know if I was from the FCC. h4aybe we should eiapkiasize we are mt connected with it; that it is just our hobby, collect- ing proof of reception of stations. A little listening since returning showed a new station, 83C-XEM\hIfi (?) in Tijuana, B.C., SS heard only so far; quite strong. Bope all you fellows have enjoyable vacations, with good DX catches through the smer static, and a good Cnnvention at Indianapolis. With all the other Joyal PC DXers, we hpe to be in Denver nsxt year. 73. PS, I see I am 1 week late - sorry. Peter N. Rizzo - R. D. 1 - Elliot%sburc, Pennsylvania Hi. I just joined the NRC. I am 16 and will be in the 11th grade next year. I am very happy with my first two issues of DX NET!S. I do most of my DXina on the weekendc The follovrin~ some of my veries so far: WRCV-1060 50,000; KDKA-1020 50,000; TIILK- 980 5,000; CJBC-860 50,000; WBT-1110, V'LS-890 50,000, WBZ-1030 50,000; VIM"-1130 50, 000; CHSJ-1150 5,000; P'NAR-1110 500; WINS-1010 50,000; VIDV-700 50,000; IT!OTIO-LBO 50, 000, WCHA-200 1,000; WIP-610 5,000; FIFBR-1300 5,000; PIABC-770, PrEZN-1600 500; \'IHM)-"A( 'TrGN-720 PPAT-930 5,000 ; T~M-9205,000; VHP-58 0 5,000 ; WCMB-1460 5,000 ; ZNS-1540 (doe5 anybody know the power?) At the moment I am using four radios (~ni~htSpace Spanner; Philco 611 ; another Philco, and a small table mode 1 RCA about four years old. ) D'iy an. tenna is a mall V from wall to wall of ny roommd I have fooled around with some old coils. B: sides the radio mentioned above I ve ordered nine -transis tor four-bmd prt- able. Vell, I guLess that 's about it so, goodbye. (~~lelcometo the NRC, Pete, and we bpe you111 have many pleasant moments of DXing don& w ith us! -ea. ) Sdm ~vlcLduchldn- box db - Brztlnectu, Qpebec Hi gang! The reason for my absence lately has been simple - no DX! However '%3SM-142( was logged and verified during June. Quite a few f/ups were sent out during June and the following have been returned: I1lMDOD-dx KBOX VONA KEBC . Was down in Neb-{ Jersey f 01 the NNRC G~thring,also in Toronto for the CDXC Get-togther. And I oertainl?; don't want to miss Indianapolis! Also a big welcome to Bill Stone for returning. Finally 1 have CHUM surveys, available on request. 73. IT'S ONLY A FEY! DAYS TO THE NRC IhrDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION! LAST CALL? WILL xuu AYTEND; August 11, 1962 -D-x- _N_E?-s- ' 5 Bob Colder - 730 Church Road - Broad Channel, New First Musings from a brand netv rr~mberso look out! IBm ~oingto log at least 4,OXI tke first year, HI HI. My thanks go first to the Editor of this co lumrT for his time and cooperation, when I called him prior to joining, He gave freely of his personal time and is very nice to talk to. Thanks, Ernie. Now - in a .little under three -- nonths of DXlng I've logged 118, and have 52 oerif ied. ' I don! t think thatqs too bad. 'Course, Itii? baed. .Latest and best. were ICEDM-9580 1:45 EST 7/20, and w'mt I SeZieve to be TIDCR Costa Rica on exactly ,625 kc/s. 6:49. p 'EST 7/21. The latter I cmldnt t copy through the static bursts but I'm sure it' was they as I don1 t know ar!y other Sta- tion on that frequency that speaks SS. If someone can, please advise mg. A little a- bout this shack of mine, of which Itm>realproud. I'm usirq & National 188 n3th a Heath Q-Niltiplier and have an Eknud-Telefunken consold for a spare set. Four ant annas include a 13Ot T type long r~ire,a brand netv four-foo t loop Itve just finished making, a 42" auto type antenna-(This one is my favorite and seems to work better th~nthe T, and a 20-1ileter vertical (I do some SlL too). The sets are earth-$rounded rigl~tout- sade xzv winder with copper rod. The rest include a VTVNI VOIVl, a tube checker aild sig- nal tracer, an oscill scope and an RF, SINE, Square wave signal generator., I use two clocks, @.IT a.ad EST, A better than fair electronic ibrary, desk, shelves; ad my lad line telephone. Ow idea I had while writins this, how's atout exahgnin?; picturec of your &hacks?, Ii[y address is above, so need say no more. Ifve got to cut this short now, next report I'll give a list of v/s plus regular report..' ~d ,long for n0t.r and 73s to all. (Hi again Bob, and welcome to the NRC and to these DX NE~vs pages!- - -ed.) . . Leo Fox - Star city. Saskatchewan Hi, mys, the prodigal revient du *ay&des mortes. DX is truly ihortett ak-ound here; has been siime 3 /3. 5/15, received lJDXE r/c -TT, KTR\k-99 0,RS AN -and nothing since. Right now (7123, 1:15 an) just sitting here, will maybe DX - rr~stlyreading old lliusings and eneaking several laughs in on the side in between aallons of axwe well Guse and pil- ing up msquitoes (guaranteed dive-bomber size) that sneaked in too -knovrs ho~v. Eh bien, ils sont pelele, maintenant. Hey fellas, MerV, Joe, Gvheneare you? IJould be tickled chartreuse with a yellow-ochre crosslxatcn to hear from any of you zuys, in that order. So- Pop,- Stdn iv~orss,Ernie, dna otmr foundinG fa'thers (well, almost) 'had us believing ItDr. Peppertsfl was a potent brew. ~nsteadit turns Out to be cherry pop? Sham& on you old tee-totalere - the dry and lawless yaars are past! To all SCs, tk~ W.E.S.S.C.S.C.S.C. (N.E. S~sk.Star City survey ~ollectorsand Savantes club) - that! s re! I have e, rdunddant' abbndarce , a true surfeit of CJGX ( two kinds) 2nd CI(OK (four kinds) of surveys ,to trade. Come one and two! So bitte einsteigen for Wapt6~:1n, home of Rolls Royce, our palm-seed-headed humorist (no offenss'!) Saclngss; I wcm't be there. A distressing shortage of song green precludes my presence irl Indiana this Sspternber. To the SS tossers; Vous avez une araignee au plafond! Do you know how to ssj 73 in Latin? LII! PS- Got s WSGN verie for 307, and RUGS,Tyntiall, now that 5,COO is close at had! 30%Pietsch - 317 San Fernando may - San Francisco 27, California CX have fGlly picked up a little here, after beins very poor for the first part of the summer, New ,lo- s of late: 712- KFAE-1110 4:55 am, KOVL-1490 5:28 am, ICALL-910 6: 28 am, KGE3T-2370 S:46 am s/on, KSOP-I370 7 am s/on -behid KGEN, KBVli;-1380 7:G5 am. 7/4- KIBS-1230 10:38 pm. 7/5- KVLV-980 8:30 p in and out of W, 719- XIQS-l5SO 9:29 pm re-ally battling vri th KPJLC and KKHI spi1-lover . 7/16- KGZE-123 0 4 :31 am ; ICSW-1500 4: 59 am, KLAS-1230 5:EJ am. 7118- KTUC-1400 6 am, rr,y furthst graveyarder &o far, IPON- 1580 10:46 p s/off. 7/23- 'VI.~-~504:50 am, KBOX-1480 5:48 am, KARA-1310 6:30 am, KVOY-l4W 3:52 am SS . (6:30 s /on), KWL-1400 7 am s/pn, KOWG-1400 7:02 s /on, ICOIC-1270 7:30 am. 7/25 EYG-1230 5:ll p. 7126- KEFI-1440 (ex-KJAY) with lots of rr a La KJG'rB 5?-19 am, 1rOI

'Conn, and Que. for ,the ~diitest!' In Coloradb 8/1 and on! - 73. . . . ' h~ormanpilisbury - R.D. ' 3 ' --'Jamdstotvn, :New *Pork ...... Hi gang.. , I.t'.s .good $0.. be. back, ' now that- school and 'tracir are both over. DXiq since 5/l. has been.~n91'.,0ther than Idgging '.lDNF-920 but 10st ths data, and date so 'do~?lilthe drain it ,.goes 6 ,. I think t_kit.-cagree . lo@' witri Randy Lee s idea of - having stations' . . such. as.\T!CAU count "for ..N,e14~-~ersey.station$', because the signal 1S.coming.from Netv Jer- sy and not~ennai,eventhough, . . . $hat"s .where they are broadcas tiniTfrom; Lett s kar

some more opinions. .. For, sure ' It11 ; be in ~hdiana~olis,,, . but tha way I ti16xe might

even:,surprise myself.. Veries:.have ' been WKRTLP2O-dx W JOY-1230 (pri 'the c.md it said I had won ei&th pr;ize, : a enbscription to ,Vermont Life magazi je, but I haven't'.- got ten it . mSVI:i-l49Q-d~,KIOAF94O ilE3n4K-131S3-d~. , DPTS,-E40 KLCN-910, HNDY-,.1570. PIT3ODW137O-'d~ . . and.V?OKY-920 after!second PP, . .73s: to: all. ' ...... , ...... ,- - Mike .&i.cg.-.~or,th. Easthdm, ~ass~chusetts': ..' Hi gzng- just a 11.ittle note to: letyou'know I'm still here. , I ha,ve,'added. a t&e re:. corder to t2-iis..den.. .. It's' ~o>eJcoModel. EL3541 if tbt ineans anything to ~qybody.SC if mybody. waints; to. send -a, ;tape . this..wajr.,,. g.0 ahead,. . Tcvb. n&n verie s have' come in, KNOX

a QSL axit !'lBIiC a v/&. I A couple- of week.6 ago: I heard Ernie. was. in town 'looking' for Dave and me.. . We had.,iUst". . gotten. a' ride, to, somel~hera~I c&nft. remember where. 'contest points now stand.8t 182,.,'.-Ishould send-out .f/ups ,hilt donlt have too much tine to. A. bout four DX progr&n station's never knskered -.Ti'f140D'KFRO and two Dthers. \'le:ll, I don1 t want to use-. .. space. fox no-thinq so ~$1.1,say 73s from here. Don! t know about In- :'. .. .,. . dianapolis yet. ...0h;:.73s #.a?,am.."" . , , ,. . , ..

.L. Eds 34 -. ' Zij, - . Charles CallAdnstn- 7232 t, ~t=ebt 1nU'im~polis Indima ,Hello darn- Greenhorn. fi&i?e.,. I 'started D'k 'five month$ ago- on a candle ' six-transis tor ..radii whicd.'~-serf singly eot--i50stations on, mcentlf I ..got an ;SX24 -Hallidrafters

.~Nithgmui2d cqknectad. $0, anterina' terminal. ' regent,, total, 602 in 36.. states cmd .-I6 countries.. (~,ss~biy~~us.tralia).-Veries;"~GB-1360 WNAX-570 V!QAnil-560 KIFYR-550~?32RG-l6Q WRC-980 CCII-540 gith .CM of all 6% stations. Do Eav* Borne neb logqings, TIJZ-575;. YND-675 ~1~~~700Radio ~knaica-?'?~ 'XEK&O . ,HO,U~~-1015. HOJZ-1040 (400nr. ) XEAIL1330. . Thanks to 'tl.2 me@&' 0.f ;SCALh) :fo'r.:the. card. So 1'11 see you atthe Conventioil-znd

may the God of DX' srnile,'~pon'fou! ..' 73. . ; .', (We lc'&ne, Charles, and let1 s hear mora! -ed.) . - . ~axr6l.lSeth - ,154 Parkridge ~venk ti ~uffalo15, New '~ork The &rimer 'seasdn .so fa? has .been .&onspicudus fdr the ,presence of so much psedo-po- :at& in D:: &ETIs'! . B& bhge$i'e id' s limerick was - particularly shaking. He plays rode: . . hi! Torlr sked pi.eventecl,.z;ttendanceat. the'canadian DX aeetin~in,Toronto ,::hicil aer-

tainly isnt t far ,.frpm :Buffalo. ,- ~mingh&y ,.thz re',was much activity locdly .in NBC as - 8, S-: , ..ranks Seth, EBge and .Fagye viere--:.busybuy ini'rdi o At 'ona time, th ownod four

1 and certainly Mas .happy when Edge ' and'.,2a.gyasBaCh bought one of Ms. ;The coixin.y sea- son.should find us .all-set receiver jigis0 ., 39th has an ehqe, however, as a local gen- {ius has boen con8tnucting;a loop for him s.iricd, February. This is essentially (1~. 7) . - ' August 11, 19G2 -D-x- -N-E -13' -S- '7 (Carroll ~eth)-the lopp that NRC members can construct in an evening. It must be some- thing spcial as the gehius keeps hinting darkly of break--throughs into undresmed-of plateaus of DX. We better start joining all the contests possible. C. Alan Taylor - 2529 East 9 Street - Indianapolis 1, Indiana Another five-feet-high hhusing from Naptown! s most Eastern DXer. Spuraticies, the DX God, has not been smiling upon us Naptown clods so the DX ishl t so hot. To appease him, you nust take a copy of yourloggings and offer it to him by burning it and of course having a 1Iveri.e dance" to bring in the veries, all to tl-B tune of either "Help Stzmp out IaRFlf of lfITFIS Indianapolis in- t 62!" A few things on verifying stations. I don! t see verifyins each and every station I receive and none of the other Naptowners do either.except for the foreigners and stations nore thn a qood 1,500 miles. It's a waste of money boys - nobody's going to call you a liar if you receive WOAI-12CO un- less you live on %he moon or elsewhere. Stations dontt.mind taped reports as evi- denced by Dave Roysf returns except for the big ones. The little ones are the only ones worth serding any report to at all and they very rarely complain about the taped reports. I sent a report to the choice stations received ad keep a record of the re- ports. If a station doesnlt vsrify within a reasonable period I sent a PP letter. I can1 t see cluttering up the veries with 'pdstcards so I make up my own letterhead along with the verie statement alrea3y imprinted a~~alsir#hn$'bosean SAS. I hasn't failed re yet, Dun30 about the LAG. I think an SS report, no matter how garbled, is a ccm- pliment to you and the station to vvhich you report, especially if it is a peysonal forn such as I use. Also I tniruc a more persondl letter is rhdnacrtory. Enclose a few can- celled Au,crican comri.erative stamps, a few postcards, surveys, anything you caii get you: harads on. If all ~~ersdid so the verie handlers would be waiting for more reports so that he can add to his collection. One fellow stated to me he started a stamp collect- ion centered ar0und.a mess of American stamps I sent him. Boys, you have to treat the people as if,thy were your best friends and if pou complain about the extra postage you don! t deserve 'a verie -to start with. Besides gaining friends for the U.S., we' 11 have fellovrs who are willing to verify all reports that are correct. Send aqytjing you would be' interested to receive in the mail and you cant t - lose! Co.1 e to IidiarBp- olis Septenber 1-2-3 and 8/31 for FUN ;IN,FUN and beer (that should do it), hi. David E . Roys - 5121 Radnor Road - CONVENTION CITY, Indiana Hi. I thov-ght I'd better muse for. this last issue before the big gabfest Aug. 31- sePt. 3, 1962. Reservations are starting to corn in, and I have hopes that many more will follov?. The speaker will be Mr. Edwin B. Dooley Jr. from WD1, a close associate of R. J. Rocl~vell, VO and DOE of VlLW. Mr. Rocksvell cannot vely well attend himself because of health reasons. I went to rmind every one thrzt Indianapolis is on EST, so make your timetables accordingly. If you will inform me as to your time and ylace of arrival, I will try to meet you, however ,Icannot guarantee this, as I obvio-asly can- not be in more than one place at once. There are no other members in the area at the present time who are old enough to drive. On Friday, mos$$of us will be on Gle WLW tour so we mill be unable to meet anybody. However, the railroad station is just a few blocks South of the Claypool and the bus station is just one block LTorth of the Claypool, so you should be able to find your way easily. There are limosiiies leaving from the airport directly to the Claypool Hotel at Washington and Illinois on a re@& lar sked. The faro will be about $1.25 per Ferson. Except fol Friday, I slrnuld' be able to meet most of the incomilTgmemberS at their place of arrival. I hop that this 'Convention $illbe a success and that many members will attend. All it really takes for a great Convention is YOU! \lIht is C. Alan Taylor RFlALLY like? Come to Indianap- olis ard find out! Ronald Fenton - Kempton, Illinois Hi. Itve just joined the NRC. I am 14 years old. I have a six transistor 2oc:cet ra- dio and a t'mee-way tube set. I have been DXing abdut ten months ; logged 102. Re- ceived verie frorc WSM-650. DX- 7/30- WSGN-610, KV00-1170, WSPD-1370 XEXiT-1570. Can aqone tell me if I am the youngest member of the NRC? I would enjoy hearing from ot- her NRC mei-I~bers,especially teen-age DXers. 73. (Welcome to the NRC , Ronnie, and I don' t thirk you're the youngest, but you're close anyhow, hi! -ed, ) Bernie Duam - Wilctwood, Necv Jersey (Where he is on vacation) Cree tings from uWCIvD-Land! See you at the. Convsnt ion. AND WILL BE BE SEEING YOU AT ~TDIANAPOLISTOO? YE ALL HOPE SO, LYD LOOK rn~i1~:rnTO FrEFTING )TOT OiTLY OUR OLD FRFENDS, BUT LOTS OF THE NErJI ME3BERS AS PIELL. BE SUB3 TO COh 8 .. Ax--N-EEWWsS August 11, 1962 Ronald J. Musco - 124 Park Avenue - Windsdr, Connacticut . - Staying up from five to six in the morning is finally baginning to pay off. Following is what I have logged recently (times are EST) : CVRYX-1270 Kegser, W. Va. s /on 4:00 on 7/22 ; V1AI,:;-l37 0 Patchogue , N.Y. s/on 5:00 ;, WAC1lZ-1380 Zarephath, N. J. (shares with WBNX) 5:31, left the &ir at 8: 00; WHBG-1360, Harrisonburg, Va. with a frequency deviation check at 3:50 on 7/23; TLBX-1270 Lebanon, Pa. s/on 4:00, unfortu@Lely 1'JKYR started to s/on and overrode them. On 7/30 two more were logged: WQ,AiU-560 Miami, with E!HBJ off the air and CKGIJI-980 Montreal with W!TRY off. WHEG sent back ct nice card in four days. Totals have risen to 213 hedra with 1% verif led. Verles in from WRYki VlPOP CFGIvI WFiIV WWWFBR. I have picked up a converter that tu~s200-400 kc/s. It is a 24-volt De- trola but I have a power supply fer it. All I can pick up is ard YlX stations. Bob Grasso, it took me about thres months to receive my verie from XERF. Dallas John, the V/S for CHSJ looks like T. Reid Danlirrs, They send a card advert is in,^ 'CHSJ as the "First station in Canadans First City.) ViSOR- has j.oined the Mutuaa network a-rd KEXT of West Hartford, Corn. is all set to go on the air but WQXR is pro testing because t by wontt be able to reach the Hartford area. The SM saya they will be on the ia a month or so. 73. Walter A. Burbank - 4 Fyler Drive - Windsor; Connecticut Hi ; this is my first Musings report, since I joined tha NIiC- about three months ago. Fi- st, I'd like to tell you a littl'e about myselfi 4fm 16, ad have been DXiiig for a little ove-1 a year. I've received 402 stations and 175 veries. I use an old Zenith Long Distaace receiver and a 100' antenna, 301 from tb ground. Now to ?X. On iOd, 712, I received the following: 12:57 am, PJAPI-1070; 1:33, KPRE-950; 2:32, IIFEIC-1530; 2:48, CrlACT-1420 on a test, and 3:08, tVHO1U-152d, test. On 7/18, at 7:15 pn, ?;INAR-1110, and 7:43 po, liJYiOL-1120. On 7/23, at 4:51 .an, WCBL-1440, te-st ; 3:58, WIHUN-1150 s/on; and 4:01, TlBTI4-1330 s/on. On 7/31, at 7:30 pm, F~~~IBX~~~EE-1300s/off., Veries in recently are WHEB-750 WCCM-800 WRC-950 WHlUB-1003, .'iVAPIj-1070, WNAR-111Oj IDEL-1150, CKm-1220, VJOY-1230, WBCR-1260, WHBG-1360, WSET-1400, WACT-1a2Q,- WJBK-1500, IEBK-1530 and XERF-1570. In niy verie from WACT-142 0, the CE said he has received recent reports from three PJRG members ; Park Barton, Joseph Roilley , and Randall Lee. I red in the newspaper t'mt Vest Hartford, Conn, will get a radio station on 1550. - Call letters are WEXT. I talked to the CE at Jca1 WSOR-1480. He said that their XR is only cap- able of 50Q-r. and not 1,000 as stated by Ron Mucso. On 815 I leave for a N,H. beach for a month, so no DX. To Art Bjork Jr .,, If11 be a !''REX IIPeach on the Beadi. (Wel- come 60 t)~NIIC , Valt, and we hope you will favor us with maay more Musings!- d..) Joseph Fela Jr . - 102 Hawthorne Avenue - Newark 12, New Jersey First of all, let me say that I agree 1; ith the DXers w ?a are corntine N. Y .C. stations with XRs in N. J. as in N. J-. Formerly, for instance, WNEW-1130 would be counted as N.Y. while VJRZ-970 would be counted as N-.J. Yet, the fact of tb matter is that the XRs o: YTEYl and VJRZ are right next to each other (and Wh4CA1 6 right next to tbse two). Be- sides, you're hearing tbir XRs, not their studios (and even som of them lzave studios in N.J. near their XRS). The il.Y,C. stdtlons witn Xtis in N. J. (if anyone is interest- ed) are ThGWL-5?0 WOR-710 W~C-770VJ INS-1010, WHN-1050, WmlJ-1130 \\ADO-1280 LBNX-138 0 WHOM-1480 and PEIRL-1600. (en,ough?) stations WCAU-1210 and VIP-$10 also have their XRs in X.J. sf%3maybe a few otFers too. Enough of this, now to DX. Veries are in from 1VJNC-1240 VABJ-1490 WEST-1400 VDEE-1220 and V'GAR-1220, 811 v/ls. In 13 months of DXng I now have 70 unanswered reports out. Verification percent&@ is 77% but comparitively few f/ups or second reports sent ard no PPs which account for this. Recent DX: '7/15- WATR-1320 at 8:04 p through QEiDI;. 7/16- WMBI-137'0 s/on 3:53 (r;vess moved up frm 4:90), \tJAnIS-1380 s/on 3 :59, WTTS-1470 s/on 4:01, BIBUC-1460 e1idi.n~ET/M at 4:02. 7122- What I believe to be CKSM-1220 through QRlC from WG./CJSS/CICO!!/X.EB at 9:18 pm, CI

N/S .'. WI;S coiii'es...:in nuch atronger thm vswa), $.uring:.the.:day, , as . do... .most of. theChicago a& -Feste.m:'stdtkons. .* TBe Eastern a-ng?,.-arq~..styon pr samewhat. .. lees, howsver. P&tI 8,. .. . i. -. , ab0.t ~'tr~e~;..:73, " . . -, ; ..- . .!...-:.... h;,:.. .; ...... -...... : . . * .. .I_ !--i . . . ., .. . ,. , - . .:, .._ ' .' . . . ., .: . . . . ._ .. I r#ri&.. &.g..-' l6qLake ,Me~ee-:Poi~te ,Claire; Quebec ; C ., ... .. CFOK had-applied f6r :lOkrv..;~rhichthey deserve, . but.:probably will.not .get. -seve;al . .

.hio-$ths ago , I men.tionod .fn.DX:Nl$M . that.l.-was goiqg to :reve,rif%.a ,few ' 5Okwere ,to pick.

-.u@,ad...@xtraDorisDic-:ContesC point .ox-@NO. T& :box..score,: WO~O%IBC $El1/ KW$G. , Phis * . .. . . ' ..seGms id- be:.=A excellent way. of .:guaranteeing you will Boon .hear':s&atiops ' in- tknse ,,.I , , is t'dtee ; .:~0oii'"af terf .I .ha8 logged :and.ver@d:CFRY VICAM \:?JvA.. :KMV~G r&aine ,the'bnly gns that really co&tg,.:thhree..pointst wor thi ~owzatgrabya?.... DX: .?)1- WAZL;~@O11: 10 pm'; newib TVQB: katl mn:TGUX toge.ther on 1020 at 11:,30 with IZDHA AXR.~~S~;..'PGUX-salvtik ...( Can&ia:'ori. its Birthday ; TO-1140 good r 12 :10; andSirepor.ted,:WKZO-590 12: 17 ; unn,'FIAQE- 1570 ~T~.~12:86;~;~~7/2~?RJCE-890-gooh.il~,AhPand .wegond.,.report.. sent; ~iW1tlS30ET, 2:,3$' '::&I; 'WAQES57Q.EIP ~-1P.:.3.?::p.-)af ter .rnidnightj*EIll')i ~LUYI-550;BB,'~~ID, on 1480, teaka.ti'wly P'ISL t hroq'n.B1DBS .$fa4.. r'. 716~GKC.V-1280,1fa&p thrpugh CWS 10:12 . V~~l430win +-TT.ll:30"pn ir.VrCR3-1330: R$ P2.;09 (easy..Tueed~g~..~hliq..r wi.eh.WE~~ pff 'strong, 7/10- WAGL-l56j).'Lk%abter,. ..S.C. ET/,V only 'bta$$L:%-a.t.rni&lght.on tbe.,dot, 7111- XEV. 9sk- inq listemrs to proue thkk they...are good.. lbeteners, by. sending in.'25$.for vttarn$ns ; unn 0~-142Oi[log~d~:at--.SSS..Feb.,,, ' 62)- .'fT :12:.23;: qnn- CBAG1550 fair. thi s1.k~; DTH-1370 " (hi. en) ?'P/c. 1': 43 am and CJ~B/'CBK./CWN..s troni .,.:'-7xi6&3, . vacation in on tarla and

16g*d' WSGn-1.440 CJBQ.168O..CRGX&98.0' CKTBd610 CFCH-6ObVHLD-12 70, ?Am-1590 F'RIZ:1-,148.0: . I ~ir& , .btupif&@d: to. he through :WKBW s:{of f bag:: em:ning: + how. dad , .. ~=:V!FY.I~, at . :Half, lat&r,' :.heard WTN3-d540 s/bf 2- .thr ou)$i:VJQXRon- the: sar,:aa'd jo X-i;7i~, left', Canada returned to Quebec<- "'"?/30-.mn.-WHOha-l48p ET. l2;i3O :am;.VJRBL l920. s/of f 1:05 am; v~Buc-~~~o,.Ruck- hannon,, -. 8 .:Va. ET. 6kw;:;XRy and . off 1: 19 :30 ; urn \1!.!reOA+1370,:TT 1.;.22;unID on. 1250 vith . :.' synyhony.. oliches tra: while Y!WR .briefly off,, YnYDCl,,:. Urn CFFL-620 AN to ruin the frequen- &y:jM; WF~\~C&~O,AN'2.'am... .::.Veries: VSTC VINNJ: WFEN -CFNnkZEYO .(seven month9) P~ICE.~!DBc CECV WUFO ir~\nj.rwmKDTH ~FTCT*Ap .J?BCR::Y?OKOPrcOP .Km.(ei&l pnth~) 'UKZO IG;OX "FGM ~CRB,- andr PPS , 'VEER:~BLR. KCRC m: . Illegible - .v/.B:on.: TICOP CY~.~~.PPS replilced:.. CRLO . ..,'FENCG'.CJFXr'$%V, Beside& CFCG820, BEMJ-1490 .is -now.AN. . .BBG..-Y.$~~ give .it to. four as

-ret'. unID Caiucb- f'or:.ljreaking rule8.. . There: are! four , aPplic-d.k.ionq in 0ttma so. I bet . the Ncction*s .C+i talc 6noula weiS-.ne* -atdt-&on :Soon.. . CUV~' snouid:.nit the air in .,two days but,.!no. .signe 0 f . '.em yet . The new,ie on 1410.w i 11,brdadcae,L :to minority CB$YP' ( Montreal., such as German, .Enzlrlsh, .-French+ P,?lish, :e'k;' -.', ~oi'a'ls:>2g/73l..' VJho I . SS- 4Q8 .,,. . ,. . . ., . '. i 7.02 . bs .. ,.Bop. H. h4 i:l lay ..Box. - E vere t t . hina t on' .: .. ,. .. . '-:~x.'stilltb "de .h&lsd dW. although limited.listening time,. . '6/26,saw unn '~YA-~GO ':P;uckland N.Z. real.~goodfrom .KGU eloff at.6 :04 .nm until fli~$.:~/;j'ff''.~-t6:18. 7/3>found me looking ..for .it.peanxi't. his tlett gtati'uns i- .-i;q. .-CBU relays... ,. I .fo.uM two nerz '07nes;'';CBUA

' - 730 Olive?, $;.C4.. 5:07:-sm (KFQD. off)', until. 6~::11;~~%E+1080'~~ttori, .B."c,, 5:05 .zn to 5:10 very 'bi-ief log&$&.; ;'-7'/9,..and I .wae .checkd.n,g:,on,pro.pagation .gff0ct& of the st..-o 6-pheTic kuilear test over:Johnston 1.8. . Only-'i.tern to .report .DXw.ise ~is.on,l,400 vihsre IQ3U prom- htly. disa-p?sared:..a€ the -of blast.;, syd, :were ;gne ,far 20 misteta. :.In..the -intoiirn, NL BB ganie imie in ;..APRTS re lease j . I tbink,.:(altho*h. if, anyone ..kuow.s..of a dozes tic'.s ta- t ion th6.t ;:i?rht bs carryinri: Da,3qer-G,iwt !-baeel@l, .comencing..about 3 :30 m. EST on 1400, let..;Y-e ,:knavr, hi). .:IIbwever, Alaska :N$t says ?not .the~r:" -(,three relay sta$ionta on 1406) ",..AKFWsays .mt".Gypspm eo.:.have note- off -to.,AFRTS Los; '~ngelesto. see. if my led. '?/24-.KBViI.-5440 Topeka, -Kans. .heard on AN, -log jed .3;06-3a 11, goo4 signal.. V~ries: KC&-1340 aid, CEIiE-1080.:. .:She..XCM:verie .rriakes 40 for,-40.logged. i$ ~onta~a;7::iti? four .unlo&md elit ..are .known' to be .:,on. CBREi,verie sy 6.: 4.G. sq &&ss they, are gro;hs them big,qr in.-IB.C. !. Think paat ::.B~~BQ~w~shiJor,st ;.L? ve .euer seen .as, to replLee frcnl foreign broadcast era. Several counti~ieewith two or more unanerwered .ripor ts include Australia

Japan China South:Korea :Neth?~l+&.s;An.tiSles...... , . :: Wew~addrass-,+bout-.,.do?s not indicate a move of .DX location-as yet but .17tfri1.). be:workink."-tm$irarily '!ri'$verett. HaC hoped- to makd connect idns in SE ' AIaskd..b~it- foWd no -.openioas ot.har than:;in Anchorage area ~ihich doesnt t . ,ap.;?&l 'to -m6.r.:.I! 11 mot be..b&ck ..in-tInd.. this month,.aa previously plaiuad. :'prlyi#sf had to;$al tt off;. Sorrg 'to ,see :FVV throy ini the - towll. What a job he's one o r rears. 3j. .. -*. A~~Gt.' .~i;' 19G2 '. D .-..?: ., $8: ::-'&.. ------.- - 11' .Frank TJlilli&'a '-' 623p.-:jiJ:hQad..Av&+et; @~&j&:~.~~alifarnia .. .,.I.. . ~fte&pli&.sib$ . . 2 the deadlinds: for-the June an& ~ul~f:issW I think this $eport uill barsb; ,m& 'k& 'A&igdpt. issGe... . .NQ~B',,~.nd '1@6y fo='me:,be'cke- qf 'Nork db&etioris .and-a l&k of:~ney, 'after the h,.ari~io"~~nv~~tlbn,hi: %in%& hard to ni&oali fb Con~n- ..< ~ . . . - ..t.ions, 'you ';ktio~-J,,,but 1811.. be. 'seeing you. heict.$ear at b.*nver!.' '(i~06h*, .n!t.~l'you plesike .c'on$ait-*eke .~~nvent~n'~l,an~??,NOW t.o,,htIbl'DX:.7/5- KCIN Cal.; i7~3:20-3$48'ec;-EDT, I - ' 7/21 ;:K?ST-U$O Cal . "day'thme' Dk!!! 'f fok noon. '.io 11;pm PD'I1. through-KFAC . . inal all^, .th:he-:new 'TijGa& d,q~,%'~ef:,'m;fi,~ +a@ ,startin:$-'in; early .JU~,s 6-B...in :.&s :~n&.les...... :t:hrbugh mild .KABC Q;P~X.~. .se$t 'l'em 'a-"tape 'ias't month tvi tfi. a !Ions ..&.titer.~~~i'~lf3.-inj:n~ :the ",. ...'.NR~..j.(l;?y. f irsf ,tap& r$P6rt.) anh a.mo$dinl: .$6 . ,.Tdm '~olthu.&t , they. - a&nov;lledged i-rv ,re- port. qder t.h,'+$f,+ -ad-e'vdn played.'the tape!, ' "Rat',': 'no: :verid.,'$o i','LwessMia Obhenta ('xED.!ML~) misssd ttHe li;$& point .abbut QSLS. +v,&,, the-t&tals sdina at 505/306, iv.itn vzry. Xitt 16 &m,;e w%n-tne lAst.':tMi.~kontm. - ~I:-'Just.se.t A recoril f~rveries. though ' t.9 .. - witn;,a..~eco'rd'M~iit .. $f one recdlve'd 'in ~nl~!..'.(gXST':vf,.Santa;~arbara).. :..A ne?:? @.timer '.h&e, i ="'mTY%ilddai'e ,' Cal.. now ~i;'-. '&v. :day 7an.J. tapping XEAU,;... -KRN0&1240 San Ber-

'na~dirriois. .d~~;~.'!qsl&,iits lk!;tr. &ajr :X?3 ~and':"re~laces' tkie -.250~.KSON. .$an:D2e go on the.,1240 ..- . ... spot,, RBU':.~!Js~$il bg 149df'and is' havinnl'.troubleiivith.. . their new equiyx$nt and an* tha,,on'.. 1500: : I 'e~'ec't'ETs 'to- s.$a&-aw'thie ,. thdugh;"? LaGI XGFB-400 ;Vest. Covina never 'f@&h.,lc& a$,: El.l*g,$ 'thrr.''ci.'&k''b&ri.: i*' sf fect far .,abost ,&fo years. .- 1 n&fl $Ae,"t&$,t rig ng& ,b@$n' rkgar&l'e is bf & .peaoua reports, , since f: wili .. . on, 6& we13 -vii"~;dh.t'rieki '6;ver age ai;ea.. ~dtedIp6Ul%O :6n NSP S. :XWO'dU 'i.s.AN except :$ads,

IIAB'L ,I+el'i*+ . c .al;=O'N~p.: ' 'x 7 KRLA. Ynce more, . accbrdirig. .to':530 b .Gcromler.,they!.ve. 7,:'-.a: LOST . their do;wt ' 'ap9adl' .to stay &n the ;air'and:wbre -refused.";a...aeddndhear in&'.6i3 - the :.

.,mattbr! , ' ~i-as'I .assun:8' 'theymus t leaiie the :sir:;>!i thin 60 days, .3nd now.thsd s ''no, hope .for mts +b,,,$&fjidh. Ddntt &@x if KmA i'thiio$&ot but jaet in case, tiveryb6riy -:::la needs ' 'hem h'abetter !end. them-.a.~l'~pokt.::If ; KRLA'gdejs, as i tr.agipar0

it will, .;@t tuill ,leave but ' om ..rrstati-on: 'in greeter LA; . KJPlEI'. :Local: XDAP~lSa.ita.; Monica t,ke~'&at;- &'.c;6inple teiy, ad.their.:~ds, -h.n;xt are -now ZOO$$. -Negro.$.-.'\Velcor~e to NRC - - and:SCAD ,':~6i.i~ ~oitaqrst! I 'rn -looking foMArd'to meeting geu on: my.-upc&nin::-.trip <:to -SD, 7,v,ithB0b($mleF: ~~a'y~u.smeed,&& in'^.&, &*d 73. .' . . -,.., ..; ....a ..,-. ., - . -, . . ... ' . " ~~~est'~?i$schner- 271-~~enns~lv&ia Avenue - 'Blidkeport-lO,.'Coni?a&icut ,. .Hi.,... ~hi&.is*r&~fi5st report. to 'ii~iiusin&s,cince ...... Ijoinsd .the 'NRC, "bihich has. now been.

oh,.ronthl. , Iive Bgei?. DXlnq far aijaar'.and"eefrei?. :bon'fhs, aid my 'tb tali 140-v2ra fiid.akd -189:lg&.reh. ..A 1 1 'my',~~inp has".been'done "with a 15-yeri.r-old six'-'tdbe.AX radio, . + buii't 'at $hs;~cjlehaji$~1hs titute in mew. Yb*? -:. Surp'risin~ly;''~~'ine*~ha~~been Very suc- cessful: thib' 'surmerfdr me. ~xii~bg. date wd's like tug: : i/2-~~~s-i54o~a~~+.aaham ' as;:wi@~-rao; ~oorfplk.''va.; ;7/5- til@kli4f0;~~an~fo'rd,-pa,.;~0~~-14iq ~atoreo6~1, NP ,both cobe2w'~~s. ;:.:$?12, PISAR-~~~. ,- . . 0 ~a.11: I?iiei ,,, lass. 9/13: ~l~i;.l4?'3,L~iiton; . . . ' . Me. ;\VDES-11509 .~i$i&toi; De1. ..;.7/18- ~1!6kC-1490, Mizfordj mess .!;~Wm11;15iD, Fort.. :., , 1. 7 /20-. QKOK-~~~QSiinh~ .: Pa ' .' '&./3L,C$~Y-~'@O: Oilt..- "TTs,i"ies . rV re&iv& oo* :Li:'!~h-l15~, ~LAIiL1470 ( it: took' -four days f?orb::.i~fu&'~ seat toeJs t- ter) and X!,QO-1170. All thre'h vericls wbre' the first'.ones2I. receivsd from .1;1mbr : I. . etatea. o;lz final word. Iivafit.. tb .t~irik:'all.'... .. thie m6nbers who sent me welcome cards.

, until.th.&. pext; i ekue, , herst of DX. ..,end' .. 73's. (,Weicbnie,' ErniB, to %h&NRC., krd- r?e'.&hope

yout 1.1,.=epnr.t tjf ten. ;I' know somgne. .-ytj&.,hame briibbuts~2: ariy 2elatiokr'l.- -ed. ) . : .. - . . , + .v. . '. ... - ' ' 3e'ff' ,531~3 L b&rillo.,-Pexas- .. . .- : .."' $taivsrt.. - ~Lg'&~&t~~;'$jt=~t. ' ,Rol-Jdy. :' .. . , you all!,- , i!{i%s'ea- the : ixead1in.e f hb labt' w~ ~&t~l@.::to rapbrt ,my,'.: .. ~.gx~odearlg-suirmer, DX. - Thb W 'area rsjlly ohene'd'~~.ftro'n; about:~.6!/21.%b .7/5; .On 5:f21, 1YA-760, i%<~.cldand',"W.Z. was.-'heard from- 6:.66-6:-20,theif.. .k/off' time. --:Aliso.bn (3/.21., . WGVM-850, Greenvil>e., lvliss. s/on 5 :04; . ~~~lll0,'-fi-nal'ly. heard after .fo.xix yxx3ra.j.. WCI$P-l%O, H3&.C,i'tY',' iv13nh./, s/on'. @-:5:32 ;. - and..~GlP760 Hdno L~l#'~..'s]ofg-T, 6 :02, On 5 25,

-. w~IL-lrbO~Etlesb~,'~, .Ill. .heard on:f/c. . and"K&L&20,.- , Faribault,'K~inn'. RB.at.5:B. Gm-.- On .6/30,.1.-1.4610, .St. :C,,harles, 150. f;/c. Then .the...?IPS: r8'dlly .d,pened'upz Oii Ye/,%,-.. 13-88 0 wzs .z

,. , ... , %. . ,, .. .ad: hie atay here- ~r&ttg; $ee D.ave a@;B'i*' aftef 11 riioritha;: lobar .nome of id -. 'tgPes ; ~:.&tabout does' it fr& 'bpe, sb'.b&si-of DX'-:'$& e*arj.oaq:dnd 73, :' : 12 -N E-CV- - -S August 11, 1962 Alex Bowab - Box 539 - Atrnore, Akabma. On 811 th~1270 station in Prichard, Ala. changed calls from VAIP to ?!SIN, dropped ci~ format in favor of good mx (Vonder Sound ~q~obile).lvDvI 719- KEND-1380 until 1:00 s/off then KTSI\G-1380- until s/off agbwr 2: 00. KLMS-1480 s/off i:01 just after WAEB e/off, KIHN-1340 r/c-~~1:OO-1:15, HELI~~ILboth off AN, leaving 1430 open to two v?eEiker st* tions which turned out to be CKFH anl KARI\!'I. ?/lo- KTUE-1260 (H1, Glen K.) f/c-TT 1:2& 1:30. KCID-E50 r/c TT 1:48,2:00, 7/11 can't b&t that for Dice ~a~!)IDTH-1370 r/c- TT 1:50-1:45; r;;lH-UB-J400 TT l;st~-l:crO; \IrI?biv~anil VJFT~) tastin~siwltaaously on 1260 at 2: 06; IVAUD-1230 f /c-IT 3: 00-3 :15, Anyone he* the WIATnll, r /c this AWL? I said a few words on be!mlf of the NRC. via phone patch on the program.. 7118- VlJEk-1150 r/c-14 1:57, WKBJ-1600 ~/C-TT 2:07; BrHUN-1150 s/on 3:57; VRGIV!-1590 ex-VJEZL RS just after 4:00 am s/ on, V'HYE-910 1ika;rise. - WDBJ-950 then logped 4 :40 for two Roanoke stBtions in a row. RBLE-1290 ending f/c-M at 4:44. BIBV-1260 RS 5:OO. Then to 1570, which was ~inus XERF. \YEEX ID jingle 5:15, WFGN s/on 5:16,-NTAY s/on 5:30, WGHC s/on 5:35, folla~ved by a s/on at 5:47 very weak under WGHC. I have it on tape, and calls sound like BU, P'AVA, o r sci23 thing similar., but I have no ouch li ated. Anyone have any ideas who this is? WPLK-1220 NX 5:55, IYEKR-1240 and WBLJ-1230 both s/on 6:00. ?/20- WBCP+125O s/on 4:02, \"HIS-1440 s/on 4:45, l/dHOT,-1570 RS 5:05, ?/21- KAOL1400 s/off l:m, I--1230 f /c-TT 1:15, XEAN-1240 f /c-TT 1:18, VJARF-1240 running until 1:00 broadcae ting an AN Gospel sfn-tlns praz2zn. KOm-1340 RS 1:48. 7/24. KSGP-980 endiw f/c 1:30. 7/25- V~HBC-1480 $/on 4:30. 7/30- Vr~0~-1240.s/on 4:30, V1CIfi.B-1460 ditto, V!SBB-E 30 s/on 5:OO. Heard new station WLYB-1250, Albany, Ga. tifi th TT 12:55. . ECAYC-1450' ex-KRIC s/off 1:06; CKOC-1150 singing ID 2:30, Ren~emberedthe day before was Election Day in ArlZmSas when I lieard I(TH5 KLRA HARH with ER, so tried for other Ark, stations viith EB and cme up with 114VA.K-1240 KTFS-1400 -KTLO-1490 HaTI\r:-1230 WD-910 KVRC-1240. Tod~y812 I logried nec WSIi6i-1270, ard it is station #999 in my heam log. \\onaer what #1,000 will be? FinC out soon! .Verbs, DA-14-40 KDTH-1370 \l/HUB-l+OO. Rcitald F. SchahB - 8065 Crespi Boulevard - nriiami Beach 41, Florida Saludos, rzdioyentes . Just finished a three week vacation but- It 11 answer your let- ters as soon as possible. Amos the letters was a YSS verie. Included in the envel- ope wae a casd and two pennants readinq flRadio Vacional de El Salvador, Sm Salvador, C.A.ll Surprising thing is I didnl t pay the return postace - I mver do. I've had good results ?.$th this method on HJBJ HJAF HJAN HJAZ HJCN TGXA TGJ HRVS HRVW YFJS YNN YNOL YNRC XEG CJBC YVQO etc. The Us nust respect my SS, hi. Back to call sigils, stations iil Bogota, Colombia have tbm starting with HJC- or HJK-. More tips next nfusing. Presantly listening to CNCA-730, "Dab fraindly boice ahv Cubahll, hi. Pow tuned to OSC-690, .llRadio+Proareso", group sinlzln~tfunny Bone;; "Cuba si, Cu%a si, pen Yanqui no." CPm-590, llRadio Rebeldell gives a list of its 'stations at 11:59 every night. So much from the nterritorio libra de Arnerica.ll If you're ;ivonderin= ~i:lxit hap- pened to your "Radio An~zricae~~reports and if the31 11 be verified, see the Dizest. Re- cently heard-WSHH-1570 tastln, wcler X6,B'. It pdys to llsten to clear chaniiels, XERF? Tirie to tdce ii.y vitamme, hi. Ciento menos treinta mas tres. Park Barton - Box 603 - Atmore. Alabama Greetinqs all. Well, I made the goof laet month in these pages when I left rn? name off .my bflu.sing, Bo DX done bre as of 4/26 except tonight (811) whan I heard TiABG-960 RS 9: 00, S~iiievxies in from late ones, KXLF-1370, report out since 11/61 ::it;?one f/up (hi B05, finally), VlACT-1420, out since 1/20, and NFFF-1600, out since 12/17/61. That is about it raio-wise from around my part of town. I ,?ot my train skett fester- day for the trip over the Labor Day.weekend and.1 *./illarrive in the Big city at about 10:30 am 2';-iw AM. So until then,- 73s. John Swanson - 3654 North Pa, lina - Chicago 13, Illinois . Still a little DX here. 6129- EAI;B-580 on AN. 7113- FiVWL-1330 with rr @ 12:Z am. 7117- TYDTZ-8 50 on f /c IF 1:09 ; new WAGL-1560 an ETs through VDXR briefly , 7/18- WNRG- 940 (ex-1250) on ETs at 2:13; CHSJ-1150 for a surprise 3:18 with their m. ?/B- KLVlTl-1450 noted 1:03 s/off, This is ex-DIG. 7121- WBNS-1460 an AN throqn KSO. 7127- WJOR-940 on RS @ 5:38. 7/29- WU1-1260 on. RS throwh \l/FbIv~/lVNDR. 7/31- WTT- 1410 on ET through WING @ 12:40 am. -8f2- KEllII (ex-~~~~)-1440on AN with rr. Vvries: VSM CEn! I(T\TDY XERF WLPT PrIMS ICALB WKAR KBTJL WfNRG WEOL KNDR KSD 'v/lsi WHO KLCN ICZY nfIL3 WYDE VfWL C JBC KMOX \YHARI V/CS. Had an en j0yable- ctct;y clowntown vd i tn Dallas Jc - Ralph Harimam. WJJD may drop their rr in favor of relatively mod mx. 72 AJLL ABO.UD TEE N.B.C. INDIANAPOLIS CONVELTION SPEZIAL! LET'S ALL BE TWERE! DO! c .: 19 August 1-4; 62 -,S - .X -. : ,N_E1kV,S- 13. . . . I. .- .. . P ~ E ,, Cmck.e,r Bbx 76 . 3!qnmouth, .?haine . - - . . , ,,. , , -, DX f.r& 'this,d*Ghits.~~Tew, .been .geed . ~iicti'.tst'repo* t ; ~c 4( bjt "d:ate:, '~ji$-,'t~CAli-'

620 .a;$ 10:ll *p.$&th.\... % .N& p.':,-'Gea~&:;st&tii: . . .& '&i;ii,~.f~!d&. u '~~adidn;'$t&'tioi?.,7116- )VIm-l030 at 6:42 pa urith .sever&iIds,:' Hava been t'ryirii'Ltor'this one for B l&g time. Heavg., static.^& JW':. _ ... ik'; b&cknmiind..' .'!7/22- Cm~-X350with, s/of f at -12:.07 am. 'with' .QRM.>-?/24~- :w~+l420 at .lo::* p'm with: ~16;d~~rnatla40 pn. .He.avy ORlh f*o$ ievird, . stations ,. .,'?/25- I'lNLK-1350 at 9 pq :liltd .NX...... !QRhl from,.several statidis l. BZTB:f-f380 'iria :%d .Sox BB -)?itL LDat. . '10:32 pm. - ,QFiM .,from?SYB. 7/26, Think 1 had V!SIf&L450 at'~8:30 : but ino$pasi t~.ze. ..- ,.I~. ,gfar)t .-repor% 'td :ch?ck it dut . ~eavgs tatis 'f=t;;h"'!t.iiunder6ho%vers ..{ad .. ,Q& -frm. severst,. . stations. . WHHH-1440 at .lo: 05 with NX *&6ut even witli P~AABwhi=h is very .,urrusual.' ,~eries'hav6: been, co@in;i,in verq G~OW,.thi $ 'mt$th. wi.th0tiriijr four' re- ,. ceived.' brs. ~/l,'<6HtfMHtfM-1O50. Receiy6d it:.in '.the,,same' 16%ger as 'Rill ant ell l:!ho. is

l.poe&b:!e -'~'.hmb~.. .. . _- -. :-:%!hay -askid hinj.:tq fbllo rry.;:vePie to' me: WCAX-B~B,?~R~~~CO,:~ VCSH-970, Does. ,aqyqne.',h& vol.len: Jone's.~,~Listi'n?s.. is'duB. fa'c@ :06t?.TR&y ''tpi$ine'-& '

-;lane, ,;.but :havenj t ,.sed.i.t 'yet. ' Recepti.~?has. been Vary. A.iood. . in .ia6t.'rnorithii &t'.'static has been v;ry':bad due to ~hhder~t6~8..:wh4h,~atain.surro+ding area. "ill catch .* , :*. ;..b . 'up.with. all.corres~od;lence'.~~s~ ~.~6sss8006. ..4s p@~it+le sd .ion@ t.'lrdrxy, .. ., . boys.'. .I; 1 s it f&n-'nere.. . , ,. f&.no,.?. -. iv... +-a.yntfl neKf ucnt:., fd:i6ni &cba DX; ., ......

... , , , Ip4. t'-'~.$d~ontd&-..~'~l.bert;i . .\ . ....3. . *,: . < Sdhn O1dfi -id- ii6~ t lhlssed aast m0nt.h;because I ,:was ,in'6alkary'.for the ~k~ede'and also athended' ouk own Edmonton Ex:~biti6n.' In calg$ay I par CKXL CF~CFCN radio.'a&' TV, :., CHCT-TV, C:(RDls new studios (soon-to be.~10,0b~v..)~~vhi~ein Red'&-er.and-thec;~~~.'XE' at:,I;acombe.::.Larry Herbert. tells m.6 1the BI$ d@ied AI~G~$&B.:TVaP$i&at$&ns: iid ..theFraser Valley . area of ."B.6; - ~oyvevt$r,:'C~&,-?40,-.>":' .!.,,. CP ]hs bee+";%nted forr-$0/'0'OCkv~. '.(ex-;a5~i. ) , ' ~~~-10lb

%R and ,,st~&ios.,movb;th,.~aJ~a~ has :not yet*,'bedn'@anted." '~ue'to ' th8' ~inadf&:govern- ment!~"t&yht:moneyi, pQJiC2, i'~~,Gi-illnQ,t be 6ta$ied;fbr"a.yeG. *Only $erie is CHAT- ,.,1279 v/l.and. onlj'.~~:..,. ., i@,g.@~-960. 4:36 an,RE!,. 7223, f~:Thie'.;one gotten +xi. to Cl?,AC.. off Mlis, n&. . LonR-vja?ted. Nothihp-:i+fr,&, CHA~so I~,peus9s~t"wssii~~tthey.i'I.'::canlt -

fiqwewh' it is...... , ', . .. . , it .is~,CBC. 'i.eisyer. ,at'low po&er. , DO& ;inyon'&know !$:e.be I can eet a-list0.f .all..-. ~anadian .. relays?-., 1' &.ow CEX,'~~~two at '~dsoh'and Edf,.>Alta. powered,at..4%. .'on.,610... . h&.ks.: for,'th;e surpya, : bogs, '.FrAnk, 'Bryan, ~icky,Bob, &d .:Buddy, did my letters. arrive? $~l..po6teaon the B'ums.diy.'so -I'm vionlerlhg'if. they'got Ca- .-.- . lo.st. .-,,Lizhtning::,hi,t,r&io arnd.hvo: ,+;bee so no 'DX. Anyone wanti& tips:.. on'F;.stzin. nad>i,+n;stations ,-.tarif e and 1111.,. .. try . . and .help,you; , Have a.good, Dk.,sumnar:: :D,oes, anyone ,: .. , - ,. ' , , **!&ye.+,gI!.5CA. ve~ie?.173s. . , .. I. . , a. . r-... <,r .. IN, - . ....,. ., .l.C:.i...... , .' . ' . . ,.. -...... : $kip pybkiitein..,- 12524,'C ' S'treat, --'Om,&&i 44, : beb;rksi;ra ...... ,

Noy.. $hat .,echgl $8 out mere time .can be,dqvpted 'to,'D~in'l:. ' . So$$ f ./~pska.* b~eilBent . ; and ~rnie.~ieso,lowsk!i- up my wrifmm KRAM on..his recent--trip. 6/19- ~~"XBJf /cj at.:2:15: and..V:TE%,heard. st'2:20. 6/26-- 2''20,. c!STl?L1230 and ?rJOR-1230 it 2:3 5. 5/27..' 2:02 # 'KIL~-1,440,... , KR0F;-930 f10-TT- &t2 :06, ~I?01!-1260'f it &25, hrd D!WV!-l440' f /c- ;.F!P .at.2: 50.; !, 7/1- &ought '~~DL-~GoOTT, at.1: 16. . 7/3-. KSV-970. i/o.ff. +t,l:05'.;' : 7/71. WPR-1420. .f/c.at: 1:30. . ,719.-- V!LBN-159 0 elon at.4 :.59, ! m-970 'a%,5: 16,' HDHL-9'20'at 5':

,23, and :KOGA~~O.f/c-TT st.5:33.- 7118- m~~-1580'at: 1.:43. 7/20-' KFKU-1250 &"; 8 t00, ' J(GFIBrl-1340 .at 8.:0~,,..l&1~-144~. at ?.:l?',&d. ~c~E,-1250s/o,ff at. 'pm. '' 7'/21-''~0~0z145b teat .at.-l,:54,: . KCSJ-590 o TT at 2':07.,, ad,KIZZ:1150TT it;2:15,. 7/23- KPDbT-1340 -TP at 1 18 7 [24- %~0~-241'6at, I:24, ' :JUIEN-~~$Oat; .2::10, - W~A~-:l24'0-TT '3t' 2 :15, RGYIT-1220' by . pff at'8:29 pi',~Sa$-98O at 9: 16,. and ,KY/OC'-930 st 10:50. 1 71.30- ~~o'Q-~~xoat 1:50,"'. KBM-916 f/b=. 6.td2t10,: KOm.-1450 ~/&-TTat 2: ?2. +.Da'l'1asl~bhp;--: the * 1s for VBfX iii Frank A. Jeil~p:,,a,; . Varieb are KYOU 'KBRX &NO KFYO;'?~FBJ,~'(ITRC ~6.~1 . KLCN XGX Imr\'i'KSYL [email protected]:. T!KDL.::SIi,I . CJO~WJPG WSTR'XBIZ'DO@ KROEWJ&i IC@~.''&N~~ CWLKOCril YiICii WLBN ,. . ' . - KIUJ?. Urn 1flk&.i I(I;I~X.~AAY KILO.. To.t*ls *re 570. nearil,. 3rxl.2b1,terif tea'. I as' ria%.'in .the: contee: 'txt ,vsonld ;have; 153. ,'That's: about'all frm.here, ' 72% cmd-good DX to. :all. - .. . . '... -~alGh JohaG - :1.1~ast ~himewa 'street - Bdfalo "3. New ~or'k' f

-.~fi . . ibI~-15,73 ~adic,~Se~~i.at&~.:,~nc., ~dx817; l?!arrenton, Va. XR/S tudio- on Bouterr N/' .2li,:, ~os~&,t~tlit~Rill, -Voice b'f .qa~;~tiier.~o-dt~.'said no date set yet for testiq.'an. * . 1250[ 1. CHOi!OI(-107.0,;.Ssrnia BFoadcasting Itd., 148' 1/2 ~orth~r'ront St., "Sahia,, Oiit. 18: ' &v'. D ;anh. EC:.:.N ,NV/'/t&.. t'he CE is ',~o,$ert, C6oka ,,,;SICsaid $0 enclos'eil .that' 02: R&&' ' :' card with tj4a Iakes a;nd ,a station folder y./c fill-in pri~tte&,WGTO-540 5M., EAio: ' : ~l~rida,'~~&qChd{ns, ,.for 10/21~6g(t @esi CE jus.t 'got tham ~r4nted). "Y/lP:VLESB- 1490 ~~adio..,~$&.fprd,Pa:' bas: f/a usuiiily tip niiddle \7;8d.nasdq of, month approxii':at'ely

!5:30-5:35 6,b,.. ..ns Man-~.r'i...... 6 . i25,.. , S&. '. .. .7 ,. . sun. 8; off at xiidniqht ~(most , of ((P. ,141) <. : . '.. . . ., . , , . . 14 -D,x- N_ E_ ks- August 21, 1962 ((~al~h~o'mrms)) time f/c follows the 4:15-4:30 f /c-TT by VBTA Batavia, N.Y.). v/l, CM by VnfB~-1360, Radio H. Inc., 75 E. Market St., Harrisonburg, Va. f/cs when monitor notifies, sked 5 am (Sun. 7)-7:45 prr, July. V/1, CM 1jllHTTC-1450 lkw/D/25Q:.N, H. BC, Sandy Meek, B'i, Voice of &lipCity, Hollard, Ivdch. f/b second nhon, is said 1:45-2 mx, then TT using tha 250w. Sked, .S EUE (Sub 8 1- midnight. V/1 ~/cWSAI-1360, Jppiter $$ Brosdcasti;lg, Inc., Hotel Sinto n, Sirlcinnati 2, O., b., former WKB\l/ DJ, noc PD at 'WSAI. Veriee now 1,918, Here, the 1120 PfillOL got sold ch end in^ FCC OK) to CVSTV, StsuSenville O.,,so tack ;report to Ernie Forrestep, Open nrgr., 315 Nain St., Buffalo 3, P.Y., Ra- dio Buffalo, Inc. He gave me a CM and V'alt Villims CE to verify; station is in the red and a later DX special, no corn-ercb.1 value, he said. July skad, 6:15-8:15 p EDT. WUFO-1080, same sked. CFCO-630 Chatham, Ont. is AN Mon-Fri. 811, heard PiDlS-1320 Lynchburg, Va. s 'on @05 am, mentioning work at 5, .Sun. at 7 an EDT, topped AN !'lILS/ T!IZOK, CKIGI s/on at 4:s saying 19 hours, VJAS came at 5 EST, KTHS-1090 an3 URIC-920 AN ER, Paul K. signs off XERF at 3,am EST for over a month now. 812- 940 had ICIOA test call at 2:04, IZTHS-1090 RS s/off L an; KELO-1320 2:& eloff, mentioned ret;rrm at 5 CST and a radiated power of 13,500,~. WCLS-1580 Columbus, Ga. 4 am s/on; f /c-IT ;;&ybe r/c, KGAK but LTICFH too strong. 8/3- 1560 mkc, unspeakable, PlQXR cut 8 em at 4:s XST s/on, IBTOX-990 EX AN. New FAGL-1560 Lancaster, S. C. 'heard ETing 7/1% 2LP5Q2: 16. Tine new Canadian station book cme laSt mbnth, ppice $1, to Queen's Printer, Ottatva, Ont. For a fsee Ontario map and a US-Canadian map, write CanU&an Travel hean, Ottma, Ont.; for Quebec rap write to Montreal, they're worthwhile. 73. . Jeff Lob - 93 Owiew Terrace - Short .Bills; N& Jersey One misht ST, piiudging from recent reports, that this sumrrer is proviw itsslf an odd om DX-wise. Not only has my r0cen.t reception of PRG2 surprised me but also addi- tion of TAs in July and.~ugustcomes as a shock. Yep, Oldenburg-1586 came though with their 4&v, and a surprisingly clear IDas "Hiar ist der IVorcldeutscher hidfunk, der Bayerische RAlf~nk,~~and a fe- 'other'Rundfunke. Surprisingly enough, not a trace of any other Europeans except, the Portu.pese on 1578 which put through a . histla and an occasio-nal blast of m up in Surrifiit ydhete hir. Foxnorth was patiently 1iste;iing. No ivionte Carlo, France, En&ni~, G tc.?? bve ccrra cdtalogulzed Dan& for raferznce so hereta what the past month has brought: 7125- WAPL-1570 TT 1:55-2:55 am. 7/25- Day- time receptios: from nav VIXUR-690 and SSS on WXVA-1550 with their 5h~. 7/2*1- '7CLS-1580 clogged tbt frequency all evening and have been rerminina on nihttime sked ever sincc with a N~grorr show; some QPIL QRvI.' 7/28- CKCY-920 noted AN for a n xr one aid 'has been heard seven days, 24 hours, so possibly has joined the- rmko of the i\SP Caiiadians WUZ-950 tlwough jmble. That evening brought PJA6-905 a nightly and propaganda in EE from CMCA-730. 7129- Clogged up dial, good SSS with 1'iMY-1550 S8, WCPH-1220 s/off. 7130- NEh brought TGJ-880 1:02 e /off, VFUN-790 A,N, in general a poor NII.vi. Tlmt evening, FF NA on 640 p 9:30 pn, probably Guadaloupe moved 10 kc/s.? 7131- SSS brou$t PRG2- 1040 excellent r? 7:30, faint si,mals on 1586. 8/1- 7:20 pn and Oldenburg-1% in fine with afore-mntioned ID.. No other TAs o? Braziliane. -812- Many strang spilt frequenq SS on 1475 875 PJA5-1435, Haiti-1145, YVD-675, no TAs. 813- The rnystery deepens. Is it my imagination or what? Eut I keep hearins nention of Utica, N.Y. on 1550 and (on an old radio a week or two ago) some call letters which ressmbled closaly Ii'BI'lI. Any- one know for suw that this new station is on? (Definitely -ed. ) Eveniw; reception brought SS on 1040 with mention of Guatemala often so most likely TGXA. Dave I;urns, where are you? I bid, Jim E.? No Indianapolis (weep) but mill RO along i-iit;i Joe Fela and his sugyst ion for a Garden state Convention. 73 and Keep 11s fierirtng. Ralph R. Hartrr-an - 127 South Colmoia - ~aper~ille,.~~linois CX have improved considerably ard I got a little DX in July. 7/17- P!PAG-1050 S 3-7 7: 45-7:s -pi 7::ith rr, ID, PTX. 7/18- WLAV-1340 S-9 plus 25.40 briefly " 1:32 +:.%ih TX; "'JOL off . TlXT and an unk TTer aave it trouble, thoagh. 7 119 :- RFRU-14 00 through us- ual mess -5th ID 1 S9 plud 15-20, 7121- Had a nico visit in Chicago with Dc7.11as John and Jolui Wvaneon, me disite* studios of vlLS, FAIT. Were unsuccessful il; visit- inq WIND &cause we didn't have an appointment. V?I\i,;AQ declinea'because of conferencee aesling v.rith 3TA-stereo . Got a VLS card out of the deal for on-the-spo t # reception ovsr 'the main lobby rspeaker. Anyway I had a nice time meeting Dallas and John. . Tho,na&n purpose wars to make plans for Indy but we got so busy with secondary matters it clidn' t ge-t done. I' 31 be there @. 4 :55 via Pennsy 8 /31. 7123- TIIFOP-1410 rn 3: 51 S7 yr:itll NX.. WRAD-1460 a 4o15 S9 with s /on. C1!CME-1460 a 4:30 S7-9 $/on. CJIC- 1050 ri;\ 4:53 s/on S9 with ad forSCJIC-TV. FHOT-1570. 5:06-5:10 with rr, WX md'(~.15) . , . . amst...il;: .19& '.D"~l, ': Jglw;zg * - - - -.3 - .-. 15' (~alphHartanan) and ~port.s;'~.'@~&~-14009:8.l6.57-9; wi-th TX.: 7626- NNRO-940 E~fid(civ) 1: 51-1 :59. - 7130- KLW?-1390 1:00i1'106 W~X~:ID':NXG.3 a /off . V/.ls$ mRU' and \:,Q\TRG. . v/~, ...... WLS.,: See iouat the Clajpo,&li.'-.739.. : : '. . .. . - . .-. ' ...... ~arfi'Godwin:.- 2808 'B&~W.. strbe;t ! i:pjr;krill0' -l.~i~~~, , , , ' Hi,; _gang.':' G-t ilig.s:.f mm theLand of 'eonvarition-bbhd DlX!ar e!. ~bhnCalleman, JO~ Tua**h& :-" ,> ,,,pos:i7jly ~&ffiStewart, :and de.f$nitG'ly mys6i.T riil1;:bi. in I&Xianapoli.s.for .the . bi$ "~imek.b ve r:~abo$r ~a~..~jveikend'. was pi.3~i 16 &, ..*tb-.'.bk..host . $9 Db:%. .~oyson .v&&- ' .)tion:in Ju-Q,,:.and iw:.iahJOyda gat.ti.dg tog&t&r..:mitn.&ta&r PJRCera lfi the are& for,,blo .- big &aiiife&ts..,The @riSes DAVB ha$ lixfed. up',;f.or th3:.Con%entian-will.dertainly,, be. la~- is:h ;;;, -. ,phh&d: .. . cs to' 'C .--Alak ,!laylor, ,.Daag kf~ajr,Andy Rig@,'Alax Bowab a& Skip D.%be.l'st'ein

for,: send$% inel thei r' 1i.st s af.. f /cs Eeard tfii'g?season; Any: .cHec.ks,,you. have bard,. , . whether ycu -t;hi&. they are .9regula~6r rrot,-',please ,send :tc me. $09 %he,new. 1963 f /c-list,

whichr i .'hope 1,:lill';~~but ' in Octobar. :This: year16 list.wi.11 bs.made iiz conjunction with the IJITRC, so it should be bigger and better! Wonl.t you dd your part and take. the time to write mar a xist of all. f/esyyW- have heard-the, pasti seaBoh, :.iricluding date, tikand?rwquencfi and if t cb3ks with TT, etc.? Mtbr s*+Ming two nreelts~on ,the *~&'~b$Z%lfp With =&' brb th**, . afid: & week wfth' my' f ikwb6.. in GreeXey,--m$-DX.:.as '6lackend off. '1: Fbwever; '7f7 irohglit ~BC-1590Eas tland, Texi TT 1: 13';BJm r/t,"VISWV- ...... ' ! 1570'Pknniq~tbn Gap, Va. .f:/c .3: 30-~$35 .f 61lowe'd by .V/mTR1X570 Ca;qhti :defini.to ID on. ~373-730 lialpkraiso ,' Chi.1.e '6':Ol 'in 'the clear; ani. :ID f o? 3AR "I!elbomnQ' over 3GI-830 &i_t .6:15. .$en'on 778;..I heard KBzz-1400 La junta;. CoI, f/c-TT 2~10-2::15off, and. YNRlV- 850' Ni'anagua ,(R&i.o.; ~on.tinental).'ID- 2:3.32. .I '.believe it:s/.off:* at. 13-:,00;as not .heard af- ter.tbt . . 7/23, 1' heard KPAX-1100 Sm ~r.&ric'i@co:s /in. 7 ;'Ol, and 77 5 I heard iny .. latea t- iri-the-&$ J~ on a .*stakibn 6s 361-850 Sale, . ~idl;r.gave ABC ID at 7 am.af t;er:!sr;lilPis.e .inTexas. ,~ate'L:t.'bstch, ,iG PJA6-9"CEi. A'rU'ba (Badio, ~idit;bria.)with good 'si@s'..e :40-10: ' -29'.pm s /of fi (rep&.rt'of?). ' ' Aebodi '$toth&'$i!&ist &&si.=$n& a'=ida f rb~''&ari.llo '$6 In*, ;?hy not .leave your car1-;i.t'm'g houaa aid se'hafi kxp6tries-Sithme?. 9e&. you in 1i;dia;lapo.l- 'is, Bob,'Kalis'h! &3s gnl8 'bes't' $utr;mer DX ;to .&-I: :V/bps f or,mt tb mention defini te - . - verie fronl' CE73 for June reebbtion - see 1htbrnatikna1;'~ektion. . ' .. 5 .Bill VJilsGn --1126 ~l&nedade. las mliae -i'%An-Mat60. California : .. ~reetP~gs..I .joilied the NRC just ;a'month.ago, so this is"my first report to the.'Mus- inis section, T'r'vs "been BCB..DXing far' about a' new adhave 259.,stationS'heard, but with only ,6ll.verified. Itm now 15 year8 old sand Wtll be a Junior. in hicb: school next year, , ~~~~,~~~~t~~~n~l~e~:...b/2-X~~$-1250,f/cat -2:32-2:45:EST, RGVV-630 f/c .. 3:,135:%15. 119- KIBSL~~Of /C 3:2$-3':35, KMO91366 test 3:48-3! 50. 7/16- mY0-1410' f /= 2:01-2:1$, I(FBC-130 flC2:?9-2:?5, 'KEOS-1290 f/c<3:17-3:30,,KOOK-970 f/c 4:06-4: 15, T$iYI(-S$O in majo'at 6:16." 7750-'WCOA-1370 XR tee'€ 3:39-3:58 (first Florida sta-

' tion), ~011,-1296 5r m,,.. Vqp'iee are .in f iom KIRO and CJCA by card; KIgs KSCO and FJWJ ' by letter, &dK!IVlb by PP.' I've got reiports out to several dozen ,etstions,.SO 1'11 have to get bucjg durini the nekt' few Weeks nnd .send ,a few f /ups o~t.~:..:Well,not baing ,notoriously" ,, 1' 11 f$/of f now, but':hope to.t;..be..back in ma~ilrnore.iSsueS,.

~estof DX; , j(veloometo the'NRC,:B~11, ilnd re to.o.hpe-fox maw more Iviusiws! , -0d.l ...... &jb K~c~e~ski'-..~'gHemenway -,.Boston,.15,;IViassac]nu.Set$S. . 8/2. 'N~T~(mu* doing ~x-wisehare id tre last two -.xionthe, 'but.I nave been busg. took out dl tb airep in iyrbc6k.Wh1 (RCA U-1s) and put in ~SWones, ?TotMng W~OW f. . with the 7::i~ s ' th&rs&lir&s, but k~bfr rubber.-ineulation was :dete rriorating after: % y&arg,if ag&,.: ??ulb'.x w+s &inK it, I.rgglacsd mast of . the-.~esisCo~,d.capWi.torS. iatc,rs were2 &iar-coaed. with- 'the'.bodpand.-dot syltemo .,And:1: aleo:.v~irvdou$: me . . the band,aTih=h. NG. it:.,is,:gabd en: the BCB.. - ~t ueed#tb oooe r i .,?-22 :nz. s.. also 'but ,I ,left ~~&se.,,@$,'~ls+,rired. 3 was iiaving: aerioua intermit tant troublee t;: that band pnf tcx. NO, troub'lda new. NOW all it does is whistle (beat) against ev+W 'FvW~ c.arrier availhbb, :~ijI; c& &t.i;onb:rocals: && -g&i$-locals. . .I finally received, a. ItF been ' vej.. fromm-7'60 in~rif&h,~

about mB1. surwyk be in@.::%*:%tok%ge. One 0 tb r thing.. -, A .. . it ~AQtoe : ' fiihnd ..suggeste~,an ivorke iprertg\f &it.end? can: be.rigged q,ickv . Get a piece of 11 used. &n%l&ifi& t*&) :dput': it under: the phone on .tb pow'gece'i&r '.'&tena''tefii&lj. ylii mg*s the'.whole . telephone lint a Eapacity'~o@'@~,&te~n~.It?'& n&+&jb&e'#~f~t.~~~T~ :ljetterthan a 101 8ire. $6.at of, out tym :~~:ojd~~'~ I~&~&&&~~~ ,$,&a .y*ar, bt:,,Ilm thinking k- ver, C .Alan ~qy1di.i' be'hn th~.ildo~outfbr'*$2 w'#e&fhg--#~~'f&: a:.lo g 0 9 YOUs- 16 ,D-x- -N-E-'_s- August 11, 1962 Larm Bassett - 4419 Elmwood - Royal Oak, Michigan Tb~-sixnew atations have been logged here since-the last DX NENS. If DX i\?387S is this much help in the suamner, I can hardly wait for winter to roll around (even if there is school! ) 7116-,V/iYPC-1230 7:01 pm. 7/17- BHOT-1570 5:09 am; WFLR-1570 5:16 s/on; \VABQ-1540 5:342 WAGE-1570 5:39; WSHN-1550 sisn 5:56i .WlviGS-730 6:38; TilJUD-1580 . 6:48 ; WOSU-2s 6 pm; WAIT9820 6:02. 7 /18- CKOC-1150 12:55 am; VJFPG-1450 1:10; VRIT- 1340 1:s; ICETI-l330 1:41; WATZ-1450 f 1:53; WUV-1340 2:30. 7119- \YS00-1230 s/off ff' :27. 7/22 Heard nine n6w stations while in Sylvanla, Ohio (near s ole do) ; WHLO WTOL WFIN PJCSR SIALi'C tlIO%V WRFO. WORO VrIBM. 7/23- KTOE-1420 S/O~f 12: 15; W-960 12: 59 a. 7129- V!CEI\T-1150 3 :CG VIH$I-1050 ex-WMGM 11:lG CJIC-1050 11:20 pn. 7130- WIBC- 1070 MM s/off 12:02; KV'JrL-1330 1:37; mEW-1330 2:14. 8 12- VrIRL-1290 1:06 m- 813- I enjoyed seeing C. A. Taylor who was up here to see the beautiful Michigan 1 (I doubt %ha%the fact that his grandmother Jives in Pontiac had anything to d it, hi!. Veries in from BHBC CBK KWR CVJIM.. J. B. ftPatn Railley - 628 Sprine: Street - ~ame~town,New York RRIS VJACT T?l7ET WGTO WKTB PIAGL are the new veries but too darn noisy to listen long. Cheer up D::o;s, KIIS-dx of 11/30/59 came back without.any f/upe! 7112- VAGL-15GO ET, new call at 2:09. PIVKO-1580 ET at 2 :38. - Unk SS on 1090 at 2:55 but no ID heard. 7/ 13- WAGL-15SO ET at 1:25. KDSN-1580 f /c as listed. WDLR-1550 ET at 2:11. ?/16- mJH 1580 ET at 1:s. PTO-1410, r/c. 7/1'9- VLm-7C0 not on at 1:58. RUFO-1080, test at 2:06. That I,JJGTO report was out Bince 6/23/59 and I had reported them five times af- ternartla but no f/ups. Thanks, Joe Bramer and Vlarren 13rown for WKTB address as the CE sdid VAt that tirm the post Ofi ice LLLKL~t mow fie were UI torvn. ?/la- 11AGL-1560 ET at 2:OG. PILW-700 off at 2:10 fofi the second day. WJW-850, test at 2:18. 7123- Unk on 1440, 2:02 to 2:49 with TT and mx but never used any ID.. 7124- No XERF at 2:19. 7/25 WHL-1570 stop XERF at 1:30. KQV-1410 TT atop WING at. 1:43. VIIRJ f/c as listed. 713% CKCP-920, guess AB at@2:01 for new call. .7/31- VGTC-540, test at 1:37. Unk TT, 1320,. 2 :05-2:32 with no ID heard-. WSAO-1550, test at 2:36 for new call. 8/k- Tester on 1550 at 1:38 1% th KKHI, meter at db 1Q-25 at times but no ID given. KTHS-TOSO, ER at 2:18. T71L-1580, test at 2:54. 812- KVOD-730, 2:11 for new call. U& weak one on - -1580 at 2:51 ;-lith mx and TT untilqhf~er3: 10 with no ID given. 813- WSDC-156% test

at 1:27 for a new call. W1!IL-1580 test at 2:25. Only three more weeks to ' see youse guys in Indi~polisover Labor Day. Ernie Coo~er- 438 East-21 Street - Brooklyn.26, New York Hello CEU;; good-bye 1570! Yep, this new Montreal AN ha$ hit the air and is like 16 tons here aid way way on top of my old favorite, XERF. First, I woulli like to salute mED VAN VOORHEES for the marvelous gob he has done for NRC for these past iilany years with his Iilternational DX Digest! What started out to be a page or so every other is- sue or so turned out to- be a very htegral part of DX NEW, running four pagcs or more EVERY week! Fred ie to be daubly commsnded for this tremendous job since he has not actively DXed himself in caeveral eeaeons, yet he thought so highly of you tha members of NIiC that he continued to prepare this fine section year in ard year out. Believe me, he made a real contribution to the field of foreign DX, which without his section I am sure t:ould never have grown to the proportions itW today, with even novice DX- ers tunins in fine forei gp catches regularly, thanks to his Digest. Your cork 7:iill be missed, Fred, and my heart-felt thank8 for a job really and rarely well done! Rarely meaning flunusuallyn of eouree . Ver ies in from KLIF-1190 vIq, and WAND-970, v/r . A little DX accomplished, to wit: 7/12- Unb WVKO-1530 ET 2:lO; WGTO-540 ET, ID at 3: 00. 7118- arho on 1560 played "The Little Kisic Box That Plays Our SongIf at 1:06 am? It was probably a rim tester, but not only that, the song wara so pretty I'd like to how ' who recorded it so I can get a copy. 7/19- Unk CqlLI(CV-990ET over IIBG, 1:34. y!DXB- 1560 hea-d s/off at 1:31 -am. '?/23- 1fX am on 1550, "Jersey Rouncell and othr- - selec- tions, with no IDS heard. Unn WKIXC-1360 and TJFlTL-1600 ETe 1:45, etc, 7124- ucL-de- sired VMD-9'70 on late with Baltimore BB from Los Angeles (a 14-inn& to 2:59 game-end, a~don with .local NX e tc. 7/31- On a fine FVV-IDXD tip, I logged easily PJA-6-905 RS tvi th cP rm, sloff at 10:d? gm EST, act a nice signctl. 8/2- WAS-1480 f/c -M 1:38'-1: 53 s/off to ccmplete Alabam~for me (Ion 1480, that is, hi). 8/4- me new boomer, CEI;, on RS AN FF and 3-9 plus; a new one for Andy Rugg to cuss out, hi. And finally, brand nav BSDC-1560, I~focksville, N.C. ET/cw mx 2:28-2:45 and on S 7-8 here. I will arrive in Indianapolis 8/31 at 7:04 pm via American Air Lines from fiTet-r York via Cincinnati, a~dItm looking fomd to seeing a big segment of 'you fine NRCsrs th8re! Aug-ust 11, 1962 ,D,x- -N-EEPf-s- @lRD SINCE LAST ISSUE . ,AOOW S V S Now 5.000 D-1 FCC L490 K E Y R Ex-KTCI ~940ttl N R G EX-Z~O kc/s. NRC ~1460m B u c NOW 5,000 .D-1 NRC ,480 'K S'V C Now 5,000 D-l FCC . 1470 K U T Y NOW 5,000 D-1 NRC ,A220 K L I P Fowler, California FCC 1490 KRUS Now 500/250 U-1 FCC ,1250 T? L Y B Albany, Georgia A7C 5510 K I F G Iowa Falls, Iava VRC C' K B T C- Houston, Missouri FCC y2540 C H F I Toronto, Ontario NRC ~1270W S I M Ex-WAIP WRC ;A550 K 0 K A Ex-980 kc/s.. NRC , /I280 K C 3 H Arroyo Grande, Calif. FCC J WSAO Senatobia, Miss. NRC A330 W U S I.? Haveloclr;, North Caro. FCC 9560 \V A G I, Ldncdstar, S. C. NIiC +t440 K E I7 I EX-&JAY lax /' WSDC Mocksville, N. C. NRC ,1450 K A Y C Ex-KRIC NRC ,/I570 C K L M Montreal, Quebec NRC - / K L Tf TI EX-DIG NXC ;/I580 V! C L S Now 1,000 U-2 NEC NOT! ON PrITH 1,000/250 U-1: 1230 _ VPI S P 1240 LA S 0 N ,/R X 0 X c-4V I B U AOV

1340 9'0 O Y ,ADEN ?&LID ACPDN 1490 's'k V! A C RAN" SITUATION

' OFF Inc. RIM 960 C F A C 1Qbionlv 630 CFCO Man-Fri . , 1450,,W J X N Inc. MM 1400 W J Q S ~/off2m. 920 C I( C Y NSP ,1460 W B N S Exc..RnNI 1450 'CV M 0 C 960 K A Z L NSP (?) 1490 P E. 14 3 . 1570 X E RP off 3 m. 980 C B V NSP V1 TUP Exc.RD4 .. 1340 C J A 3' NSP 1540 K P 0 .L NSP .Many of the nen 'Canddian ANs 1400 0 J S P NSP 1570 C K L M NSP ' .. are on at the repest of the 1420 C B F G ESP 1600 K \'I 0 PI Exc. MM . ~overnmesntfor civil defense .CHANGES IN STATION DATA - FCC (Wrchased from the Seabrooks Printink Company, lPashington, D. C.) NBW STATIONS . .- h!?! CALLS - . . . . A310 Dou~las,Geo raia 1,000 D-1 . ,-a00W L 0 W Aiken.. South Chlins. I ,' ~eca3n;Georgia 500 D-1 1~330R L P C ~orn~oc,California ,,/I350 Demopolis, Alabama 5,000 D-3 +/ Vr E L W Willouehby, Ohio

,/ Fort jeers, Florida 1,000 D-1 ,4440 'rt' C D S Glasgow, Kentucky *A440 Holly Bill, South Ca;ro.l,OO D-1 1-4510 Iotva Falls, Iowa 500 D-1 DEZETED . ,,A520 0cea:- ~i ty/somers Pt .NJl, 000 D-3 ,,A280 W H B I Newark, New Jersey FACILITIES . Baseett, Vircinia, to 500 D-3, from 250 D-3, eame channel. ousto on; ~4iesissip~i,to 50,000 D-3, from 10,000 D-3, same clmel. h his station is still operating on 1320 kc/s., 5,000 D-1) Nevi Orleans, Louisiana, to 10,00'0/500 U-4, from 1,000/500 U-2, same channel, no cmge in niGntti~eoperation. WAVE Louisville, Kentucky, to 5,000 U-4, from 5,000 U-3, sane channel. KQAQ .Au.stin Minnesota, to 5,000/500 U-4, from 5,000 D-3, eame chinel; no change in day t he operation. International Falls, hktnnesota, to 250 U-1 from 100 U-1, same c:?annel. Jarnestown, New York. Correction; this station is 5001250 U-1. (FCC) Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to 5,000/500 U4, from 1,000/500 U-2, sa;e chnl. Keokuk, Iowa, to 1,000/500 U-2, from 1,000/500 U-4; same chaniiel; no change in nighttime operation. Portage, Wisconsin, to 5,000 D-3, from 1,000 D-1, earn channel. Del~ayBeach, Florida, to 5,000/500 U-4, from 5,000 D-3, sane chmnel. Suffolk, Virginia, to 5,000/500 U4, fro% 1,00U4500 U-2, sme c:~nnel; no change in nighttime operation. WRSW Warsaw, Indiana, to 1,OC0/500 U-4, .from 500 U4, same channel. WFYI 1\4ineola, New York, to 50,000 D-3, f rom 10,000 D-3, same charnel. WCRL Oneonta, Alabama, to 1,000 D-1, from 250 D-1, same channel.

. .. . ,. .. , .. . , .I 00 - t . , ' -. . 14 IRRDQ~ZOO'~~B~T~~LAN 149 0 ~RSN~~RTN . : 1580' KRAZ .,' . , .: ...... - . ., . - CALL -. 1.1 R;-T~Q,CJ 11 , .. ,. . - ..._ _.-I -..----.- -*, TO 'aT,O Cjrprsss ,Gazc'i~n~,*.312. 'S/on 06 ZOO Off '7. P.i.i. has V/C(X.'J. %/hi1 2 \tJatrous, 5asl.r..-.: 07 3 00- s?of.:' .02 0C- (Z 3assc'it-lCich:...... , ' . . ,. ,600 i.iolltrre8..1, - -Qu.6. - S/9f 00 ZOO- A .3~l'jz.: )&'ST . . Caribou, iice-. S/on,05%00- 5~11 :!t 07~00-ELI$!;,'- C,ICO . &atkln;il;l, 011 k, - A T.T, :.;QN*T!?.ru >'rj. .- (2 Jo>c?.afl.s-3gl0 : -. IID~C. &.canabr, ;Echo 5/on .O5~30- ,Tn?. 7 t?O- ofr 2.t.-2300-3.d -. . - - . .- ?,YO . R~~-::

' 660 L pll:'clz-.Pa. has R/C kt;: 1:OT.i- 00:GO-00:lT- e?i?nugg. us.

900 T;J'?C ; Stzv.ni.;on,Va, E/C 'is c?.f .i;sr-C ?rC 'i'21urs30 ;00-00 ;..15-- Ru~:; 910 z;?;~:;I .:i.Peiil;,rolc~,3crii?udn. NETT s03n 1 l'-?~.(2 i~~i.i;,~er-C01. .. . 940 CBM Iiontrsal., @~e.S/o1i'SU;-\T'7:lf;- 960 - ;.;':lll:~s Sayye ; Pa ,- R/C ,is yusi zctsr 21~1allC ltt:,: 1.Di.T-

' 00:20-00~30- A XU>;;;. 2~6.: 1120 :NL Eu~~~~-oI,r.'J. ;3/o&T:l'5- &]-so r.&r;'O lOSO sa;;is :;cl.i~,<-Dff 7:15 . .., lnO , ,s/off8 2.1:. PI -;5~1 sse.L'- b , iS.cb.. 1230 '::.300 !

1250 7r'r7z3-J >Ja.Tx~il'ionVa. to bs iicrs soon. fro..!^ 1570 ..'ohtlnns .SfI-o -i\:"T ,A'r , 1280 ICCE Arro;ro Grp-nde , L'alSif 'no~ron 2/ 3 - 3 ,Y-r.m.s !;an Luis Obis;~o- r 3 20 7..v~iis .&;T~C~>~JLI~~ Y.2 \j/g::, 0 5 00 51~26- Jr3! i..~.~li~s.- (i1~ ~>~z.il- :. . .-I / . ,- 1340 li1I2=7,. Royql, Oalr, !-zc;l., .~,oi~a- Off O.i,:OO- -*~,.:~,.,~.*LI;-i,kich~ c .'<,. 1350.. :::.DL,!! LC.-&!?>.-,t7"ort ';Ta. R/C is Tuss ~2tc.r.ZiCi ;r~n00:00-00:l~-i3~1gg f 1350 , CKOV ,P~c:i~rol;c,Oat, 00 t 07- ~Croc~ccr,;k. . .

130 ;:Jj73L- . JJ T' S/on 07:00 S:,5Je 1; Jyoi?1.~~r-j.i~..'U.L~r 7b. - 7 1400 KC021 . Alliance 9:~;br, I!E;:~ :..'/i: 2 L . 2 :Zt5- 3- 8~/3"nb -. .. CarreStonc. 1k00 ;.I12:3C; ~J~,ry~s;;~l*. g . c;. . j?/C is Ij-t -01.:90-01:lF-A Rugg 1420 K;jOz ,c~~~~~;?~~~~~~:~~j~lrl.-~/of~~OO;~ s ,.c.t.t- i-zcl:. , sE >'.'-. . 1430. -:,2I'J . i;wls:..;lc.ns, ;LC;:. -. .3/011 lr-:57- bL. ~440 1 I;Torc~sl;e.ri>lsA.-.S//off. . ~t 00~05-S'rock~r ~;c~ I1 - ,. . . . 14Lt0 .Lo;?bl,ca9 .. . , Ealls ;:-l,:'d' fig;?1 ii 27'- - 14-40 3?PV L:?nsaala$ Po. WCis )il;l.:. :,zD. 23 :$.0-2%,:15- Ru-gg 14-50 I C~:6a~2.~-!ids,In. ?/off 01:3a-;31~c:.:l~-~,r!;::cst CO. 1~

0 - 0 ..Jor~ci,la, . Ga S/o:l .l>:Sc)- WILs-::ZxC ~56;... 5- 3 .Stone 14-50 ':fi:TC i.:ollnnd. 2.jTcb F/C 21d .;O;T 1:!~'-13 2:GO JO~I~~I~S-.~ lh-70 .&:'~j~~~~~lr*~~i.~c:..is 4-tb ii01:. ~t:~~,I;-:15-~.v-:; . - - - R/c -03 . . 1470 -.LE~T~ .jL~j1. S/On 312. a.b 7,,;Li5- oil J-1:.270e- , Jroc>icr-ke. 1k80 -r-'t-7 r:ich!i~112~ Il/C j-s Lpri :?.::::L- 1.st 211~~~.1-].:10- ~i~-~~, . -. - 14-90 . , , i / . ? 5 a';-6---;u;l 7.j1.j , - .. .. . - ';l:iZL ~~.,:;nzcl-.toi~,?,o..- R/C";"qt~s ~-f.i;krr2nd [email protected]:1:~5-01:00 I:ug;.. , '?;cvit.'~ 2; 1 ; .og.:l~r~01:00 ':klgZ 1 1- . - 1510 11.1 ilbp~cZ;-~C.~:; ilcl:. l,isx;i; ;/C 3rd ;IUES 00 ;()C)-QO :15- iiUcoa0 IFb0 CLIQ 'i'oronto Ont,R/S -4~3.l:5-i:k.l'urnl)s12;ny 2.2. 2. Stons-. .r~ ;b15-r. 1550 :",p;:c' ~or.;~~nd~.. la,-, R/C 'i'uesU~..li'-.tcrLA3-d-i.ion. i-m2jA5- C-L> ,I * ' " Y . 1550 :~s~o:.-3~;nz-i;o- ;.L>; :~lo:.fo,i'zit s 3/2 ,3 "'i;o:nc ,., . ; .:: .: . . * - 1550 I/or? 5:15- 2c7.s:;ct.t-lAic1:,r :., 15G0 WCLS ' CoiuL:bus, ir? Sl5;l [~tO~!-:GO,.~ rci;. 3 Ji;oilc..

1590 , ';,T-Gi.I ' i;icl:.:.lond: ' 2. S/bn 0:;. :i)O .'c;?n& * .. . <, 3 . . 1600 CIIVC ' j?ia.,;zTn FA11;;) ant. 00 :05- pas ;.ctt iJc:;. . . , ;?/c$ LJGr-; . . . - .4.. 1st IDTT, K:;TS3-1300 1tb5-2-ri: .-K2T;I-:.510- 2-2~,5-:" i-ix,-3rd ~027I(;~J.-~D-~~;.~~, T.- ,. 1~4-0-1:k5- y

gress at, the time, parktng' ces..fviil "beVhard 60- 'fInd'"e1sev~h'~re.' ' iblexican --LunchThis will.be held Saturday noon r me c0S.t wilX!be $2 .OO payable Saturday morpljng at registration.We a$l~receiveldtations from for.eizn lands, s.0 why not learn'.something 'ox- $heir food and customs?.Please specify:. weither or not. you will partake in.%his act- ivity...... when you send in:your ~e~ist~ation. . . .., ! . . I. .. - ... -....., .I .... ' .I . . - ...... "! You. age invited to ,bring you'r:, bedeiders akd tape 'recorders .~ntennae ~ in. will be set up at the hotel . room. 844. *.. . ! .: . I . I. Here is a sample of the round trip airline fa~eq+.frorn., .. Indianapolis : Los Angeiles ...... $240.24 Chicago San Fran.sisco...... 248.72 I\ll>aml...... , :Seat+le...... 210'.9.0 ....-.: Bos.ton. .:...... fle!lv Y ark. .,.....,...... 91,19. : ....- .';7ellingt6n,N esv' Zealand. ... 20. .' .. ... : . .- ' ~onventaj~uiz:?his year we wilL have many o%rthbbile prizes.The questions: will be difficult, so bktter study!Some of,the djuestiona will covep. FCC rules:, foreign statiens,and do@$stin'stations. .... The ,speaker for Saturday will be Yr .Edu~in B .j ~oole~,an< associate of R.. - J. Rockwel1,Viee. . Presiden-t an8 ~irectorof '~ngineeringof '\;ilEJi. ' ... .. , . - ..

.. . -,

R"INS ' . SrJPRFflACY RATI?GS - ,JULY, 1962 ~Q~IL~D~y ,,HILNK .wI~-,KI".N, h6X) Qd$:gbJ AVZVJB, WQRTH YOJ.L~~~O~)CALIFORJJI~, 11 S- A* .. . .- . BEST DX 1ER I...... TRIES vE~IES FCrRi:IG?: 0CE.QJIA , ,. , . ... ,', ' , ' .. ..,. ; .. .. . , . . .. . , 1- ~ank~~ndall, ~ennont' (V-4~) 143 5910 8 - 107 .R.Noumea 2- Ken Ma.ckey, New Zealand (VAC~ 120 2157 2109 215 WVw. 3- Art Cushen, V~FTZealad '. (VhCj 90 1654 1600 ' - 282 , WVTC 1649 .. 1:' 271 'WvIJV 4- Keith Robinson, ?Jew Zealand (vX) 89 1701 .. 46.""- WW. 5- C. N. Stanbury, Canada (VAC) 88 1287 .412 "

5- Kermit Geary, Penna. " 79 4277 716 . 55 2CK . [ 3OOw. ) '3&.. . .. 7- Roges Anderson, Virginia : 7 8 1383 4t5 5y'. 8- Hank Holbrook, Yary: , . 77 . 1974 439 : j15 2LT (SOOW,) 9- Bob Botzum, Penna. (VAC) 67 4104 'LbS 0 . 7KT LO-. Stanwood Morss, Vas: . 62 ,3233 . 262 Ls RHRC 11- Ben Dangerfield, Penna. 59 12fl . '. LL5 2 4yA

:2- Carroll Seth, New York " 56 226 73 - 8 2NP, -3- Ernest Cooper, PTew York 51 3067 234 7 Kf RC .4- Ray Noore, ?'lass. . . 51 79 79 5 2GF (350~~) -5- Pete Taylor, California , 49 9 86 179' ; 16 . RJAN . 362 ', . : 54 .. ~6-Norm Yaguire, F1ew FTexico (VAC) 47 2767 . . hVUQ 17- Hilding Gustafson, Illinois (VAC) k6 709 164' 59 2RE ' .'L 16 , 2-: (Soow.) 18- David Roys, Indiana '. 44 400 104. i9- Fred VanVoorhees, Penna. 42. 1402 lk4 ; : $.; 21niJJ

?O- Pat Reilley, ?Jew Yo~k 41' 3314 271 .' . . 30 ---- . . Il-Roy Millar, Washington 41 1325 . . 193:.' 55. 7m OW.! ?2- Hank Wilkinson, Galif orniz 40 231 ' 192 33. .. KM'M !3- Charles P. Atherton, Yass. 35' 1803 250 7 2UE. !4- Larry Godwin, Texas (ONLY) 34 :825 7 1 19 :. 2GL . . . !5- Robert .3. Ihrggan, C-eorgia 29 ;?SO 68. 2' KSAI

26- Clarence .Freeman, Califorr LY) 28 70 8 218 32 2FTd , . - 17- Maurice Ashby, Kansas 28 30 2 73. 11 ----

28- Xarold S. Williams, Conn. . 26 2213 115 2 ' KTJLA !?- Francis Nittler, Colorado 26 2126 109,: . - 23 2AP

30- James Gangler, Maryland . . 25 127. . '28. ' . 1 KORL 11- %v Johnson, Illinois . 23 2299 103. 7 KIKI

32- Ralph Sperry, Conn. 23 1373 6 7 2 KHON . ' 13- Andy Rugg, Canada 22 563 36 ' . . . _ ---- 34- Frank Wheeler, Penna. 1375 . 6.5 1 1YA 15- Maurice Vittler, Dolorado 1886 107 .. 13 . ICGU 6 -"Doug Xurray, a1ova ~cot'i'a I 353 23 - ---- ;7- Ray Edge, Tdew York . .. ..- 16 2053 60 - . 7 KCMB 8- Len Kruse, Iowa 15 3554 69 ' 11 lm :9- John Eathaway, Texas . . 20 3 43 3 KOOD 0- Walter Goldy, Ill-inois 13 2560 105 3 KHOhr 1- ~'amesCritchett, . California 11 1314 46 28 2YA 2- Alex Bowab, Alabama .11 2 20 12 1- KPO.---- I 3- Dick Kwiatkowsk5, New York . 9 221 8 11- Glen Kippel, Texas 8 9 6 ----V A C means VERIFIED -ALL CO??TD?EW'l OTES: A-' I haven't heard from some of you for over six (6) months or more. IIc)w abou 2, it ??i 3- Art Gushen added Goa, N.Vietnam and Kuwait to his fine list. C- Keith Robinson added \Rles, Sardiniia, F. Somaliland and Moldavia..

D- , Kermit Geary of the U. $:A. added -the flzores and Granada to his fine list,. . E- Hank Holbrook added the Windward Islands and ,Azores,too. fist DX together. F- Ben Dangerfield add.ed Poland, Italy, and Guadelou.pe. Watch out H~nkTyndal',. ,. . ., G- David Roys ,addec". Portugal for country #l~4. H- Francis. Nittler. added Guatemala and W. Somoa for #25 and #26. Very Go6d.. .. .'

I- James Gangler added ' Germany, France, G~lndeloupe, Honduras, Brazil and Argentina. Leave a few for next senson, Jim...... R. J. IJilkinson 2 ,DL _N_E_W-S- July 14, 19 62 -v - E - R-I-E- -S-I-G-N~E-R~S~ CREDITS 1350 '171 AD C A. \V. Bock, CE I A - Fcl. Stone I - L. Baesett 1360 W M N S Michael J. Ceci, I? B - R. Kraul J - P. Crocker K RqU X Joseph Brandt, CE K c - 3. Johnson K - R. Coomler W K Y 0 Robert F. Benkehm, M N D - H. Tyndall L - S. Simmns 1380 C FnD A Daston Girouard, G L E R. Pietsch M 3. Reilley 1390 K J A M John A. Goeman, CE A - - k F - D . Nmr yay N - R. Hartman K CrB C Donaid H. Cobb, 94 G - T. Coltlmrst . 0 - H. ?lilliams 1400 V: R o'N Garry H. Ritchie R - R, Jo'na~ms . P - E. Cooper W A T W Russ ~ohnston,CX , 540 C B K George L. FaQen I pr R D 0 Harold Dinsmore, CE 580.~14J V. bT. Pallace, CE G .. KVO~PHughV. Smith, CE K 600 W T A C Robert Garner,*CE I WcS LuB David 17. Claxtol?, CZ L 610 K V N U I ,. Re id Andreasan, PD G 1410 KuR IcG Grady Sdnders, Q\f GL 620 K Tf 'I F Lewis Dickenshee ts, CE G KWBB CliffordBI. Kocll, (33 G 630 K SfX X D . R. Hale, CE E 1440 hV P R S Wayne Lernen, C% N C F C 0 D. G. Hildebrard,P, GM H N E 2 3 K. H. Morgan, A 730 W X i; T Russ Johnston, CE H K Wl B Y Evert Fruitman, (33 E 740 K BqI G Glyn Covington, CE E KE Y S Marc Pam, CE G 770 VI AqB C John Bourcier, M 3 1450 K 0 N E Rarry Eden, AM E 920 Y i; N Don Gruitt , CE I V? RhK D E. H. H-mmond, Cl3 F 940 K If0 A Leonard Ballad, CE E 1460 K T Y M A. J. Williams E 960 K Of0 L Albin R. Hillstrom, CE K 1470 W L A M Herbert Wiles, (33 J 1110 C FIu'i L Dud Marquis, CE F 1480 B P F E Gerald D. Franks, s!I A 1140 K G E ivi Nilton P. Daniel, CE E W H B C John Schen, CE I 1150 vI H HU N E, A. Craig, CE A 1490 K R N R Richard Booth, Act- E 1200 TIQ LuisGrauVillalobos A 1550 K U T Q James Johnson, CE AP 1210 W K N X Lee Vorden I Frl B V M Michael C. Fusco, P F 1220 T! S li E J. Robert Paher, CE 0 K E D D David Tarter, E G la0 W J 0 Y Hugh T. R'icKenng, CE J W X V A Thomas Alift, CE M 1240 K R 0 Y Sark Ford, PD . K 1570 XnE BfF Sargio Ballesteros S .AdrnG K 0 3' A Doc HollliLcyr . K K NfD Y iars. Wills ivi. Schepp,CE L K R N 0 Verne Paule, E 1590 W A W A Jack C . Krause, CX ABCDP rFJ J E J George D. McInti~e,CE H W M I C Frank Tefft, 0 A V! C 0 U Faust Conture, P 3 K I N T George James, A E 1260 K t7 F R C . T. Dawson, CE K 1600 Pr X K W ~ickardO'Comor, AF 1290 dV HqI 0 Ernest L. AdamS, CE ,. .F. Be sure to include the code letter if one 1340 W E N T Richard J. Stewart, CE H applies to your verie, and please check \Y F A U Joseph Roy, CE J backat least sixissu~esforrepeats.

------I------As you cah note there are a couple pages in this issiie that were held over from last DX News o ly because I felt it unwis-e to have to pay additional postage just for one extra sheet of paper. Howerer ev- erything is included in this issue and those pages which are not in their proper order, please correct them. I asked that this issue be held to 20 pages (10 sheets of paper but it looks as my plea goes unheeded. As you recall it was definitely decided that DX News be held to no more- than 20 pages (10 sheets of paper) in meorder to keep work at this end at a normal pace along with being able to continue the annual dues at $4.00, Thus this subject will be discussed at the Convention. Your 'club is in very good financia condition bus to disregard the above and {publish a large bulletin, the finances will drop sharply as using more' paper-ink-rn stamps will cause that quickly. Think it over. ' Also yoit all know that we will need a new Editor j6or the International DX Digest beginning the first issue in ~dtober.Those interested please'write Fred Van V'oorhees at once and giving him your qu&lifications, A1s.o the future Editor MUST have his stencils to my on Thursdays in order to assure me meeting the mailing deadline of ;Saturday mornings. Sooo .be seeing you at Indianapolis. Pop Fdge Exec Sec NRC