Crisis in : Daily Briefing 30 May 2014, 4 PM Kyiv time

1. Kremlin-backed "separatism" in Eastern Ukraine The active phase of the anti-terrorism operation (ATO) in Donetsk and continues. The State Border Service of Ukraine reports that a border checkpoint near Stanychno-Luhanske, , was attacked by armed “separatists.” The border checkpoint was successfully defended; one Ukrainian serviceman was injured. A 29 May battle between armed “separatists” and Ukrainian armed forces at an army headquarters in Oleksandrivsk, Luhansk oblast, ended with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. According to the Ministry of Defense, south and western Donetsk oblast, and northern Luhansk oblast, have been fully cleared of armed “separatists.” The State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) report that an unmanned drone aircraft, the same make and model of one used by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, was shot down in the ATO zone. The SBU also stated that they detained a citizen of Ukraine near Izyum, Kharkiv oblast, who testified that he had undergone training by the Intelligence and Security Services of Russia, in a camp in Rostov oblast in the Russian Federation, after which he was sent to Ukraine to attack Ukrainian armed forces checkpoints. According to reports, at least 8 of the armed “separatists” killed in the last week during the ATO are citizens of the Russian Federation. The State Border Service reports that three automobiles that were trying to cross the Ukraine-Russia border were stopped, carrying large amounts of weapons, including 27 AKs, and 5 grenade launchers. 2. CEC completes acceptance of official election protocols The Central Election Commission has completed accepting official protocols from District Election Commissions around the country; some have been returned to the district commissions for minor corrections, and will be presented back to the CEC on 31 May. The CEC must declare the results of the election no later than 5 June. According to reports the inauguration of the new president is scheduled for 7 June. 3. Tymoshenko congratulates Poroshenko on victory On 29 May, Y. Tymoshenko, the runner-up to P. Poroshenko in the presidential election, congratulated Poroshenko on his victory. She stated that the country is currently in a very difficult situation and that “to exacerbate it with political disputes is inappropriate. So, for the sake of peace, for the sake of realizing the ideals of Maidan, my team is ready to assist the new president.” 4. Russia not invited to International Conference on Missile Defense The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation stated that the Russian application for participation in the annual International Conference on Missile Defense, which will be held in Germany on 17-20 June, has been rejected, due to recent difficulties, which will not allow for “proper conditions for the reception of Russian guests.”