Advanced Hardening WrongunWrongun && DCDC JuneJune 20052005 ssh://root:
[email protected] Lab Challenge JoinJoin thethe wifiwifi netnet andand sshssh intointo thethe boxbox usingusing thethe accountaccount specifiedspecified inin thethe footerfooter TryTry toto pwnpwn thethe boxbox byby addingadding anan accountaccount forfor yourselfyourself oror backdooringbackdooring sshdsshd ssh://root:
[email protected] “Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years! “ ssh://root:
[email protected] So OpenBSD is uber secure, right? Actually,Actually, nono …… TheThe defaultdefault installinstall hashas nothingnothing enabledenabled (except(except ssh)ssh) ““NoNo wonderwonder itit ’’ss secure,secure, itit ’’ss poweredpowered off!off! ”” SourceSource --onlyonly patchingpatching strategystrategy makesmakes itit difficultdifficult toto rollroll outout fixesfixes toto platformsplatforms w/ow/o compilerscompilers (i.e.(i.e. disklessdiskless firewalls,firewalls, etc.)etc.) ssh://root:
[email protected] Brief History of OpenBSD Vulnerabilities 30 March 05: Bugs in the cp(4) stack can lead to memory exhaustion or processing of TCP segments with invalid SACK optio ns and cause a system crash. 14 Dec 04: On systems running sakmpd(8) it is possible for a local user to cause kernel memory corruption and system panic by setti ng psec(4) credentials on a socket 20 Sept 04: radius authentication, as implemented by ogin_radius(8) , was not checking the shared secret used for replies sent by the radius server. This could allow an attacker to spoof