VOLUME LXXXH NO. 12 WEDNESDAY, S1PT! 1990 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE GomCateliCata %. 35 Paris Crowd Fair Haven Fighting Parking Cheers Ike Stray Feline Influx Ban Set FAIR HAVEN - Catt. Rod Baric Sfornw i Highway Dept. On Arrival Tbafa tto Open £«f • ToniffJkl Doesn't Give PARIS carter at fto etc/, •I day. aadtrium- ihoutkaj "Vho AamfJ iVajaa. thai •*••* VtmlVMi CBBBBBI paal tatry late today. ritV Viva dt Oeeller Ito VarM Starting Date lag betide hU wartime comrade War II Oca. Chariot dt Gli -. aa their way toca > SHRKwYMIRY - A paiUag r Packed erowdt jamaed tte cradaJ to da Wtatera to* af « M. U (Rfaad 8t) ia ihU of** a daerotd by tha iTnatCs.i . DtpartaMBt It WM _ U no tadicatloa whan Board Still of tte day a 1S44 when Eisen- wUI to pat iato affect hower waa atesrtd M liberator k Cauadl latt Bight aa- of Paris. Uaeftldal eattnatos raceiat af a form fran Studies Bids put ito crowd at half a milliea atato Highway Dapartmeat « tto Highway Commit- atr Jaty M docratd ao parklag For School to* atdae of Rt IS from Tln- TINTON FALLS - Monmouth ap Ava., Batoatowa, to Newman Regional High School Board of it tte tint Aaat* ftogt Rrf. Education continued to struggle to pty a stoto last night with the problem of Bendix May Ito form aaid Ned J. Pane- high construction bids tor its pro- acting director of motor WortdWarL , bad approved the banMedhigh StartBuilding Mfattsa La. rinUanf told poHcs 1L The tow but bids received at a spedtl meeting but weak to- Aad Fraace greeted him with at nuny M IS atray catt •Da Uato Wban . aB tte pomp and ceremony tte anaad at oa "Why pick oa Shrewtbuiy? Do taled 11.448,104. Board members Next Month said that is SISUM over their could MIMIt CAM Fair Hevaa Mitt CMtf Carl J. Jaimbaey batts • eat trap. That My tove a grudge against ottimete. bUring bands and a SbbT" Couadlmaa Jamea of S4 wMto^toved mo* 68 fcaraaa> bat baa* •Ufa* by a laraa ateabcr af rooming etray cata ki A y Gordon W. Bertie, toard presi- Hy aakad. He aaid if perking dent, said tte group bat« days toreydat carts flanking tto Fc* Pcweible 100-UnJt It was tor son who waa Mttoa Ut» twe weeks. A» b • bw mad to taka catt to the Satiety for baaaad along Rt.» ia Shrewa- by a cat bat weak, ate caBed In which to act on tte hide. Bui tary, K ahoald to baniied ia ether he admitted ao answer to Ito A taB of red. white and " a ysstsrdsy to say ate was through which the le Bourget Air- BBSW aaattF sBBsai naBnaBBBnatOBB) AJABSIK**—^ ^^ [HllllWIll *W cat triad to Mto bar lag. Cloth* Humg to Dry After ito ragaar _ to continue fl|hteight- , tte board want into ex- after a Sfrmmute Jet flight from laaagad to fight tto aafaaal aff. Stolon From Umm ag for ataadoamtet of the pro d «yUed y Cbitf " - - aiag of the highway. ecuUve to talk me mat- tost eight. I*******_•* ter over further. From tte moment of their re- 1 P 4M^aaaBBt^af^BMBBl daf A flat BBBuMOBe HBSBV baa announced plana union at tte airport. Eisenhower wtora tto baavy cat «s Avlettoa Corp. pleat aa the a PMM widealmg. Ito road end de Gaulle enbenged warm fear itaee and two Mr. Bertie dakt, "as converMuon al- Taa of them tow btaa we flgare oat a ceurse of action we wUI let the public know what though both are awkward in tte aa far, dw cMaf taJd, aad Mayor Barnard B. While told to do." other's language. ovar to tkt SocMy for Ito Pro- after tto muting. "Where we ga to break eerr/ aat ia a potsuilUy, tte area- They got down to busineM just af CraaMy to Atal from tore, to to toasst with you, idMt said, that tte board will after aooa at a luncheon confer* I doa't know." ttwilbette aejorhv Tto traoa ara af reedvertiae tte project in tte at de Gtulle't Eiyste Pal* bops of getting atteraata bids. rMiatltlattoai to km tto can. He aaid tte borough will can- wttMa a period ot» days. Another Is to go back to the tktee astkatg tte support of Sea. voters to ask for more money Elsenhower f teed a busy round HarriaOB A. WUkamt, Jr., ana* laat tten tte Sl.sn.0SI they approved of talks during his Paris say. eat at a fbV Cbitf Jakatoey aatod tto s afaaaTfsjal Ce itMCaalaKlOtMt CJl' ia a referendum, to said, His conferences in West Germany a of rttidaatala bak tad Britain are considered a astng say legal "But I don't know what we are to trap tte cats. As going to do," Mr. Bertie said. dtpkMnetie triumph, but to facet HttopaiUsgbaB, acne af tte Cross tract for Ita "At He stated tte boerd elto plant his reel tart in tte meeting with ^lataauto, acting y cat I wtab to to meat with its architect aa ttette Preach President. at." to ttld. "Wa ara , aaM. •Xegatty, Tto i can do," utter. De Gaaue win presa for morn rid tto koroaak af tto Tte N flrmt which sabmittad U. i. backtag at tte French cam- OHMQf aa wa aaa. Wa*n ids lest weal I tat Aegfrtftat BaatlatlMWOT iHat la attor can, Jaat tto temattvaa la < •ara Ubaral Preach aa- to tto daaaadt af tte

wBJ try to gat da •I afeTj ••"• aVSBBaTavt a>t*Ja> awPa evanar- One Problem ta a Frederick P. _ iMMw ttWCV Wltal tto North Atlantic AlUaace. Bat *S»i IBM fto toari ttot aw "Tto Mas a _ to rejected tto U. S. President will resist praptrty atght to Mad •jfe MB* Aiter Another or we might have dM French dssrrto for a British. pert of Ito budding. Bat wa realty Prancb-Amerkaa triumvirate to SHREWSBURY - lattWaMoa Harry A. Hartaann, eupervtt- p ' say untiUl altalt r wa to domkMte Wastora policy. of 7TI foot of faaca « aagtaeer of tto SUM High- cM't tay antU aliatiart W ilwmhmom aUfaldaJaf* ttudiedI tto bids carefully.ly ' aloo win try Imi onti OM (Coatiaued from page I) Ia otter butlaisi. tte board qatot Preach feart that hit cam* tZ » witb|ji.^ m^\\ CfMtM MOQMT. decided to postpone receiving NesUtal XUaadaCMV WiOkMB W. Car* bids for fumitara tad equipment forcaB- they lad hoped to ge•att) Mat M. tto poaaftdrty of a Juvenile Croup Tto achooi will btoe baiI U oa alean deal hi which aw SMcra tract off Tlatoa Ave., Wsetora Chut, It. at To Receive Pi. aaffs Board moaners had hoped to Eisiatower's trhtdalt today to* duded two boars of dw ' Bwaard wrMt ia a ftl begin construction this month end fart wtra tenet M daye ago, have tto school ready for stu-with de Goalie, bach and chalnnaa. aaM alter t Zip Gun Case it the prtildtaMal i las that at toows at a» Oouaofl tad appreprlated M. MEW SHREWSBURY - Petto ON July 7. pert of which WM triumphal •ta (teas by Mr. laMal for ara were iattraOtd to tan aver noon up the Champs BrjraaM far i ated to tetao ito fence. Tte Nothing to Smy aot aat aay eat to altap that move cane after raetdeats com- "thvgun" problem to she e brief ceremoay at the Toasb af to of Juvenile FREEHOLD (AP) - Whet IS- France's uakaawa neeth tte Arch af yar* to Qek his mother wonted to make There were ia affrvt tare ate heard from him-to tte car, to fto •M ftaaaara 00 Co. ajraaita •» foact to art a af ito deadly . gave Mm a tumped addressed retary of State Cbrbjttaa A. aaaaco flw 4mim al a gu ataaaa it to airpkat aa It-year <*S bey wat and inserted a Weak ter. U. S. natotstdar Aasry aay af tto cata have baton i Ito a*ar aMa. trfOOfl*)t> JkftVJBBlATH—la top; a^aaWaT a^Ut a^ tla* •aHnAAll far- Tto bajTitwartttort, Mr. Carat of paper. Houghton. Preach Pnaiir Mi* apajajBjaVJ i*vasa> ^aaa aaaw a^^^a^tit^^^w^ ••• it would *m I»T« irrwjtj M ewwKawtfaM fljeeaTB »• Taor Yesterday Mrs. Sodea art tteehel Dobre aad Freacb Poreiga •ar at 0M Craai aMBt, ae a ra» to Mr. waa no blank abort of Minister Msurice Ceava da Mar* aaltof I ajajaa aj eajaj aafajaa) awaY tn fba ba)aie) of fTaajna Annbar ville. Rebate GI eJ. of M lert levfan H, wW. p^Uo iaM, «raa1 ffc. *WH frwm « .11M |fcto WwM War II Ufer. M fba For Hearing •fttom piatora, Michael Iracfm, It. «f «| latt larflaa Late News KATOMTOWN - A Part nH toNn wHk Mrs. Jeaepb K. Haalpwaa, »l iait Urt* PI. Mlabaal WM In a fara«a imW a fetVar k» fba far. CAMDEN (API—Twa childre* tram tba Irawas Mils •fa. Ma raw f Mw. Heajaam'i bemt far tafary. aree have pel'*- One was Saath Jersey's first eata. Cant. dan Municipal Haipltel reported tha seeead cata yastor. day, Randall Oark, Wt months aid, wha bat pararyHa Retired Colonel Held palia. Tha firtt child. Sherry Uitaflle, *. had tw* talk shots. Randall had naae.

In Shooting Spree I/Otm. Narway (AP)-Tba llBBBnl BrnVl trnWCBBBl aanjsaJakaHjjsnJtl Ag* eBBB**dt tajaaBmiBBBtol BBto BmfeBmtafaVa B^BBB^BBnVMHaW BBmW A retired Armmy cajeael wtePJ laK •argat) PI. MMad I *™*aaa» vngaj a^^^^m^p ^^BHavlaal^^Weajt) ^^ wavv^av •a^eVaawBa'awaj a^ar ejW/ww™BBI BaaBn^^^MjejmMB'aBnj aainnn that ap af EEaet Wmm f\ aa, 13, af «at tddreN. wu alar ^^fc^^g— fti,i 11..J1.. .Tit MBSaaa) ta ••• wHB • Bagrv taaraanT. rv ^ftotoaaaii wan naritog sate mM - ^^ AI.^^^*^M wmibm+ mm flM0> US SMaiMi aw fart work efN«****> •* •* •»•••"' "• lfJW*" •• toJmlL SfsaflSu!' ** ^^ ** h^kua amsw_ — — 1* - ».- _sn ha. a* ^mT» h) aaaa aa> a v^sijwaaaa waaaa •rawa wimaan/ BJQ wai aava va !••• •• ^^*y *^^ • abaajaa tta aaa aaavartag ba*l^rfaM^rf ^« ttoM ana Siaa si tnVa

^^^^v^p ^v et^aannnsBnnnnj BBJ a^H^Bt a^^^^a^^^^^^^^p^^^^^^ ^B^n^B^tBiaai V aiB^aaat ^M^njaa^l^B^B^aan a^^BBBBBBn BB "PIMB H ba1toMhtoS,H CMaf lawBaBRBB agiajii.^Biananssrae-sesmwi BBmWBnfaBsBl nmVanV *)•«>__« ^ m^*m\ nVtkal ami SBSannmntoBBnBA BmVVaBaBMmw' BBBmfi B^BBBBBaVB^BmTaml hflfllL, aWeYnaWaTMfl a*eVaT4Bp ^awaTJ W Wmw awM avJ wBaBsBa74VaBaMaj m*^^^^* wwtw ^m^^mwm^mm toB^ajaaaj ^^Milb * W.UMHMTON (AP) - The Jr. to Da

AMa. IIS far ear**, drMag! a tours possibility'' at Paqrtog flaat thla week hi vMa- BmBBdl aWaUtBaual aaMaaiAt NIW YORK (API — Neaatletleni In tha jp aBW^j jj^j, WM IMfttf MM WM PfMWM aajaaap a*BW^BBnaj ajaj^aj, natlanwlda staal strike reiuwe bora today after a reeeti Mr. Irving MM met to a? I. r.NaaeM. SMMtaCt.MitV Wr d^ dl^ l aMA avalleMsat say Mae to dbw 1 tinea latt Thursday. Tha strike by 100,000 mamkars af tha United Steelwerkers Union •! America hat that daw* Tto toard aaaeaaced that efr elmett 90 per sent af tha natian'a steal praaWlan. Aa Ml UMltatJ estimated 110,000 employees In silled Industrie* hava bean Mr. awrerfjfj arsr^pwYrVM V< V* tBmWaj ml tW •* M* made Isle by the -trlka. •ttat 9.8 P«r Out Amtasflr laBBBa flan) a^agWa-T At • WIIHRII tureen) BftV aBBBBBBBjaaaBBBj aj| WAHflNOTON (AP) - Crime ••^™™aT(BT™;l'aBje/BB I^^VH^RH^V W7M ae^r* aert la n ito Uaitod SUleo tocreaeM Ing to break Into hit touoe. Pa- WASHINGTON (API —Tha Hawa has voted to re- irfa aaaiiea NK ITtodlt VI atr cent In IN4 over IMT llet checked Thteineettogltforlaalllutawl i win a aaw hospital, Low Oak Rd.. ww tana yean tonal Jail to Be board chair* eM Saturday The auhjoct npnteatativot aad Robert Y< music by mtmberMt-torgt. a survey by tht Mate Da- attht .i wMbMaMMt.8 wd "Capital The monthly Abolition aad hit Mttro- ti PatarMatoy Goods, who Jatoad II. Wai wStmSm QMt al IBV tt a "Btatalk Party" Sat- log for cab AfawXtaaM fMNtwal StaabwRysck. tht B-vaar dub to* rffflww* ww pfia wtB ha htM an warden, boa on•*•* aa iQvtr, toot cat w rook; Bw tnw »:l» pja. a mid- mtk wwwi LMg wdTtrry'abn ^Maggto, a. of 7 aawat PL. j Aocordag to Craig, tht re- Moaday. Sept 14. to Bt Mary*t aFjBJBgwwaJl MaWJBlJ aFSaVJwawwi * oTVIwaawwhlkl i%MU9mJAwawww BJfWBaaw] rawfKB. United States an Epiaeop.1 Chana RaB, latt •even-day congress, toMWawm. cut over aye to attin wttl ha "vary cat- Mr. wd Mrs. and Saturday. out of tret. MIT Front St. at I am at Mary'a CtJhoBc PnH Mr. aad Mrs. can for i, wM start nin, Mr. and Mrs. Ltoyd >- JoW Uparl, 7. at » ' aTia IN badfor tat tint to fourth Mr. Ooerka, a wttawl leader e., Eaat Ktaaabarg, ana oat Lawto. aaerctary. wnbe bury. Mr. aad Mrs. Jawv h the aboutkm miviaiat. pac- Lewia, trtaaurer. Chtrtee to Be Baytbore ana, Thunday, Sept M, aad for aaa, Mr. and Mrs. WBwa ben to aob> at Pint Aid I fel off bicycle; Bather Craw, I to I Prhtey. (Mr*- U. taka drive tor ed part of me btaaa oa the pro- Pacific Ava., Eaat Kiaathaia, toto charg e of refreeb- Wet wffl partMwto to aa Mat __. Mr. aad Mrs. David Hi. J, Matontl ponctogtttt for Be re- wd aakto cw la fkfl oa a haepital at roughly 8 gartoa taatow will bagtato aM -Mr. aad Mn. AMa Pollack. Mr. aUaafVSfMfy OHflDftltiOa fAI September, the date la be anaa- d Mrs. George Raab. Mr. wd cent faflun of about * ' at; David Jotoaw, I. to be held by the Matawaa Pint fire AtoilUry Usrit tioa la tht U. S. 117 Moaroa Ava. The trattott alnadyan to Mrs. Ucaard Sms*. Mr. aad Mn. v^wV WBMII wastocafTM aj r Oaorgt Raab. Mr. wd Mn. Lao- Plaas Card Party "Regretfully," ha whL "ow Leave For Sept HtitoHletdenare rtauait of the reaeoat for the faltan Mr. wd Mra. George Haven aard Smith. Mr. wd Mn. Pnak ad to aatHy Coanwatoaer Plyw oa ae pro- Darar. Jr.. aadd chttdnachUdron., ~Otorge in lKe-MM to BJ af tt Gary Dr.. Mlalatoaa. A. Smith. Mr. Mn. Pnak UNION MACK -Mn. Amsterdam of tht aumbir of ban tataadag Havaa, m, aad Breadoa, tt TrlmboU. Mr. aad Mn. Cart Tur- aad Mn.Pnd ~~ ear brtkw a "tug of Tha grow paw to dove* kuwnTantr. 14. of IM a Tor, •j Mr- -Mn. MwHca W»jnn tupport by . Mr. aad Mn. Atohwtt B. Nor- OUbert aad SuUvw i "fe- N. Y., cd to ae ftady of VUta Ave* Pair Havta, tott < to „ Uaw Hoot Pin hart of Chicago. DL, who have off aa whan Durar paay Itat weak hi tW An I a^uBja^a># aag BBBB^aj aa> BflBBwWs ayBjaaajaj Is^aajl Mra. Rvni«wiez Mr. aad Mn. Charlea Welter. debt The *"" Kodak Ca. Plans won aaw tor a csrd "Individual, from BOM groups 4, of IM Matt at. Wat Eww Norbart'i panatt Mr. and Mn. Robert Young. Mr. ban with Mrs. 1 aalovw piayera will pat W Be They ah* Mured party Sapt tt ta at fln Mam dap, bat aw, ban, ewajtoaai part of a whtottot. Mr. aad Mn. A. J feted At Shower aad Mrs. Jerry Mr. wd at I few days. Their other two chiM- Mrs. Erwet Sta Mr. wd htn Edward want wd Mn. preaeat day araat Martha Thomatoa, a. of Ltopto- Lake Ava.. Pair Haven. MOKOANVILLB — Mn. Ml-Nov. aiost la apita of web. gnupe." II. aad Daralya, re- Mrs. Jew Hand. Mr. Wd Mrs. eatt Rd.. Utda tllvar. bettaa by Monday far Amaterdta. Hetttad. chael Ryaiewtci wae honored re- Tht rtmgaallaa of P. W. Mr. Ooerke toMM ththe MIM aa-dag; AraoMEtoa.41 Nevada Dr.. They will vMt Mr. Nerhart'i MwNhMn.Darar't Bract GoodwtaGaoowto. MrM . Wwd Mrs. Mn. vmMed penal aad coatlyata The nalaatHoa of P. Mrs. Joha Jew McHagh. Mr. aad Mn. Carl Raitot. forehead cut. kit with family aad that tour Europe. the Bra by Mn. Leo Houri- laldattbl. ontcitlt that It gua; Twbaa, DtPat- After their vacattoa, Mr. Deapneus. Mr. aad Mn. tamaal to him to tat ajaato, « Lafayette at, Raatoa. Mrs. Narbert wM leave tor La- •*•• Mr. Wd Mrs. Charles IHnaiL Mr. leadership over U Jokaiaa Ttr. head cut wkfla waaMag dhdaw Mr. Nerbart wfl et- wan Mn. Wllliaa In Mammary, Mr. Go •awatd Lag, a, af IS Edgt- WaJWr Bag, Mn. en the aboUttonlsti to wood Rd.Rd , R flftagtreet Mn. Jaw aaJ't their argumenti with bad wd Mgarto. Nigeria te'on by: Bantoky. Mn. Walar Cam Coakba. 17. of Mwttottm M KitlMft MMate Mvs* I. Iitterpnttog the to-Ava..Ava.. Kttaaaig. fawn banal The owpte. prior atoavtog fa for u2~^ yfTaiav Buifce. aaaaBBi UaaaaaMa aawl^^ Ew^itb^^^a> a^^ ^» _ — * - ^ ^ a^^^ ^^^^ #aMBEPgWosaaj§ gaioTape w^a^aa^saw ow^waaawf to plain language whtoh It w won glvw a " m KEYTCKT — TtMra wUI bs a llaaaina. Mrs. Btota readilr ™ "passr nuw; Roaan Bar- wnat, wen glvw a aaa vey-1^,- WMti BMII. lam. AMaw afaat| BBBaaawJ WawBaaw'fwraaajaji glj ffaWWaVaaWlaaaajmapp- at Bt Pnak LoPtottt. Ms. Mary I •aa. 4f Taker St. Uttto SOvar. age party ohaard tht Nwdaa of t^tTuZJSlmtuJ^Si I. W Laagw aight •:» School at Pt Let, Va. •hawing that the doe* peaalty tag cat to fnlw boat; rwuut ** JKM..J tmd.M u— n» *L •*??*_*»EJ SSLS^.S of Mka B. Mrs. Vlctorta it net a deterraat to fat protec- Hawet, tt. of MO) Ceaovar La., attvw wd Mwds. MM. Narbart 1ST StaBtTwwVMn Bt Haa> The Aairlcw Ltoyd tAUwaaaaa^Baa aitw * A— A.*B an _th ~ne farae« • r MMaaiau Ja* w Patter^ -- - gaaarwa Mww«www» mMnvomBawwM). •^••^ lion of poUot aad wti be Mn. DaNardo. Joaaph Ctork. Mra.Rabart Mn. to MM. Mr. Gotrkt It ehatraw of at r. af ttl Mn. ttUy * wet Prison rnmrittet of Now York JtkBlaflaV c KaJgbttof Yearly Mottlag of Be cyda; Bay. n. at W It. " " of Friends. Ha ellow$hip Mn. AaMteB. Mn. aw StL MfSe MtaTtawl by day Robert Vatoo, WTM' OMunlttea w Social Older. ™^KaM^ 9mA•^w Ave.miAa>,q BJ^^wiMra*J ••e«n_i Reorqanixes Tammy Loafmiraat Bergen MtTX)LETOWN- Ntw THI LUIMR YARDS USTH) Bookworm Pi. Red laak. ftoaar bnttttd. ban wU be tiaae m aaSeatorPel- WMJ.H GMto. 7. af IMaMrry It. Pair awthip t •fPTABuewuVe ttriai a Church hakto a hat dag dub Ends Havta, kaaa cat to al; WHHaa MOftOANVILLE - Ava.. Ott- rotM tomomw at I p-a. at tat Program 14. Tat fallawahjp wW asM • wa> aw##4 aVwamw* Cat BEafla aaBaaaiaBB) EaBaaaL CLOSED ALL DAY MAMSON TOWNSHIP - Tat??L*:s J*? M I aad I pja. Caa> Bookworm Club aaded ita aw- ^ fc — to at atr program Thurtday with a hV" . "s5tt. mlttaa evaatrecoMtyatfM afMM brary party in tha Laurence***' Red law, pHadpal Mn. Jaw Me- Parkway School. Tht cbddna Oetalck. prto who a«w*d kW parachmtw to ^ ^-^ Pat Mn. Mkh- Ava.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th Mn. Alfred LaMan, stcrettry; Cwb bo Watt la ntght Sept I. at MpOMt haw, Dtmeo, a* readiag of eight Mn. Uanace Yauag- praaanted an oralor written book Hlghlaad Ave.. Mghtoadi. a aaa me aaa fwaaaw aaap famiry-Hft-tdu- AND MONDAY ettapod aa aaiM with bath feat. iiTBtpT ULOWawTwIlli lapart racatvad pme*4i hoakwara tlaetadat at Ott 4 gwiwa. i: Mn. Oartottt toilgala-aad certiftcate*. They OeaVaa Qajto a " WRwa. pabttdty book Theresa Smith.. Gall RogeRger Aw., tart Mn. Dttoret Bradley, pub- •oa. AHeoAH a WaUoaWU . WilliaWilli m as; Mn. Josaeh Laaaare. Ctork. Uuretu Gardner, a wm-n HKMUNM - Jr.. lajaitolMy; Mrs. I atr realdenu from Summit: Da- broken to tal oft bad; LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 7th ttbdsaMafMr.Mi*. Ma Mftv FIIIBV aMtwaaMfawaT^* Mfflt I ^ •**— *• Wttt Httta M, ST. af • It. Jr.. hhwrlaa, wd Mn. Wosaika. Other member. [* * P aMt bhbrohaaMM> fiffifthh bl at > fatty * Bart a FIACI YOUt OMOwtf NOW POM PMDAY DMJVttY Grimes, peter *** a Ml oaMqraw. Prfca wta- wo Zawartkay, .Haary ftoa, IM tprtag am wait t . Web*. UaW CarnS. _,_ d m PABTT POD JACK KELLY Wah* wd Craig PMfar •£» UNCftOPT - The card wr afWCflVI MTUaSAY. HPT. 11, TNI wa raaa aamtryi. Wat .*• ««M aaand hy at LatnMah ken. David B. Wataw — Q jj_WawtoClw tor OfftotrJatk • wm'fSk wUSwS/9 wwaw aaaw a^Paw w gV^P§r4ww St.. asd lawajldn w BaVaWaWnal awB* taWBk •in- Na-UfX « M aV4 rTe*i^rBw/w flffJa^pVowwl PvEr Prl oT j t4f4J| M Mm. Wataaa waa aa Mawila Mvtrvtow Haapwl. Mn. ga towwd the "Oat It StWLY Chtrtt. Beaaett, I North Bridge Wof Puad" tor Otftoar Kattv. j Ava., Robert Beaowm. V Map! Club to Held Ave.. Mn. ChtrtM Jwa, 1 MWY. tt AT iwnoiw e vm m Thrackmertw Ave.. Mitt Judy Fashion Show Lucai. I Mortord PI.. Fraak Ma- HAISDIU LUMaam COMPANY RUMSON - Tht Woman-. Chib Hugh. MS Mwar Dr.. Albert Now. II wttt haM a card party wa St.. m Eaat Bergea PL IMtM AVI. IN 141H "beat" ftstoea show Sept. II lrth.74Ww M B am a PellowBMp Hall of tat Bl., an aurgital pattoata. Pnabyterita Church. River Rd., UTTIJ M.VIR LUMait A SIHVLY CO. las. far aw btaofH e* the Marlboro Frtdtriek Maasay ITCAIIOM Ml tMMHf gkapetal AurtHary Mn. Jaw V. Eat and Mr.It Glvtn Party MONMOUTH LUMMft COMPANY ELBERON - Prod f CfNTtALAVl tH?-Md« M§ VaaCwrt Ava,. . J BMt« m% tratotog wwVlw MD IANK •wax warlal twtrdt; iwvWvaa Paafiy was a*v* UMH1 #\ SUPPLY COMPANY oaw DaMw wd Mn. iJama ea tor torn aat weak by M IWAUITi. A. l^aaawaVd CwW WmWUt: HlfPt John Oreat a( Pair Havta tt Edward Pea*. BBWEI aVaaWl B^asaaiaaWmadWi sf^sMl •uavaaa v a^ra awe^saawwsw^a^ae* *^iag||* McHINRY It MOST, laa. cert Chib at Eattattwa. WfST A W. LINeOiHOPPINGN , aad Mra. Owver Mclataeh, re. OuetU wen Miaet Jo AnaH4U0 MAVOt — Lat Ha.au, rltKt, DomaereHa ten- AT 141H AtUPftlC Mn. Chwioa Themp- ' rliier, Susan Tkokurtl, Judl dldote far aaawaH la Now Shrewtbery, tkahtt hanai Ha. MM ' J, Roaert. ... ttarlini, Dttne PM, Ktrm Me- wd ftwa. KtvaAlitM. fash irtnt, Ann Porter aad Carolyn wltk Now York Mayor Robert •. Wafntr at tha Man* Mra. Robert Ztrr. U Wrea tad Arthur Prlipttrlrk. month Caahvy Oemetrttlt rally Monday at Jumping bit pvtoa; Mn. Howard Miller. plane, aad Mn, Robert (ttllnin David pkMfelly aad potters raltar, Mr. Hodti' running eta re In Nevembei. ™ — ". •'••• '"^* > ~~~ H^l M^ New Time Of Parkway 'or Board Irks UNION ft TRENTON (AP>-Oo-. B. Meraar yMtwdty MMte l» ; Meetings gnttod tte leaato took at a* • i_l_M i_tt _tl_t ____*JW M____tt_f___l •____• •rorroN FALLS- •jgtoMl Oab acboel Beard ot iMtfaa af Ttoodora I. Ltkracpt will bajto M matt- otRadBi tap at ?:« p. m. trota aow oa tudg*. HataMtobu laataad ot 7:Jt. OM wto deal aot I z board BMata tto tint Taa»- breoOD*te oju-Mle d fcr -_*-* «-___S_to____ft_t < day ot aadi moatb. Tto oMrtt an ataritag a Ttataa Amtatoltotcteot ba d at tte Eataetown Taipajran Aa- term, to takL aad aatd a*t: ounooic •ocUtloa, toM tto board at lit U""" ** .. at _M mtttfag laat tigfA tto T:M itart> Sen. Rlctard R. Stoat MghTa BMMtactta tttfliwa y Au- be Uma "wagtoo aarty. " moMb) told to daoXaod to thority tat agned to «r*e tto "A lot ot EMootown paopla tto CMtflbcbMtMd h^J _. ,_tta« 4_fol«. «_uf__ waat to attoad your aMtttan. trovontal IMMI Mfeniga pel - BUM to MB GMTON, PTOVMtU but they iay ttoyr*too aarty. " fcy. He adffcdf dMtaaeiiilaifc Jtpayt aboat IM» tortto tor* I Mr. Raich aUd. "Can't yoa Mart tort peatta WM tooad Md JBB-' wtjytabso MMi MOtMuy Mffoco tlflt ||at S teataad?" titled aad pnted Ma lor Ms Ha aad a> u nt NomuuJ. Field, a board m«m- "gnat tttrgy aad aatti bar, aald Mate law aaya BMttlagi "CM aMhtrUy MBM officiateto begtaita_ i I mutt begin at • p. n. "We never ttart aatO at tout MUTT. Baa*, hoard « II 7:«." to tald, waad tto 7:»time (Ivea ui tome leeway." wto a»to tte 55rt MriMripp ear- Mr. Reaeb amid to toM't beard - • MAMMVVXW "M LMWB • HnV* af any other dtoMet that ttorto •VaV«MMMMX mMM-TWMW to before • p. m. 9* aald Ike baaid hi latanMad SupertateadMt Fraak L. Wab> • hMIT-g Jf tkt MDM tigMJ wrong. 1MAT WIATtMt POMCA!?—That* HMM, bated on WMM bar* to to gtaa If it BraaiUMwor and) "Ttere an atoa took fte tend. Sir Wlnstan CtmraltM atiat aVrlNf diimor party at Un- boardt ta tte county wto Mart ftaae *ff** by MM U3. Weather Irai, predial the Mr. Kawn before I." Hospital Patftnts toparchua foar doii't WInfieW Ho«to whan Ik* wat hwt fa World War II te liter, RT. 35 Parking aaM tte board will tote 1 ttiU mink yoB ttoaM Mart Rad Bank Personals -W at me New ftrewt Miss Mann Registration M I.- Mr. Reach teld Harper aUdtaM Mghttta t tta Mr. Md Mn. BaAart C Ma-bary CoMtry. Fair Sacc la-U. Gordon W. Barlte, •Mat Ml Joaa HaaaMttabaaidwiUattemp Fair After Dates Set polled tto board oattarttag of tte eaveral teadnd Oaaaaay, S Dogwood La* tta- e tMI tte pBhUe "where we « iagt at 7:41 p. m. laatoad made by MeyMT ttte yair, araft: Mte ttada FtafMt, s M ranten ta regar dto ea r osa- aad to metteH-." Four memben Mid they wore Re MiIMd M HM MtyMr nMB BW_M f*__b UBM taH__M ~*-* • Car Crash For Voters as a_atd ap." •OB *W*t Mil* WHHUI MM Board Mtmhtn will mM tte in favor of tto aew time aad SEA BRIGHT - MM) Shari MDDISTOWN - Tbe office three tald BO. persMdtttetta n Btoe Jay Ct, aad Man aat at ttaVMMWW ^P ^_^^^^M___ VHH W» ^™^^^» w- «bfcft. maialy jo antwer tto tar, Dr. tad Mn. Fruk A. Urt- April Maim, U, at Gtoa Rack. »• ot tte towatbip clerktot an -Mr. Reach taUto* woal d go tnBed V. S. dtL Mn. IMdMto tta « !••• • it CHMJI^M MBt^ ^^^ MMM1 aMM^bMMl dfc^ tlMt^^t • •*-*•- - to*-r - Mr. Keerll waa aamoriMd toJUTPI1 Wf^ify wDM ••• w«B aVMBOM M lOUOWIIIf OSIBf I0T Mn W. VMManua- t Kaaaady of Had! MMd tta atato Federetiea ot thrown from a car M OOMB Mgbt ragiMratfaofor voter t ta > _M_UI ——P ____h_M___fi a gradaats Dtetrtel. jkfcoM Boardt meettag Am, WM nportod tote to ttit 10 HWMMps —B i.il i * -*- * _M_k__k oonstiioci n Dtotrict tww Sept a. at tte "aoMtteaya tecampntoat,pfafngf -HBTIOMf riiHi \ AllaafJc City Stpt 35. Records Right Tte atentary aBbatittod fU$ Kavetiok Fire Haute, Mo&mouth Uary, M Crtak Rd. Md HM . Or. UridM atmd Ma I Mid MMibtn a "Matnt ef all 8, ate of Ave. ~ .BWOtowSt, both ot Fort eeMflrta" to tte dUtricf t gen- Glen Rock, Uted wtea te D-trlct tour aad nine: Sept I,In Shrewsbury Beta MOM—I, MT r.CeiM efalftmd He taidto wil l ittae wit throwB tram ttecar . BrevMt Park and Leooardo Fire SHREWSBURY — OM IMag A_.l_ el Mr. aad It at tto end ot etch month. MM MUM a biMta-Co^Caato'Am.Uaaardo. tare, thie borough kaaps a tot- Trot La..., asaad TtaMtby Vanaa. Mn. WOtea S. AadanM of Hod- arm. OMrM 9am tad U: Sept 10, ter record ottta toMfte fttellte t wMtahW-irldteBloMi MM Am. Bad Bank, have ntara- »FlnHoutr.MtM tte Nor* Jeney Dtetetet Rtvtr Rd. aSafRaav ttoa tayoM Mae. ad tram MUni. Fta.. where ttey SQYmn'Servk* [ osniofftfif M _. _ »'•"•• S-BS WIK inpnc HBUMI m vtetted Mn. Oraote't O-trTcto'tiK tad R- Stet It tetter from State Hbjtnray OBBV iSt,Ntw HO BUB ta^BHw ^^^BMM ^^B^B W. Boyer eald^ It MUtea ao ttt tte Port Moramwrn Fin HOMO mlaalooer DwM4 R. S. PalMM Mn. Aaate F. St maMi MatanMt ta a July Rd, aad Mn. RL * an "jaM a IM of hoewi te car whMtta aoddea t took DtotrlctiMTtoaadn: S aiiiapapii aanWag btet at any- Hbr.ra ctacanid." EaM KtMtbnrg tiro CO. ™Bj »eiw naaoBM n BBMOOMM drrtetea tt CaaaoltaHti KMarik 1* Wefcto Mwtato JobaCarmody aad Thoaaeaoa Am on Rt II hi tte paM 11 yaan Fte. UMrict Fhw Sept IS, Ltaeroft «WM taaeniato.- Ctortet Rotaey, Ml Harmsay la "dtocrtatoatory agaatot tto te addWoa, a tetter waa n- M>7. Rd. Mn. Robert Baatea, I EtM DUtfktM; Stpt M,River PU- coWed from lea. HarrltM A. Kaiya Tar., aad Mn. Arttar Mayer WMtt aald tttre teM Gravelly Point of her Ml VfoO NOMM. ""™M| ••*•; WVwWOlJ Btf ftftt^ Recbtor. IS parkteg toaltectattr ate Holds Picnic DWriet eb>t tad U: |Mt IT. "which,to « y ap Road Repairs MMt to a prior tetter ttat tte BteMet 11: Sapt ». MUM ____M _____l •_•____! T__Ul _-_t Sea. Wfl- Water WMt n_1 »Wlo- To Start Soon SHRBWSBURY TOWNSHIP 1: Stpt a, TenMh

adtaM abjh t Ittap« to taw tte Dtetrlett 14 aad IS: Stpt n, IMW road npttn to BMMMW mtOp HaU. Ktaa/a Hwy. Am tnaajlitH by earty mtL to ftatl Bight for ncMrotto a ere 7 p. m.to S p. M. VMtta wtehtegto iMltta r nay Am.Jaak Water QaahL rtntywMai aad C-HMJ TktetK Mn. Cr/de WMt. Mn. af ttt Dr- Ml all Tto I Hth year ot aarrtce Aag.» wHh a>M • * OtOhM, Mn. Water Joraay Ctatnl * Lbjkt M_H ••••* vvajav^ > Mn. Jote Ftoed Mn. WD- BatoaMaa SL4ML with tto Major Reports franta Mn. Wtoo- . . aa ahtopaylafttittatataacea . Mn. HaroU Vtote Am. teaey, at tte atoctrto atUtty* Red Baak Fund Disorder Mn. War- t Rd. aad MM Mtete. Rt M. both el Eayaort: Mn. Mi wttk JCFAX te tea'aka tamd tor, Oatarle Am. Hi ana toaho«tp ta tte HfSe WWHI rttt9$ M ltote< ptottd thtebIL M water aad tewer eow Mr. KMttiMi t**!**^ laad Am. BMfarJ: VMa Tto mayor addedttat tt \ Mn. Wlacatnck. Tta toantokto Armory Contains SI RafhM Dr., MMBWM: of pMhito MotkaPlctatet: Fraak Brock, Three Drivers ettte RaaM M CMMtoy fl^b. l|_ __^_Bj M_____i___A _M___L ^^^^^^^^^^_h j Am, FMr HBVM. aad Mrt. Ratt iorttmer Matoaey aad Mr. iwUhtoawetkterttti the "traffic capadtjr aflte iwl Go on Strike M ne KocMMBtr oaareator aaa la attar I LONG BRANCH - TrMtCompaay.NawYark. ASBURY PAPX-Thne dreo- tor Long Branch Natteaal Guard SanMag are Mt wHt, Mra.^ Armoryto te dedicate d Stpt U, LoteKaott: atM,MMS. AM^ Qoudbarat Hit* - —- — •—-——>———w« | —'————MOB HMMI flrivoio of iho Anny Puk Teskaai Hit- Richard L. win coateta tte MB Qaariar. Jr., Md a diaglMr,toa KtaM ; MMriki .BOM fmi LfrAaaTa Si To lUwimmp FaaaV itattta BHM•! Tlfto.i ff Crawford It,tor a matter ItetnMoa oftte Mt bothh at beaM, aad • ektar. Mtak • North Jersey ArsMred Walter E. JBBM af FMr Im. MIWAMC (At) - A da* *F« I HpiflOC vMlft yoMOVB-QT Tte anitataaf Ntw ncttaM M o fotiM tart B. MM, aad tta 1 to pntoM aanja w. Magm, totMar | tMit fortto dhrUta a dwmg Ito FREEHOLD - FMk flM-fc ef PaMtaltaadi antaMI M two attar i HMaf actattor tta tastttBtl tTBtatag ytor, 71. of Dutch Ltaa Rd jtad MM. Ot Ml Ma wMt. MMiaratT.MiL at tta Prett.taV ar t Tte em Btatato recow wadt rtquire tu tmten. tta Ive daty tad Surrtftag Me Mi wm. Mn. lecretary af tte*M-*y.«Rap Mr. Tigte MM tta tooM M — tta taajMal BMWBM Jaa. I. tMM SMtel fliMlM a tttk JttV Mr. ware dtoetargodteM wee k "tar •I aad May 7. MM. It itto tto NttlMtf Oaaid.tte Arm y ToMMHrHh ttttald Tta age nqMneMato torIHM StaMte, tatt ef DMatti a tef tta< were Mrt. Be at M toHttmtot art ITto ft. Mater. Mn. Loan &". IHMMI M fatoa hUteto eerti - CM. FWak N. Ktteer, batta- af thtea. NY, a aWPJCV yVJMBJITamj* Tsw afTIH «> •d' tor torpayMMt . •m BIB wa vw. i New Yark aad 1MM htaad. ww) Ttnaa atai* l WM MUgaei d by David vHid pcMpocMvo roc te «S> portod two pktotajB treat at tekMd M MM toM-Mtor MT'Vt Carter, adaUaittrator of tttvtMttte tnaar y at tta 4 ^___* g___T _» __^ PBBI Carterry, RtH rIIB-y m» 0190 bi itotetoMMdl %t_8T-Ur aatt nanday, ttftlr, tnai I taapMat. rrette tadUtte i aad ap- tt m Mr. Hate aald Matt af ttj|to I Mbta tta MMt o PtW I wat trrtttod Aag. 4 aad et ttaaMt volt by Rav. Jeta « toUMHbaQ by Ntp- wtttotaStlUMatUMl • riw Mm Hut at Fair el tte ted k Crabt mmiL LaM aadte «ce Ffra WbMtta MtfMM lbyMn.Weedh FREEHOLD - Janet P. VfeitaMi lafMn.Wtad'i aar, Matawaa. tat 0ted • MR ta Saaarter Ctart • •«JOB 171, r»iia»j w• >Mte by 1171 RayaMadWIae ttnt overalght tripteM L^_ . IWM YMCA *tp walto M Fitly par ttat et tta Rt. ft daay. Baitara I VMaatoer Wn OtMaoay Md a«taadn Abak. PaM Car- Md Sunday. Tta trip WM I WBtl •ajtct MM wUjta aa M by tte ta three canto Cam p Nomea* efl oBOpto fr fh*toM to i MarylaM ML. ______itel___M —• A ' WtlW flOVWMMl Md Si MT .Naacy< flOt IM CMHMM OO fOOMVOO K tpt TMMtMi •Mb ttt Scout leader, Mn. Ed- Mary Mtte Yea * MMI Chrto- PVrwj ••ITIVVv V w ____# hyiMk_v ___iM 4___te. rtead. MMteM tt__L •__• raid TuiMr, tceoaMaated by ____l A____l__l__*__ __MM Aug. I. MMOa Mitt fOqfl FsMMMaf M MMMM ——I rJ__i___> Uworamg to tto tult filed by H _.^— _. - Mn.ChartetWelbach.Mn.- taM aJgbt et •*•__•{ i WiiMHiila RaoRaotnt Mark KM. Ml WM aad.Stater Ojri . Beaaer'e attaraty. Ralph S. •BM wM ta MV McKee Joins vrtMtf PMto No wm nrve ta • 'atla.a_ tats Tte girit wto tta trip -~--»MPM_--aMW, • mttp^i y MtH a tea _ Mar of —-. k^ -.-B-I a*.- ^^^ *_• Pettier firm wtoa to WM ta- MagttaRtM. •re AM BM-I IJada aad UmaM-T-.Mn.*taFk»» i IW MO 09M WO BOH Bf •nd. He MataMttat te aa d First Eastern Jaa> Witt. Patricia OWtOrifftttee, tart WM tatton raetaa*to ttt MH ymn. '• Ml CwtoM CaMtary, Ladtef AaMtinj mttt th e com- OOOfnwOv WOW wtarOWe* wO % w* ^^^^^^^^M ^™ a B^^^V^^^^^^^BJ a^^p a^vi^BBBja^ UNCRCfT - Kana Cdm. CMMtaa Olaueaa. MaiyPalnar, la atetter to tt o Y. Mr. MMMtr af Mr. aad Mn. JtM start ttid (tot to felt ttat t mod WnM OM Of OM MCI yaa*altta FteM i FMnal I Bett aad Catty wW aattot tte firtMtato tta Cam., MBnaf jteaa Kraaaert aad Mn. Aadn* Tiltey aad Ma^ l«fata«( wUllitttlM aew kteet aad trtpr Trooper to WM_U 00 ft MlMHMMi IT wltt MI Off boMa. t M bar *OC0 Wf WONMMf d a week tad at DtoBj.MnMn. Jack .Fowtor. MraDMI.MM. . 1 (ito-Of Plrtt BoMtra, UNCROFT - Mr. aad Mn. nUDffQN MMMtnjaa, Mn. Arttar Pa» •MM -iMvuMimm MM, Mn. Carl RMM, Mn. Jata MB^MMBI IMBM —'*-"- fkJa • mJaMi "•MWJ RMBI BTwVSfAaW IMMBBV MIBM _Jta fj JffvjSSi PWMS itattaiSiettoM BTABTIM-TM —• aK_i • _• tat. Mrt. dtgne to aaaai TTNTON FALLS - Dr. Altea Mrt. Aana Kart af Rama toa vMe>Uaa SrioMiolw. Nawarh. aad Mn. Jeta Mn'aUWvanM) .... d Mw. Tote Pall Race: Paul Wlecto- L. Lewti, Motmouth Rtgloaal Uut week. TnO IWMno MM fnMI MMt, ITI nek. ftocatort aad Mrai Frederick Ofcta. (AT) - Tta na M Wartf Wto W. Mr. McKte V| WHV HHrh fctoel guMaaca dlnctor, Waoawtrd. to JWM II, im. Qaita. • fw Attte otac>Mlo B of tto iporte began hto duttet ytewrdty, Su- ta aetivtto ttt Xataht o at CMBM- jf aMvi ay iMr toKtor m PanMiakM, tattrailte i ___• ___4 •__» M___t __MM___ttM MagMtrMa Ittm T. Walr. nty red penattadtM Fraah L. Weiahelm- VACA vwrr R O_l•*•»• l •• few nffw •HTVWWVI'f LINCHOFT - Mr. and Mn beta a trooper tinea IM aad to MMMM flw^^ M4d _ to) CM beachpav pavtllont , Mtow*edr nperttd tt latt alght't board HOLMDRL -- Mr. pad Mrt He to BMntod to tte tamtr R. Doutlai Hrtndt ind dauihten now itittoned at tta tntak« II teaaaMtaa car. Pallca taM they were b y a program ot d mo«tlB|. Or, Uwlt, formarty of Manley ItUwtll. Jr.. tnd tont. actool la Sta Olrt. Tto Meaty te O____feff___l M__M-M_t_ T__M -*-—- M (4MRRNI| MM atr*K ctaftaa tram daaelM. Mnvtaa were thowa for Freehold RvgtoMl High School, have rttwmfd from a vacatloa a rattot SMdif RlcUrd tnd Rfltort, ot IXwrrrtit at lyrtruM tnd Itugtrttn, N. Y, liven by tto Inttinaee laMkute tervtoe by MS Mtotto p_ w «~-nte MUM. nty tore abathini aulU. Ito rMldren, U. art vlilllng frteadt la Maiat. whtre they vltlled nlttlVM. or Highway IMaty. yit. S. Haw W> BAfflC UUMSIUI Tint Atbatk Star Drtna S0dt RADIO Building Code Broadway Shows Help Blind Men's WABC 77t WOR WNEW-TV -wHTaVnr SM WPAT mb Adopted Show Slated Uttt-. (1) Love of life W Mr. District Attorney Mil WRCA Artistically, Financially LEONARDO - Tht New Jer- m One* OtMereleeve lilt WQXR ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - Tbt sey Blind Men't Association will (4) Tic Tac Dough tody laat Thandty (B) MfmOB DoBtr Movie T:lt-WCBS—Aaay orlHMa. Buna ua HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Dot* it ddems that roarened driakJag; present Its Mth annual (T) Across tha Board AUn he towaaWp't tint (U) Mitter McGarrity (U) Michael la Africa Tlil-WCBS—Bott asd Ray pay for a movie atar to da a aad I bad done a couple of badtoinment aad dance Friday night 7i«MU> Sports. Red Barber atitt-WAaO-MMrS; lYaa Rok» WO* -Carttaa rraoarieai ttaadaa rtaVBflBafjBjraYV atffcawW? PtljtUPWl KU) Cartoon WCBB—Una; i>ava IMifi i:M-WCSS—Warjd Toalfht in the Rldgewood tan. Maamoam titt- (I) Keep TaBdag WHTO—fiBaaa ialnuta Ni WOP. -MawiT World Today rat UtbV case of Dans Andrews. "The fact that I did eight show* and Kldgewond Ave* 11:1ft- O) Soared for Tomorrow WOK —Nawa, Jobm aoou WRCA—Mawi; Monitor tqusn footage roqulremeato the answer is yes. tit has Just a week for a year aad could WHedie WRCA-NawaWBCANaw : »'a Matwart Tt] i: IS-WCBS - Tnraa (Kit—' As In the past M yean, this (4) It could Be You U-WOR —TIM nuc • :3B.WOR -Sparta; Muiic tram ir now buikttog*. returned from a year's run m draw capacity audltaceo for that WABC—n«d ltobbtna -Sew: Mtiile from "Two For The Seesaw." taking time teems to hav* Impressed camp season at Camp Happiness. News «-«CU-Wniapcrlas «««• WCBS-N.IM; Danea Muaia new building code. The petition eratic* of the camp. Again this (7) Ouie ead Harriet WHTO-HwuHlMtT Bit Prt«t, WOR — «•<••; Muale from _. Dana It now mulling aome film year many talented blind people (4> Dr. Joyte Brothers Studio X pay* SM a moath aad It for tigt. (]) Tbt: MuMoatir* Mule WRCA—Mawa; Bob rlatna- Lake home, he asstssad tht value assigameatt, phis the possibility wiH takb part along with enter- (I) Mutlc Bingo woWRCA—Hain — N«W«_ , r. BoMu<« u :oe-wABC—Na«ri. Robart racial ooa-yaar tettn. of the sabbatical from films: of another play. (4) Dave King tOS-WCBS—Ma Palklna WCSB-Nawa. Van Vooral. tainer* from this vicinity. (11) Guaslingen WRCAWOK —CantoN n Vn* WOR -Ntwa, l*l»V« The eemnrttM waa tMkUd In "Financially, I did better thaa Ana Southern was reminiscing 1:«- (J> Our Mist Brook* (7) Dtaaa Raid IM-+CM— Young Dr. Malon> WRCA—Ntiri, BOB Wllaea tha prapantion I have to films, although I about her early days on the RKO George E. Burck, business (I) Film WHTO—N«w«. Itel Un. MuJlt ll:lt-WABC-nuli 1° Action KM— (4) Newt Ja-WABC-Mava wcsa -auriifht aaluu I've bate aaramglet, when aha to manager treasurer of the ataocia- (ll) smell Claimt Court J:0».WABC—rrad Robblna Hum WOR — MuaM from Btudla X a ttoa. aggs> wtU, direct the enter- Istt- (1> Aa the World Turn* -.. Io Happlnau WRCA-Rar HaaUurtsa tStt.Mt a year to fibni for tha her TV show. When (4) Film fctt- (1) I've Got A Secret MUale past five yean. During th* peat ftodgliag alar, tba _ _ of tht talamtat. Edward Oranlag. I Smith Katharto* prwldewt at tbt sasodsttoa will (I) Film (4) Bat Mastanoa Haftuv rear. ImadetmtM. IWMgat-lot was vital youag . (T> Jo* Fraaklla par cent of musical director. Among tht (7) Accused grots, which waa Aaa had i to the same NewMind maa who will lake part are <•)«• (U) Citiiaa Soldier week. The rest of my York dramatic coach, but aha John Eoaminanda, Adbury Park, StM*-O>Ait Mit»-a)PUy was from paymtata aa pktaraa always watted la tha reception «w William Htrter, BeJmar. («) This Ia Yoar tit* that had baaa spread eat over a room whUt Hepburn breesed ia Featured eatertaiatn from MB* mBasw w.NBW—cSrbur» Tba fsjaMjfad footafja for aaw tit*- (I) Tht Mg Fay-Off WOR — Kawi, loly few yean. for her Sbt aever gave area are La Ban* Murtha. At- (IS) MO* MjUtaoat to mt B aaa* ware lantic HigbJandt; The Four Dad*, (4) Young Doctor Malone T:4B-WHTOC1MO^C1M1 aarraarrtwt M BBu t bbscauat aH any Uvmg ax- Aaa a (:0O-WABC-H«wi. Al bfm upgraded this way: to tha East were dedac- Nor dM Aaa a word ftom a barber shop quartet led by (I)UU1 Palmer Mil*- (4) Theater WHTO— lUadllBM; »i- Oat story aad (7) Beat the Clock WHTO-CiMi!!* Btoea Raaart, Mualo aave a third her until one ia tha hair Ed Hartcom. Atlantic Highland*: (S) O.M. . ' l.tN feet thaa I weald bar*, dnsetag dtputiueat at RKO. Teddy Somert, Keantburg and (I) Love Story (t)MUUoa WOR -Wn! **"• »'">•"!•„ woaa—Km, Jack WRCA—Nawa; WajM HomU Show feet; split level, from 1.4N feet I did nothing bubutt work. Aaa had beat given a ejuJckle Al Wofc?*, AtUatFtrm (II) Full Cavarag* WOR —Ntwa WHr»-«t»i Rill CiMIMt > l.BM feet, ted two-ttory from I wasn't spending abampao with a Uad of cleaning More than XI blind men from tsst- (1) Verdict Ia Your. ll:t*- O) News.'Ron Codursa » 15 won —Darotajr aaa Dtak • to Mt feet. 'As far aa my own work la sotveat that tm*U*d a Ut until all parts of the state hive spent (4) From These Roots (4) Newt, Joha McCaffrey MuaU Commlttaeman George J. DM (I) The Playhouse *M-WABC—Mania Block wcBa—Jack atarllai flMar concerned. I think it did a ggreat it dried. Hepburn ia at vacations at this camp thl* year. (U)Full Coverage WCBB-Mawa; frnmu WOR -Docothjt w3 OMk mar said this will affect only th* same time, saiffed the air aad Ot rait number, 33 were men who (7) Who Do You Trust? 1:00-WABCWABC— BraaktaaI t Ou» deal of good. I was working oa (t) Film (I) Movi* WHTOHaaWHTO—HaadUaaa;; I>owJ« wcaa—Maara, Raaart Q. LaMa about five per cent of the town- he character all the time, aad pomtod tt Aaa with tha wordc have been Mind for leat than two (7) News WOR -NatMNatM. **** • •«« WHTO-Haaalraaa; StrMI* far ship. (II) Film WRCA—Jim Lewa Snow was atwaya getting batter. My "Take it out aad dry it". yean. All of these new men re- (11) News. Joha TUmaa *"** " OamaUag Read Retarfactog wife Mary could saa tha change: •Tbt FBI Story" looms at a ceived valuable encouragement (It) Richard Willis WRCA—Kiwi, Bill Oullaa , Mayor Joseph Moreau taid she would see the play every crack adaptation of tha Don and training while at the camp. 4;«t- (1) The Brighter Dsy 11: IS- (1) Late Show (4) Truth or Coase- (4) Jack Paar ««*• Laird Rd. and portion* of three month* and said tt toa- WUtabsad book. There to The camp to supported through fffg rMr Rd. will be resurfaced be- proved tremaadoutry. family staff (7) Night Show funds raised by three entertain- (I) Douglas Fairbanks atS-WCDS-Nawa. V« Voorlua fall and Crusiut Or. and "My pictun career? I to for coatiMity aad Jimmy ments bold each year. One ben. (tt) Film WOR -Nawa. Urla Van WRCA—Nawa, Mr Tm (7) American Baadttai WRCA—Up to tba MlnuU Manor Rd. will be surfaced. helped that, too. I Mt ban Stewart aad V*ra Milea carry tt one to Newark ta me fall, and I***- (I) Film e.aVWABC-Martla Bloek^ lt:ia.WABO-Mactla BMaa C. H. Sutphea, Freehold, (II) Curtain Time *:ia-WCB»-apocu, Boa Oaaka inia-WOR — Martaa ~ became of two unfortunate sit- oft at wall as they caa. Tha real another In South Jersey In the (U) Film WOR —Nan. John Wln|tl TholMJ Tlcketa are being sold at (U) Juaior Towa WOR —Man*, to I n«m Planaing Board will meet with THURSDAY WRCA—Thru Star Bium «3a3 Chariot M. Pike, county planning New Chief Hill Given Camp Happintsa and by local tit*- (1) Lift of Riley :aVWCBt —tUl RluiHa WOR —Nawa, P. (4) Movie Four 7:1t-(2) News aad We f WBCA-NaM', «a_.. board dtractor, Sept. M to start u:l*-WOR i afiTiana al Naaaa prepantkm ot a master plan for (I) Alan Fraad Reports (to S:U) n:»».WABC—Mama Blatlt. Mafca Magician Texas Duty (4) Today WRCA-JTawa. Our awWttUVS JaWftlWIftRxBBt (t) Rocky Jone* f:*VWcas-Amae •> A LONG BRANCH — FORT BUSS, Tex. — MaJFundle. r Joins CIO Film 7:M— (7) Cartoon* t;l» WABC—U«'a Tra»al WOR —"" ' Promoted Voorhis. Jr.. 1 Tha Terrace. Mid- Harold R. Hill, 1:1*- (I) Eariy Show *tt- (I) Sandy'a Caraxjaa dletowa. wUI be toatalled aa prea- operator of Commercial Law Firm (7) Watt Disney (7) Little Rascals WOR .. ident of Shore Mystic Circle. la- lac.. Red ~ N. 3. (I) Film 1:1s- (I) Captain Kaagarot WRCA—K tss adjutant ASBURY PARK - Burton L. tereatknal Brotherhood of Ma-attlgBad aa (II) Throe Stooge* fclt- (I) Sandy Backer Stow gidant Ring IM. Sunday. at the headquarter* of tba First Fundler. Long' Branch, haa be- Sept (II) Three Musketoen (7)Bculah 1). Guided MUslle Brigade here. come associated with the law firm of Mime and Nowels, MB M*tti- titB- m Topper Humorist Max Shulman ,H* will succeed Iiacoia Seiti- Ma)). Hill, a U2t graduato from maa. in Beechwood Ave., West son Ave. WEDNESDAY EVENING (4) Hi. Mom to MlddtotoiMlddto a TewasbteThl , N . J fctt- Tap Dollar auric* quick succession with The Zebra IT yean. w wen levied agaiast three mi- (4) Death Valley Daya <4) Concaatratkja Derby* aad "Sleep TUl Noon." mp aptraton for viola- "Dohie." . (I) Jim Bowie (I) Romper Room Ms "Rally Roaad th* Flag *Copter Ride tht hOgraat Labor Act (7) I Married Joaa (7)1 Married Joaa nan. "la a Ma* adhoal Ud wh,o Boys." a rowdy romp through — a recent beartog " will da a iiMag *• gat a flii. (t) Terrytowa Circus (IS) Jack f"V» m Army Nik* past hi Coaatctl- Ha J. CWford, For CAP Units O. lltaatoaa.Jr.. (II) News, Kevin Kennedy He • oat « woif. Ha jiat hIu»• t••o» ^^^ n_ ^. J _ • aaaaaW ^BBa drfaUat aW^aaBS) H. J.. mis* ®"*> "*• • ""• ™* ^^ (U)Cartooas hive a girl. TTnti fell Mala ' aecrelary of CaaMaeat- WALL TOWNSHIP - Members ataw^uS urn ia lift. eeller list* aad we* made tato a 7;1*- "Dobie wanto to got out of tha firm of KMta. Campbell aad Attendmg from Moamouth *»**• school he waa maaaglag editor of boute a* fait aa be caa to find writers an dour, aour people Keating before joining Contin- Squadron wen Lt. Robert day. Marcelle aad Corsero. Glass- the Rutgen Law Review. RED BANK a girl. Th* attitude of hit lather, who keep to thiaatetvee at cock- ental in ISM a* a legal assistant U. J. Allegrog , Warrant Offlcen bore camp received a Mr. Fundler was law clerk to Carltia Kiddie Show. lit. who operates a grocery store, tail partiee aad Buffer a alow in the secretary's department Claire Kennedy. Edward Mesa. US ppenalty y ppeadtag g re-laepacttop n Superior Court Judge /. Edward Anatomy ot a Murder. t:4t. Is bete Mmmed up he death to trytog to be conatantly Uyn Wassermaa, aad Technical of hU housinhi g fof r migraat workk- Katght last year. t-.n. moant, 'Someday I'l goaaa funny ta print. Sgt. Miriam Clay. EATONTOWN murder that kid.' which of court* "They aay humor writing toth eFarrell, Norton Also parbcipattog wen Cadet* River Plan Drivoto-The Horse Sotdien. he doesn't awaa. EtaaaUaUy. Do- Highest kind ot writing, but Arthur Arfordt Fetor Buraatt, Gob Scouts Plan bje is a nice kid. A little wacky, haven't switched to anything else On Kenny Drive John KotUer. Jam** Lynn Simpklna. daughter of Mr. fctt, 11:41. perhape. but aice." I'm still trytog to learn Piaewood Derby Mn. Harold J. tlmptlai. 71 HASLET SEA BRMHT-Mayor Thomas Edward Kiasty. Joha Tradat, 1 In tba Shubaaa abort atoriaa. das craft." admits Shalmaa with Farrell aad Mn. Robert F. Russell Van Stavem, Robert Col- UNMN BEACH - Pleas were Applegato St. celebrated her Uth baaar * Dr|»tto Anatomy of a Dobta waa a eoUege friahnna. writ- Norton ara directing the current lins. Vincent Soviero. EDaa blrthday Friday with a Murder t: 17. hot he haa baaa raducad to high lac a play waa tough, but nothing Sister EUtabsm Kenay Founds- Thome. Barbara PaUs, aad Card Fptnyaay d Oidaoa ot Seotlaad Yard. 1*27. achoot ago far televlsloa to keep la toaghar thaa televiaioo writ- Wildaager. dan methara at Cab Scout Pack Ml* IsOQM* GttMtal aoa fund appeal her*, it waa an- Circus. 3: It, t:lt. up with chaaglagg ttmet. "Moat kktg . 1 aavar workekdd to barbdd iia aouacad today by Moamoum M mot laat week. K will be Vaa Gmha. Sharon Meyar. Phyl- ll Ih I k" li* Smith. Charlotte Ttah. Tom- t-.lt. college Ireehmen I know," aayacamyy Ufa aad I had aa aaaembty County Chairmaa Chartea A. Uanreat Home Dinner Mn. of tt writer* to help me, Jobnatoa of Sknwabury. Mayor Mary Stilaa. a Oregon Pataagt, 1:11. S:tS. anal college campus tour to plug Bhutmaa wrote only eight of For Firemen Sept. 12 Mike fctt, FarreH to hoaorary ohairma*. aad Jim of a cigarette maa- the Dobto OUHa tcrlpta himself, aad Mn. Nortoa. general chair UNCROFT - The Ladtaa* Aa>- Tht raatoaatioas of Mn. Ed- ATLANTK HWH1ANDS afactajrer. "ara pretty smart the** bat did th* rewriting oa script* iliary of the fin ctmpaay snot ward Boy at Troop 31 Aalaatlt tltrralai 7:11,1:13. days and don't go to for this kind submitted by nit stobto of " recently at the home of Mn. BaykMaad Mr*. Frank Tha Kaaay aappeal, with goal tbt at * ritorta p, a Jack Flockhert. Hilltop Cir. The Catavttk.1 of txnjm for NtN w JJersey will — Gulliver's Traveto, "I'm a corporation aow." he firemea'a anaual Harvaat Heat* by Arthur ttttt. continue uVougtti lapt MM.. Serv- dinner will be held at the ftre- tarry to fcl*. l th S B KM. lag on tha Sea BriBrighht eomaattee Saturdey. Sept. 11 la Ma* aehaoi. 1 was able to have ara Mn. Frank W. Klrehaer. 14 y. p Nlala. Mr. aad Mr*. Ro- IONIOV.S Dsaak Faa, Nicky Knrmrbikt, UNO BRANCH laanHn at hone. If tht series Center St: Mia. Alois Will. 144 Mn. Arthur Pauliaa aad Mn.bart Harriott. Mn. DtaaMMta. BjaaMa1a^eala*a*asmat na*m\tatm aW^Bat^fadP Cart Roten an la charg* at tha Larry aad Dick BMO ant year. I'm toylag MADHON TOWNtHIP - Mrs. Ocean Ave.A : Mr*M . Suaa( a Hay-audliary dinner commKte*. Al- "" and Mr*. FhilUpa. 1:M. T:M. BiM. with tha Idea tt havlag him gat Charlaa Kogereoa. library chair wood. . . I Oeotn Awe.; Mr*.to dtoeussed WM a bat rtraad Tbt Kg Clreut, 1M. •nrrleil Ttaaage aurrlagat the i'a_Oab Joha La March*. Jr.. 1 Center New York City to attoad Timmbtr *m Relief 1:4*. t:M. to ba larraatrag aad ttat Laurence Harbor, St: Thomas Garland. Jr., Osan- d dmner. Mn. Jack Fowler Hr«mltsauia V. Maa Wh* CaaM Cheat Death, ap a what* new fMd torday thaii me towaehto'eajbtt c ta charg*. [LBimuaiBUji |g) Drag, Saturday la 1:M. t:M. library win apaa Thursday eve- TRENTON (Af>) - Th* aam•ta- n Utth) atog, Sept It. Lmrery haws Mr*. Ftockhart. tttat fnm 7 to I: It p. m. of bar al>*•*».*• New Jeneyt Atlantic HigtJthuMb GOP Rd. 7:1 aad Thursdaya aaa flam m Jar/, la aptto of i wtra waa bv I to I p. m tot Tartonlla, Mrs. Plant DitttM>r*D»utct> NMBt Mn. Harry ttaytsit Mva* WH. T:H\ 11:11. ATLANTIC HIOHLANOS-The Robart Aeoaett. laWlUlab Lay Tbt SUM of la- AaaWBnrPARl. ART CLASSIS regutor RepubUcan Cmb will hold tan. Mn. Jack Fawlar. Mn. Ar> • By Northwest, buffet-aupper tad danc* Oct. thur Paulina. Mn. Jack S»,Nt CHH.MIN—AN Madia w^B^rTaWPjaj w*vaTBj fa#*wwv eswV^tn^awawWi annlv-w J:4t,"7:M, M:M. Mn. Robert Nimaa, Mr*. WaaaV flag fsaeral < Waadniff. Ltator Loag. OavM St. tumm For the Klrsi Time. Wtdflatday Afternoons—3:30 - 1:11 ». M. Edward O WaMer will be gen- row Diai. Mn" . Wlmam "— era! chairman. C«tmmltt*e chair- Jaly. That coat- Fnrtrkh, Larry McCottghg . Bart B:U. Satwrway Mwmlnft—10:00 A. M, - 12:00 ward, Mn. Ctrl pand to 3I.Nt la June aad ». McKiAnoa. Arthur Sodea. O — Three SUMgs* men an: Cotoo. a. Otaptr AOUtTl—OH Falatlnf Km Jar/. and Akm Stag* Show, 1:M. I:M, 7:11, tilt. Edmond Caputo, alto; Richard Tkt Have Racket. Will Travel, I:M. Tlwrt«Uy Matalaft—»:30 A. M.. 11:10 A. M. Null, musk aad eatortalamaai; lilt. »:«, 7:M. Ititt. Robertikhaabal. tickati aad mt- LONG BRANCH — A aarento' to Monday guetu kt tbt Tfcarattay iv*«l-^—«:00 . 10:00 f. M. Mr. tad Mn. Wlttitm B. UftM tww Fwttfk, S:Sf, 7: It. tributiaa; Mn. . has bsaa ast far wadaea- elty, aad Mn. Rvth day. Seat M, at •^•Jvm MCLaMI M»t Ititt. Afffw—wa—liQQ . 4.00 P. M. Mr*. Phillip awapaj ava gT | aH>^BBaBBs^BBB^Bi*Mnj i Chtdwick't la me Head. Tit. tittor. Mr. aad Mn. Jack Bant I. Nonl, M FMNp tad Jtyot, 1 Tha daaoe commitia* will ataet made by DrDV . Mama F. Trtope. Spruce Dr.. Fair Mavee, an ac- II MittM Av*nn* |aff Hap* R*** ! Ohio. ACU BY AUTOMATION l Asbury Park, chairmaa at MM count tatwilonrav off IIthMe nrnfirmi wef U 1411* Naw Shrewsbury tlr^VIBVfiaBeMttumMm aBVBfkwBtjEAtUaVlnntatdIl landHgajl n^ggaiJmiwa for the event. nisaalag Merrill Lynch, Pferce, Fennerand BALTIMORE (APMa a Val croft fir* company Saturday la vtrsity of BtltlnvH* lebnrstory, The group ditcustioni, Smith. New York City aad New- ll*anmt •mf aBrndft BhBB^amaBjhaWmtBBi extinguishing a ban fir* aa thta scleauet taught an electronic (Ai»)- ark, deetgned th* stock market Aatheay Motets farm. Beany- temputtr me rulet ef blackjack. which u part ef the Ktat dairy aide Rd. Sunday they played sett- or "SI," the* waa 114 fnm the taV rn. 4>aW dJm*kt>_,^bMaaB»* Mak*. hiB^atBBSaeBadh BMB dh*^anaa^aBfe*n^atAdin* e^ BBB^BMaaaaai anynj aaj 11*9 BflrVfViwaiT fnw tMv* dawa any road to dairy •te ••••** Ifehal The ttaaawtaJ tdeattat fed the WHTG aMBSSSBTaf'V n^aBSal fdBsml'nl n^aVaal VBJBJBk-nam •**•¥ OltDCROFRANK dMlrma* al lha waya mi |wH# Blaak AM wiMla oalac aaiUani aajHMiacaal Ilia tope aad taaMod that ttVt mtcklnt ANTKJO, Wit. (AP>-A poker of m* rMeteto bmed « Mn Wayn* W Mir.rn ll their-|wai willing In "hit" lit hand— AND HALF HOUR I herds, and produce about It r»i amaurMt the dim \ win* Ual quality, Anti«n Royal AIM,1 man of in* way* and m*ans com-jlake an e»ir* card—when it had I tent nf the aaUoa'1 milk supply, ing AnllM» Kin** and Antltn *}ur*n* mitlrr • ,(tunt nf 17, JaaaJU Mrs. of *Mr assaktir MarytMra. Jamas Wottos. Mr. Mra. Aadraw llalihiit, Mrs, ward Kaiaa, Mm Haiold " and Mra. John PotosJcfc. in charge hixury motor-hotel ia Caravan Inn West Mr. BcM hat! HICHWAY #31 t SUNSET AVE.. ASIURY PARK »e member of tbeeffleeateff POT •• PMt S*By*SftaU MMM where ha received traiainf far NOW IN Ms nan- peat While la this area, Mr. Eojwto PROGRESS! was associated with Pobbe Ice. Colonial life Insurance' Co.. and the Local Finance Co. His wife, the former Mtot Joan Whlttaker. Is tstodatad with tot AW—Noaring completion ia another now leyshore AtP supermarket ao Rt. IS, CWrwood. Tho Millet Advertising and Art Co.. Mtea* Tha fftBrie oxpaot to mova adjotntnf winf will house three store* and n now ClmVood Post Office. It it expected tho snapping confer will iato auajtinaut quarters at tba bo in operation by next aew Caravan Ina Waat this rephy. doaited by Naff Jewel- ers. Red Bank and Lone Brandt, Today's Business Mirror on Floor Queen Mother to Get open to all; one vait of IS Uoomi, pom-poa dahlias. HM WUlUra M. Huat Seadaman By SAM DAWSON F. Samples Flower Show Photo trophy, doattad by William, M. AF BBBMISI News Aaalyat Tte market features some 7,' - -- M » alk NEW YORK (AF) -. Marble to caa' otter a metal framed N food items and 35,090 non- of ,oa sawn tables; one tor the "Oar. food Items from appliances to at taw ladwieh panel. This tea a mar- the end of World War II e ostartor fuanh. backed by a wearing apparel, Lansing P. Town _ tahlaa or other Mtagt; an. Rod Raak CommuaUy Chaaf- Shields, president of the Grand Seat it-ia, oniersnder the Utie "They're Off sales w tint country have ia-! we of rigid Imulattoa. Tte In- ber of Commerce trophy; opaa to rior flattk It Union Company has announced. Quesa Mutter at Ragbud. at MoBBoath Park," Hving plaats ail for B type, cactuf dahlia*, 13 Tte «**t Grand-Way, and pilot Country stressiag motion, and one more Marbh) tapped tables and other Mtot with a Tmt dtanury hat beta eat aside These three •toch panels are reject for the program, was to be hnlged under the Wtie "Roy- on the "Twin Lights" theme, fee- The Red Bank Retail Trade furniture have caught popular Itailt in Keaoaburg. In IMt, the taring white flowers. fancy-both las oM ones as cot- to look Hto fama tocbes of alty VWta Red Bank." It wiU re- Board trophy; open to an, for B lUd marble, yet ttoy wolgb lets wand Union supermarkep t there Furniture tro* tha Qaeta'a memory that it Still another section. "Y." wiU lectors' items aad new appllca- douMe lit 20,' Type, decorative dahuas. 13 ose-thlrdthat aad ere waa entorged to do was June It. MM. that she and emphaiite the 'Signal Corps, blooms. ttoat far modem furniture, 1S.00C noa- ghly reetstaat to aad m tejuara feet, and the !ato King George VI paid this up of living plants; "Art The Red Bank Register trophy, ita revival aa a toad IItoma were aaddedd . borough a vtatL i to Red Bank." with em- Open to all It, if for the largest; sparks even more is- Aftef r a Itmonth tosttost stst phasis on bold color: "Dining By Archttacts stress that aaw Asevsn^iaJimlachmaiMasUb ttBOK for tha , and moat perfect dahlia availablilbl e totor ttrtaterioi r partttt- Kaaaaoarg, with tha inauawation r to accept the photograph tte Sts/* hrfofaWH bufNt i TteBofoagkof RotBaaktres of naaa payment aad toyaway igameats; "On the Farm," fee- marble ton costly man it •M. And BUdi aal sVeat OTftlMW bt*^ phy for tha boat aihMt to tint g used aa lateral or horiaoatal plant, Grand Union officials es- i Harold M. Wag. • " Mftog farm-grown products; ai day entries. '.'On the Spot" tro- tablished eight more Grand-Way for as oa baUdtegs. A market ia phy, donated by ReuftWe't Jew- After several years of almost nm^^J^^ OV^B ^^^^L_aV^Bal |^ aw ^MA^SVSA discount center* in tte past two of the Moanoath-Emsron Horti- iwWIIIfJ MOT OBW^HU UKM O nBoMuW cakaral Society, aad her private with tha acceet oa dahlias. elers, Bad Bank's for wiaaer oftotal eclipse it's oa the way back years. la competition with other building for totottor uaa, or for ex- secretary. "On tha Spot" arrangements. rior usawteatvptttd with non- Featuring thm Shof*$ Larpu In a letter. Mr. King informed There wUlbefovr cMMrea's sec- Red Bank Kfwania dob sweep-) materials ia commercial constnic- Tte United States tesa ttyear the secretary that Red Bank's tions. One, for children aged 7 stakes trophy. Open to all. tt is *». And it'a being more widely lease oa naval and air bases in CoiUction of Emrly Am&rUm WhstUM Newfoundland. Bermuda, the Ba- Mayor George A. Gray aad oth-aad under, win ba arrangements for tha most poi-u scored to liN* » residential buiMing. Furniture «% Accmnrim er Monajstotk dtiatns requested of wild flowers in large clam categorise, of-- hrhero once tt waa all but banned, Recent ttioctoraa wing marble " 1anas, Jamaica. Antigua, St La- that tha nMtnarinl photograph, is shells: another, for youngsters 7 Moamouth-Ettwroa HortteaKur irgafy on grouade af cost utge aU tte way from tte ntw TrmMsd aad British CvJane color, ba tent to the Queen. to t, will combine flowers and al Society trophy for tba most TWaaer, Leas Caatty mate Office tefldmg to Wash-! toy soldiers; oaa for those aged points scored la It catagorlee of Atoag with avallablUty of thin- igton to tte U. S. Air Force It to tt, wm be oa Indian lore, 'A" type, satni PMfOftMANCI of M classes to be judged In Red Bank, for the most points •__ Aa>| j-.-.a—— anm^SBmBa itoma oBuntra nro torn, not a number of apodal features, end Red Bank, and attendance ia ex- scored in tho vegetable sectJost YOU CANT MAT TNI SaMCAJII five entries have beta accepted aalOavC iaaaVlOr ViaBnvsSa^BCQQQ Ita ••«••* pected to set a record. The Red Bank Elks Club trophy country and about W per ceat of >rt for radiaat teatteg systems. AUTHORIZED SALES « SERVICE to honor the royal visit. The spe- Co-featured with the exhibition For most points scored 1a the am-the residential use. Wto msrble chips are touted cial bow-to-Britaia event is lifted will be the third annual show of ateur section. It reports tonnage production >r protocttoa or for teat reflec* ax "aa interpretive design of the New Jersey Council of AM The Joha Cherel award forth eof rtomentlr mmriies Is up 3t per on on flat roofs of living plant malarial ... to be can Violet Clubs. This section, in most points acorad by a member cent since UM. omes. Aad research Is stated in a niche M inches high, operation two years, BOW ia ra- of a Monmouth County African But imports are gaiBlag fast ay oa how crashed marble BARRON & JARMON. INC. M inches wide. It inches deep violet club. used ia highway ided the leadtag vtolet (how la IONS) and II inchea from tha floor, with TheSoehin Untermeyer I Now about half of aa marbis rtava Tha aoctetjr anew also It « •ad to tte IMtod stotoa la to> doty was a Iter a Malt aai ma satUMa ttri^t M MM. without me of tte fiabttag of to* par todBatrMei s dant tern* Then Officials hare hava*Md the" so- Chamfcir ot^ommerce Iropay tor ^bJ^^ti^A B^^^^su^^^^BA^k ^arik. eh earns) * are U major producers to UM C1CTT wsjujonw *JV m l^PI United *Wtt and mfrt of them with suggest*.* that It I flints are set up tor mtmhtrihers of federated gardeactobs or alto are Red Baak ^ center of r. af raderattd garden clubs. nvviiMMi CHUM of watm m* tor tha eaunty — a fafator The Red Bank Retail Trade Years of CHILDREN SHOE vittontl dabs of aone It. Gar- Board trophy for arrangement* FHtaan years of rated Gentea Ctah, will be pre-den Chtb of New Jersey, gardaa py or arrangement* of Woman1* dobs, by membtrb a of gardad a depart- have paid off to more by the - tsnmdj sail amaWnvmaaofe aad ways af tb> Several Red Bank stores will The WUbor'a Jewelers trophy Tte for the beM entry to aa arram* la their tor tha The trophy the of thto walla. of rrmmnni wtn ge'to the wto- C. Rnddph BIHs. Farmtagdale, |2 Inwcu Endanger aer af a five part tecttoa taktog ai chtJrmaa of arrangements for [New Jeroey Lawns CHOOM YOUR HUCi RANfH m the "Royalty VMts Red Baak" the show. Mrs. Mary Drescher, of the show. It is tte prise of tte featora. Other pans are titled Oakhartt. has direction of the Federated Gardea Club. NEW BRUNSWICK - If your WE HAVE STOCKED A TREMINOOUS SUJCTION *VeiBHnttoBary Days." to feature iwn has devclopad rouad brown aa interpretive dseiga "rerniais- Africaa Viotot ahow. Mr. Ellis is )F QUALITY SHOES FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . assisted by Harold M. Klag. Lit Lists Pointers patches ia the last tsw weeks, tt omt af Mvtog ia Manatnath Cona- lie Silver, ahow committee chair- may be chinch bug or sod web- iTURDY . LONt? LASTIN© SHOES FOX SCHOOL ty;" "Tom cf the Century," a worm — not the weather -that's AND DRESS.UP. •at of N Before Retiring tte culprit. Day oa ASBURY PARK-Do yew plan Two Rutgers University — If so. ~ specialists, C. Richard Skog- Fattewiag are awards to ba pro- wto dealt with turf i Biver; aad "Hunt and John L. Ubby, rtonptaot The often tte i * stid today that these two eaRaralto memorial trophy) HWY. 35 HIDOIETOWN •anteaignae ^"^Pan V^asHB) BmW BB/ Bjn^p^iW ^ i —^^~^m^^^ ^^* %\f^^^ a Thara ato ataaranirlalsirtlaai, to oaQerttoas of outdaor mat your tint chock wilt i»och|"J!l*m ?• Ntw la 00.) Oae Mttoa "X" it opaa to Warn- flowers. yon oa liaw. sTfclaa^K iMimti nyga mmg^Mgthu The Daddy John Kemp mem Pint, keaays. mantra vaaanaaatoa PWBJSJ ajjaw ^n^t^wsaanany Of 1-ftlt msBmmmtl asssBBmstsBi VBslaBal wBattl Bni '" ~" I oanmiltl mnA aaMiatmamftMaM'aMmnfflta* akowmi 3.99 rial traahy, donated by the CH •u^lwamsiV SStJRl Wf/tFeTOnigtl BBraffBrr BfoTW of Ajbury Fan, Tina ia sped learity ofltoa to I lawaa tot they oat away at ohtot ONN SUNDAY mar"flowers; ao * far a "Cdidil data apaa to all for extra ojuala> Iproof yea wia to oaes when they get »>» aa to t am StB) am to • pat Hallway." aa artiatie design to la •f ffM amnk • S •i esath af Keyport Tha Frank aato to aMnbiitk ctotm for'poy- You have to look very -tents, hs adds. m edge* of tha brown MISTER BROWN Then, Mo tte claim a find chtoca BHB*. lbs Hat* say. The adaks are all weeks before actually re- aad seldom more than a CHAPMAN'S Back to School These two fifth of aa Inch king- The young ' delav to the'Jaasance ones tn reddish aad even mutt- er. 4-99 of the first cheek. Mr. • "CvoMr Wrctrt' Sod webworms are browa cater- IOWARDS HO points a«t his afflee ppillar * aaeue t three-ajaartereeajaarters at an snpNcMsnM tor sack long, la the BNth Mane, the rnrr or ajnvsasj yowr VOST TOT eaah yaar Md toaacto fly above) the greaad sar- ansiBsni in na*wm^ .m ^^ **^^^*

Yoon RIVER FLASA-Mr*. VtoMM f s f vvjpav ansan^BVB^eseBj of a flw Ak^^kAA sstsWA f0c*Mtly it s Morti ihowvr M wQtper cent chlordaae dust per iMt tor her sister, Mrs. tqusre feet, tte specialists say thoay Cimlno. Neptune. Wabwormt dta't Bead ouue M " ' Mr*. much for a knockout blow. • ComftWtely Alr-Condltlonee1 Mr*. Frank Stagtoy and Ubby say that gggaUBB C||9A|BnsB Banant smtM t^majBa^B* ^tvooslsneBBF anBpni a^tajojsve chinch bugs have • ProfoMtontl Hair Stepping " .! ^ Mrt. Fradl to chlardaaa. la bvMfchosi Ctmtoo. MM. -tmw to ata anaea* af a M par Pork: Mra. afr«% 9 | «MaA g^B^Mln^gl|nt^_nk a^amsslmsBWsfBfemm ana • Tlay-Tot Hair caning on ^^**"** ^•••BBBBBBBjfaaie^BBnj v^BBBsa^BBPaaTBBBBJ BBj two hobby honaa * 1HMM N nanoas of water MitoDwsilai NtS toaare feet. Mra. They advisad e watering tte law*n Pnrds; Mlaa UWaa CariaoT Waa' thoroughlghly after applying either asnaata; Mra. Al Cimma Belmar: lasetkllasectkldd * to takak e the malariam l PIVI IARIIRS Mr*. Ntehatas Clmlao, Wayside., deem to the.._ crown—* aff hthe and Mrs, James DsPeato. Bad i where the bug* are, "ALWAYS" ON DUTY! SBMSBBBSBl I ^^B^^^a^^^—^ TOLccnmt OLD otMRD Acrrvtrm SHOP FMTMC1HM0UTH- Tha OM Oaard of Red Bi F. BithBJli. Want Lang will Mtama lu dilof of tJio sVeVa^BnSjBVa^BBBBBBB"'•—»- j "S Taam, U. I. Army Signal Re- Ite Y oa Riverside Ave search and Development Labor*' Mtmtert will attend tte outlai I SB RVOvlMMIIf aWwa OM>IMM BWftl Off lory, will deliver a paper, "Per- the Weetflold Outrd will hold In farmanc* of SemlmndMctor Rec- temaqutt Park. Wrslfleld, lept SttN* Hmm Dally I A. M. to I.M P. Mi Prl., Uflrn In a Pulse Radiation tn- l«. Members of the Guard ark ALL DAY vtronment" al lh« Amerlcsn their families will take a tot trip • A. M. to t P. M.I Sat.. I A. M. re t P. M.-ctoted Wed. Inalllule uf I'.l*«lri Rauelal nipoattMUUM tor tn suspicious and willing minds on com- """ • cbufa. that wit of u XnniMWt la i MMjr At •intfi— tmmMMUlf 1 mar pkx subject*. Involved are psyst*lst> teal factors such as fears of the eeasft* quences of error of Judgment, bag-tabs Oa* JTMT IU.WI I MM •a* tr i traditions, varieties of habit of thought, man's love for trading and bargaining, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.IIS) Y domestic public opinion, tha craving for popularity, the hunger for historic fame Enforcement Needed and all sorts of remote and often undlscernlWe factors. The) death of one boy, and serious obtaining a license to operate a bike, Peace has been hi the making since 1945; that Is a period of 14 years during which there have been would be a step in the right direc-j Injury to another, who were riding meetings, conferences, long airplane trips by outstand- bicycles in Mlddletown last week, ton. ing statesmen, civil wars, violent propaganda, murder, emphasizes the need for regulations It Is too easy to put the entire controlling the operation of bicycles. blame for bicycle mishaps on the period, the United Nations was bora, becanie a vent for Middtetown officials, in the wake shoulders of the motorists. Safety violent tempers and'harsh and untruthful kugpags. is everyone's business and responsi- But most of the substantial negotiating has gone ea of these tragic mishaps, are consid- day by day through the ordinary channels of diplomacy bility. ering Just such regulations. and in separate conferences among smaller groups of Many other communities In the Good laws are needed, and once nations. drafted strong enforcement will be Red Bank area already have laws on During this 14-year period of no war-no the books which regulate that has come to be known as the Cold War, i operations, but unfortunately are notregulations. Authorities need the dietary trends appeared throughout the world sad understanding and co-operation of enforced. some of these trends contained within Ihsniialret ths the public when they enforce such seeds of prospective wars. These contradictory and Officials must do more than draft regulations. YOUR GARDEN conflicting trends may be defined as follows; laws, they must see that they are All too often, police authorities HAL BOYLE THIS WEEK I. Tho emergence of the empires of Soviet Russia, enforced. Police should issue sum- have complained that enforcement NEW YORK (AP) — In middle age about the only Red China and the Arab states: monses where bicycle riders are of laws on bicycles has met with 3. The decline of the Dutch, British and Preach found to be using bikes that do not exercise tome men get U climbing on the water wagon criticism from the public. Police empires; have proper safety equipment such falling off. TtPMtMt have constantly been accused of not After more than a quarter century of traveling the of back yard fruit 3. The new colonialism developed by SovkHRaaaa as horns and lights. and Red China which goat by the term, satellite elates, having anything else to do but ''pick cocktail circuit (purely in the line of duty naturally), pmn doat always end with An all-out educational program on kids on bikes.1* devised by Treitschke; should be planned in every commun- I find myself spending more and more Whoa to hairs* What's so unimportant about a pun caa be a panto, too, as 4. The breakdown of British and French coloafsl* ity, to teach bicyclists the rules of of my time—by choice—high and dryfouad out from • MnnmouWi ism throughout the world; police department doing Its Job? Is on the old wagon. County gardener. the road. Many pedestrians have the safety of the public that trivial note telling about bar diaappsiat- 5. The emergence of the United States and Soviet Some longtime acquaintances who mant with fear crop of YaUow Russia as the two most powerful military and indastriat narrowly escaped injury because a a thing that certain phases of our bike rider has been careless. By the wouldn't be caught dead after sunset Tnaspmnat apptos and states; welfare should be ignored? without a glass in their hands regard about whet a) harvest pears. same token, bike riders continuously 6. The tendency of small and weaker countries to Safety should be as much a habit this almost as a personal Insult to them. •tr as betas dry declare and maintain a neutral position as between place themselves in jeopardy of be- They look upon me somewhat as a part- in our lives as eating and sleeping. these two giants and to build a strong economy out ing injured by passing motorists time traitor to the holy cause of cam- The only way it win become a of the neutral position: when they do not observe due cau- •OWE araderie. habit is through the co-operation and 7. The rise and decline of India as a factor In the tion on the road. "Why should anyone want to go on the wagon?" This variety should bo picked understanding of the public toward whoa His graoa aad Just begin- affairs of East Asia due to Nehru's unwillingness to be A testing-licensing program re- wonderingly. They can't imagine ning to show signs of toning aggressively anti-Communist; quiring bicycle riders to pass a test without that foot on the rail. yellow. As soon as It ^^thiTu^^ Well, everyone who climbs up on the wagon has *. torn Ito Jake. 8. The eiaergeiKe of dictators to arables that can on their knowledge of safety before* forced. rules to see that they are en- his own reason for taking the ride. themselves democracies, ia Asia, Africa aad Latta Color is a pretty America; My reason Is quite simple. 1 like the change of of view it gives, and am getting to like It more and more. caa bo saad aa 9. Th« use by Soviet Russta of capttaluteineifMds Events Of Years Ago KNOW YOUR In world markets to disrupt the economies of capital' GOVERNMENT My Initiation into the cup that cheers goes back usually is ready about istJc countries; Prepared by N. t. to the ProhfbitJoa days when people sat around hi dim- From Register Files • lathm, MS B. _._ awfllty lit apartments gulping home brew out of kitchen to 10. The tendency hi capitalistic countries to adopt Tnatoa I. K J. Staymaa arouad Oet it; I pans at 35 cents a pan. It was fun merely because it Golden Delicious, Oct. It to It, socialistic methods to meet tho competition of Sovkft S»Y< » Yean Aa» was Illegal. The beer was green and needled, strong aad Rome Beauty, about Oet U. countries; PraadsJ. Haley, soa of E.M. A MftMaty pUtf WAS ^Aad iwjsjssBbsr SMi as tree. enough to curdle all four stomachs of the average cow.not even a dwarf, win ripen all II. The stabilization of the economies of West HUe/off Margaret VaaBruat, A larger share of the ope-tUg bntsdMs by tale Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph VaaBruat of Later, as a cub reporter, It waa pure Joy to stand ito fruit at once. Yea < European countries, most of which have bets subsi- kg m eh Ave. la to pick about throe dized during most of the 14-year Interval; her sfadh birthday. at the bar drinking two for a quarter shots of amber farm aaar Emit far a day's spirits of grain while listening to the colorful okttJmers outing. Tbo chDdroa bad a «aa Eflosa McNeil. Foster Pean ripsa off the tree, which 12. The disruption of the economy of tho United time rooapias about tbo farm Doris Schetdhr, Lois ten how life waa like hi the good old days. why you aavar bear »raa-Eka*r VaaBnmt, States by a perilous inflation from which the govern- But one by one—In this city, to that dry—the £* about ment It unable to recede because of pressure groups rfs roostvod as a birthday gift MurM VaaBrunt, Margaret Vaa- they do from Us father. ~ aad Mn. Ralph Vaa- oMttmers took their last one for the road, and tha road operating politically. The funeral of Mrs. Matthew never led back. There was always someone else to Any pean loft oa SM tree toe Ernst* at Oceanic, whs dtod at A fashion show waa held la tho Into each of these categories go many details, bat ses,n a ftVa million dollar aproad take their place at the bar, but somehow the ag will have bad canton a thas Sprat Lake hospitalp,. was MoQy Pitcher hotol at Rod Bank. will aaoa spoiL The trick is the summarization makes the picture fairly dear aad Mrs. Beajamm Oatins was ia add fraai bar lata rasidaaca. Rov. comers were never as interesting. The aura of romance pick thorn Just hi My rip explains why President Eisenhower hag to pick up John t. Ward Gambia of Soa Bright charge. Amoag ths Rumsoa poo- about the legendary two-fisted drinkers began to fade. then keep thorn at ro cnadnriiil tbo atrvicc. Mrs. Era*- pipMe WlM WOOHBQ W#N Mn* KfsV ature for about throe Foster Dullest brief-case and go travelling over the ry was survived by bar baabaad art Mrs. Edwin The era of aodal drinking came in, and the trou- world. It is no easy task for the President, as every* Md «e aoa. Mfltoa Emsry. Tbo Bfaasom. Mrs. William Pindley. ble with social drinking is that it isn't really social— __ at ns tmoral wen Hoe-Mrs. Varick StoutStot . JJr. , MnM . HHall - one knows. He has undertaken an arduous enterprise, T. laagstriiit. Louis Neu- ey Ph* Mrs. J. Hartley MH and It Isn't realty drinking. Mf JVMMfS *Mj 4MM BaTtafeJ VMM the mailing of peace. Both Chancellor Adenauer sad sr, Jacob Zorr. John Yao. iJek.Jr , Mitws Virginia Uppercu Barroom cacnaraderie began to disappear when Prime Minister Macmillan would have soared Eisen- 8. Barkaleo Holea. Adams and Mrs. Ed- m,m.m - •* aa to BBS How caa you toll whoa a pear hower tho trip, but da Gaulle teekt "Glolre" for France Mm W. J they took the sawdust off the floor, removed the pin- y at unmm. la "right" for ptcktog? Evas' the White had a school- Kathiya J. Pope, dsugb- This you me 11 counties are ball machine, put a three-man combo plus a crooner which may imperil the Western alliance at a critical , to bJs tor of Mr. and Mrs. William H. t*M7!,ttl oa personal in the corner, and started admitting ladles. time la history. Do GeuUo refutes to recognise that to call •ttaauoattoattoa Popps of WUIIsm It. became the •d m.eM,«i for who cannot stand atone cannot afford to drive away to tho special sale rfochool shoos brids of William Firth, son of or ajraad A coeducational saloon Is tike a coeducational bar- «MsfeiMisbsj oa at Ms atoroMr. aad Mn. Elwood p. Ftoth If Of IK2.3M, ber shop. It is an anachreniam, and hat no place in his allies. Each to his taste and the Prestdsat easaot of of Stood St. la tho Red an pean that pass ttm tost at a aatMiMtfaa off thbe k f f Bd S I Those Sto daytoday an ordered world. that time. kooL Presbyterian Church. The bride's of are Dr_... Caarisa i atato*. Mlu Jean Pope waa suisbsd from capital, dsbt serv- It la much pleasaater and quieter up there on the Therefore, he travels to Europe; therefore, be rscstiss wsattat. «od at Loaa. Breach M*smaM sadd Jack Cooper of ice sad other statutory Itomi wagon. But Krusdu^v; therefore, he wUl go to Russia, Hewflldo while vMthsi Meads. Mr. Smith Bergta PI. waa best maa. Ths classified aspantaly in ths what ia nsesssery to achieve a Just aad digaiflod VMS survived b.y two sisters, Mn.. usbsh n wereM Monte B. Jones. Rlv- lamas Orovsr of Irving PI. aad tr Plata: Robert Tteetwnt. There It aaother good reason for climbing the Mrs. Joseph Hagermaa of Wai- Shrewsbury, and Douglas Bony. Ths tomb) an wagon. It Is atom peaceful and restful Oceanport. boiag from of. •jsowV gfwe tidal ^^ Twenty-five years ago the taverns were Inhabited Miss Wahnstta Crato of River irds by tho Now Jersey •TWo's ami MsrBsCsafls Day* Plasa mi engaged as a i Association for Inch* by wise sad witty men who said wonderful things In -•jr. sioa la Its Isrnoomlag aanual wk. -Plaiacisl Sto- wonderful way. The conversation In a tavern today knack, 3 ££££^3 of Ns* Jersey Is downright boring. All tho people there want to do a* to th.s. *"•• A- *"*«d * Seas won of Sse Bright were awarded a It tell each other their personal woes. They don't Has doth, suds rsaulsilna style, tract to construct snother stone drink to forget their troubles. They drink to remember with akkel stomped buttons. Hly at the Ocean City Inlet In A cornea* sfctswaft l« feet Maryland which was to cost 1171. and brag about them. The bartender has become kwg was being laid ia front o( wet. nurse and a psychiatrist Mr. Christ ass wrtttaa^ balls- T. Elwood Saydsr's hotel at Eat The hote-laylng item of Inde- The maa on the wagon misses all that dull talk. tin called "Apis aad Pear Vsrte- Mom by AMMMBM Wsjiswy. pendeat rnRlne company of Red ties Orswa to " Mrs. T. Fwotoon. Mr. andRank capturep d first priie la a What la life Ilka to a man still getting used to a Mrs. Weaver Matthewsh , Mn contnt helhldd In connectioi n with Marvto A. Ctork of Proa- Mr. aad Mrt ugh dry perch* _ ^ 1 st Islaad 1 cl r wrt Prank Wllfcias 2 Of the) twamfll Well. esttiaws. he does get a bit (ontty for the SP* " * " -*t " -* **" if Colt's Hack, sad Mn. Thomas won Louis Hirtman. noule maa: aad Mn. Wellington Ftaer Johsoa aad Charles Bon- of vanished times, but they are times that Maori Palls "«t. Jr.. usietant noule men; vanished years ago. His evening now and than gets of Osorga WIBilas Onrry VanNnte and SamuH Chan- a bit monotonous, but ho has wonderful mornings. gsobsyvlUOf dler, hydrant men. and Charlei Bennet, dr., coach. He goes to bed feeling good and wakes up feeling nanruaiTuvi Jerry Sbsei Dr. W. L.Dfck g SAN DIEOO, Cam". (AP - Tbs Jerdaa of Keaas aad wflUam MIM PlortnceRuihrnurf, dsuah. fine. Ufe holds a new awareness. He now has time Rev. QssatQ m P. Oarmaa IMes ia ler of Mr. and Mn. Wilbur B to do all the things he's wanted to do, and he eeauy. sal to a free* psw Ruthrauff of Klvtnlde Dr., was Christ Ch Ha reads more books, goes to more plays. Chunk (Luthsraa) aad km at that In a way Ifs like betag born again. Nothing U*»•*«» UetsSarvi B>eryihmg Is new, as If he were seeing the IMfl HNMQr _ _ „ Afrits, save a Ms* skto II The fuaersl of Albert K. Pet. world lor the first time. fast tMg w wySaJMaanr of der of PalrfMd Oardsaj, WaaMaRaaSSl *f^em -—^atf-m -yu •*_•* tssttVal tlMQJIiahlsi —-*- - —-T i IvafytMag... a passing cloud ...« fslllng Hnlin* etbaaT P^WMBSB I^BBBB; BJBBBBB) ••WH ww*tesriip( WlrJ WoM I sawaaSRSi SB ^toatm jM^_f««W|gM. g^g* A ssdsSsB . . . a bird's flight ... Is a miracle. Nothing now Dltgu County Cuuavll «( ntS/TvBSV m ^BTUB^P BBBBBBBBBBSBBBT ^BBJ BB OWafWff ChurrhM. lOCB M wn*t sWrVBfNM MKi bores him but cocktail parties. torMis ofs PrHele. nA Armstrong, dough The Rev. Mr. German used the Hs feels no urge to Join a temperance league or !eIrviied ifrnnin nt his own Pair Navea. waAs. Armstrongp of from in* Wurdeera funeralaul l homr sHioa of awaiw a isinetructoit Offereu dr thaet shpoe- ThGuide eb»*rrr Llebmin« wer, Juliue Paua l MUMIT take up Carrie A. Nation's hatchet, but he does mildly hurch ss an experiment. The ' i T CCtlhwm rtHBjsirisbi at < Prank J. Mutvlhm. Mil wonder why In heaven he didn't clamber up the wagon congregation's "action: TJwy'i •priaf Lake, l d rsm*r wstcb and listoa to their ler aad Nicholas toswio, O-Wediuwlav, *n*- % 1«M» ««»nor—so he'd have a longer Joyrido. paitnr llv». .GRAND UNION'S CRANQ-WAY N. J. STAH ITWAY M M.tl l A.


IMT ran •& A


* 47*

HMBNMSI «•« M 07 iriMi

OF mmm OF


STA. UY NOW! PAY LATER! USE GRAND-WAY'S LAY-A-WAY PLAN Mdayi Hi f . AaWy M rfort op- Widatidsyi ** f.


COMPLETELY MODERNIZ Go Back to Football SURF BEAUTY STUDIO Specializing in Field Excitement Personalized Hair Styling • Permanent* in a Cardigan CHARMD WITH UAYMM — Jese "Frwiehy" Cor. Phone SE 20393 II, laft, and Francisco "lebee Charlie" Crat, 17, inspired by the —OPEN ALL YEAR— era thtwn in New York ptlica ttatian a* they art bwM in fatal (taaatftf «f two lo-year-old boyi, Anthony Star* Heurs Daily * let. lltlP.M. KnetiMki and Raiart Young. Thay wtrt charged with Continental look Friday I to I P. M. homicide. Cordere It a laborer; Crwi a factory worker. dosed AH Day Knaslmkl and Yaw* were stabbed to death aarly Aug. 30 in a Now Yerit City playground. CAP Wirephoto) to report to the auditorium 14-98 8:45 tjn. Miss B. Dorothy Sept 9 School Cohen's class will start at •: a.m. Opening Set The elementary principal re- The txcittmont'i in the trim, from collar to quests all pupils enrolling for the KBTPORT — John O. HarUler, first time to come to the office icuffi .... a harmoniiina ttripo rum from of IM pcucipai wmuiiuff ana •""of wrist to wrist to mark you as a man with f) ODORUSSAUYD Ithat; aU local schools wiU Tnuraday between r lor Om MX semester noon for QM purpo#6 off a taito far something different. Cut a new Wadntaday, Sqx. I. ing. •SNOW WHITE Mbool ctudMti fat th» Uth High School principal George figure on campus with shawl collar, metal •ai Uth gradM on momlag set- D. Search requests ail pupils, elusive of eighth grade graduates attttoM, action sleeves ... an outdoor Point Rollor art to report to the high from the public schools of Key- 1 audMorfem at 7:N «.ra port. Union Beach, Rarttan tweator far an outdoor man. Practical... w PupOt to the mirth and cMd Tray S«t 10th Township, and Holmdel, 75% UmbiwooJ and 21% Orion. Thingt radai are to report to the never have attended high school, 69* •dtoriwaat 12: n p.m. to report to the principal's office happen in a Manhattan hoatjiertono. Banwntary puplla In gradai Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY pftfrimary throuth second at and ». between I a.m. and 3 p.m. DuPont's acrylic fiber. DAILY uud SAT. I A. M. to I P. M. the Watt Kayport School art to During this time, the _ _ WED. and FRI. • A. M. to a F. M. report at •:# a.m. The same dtosctor will enroH reporting time la scheduled tor in grades pro-primary in working out a course of atudy. third at East Keyport Pupils who havt never attended and the new Centralthme acnoois must owaia from tne STEINBAOTS MEN'S SPORTSWEAR School. Mr. Hartxler secretary of the Board of Educa- Street Floor mud Atbury Purk IHadwIda 1*7IOf Students enrolled in _ of their raapectivo I to eight aad the special edttcaMe districts an nuthoritation to 47* class at the Grammar School hlghachooU Sanitized King Size, European Goose Down*.. Pillow •tfj. 14.M you eaa atop frettm wtrnaUpatkaiftrtka 9.99

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•aid praiMMf palamlaoi an a •allday Saeeial, Cba»Ue- white t««fctr«Md. N«r klnfl •kange the oil aad put ilia tray taWtt Id • «elf can- Valfle-alttVejob-eatak tamed rack. the urea, battery and brakst IU1 •w up 1f.fl may Intto Isaalaita...* wltK Wary leaf detlan. 7.98

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In Garbage Dispute I9S9 KBANSWM — stotlai that tto 4tamW fVamafbamRk J sight that tewM of tima. that ttts stasjoh sad fllss peyofa aaH to am Kdte l*attto aayoaflra. Jim BH«»tf ltft for Bvropaj, Cdttddo toe n> JM to answer jroar. r«e«ot l«tNr« ptatadry charged mat Mr. Motets toe fafled to lire up to tto terms of hie S3MN eoatmet with tto It i« good to toa» tkat th* jud borotiflhby: if baginnlBf eUUy pttbUcatiem as 1. Fefling to collect ell typos of refuse aa stipulated. \ J. FaMteg to properly ow r fwA|M wWHJT 4* waVaaTV tat tk« •«#*» fart wUck TW IM MYS — Leaded with dirt. the maehina in frMt weight mora than 40 TOO*. H fc ant af a doxee such ftantt bolaa wad tkfs waak at MM lad Laboratories *Hw Robert At*. West la HilmJil TawmkJp for •art* "ttripptaf." the first phase IK MMTHWHWI af* ft* MeMoa of oaetract ^wMt^_ ^L a— *L-«- 1J ii Mi ___ LJLU *M*d 4mV amtafl mam ^BVBI af^MuV All signenef tt PWHWW inHnn wmvr iitwu* VIVBJBJ wwswwv ••• a»mjmmym| t^vw >w w*m| WBJP- amimaj !*••«•» Union Beach scoot one, Jota •MM tnot 40 to M foot M«V Targe? date far wwpbttM •# «•» first tevHaa af Johnson Tor. the «anter—te east $20 million—It late Ifal. SM Short leMM^^ With bast wishaa. eoverod for pertoda af Has. . Mr. Murrey odd to Me steto- Will Sell Of Teachers ment. mat te eoaM aot say Siaearaiyv UNION BEACH—WHh.school 1 garbage la Highlands Has covered at aB Maes. Tract For vacaadaa att aa Mr. ead Mr*. Koaadh Scott, j. I Jotessa Tor, te their state- catos atoft faal Mnt add Mat rafaae wa left Motel Only Heated Session M-a^ a^HMhadhr fanes JOBS 'Fradarie FOBS FlanFl a mOHLMM- Tte air wasaat a I to MtX After Jdy % tto facial Aaaiaiaat thick with boBid feaH tka iw ;tobaM«hat in tha WUtaHoaaa. Paddle flak for ItoaSMMjNaBV flctoi to to* tto aMb aOV hMtssaMardsndJ? Book Bey Marine, me. to at at a topt » to ssB tor. era baytog rrveenaat aropa _ Two first grade Keyport Mothers Club Will Crackdown decided to | BOW kali by MM Mtw Petal Oaav MM Beott house is 1 way at Btliaaart aaoa. over to tto L tort Batch Co. Tte waterfri yards from tte damp. r tte adtoa was aaen ooan (to e controversial, On < ._ aaated ttat tte dampThey Ordered On .already ad- h Donate School Bus Funds cuetStendWntowitMr.Wolts est to beta oa fin at toast N tests la Mm past taw yew aai ttat MM rcSSWtte. KEYPORT - Actton by the He made no commeat when sp-Teen Spots to bay Ma tact tor KM to poiwted last alght to beat a motel en MMstout II straats. 80 Ipaair nould tovt fraa bath- Tto apaoMcany m> Mothers Club of Keyport High KEANSBURO Borough Cmav 1 Dtspito words of aajoMi by VQaatfaKtB WaVS eafpfVVM ] Sehed at last night's Board o: Gnat Oym Use atte. lag and doddat rights. _RFW aawW wvaVCBMav" afOBao ted that tracks tearingto tt otto some rfl ordered e review of te "ae dkmlatod flat MM tafc, AaM) Md MM MM ifalTaflm Edacattoa meeting paved the way loitering" ordmaaco teat alght tfCeaaor. Bed Beak, to toe tor tto school bead to fottoo the The board approved use of tiw ka mirlnil apaa DM that tto toad aad beach they have St, aaM pnparUaa ttora i fourth grade at Cottage Park itege. which they aaM was 0* h school gymnasium Satur- a view toward crooking I Is gone, agreed to pave tto •9SBMH that I I1totaroaa> feotbell teem to games ewey on local teenage School at a salary of SUN, aai ITMI DOOM. by the Youth Athletic l.Ttet a motel to Wit on of • vaeato WUow It, as tto i Mb* Atoms C. KenJosrsU. Nea- tented that League but with preference, given spots. to cotact Coafirmteg reports ttat fundi co. Pa., to tssch aoeead gm wen aot available of high school activities. Tte crackdown ronuest came lTtet MM cost of me strue- Far hava dlffMaHy _ satery. t4.NI. ' i-s gsrtege. He did rom Couadmua Loute Cdlich> ton to not leas men NMN. I, Took action that may toad tto todgst cuts, bosrd Mr. Fltigersld presented a spacp a to pup t their cars aad, tf Tte redawtttea of Mrs. Martta by the sketch of tto proposed Little Ha recocted net many toea> I That no project te a to e maa tearing dowa a set of K WMH DO oa> for toraad dowa a request •toted wHhta Mine yean after stein to tatt ap to aa apart-nra oton , o was MtMoltee n CtaCtb tot starta e ttto costsLeague field to to located on a age girls havo been Miter* MM deed Is traasfernd from MM Beak for tmcka to gat throogh. of transporting Ito toad. corner of tto new Central School around ban on MM beach- at, but toft tt to hie adghban 1 from WWemHaag. ground. Approval for tto field front sad mrged ttat snmsMiisi aecMo want may warn m CM Tte board majority agreed with 4. That no aidmueV Md board viea to fa Tw)T*« RwMOlpll HOBV Mrs. Jaae Ellis, deb president, was granted at a previous meet- to done to put a stop to it stoat mo buildup of sa IMoot tto Tacaacy created by me res-ear, IT man Tor.; aad Mrs.that tto toad It a mate support !• Tto fwwiln*"* alto posed MM MM mam font tract te tMN. Idteg addrtioo, a hMtot ae Attoraey Jota Edward Bayka last Jota Keller.: ImsoaTer.. en Uaat Votes towtea of teem tat claimed that Teacher contracts wen award- possallity d drafting aa otdl* Wd ta 1 of a budget twice re- ed to Elitoboth Bertley. 1 nance proUMtteg tto sate of Tto Keyport Board of r MM doctorate this mi education; Jota T. Donald. ttctott to atteon for affelit Ite council as to why nte their Naveetek Park 1 nwaaraWp to tto atrast property tea advised not tto tattiaa rato aad that tto i i had toaa laft Heav is add. M» project have 4. Rejected a Mgh bid sae of me actMMas ttat tad to mentery aad guidance a to oasattoi aad. after Mr. WoMi|lor Uatoa Beech studeatt k-evon though me and Robert Bullion, social study. v Jeeps J. Oravaay told £eyprtHlgi.tdMdwll lap tto UN* year Ada Bsus Campbell wee ma* that a eraetatowa 1 to MM baraaga at proved ea a' substitute Mad He noted met MM 1 nine a* fkey an M taatt atntoiTto ndgaatton of Jute of no riot aa I land a tewtot evaUabte by tto me City of Kisastorg vahjod at tM.NI aad I1IMN agreed to Mothen Ch* to inaajirt tto Principal Oeorge D. Sea:chea> eat Mat MHf wVHV Mt wMOMtM. tew at strip. _ band to away games. Tto dab d Orientation Day frill to Tto borough two ta J. Oravaayl otarad II far sate, to rates enough to cover wMh Ito hoisted R woo far atek Park bseeh eadtahtMt; Bay saM to "woaM aot ettck my aass I Sept I. Professwasl Dey teecton Sept I. end acted pvndat to toap MM flnOvll Da* d Skotea gave e crtticd re-Beach, to repair a chtpplag Mack" aatfl Mr. BOOB njecsse oy rot Mo proved ttat will reopen Sept t. oa MM talldisg oettvtttes of at Flonaee Ave. Tte board epprovod school 1 Ave. MHB atova tt ewey eeFT st, tnct tot bees vt latoMlHtwjd eU aMattdiHC OOtttttit* c. He odd Mat MM bidden bo- a,group of eaaoyey d pptUMnaaii wha. ta said ^ tfarbtyoBdMs to toad a retom- tea chairmen wan Keaasth B bead pertidpetioo te Ite tftb mg wal at fee Ftonace Avaaae Attoraey aaalversary edebntioa of tte trouble so dtegaetod when t. ft. aaigatoraood ittal Wtarton. budget sad salaries, sllbuti body couM aat airos aad wha calcaM It a towithi 1 of Me 1 Schosi oa a bid of MM. al tow athletic programs aad East Key- Matawan First Aid Squad. Sat- ottto sala ttat ttoy toaHh*'tod ta^aeolteadteg; Harrison It urday. Sept It. providing trans- me owner was ordered aat to BM •Htafk^U^mmi OBVA aafJbmwi portation is supplied. Ite musk mochtee. WltowRJoTwPW BEftf WltTB, «t . LefLft teta tte air a touchy < T. Tto He dtegreed wr* a ruteg by t$$t tCfcOOl CUfftCMwalHIt UsJ aotsd pleas ta eboat wtet to do obm Mr. RasseU mat ma tact ttot gtoMl tcbool wrvty; Lmlt I. Rental on tto school auditorium Mr. Bhun was ostck to OMMoa RaOy IBM was increased from f$M to ftt, tto goveraiag tody aot to to can for aa sreotioa of tt ante evtr>ege *" " ww» porsmi Ragar, aame manoas. rn totttety wHh MM POM lek F. Walteg, high school build- t3 per men-hour for Jaat> "too hard" oa the toeaago aat MM! MM motel emridtea B Charles F. Patterson, gram- toriel estvices. ne noma m pea mate, trouOM ed to eTtaest IN adhv mar attad buikttsj. and Wll- No further prognes or deflate imltmsnte wen reported ea Mr CdHchto also took Sept aat aa Mr. CoBwhto asked MM • Ormerod. Watt Keyport with MM oouedl over MM eapua- the regional high acted stedy. al to «law,ill a ATM pey. "Most of MM tot ten Mart MM laad to restricted to Mr. Maf Mr. PettereoB. during tto past rstaMM for MM use of a motel. He arge- hu repeatedly borough ore good I 'to Mid Mr. Rasssn edvtetd MirWll afMtttot* fdtaet. ad Mat MM parehaser of tto that tave MM refaetd eppdntment os chairmahi nCouncil Approvea tract should to tree to pat itote of MM finance (budget) commit- tacking thte problsm." let MM Septa 1 ower tojte ee, but ast such Mr. CdllcMo aotsd that MM some otter type of 1 aort Psrry, who ssrved Mayor Ootoay. ta waaaaaj awBaJpK MV OV pfOpM** tee an Ma grounds ttot the pottNew Service Station Mtteas tor n stewM go to t man with longer was most eeate dariag 1MWI BOOamjP Hh otuacM. ami a CeaadL aver Mr. CoUlchw't SHREWSBURY - Borough to a at MM Montegaids Ave-ahiscMoas. hoard eaperieece. me summer sad ttot "teeth* to rataMs ttoa a toaa reached aat to a* to Mm. oeestedbyEd- tiltebUlpsid. Council last night approved uM te put ate local tewa to Hoary Wsmor a vao ^Mr. . Cetf, t -aWwBB Tto otaaaiteo hu been with- J. oat a cawaaa ttece Februery recommendation from tto Zoning prevent Juvenile id Mrs. of Bay View at. tor mrw, won aarovea. oTa settee to aat Board d Adjustment to great im>jllir iiii. Tte Mi price wtoa MorriB H. Wallace, board -VnTtoS* ! j Tte ajaaleateaa erlgtoalbr at variance to tto Toms Co. for UNWEKK to te do- Mr. PatMtseo, aadte declined. t new Texaco service staten at SHREWSBURY — Mayor Ber- ail at aa ^ Mr. Wtertoa Maadf recently Broad St. aad White Rd. sard B. WMte lad alght pn> wHb Mr. CoMchto objecting. t. Ordered en ordte Kel noted that to ap to eeeept for SIMM a Jenoy Ml Mt MM IMI fte toned dowa ctelraaaship d ito Tto proposed tU,Nt structure Imed Oct. IM4 at United Na> Tto would replace e Texaco station wans Week, ead sot Oct M u tatCtabmiLtasa offer of ttt fat •TMC VWMHBBB wMflaaaco aalt. He said at ttot IBMMI now then. The new building will United Nettoas Dey. agateat tto terms of MM tale of IWBMVBBB VwBJa 101" WS9 M S Than won MI ,"MtoM people voted down tto MM beachfront tract > street eRtaagh a ndded tte Water aad under tto clrcum- to of colonial type, ead win MMt* ssrve u chair landscspsd In tto rear to con- Bsncee, one cover b? this aaa money was a smw^oaa nana 1 to held laat t of a tMN ate spent MM tsamyen atodi I Vwagta ead form wim the borough's wlshst 1 oa Twilight Tor.. MM dter a rtahtto vote ta a tonawJltteo linl1111111 beaateg porktag ea tto Ml wPwQflwafl thej TaJajwVffl iat.he«MM«^dnaaAMMawmir'' linl * ddt at stated Ave. from Can OatoArwgki Bwl Bwf aTefdV yMffal VMS BsMmT*l faAW MMI Ave. to Leant Ave., ware ta> At Mayor Caradtas J. Mj lMMYaW lammT am^HlI T- ejajtotoamaai lia j aaJ ^__«i^_a^B____ej _vj_1LHjtot aka> om^ml*^^* ^ "JaV'JVH |w SHHHMtC • ••» a*OTBBKaKfft| mma, Bjgmjfa*. aaj llammt ammW VSmmmmi a^^^^gfJ atu gajfla. gang an ett far tejt It, •Tae wee ojete a ataht at Bteh- UN. 0&Bw*ta Owta BMS C n^aaa^ Bka ha d l T hhave te- •Mayer Fred Bal te parking rsstriotei I by Orris tto B^W BwB •BhJ aatgwBPBBjW. aaa•JBBBfJi irhatfc •» te won wBata MM Ba for tto tad aa»p»ai>aiu OtetaM aat ao wwwivea ajpti 11. fin tngtaval.|kava tetej Bat Mr. Sta Malayad aaaaag tar* Tto breed i| PVwjBwvaTtaTaM Ito ale of s tone. I tan bank ta several 1 aaa Baaaaft Bdt aaafl 1 Ut fast from tte Bay Creak. Ave. Mr. Haray tatetag grna 1 WWW May. IS Orchard ft* ttot to pa Jr., won 1 1 ardtoai to hew to aaa aat a mtaht tost wen Keansburg VFW ewMHaWfV CV waW ltf§} MpSRHMMi dare: "The"Tta n wMU ta ae perking Tte eessloa taded ta ta ea-* UnaanlaaawVa •* • rner what two tpoclston got te- '^anaa VAwaaa Bat —---"-'^ Anook latVawl laMMa aVJ MMfltT rafl> To Select Queen te e heated argument af lat aNuPwVWMfwrjr • B^BnaaBBfat gaf 4ana> anaaWBilnl BMal anfaf aeos aede dear, it all netted wtoa 9 tM MwV wMdtaWIBUIIY — Tw KEANBBURO - " VFW aad Martens MBtevlea Brtaht aaaVVaftffat afdaaaaaal fM BTvaaaafeial aM been OMMf CaammBtej He i wig to crowaed Sunday d a toeo> HlJ lPJfJ ffJ Jf |M w aVfJjVwVJVI ttoy an . Jr., f •• llN irfoMCWlt Mt MM ehTSs i BJaTrVJBBn^aaaaaalJ aaBBf| aTaatontdBrBBJ*RJBBBaJ wtPJf BJaWsI • R]eypwrti Mary • ^nweooewave vvaanaaj gaaaj •LM MM tM Aaa Blum, Rot Banki Deone —a—ss aa-MM. jMaaa4af aav CeScMo wen ta MM aMdle of •vJPBmj WVTW WwWTwf erv"* 97"*"o at taaat, trytag to bnak it ap, Mayor Oataey noa T' Baaaly Contest latndee- are amo*« the I? «wa wtl tMh me ._ Jtat Ito Pltaalag Bee tea BaH" will to hdd latorday CoaaeM a^tokly adJeanMi, tM f MlM #l aaaaWaaaWa. awWaal tofnaAM bevteg MM two daosnt to srtw study me ordlaaiMe befon tut- urt tt *fyJ'««M«\J«< riiiMrt- al I:N p.m. te Ito Marlte bai JSMWIII to: * * " Keantkwf •• ' Ihsr MHOS WSI taken by council %» RMfft wOOwMfwIi avfttttf, t i tit, ptteiiig a red light: CtoriM The aspinate an ^^ Mar Arthur Wetti, F.nglewood law- Wright, Ir. Bound Brook. Ill, and Cmmrf. V Hum, Raa* ler.k; Vir.lnle Lee Skaatar, Heitet; Pottle Ml*,, KeypeH; MerU yer repnMAttng InHng Levy, •edteg. and Sevten lofle, Ml vava end Virginia Lee tkeeter W#lt UB lrMehi M-rlMt Mlll#f lrl r of tM Bright Mote) and " « - *•• ^»« ••• Mtrlarwa Lomaar. raoa. NY. lit, aanteea driv- all Haiteti Judy ritllagor aad oi awree s, neo Bean, ana i u t.—Mmtu-mm. mtrtot, AMn Long, Fanwood Ini. Card Uetock, both Fair Havea, wta Reset, a tporu publicist ••• "« Sranah. .^" ^^ wmm , tt l^mMbarg, Vt» m *•*» Style Show tat* of a eon. Matthew David. to be SB) Court St Jcoaaa. CathoBcbor* Aug. MtoSW urns «LVE» - sf *•"'• Daugl»^ofAm»ricaofK*ypj^in*ny^Mn- AraoM Beers Street wm hold a hmcheoa aad l**Mea ittr^ ^ tartar by KM Uttto SUvar |Na> •entie Club. PTA beat WoMaa But, It la the lint at a •kawa by DeOeaaaro of leaved between torn and MM NOV- RARTTAN TOWNSHIP - Mn Chariet WhtafWd, president of The lettetar poaaa tha Street School Parent C. Day aad Mra. Stata School Taachen AtsocUtten, hs* an- "ShaN *0M OuQuart * role con- Jdba Tatter an chairman, at- tbme — br do you want a two- nounced that a meeting of the I by Mrs. George Egta aad party *y*tem?" executive committee will be held Mr*. ABee WaMag. tickets: Mn. STOCK MARKET Council hen I* aiMeptmttcaa tomorrow at the Bean Street Frank Letwenak*. Mn. Anthony Mayor P. Paid Camp), seeking School at 1:31 p.m. PartoBB. Mra. Charles Emery. REPRESENTATIVES re-election, I* a Democrat Elected to serve with Mn. Mr*. Chart** OTUr* aad Mr*. WhinfieM for the 1MM* year The newsletter csllt far a Harbtrt OMckOarte,, art***p;; Mn. WANTED. cajaane ia tha borough admlal- an Edward Gorman, vice presi- dent: Mn. William Piakeas, re- Flayd Browt, Mr*. Oaorga Ward •tntJon. A m^WW* flW«LI BIV A bi-partiaan cording secretary; Mn. Raseell body.- It tayt. "win aHmlaate Yen, coiraapondlag atcretory, and for all tht concept of ud Mrs. Ji •• BOARD T6 Meaty DaMa tad Mra. Hagh oad corporattoa where all treasurer. OCEANPORT — Cast Cttftoa mattan an decided by tht ton Appointed to the executive W. Whlttoy, known a* "WhWey administration without niu' committee an Mrt. Frank Bar- the WUard," of If Irraa PI. will tor tha feelings and withes ofbelle and Mrs. Albert Sllon, n give i demonstration of the •M *tocMnM*n. membership; Mn. Hugo Manet- power of the mind whan the ti and Mn. Wallaee Shaolro. teo- Ocaanport Uoo* dab meat* Sept REMODEL AT COST! Tha totter note*. In the form retenUtives to the Joint PTA M m me Oceanport Methodist We aappiy of ooetUon*. that the mayor council; Thomas Edward Soyler Church HalL to work by the day or vote* on matter* only to break and WiHiam Kenakv. program; Membenof the cjabaad their trattoft* coot or by • tie. *nd Mn. Kenneth Natalie, way* It and mean*. r'attatCoa ^^^^^ ^^^*^^_^^ ^ BBBBBV "How nany tlmat do you tMnk Abn Mr*. Potrkk Lea*, hot- MSMi worame

Rmtidma Sect Red Auxiliary Ovm> Mmp Muddle Troop 110 To Give Party NBW MBjnrtBUKY - Ra- Has Picnic UNCROFT - The fint aa picnic of Boy Scout troop HI For Veterans their familial wat held Sunday. Aug. 30. at the Grape Farm ia LAURENCE HARBOR - A *O- Kolmdel. Activities tttrted at dai will be conducted Tnunday. i. with about 100 boy acouta Sept. 17. by the Ladle*' Auditory their parent* attendinjt- ofthe Americin Legjea for th* A batebaU game waa play pationU In Menlo Park Veteran* 1. Arnold. T Avaton Dr^ waa between the fathert and aou, the WITCH Hotpitsl. Mn. Jack Olsen. rob*- fatban winning. Field game* auch MINERAL Mutation chairman, if in chare*. otartJed to Bad mat. tug

gntic party, win be held at Me- » »"«»»* Ft Oain't Oreve. Rt M. •otrlek 1. MeOaaa, Jr.. Mth SchiMler OKd

wM For CD Pott SHIWrSBURY -MF, ft. mrt of •a Caatrtl

llaliiMiajii •WNPHIiTi had) bean darkark; Mm W. Appltgaaa, j..fyfffr F aad Cart M. Vi CDOC director. WBBW •fMfllMtatotT CoMtflMattU* Mr. InhJnitr wa* a aaptola la World War II and tervtd at Fan Open Team* IN t P. H. It a graduate of wM akiebt praaeat. l Mir * He It employed by J. H. KtUy Ot and Edward M Kelly Co.. Rod Btak. K* la married aad hat als ebildrca

of Ika Tha Waal Point Military AeaaV of rn-Mnn- M •odBm*h|

of «w titolrm ! bar will b* Mn F.ri»eti Rale* Burmtn. Mrt M, Mrt ftamue Charles l.iymrk ABM NtoM. Mr*. ( vnl Ar M* tad Mn. Btrn.nl Kiy» "**>-! Jf.«W^* ^

Far Amp Pimm Dump Try Just lika Manhattan commutars, wa rlda tha •tavator -Hi ^ to work in our now third-floor man's clothing dapartmant, for t "darUcatoi" of the] lwaagh'a MratnMp of Katco 0 Mayor Boyle K. Patfsoa Ueted but wa'ra country boys at haart, and ramambar whan p la ftgfcWCgfcW B too HHMM barough'o attempt to art rid of] J. Kridal was strictly a ona-story affair. Only tha clothas ara tto booy of water: It waa deeded by Van Amerbv geo-Heebler, lac., not to the sophisticatad. Joshua Trant, Marlaigh, Hiekay Fraaman, borough, but to "tht people of Union Beach." and, la drawing Laslia York, Botany 500 and all tha rait, amid tha tha deed, tha company donated "tha watar and tha holt and virtually so surrounding land,' walUdasarvad luxury of sand-blasted ash paneling, walMo-wall tha mayor said. "We hava the responsibility of carpat and a viaw of tha rivar. Coma saa our now homa. policing tht lake." Mr. Pattlaoa laid, "but It MCIM that without aa act of tha Legislature tbtrc'i aothiag wt eta do with it or ^r ^y^v ^r ^r ^ about it." Women of the Navy" will to "I don't Uka tha deal." Council- tto subject of a talk by Wave ana Joha Mclnaaa declared. "We Fran Staples this afternoon at 1 h*va an tha liabiUtita aad so o'clock in the U. S. Navy Recrat- J.6M b* Office m tto pott office tefkt- - •Tto l»» would make a — apabHcstrV- . jtauwrrl " tf * Mayor , MJtwl Borough Attonty Hah* 8. forces, tto progiam wifl facfaaa Htaatr aald "then might be a, color elides of Hawaii aad other Waur OOT WitoOW tOVOtVtM bases where Waves ara UtMatwa. Ha waa authorised to nak# eomptoto study of the legal pacta of tha cue aad report to 20 Riot Aboard Council deferred action on a raojaaat by Joha M. FrM. local Excursion Boat real aatato agent, to convert 117 NEW YORK — Two : acraa ot meadowtand in tht an off-duty ••a Tfcnlml jJured Thursday fa a stag- i from residential torun < n feat on tht boat. City aaerdal loaes. of Keaasburg. OOfficial s aaia d tt shoulihodd firsttint btot Wilbur Rockaftdow. U, of dttermiaed exactly how much ot Van Brunt PI.. East tttho propertt y It bhboroughownedd ttcalvereceived a cot oa ttth^o heed^ '^^ aad whether tto Planning Board|slugged by a beer bottle during has recommendations for develop- the fracas. ment of the areas. Frank Peters, a member of the Tto state Bureau Recrea- Kfansburg poUca force, waa in- tion aotiBtd couacU that it will Jured whan to tried to break up snake i turvey ot local recrea- tha fight. He was makmg th aad poasjbiUtiea In moonlight cnuM wiln Ins July of aext year. Tto service «d tamity. will bt pwfofod without cott Police authorities ara at a I io tho h to explain what caused tto battle, Fred C. Evtreoo. WT Stato St, involving M ot the TM1 purchased a JeMbet tot fronttog on tto cruise. on ddagarora Creak, near St. Tto fight broke out when tto joha Ave.. on Ugh bid of SMI. boat was taming around at tto Eighty-two bulldmg permits tip of Manhattan, preparing return to Keansburg. were iaanad etirtng June, July and At fof r a l l f Police reported that tto fight August, value of started aear a bar aext to tto mm. •hip's dance floor. Chain aad bottles flew through tto air. Union Beach Tto boat docked at tht Battery Mrand Mrs. Harold GuwWI, where city police boarded t Ocaaa Ave.. will leave tomorr ship nod broke up tto fight for a one-week visit in surf City. About Joa of the pssscnsjCTS Dolores Miller, daughter of Mr. wart oa an outing ipoatnrni by and Mrs. James Miller, LorUkud tto Keansburg Pin Company. Ave.. was given a family • Damage on tto boat waa con- m the Carolina Tea Room, As- fined to I i chain aad glast-i bury Park, hat week to ceie- brata tor 12th birthday. 1 CBS WCfl Ml* paVCStSJ Mn. Neebitt Jetea grandparents, Mr. aad Mrs. Joha Sacks. Union Beach: great Aunt Htubaad la Germany Mrs. EUtabath Kenny. Brooklya, UNION BEACH-Mrs. William and tor aunt, Mrs. Harry Ep- I^Mtklaa> ^^mm B^^MMM^S el*-J • Jein pich. Long Island. rtRMu ffH •OaOTCQ amUTWrnj Mr. aad Mn. John Rftar, aigbt ar t.parents a farewe. Mrn .party grfta CampbeU St, ware boats at a!Joseph Faria. QColumbia Ave., kwa party latt week to tto Village laa. Jtnty Ave. bratioa of their 8d wedding an- *»-- IJjialhlA* itMoatftti anjlaiaj oWeaaa nlversary. Goteta were Mr. aad MII> ntjsjcjiAlrpocR seiamt bvy WMJ p mn Mrs. Fraak Schadan. Mr. andGerraaay, where tte wlU Join tor Mrs. Fraak Cattanta, Mr. aadhusband who is m tto armed Mn. Erwta Brown, Mr. and Mn. services. William Oohttcy, Mn. Richard Guests were Mist Jane Cote- RUter aad Mr. and Mn. Rlcker'i man. Bronx: Mrs. Ana Neebitt toss, Ronald, Raymond, Wayne aad Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Pug- aad Robert, all of Uaton Beach, lisi. Keaneburg; Mr. aad Mn. Mr. aad Mrs. Riser's aoa. James Tobm. Mr. aad Mn. Neil wayae, ceteoratea nu eigntn Kennedy and family aad Mr. birthday last week visiting tto Mrs. Francis Malcolm and fam Jtraey Jungle, Farmingdale, with Uy. Cliffwood; Mr. aad Mn. Her ads father and brother, Robert, bert Mayer, Leonardo; Mr. George Nolan. Fort Lauder- Mn. Edward Carhert. Belford ite. Ha., is stoying two weeks Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Revello, fa tto home ot Mr. and MnMr. . and Mn. SStanley Dttinaki Barker. ST.. Seventh St Mr. and Mn. Abraham Beyvtew Are, Mn. Ann Katt-WalterJBoJabskl. fal. Store RA. aad Mr. aad Mn. »«n. Fraak CraadeJMJafaa CMy; Avo.. left last Ttorsday for a Mitt Martha Sappto. Mr. aad two-week stay fa Johnstown. Pa. Mn. Harold Monger, Mr. aad, Shoos now on tha main floor. Not juit a faw shoas, They wiiOn attaaattend tto wtddiawiiWag SaS«t Mn. Albert LaretU • * * ~ Mn. of their nieee. Mite Dora- Domlakk Tetro. Mr. tadMn. fjqr McKeraaaK , to Thomas Kelllly William Ma^Mr. mt but lots and lots of shoas, occupying tha antira arac Mr. aad re. Patrick OXonasll. East Oraage, wen tto Jamea Satvida. t of Mn. ~ ~ la. Ttomaa WHiiamaa and Mtoi formarly davotad to man's clothing. Man's shoas P^ Liada Faria. >U of Ualoa goot Ave. Mrs. Canto McQaota. Bayvtew Ohio waa admitted as tto tTtk and boys' shoas. Slick bluchar cordovans, lika tha ona A Is s aMeHcaJ l 1 state ia UK. Mn. Attce 'Parren. Uaden, UTVtWI shewn abova, and shaggy olive groan bucks, lawf m Naw continental styles and elassic handsawn loafars, n. Wright's Arch Preserver shoas, Clark's English shoas, QM* 4) HI MHt Mr. tai Mn. Jaiaya Newark Ava. G—'Pn boys' shoas and our own make shoas. Mr. tad Mn, r weak la ta C VH» Cannavo Is tha buyar and department manager. trattsa of «Mtr «ttj .waitt.e*vMn Man's ttylas start at I2.fl, for tha original Mr* Hi fte y t MM. riNANCB €• mack tot ratmtd frm • oat. Bad Bank, N.4 weak visit with Mr. aad Mn. Clark MMl suede dasart saddle, and run as - William Hartlevo, Uataa. CRAMAN'f high as 32.W, for tha finest custom grada Wrights., leys' SIIMS, mostly I.9S to 10.95 AUt AmiAMCS PAtTI CO.

AUTHORIZID HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE NIW AND RHUILT CLIANIRS • UPAMSOM a 6E • HOOVER . ELECTROLUX, ate. IRONS • VACUUMS - TOASTERS PERCOLATORS - MIXERS, ate. PARTS PMi VACUUMS • WASHERS • DRYERS • IRONS RANGES • TOASTERS - MIXERS • LAMPS, etc. '•?.'•'-•' * Hf9 UD BAKKIECtmt end Oeent John SpurdleV Bride MIM Patricia Gale Gaas were married Saturday m daughter of Mr. and Mn. Charles Rally Sept. 12 Is Honored St. Ann's Catholic Church by T. Morriaoa of Suaaet Way. Cliff- EATONTOWN - The Northern LONG BRANCH — Miss Marie Rev. Stanley LsvoadraM. The wood Beach, became the bride Monmouth County Council of Girt Louis* Soviero, a Shrewsbury bride is ths daughter of Mr. aad of Thome* P. Caanaoat, aoa of Scouts win hold a rally for sen- October bride-eiect. was honor Mn. Chester J. Topotawskl of Mr. and Mn. Thomas Charmant ior and older iattraediate Girt sd test week at a bridal shower 3> Comptoa Av*., West Koeskv of M Koyn St. Rev. J. A. Rlley Scouts Saturday, Sept. 12, from sad dinner at Hl-Heary tea. burg, aad ths bridegroom hi lie ofndsMd. 11 a.m. to I p.m. In the of George Gam of West Pint Etcorted by her fai the club It Fort Monmouth. St., Keyport, and th* 1st* Mra. GtadysGanz. bride wore a gown of white «nv On* of th* purposes of the ral- broidend silk organ** and an ly is to ecqusint ths girls with The bride'* chapel length gown elbow length veil which fell from the national aad international as made with a sweetheart th* rhinestone crown she wore event* ia 1st* for which they may SCkhne. and trimmed with ruf- when she wss chosen Miss Mid- apply: fles at ths back. Her fingertip dlesex County in Msy. Her flow- veil fell from e c 1-Aa interaatioaal gathering of seed pesrts, and her oid-fsak- en were gsrdeniss snd roses. abroad. Miss Josn Morrison. Washing- bouqust was of white came- 2-An experiment ia internation- Mr. Topotewski gave Ms ton, D. C, was her sister's maid al living ta Franc*. of honor, snd the bridal attend- ta marriage. 3-A coeducational career con- MM Barbara Jsaa TopotowsM. ants were Misses Donas Secondi ference ta th* Rockwood Nation, and Patricia Silagyi, both of West Ksoasburg, wu her sister's si Girl Scout camp outside Wash- end Miss** It- Fords, and Mn. John Fisher. ington, D.C. MiUtown. All wore light bhie silk lea Jean OTJeill. Union Beach. embroidered orgsnzs dresses, aad 4-A wilderness camp in the Pa aad Jean Bennett. Watt Keaaa- rhinestone headpieces trimmed cific Northwest. bars, were th* bridesmaids. with veili. They carried bird A panel composed of Mn.* Bar- All wore balerina length cages, filled with .tangerine roes*. bara BUI Huff. Mn. Donald Me- of tulle with matching Murray, Mn. Grant Reynolds. crowa hsMNmieces,. trimmed m Shsri Barak, Metucben, the Mn. Leonard Teropfco and Mn. veils. The honor attendant wan bridegroom'* nice*, was tha flow- William watts win discus the er-girl, and her frock wee Matt questions. i* embroidered orgaaso. She dressed ta shrimp. Thsir carried s basket of orange roses. ti bt

Chester Joha TepatewaU ft of Maasoa PI., hsld their seuead lace that fell over a bouffant the Women's Army Corps st Fort Park. River, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr*. Nictates Soviero. Mn. Vin- nations. aaaual block party aad dene* Mr. aad Mrs. Eawaid Weiakaan. tulle skirt. Her veil wss finger- Monmouth, and will receive her Old Bridge, Mr. and Mra. cant SeviaiB. Mn. Vincent So recsathr. ught Ha Ash St. Chrisans is eight yean discharge ta January. Mn. Violet Anderson. Mn. Me- Mednar. Brtford; Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Philip Walling. Lake- cossdeg oMM . and KarenK , stata. tip length, and she carried white lissa Hartsgrove, Mn. John Ded- vtoro Jr. hunt, was her sister's honor at roses. The bridegroom wae graduated William Price. Mr. and Mn. Oaeste wen Mr. sad Mra. Wil- [ram Matawan High School and rich, Mrs. Hsaiy C. Anderson Raymond Frazer. Sr.. Mr. aad Mn. Prank Trezxa, Mn. An- tendsnt Her cocktail taagth liam Pries aad saa Larry. Mr. Mrs. Chsrlci Farley, Morgan, Mrs. George Armstrong, Mrs. An draw Tracchla, Mr*. John Veg is employed u a Uaaaisn by th* Mjs. Stanlsy Bendekos and Ed- was ggreea chiltoa. and she had a were Mrs. Jelia TwiN. snmw JaVB* Hesgnfjf MCanVHBBMVe SWMM was her sister's msid of honor, draw Homlak. Sr.. Mn. Joseph ward Cottreil, Union Bench. UotU. Mn. lacy Tarricoae. Mra. snd her blue gown wss mads CtanacU. Mrs. Alma Daust, rt hdi Her hoaasst was Mrs. l^eah Mra. Cart seas Wayne. Hal aad Tadd. GeraM Tricarico Mrs. Mich^ opearT t headpiece. Her hoaasst was Plato. Carol Me*. Vmosat Dl- Bridget aad Susss Devise. Elaine bee >id chiffon. She had Mn. Arthur Raike. Mn. Charles BIRTtfbAY~FfrrE Vegnato. Mn. Connie Faraiao, matching veiled hat. and her served wtth th* Air Fore*, aad MoCaiL Mn. Gilbert B. Parker, The sad Donald Wottaa, ail af Uaton Mrs. WWilliam Sharp. Mn. Ga- Mr. sad Mn. Auea Bua- lonial bouquet wss of pink carna- is an officer aad number el MrsM . J . Pp . GtovisG , ST., Mrs. GO- UNION BEACH - A party Joan Craig, ths bride's sister, Twni. Mr. new . CaesaCaesarsr * Masonic Ladgs af Kay- wu given to celebrate the second vino Skiuane, Mn. Paul Tricar- Ltods. Ir- tions. Mra. James P. ico, Mra. Geerg* Harvey, Mra. snd Janice PesteeM, Hetaa Greg- wtth hi* ki- The bridal attendants won the port, of the Marlboro Assericaa Usamselat mnal^sat birthday of Cheryl Gsllopo, and Leslie Lockwood. all of Mn. Wi itojaii. Mr. end Mrs. Jama* Ugicg.a The bridegnom al*o at- I**W«M"J srtMVYa daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph JamM Poateeorvo. Mrs. Aatonto WSMTem aad chiktrea, Kevin, same styl* gown as «, Mrs. J. P. Pootecorvo. Mr*. Ralph VegnoU, Mattwaa. They too wore green party chairs* attendant's in rainbow colon of tandstddd BowHag Green State Uni- Oaltopo, Sidney Ave., last week. drees** aad shrimp colored Attending wen Mr. aad Mn. Kathy and James, Keenqr; Mr. versity. Otovia, Jr.. Mrs. Ralph Carcoc, Th* pool snd Iswn party given Mn. Gavmo Birsidssco. Mra. Mm. Peter Scsawaivk aad aqua, orchid and pink. Their co Mra. Joseph Bellevance, Mrs. James Ds Pasqusl*. Mn. Sssa- hissplins. and their bouquets GrassflllOo MM Man* WeiaPnll MT> MO •t the home of her parents, wss won of shrimp aad wMto car- Stanley. Mai carnation bouquet* were In PTA TO MEET WUIiam McGowaa, Mn. John uel FarruggJo, Mn. Edward Ba- Mm. VeBsy ead ehil- contrasting cobra of yellow, attended by Mr. snd Mra. Mich VaBsy aad Mr. Mra. LINCROFT - The fint fall X. White, Mn. Kate Maasmana. set Mosco and children. Mary ilee. Mn. Victor Veccaro. Mra. green and blue. executive hoard meeting of the Mrs. Josephine Hobandhal. Mrs. Frank Leon*. Mrs. Vincent So- sadhtn. Carl Arthur KMsswr and children stte. Michael aad Anthony. Mia. Ardmr. least aad Daaaa, Point The bridesmaids, all ft-Everett PTA will be held Betty Barrack. Mn. Joha Dun- lemme. Mrs. Frank Balano, Mra. bast nun for his brother. Ushers AaMaaad Mr. sadMn. ROM Leonardo and enkfraa. amUnbe. a\n^»aieBnai i aad M. aad Mr*. Carts of the Women's Army Corps aad Tuesday. Sept. l, at Lincroft can. Mn. Freida Walth. Mn. ROM and Enrico, Mr. and Mr* Louis Dsila Pietro. Mn. Rite Ho- ••*• School. Th* fint regular meat-Jennie FOBS, Mn. Msrie San- maa Jamlch, both of Matowaa, P*nUB|V mmmmWB I •II stationed at Fort Monmouth. Joseph Zsnko snd son, Joseph, mer. Mrs. Albert CaUaado. Mra. Uwn. Jackta, : were Mines Sara Hunt, Jean ing will be held tha foUowiag toro, Mrs. Ma* Row. Mn. Rus- Wilsoa Ksaasdy. Mn. Aagcto Da- aad Ksnasth Burisw aad Kea- UMXTOMUaULM Mn. Mse La Giglis, Robert, aeth WilUams. Chimeusks. Mr. ead Mn. Amort Ctamat and Knight and Priscilla Verney. Toesdsy. Sept. IS. sell Welner. Mn. Lillian Ross. Gary, Jo-Ann and Holly Ana G*J- aad Mlssss Era* Balaao, Mr. Mn UNCROPT - Mha Abate Ana Mn. Marge Kastaer, Mn. Rob- Mary Pootecorvo, Mary Carhsac, The bride's mother were a Wingerodt, wight a- af Mr. aad loco and Mn. Alfred Wilson and draa. Bobby aad Billy: Mr. aad ert Waters, Mn. Terry Douth- daughter. Lynn Ann. ROM Leone. Elizabeth Ammlratl, beige lac* costume, aad thhe Mn. Harold WUgendt. wU re- Bayshore Couple Wed worth. Mn. Betty Meyer. Mrs Hetaa Crisp*, Mary Crisps, Aa- bridegroom's mother, blue lace Mrs. TwiU and sea, Louis; Mr. tura » Daagtei CeOeg*. New Mahler. Miss Robia Parker and VlirnmVFROM ATLANTA draa Da Luca. Mariaa Galatro. reception was held In the sed Mn. Robert cau- Braaewick. Sept. U She wU be Miss Ana Seminlsky. LINCROFT — Guests the pest Barbara Mellsci. Lote Mustffio. MorgaaviUe fire hhousei . After a KOkVft* DaUfM Mef la her year aad M major- week of Mr. and Mn. Jack Lam- Mr. aad Mrs. MaaJey aad sons. tagm Poconos. the j IIJBBaVaBaBansnannniKa nVmm<* eBtoVananasI aVflaaPlla>n* Mn. Howard Sanlth kin were Col. and Mn. James 2aoTMlr?PWlMp»?'Afttog. y p . ft ff,a*NwUI livehT ta lMattwaa. Reilly of Atlanta, Ga., nnd Mr. Chariss PaseakMaa, Mr. aad Given Birthday Parly raw aad Garakms* Roche. The bride Is smptoysd by Hsn- Mrs. Al Omm, Mr. sad Mn. UNCROPT - A Uacraft 4* and Mn. Edward Gebhardt and i-Van Wisld**t«aniog Com- UNION BEACH - Th* birth- children. Edward and Arlen*. of The big copper laChfle Mra. Jane TwM. Mra. mestmg wtR be bsM Sept S at dsy of Mrs. Howard Smith was Irvington. 'are mostly Americaa paay. Matawaa. Ths bridsgn W Wflm 9 celebrated when th* Crystal So- te engaged ia farmiag. Carol; Jar- fken will a* held at mat time. cial Club mat last week in the Crystal Bar, Rt. M. Mn. Smith ETIQUETTE GIVE HAZLkTT - Mis. Jack Canii August Nuptiab U Third Ave.. Atlantic Higa- AMY VANDERBILT hoaored Saturday sight at a shower ta th* A psychiatrist phoned me the nwvs to make this other day to say that he had been of Mrs. Robert Lewis, Leffeyette Mn. Alfred WUsosita la charge mad* the ia ear Dr., FlMlwood PeMfc. H*u!#t. At* of tha new essscttoa of secret criticlied by hi* wife for Ms himself. restaurant behavior. It seems wan Mn. Aattioty Gtr» "I waa furious, bat MvfJaa SOHaaTrvTB)* r*ao*V> A chow mow followed. that white dining in a very posh myssH threngh restauraat in New York, he had ward I informed my Means mat Johnston, Mra Mrs. ajamta Me Lean was RkMty, Mn. Dougtas Hana. were Mn. been seat a bottle of very fins sine* he and sh* wen oar guests, vintage win* by ths proprietor he had uanHJgatod gal to e* Dndtoy Rehiasea, Mn. Ji Wilson. Mn. Fred Varies*, Mrs. CaraH, W Kaac, Mn. Charles who knew them well u patrons. thi- -s aad- if- our ST.. Mrs. Aadrew Me The doctor, it seems, lifted ths him hs did act have to accept aa Carthy. Mrs. Margaret Donnelly, bottle and examined the label. invitation from us. His wife Insisted that this wu CaraH, AM Mia. Charles Sayasour. Mn. dif. "What I VJOSM MM to hsew Dorothy ichamlsr gad fora Evens, Mn. James Hsg- vsry bad manners He wanted WM I right » fessjag MT it I to know what I thought. forty, Miss Dorothy Tiasot and Wl Olir feBnosttoannnMn.l MaMW Mn. rraak Kan*. The label oa a fuw bottle of strained. If what hs dM M oar wise Is part of its charm was ta erder. then I Any E. Seftaaek, JChriafJaw Gerard^ should be noted. Th* doctor Ilk* to aaomgtos to tftom f not discourteous, but highly ceur- reprimand — W. •., Kew Oaf Jaaaca A. Quaciia teous to his host to not* whet he dsas N Y POBT MONMOUTH - Mr. tad Mrs. Daniel P. Schaack of 4 HIGHLANDS - Mr. and Mr* had been sent. Had he not done Your friead waa certainly very Thomas Gerardl of Serpentine so, he might hsv* beta put dawa Creek Rd.. aaaouac* ths saga ~ " th Hills, announce ss sa Ignoramus concemiag rare meat of their daughter, Miss Amy of their daughter. vintages. Mies Chrislta* Marl* Oerardi, to soa of Mr. UHJ Mn James Allen Quagila, son of "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: Otto T. Scknoer af 114 L** A«a. Mr« lola Quaglia of l.akewood. A friend of mine recently sseved I oaWVo HWssnW Aa nNJflsWf Jfe out of town to live aad » a*> lifted us. Since we wero vaca- Miss Joyc* Bonk, daughter of gowas of sprsy net, trimmed la tkwing te her village this wto-J Mr. aad Mra. Joha Bonk af Es- chaaWly lac*, sad si had match- ter, my husband and I Invited! a*s St., East Keansburg, snd ing circular hate trlmmsd ta how A. Baylor, Jr., soa of Mr. strsamsra. Ths hoaor attendant end Mra. Horacs A. Baylor of was la Nile greea. sad ker bou w* hsd ssksd Iksm to meet CamphsN Avs.. Belford. wrrs quet wss of yellow chryssnthe- us In the cocktail room of our married Saturdsy In th* Red mums. Th* bridssmsws were hotel, and as ws came ta tank Methodist Church. A recsp- dressed to y*U*w, aad lh*ir flow greet them w* found her ttoa followed la McGulre's Grove, •n wtr* green chrysanthemums bsnd coaventag with two wom- June Baylor, th* brldsgroom's en who, we later found eut, wen Oivea la marriage by her fs sister, was flower girl Her frock a divorcee aad her daughter, tor. the arid* ware a full length was Nil* green nylon sheer, tkoM two la- •em of French lace over bridal wore ov*r matching taffeta. Sh* »f ear Means, MtMSaRy AeaTratt, had a tiara of sequin* aad car- Hty hlMlMMefl eosVtt§d 0IMI t9 , part of the mvHalma of U Cm. and Mrs. ried a basket of yrttow and grata u. for s drtak. Before we left ntos yea nan SPJ mm ^*™*™Jw m pBaVsf UN flrnsnami Isrmm A fall skirt had aa ov*r- chrysanthemums and daisies. hi any way he cf cocktail reom. this Mead toned fmaaM Move Lee. esa cf U. Cat.•a the treat with waste toe*, aksrt of lac* which Ml Into a Th* hrioVs mothrr wore a bsck sod asked them to . length train. Th* bride's gown of aqua chiffon over faffrta. Apologies an la order from the Mra. R. I. Lee of Part Mea- at MiM for the show after dtaaer aad otheher direcredt Ms. van WM edged In French Isce and the biidesroom's mnthrr wan ordered my husband la change atath. were laarrisd P ridajr ta T«*al'. kams ta MosmeMh ft. aod fell from e queen's crown dre«»#d in pink rewrvaUofi he hsd already rflMlTll The bride WMM graduatsd from •N carried a prsy»r buok, IOV < hsrlea Arthrr »•» IH-HI nmn 1 made from four to all, "DBAR MIM VANDRRBILT iy the aeelMlng mlnl*t*r, Rev Red Bank High take* and la em- and Win Chillers of while rsr for hn brother In law t'.h«M, "Simp they were our guests, I I should like te know, whes a v*r*M Orahsm. by StoMbach Cempsny la With • whit* nrchld aa a wrre .larnrt < »•«• (.mr*. IIM ifipninl his attitude very much, hu»hand snd wife sr* Irsvellni Th* brld* wore a strset length i motif. anil luhn Hay IIM all »f whom arr MmM CIICIMNM 1st we had Irsrni'd previously that by rsr. who should look for sr Mtos Amy iwn. styled with • beat neck- The orwrgmom sradusted from Mtoi Lot* F.lsina H»nk wa< her tmi lr» of Ihr hiulriciiHini |he had artualty picked lh»a» mmmodatlons at « motel - ilw «e, snd a softly ptestsd basics, Falrhi. Va, high school, and If •katr'l Maid of hnnni an

U t A I. Y •\ THURSDAr





BOYS' t GIRLS'' BOYS IOYSa WMTI IT-SHIRTS 7t»< SlAX 14 10 SCHOOL 6 to U | SHORTS q COMBS r'f69 in a pkg, JOHNS BARGAIN STORES 12 BROAD STREET RED BANK tordaywu Jerssytaelaa By Hy Cunningham The flrst phase* et MS pel* of the A NIW SCOREBOARD IS NEEDED—Tht con- alleged dmajaf sf tbs horse ^^il % t M venation yesterday at tba Red Bank High School Ath- DUQUOIN. DL(AP)- letic PleW wu drifting and finally It blew around to| the football Scoreboard. One fellow mentioned, "I tondtr for this Mar's thras**sr- eM trotting champtaaahlp. faced understand one of the local banks was going to donate] one along with on* of the local savings and loan out- radac fans heps lor i fits." He might have been right, but another in "" track cade thick of the chatter says, "One of them dropped le MM Ike U» 44 las ©f the deal and so the other wouldn't go along with war by Emttya Mse. Tba sue cast la si the plan." Mam Is fee* p. • Coold be, twt that desert help Hi Bank how-y High School get a new Scoreboard for tta grkMara and fans. As os» of Ik* other gsntisam pot It UAvUI CHAMPIONS — Real lank Red So« won the US» championship of the Seaboard |i« ar Ueove, afrrtu the utmmiMkm, "TBJS Is really • bsaatl- 9 compiling a great 17.1 record. In {ho playoffs, the Sox defeated River Plate ley*' Club In straight games, 4-2, M field BOW and an that's needed to 1-3. Standing, loft to rlgM, are John Hondrkkson, scorokaapor; Pater Praaeple. idwerd Whmw. Jetm Newtwt, tk* botvsty Is a Johin Frost end Stuart EdiRgton, ce-managont Alonie Ootiar, Jerry Frost, Irace idiagjl** *ad tarMrd Dolts. Kneel. l We listened politely aw* said nothing. But one Is «^_~ -A^ * A fcii. ^ • A • .JI * M Mi a BSe S -__-_B-__O_AA:A m ^g, g4 m MAlta • gwiM g. • MSj %A ^|gf4A. __.._. gV J_^_—,fc J Ing, loft to right, ere William Early. Alan Klahky, Tom UJII. Larry Uciseno.. rtWHJa*H.ldwori needed. Hours later the thought struck bom* again Itionam. Willie Davit end Abbie Daniels. VTrgil LtwU end luteh PowoU and the more we thought of It. and the more we pic-

tured the old Scoreboard, the more we agreed. HOW tn% tftsB) fftnMft HffJfft. ABOUT A NEW SCOREBOARD FOR RED BANK 10-Race Card aajg njeaW •fJ^BBBp S^aaxep train- A ttaa* fH^xbtdsa% nfk ihsl or of ttwbats* , ttar Ics.* do and HIGH SCHOOL? Dodgers Lose to St. Louis, 3-0; tier.gf , laww qowwasfaaw as* «aww Dlller's carosr lbs seas* to bates* Ufted. It is The *M board must be Hearing Its Mth birth- record is » At Freehold victories to M bests aad earnings further ordered that tba mvssti day or nor*, and H ahouM be retired before one FREEHOLD-The papular is of 1112,117. Ho woa ator* races gattos hw» ts* aUsged admtois- single race programs that have trattoa of a drug to ** horse. of our northeasters seeds It flying Into Mohawk Giants Still Lead by U/2 Games last season thaa any other ju- featured tba last ssveral days of vanlle aad was nmnsr ap to earn- Star lot,* oa July S. be dsaJsd You'd think those Los Angeles Braves Nine games behind and The-other Cardinal hit. a sev-radag at FreskeM Raceway 1 Pood. y _ to One. Tttttit"* *•* nraw acttes as fae Dodger* hav« a mortal block Just a half-game ahead of Pitts- enth inning single by Bill White, again feature tba "rfTipait ef Ike If the bank and loan outfit can't get together on g racing twe-yaeMU WM whoa H COBMO to etosiig la oaburgh's Pirates, whose game was off reliever Stoa card at the Coaaty atgrersfJp« the matter, maybe the board of education might loosen Ik* tad. wife ClndannM woa rained out Don DrysdeJa pitobsd the pocktbook strings and consider the problem. Tbojr «m Hod for lint la arid- as. a right-baoder for the Dodgers, faaatoi Tea yoar baa aeea more siagls May, AealosttWoineiowaadwtthoaiya S14S record ia thegWe Hw Dodger staff a total ef ess cards ttsa e t b Ml to fourth. It look them nora staters, upped Ma career mart SB, betting their mm ML sM» Beacon Women out record of an ast la laW. Tba (baa a moo* to got back, HaaJV agatet th* Dodgerg s to tt* while Ugh School is ly moving wHhla a game of •» hdb *l nnk ohutouhtot Major League mark Is St*, set mom *alr by Detroit In 1MI. Honor Sikora r|**t wWiits-New Look." top Juno n. Than may lost four (lew In the majors) of the sea- UONARDO - Mrs. WaHaot out of five. son. H* wsJkod two, struck out Cardwell, who bad *s bane uatll Also, th* board might considi r purchasing a new just one hit in 41 at pancer was low grass winner Now they've miated again. Af- four for a U-13 season mark, Harraway gets back toto busi- bonnet for Coach Bob Gllsson. His lucky hat is giving up only a tHrd inning sin- year, discarded bis regular bastos. is credited with attract- in lbs IS holes tournament boa- ter winning lour ol flv«, Includ- ounce hat, picked op a Slomos mg many aew horssmea. Andy Sfkora et Bta- gettining old. ing two out of three (ram Sangle by Maury Wills and a sev- enm-inning double by Duke cannon and tagged Bob Bohr's Ia todays feature, a class B CONGRATULATIONONG S TO THE N. J. RACING Francisco, they had a chance first pitch for tbs tio*reaklng pace. Dynamic Hanover, Bart Mrs. Virginia Vnehud wu to done within a half-game ol Snider. COMMISSION—Yesterday the commission lifted the homer at MUwaoka*. Hit only Wagner to tba suBty. ts ths early tow net victor, te th* coaspstt-Grid Sessions the idle Drat place Glaatj tact The Cards had only four hits, Ban for nine kotos, Mrs. Frank suspension of Thomas P. Harraway. Uncroft trainer. other horn* run la the lators Un* favorite. Fan Norris, Rsn- but two were home rasa. Ken came whan ha woa a rookie daB Stafford driving, is •araea wu tow grom winner. Get Under Wtv The horse involved. "Star Ice," was released by Har- But old nem«eii Larry Jack' Beyer'y s Mm. a g in *5T. choice et 74 aad Meaty Brewer, aad Mrs. Glsdys Todd took low h h raway last Saturday to trainer George HoweU of See- Ma heat them with a hro-hitter shot that extended Ms bitting CardwsH, now S-7 win Ms aad St Louii wu a 34 winner, streak to 30 games, ended John- is third best at S-3. beyville, who Is to train the horse until Harraway goto fourth straight victory, snowed Mrs. George Wiee. Mrs. Harry dropping MM Dodgers 1H games ny Podrss' winning string st only six hits, including Ed Ma- Post for the feature la appro* Majrl* aad Mrs. Bdwsrd Wist. back into business. four. Podres (12-ft also gave up thews' SftJt home ran and Jo*imatafy <•*». First past ecmgti- ST.. wera ia charge ef the guest This case was reviewed u this corner last The Giants hay all Ales Grammas' Ho. 3 homer in Adcock's 22nd. OUt iSh9 FVWBOlsl MsWtfasgf sal 2 the fourth inning, and a double week and m case you've forgotten, It involved Philadelphia cracked Buhr (11-S) had a two*lt start- o'clock. Last week Kw womea' of • third place Milwaukee. «. on in the sixth by Don Blkeingame,out until th* sixth, when the last eon HU1 held *sk annual Laay- alleged stta—latioti of Star Ice, at Camlm n May. pitcher DOB Cardwell's two-run who stole third aad scored en Caddy Day with golf nada Grammas' place Phils scored three runs, and Mocuaoatfh Park la July. Glad to knew Harra- homer In the ninth. That left the bunt two on Gene Fresss's Mate. Princeton Opens awhen honortog the eaddUs. way will be bade at Ms trade. Mn. Arthur Crawford aad Save Ins anpafak a wsikeat hi Erm* Haeher turaad la I A moraiag and than pat them SHORT SNORTS—Jack Sunderland, who won the Grid Practice grass score for II. and Mrs. tbair paces during the Red Bank Open Tennis Tournament Sunday, keeps in Jim Bunning Blanks Chicago BLAWSTOWN (AP)-Ivy Lea- Fraaeto Nary aad Jimmy Ca- fine shape for his Job when playing mis court game. gue regulations nix spring foot- tandrlllo had low net for rise ball practtc*. as Coach Dick Coi- Wes. Mrs. Edith Ksyltr aad Jack Is a member of the FBI. and in this position it man tost no tim* yesterday put- Hsstto ...._ Is always good to be In tip-top shape. White Sox; Lead by 5 Games tingg SI c as an lam to work m honors. Low net went to Mrs. Jus Schafer, a tenser reatdont *f M PrincetoPi KnWn OpOaMQ. ffjndrills for an-Joaa MHtor aad Pat TalaedfUls loatbolssnitoB. fjk grn^ fannnnnnniBs*ea M^i^a^B^4«*^a_ End Ave, iBMwabMjr, la • sMaeber of the Fear- chapter to the the White Sox* hits, in fee fourth a sacrifice fly. Xaoan wu 4-for- The players Mrs. Crmfoitf oay Loots* tee-• Alaska. Ke- strange career of Mm Burning, and ttte ninth. Louis Aperido 5. upping his AL leadtog avenge J"ZJ Tbs the lean rlght-haader who was a had the other as Banning, now fiv* points to .MS. " "" before ar- Nary mpostesrs.hsr.3d bC fSSLTsrar s lotiiag f and Ms teeessMtes traveled te surprise JS-ftme winner two 14-1S, bagged his fifth straight pottM low not. POT ll» |p^w nhfla iw g*^s^u^^ wiUbs Five singles gave the Yi rival at camp here. MEdM Walla Walla, Wsstv, to play th* WaBa WaBa years ago. *ea pHchod a n»hlt victory. three firsMaaiag rune against "SimarntaaTti •"• Ksj^fMgrwMtor VM lOwW BfJ| fksfj |Sh#j> g«j> SntJkgaft at^SkSkanti Me Re. two-eday won- LA AA^ *aTi. • •_•. .Zu OBWBI ansssjat Bjsjf •BBJaTKto bat* *»ajBBBBBBd MaJ tmi t ass- It also was th* Tigers' fifth loser Jerry Walker. They got o*at«5fc»tia, th* jrtou^a»d Mi*. John MUtor, Last night ha shut out Chica- their other two against Ami* in *^- Young Schafer la quite a pitcher for Fairbanks success la a row, matching their for a Al go's streaking, first place White Portocarrero in the ninth, flard rinlt< Ught best streak of the year, and re- La- driBsfarRad with a 12-1 record. In one game played with 21 at-bats Sox, one of tbs toughest dubs tained their one-game hold on (14-7) gave up six hits, giving High he fanned 18 and Issued net one walk. He also pitched to blank la the . third place (1«M gsmes behind) way m th* seventh when the The ia Sopt M Jensen Heads to ha corn- putting them away on three sin- two no-hitters during the season. He is the son of Sgt over New York. The Yankees Orioles twice loaded Hie base*. oath* when Rut- gl d di g hi g The Birds bad area on agate fa First Class Raymond Schafer. who was formerly sta- i will Ivy Pin Loop Coach Arato string at five as Detroit took a Ford and reliever Ryne Duron the ninth before Daren put it try the SM tioned at Fort Monmouth. The visiting team brought 44 victory. away. James Jsaoan. Freehold, wu combined for a seven-hit shutout. Princeton eat at flto am ass- along a 49-star flag and an Alaska banner and pre< It was Butting's first shut Washington beat Boston. 7-4. with Klllebrew's homer, tytag Cleve- last year. letted prtsidsat of ths Ivy out ia 41 starts since July 20 of Hsrmo- Killebrew regaining a land's Rocky CoUvito for the Bowiing League st a recent or- sented it to the Pony League tournament director at load, gave ths Senators a 4-) p i sari *f tbt last year—the dsy he no-hit Bos- share of the Major League home last year's S-J record rest with gasiiattoaal msstlag. Walla Walla. The flag was flown during the stay of lead in the seventh Inning. Then Other oftleers stoctod ton 34. And It was only the sixthrun lead with his 3tth. the Interior Une. , of aa the Fairbanks team. Urns this season thst the White they nailed it with throe runs m Colman most find replacements Ethel Brehaus, Msrgaavtlle, The Tigers tagged Bob Shaw the eighm, two on Roy Sloven' vice president; Hetaa Reselle. Jim Rafy. Red Baak High School's star getter Sox, tfMir edge over rain-Idled for All-Ivy guard Joe Dodso aad Cleveland cut to five games, for nine of their 12 hits snd all doubt*. Camilo Paaeaal (1S-1S) hefty tackle Gea* Fordone, a Keyport, saeratory; Wtlter Tier. la th* spriag. recently ceaspatgd In the 14th an- have been held scoreless, s low their runs In his five in woa It with Tex aevongei's re- Rod Bank, treasurer, sad Ken George McQelaa. three-year letter man. He wiU AaMrtcaa nual National Jaycee Junk* Getf Taf emit at matched only by Boston in thegiving Bunning m* run he lief bete. Ths Nats war* out-hiuitt miss Art Max sad Frank Schuht, iMkweod. Fair Hsvsa, repr*. Bret ed in the first inning whoa Lar- 131344, bbut collected 11 wests, eight is EHiabeth Manor Country dub, Bear Norfolk. Va. who sat out tost year with injur . . County Ted Klussewskl las sad will not be back. The Navy tntertataed the players with a Kuenn doubled and Al Kalino hit Tbs leafMs will start with 11 SnortsovTomTrssbetarssns- •board th* aircraft with a top average of N. C, attends Central Rain Halts Tba tosp will be In action hi eat son at sw- Motowaa-Keyport Recrea-«?. Rutgers Gridmen Cantor allays Tbtragay Mik* Trash. U.S. Team Nears Crunching NEW BRUNSWICK (A*)-Bj»V at S:M p.m. Al Uaasr «i •» Wla- Msopsaed "rifrall practfosyes- N. C. toreay. Rain threw the ateyan Ths flrst seal for a toss ia ths all May 37. 1STJ. Victory in Pan-Am Games tailed to dampen the . at Coach John SUegmaa. CHICAGO. (AP> — The track umph without defeat agalatt El "It appears u if and field phate of the third Pan- Salvador (M). while Canada (I havs American Gam«« cndi today, but 1) moats Puerto Rico (M). during the summer and are reedy not the crunching United lutes' Paced by world shotput ehanv to go to work." a* said at day's victory msrch which Is five days pton Parry O*Mea aad end. chaser Phil Coiemaa, th** USA ef widespread competition HsputhlsMcaadwatos produced 13 gold medals. irabbed five more track gold jht drills durtog e As lh* USA's Oiympic-polntiag Three Amerl- beer sesstoa M tbs track sound seeks a last batch el titles la a seven-evert Udada WIIHams. the flash from a haV-banr to lbs gram to Soldier Field, aa equally e thuadantofsj curtailed powerful American swimming Is- tar Mums* activity. hwipionehlp «P*ta» wtoaor; bread fcsjptr ts th ^^ »» j ie> ji___-i-_ action" la the •panklag new ~^AnePer » Smith; aad high Jumper •ob BlanchasW. of ttasfcsM, Arm Plyaa. Bl tago Park pool. O'Brlea aad Coiemaa hung up Ms^potiad Jastor, to Hist I rlgsM tackle. BlanchfMM shares The oae-tldtdMii of (his IS-iMpftflShW SOW rAt>*Alli fOOOfw i Csiessa • (Nlgbt) dsy western hemisphere athlsttc IMH in th* shotput and *••* teb wttt Ml Puney ef gtt> City et Ctovaisad, carnival is underscored by th*In the 3.MS motor steeplechase. sa. Pa., last assess. fact that, beyond the United In the MM meter steplechsiu t Is being siuftod to toft states, ths only other gold medal Miss Smith also notched a met; •ska* eesks^L -^iU. •h^Stl winners hsvs beta Cubs, with tmr WttiCgi pmmmmm mwm mark with an IM *4 broad Jump vto wMh Paul Oustto et Harts- two. snd West ladles. Argentina, In all, lbs USA now hsi won Mexico and Chile with IS IN THI AMI-Cn.ek l*b «Miisoii, Rod lank High SchceJ, resllsg en burg. Pa. 14 of ths II men's event* and Larry MusckistU. Trsaton, whs In track and field today, seven of the nlae women's events, •no knae In the cenrar of th* pi^lura, ti falling football eandMatot How a plsy reading chamstoa Adhemar Fee- skeulai be warlt**** •* thth** 1\* tj Alti Cb l OMpy guard psst tost yoer. setting II new meet records for prMfitfi # yt,t-fj#y. Asiliteni reira Da Sllvs Is fevered to wiamen and four for women. Ceeeb le* OMien Ins bop stop snd-iump: ths West f*r the ««• «rerke«* tetsien. Pjw»/lvsata al Franktta FMa. there was s little ^*MS)sjp»WpiUSjs; MpCo 17| OJM O Indtas may upset ths USA la tbs pace last night as MM meter relay; aad Walter contenders, Iscnidtog Rsry_ Cal- to noted strictly aa aa toslde Its ssaeon wt* PriaestosTal PkHllihUll « IB m George Kerr. Big Ten stsr fromArm* (rung-Tiger Sept. M Tetnm^Osma»esdPrsbi Lome* of Argentina is a strong th* U. of Illinois, led a 1-2-3 houn, Rudy warkor. contender la the marathon. S.ndy. sweep over West Indies in the Fight Tonight Tlgar has a highly regarded M13.60 (TtotM, toetora Daylight) M af*4W^aW^kail*i Jfm * s la swimming. Cuba's Manue l m mttotl < w1 In hi* only two decisions thU left hook, but Armstoag has aev antogton et New York. • P. M Blgbt):7 P. M, U*i (|M) - . -•. . • « Ol" b ISd A (IS-tt) vs. Mess (134) Baagwlly seems a cinch to regls- won the st meter* women', hur- CAMDKN (AF) - Unbeaten, yesr, both IS-reuaders.. -. Arm- er hose aa tbs ftoar stoos turslag fJiOtO(AP) - Preed aad Friend (e>U) vs. 'New. tlNth-rsjiked middleweight Gene I'"wig beat Eddto Dtoon Jaa. I, Pro- Betfott at Chtcaaa (I(, , twi-aJgbtJgbt) tor the only non-USA title. That dies in s record III time, ind ta esssbs ta. LEONARDO - Mrs bout from Camden's Convention his a 33-13 record, includtog IS first two races got beck MU.MOervsW r (f>M) Icsra OilO ) It LssjH at Us Aagstot, II P. M§(|1 M. Brefbe Oil) vs. McOsvW in tennis, Chile's l.uis Ayala tavtg* snd Mr* Robert Han ksm hauls but only two of st vs. •:M P. M. mesu Canada's Rob Boderd for fight* *T< <*"«•• p Jimmy Thistle won m* feature Itre win meet in the finili'for The fight Mill hr tern over AIM W. Vs Ho is spsndtog th* Brewer (M) vs O'Dell (MS) Chtcago at lea Fraaclsee, 4:» the men's singles llile, while the Bencon Hill Country Cluh's Worn- beginning at lit |> stat i* earned a draw June rsc*, with owner fd Lasr, of! P. M Anderaas (114) v» Jeass USA's pro-mladad Althta Gibson, tn't rhampionahlp. Armitroni, V, if l.ll/atirth. Cky. Ohio. h.nd..n, lh.|Wiih(||gte|| „ Nfw Yofk , p „ (IMI) arsnclni out of "r»llr#rn»nl." YeMerday, Mn Squlllaie rfr htun'l lout «inif Im lurnrcl prti'P11* dwlMnn July 7 al In* facts Yoisnda Remlrei of Mnl •eled Mr*. Albert Stem, twejafler a aervur lni< h in lftt.1 All *'"•» Npnrl* Pelar*. llrait Innr* Ml 731 In II wst Ih* lyetr^ld hay geld *O|I'!!_!U Btll"IM)f* i:l" p M »i. Louis si Las Angetet II P. M Co. for lh* women's irnwn. ml "n«. •IHI MI. Savav* Him I"* til* win* «ri<> liv vi>ltnd ll>ii yeaysnr lug's third victory in hit last °"" Chlcsso at ssn Prssclsee. 4M The USA's poweiful haikri Mr* Charles Krylfrjeepl on* hy tnhnnnl knmkiHii mnttiat In slylri. Armilrnngi*ri