. RESORTS FORECLOSURE SALES FORECLOSURE SALES Injured SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW Houjjegg Retired to tiie Stud SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KEVT YORK..The Real Estate Title Insurance YORK..Frederick Peterson. Plaintiff, and Trust Company of Philadelphia and ngnlnst Fourth Leasehold. Inc., Abraham Herbert P. Queal, as Trustees, Plaintiffs, -onken, et al.. Defendant«. LAUREL HOUSE against Winthrop Dahigren and others. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclos¬ Defendants. ure and sale, duly made and entered In the Omar In pursuanco of a of fore¬ Famous Racer judgment above-entitled action and bearing dat# th« Dùnwoodie closure Khayyam Lake and sale, duly made and entered ¡2th the Club N. J» day of April. 1918. I. undersigned, ßelmont's wood, In the Country above-entitled action and bearing the in will referee «aid Judgment nam(_. An ideal spring resort. Golf, date the 12th day of April, 1..8, î. the sell at public auction, at the Exchang. tennis, undersigned, the referee ¡n said Judgment Salesroorn. Nos. 14-IG Vesey Street, in the« the And Will To Aid motoring, riding, driving. named, will sell at public auction, at tho Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, Various 14-1. Cudgel New Exchange Salesroom, No. Vesey at o'clock Season War Funds Jersey State on the 8th day of May. 1918, 12 Off Trap Shooting in Turf Street, the of Manhattan, for City Tournament Borough noon on that day. by Henrr Brady, auc¬ May 16, 17, 18. of New York, on the 7th day cf May, 1918, tioneer, the premises directed by said Judg¬ at 12 o'clock noon on that day. by Bryan ment to be and therein described a« Meet Telephone 430 Lakewood. L. tho di¬ sold, To-morrow Kennelly, auctioneer, premises follow«: Asks Each of Its 400 Active A. J. of Murphy, Mgr. C. V. Murphy, Atit. Mfr. rected by said judgment to be sold, and ALL that plot or parcel of land, with therein described as follows: the improvements thereon, situât* in the Self in Workout Kennel Notes Members to Contribute First Parcel..All that certain lot, piece Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, or parcel of land situate and being In tlse known as No. 4 West SOth bounded Kicks Automobüing Ward of the Street, Twenty-first City of New and Pimlico Spring At¬ York and described as follow«: Belmont Park A first rate has Handicap $10 lying In Section 3 in Block .89 COMMENCING at a point in the south¬ at entry been received on the nd map of th* said City of New erly side of Fiftieth Street distant on« for the specialty show of the tracts Fine List of Conference in flßarIl>oro"i8h-_3!.nlv»f« York and bounded and described as fol¬ hundred and feet westwardly Brussels Washington THI LU. rXfl RlSOrtr MOUSE OF twenty-fiv«» To-1 TMI WMU lows, viz.: from the corner formed by the Intersection Griffon Club of America at ATLANTIC at a on the the will the Park Fast Ones The Dunwoodie Country Club shows day Will Fix CITY, N.J. Beginning point Southerly of the southerly side of said street with -s of Avertie Hotel next afternoon. Automobile "THE NATION'S HBALTH SHOf side of Thirty-fourth Street distant one the westerly side of Fifth Avenue, thence not »ee Hourless. the great On account of theFriday it patriotism by an appeal to its mem- HEALTH I« KPPieiKNCV hundred and seventy-five (176) feet Easter- running southwardly parallel with the ¡SSv being initial attempt Production After A Germicide ly from the Southeasterly corner of Thirty- Fifth Avenve one hundred feet and five Hourglass II, per- in the show bcrs to do their bit for the men in the Aug. 1 GHiIf-atream-tempered Clîmao». fourth Street and Lexington Avenue, run- with .ran by Negciol ?_ , i»lub business all 6.. No Sluih. No Dust. No Dirt. inches, thence westwardly parallel t.acks this sea- the leading fanciers of this BALTIMORE, May The first trenches. The club ha3 an tnnurnerabU fling thence Southerly parallel with Lex- Fiftieth Street twenty-seven feet, thence Eastern interesting active mem- OuT