Contact details Last and First name of Judge Szutkiewicz Andrzej Address 15-674 Białystok, ul. Konwaliowa 22 m.1, Poland E-mail
[email protected] Mobile (+48) 602 592 752 Home phone, Fax ZKwP Branch Białystok Languages Polish, English, Russian Number of breeds within FCI Groups FCI Group FCI group name Level 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) (50/52) International 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs International and other breeds (54/54) 3 Terriers (34/34) International 4 Dachshunds (9/9) International 5 Spitz and primitive types (61/61) International 6 Scenthounds and related breeds (14/77) International 7 Pointing Dogs (37/37) International 8 Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs (22/22) International 9 Companion and Toy Dogs (3/33) International 10 Sighthounds (13/13) International List of breeds FCI Group Breed Level Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) 1 Ardennes Cattle Dog (FCI - 171) International 1 Australian Cattle Dog (FCI - 287) International 1 Australian Kelpie (FCI - 293) International 1 Australian Shepherd (FCI - 342) International 1 Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog (FCI - 351) International 1 Bearded Collie (FCI - 271) International 1 Belgian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 15) International 1 Belgian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 15) International 1 Belgian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 15) International 1 Belgian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 15) International 1 Bergamasco Shepherd (FCI - 194) International 1 FCI Group Breed Level 1 Berger de Beauce (FCI - 44) International 1 Berger