Sunday 29 March PALM SUNDAY Thursday 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY 08.00 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion

11.00 Office of the Royal Entry to this service is strictly by ticket only 09.30 Morning Prayer Maundy

10.30 Cathedral Eucharist Choral Scholars and Songmen 16.30 Evening Prayer Setting Mass a 4 - Byrd

Anthem Pueri Hebraeorum - Palestrina 19.30 Eucharist of the Last Preacher The Revd Capt Ian Maher Supper followed by Vigil Voluntary Passacaglia in C minor – Bach until midnight Choral Scholars and Songmen

Setting Stanford in C and F 16.00 Evensong Choral Scholars and Songmen Anthems Ubi Caritas – Lauridsen Psalm 69. 1 - 20 A Litany - Walton Responses Plainsong Preacher The Revd Canon Michael Page Canticles Magnificat a 8 – Palestrina Voluntary The Lamenatations - Bairstow Anthem Nunc dimittis – plainsong Tenebrae – Victoria Preacher The Revd Canon Keith Farrow, Canon Missioner Friday 3 GOOD FRIDAY Voluntary Valet will ich dir geben – Bach 08.45 Morning Prayer

10.00 Children’s Stations

12.00 Stations of the Cross Monday 30 MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Alan Billings 08.45 Morning Prayer 13.30 Liturgy of the Day with Veneration of the Cross 12.30 Eucharist with address Preacher: The Revd Canon Keith Farrow and Meditation Canon Missioner 16.30 Evening Prayer 15.30 Confessions

19.00 Diocesan Chrism Mass 16.30 Evening Prayer

Preacher: The Saturday 4 EASTER EVE Tuesday 31 TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK 10.00 Morning Prayer 08.45 Morning Prayer 15.00 Evening Prayer 12.30 Eucharist with address Preacher: The Dean

17.00 Eucharist with Baptism Preacher: The 16.30 Evening Prayer and Confirmation

Wednesday 1 April WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Sunday 5 EASTER DAY 08.45 Morning Prayer 05.30 Dawn Vigil, Easter

Ceremonies and First 10.30 Holy Communion with Preacher: The Bishop of Sheffield Eucharist of Easter address

Preacher: The Revd Canon Christopher Burke 09.30 Morning Prayer 16.30 Vice Dean and Precentor Evening Prayer 10.30 Cathedral Eucharist with

Holy Baptism

Setting Mozart Coronation Mass Anthem Zadok the – Handel

Preacher The Bishop of Sheffield

Festival Evensong 16.00 Psalm 105 Responses Rose Canticles Stanford in C Anthems Blessed be the God and Father – Wesley Zadok the Priest – Handel Preacher The Dean The Very Reverend Peter Bradley, Dean Neil Taylor, Director of Music The Revd Canon Christopher Burke, Vice Dean and Precentor Joshua Hales, Assistant Director of Music