Patient Participation Group For Ormesby and Caister Chair Judy Clift [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting of the Coastal Partnership PPG at Ormesby Surgery on Monday 15th July 2019


Name Role Surgery Organisation

Judy Clift Chair Hemsby Somerton Parish Council

Jackie Southam Lead receptionist Ormesby

Dilly Turton Healthwatch Martham

Stuart Brooks Martham

Jackie Goffin Hemsby

Peter Lavender Martham

Wendy McCready

Liz Chalk Hemsby

Karen Kirk Hemsby

Brian Herring Caister

Sharon Marsden Practice Manager

Kathryn Wendt Hemsby Ormesby Parish Council

Sue Wilkinson Caister

Author: Judy Page 1 of 3 Edit Date Sep 3, 19, 11:57 AM Members are asked not to bring personal issues to the meeting. If you do have a personal issue please contact the lead receptionist at your registered surgery. Apologies:

Chrissie Turner Martham

Emma Roberts Martham Pam Richmond Hemsby Rebecca Blackstone Hemsby Karen Clarke Ormesby

1 Welcome to two new members, Kathryn and Wendy, introductions and apologies.


2 Minutes of the meeting of 8th April and Matters Arising . . The minutes were agreed. No matter arising All

3 Action Log Review . The Action Log was reviewed and updated – see the Action Log All

4 Autumn Flu Campaign. Some vaccine will be late. Saturday sessions should take place in September . and October. PPG members required to talk through revised patient questionnaire with attendees. Useful information gleaned last year from talking to patients. Important that level of patient awareness all on practice changes can be assessed. Flu clinics give an opportunity to spread awareness of changes

5 Same Day Team started on 29/04/19 for Martham and Ormesby. Some hiccups to start with. Two . nurses now training to be nurse practitioners. Concerns re access, transport and communication about the service. Sharon emphasised that clinics need to be on one site. The model needs to work to develop a future proofed resilient team within available resources. Patients may be seen by a variety pf professionals all of whom are supervised by the dedicated GP. Nearly all urgent on the day patients are seen at Martham, with a few on the day appointments available at Ormesby. No discernible impact on Martham patients yet. Paramedics will be able to prescribe after one year in practice. Paramedics will manage care homes and minor illnesses.

Aim to cover all surgeries as soon as practicable.

6 Primary Care Networks

The local PCN will be the main topic for the October PPG meeting. Led by Rebecca Blackstone and colleagues from ECCH

Author: Judy Page 2 of 3 Edit Date Sep 3, 19, 11:57 AM Members are asked not to bring personal issues to the meeting. If you do have a personal issue please contact the lead receptionist at your registered surgery. 7 Surgery Updates: improved access scheme working well for GP appointments, but many nursing appointments remain unused. Still some issues with issuing prescriptions.

The local PCN ( and Northern Villages) is looking at targets, and population segmentation. The PCN will appoint an additional social prescriber and pharmacist

8 Draft Work Plan for 2019:

Plan Flu campaign

Monitor impact of Same Day team, Primary Care Networks and NHS other changes

Focus on communication. As in many practices, a large number of patients have yet to understand and absorb the changes in Primary Care services.

Issues raised:

Dilly: the British Heart Foundation's Atrial Fibulation research, and whether the practice is taking part.

Sharon: the practice is considering introducing online consultations

PPG members are concerned that communications about practice changes and developments are not always understood/received/absorbed by patients. Members would be glad to assist in developing a communications strategy.

Question from Wendy re the practice approach to complementary therapies.

Date and Time and Venue for next meetings in 2019:-

Tuesday 8th October 1 to 3pm

Joint PPG meeting with East Norfolk Medical Practice Tuesday November 26th 2019 at 6pm at Newtown Surgery, Lawn Avenue Great Yarmouth NR30 1PQ

Tuesday January 7th 2020 1 to 3pm

Please note all the meetings will be held at Martham Surgery Date, Time and Venue for next Meetings

Author: Judy Page 3 of 3 Edit Date Sep 3, 19, 11:57 AM Members are asked not to bring personal issues to the meeting. If you do have a personal issue please contact the lead receptionist at your registered surgery.