Acarorum Catalogus VII 1

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Acarorum Catalogus VII 1 Acarorum Catalogus VII 1 ACARORUM CATALOGUS Editor Petar Beron 2 Acarorum Catalogus VII Acarorum Catalogus VII 3 ACARORUM CATALOGUS VII Trombidiformes Prostigmata Raphignathoidea Fam. Barbutiidae, Caligonellidae, Camerobiidae, Cryptognathidae, Dasythyreidae, Dytiscacaridae, Eupalopsellidae, Homocaligidae, Mecognathidae, Raphignathidae, Stigmaeidae, Xenocaligonellididae Petar Beron Pensoft National Museum of Natural History, Sofia Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia 2020 4 Acarorum Catalogus VII ACARORUM CATALOGUS VI Order Mesostigmata. Gamasina: Dermanyssoidea (Rhinonyssidae, Spinturnicidae) Petar Beron First published 2020 ISBN 978-619-248-008-0 (hardback) ISBN 978-619-248-007-3 (e-book) Pensoft Series Faunistica No 221 Beron P. 2020. Acarorum Catalogus VII. Trombidiformes, Prostigmata, Raphignathoidea. Fam. Barbutiidae, Caligonellidae, Camerobiidae, Cryptognathidae, Dasythyreidae, Dytiscacaridae, Eupalopsellidae, Homocaligidae, Mecognathidae, Raphignathidae, Stigmaeidae, Xenocaligonellididae. Pensoft & Natn. Mus. Nat. Hist., Sofia, 306 pp. © PENSOFT Publishers © National Museum of Natural History, Sofia All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Pensoft Publishers Prof. Georgi Zlatarski 12, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria Fax: +359-2-870-42-82 [email protected] Printed in Bulgaria, June 2020 Acarorum Catalogus VII 5 Contents Introduction ...............................................................................................................................8 The Mite Superfamily Raphignathoidea .................................................................................9 Some General Reference .................................................................................................10 The Mite Family Barbutiidae Robaux ...................................................................................17 Composition of Barbutiidae ...........................................................................................17 Catalogue of Barbutiidae ................................................................................................17 Index of Barbutiidae ........................................................................................................18 Distribution of Barbutiidae ............................................................................................18 Bibliography of Barbutiidae ...........................................................................................19 The Mite Family Caligonellidae Grandjean .........................................................................21 Composition of Caligonellidae ......................................................................................21 Catalogue of Caligonellidae ...........................................................................................21 Index of Caligonellidae ...................................................................................................31 Distribution of Caligonellidae .......................................................................................33 Bibliography of Caligonellidae.......................................................................................34 The Mite Family Camerobiidae Southcott ...........................................................................39 Composition of Camerobiidae ......................................................................................39 Catalogue of Camerobiidae ............................................................................................40 Index of Camerobiidae ...................................................................................................63 Distribution of Camerobiidae ........................................................................................65 Bibliography of Camerobiidae .......................................................................................68 The Mite Family Cryptognathidae Oudemans ....................................................................74 Composition of Cryptognathidae .................................................................................74 Catalogue of Cryptognathidae .......................................................................................74 Index of Cryptognathidae ..............................................................................................85 Distribution of Cryptognathidae ...................................................................................86 Bibliography of Cryptognathidae ..................................................................................88 The Mite Family Dasythyreidae Walter et Gerson ..............................................................93 Composition of Dasythyreidae ......................................................................................93 Catalogue of Dasythyreidae ...........................................................................................93 Index of Dasythyreidae ...................................................................................................94 6 Acarorum Catalogus VII Distribution of Dasythyreidae .......................................................................................94 Bibliography of Dasythyreidae.......................................................................................94 The Mite Family Dytiscacaridae Hajikanbar et Lindquist .................................................95 Composition of Dytiscacaridae .....................................................................................95 Catalogue of Dytiscacaridae ..........................................................................................95 Index of Dytiscacaridae ..................................................................................................96 Distribution of Dytiscacaridae .....................................................................................96 Bibliography of Dytiscacaridae .....................................................................................96 The Mite Family Eupalopsellidae Willmann .......................................................................97 Composition of Eupalopsellidae ...................................................................................97 Catalogue of Eupalopsellidae .........................................................................................97 Index of Eupalopsellidae...............................................................................................105 Distribution of Eupalopsellidae ...................................................................................106 Bibliography of Eupalopsellidae ..................................................................................108 The Mite Family Homocaligidae Wood .............................................................................112 Composition of Homocaligidae ..................................................................................112 Catalogue of Homocaligidae ........................................................................................112 Index of Homocaligidae ...............................................................................................114 Distribution of Homocaligidae ....................................................................................114 Bibliography of Homocaligidae ...................................................................................115 The Mite Family Mecognathidae Gerson et Walter ..........................................................116 Composition of Mecognathidae ..................................................................................116 Catalogue of Mecognathidae .......................................................................................116 Index of Mecognathidae ...............................................................................................117 Distribution of Mecognathidae ...................................................................................118 Bibliography of Mecognathidae ...................................................................................118 The Mite Family Raphignathidae Kramer ..........................................................................119 Composition of Raphignathidae .................................................................................119 Catalogue of Raphignathidae .......................................................................................119 Index of Raphignathidae ..............................................................................................131 Distribution of Raphignathidae ...................................................................................133 Bibliography of Raphignathidae ..................................................................................135 The Mite Family Stigmaeidae Oudemans ..........................................................................140 Composition of Stigmaeidae ........................................................................................140 Catalogue of Stigmaeidae .............................................................................................141 Acarorum Catalogus VII 7 Index of Stigmaeidae .....................................................................................................242
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