The PILGRIM WILIAM WHITE PILGRIM SOCIETYWILLIAM NEWS WHITE SOCIETYEst. 2013news Est. 2013 Vol. 2, No. 2 30 Apr 2014 Richard S. Wheeler, Editor GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Dear Pilgrim William White Society Members, This newsletter contains important information regarding our first Society member- ship meeting—the 2014 TPWWS Triennial Meeting on Monday, September 8th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel (Halifax Room) in Plymouth, MA. At the meeting we will elect officers, ratify bylaws, and take care of any other business that requires tending to. The proposed slate of officers and the proposed Bylaws are con- tained in this newsletter. Please read the proposed Bylaws very carefully. If you have questions or comments, please contact me at
[email protected]. The Board of Directors and TPWWS member Richard Wheeler, a practicing attorney in FL, served as the Bylaws Committee in coming up with the proposed Bylaws. It seems as if we worked on them forever—countless e-mail exchanges; but we believe we have a document that is useful. The document is intended to address the basics of Interim Governor Prarie Counce how the business of the Society is to proceed, and to assign responsibilities to the peo- ple who are elected to run the Society on a day-to-day basis. I appreciate so much the In this issue time and effort devoted to these Bylaws by the Board and Richard. Hopefully, the work we have done this past year will make it easier for future administrations. Governor’s Message 1 TPWWS member Jan Downing has agreed to be the Parliamentarian for our member- Membership Directory 2-3 ship meeting.