Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience The Tunka detector complex: from cosmic-ray to gamma-ray astronomy This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2015 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 632 012034 ( View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 26/01/2016 at 10:01 Please note that terms and conditions apply. 24th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS2014) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 632 (2015) 012034 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/632/1/012034 The Tunka detector complex: from cosmic-ray to gamma-ray astronomy N Budnevb, I Astapovi, N Barbashinai, A Bogdanovi , D Bogorodskiib, V Boreykoj, M Bükerf, M Brücknerk, A Chiavassad, O Chvalaevb, O Gressb, T Gressb, A Dyachokb, S Epimakhovf, A Gafatovb , N Gorbunovj , V Grebenyukj , A Grinukj , A Haungsl, R Hillerl, D Hornsf, T Huegel, A Ivanovab, A Kalininj , N Karpova, N Kalmykova, Y Kazarinab, V Kindini, N Kirichkovb, S Kiryuhinb, M Kleifgesm, R Kokoulini , K Komponiesti, A Konstantinova, E Konstantinovb, A Korobchenkob, E Korostelevaa, D Kostuninl, V Kozhina, O Krömerm, M Kunnasf, L Kuzmicheva, V Lenokb, B Lubsandorzhievc, N Lubsandorzhieva, R Mirgazovb, R Mirzoyane,b, R Monkhoevb, R Nachtigallf, A Pakhorukovb, M Panasyuka, L Pankovb, A Petrukhini, V Platonovb, V Poleschukb, E Popovaa, A Porellih, V Prosina, V Ptusking, G Rubtsovc, C Rühlem, V Samoligab, P Satuning, V Savinovb, A Saunkinb,F Schröderl, Yu Semeneyb, B Shaibonov (junior)c, A Silaeva, A Silaev (junior) a, A Skurikhina, V Sluckaj , C Spieringh, L Sveshnikovaa, V Tabolenkob,A Tkachenkoj , L Tkachevj , M Tluczykontf, D Voroninb, R Wischnewskih, A Zagorodnikovb, V Zurbanovb , I Yashini.
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