Historical 50Ciety Montgomery County Pennsylvania J^O/^/^/Stowjv
BULLETIN jo/^ HISTORICAL 50CIETY MONTGOMERY COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA J^O/^/^/STOWJV 2^PRY PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT IT5 ROOM5 IS EAST PENN STREET NORRI5TOWN. PA. APRIL, 1937 VOLUME I NUMBER 2 PRICE 50 CENTS Historical Society of Montgomery County OFFICERS Nelson P. Fegley, Esq., President S. Cameron Corson, First ViccrPresident Mrs. John Faber Miller, Secoyid Vice-President Chester P. Cook, Third Vice-President George K. Brecht, Recording Secretary Ella Slingluff, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. William M. Gearhart, Financial Secretary Lyman a. Kratz, Treasurer Emily K. Preston, Librarian TRUSTEES Franklin A, Stickler, Chair-man Mrs. a. Conrad Jones Katharine Preston H, H. Ganser Floyd G. Frederick Samuel Gordon Smyth 1859-1930 THE BULLETIN of the Historical Society of Montgomery County Published Semi-Annually—-October and Avril at Norristown, Pa. Volume I April, 1937 Number 2 CONTENTS S. Gordon Smyth Edward W. Hoeker 51 Joseph Price and His Diary, 1788-1810 Charles R. Barker 55 Hon. Josiah S. Pearce, of Athens- ville (Ardmore), Pennsylvania .Luther C. Parsons 67 Washington in Lower Merion Chester P. Cook 74 Cloekmakers, in Pennsylvania, of the 18th and 19thCenturies .. .Sylvester H. Orr 81 Going to School Eighty Years Ago.Henry H. Fetterolf 86 American Firearms from Early Colonial Days ... ., Dr.Thomas B. Snyder 89 Society Notes 92 Reports 94 Publication Committee Dr. W. H. Reed, Chairman Charles R. Barker Chester P. Cook Emily K. Preston, Editor 49 S. Gordon Smyth By Edward W. Hooker Samuel Gordon Smyth, president of the Historical Society of Mont gomery County from 1921 until 1923, was bom at Penn's Manor, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1859.
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