1918-09-05 [P

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1918-09-05 [P BOTH BRITISH ADD FREHCH Danish Children's Home to Urgent Need for Rooms for MAKE MARKED PROGRESS Observe Tenth Anniversary He secrecy tight Hwisekesping Purposes -- .« The local offlce of the homes regis- 1' The tenth anniversary of the Danish UNIT FORMED. (Codtinned from page bureau, JfEW GIRLS' Children's Home will be celebrated in tration service of the housing of the Mar The latest girto’ unit Sun- which has to do with looking after formed brai an improvement in the British the home. 414 Compton avenue. Community Service to be homes and reoras for war workers, 18 Camp position south of Mouvres is reported. day. September 8. at 3 o'clock. Ad- SUITE WARDS they FOR Unit, night down to business at its offlce is ;„a McCrory Still further south the British have dresses will be given by Rev. Kilde- getting successful meeting at tne in the Board of Trade building. Pour held a vary captured the village of Nocville-Bour- gaard, of New York, and Rev. Wint- and worked cut their Board of Charities and Correc- thousand cards have been printed with Public Library kouval, east of Canal du Nord. ker of Bridgeport. The Singing So- and activities attached blanks to be filled out by the ideas for organization More than 16,000 prisoners and ciety Frem will entertain the guests Establish New was elected tions Depart- rooms or flats to rent, Mir* Mabel Randolph more than 100 machine guns have with some favorite songs. All friends person having MIbs Matilda haven’t been called captain of the group and been taken by the British in the past of the home are invited to be present. ment for Its Work so that tboee who are work- Dietz was elected secretary. They four The surplus of the receipts will be for upon to make room for the war and days. oonsM< ring plans for war work the benefit of the home. By Special Correepoeicnt. ers will have an opportunity to help. of the distrib- recreation. The war work Germans Retreat from Noyon. Fourteen members were present at TRENTON, Sept 5:—At the regular llJe cards have already been Each giri Ladies' uted about the the mail car- group has already begun. PARIS, Sept. 5.—The German re- the business meeting of the meeting of the State Board of Chari- city by of «ocks. started to knit a pair treat before the French northeast of Aid Society connected with the home, ties and Corrections held here.yester- riers. has the The patriotic spirit expressed by Noyon continued during the night, to- which was held yesterday afternoon day afternoon, the board adopted the The principal demand la for unfurn- the same en- rooms—a was splendid and war official announcement at the home of Mrs. A. P. Hanson. recommendation of the executive com- ished light housekeeping girls mzstc day's re*t thusiasm was shown during the showed. The French troops kept in 362 High street The collection mittee creating within the department place where a married man can closeo. It was decided to after the strenuous labors of the day ho&r. with which the meeting touch with the enemy rear guards and amounted to 17.59. a Division of Records. Reports and In- to pushed after the retreating foe east of donate a number of roller towels formation and approved Commission- or night on war work. the home and also to assist in the B. The Perth have announces engagement the Canal du Nord. er Lewis's appointment of Louis Amboy people Mildred tenth rooms to The engagement of Miss The statement follows: celebration of the anniversary Rian. Ph.D., am director of the division. shown patriotism in offering strcoU who Stewart Dcitche, of 100 High "During the night French troops of the home. Dr. Blau's salary will be paid entirely single men. but most of those was announced coine are not men. This la a to Dr. W. D. Maxwell maintained contact with the enemy from private funds subscribed by resi- single her sister, east of In- munition center and there are yesterday afternoon by rear guards and made progress dents of the state who are vitally great tender- men who must be Mrs. A. L. Ramsay, at a Party the Canal du Nord and rn the direction terested In the success of the work of scores of married at the home Given with house- ed the Kappa Delta Girls of the Aisne. East of Vesle, they State Highway Engineer the state board. His employment to accommodated tbgse light nineteen man can of Mrs. Ramsay. About crossed the Somme canal in the region direct the public Information service keeping rooms A single accommodation*. members of the society were present. of Voyenne and Offoy. Further south the War will not cost the state any money at nearly always find Rammy. Leave of Absence for of the local two iittle sons of Mrs. went beyond Hombleux. Esmery. all. He be to the E. C. Bassett, manager The the they' win responsible ■ carried in office, haa sent an urgent appeal to all Billy" and -Bobble." Hallcn and Flavy-le-Meldeux. carrying Bn Special Corraaponaent. state board, through the commissioner, of roses. Refresh- of Guiscard as far as work. the people tn this cHy to enlist for the two bouquets pink their lines north State for the conduct of his o clocK. TRENTON. Sept. 5:—The In this ments were served at 4 the outskirts of Berlancourt. In creating the division the state period of the war patriotic Highways Commission this afternoon flor the "Between the Ailette and the Aisne board carries out an important pro- housing service government. granted State Highway Engineer Wil-' is free to all war workers. CLUB AUXILIARY MELTS. the French captured Claracy." Braye vision of the new law and recognizes Service YACHT liam O. Thompson a leave of absence is Call Mr. Bassett. tT. S. Home Regis- meeting of the lAaaier and Mtssy-sur-Aisne. Date yesterday that a correctly Informed public The regular for the duration of the war. Mr. Board of Trade. Raritan Yache Club the French repulsed two violent Ger- vital to the success of Us construc- tration Service. Auxiliary of the Thompson will receive a commission at the club rooms tomor- man counter attacks, south of Mont tive program for the efficient admin- will be held as an army engineer. In his absence o’clock, hol- dcs and east of Deuilly, main- institutions and non- row afternoon at 2:SO Totnbcs Ed- istration of the Assistant State Engineer IwaiULtl/wnl cards will be play- their positions. Highway siMnsle. eilVltAPt I til lowing the meeting taining ward E. Read will be acting head of stamps awarded. The "On the front of the Vesle Franco- Rush of Election ed and thrift the road department at an increased jurisdiction. Copies for the month ol American troops reached the heights It was stated by the Depart- social committee of He now re- today t Mrs. John 80- Aisne. Enlarging compensation $500. most I the of the September follows: dominating is ment of Charities that one made another ceives $5,006. Thompson's salary Laws to Clerks field, chairman; Mrs. Joseph '.opc- their action, the troops important reasons for executive ses- Municipal Mrs. T. A. Ven- $7,000 a year. He will not be paid land, Mrs. J. F. TenBroeck. crossing of the Vesle between sions, is the necessity for protecting • while away, having requested this him- By Correepowtent. Miss Florence Sofleld. caux and Jenchery.” the unfortunate feeble-minded, the Special Schultz and self. TRENTON, Sept. 8—Secretary of epileptic and mentally unbalanced j The plans of the government during State Martin today announced that he Vcrx-h Advance Four to Seven Miles. wards of the state, some of them little SURPRISED. IN the coming months call for a curtail- haa Just been advised by the printer Miller's MISS WEDEEN WITH THE FRENCH ARMIES children, and the members of their ! Christine c ment of all which of the 1918 compila- Miss Sarah Wedeen was tendered Sept. 4 (10 p. state improvements, odhim of that 2,000 copies FRANCE. Wednesday, immediate families from the be deliv- by a numbs: was is taken to mean that the progress of tion of the election laws will pleasant surprise party m.)—Guiscard, north of Noyon. undeserved publicity which will un- lost night In honor ol the work of building the new $15,- ered by Saturday of this week. He of her friends captured by tbe French this afternoon endanger their whole fu- After attend- road system In New Jersey questionably will Immediately mail a copy to each a her sixteenth birthday. following a general advance of some 000,000 ture. The claims that In Voice on department In New York with will be held up. came to municipal clerk in the state and also ing a performance four to seven miles from Mt. St. Thompson the of executive sessions host adopting plan a distribution of the Talking Victoria Metzendorf. the du Nord. New Jersey upon the recommendation make pro rata Miss Simeon to the Canal the board is out both in letter to find her of General Goeth&ls. carrying remainder among the county clerks. was greatly surprised Along the canal French cavalry ad- of the statutes her. The din- and spirit the provisions Two thousand additional will be deliv- many friends awaiting vanced this afternoon from Baboeus to of the in- and on na- which guarantee the privacy 10. room was trimmed with the Mondescourt. on the ered Tuesday, September Machine ing the region of timate facts the lives and the table was dec- concerning The members of the district boards tional colors and Noyon-Chauny road and midway be- their one costestTnprimary experience of the state wards and to be orated with ferns and carnations.
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