Neutrality Irish Experience European Experience Papers presented at a conference organised by Irish School of Ecumenics Dublin Monthly Meeting [Quakers] Peace Committee 8-9 May 2009 edited by Iain Atack and Seán McCrum We are particularly grateful to the key speakers at the public meeting and day seminar. These were: Maurice Hayes for his chairing of the public meeting, Paddy Smyth, Senator Déirdre de Búrca, Senator Ivana Bacik, Martina Weitsch, Wiglef Pürschel, Prof. Edward Dommen, Dr. Magnus Petersson, Dr. Noel Dorr, Prof. John Maguire, Dr. Karen Devine. We are grateful to the facilitators of the seminar’s workshops, Dr. Etain Tannam, Dr. Bill McSweeney, Dr. Andy Storey and to the key speakers who also acted as facilitators. We are also grateful for the important contributions made by those who attended the public meeting and seminar, to general discussions and to the workshops. Dr Karen Devine gratefully acknowledges postdoctoral research funding from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS).” We thank the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College, Dublin and The Royal Irish Academy. For their funding and support, we thank: Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College, Dublin Concerns Committee, Dublin Monthly Meeting The Robert and Kezia Stanley Chapman Trust Doreen Kennedy, for design. All text copyright of the writers and may not be reproduced without permission. Please contact Seán McCrum at
[email protected] for details Dublin Monthly Meeting Peace Committee Contents Maurice Hayes Foreward 4 Iain Atack Introduction 5 Speakers Paddy Smyth Neutrality 6 Senator Déirdre de Búrca The Place of Neutrality in Irish Politics 7 Senator Ivana Bacik Irish Neutrality and International Law 10 Martina Weitsch Neutrality in the European Union – what does it mean in practice? 12 Prof.