Fulton Daily Leader, March 29, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader

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Fulton Daily Leader, March 29, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 3-29-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, March 29, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, March 29, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 622. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/622 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. as* • -"Igirmdiropor. "*"-- V"" 141r1410Prriril The Weather Kentucky: Mostly cloudy and foi somewhat colder in 'North por- tion tonight: occasional rain K T CKY PRES /. and not so warni gunday, pro- ASSOCIATION bably beginning over West por- IIIWITI If* the tion tonight. ,Atitott tili tabitir ,y fkid Wolunse Associated Press Leased Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Saturday Evening, March 29, 19 17 Five. Centsr Per Copy No. 86 lo • Jude, lit Fulton To See Laws Funeral llacl'hail %ad Rickey Arri‘c Veteran I. C. House Probably Won't Ban ‘,...itnnst1 Party, • vvfsv' New I. C. Train Is Held Todav Man Retires But Is Expected To Asl- 1104_,,t le N e w Controls, Mrs. J. N. Laus Oied ti Engineer Flitter Wole On April 15th Detroit 'I'ilesda; Rites Made Iii, Last Trip On Unameriean Activities Committee Member Says Al Chard, of Ilirist Here To 'Take II City New Orleans WI' 111)1111 Funers1 services for Mr . Engineer Elmer P Woley. a VietorN Smile To Be On Exhibit Johnny N Laws were conducted veteran of 43 years' service with SIIVS Pnri v ere the Central et 2:30 this afternoon at the Illinois System, made his I have All Along Route Central Church of Christ, Fulton last trip Friday. March 28. 'llussinn "gent He was here the . derby by Bro. John.B. Harderuan, May- met by fore- Irian, L. A Hussey. Roundhouse , lialf HR1STENING APRIL 24 field Church of Chirst minis- CHEEK 1.0.th 14:1AN'Ell) hels tj ter, astisted by Bro. C. L. liouser, Foreman V. J. Voegela Jr.. and, pres- 29 A postwar dream comes true! loaal pastor. Interment - was in Clerk Alice Clark. and was Washington. March ented a letter from Wayne Drastic new controls over Com- The Illinois Central's long- Boaz Chapel cemetery. with ±:•00,0.• Johnston, president of the sass munist activities in this coun- promised City of New Orleant Hornbeak Funeral home in e tem, complimenting him on his try are certain to be recom- train is getting ready to roll. charge. long service. mended by the House Commit- • The new streamline all coach Mrs. Laws died in Highl:nd tee on Unamerican Activities. a luxury day speedliner will make Park General Hospital, Detroit, Mr. Woley first was employed, member said today. but the a preview exhibition tour of March 25, The body arrived in by the Illinois Central railroad group may decide against out- 33 stations along and near its Fulton this morning, and wes Feb 4. 190i, at Ceieralia. Ill., lawing the Communist party. -New Orleans route be- I in the chapel of the liumbeek Chicago as a fireman, and was promoted The member, who declined to f ginning Tuesday, April 15. Funeral Home until the servicea to engineer Sept. 26, 1907 From! he quoted by Ilanle, said the com- The companion to the Illinois ! Mrs, Lava was born ,st. Lynn- that date until 1918 he ran a mittee likely will split 5-4 against Central's celebrated all-Pull- ville, and lived there and near . switch engine at Mounds, Ills a bill to outlaw the party but night train, the Panama , Dukedom until 17 yeers ago, man then in 1918 went to Centralia probably will he unanimous on will be in Fulton from • when she moved to Detroit to Limited. and worked out of there in chain anti-Communist 3 to 4 p. m. April 17; in May- , make her home with a daugh- legislation. gang service until 1929 This legislation may include 1;91 fs meld from 4:45 to 6 p. in.; and In ter, Mrs. Beatrice Nash. these steps: Paducah from 7 to 10 p. m. She leave: two other daugh- Next Mr. Woley decided to Making it illegal to urge or in the day, the train will ters, Mrs. Dulcie Bell and Mrs. conic to Fulton and work on the Earlier conspire to overthrow the gov- be on exhibit at Carbondale, Ill., Janice Powell of Tueson, Ariz. Bluford District, better known ernment by unconstitutional from 7:30 to 9 a. m. and at Cairo, three sons: Paul and Thurnion among railroad men as the Edge- methods or by force; tightening Ill., from 11 a. m, to 1 p. m. of Albuquerque, N. M., and Orden Breech Rickey (left), president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and wood Cutoff. He has since made up of registration and finger- Friday. April 18, the City of of Tucson; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Early MarPhan trighti pres:dent of the New York Yankees, his home here, working and print of aliens: requiring the New Orieens will be at Prince- Provine of Amarillo, Tex., and Fla., for a hearing before Base. laughing, and everyone who enter a hotel at St. Peteteburg, Communist party to publish ton, Dawson Springs, Norton- Mrs. Mary Powerssof Union City, knows him knows that he does ball Commissioner A. B. Chandler on MaePhail's charges of lists and sources of ville, Greenville, Central City, Tenn.; one brother. Vernon love to laugh membership defamation. income: strengthening of the Beaver Dam, Leitchfield. and Tibbs of Mayfield - a grandchild, Mr. Woley said he had had Rep. Darold Rutstein 1111.Minita chairman of Douse Wats and FBI Fort Knox. The new streamliner Mrs. Louise Auld of Detroit, • some good times and some bad Means comnettee, smiles broadly after chalking this message Chairman Thomas ER-NJ. will be in Louisville from 10 a. m. whom she reared; nine other times, worked in good weather llllll ed on a blackboard it the Capitol when Republicans last night a re- to 6 p. m. April 19, and from grandchildren, and two great- Big 4 To Take Up Reparations, and in bad weather, but wouldn't made public their income tax slash bill through the Douse on schedule. port the Committee said there will go on April 20 to grandchildren. trade any of the yesterdays for whieh There is a slight error :n the vote he recorded. The official the party in Dyersburg and Memphis, then She was a member of the Oak one tomorrow." gave proof that count wss.273-137. Is "the agent" of to Grenada, Winona, Durant, Grove church of Christ. Germany Economy On Monday He was 65 years old March this catintry Canton, Jackson, Vicksburg, Pall bearers were Alvie Wil- a 19, and states he is still a young I - - - Russia. adminis- Brookhaven, McComb, Miss., liams, John Guy Adkins. Tom man in good health, He intends Final action on the Moscow, March 29—I/Pa-The I 1. Germany as an economic proposal for $400.000,- and Hammond. La,. It will ar- alabsrs. Roy Nabors. and Leo to take life easy from here on, In Mine; tration's council of foreign ministers unit, including reparations; Ordy One Body Left Greece and Turkey rive at Baton Rouge at 10 o'clock Reed. and plans to attend church • 000 to help agreed today to come to grips plus a review of the levels of in- combat Communism may be de- the morning of April 23. the heart of the regularly. He wants all his • Monday with dustry, including demilitarisa- layed until mid-April beraoar) Christening ceremonies and German problem. They will try friends to come to see him at Is Schedule(' tion. 511 Eddings street, and Disaster Inquiry of an Easter Congressional le- public exhibitions will be held Mrs. Louelki to reach a compromise on re- his home, . to . 24 in Chicago and April 2. The form and scope of a adds that they always will be • cess. Roth branches plan April parations and economic unity. Centralia, Ill.. March 29—gePi passageways." the air crewmen 1 Orleans. provisional German government, welcome to call. quit work next Thursday and not 25 in New —Fred Lippert, state mine Ind said. "It may be possible that between In a one-hours session, the Deputies of the four-power I resume until a few days after . Regular operation Roberson Dies spector, said today he had been' the missing ma,, had gone off Chicago and New Orleans win shortest of this conference thus council today approved a report • I Easter. notified all but one of the miss- into one of the old workings" had askee begin Sunday, April 27. The 921 far, the ministers agreed on a of progress on the Austrian Fat Collections - President Truman III bodies in the Centralia Coa/ Recent rescuers have been 31. the miles will be covered in 15 Haul Been III Only A Few schedule for the German dis- peace treaty which showed that for action by March Poutuls Co. No. 5 mine explosion had ; searching 1-10 of a mile below date the British have set for hours, 55 minutes, with depar- Davos Services Will Be cues:0ns and set up a special of 55 proposed articles for the Of 141,019 ) been found. 1 the :urface and 3 1-2 miles from of Greece. lure and arrival on the same committee to attempt to draw treaty, only 24 had been agreed.
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