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3-29-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, March 29, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader

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The Weather Kentucky: Mostly cloudy and foi somewhat colder in 'North por- tion tonight: occasional rain K T CKY PRES /. and not so warni gunday, pro- ASSOCIATION bably beginning over West por- IIIWITI If* the tion tonight. ,Atitott tili tabitir

,y fkid Wolunse Associated Press Leased Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Saturday Evening, March 29, 19 17 Five. Centsr Per Copy No. 86 lo • Jude, lit Fulton To See Laws Funeral llacl'hail %ad Rickey Arri‘c Veteran I. C. House Probably Won't Ban ‘,...itnnst1 Party, • vvfsv' New I. C. Train Is Held Todav Man Retires But Is Expected To Asl- 1104_,,t le N e w Controls, Mrs. J. N. Laus Oied ti Engineer Flitter Wole On April 15th Detroit 'I'ilesda; Rites Made Iii, Last Trip On Unameriean Activities Committee Member Says Al Chard, of Ilirist Here To 'Take II City New Orleans WI' 111)1111 Funers1 services for Mr . Engineer Elmer P Woley. a VietorN Smile To Be On Exhibit Johnny N Laws were conducted veteran of 43 years' service with SIIVS Pnri v ere the Central et 2:30 this afternoon at the Illinois System, made his I have All Along Route Central Church of Christ, Fulton last trip Friday. March 28. 'llussinn "gent He was here the . derby by Bro. John.B. Harderuan, May- met by fore- Irian, L. A Hussey. Roundhouse , lialf HR1STENING APRIL 24 field Church of Chirst minis- CHEEK 14:1AN'Ell) hels tj ter, astisted by Bro. C. L. liouser, Foreman V. J. Voegela Jr.. and, pres- 29 A postwar dream comes true! loaal pastor. Interment - was in Clerk Alice Clark. and was Washington. March ented a letter from Wayne Drastic new controls over Com- The Illinois Central's long- Boaz Chapel cemetery. with ±:•00,0.• Johnston, president of the sass munist activities in this coun- promised City of New Orleant Hornbeak Funeral home in e tem, complimenting him on his try are certain to be recom- train is getting ready to roll. charge. long service. mended by the House Commit- • The new all coach Mrs. Laws died in Highl:nd tee on Unamerican Activities. a luxury day speedliner will make Park General Hospital, Detroit, Mr. Woley first was employed, member said today. but the a preview exhibition tour of March 25, The body arrived in by the Illinois Central railroad group may decide against out- 33 stations along and near its Fulton this morning, and wes Feb 4. 190i, at Ceieralia. Ill., lawing the Communist party. -New Orleans route be- I in the chapel of the liumbeek Chicago as a fireman, and was promoted The member, who declined to f ginning Tuesday, April 15. Funeral Home until the servicea to engineer Sept. 26, 1907 From! he quoted by Ilanle, said the com- The companion to the Illinois ! Mrs, Lava was born ,st. Lynn- that date until 1918 he ran a mittee likely will split 5-4 against Central's celebrated all-Pull- ville, and lived there and near . switch engine at Mounds, Ills a bill to outlaw the party but night train, the Panama , Dukedom until 17 yeers ago, man then in 1918 went to Centralia probably will he unanimous on will be in Fulton from • when she moved to Detroit to Limited. and worked out of there in chain anti-Communist 3 to 4 p. m. April 17; in May- , make her home with a daugh- legislation. gang service until 1929 This legislation may include 1;91 fs meld from 4:45 to 6 p. in.; and In ter, Mrs. Beatrice Nash. these steps: Paducah from 7 to 10 p. m. She leave: two other daugh- Next Mr. Woley decided to Making it illegal to urge or in the day, the train will ters, Mrs. Dulcie Bell and Mrs. conic to Fulton and work on the Earlier conspire to overthrow the gov- be on exhibit at Carbondale, Ill., Janice Powell of Tueson, Ariz. Bluford District, better known ernment by unconstitutional from 7:30 to 9 a. m. and at Cairo, three sons: Paul and Thurnion among railroad men as the Edge- methods or by force; tightening Ill., from 11 a. m, to 1 p. m. of Albuquerque, N. M., and Orden Breech Rickey (left), president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and wood Cutoff. He has since made up of registration and finger- Friday. April 18, the City of of Tucson; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Early MarPhan trighti pres:dent of the New York Yankees, his home here, working and print of aliens: requiring the New Orieens will be at Prince- Provine of Amarillo, Tex., and Fla., for a hearing before Base. laughing, and everyone who enter a hotel at St. Peteteburg, Communist party to publish ton, Dawson Springs, Norton- Mrs. Mary Powerssof Union City, knows him knows that he does ball Commissioner A. B. Chandler on MaePhail's charges of lists and sources of ville, Greenville, Central City, Tenn.; one brother. Vernon love to laugh membership defamation. income: strengthening of the Beaver Dam, Leitchfield. and Tibbs of Mayfield - a grandchild, Mr. Woley said he had had Rep. Darold Rutstein 1111.Minita chairman of Douse Wats and FBI Fort Knox. The new streamliner Mrs. Louise Auld of Detroit, • some good times and some bad Means comnettee, smiles broadly after chalking this message Chairman Thomas ER-NJ. will be in Louisville from 10 a. m. whom she reared; nine other times, worked in good weather llllll ed on a blackboard it the Capitol when Republicans last night a re- to 6 p. m. April 19, and from grandchildren, and two great- Big 4 To Take Up Reparations, and in bad weather, but wouldn't made public their income tax slash bill through the Douse on schedule. port the Committee said there will go on April 20 to grandchildren. trade any of the yesterdays for whieh There is a slight error :n the vote he recorded. The official the party in Dyersburg and Memphis, then She was a member of the Oak one tomorrow." gave proof that count wss.273-137. Is "the agent" of to Grenada, Winona, Durant, Grove church of Christ. Germany Economy On Monday He was 65 years old March this catintry Canton, Jackson, Vicksburg, Pall bearers were Alvie Wil- a 19, and states he is still a young I - - - Russia. adminis- Brookhaven, McComb, Miss., liams, John Guy Adkins. Tom man in good health, He intends Final action on the Moscow, March 29—I/Pa-The I 1. Germany as an economic proposal for $400.000,- and Hammond. La,. It will ar- alabsrs. Roy Nabors. and Leo to take life easy from here on, In Mine; tration's council of foreign ministers unit, including reparations; Ordy One Body Left Greece and Turkey rive at Baton Rouge at 10 o' Reed. and plans to attend church • 000 to help agreed today to come to grips plus a review of the levels of in- combat Communism may be de- the morning of April 23. the heart of the regularly. He wants all his • Monday with dustry, including demilitarisa- layed until mid-April beraoar) Christening ceremonies and German problem. They will try friends to come to see him at Is Schedule(' tion. 511 Eddings street, and Disaster Inquiry of an Easter Congressional le- public exhibitions will be held Mrs. Louelki to reach a compromise on re- his home, . to . 24 in Chicago and April 2. The form and scope of a adds that they always will be • cess. Roth branches plan April parations and economic unity. Centralia, Ill.. March 29—gePi passageways." the air crewmen 1 Orleans. provisional German government, welcome to call. quit work next Thursday and not 25 in New —Fred Lippert, state mine Ind said. "It may be possible that between In a one-hours session, the Deputies of the four-power I resume until a few days after . Regular operation Roberson Dies spector, said today he had been' the missing ma,, had gone off Chicago and New Orleans win shortest of this conference thus council today approved a report • I Easter. notified all but one of the miss- into one of the old workings" had askee begin Sunday, April 27. The 921 far, the ministers agreed on a of progress on the Austrian Fat Collections - President Truman III bodies in the Centralia Coa/ Recent rescuers have been 31. the miles will be covered in 15 Haul Been III Only A Few schedule for the German dis- peace treaty which showed that for action by March Poutuls Co. No. 5 mine explosion had ; searching 1-10 of a mile below date the British have set for hours, 55 minutes, with depar- Davos Services Will Be cues:0ns and set up a special of 55 proposed articles for the Of 141,019 ) been found. 1 the :urface and 3 1-2 miles from of Greece. lure and arrival on the same committee to attempt to draw treaty, only 24 had been agreed. pulling out , Hehl Sunday Afiernuosi The mournful tolling of fun- : the only shaft to escape. holiday also will day and with 19 stops en route. . up a directive on the lesser The three major open ques- Made In February The Easter eral church bells marked the I Some rescue workers had a separate bill to &Litho- Through cars will furnish ser- Mrs. ,Louella Roberson, wife problems of the report of the tams on the treaty are the delay Used fat collections in Ken- deepest sorrow in the hi-tory of maintained there vs a remote $350.000.000 for relief in vice to and from St. Louis and died at 6:40 Allied Control Council for Ger- issues of German assets, iron- I irize of E. L, Roberson, ,tucky totaled 141,40 pounds in this community of 16.000 after [possibility some of the miners Austria. Hungar,, &lite- many. tiers, and compensation to Unitaa ry. Greece. , )--4 allte"ina lux gams inerease of mots `seue squads reported they had i, could have tireeted a bankable of the The' agreed agenda for lifoT- ed Nations from property losses February, an land and China:- • The operation nen ; vine at the age 71. She had January searched the mine's "dead end" I at the "dead end" to keep out two up three weeks of due to the war. than 4,000 pounds over train will require complete ' been Ill nly a few days. and day, summing ill the workings the deadly mine A Hard Job In the meeting of the deputies collections, M. D. Royse. state —the only spot gassei, if they I sets of equipment, one set I death came suddenly from a , proposals made thus far, was: might have provided a re _ only had tune. There was no govertunenigga on Germany, meanwhile, a director of the Production and that Accusations that leaving each terminal daily. heart attack. sign barricade. effort WI. spokesman for the small West-!Marketing Administration, said fuge for some of the traimed of a ageagencies contest every These trains will each consist of I She is surviveded by her hus- The disaster at the Centralia to trim em nations entitled to repara- . today. men—and found 12 bodies. congress government it x brand-new luxurious coaches, band, E. L. Roberson; one son, i Fulton Early two additional Coal Co. mine ranked as the costs today S uden Dona from Germany charged There has been a steady in- tcda.v came from Senators a diner, a diner-lounge, a bag- Alton M. Roberson; one grand- i I bodies, found A short time most serious in the nation's coal 0 and that the big powers had failed crease in salvage of waste fats were Reed R-Kans cordou gage-dormitory ear, a mail and . daughter. Betty L. Roberson of 1 later George Skinner William- fields in 19 years. 1R-Ore i. to live up to Potsdam promises; in Kentucky during the past express car and an obsevation- I Fulton; one sister, Mrs. Ida I miner of the res- In Washington, John L. Lewis, "we have yet to and:Has 1New Ho. me on reparations, and had pro- . four months, Royse said. Collec- , son, Centralia Reed said get Coachet were built !Roberts of Paris, Tenn.; • cue detail's fresh air crew, said president of the AFL united any real help from any govern- duced only "paltry results" in I Lions in November totaled 25,- . by the Pullman-Standard Car 'several iiieces and nephews. Her two more had been located. mine workers—to which the dis- ment department. bureau, agen- 1 deliveries from enemy capital 889 pounds: December. 42,368 Manufacturing Company. The I only brother, John. Madding,, John M. Travis Moves "We have completed the ex- aster victims belonged—told a cy or equipment to date. pounds; and January, 136.720 official." other cars were prepared in the I preceded her in death about a • Dormitoryy 0a . ploration of the regular mine Senate Committee yesterday the of an ap- Into New This charge and an appeal to pounds. Cordon, chairman railroad's Burnside Shops, Chi- i year ago. miners were -murdered because subcommittee con- Campus At N'anderbilt speed up deliveries were made 1 The figures are based on re- , propriations cago. The trains will be powered ! The body will lie in state at ' of the criminal negligence of an $882.000.000 cut as the ministers themselves pre- Ports of dealers who collect used ; side ring by 6,000-horsepower General , the home residence in Riceville' Tenn. — (Spl.) -- J. A. Krug." Secretary of the House in funds for Nashville. pared to pass on Secretary os, fats in Kentucky, Royse said, Bids AskedOn made by the Motors 3-unit diesel-electric lo- ,• until the funeral, which will be for severgl months Interior and federal coal mines and Post Office Ample: reward State Marshall's proposal that Collections ranging from 5 the Treasury comotives. I Conducted at the Methodist in converted army administre tor. said Congress ap- -1 cif living they come to grips at once with p pounds to 40,961 pounds were departments, A public address system is in- ,I church in Riceville Sunday at on the Vanderbilt Un-Vii- As Centralia and surround- facing organized barracks the three key issues involved in , reported for February by 17 parenUy "is stalled for use in making an- ternoon at 2:30 with the Rev. J. • to John County Roads ing communities prepared to opposition of the executive de- , the restoration of German eco- firms- nouncementa or special com- F. McMinn in charge, Other fun- McKarsie Travis of Fulton, Ky., observe a "day of mourning" partments on any and all eco- nomic unity. menta. Windows are fog-proof eral arrangements are incom- and more than 100 other Van- Ky. 116, Fulton County. Monday, preparations went for- nomies." of 62-inch width, set off The whole reparations ques- LAST SPEAKER and plete at this time peek h ward for inquiries into the dis- , Senator Brewster ER-Me'said tan venetian blinds. tions is deeply involved in that I Will Be Improved, State witla light The deceased was a member they were moved into modernis- aster. U. S. aid to Turkey and Greece Eads of cars are alternately de- of the Union Presbyterian tic new quarters in the first Hiway Depl. Announces Among factors to be studied would safeguard oil eornmg7 It was learned on high au- corated with mirrors or murals church, and attended faithfully completed dormitory of the are separate inspection reports . concessions in Arabia and as Rs thority that Marshall was de- Ja. Sealed bids for improvement on either side of door openings, until ill health prevented. Men's Quadrangle. made by federal and state • consequence the government termined to force an early show- } of a number of Kentucky roads, with adjoining spaces satin-- The barrack_s, erected on the agencies a week before the blast should get lower oil prices. He • down on the critical German is- r including two places in Fulton ished flexwood, giving a panel Vanderbilt campus as a tem- recommending changes or lin- Id reporters his Senate War sue. in an effort to discover up- county, will be received by the effect. Scenes of New Orleans Rulgley Lad Dies porary stopgap measure to oroverhents in safety precsu- Investigating Committee has on what basis. If any, Russia r Department of Highways at its and the deep South decorate handle the emergency educa- 'lions. The inquiry also will con- , asked the President to make was willing to make acceptable office in Frankfort until 10 a. m. the obeervation-bar-lounge and As Gun Discharges tional housing situation, were cider a letter written by miners available files of a navy report agreements. April 18, at which time bids will dining cars. Jesse Samis Gray, 16. son of completely cleared of students a year ago to Governor Dwight on 1941 negotiations which he after That was said to be the stra- be publicly opened and read. The cars are named Mr and Mrs. W. D. Gray of with the completion of the sty- H. Green of Illinois termed a contends might have given the . tegy behind Marshall's pro- The Fulton county project" streets and places in and around Ridgley, Tenn., was killed Thurs- lish dormitory. first of seven -plea to you to please save our government Arabian oil for posal last night to focus dis- are: New Orleans. day afternoon with a pistol he girnilai buildings which event- lives before we have a dust prices below those it now pays. in the immediate fu- Fulton-Dukedom road (Ky. was showing to a friend dis- ually will house some 750 Van- cussion explosion at the mine." what he considers the 1161 from Mulberry street in charged accidentally. derbilt men students. ture upon Sugar Debated W. O. Locke, Jr., and to set Fulton to the corporate limit,' The 38-caliber revolver fired The students who had put imp three key problems These were other develop- a "target date" for .469 mile. A-2 seal. 60 tons. as young Gray twirled the gun with the crowded conditions and April 2 as ments on Capitol Hill Home from Europe these Fulton -Dukedom road Ky. Bradley Rites on a finger, in imitation of a double-decker beds in the bar- decisions or deadlocks on 00 • Sugar-controls--- , Compromise 4 economic 1161 from city limit of Fulton 1 Sgt. William 0. Locke, Jr., of Westehi movie star. He died in- choice at the questions—German bills on extending sugar ration- racks got first to Hickman county line. 1.604 the army air forces, who has stantly. the dor- unity, provisional government ing and controls on a few scarce sleek new quarters in miles. A-2 seal, 210 tons. Be been stationed in German/ for student has and level of indastry and re- To Sunday rommodities, agreed to by a mitory, where each Other Purchase road bids' the past year, landed in New with fluore- parations, Senate-House conference com- an individual room called for isclude work on the York yesterday on the U. S S. the latest in Fortner Resident Died mittee, will go before both • scent lighting and Stella-Brewers road 'Ky. 2991 Richardson. He telephoned his living conditions. branches of Congress Monday. • Ideal study and 1,400 Sign For in Calloway county, from Ky. In Dfurnit Tuesday: mother tut night, and will ar- a freshman in the , The sugar bill extends price and Travis is Dr. Pierce Harris, pastor of 121 at Stella to the Marshall Moved Away 23 Yrs. .‘go rive in Fulton next week for College of Arta and Science First Methodist church in At- I rationing controls to next Oct. furlough. DDT In Graves Co. line.county 6610 miles, A-2 seal, I a 60-day lanta, columnist for a chain of' Last rites for William J Brad- 31. The other bill extends presi- He is son of and Mayfield—Although the exact 870 tons; and the Stella-Brew- the Mr. Mrs. daily newspapers and outstand- ley, ISO, who died at his home in dential control of such com- W. number is not available, ap- ers road from Calloway county 0. Locke. Walnut street His Rep. Meade Asks ing lecturer, will be the lasts Detroit Tue:day. will be held at modities as antimony, tin and the former Miss Sue Clark, proximately 1,400 Graven county line to Ky, 98 east of Brewers, wife, speaker on the 1947 series of 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon by building materials until June 30. arrive homes have been registered to 1.015 miles. A-2 seal, 135 tons. will Monday from May- Strict Obedience I Methodist Hour programs over, the Rev. Ralph Champion of Sugar rationing and other con- receive DDT spray this spring. field network of the Southern! Wingo at Pleasant Valley trols expire March 31 btig Con- Code These homes were registered by the To U. S. Mine Radio Conference at) Methodist church. Burial, with gressional leaders expeeteo to members of the 18 Homemakers Religious Fire Razes Home Wagster Re-Named Head 8:30 a. m. EST. Sunday morning' Hornbeak •uneral ROMP in rush the bills to President Tru- Washington, March 29--(Re— Clubs in the county. charge. will be in the church man before Monday . Of Union City VFW Post Rep. Meade 1R-KY) has asked . Spraying Is expected to be- March 30. Of tvr.s Couple will speak on "The cemetery. Veterans—Rep. Dwight L., Union City—Lewis Wagster for strict enforcement of the gin about May I. Dr. Harris and the Great Mr. Bradley was burn and Rogers ID-Fla) proposed that was re-elected post commander federal mine safety code. Little Church For SeCond Time This will be a spe- reared in this section of Ken- Congress give special income tax at a regular meeting of the Meade called on Congress in White Way." Accepts Position Here on the relationship Fire Thursday afternoon de- tucky. and moved to Detroit 23 consideration to World War U • Jones Walker Post 4882, Veter- a statement inserted in the • cial sermon Mrs Harold Seawright, the the rural stroyed the home of Mr. and. years ago. He %VD S a member of veterans who receive no bene- ans of Foreign Wars, this week Congressional Record to give of the city church to former Betty Ruth Carney, will America. Dr. Harris Mrs. Kelly Simpson at Rives the Pleasant Valley church. fits under the GI "bill of - Other officers are Clifford its attention to laws "to pro- churches of fori 4 begin work at the Love Beauty the largest Sun- the second time in less than two' He leaves his wife. Mrs. Eddie right s" He said those not Houser, senior vice-commander; tect before laws of neglect." preaches to Shop on Norman street Monday. congregation of months. Sears Bradley of Detroit; one receiving veterans aid are help- Carl Fry, vice-commander; Wal- The Representative told re- day evening She attended Hellem's Beauty preacher in the A frame outbuilding remodel- daughter. Mrs. James Pierce of ing foot the bill for those who lace Latta, quartermaster; C W. porter he regarded the f eral any Methodist School in Louisville, and was church each year ed by Mr. and Mrs Simpson' Detroit: three sons. Donnie. are. Miles III, trustee; and Sam Rain- safety code, issued under the South, and his graduated early in March. of money to after their large residence and Lonnie and Vollie, all of De- ing, post adVocate. Krug-Lewis agreement. as raises a large sum of cer- on Feb. 8 went troit; two sisters, Mrs Bessie Will "pretty good." but said enforce- be invested in support garage burned Rushton Preach Georgia. which originated,Sears of Mayfield and Mrs. Lola ment was not adequate. Fire At Negro School tain rural churches in up In flames Canadian Visitor Here Peggy Boyle, oil at-.I Davis of Wingo; four brothers. Bro. George Rushton will QUEE N—Mise Meade urged naming more The'South Fulton fire depart- The Methodist Hour is spon- from a cookstove with Mrs. William Kistler of Chat- chosen "carnation Queen" for Henry. Mon and Luther of Wingo preach at the Riceville Baptist inspectors-- competent inspec- ment was called to, the colored sored by the Southeastern Juris- tachment. ham, Ontario, Canada, arrived messiest, of the National Flower and George of Paducah; and church Sunday arternootk recommenda- school building at 945 this dictional Council, Atlanta, Ga. Neither Mr. Simpson nor his. yesterday to visit Mrs. J. D Slum in Chicago. Poses in a tore"—with their 2- 30. The public is invited to morning to put out a grass fire It is heard over Stations WHAB wife was at home when the,several nieces and nephews. White on Eddings street for a spring bonnet appropriate to her, tions for corrective measures tend. started burning paper. 7:30, WSM 7:30, WREC. 7:30. fire began Nephews will be pall bearers. few days. royal position. followed up promptly. by

. Aimiiikakiataisoh. CoPY NoT ALL LELDr•IBLt 7,7."•'441110$011""'''. ar Weed •

•Stifortitiy Evening, 'larch 29, 1917 Pq•Mao Fulton Oddly Logger, Fulton, Kentucky asinine, Wall street Report Child Marriage Vi,uv' .13 avls is Impruviinn I Doughty is ins- ItnItou Daily tuber Mrs. James New York, March 29—tlia— . through paving. Narrowly mixed price changes doing nicely fol- DAILY SINCE 1898 Billy Rea is ruled in today's stock market operation. lowing an trasactionn with many pivotals PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK DAY EVENING. • 400 Main Street, Fulton, Kentucky. a glass Mrs. J. B. Latham and baby doing nicely. NANNY Ler W IZLO ALISTIN ADKINSON %RAN are fractionally at a quiet • MTV McMillan is doing fine. I o eusialinga MANAOIN• 11131'105 J. C. uopneghpaini ig edwere United Aircraft, Mrs. Hetty Damrun is doing Northern Pacific, Entered as second class matter at Fulton, Kentucky, under act of Congress of March 1, 1879. darkly Union Car- nicely.m bide and J. C. Penney. Suiten de- Hayden and baby BUSOrr I PTO N NATICOI Nee 111Alre 505 IN 01.111.11•1/1e0 OCCITION. By ERL SENSING Mrs. Leon clines were posted for Inter- fine. are doing national Harvester, Standard p Phone 31 or IBM doing .1ILONENTIOINO AAAAA •LISIMITTILO ON NelaUt•T. a James Jones is Oil (NJ). American Telephone Strange, wonderfu!, magical nicely. UMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for andou StitlaensaldaerdafBeraarnrrisae4 was the things happen in this world. A Mrs. Jody Tanner and baby I reproduction of all news dispatches credited to this paper and also the local news published. little child holds a nickel in his are doing fine. introduction o: bills in Con- hand. He holds it tmgy, fesr- Mrs. Alvin Thorpe and baby gress to revise the Railroad Re- Just Statistics Britons Are Shocked ful lest it fly away. The palm of are doing nicely. tirement and Unemployment his hand becomes wet and Mrs. R. L. Bradley is improv- Insurance Acts. This legislation, sticky with perspiration. There ing. In two months battle on Iwo Jima, America By Dewitt MacKenzie, if enacted, was expected to save are lovely visions of what 'the J. C. Westmoreland is doing about paid a pries rd 4,189 heroic U. 8. Marines. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst rail systems $120,000,000 nickel will buy—an Le cream nicely. annually in reduced payroll de- In one month (January, 19461, America lost Engla.ans discoursive afternoon tea-tables cone, five pieces of candy, some lairs. Roy McMillan is doing ductions as well as cutting con- have been served a warm morsel by the in auto and highway accidents 2,810 men. bubble gum, or any number of nicely. tributions of employes. Women and children. Bishop of London, who declared in the House wonderful thing : to be had for James Thompson is doing fine. The highway death toll during 54 months of Lords during a debate on the zooming the sum of live e nits. Fre- Nell Francis Lee is doing under -preceding World War II was 8,319 men, wo- divorce rate that adultery needn't constitute quently the child peeks in nicely. Western Tobacco his fingers to make certain that Terrell is doing fine. men and children. ground for divorce. He recommended for- the coin is :till there as he Mrs. Bill Mainline is doing Averages $21:21 Interesting figures to think about next time giveness and reconcillatioe hurries with running feet to a nicely. Louisville, Ky, Marca 29- - • • you're templed to urge Just a little more speed t.,• The austere upper chamber of Parliamest place where good things are Mrs. Lowery is do- .The Mayfield and Murray A statistic is a cold, im- • out of the old car has little legislative power these days but it be had for a nickel. Always the ing fine. markets averaged $21.21 a hun- until it represents someone coin is there. Only, one time he personal thing, Is a highly Important sounding-board for Mrs. Gaynell Tibbs is doing dredweight on the sale of West- make fo: you know, or yen. looks again, just to nicely. ern Fire-Cured tobacco yester- considered opinion. So when a great digni- here is sure and certain—and • Lon Brown is improving. day the State Agriculture De- tary like the Bishop makes a pronouncement work 4 where the magic begins to Eugenia Montague is doing partment renorted. of such universal interest, it sets folk to isn't a nickel at all. There Proves Our Point - it nicely. The department's legures wagging. And he nickels! thinking and tongues to are two Maggie Ridley is doing fine. showed the average dogn Americans stationed overseas during the was very blunt in his approach Clarence Walker is improving. Another child goes to bed at • 45 cents from Vvednesi, sS thinking of items Mrs M. A. Harris is doing war never lost the habit of night with a gaping hole in his /Arms (left, 16 and (right), Ha were average. Mayfield 86.109 "It is extraordinary," he asserted, "that at Dorothy Theodore Lee nice'', in terms of their trade names, whether it where a tooth used to be. pounds for $17,385.92, a $20.19 a Unit when adultery is thought less of than mouth married at San Diego caw., in a "Gypsy" ceremony. Deputy OW their food, their toothpaste and shaving The tooth is under his pillow. He Betty Carson has been dis- average, while Murray auctionigi for centuries in this country, and District Attorney Richard Vaughn said the boy's parents were cream, the cigarettes they smoked, or the It has been dreams of the fairy who will missed. , 115,010 pcunds for $2527020. 70 when living in sin is considered as a music- charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. been thousand-and-one things they wanted and come while he sleeps and steal HazIewood has • $21.97 average. joke, adultery is considered sufficient ex- dismissed. A total of 18,546 couldn't have. Thus, it was only natural that hail away the tooth and put a piece potiAds 01 cuse for breaking up a marriage and a home." He awakens E. M. Coffman has been dis- Eastern Fire-Cured leaf brought troops in all theaters took enough interest of silver in its place. The origin of this debate lies in the fact and the fairy has, in truth, done missed. $4.211.10 at Hopkinsville for a bathe coffee they were served to inquire about E. D. Fritts has been dismissed. that the divorce rate has jumped from 6,332 that very thing. Don't say there $22.71 average. The previous Its name. Learning that the cans of army day's average was $24.79. in 1930 (the year the war began to 50.000 is no oink in the world. There Jones Clinic— coffee were marked "R & 0," thousands of Is. There are only those who do currently--a shocking state of affairs in the Soldiers made mental notes to ask for thm not believe in magic. Mrs. Hettie Boaz is doing bet- CORRECTION of host of Britons who still main- brand by name when they returned home. minds i ter. Miss Ann Bowen was incor- grown man or wo- tain their 'Victorian. reserve along with the Don't ask a Mn. Franklin House and ba- rectly referred to as Ann Bowd- Now, two years after the war's end, the Na- BUNCO CLUB MEETS WITH cherished China dogs and aspidistra plants. man about these things. Ask a by are doing fine. en in the story printed this tional Coffee AasocMtion Is still eeptaining with a MKS. CALDWELL 'HOSPITAL NEWS One hastens to add .that this •increase in child, any child Mrs. Louis Sensing and baby week about the organization of to these ex-0. I's that "R St G" is the War "holding wonder like a cup" if I Fulton Hospital divorcee doesn't mean that John Bull is rac- The Bunco Club met with Mrs. are doing fine. , Fulton's first Junior High Muhic Department's way of saying the coffee was you want to know these things. Patients Admitted W. N. Reed is doing better. I Club. ground" The inquiries the As- ing headlong to the devil. It does mean that Sue Brown, if you Myrtle Caldwell at her home on "roasted and Ask Brenda Mrs. Arch Huddieston, Sr., is the separations due to war have resulted in the Martin highway yesterday sociation receives daily is merely another really want to know. She can Mrs. S. D. Grissom. Fulton. doing better. CARkY A cOMPLIII a good deal of infidelity on both sides of the are proof that we Americans have learned to rely tell you that these things afternoon at 2.30. Mrs. Charlie Route 5 Mrs. Omea Kendall is about ASSOR 111A6NY Oi atomic age has revealed what on standard brands, and that consistent ad- house. And the true. Newton won bunco; Mrs. Joe Mrs. Ella Kindred. Martin. the mime. the Victorian age used to conceal. Mrs. Bill Browning, Fulton, Butpee vertising of these brand names, nationally Brenda Sue ha a pony. That Mullins won high; Mrs. Eph Mrs. W. H. Brown is about the Seeds same. and locally, achieves the desired result. I investigated this divorce problem when is, she cad have a pony. Now she Dawes won traveling; Mrs. 0 R. Other Patients Mrs Carlos Brundige has been FULTON HATCHERY in England a year ago and it was clear that has two. It happened just like Bowies won low; and Mrs. C. A. Phone 413 that. First there was only one R. V Putnam, Sr., Fulton. dismissed. the increase in divorces represented the Boyd won consolation. During _ puny, and then, suddenly, there Mrs. A. G. Johnson, Fulton, We'll Wait A While opening of the floodgates to an accumulation were two. The pony's name Is the afternoon the hostess ser- Mrs. Roland Ray, Fulton. of grievances between the soldier overseas "Patsy Girl". Brenda Sue has ved sandwiches and coca colas. W J. Reed. Martin, Route 3. The Russians, whom most of us regard as and his missus back home. As remarked be- ridden her many times—mostly J H Lasiter. Jackson. Tenn. SUN. — MON. — TUES. stolid and unimaginative, are toying with the fore, there was a lot of infidelity on both for fun Once, in Union City last The club will meet next Tuts- Mrs. Arlie Batts, Crutchfield, Shaws Idea of making individual flapping-wing Dy- and both sides were pret- fall, she won first prize in a day, April 1, with Mrs. Jain Mrs. G. L. Ashby and, FULTON 2:86-4:33-7:111-9:25 sides of the house, Fulton. ing machines, calculated to turn the heads of ty sore. horse show there. That was,fun, Moore, Route 3. any birds one might peso while soaring down too. But the most fun of all was Mrs. Ernest Hindman, Clinton. Mrs. Sanford Graves, Hick- to the office So far as Tommy Atkins is concerned, he yesterday morning when she • has precedent for sowing a few wild oats. looked at "Patsy Girl"—she look; PERSONALS • man. JEANNE CRAIN I, A Major General, V V Goluby. of the Soviet Mrs. R. L. Winstead, Palmers- When I first went to Britain as a reporter ed once—the blinked, and lookt ALAN YOUNG 1*4 Academy of Sciences, says he has stilts' how ed again There was the strang$ a.. Mary oi Myer,' ville, Tenn. , t' in 1916 the law conceded an Englishman the the birds and insects fly for four y non. est looking little creature stand+'III, Is visiting her brother, John Mrs. Pearl Armstrong, Hick- .1' 0441 Caw" Cadsstise 6,441 • right to have a mistress if he so those. He and that he and other Red scientists "have Mg beside "Patsy Girl"—a littlk Knghton, and family on Arch man. but she precise formulas for calculating the mechanics could divorce his wife for infidelity, colt that seemed to be all leg* street. Rosa Maly Dowd, colored, kt I Clinton, Ky. 10 • wing propulsion" couldn't divorce him on that graund. She had and a switching tail. It it all James William Shelby of St. Mrs. Mack Ward, Clinntii. We're quite willing to heed Pope's advice, to press, actual physical cruelty in addition a mystery to Brenda Sue—a to adultery. One of my first introductions to mystery hidden in the story of Louis is spending the weekend Mrs. Grade Cashon. Dukedom, and "Be not the first by whom the new is in Fulton with his parents, Ray Walker, Fulton. this code was when a big business man re- the "birds and the bees" but Mr. end Mrs. Claud Shelby, in High- Buster Shuck, Fulton. marked to me: it isn't necessary to know the We recall the sad fate of Darius 'Green .ind meaning of the mystery yet. It lands. Charles L. Cooke, Fulton. his Plying Machine "I have a prosperous business, a fine home, is enough to have this wonder- Mrs. Herman Elliott, Crutch- Henry Locke of Bowling Green Also, there were a couple of characters a charming wife to preside over my table. ful, wobble-legged colt along field. College is spending the week- Mb's named Daedalus and Icarus, father and son, two lovely children. And I have my mistress. with "Pasty Girl." It is more fun Gladys Sladen, Clinton.' end with h,is parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Murray, Nashville. who had the same idea a number of years ago. What more could a man want?" than Santa Claus at Christmas, I Mrs. W. 0. Locke, on Walnut. M. C. Horne, Hickman. What more, indeed? Well, it wasn't until the Bunny Rabbit at Eas-ter, yes, Seems that they had little trouble getting air- I Millie Patterson, a thousand times more wonder- Mr. and Mrs. William Vowell Arlington. e, but Icarus flew too close to the Sun, I923 that a law was passed giving a wife Foster 'Link, ful than anything that ever of Memphis are visiting their Fulton. the wax on his wings melted. He fell into the right to divorce her husband for infidelity I B. B. r happened before. parents, Mrs. R. C. Joyner, and Stephenson, Fulton. the sea thenceforth called Icarian, and great alone. Even then the women moved slowly Just to put the record straight, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vowell. Patients Disasiesed. was the splash thereof. in taking advantage of this privilege. Apart it is not only Brenda Sue and: from religious objections, divorce had always the children who live in the Lawrence Tully of Murray Billy Adams Fulton. COMEDY and NEWS been looked upon as a disgrace. Highlands near her who are State is spending the weekend Mrs. Effie Mae Hawks, Dres- Photographs of the debris-filled Coliyer During the war and since it ended, welfare thrilled and excited about this, in Fulton. den, Route 4. anansion in New York bare secrets of two little pony colt. There are a , R. E. Taylor, Fulton. societies have been doing yeomen's work in lob Miss Sara Cunningham cf of adults who live nearby who,. I Mrs. T. N. Curlin, Hickman, SUN. — MON. leiderly brothers who, lour years ago, would ironing out the differences between soldiers Princeton. Ky.. and Pat Hardy- though they may not believe in, A. W. Holland, Hickman, have been called unpatriotic for failure to and the wives they left behind them. The man of Mayfield. both of Mur- Shows t:15-4:03.7:10-9t6 fairies, wouldn't be Jim Cardwell, Fulton. contribute to scrap drives, but now are re- surprised if) State, spent last evening in "forgiveness" and "reconciliation" which the a wee little elf comes around to Mrs. Gene Gardner, Fulton, garded only as eccentric as all get-out Fulton. Bishop of London advocates has been acniev- ride this colt by the light of the BRUCE CABOT-ROMAt KARNS I.. Haws Memorial ed in innumerable cases. moon when no one is looking.; Jack Moore of Bowling Green 9 It —IN— ' With ethyl gasoline soaring near the 30c Still. England is shocked and bewl:derfel • IL spending the weekend with Mrs. Clarence Dacue has been as the fact that the his mother, Mrs. Hoyt Moore. parJalisi mark, a lot of car owners are find- by su"h a flood, admitted. British government is studying ways and Mrs. A. M. Shelton has out all over again about the healthful With The Mis, Harvel Boaz of Paduach been me admitted for an operation. g od benefits of walking. means of furrther relieving the situation, and is attending the bedside of her "AVALANCHE" Carolyn Jenkins has the reserved House of Lords is taking a hand. Homemakers mother, Mrs. J. F. Royster, who been ad- is quite ill at her home on Carr tinted for an operation. ADDED--DOUELE RATTHM and CARTOON Several newspapers have reproduced pic- Strategy Weiltsre Workers atreet. Little Tommy Sulkies Is in- tures of New Zealand horses that squat on Chicago.--tOO—Irving Drell, owner of a Ideet Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. it. D. Patti= •mgeassualli•••••11111111•111111111111W1181 their haunches most of the day. one of them currency exchange, told Stanton avenue po- The Welfare Workers Club met will return tonight from Wick- la 411111SNI111111111111•111111Willig•111111111•111111••1111 with Mrs. W. T. (litubber) Foster • printing the caption, -Did You Ever See A lice his strategy to protect his office safe liffe; where they have been Horse Do This?" And one of our lowbrow I Wednesday, March 26, for their-, from burglars worked out all right--but at Visiting relatives. • friends who plays the ponies (merely to im- March meeting with 13 members Try Our a cost of $790. and six visitors present. Bill Adams of Flavor Of The Month prove the breed, of course,, says he not only West Palm lie told police he left the $700 outside the In that absence of the presi- Beach, Fla., and Murray State yesterday had two has seen 'em do it, but just safe intent onally as a sort of a "come-on" in dent the house was called to will arrive tonight to spend the: dollars'on the nose of a long shot that must case of burglars. He figured they wouldn't order by the vice-president. Mrs. weekend in Fulton. of the easy-going have been a blood brother bother trying to open the safe, which held Harry Watts. The devotional was ORANGE Dick Cummings of Bowling PINEAPPLE ICE equines Roy Watts. A song, CREAM Down-Under much more money. given by Mrs. I "The Old Rugged Crans." was Green is spending the weekend They took safe was not ells- the $700. The led by Mrs. Madge Connor. in Fulton with his parents, Mr. A Louisville poultry house seems to be pros- turned. Roll call was answered by and Mrs. Max Cummings on As a Special Introductory Offer pering nicely despite the owner's rather un- each member, with an Improve- Carr street. initial name: Swindler. Saved By The Bells ment in home furnishing. Howard Armbruster of Mur- Chicago,--(AOL-A tall, youth, dressed like At noon a delicious lunch was ray State is spending the week- Regular 30e Pint all. After lunch the for Only 15c and Coupon Lottsville beer dealers, engaged in a cut- a cowboy and carrying a big pistol, last enjoyed by end in Fulton with hts parents. meeting was resumed, with an throe price war, slashed the retail price of night stopped Miss Mary Renard, 35 and interesting program from each Mrs. Tom McMasters 'has re- tiny, and said, "this is a the beverage to $1 75 per case, or less than stickup." project leader. turned to her home in Bates- the Wholesale cost Walt until Derby Day. "Go away, little man, play cops and rob- The club donated $3 to the Red ville, Mire., after visiting her Good for one however, and the hospitable sons of the Old bers somewhere else." Mis Bernard told Cross. Sunshine gifts were sister, Mrs. George Doyle. on Clip this Coupon South will be peddling it to the visitors at Damen avenue police she replied to the gun- drawn, and two contests were Park avenue. for a ical treat Pint of Ice Cream per bottle, or higher if the tra' tic will man. presented by Mrs. Louise Mtmz- 30c J. Mack Scates has returned Miss Bernard then sought refuge zai, Mrs Harry Watts and Mrs. at Half Price bear it. in an to Duke University after spend- apartment building hallway and leaned Josiephens Foster winning the contests. Miss Walker gave an ing the spring vacation with his against a battery of apartment doorbells. interestlr.g progra n on ar- parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey In this most confusing Springtime, when the tenants shouted Several of down and one ranging furniture. Maddox. on Second street. your neighbor gets that borrowing gleam in or two started walking down. The dav v:as enjoyed very can't he sure whether he wants to Mel Simons, Ellis Beggs, and his eye you The gunman let out a whoop and fled. by all. The meeting then BROWN much DERBY ICE CREAM Bobby Carney retorted BAR snow- to Ful- make oft with your garden hoe or your to meet with Mrs. adjourne.! ton last night alter attending shovel Tracking in Reverse Adair C.:- non April 21. umpire aratning schhol in Hop- —PHONE 1334 Durango. Colo..--(An—George Morris is a kiiisville. The pa nt tis plant supplies looking for a bloodhound. Classified ad in the Princeton. Ky., Leader' man food, clothing and shelter for Mrs. Pat Matheny is able to In 13OWNY-FLAKE DONUT SHOP, Lake Street : WINieV et tank my pressure cooker will send Morris said his bloodhound, "Holmes," a natives on I land's from Hawaii be up after being ill at her • • gauge, met, and dog with sad eyes and Jumpy nerves, fled in end Marquesas to home on Valley street with flu • (Singe ler Cream mu Sale at BROWN DERBY CAFE, fifie *ASA will put premiere the Malaya it Highlands) • down by the mail boa. confusion when a hunter fired a gun. and Madimesear. and pneumonia. nos book paIIIIII• onassmemossa•11•R•1111111111111111111111•11simowsins•Niss•Null

oian SOM ' witsveteeR4 ••• s

^I. 29, 1917 Saturday Evening, March 29, 1947 Fulton Daily Loader, 0.WIten, Kentucky l'age thee.

[30-and either might be made r••••=ir=ir--z•Jr-T-11-4.--1 cz--r• I Report Sports Roundup ' the occasion of festivities such FULTON - - Sim. - Mon.- Tues. Clinton Chick Hugh Fullerton, Jr. , as those reported by John Day rch . Racing Now York, March (Ii the Thoroughbred price changes Association when some Ken- 1 Ever, third of the fain- stock market Johnny ' lucky horsemen tossed u birth- Has Extra Legs NI El many pivotals "us Chiso Cuba of 1906-1910 day party for Ballott -Tom CLASSIFIED to die within tne past few Underwood, Lexington Herald Exceeds Quota By Two; at .1 quiet I° • months, probab!), will be re- editor, war the toastmaster, says hi A Week Old Now, and died Aircraft, membered as long as baseball Day, but he diaclalins responsi- VoREIGN JOBS been Women ADDING MACHINES. rrrs Union Car- is played because he liked to go bility for the toasts that were Doing Right Well, Too ney. govt., private listings, hun- WRITERS AND CASn REGIS- Small de- to bed at night-On road trips, drunk-Seems they started by al for (Hickman County Cieseile) FOR SALE: 1941 Ford, Prticui dreds skilled classifications.' TERS BOUGHT-Bald. repaired • Inter- it was Evers' habit to retire toasting Ballot as a yearling, er, Clinton now has a four-legged condition.2ITheddiot3rees LEON HAYDEN. Accurate information 21.00, Office supplies. FULTON OF- Standard p early with some candy, a few ! then Ballot as a two-year-old, an chicken. The chances are that 88-1tc postpaid. FOREIGN JOBS, FICE SUPPLY COMPANY, Telephone newspapers and the baseball etc-'The occasion for the and, the monstrosity will succumb to INC., Baltimore 1, Md. 841-1te Phone 85. guide. As a result, he knew the , party was the horse's Urd birth- the REFRIGERATORS made white aric t's was the handling of the kids in the rules forward and backward I day. with NU-ENAMEL Modern balls in family, but it is almost one week If not al- NEED A RUBBER STAMP? Con- and he remembered them when Finish tor $1.10. ROPER Salesladies wanted , old and doing nicely thus far, Railroad Re- the famous "Mettle play" came SPORTS BEFORE Your Etats °et srFurTaSaleic at FURNITUIER ready represented in your Quick sesvice at the LEADER Unemployment thank you. selling. up-Ill fact, Johnny had check- ; Look for a lively basketball CO.. 324 Walnut, Phone M. &immunity. Direct OFFICE his legislation, Mlle Mae Kelley, wife of Jack good commission. Lingerie, 1 ed on ths t three weeks before 'coaching duel to develop in the 86-,te pected Kelley, colored, is the proud reads to wear, hosiery.'For your hospitalization, sick- to save when a Pittsburgh runner failed /Muth next season between At 1120,000,000 possessor of the baby chick with FOR SALE - 1936 Plymouth, 4- THORCiERSEN HOSIERY CO., ness and accident insurance, to touch second as the winnizig Alabama's Floyd Burclette and four real legs, real but of no door sedan Phone 1128-J. I tp see or call JOHN D. HOWARD. ed payroll de- Auburii's Danny Doyle Both Nelihnet te. Ill 86- run scored. Hank O'Day was tan- earthly Phone 316 or 1219 67-tfc s cutting con- The cows Lalt 01 -MArgic" SC/b out tua game. The TOC h 11iClAUfed mwssl use. 85-20 1 piring alone that day and didn't were wartime cage stars at Okla- /oyes. radio's comedy assuation, Alan Young. The two extra extremeties are see the omission, Out he said he homa A. and M.. when Floyd winsncs aaludeb Jsanns Crain and FOR SALE-DIXIE better SALESMAN, Railroad man pre- SEE US FOR JOB PRINTL:3. attached to the south end of the --- would have called the runner was an army captain stationed FEEDS that render outsaind- ferred, sell watches, payroll Letterheads, envelopes, state- chicken, and sort of look as out. It was Hank who did call there and Danny was pursuing follow the Dodgers' example and MAJOR LEAGUE Ong results. Feed that cannot plan. Good earnings must ments, business cards, hand- obaeeo though they had been grafted on. Merkle out in Ow crucial game his studies between pro baseball bold clinics for local high school EXHIBITION BASEBALL ibe excelled in economy and have ear. Write WATCH, care bills, placards. etc Consult us but they certainly were not They -Incidentally F P Adams, seasons -Perch Rohrer of the ball teams-Probably looking production. They are among ot FULTON DAILY LEADER. before you buy. We guarantee Ey The As meted Pros are well-developed legs and workman- whose celebrated verse has Athens. 0. messenger calls at- for a club they can beat-Mur- the best by side feeding tests. 84-3tc highest quality and Maras 29-0E1 feet, both with three toes, but helped keep the names of Tin- Athens. 0, Messenger calls at- ray Goodman, who lists drum Yesterday's Results A. C BUTTS & SONS 84-3tc ship ALL PRICES HAVE BEEN and. Murray attached to the body only by FULTON DAILY ker, Evers and Chance fresh in Wei school basketballer He's beating for Al Schache and for Philadelphia (A, 12 St Louts SALESMAN with car wanted. REDUCED. 12111 a hun- tissue with no bone or gristle DO or 1300. the minds of fans, claims be Cecil Salley who, Persil says, a golf club among his accom- FOR SALE-1 disc harrow, 1 Come by Fulton Office Supply LEADER-Phone e sale of West- I (Ai 6 connecting them to the chick- wrote it because he was in a can de more with one arm than plishments, has been named section harrow. 1 No. 12 Vul- Co for interview. Don't phone ob ice° yeller- Detroit (A r "B" 6 Newark IL) en proper. They kind of flop hurry to go to a ball game and most boys can with two-Penn tournament manager for the can breaking plow, 1 farm I please. 82-tic• Node.. griculture De- the composing room foreman hate's baseball squad includes New World Pro Tennis League 4. • around whenthe c walks. wagon. JOHN Phone 4602, AUTO INSURANCE. Phone 307. needed eight lines to Ray 1Winteyi Borowski, bro- -"Baby" Jack Torrance, world Detroit IA; "A" 17 Kansas This little chick was in a said he DAWES, 81-6tc• Service P. R. BINFORD, 008 4th en• t's :egures column. ther of the Cardinals' Whitey, shot put record holder, is work- City (AA , 4. bunch of culls from a Clinton fill a street, Fulton, Ky. 19-Setp age 6 (110011 and George Earnshaw, Jr., son ing ton an oil company at Ba- Boston Ni( 6 Milwaukee (AA hatchery, hatched sometime COMBINATION SAFE. CITY Veednese was one that SHOE SHOP, 210 Commercial JACK'S CABINET SHOP. All HAP-HIC-PY BIRTHDAY of the former Athletics pitcher. ton Rouge, La.-He urobably in 3 (Ten Innings, last week. There All makes owing machines re- d seld 86.109 CIncInnati has died. Ave. 85- 1 fc types cabinets made and in- ! Two important birthdays are big enough now to toss the oil New York IA 5 had three legs. but it paired every day in the week, 85.92, a $2019 stalled. Broken furniture re- being celebrated today-Cy WEAK-END ITEM-II tanks around. NI 2. 204 Jackson street. angers array auctionie paired. No charge for esti- Young is 80 and Man O'War is The Giants are planning to Washington 'Ai 17 Pittsburgh • Wasted t• Rent made Electric oonsoles at half sr ! •( Kentucky Today mates. In quire at Fulton Elec- 125,27020, NI 8. price new machine. ruvros The Sports Mirror Philadelphia NiI 8 St. Louis By The Associated Press WANTED TO RENT: Unfurnish- tric and Furniture Co. Phone ed apartment or small house. SEWING MACHINE CO., 546 po114ds ot NI 7 ill Inningsi Lexington - The Kentucky 1011. 83-4tc By The AaaseiMed Press Couple. Cull 128-J. 81-6tp Phone 225 86-4tc al leaf brought Today a year ago--Verne I Cleveland A vs Chicago (N) Hospital Association chose as its - - - kinsville Tor a Stephens, St. Louis Browns' Postponed, wet grounds. president elect the Rev. Thomas Apartment or small house, If you want plumbing or elec- IF YOU ARE interested in buy- The previous Shortstop, jumped to the Mex- Brooklyn NiI 5 Montreal l/La B. Ashley, business manager of AUSTIN ADKINSON, Daily tric wiring. call 274-J after 6 ing real estate see CHARLES s $24.79. ican League to play with the 2. the Pikeville Methodist Hoapital. Leader. 69-tf p. m. TYSON. 61-12tp W. BURROW, office over Ha- south of the border's Vera Cruz New York Ni 1 San Fran- The Rev. Charles A. Towell, ! clonal Bank, PhOne 61. 63 tfc LOCAL HAULING wall club. cisco (PC1 0. Covington, director of hospitals• For Resit FOR -Phone 9193 RUBIDER STAMPS for sale. All 'en was incor- Three years ago--Gil Dodds • for the Catholic Diocese of Coy- JAMES WHITE Pt:4MM.!,I kinds and sizes. Stamp pads as Ann Bowd- Matra, elected a year ago, was FOR RENT Large downstairs or 1222-R-4, Robert was named "Man of the Year" you. LEADMIE printed this 9 Teams Enter Installed as president at the bedroom Phone 752. 82-3tp-2tc Service Station. 80 tfc too. Let us serve by New York track writer, tar 1149. organization of easielat4ona annual convention Office Phone DO Flee years ago-The Detroit ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM Appiisaess, Wiring, Radio Repair- Mr High Mahe: Red Wings defeated the Boston Swimming Meet here. for rent. Call 1130-J. 81-7tp ing and Sport Goods. CITY Thanks Bruins, 6-4 to move to within • Cord of Richmond. Ky., March 29- ELECTRIC COMPANY, 201 one victory of entering the final Lexington-Dr Claiborne 0 FOR RENT: One room apart- Commercial, Phone 401. 299-tfe friends rOhiPt171 round of the National Hockey I/P)-Nane schools entered teams Latimer resigned as professor of ment or sleeping room MRS. A million thanks to my hNT League's Stanley Cup playoffs. In a swimming meet arranged mathematics at the University W. L. JACKSON, 418 Maple, MIMEOGRAPHING: Letters, who remembered ale with cards, for and other gifts, or visit- Ten years ago-Roger Rob- by the Kentucky High School of Kentucky, a post he held Phone 1290-J. 82-6tc catds, programs, etc. Mary letters 20 years, to accept a professor- phone Clintc,i 2651 ed me during my recent illness. Seeds ison of New York piloted the Athletic Association for today Burton, 44-foot cutter Sirocco to a re- ship at Emory College, Atlanta,• Help Wanted MOTHER BURTON'S GIFT May God bless each of you. MRS. Kentucky Teach- AMIERY cord victory in the St. Peters- at the Eastern Ga.. next September. SHOP. 17tfc J T POWELL WANTED - Middle aged 413 burg to Havana yacht race, ers College pool. lady for housekeeper and compn ion finishing with an elapsed time Ashland-Thomas R. Williams,, Schools entering teams were for my sister and mother AT of 39 hours, 25 minutes and 55 3, was injured fatally when. PAUL KENDALL. HOMEMADE seconds. Manual Training high of Hen- struck by an automobile after' ONCE. derson, Newport. Winchester, falling from an auto driven try Phone 762. 83-4tp Direct ancestors of the "moun- Berea Academy, University high his father, William J. Williams I CHILI SOUP J11-7:11•41111 tain shrimp" in Australia of Lexington, and Manual, Fle- THE KEG et and St. Xavier of Louis- Paducah-Mlles Meredith, me- Robert F. Head, production dir- streams can be traced back mil- Sandwiches of all kinds. lions of years. ville. Cracken county school superin- I ector of the plant, said More- tendene said he was advised land was supervising unload- • CRANE school, one of ing of the tank from a truck UN'. BY ROY the Melber high KEN-TEN N GRILL BUZ SAW ordered I when the accident occurred sou.losoop- viszokarr RARE! 11,/ CsOT NO1.1 DOWT-TRUCniElt 18 in Kentucky recently 10 Mr! - smieR6 I WOW Mai. 1400i, SUPPOSE aof SUL SNE'S A discontinued because of low en- / Martin Highway ! TALK This °YEW NiCE AMP IMIPMINN- 114PYI SitP6 revad rollment, would be operated at TO WARN MR Caughoo Wins 4.. att, gosur YOVItE ujiS least another year. Congestion at Edna Brews, James and John Adams V3ORE WIMP PLOW TO 0600'6, MICI schools to which Melber's pre- Ns WITS vau. 16 rsoff mime sent pupils would have been Grand National .ttit' transferred caused the change Aintree, England, March 29 * in plans. Meredith was advised. -,,Pr -Caughoo won the 103rd running of the Grand National Paducah - The Paducah Steeplechase today. BETWEEN Board of Education announced a Lough Conn was second. DROP AROUND school tax rate of $1.35 per $100 Komi was third as the favored LOR • rassessed valuation, a 25-cent Prince Regent finished fourth, Increase Fifteen cents of the out of the money. 7 A. M. and 12 P. M. AN increased rate will provide teachers' salary increases while 10 cents will go into a building Otter Creek Park —for— fund, officials said. Will Be Expanded Louisville-A temporary in- Washington, March 29-(4.)- A SANDWICH, A BEER and IQOP The Whiff Anti Il junction was obtained by Mrs. A bill to transfer 394 1-2 acres lo'll , Florence R. Goodman, Washing- of land from the War Depart- A GAME of BILLIARDS eLoNDE,THE '", up. court yes- ment to the Otter Creek POP I. 1 i4ERE '"" "Illi ilidipPill' 11111111 I ton, D. C, in federal rec- GOES BOSS IS HAVING HOw terday to prevent transfer of creational park on the Ohio river wEVE '1 THE A PAG.TY AT WONDERFUL! oil and gas wells near Glasgow. was introduced by Rep. Morton , THESE SPRING EATEN gm.40.14e HIS HOUSE TELL HIM I : which she says she has Ill-Ky l yesterday NON. ON,ONS ARE TWO AND WANTS WE'LL BE THE • j'.4.§' K.Y., an ROOM ' In THREE-WAY POOL svoszigitrut.' SuisCwES uS TO CONIE -NEM ONIONS! ,... an interest. Mrs. Goodman's Louisville, Eugene Stuart) :03-1:10-9:16 petition charged that George chairman of the Otter Creek le and Louise Gromley, Glasgow, commission, said the bill was a C. P. BRUCE. °ware intended to transfer five wells "follow through" on an agree- ! • . In which Mrs Goodman claimed ment between the Secretaries of • a three-eights interest. War and Interior. The land was I r.f * ' II t• ' - acquired by the War Depart-' . '—•.. ,..a -....- Louisville-The War Assets ment to extend Fort Knox, Ky., i t I 9 9 Administration announced during the war. . 1 a $ -....., ...... Iiir, 'IPO P' World War II veterans seeking homes in this area will get a —- ... . chance Monday to buy 365 suplus Man Is Killed In I ANNOUNCEMENT r()ON swum 4 MI 1 WIN i, ...... 4 41 buildings by lottery. R. D. Bot- , - - °• , Car, Truck Wreck t:-----i\ I .11t,c ifi tomless regional WAA director. , I. libe MINIM ...= sale at nearby Charles- 28-(.4e Our ONE-STOP Service Is Now illsot IIir —Lill:zomr t '' liffigrassir ;--—:-'\.774:(1. T., said the Owensboro. Ky., March wa• town, Ind., would be the first -An automobile-truck collision OAKY DOAKS The Land-Grubber lottery sale of buildings In this near here yesterday killed 0 L Complete. • region. Fowler, 53. Owensboro attorney, WISVURIJA WAIITS YOU and injured two companions YOU 10 MAKE SAEMJ-- Lexington-Dr. E. M. Thomp- State Highway Patrolman Al- HER 5(-1E WANTS son, city-county health officer, mond Russell said R. Miller Hal- Service Department Is Now seoue k me To MARRY reported three cases of ringworm land. 59. an Owensboro attorney, Our SQUAW/ h NW! cif the walls in Lexington was injured seriously while Wal- schools. He warned that prompt ter Sargent. Owensboro business Open With

medical treatment was neces- man, also was hurt in the coin- r sary. Winchester and the Cov- sion. They and Fowler were rid- ington-Newport area recently ing in the auto. The injured men have reported cases of the dis- were hospitalized here. MOORE JOYNER 1_61 ease. In Charge. Ripon Lexington - Fatal injuries were suffered by William Ed- ward Moreland, 32, when a Willhaucks AI I* elttys Casasssers Ts heavy water-treating tank lie in‘itep. liii. inny Fries& mad steel crashed him against a (In Him for Their Fiesrvire Needs. THE ADVENTURES OF PATSY A Romeo Aroused pillar at a bottling plant here Barber Shop ST'S ME, , MIS$_STORM! Open Jar Sassiness —IT also speAdize in— PATSY!! „,I FOUND SOMETHING Help Wanted SATURDAY. Wsesiiing, Luhrication, Polishing. Sinbataiskoft, ,4 THAT- - Will train two or three neat, MARCH 29 Shell (;en semi Marti X1100 Motor intelligent young ladies as —in— waitresses. Excellent salary. New Bennett Building COMPANY Paschall Street KING MOTOR • 111-115 Carr Street Fulton, Kentucky Smith's Cafe Luke Willhaucks. "Your f;heyeler-I'lyrnomth Dealer." Saturday Erening, March 29. 1947 Fulton Daily fernier, Fulton, Kentucky Page Four FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCI1 E. N. Oakes, Minister Church school 10 a. in. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Pcithweeria. ser- This week the following vices will be held. • Mond 0y=2 : 30 p. in. A ac mice IIIE MVO parlor conducted MI church in the 11:110 a. ni. missionary groups of our CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Morning Worship, by the 5:00. church. Everyone is invited to J. C. MATTHEWS. Pastor , Vesper Service and Green this service. College -7:30 p. m. • Sunday School 9:45, SOUTH FULTON BAPTIST Tuesday IMO -7:30 p. in., we will Worsh:p 11:00 CHURCH Wech: day Morning as guost preacher Rev. People's Society A:50! J. T. Dace, Pastor have Young Oscar P. Kellar of the Christan 7:15 Evangelictic Service Sunday school 9:30 a. m. church al Bardwell, Ky. Junior Service Wednesday, 3 : Morning Worship 11:00 a. ne Thursday-7:30 p. m., the an- 13. m• Training Union 6 p. m. nual candle-light communion 715: 7:15 p. m. Prayer Service Wed. Evening Worship senire will be held. At this ser- Titert. i,, amplace Ilial is dciir In Choir Rehearsal, Friday 7:15I Mid-week Service Thursday vice u sliver memorial coin- WELCOME! 7:15 p. m. =mien service will be dedicated. VISITORS ALWAYS i,cat•Ish. it ,(11 I Isle .., ter Evangelistic Service. Saturday The service is the gift of Mrs. p. m. Morris in memory of her ST. EDWARDS CATHOLIC ! 7:00 W. W. 'a magnificent architectural CHI'RCH The public is invited. husband. Rev. Waiter Mischke. Ii.' it Rev Thomas Libs, Pastor pastor of the Methodist church, OF OOD. Sunday lllll !mulling its steepled hing- Arai, third and fifth Sundays. CHURCH will bring the sermon. 11 a. -7:30 p in., the tradi- Mae, 10 a. m. 'school. IS) 0 ClOCK. yrearning Friday .. . il of the day will' be 11.1' 111 1111. and 111 .1%1'11 :11/1111` Second and fourth Sundays, m. and 8 p. in. Pastor, Brother tional service held with Use minister speaking ! Mackins. Services every Tuesday • cl .e. li.makes 800 mass. on "The Voice from the Cross." is 1111• 1•Itterch of .Canfigitions before Friday night at 7:15 p. m. and We cordially invit everyone to Everybody is invited and is wel- Old( 11 de • 1t101 111. :APTIST CHURCH share these services with us. iii diftereilll`e come. - - and. Eddings 111 Ott SCIENCE personally Ferrer. Iliere N1` rail go Sam Ed Bradley, Pastor CHRISTIAN CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 a. m.1 .1. T111`11' Sunday School Second and Carr Sts. "Reality" is the subject of the 111111 111.1111•1`. 11111/1. and 1' 10/ a. nil Morning Worship __10:50 Charles I.. Houser, Minister Lesson-Sermon which will be 1'1• Evening Woship 730 p m., Bible School _ . __10:00 a. m. read in all Christian Selenec 54,' C101 !!1) 10 1.1.1'1% pits ill(' Ilia ill 1111. Baptist Training Union 615 p. m. Morning Worship _11:00 a. m. churches throughout the world 1111 l'k• Mid-week Service, Wed. 7:30 p. Evening Worship/ p. m on Sunday, March 30, 1947. ill.' triads and s411'1'1114 s 2:45 p. in. Golden Text is: *Thou. visitors vs monis, Lash's' Class, Monday The there. Men's Training 7:30 p. m 0 Lord, shalt endure for ever; 1.11 tour nay litroorii ... and • all EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mid—week service. Wed 7:30 p.m and thy remembrance unto TRINITY iii 0111. liappi• C. Bennett, Pastor generations." (Ps. 102:121. Imo, itv call gib In rejoice Aaron m. Sunday FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school 9:30 a. Palm 11:00 a. in. for our blessings. 7:30 p. m Evening Prayer and W. E. Mischke. Minister Church service and give thanks Wednesday Evening Testimony Sermon. Sunday School 9:45 a. ni world, indeed, with- Good Friday Worship 10:55 a. m meeting 7:30 is m. II would be a sail Morning Wednesday and 2:00-3:00 p. m Words from. Sermon: The Three Crosses." Reading Room m. Now. 011 lids 11.V1. hif the Cross. Service 7:30 p. Saturday 2-4 p. out chin-ekes. Evening cordially invited Sermon: "We Would See The public is our church services r, it i. fitting Iliad we consider CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERI- Jesus." to attend 1.111-14. to use the Reading Room. AN CHURCH—W. R. Reid. pas- Midweek Service at Christian and these iiuiiigc. told gi‘e 111110 them 00000• tor. Sunday School, 1000 a. m. Church: co Instead of having services PERSON ALS of dmotillll . History has Wednesday Mehl, we shad iota loll measure a Anytime—Anywhere with our friends of the Chris- Mrs. nettle Boaz suffered at of the "di% ine rights of tian church in a candle-light stroke yesterday morning stittelt to Call a and Communion Service Thursday her home on Third street the in aneient days . . . today we 'night 7:30 The pastor of our was taken innnediately to kings" TAXI 3 re- church will bring the Corn- Jones Clinic, where she is Now Management in ilii\yotil of news diyine raunion meditation. We are all ported improving today. enjoy UMW= BYNI'M Nashville ' invited to attend this service. Miss Ola Maddox of man . . . one of these bring is visiting her mother, Mrs.' E. rights of G. Maddox on Cedar street. tile right to go to lite elnareli of our and worship after • own aArul Have Religunis ? Box eboice Charles I.. Houser f.ts1 . Don't wail mild Easter to go the Old Law (Testa- Fun" ment) been done away? elturch ... go to :•littreli to lllllrrow. A—Wily so many people are No matter how dirty confused on this subject I am t It e youngsters get %- unable to understand. The Bible is on any- clothes, mom I is as clear on it, as it their thing discussed therein. There need not worry al tikt have been three dispensations in getting them clean! Bible history, namely: Patriarch- al. Jewish and Christian. Un- less the Bible is "rightly di- ! them to us for dry cleaning and return Send vided" 12 Tim. 2:15), it can not I them spa and span! possibly be harmonized. Those who insist that the Old! Cleaners Testament is in force now, even; Parisian I.aundrv-Dry before Christ's crud- Phone 11 , as it was 226 East Fourth Street fixion, certainly must not be ' familiar with the requirements!! I of the law. It required sabbath. ! .7th. day keeping tn. 20.11-10); ' the offeringadnigt:Vgmiti=71 Local Pastor To Preach In Revival salem three times a year in ob- servance of Passover, Pentecost and the feast of ingathering 'Ex. 23:14-17 and Deut. 1G:161. God forbade their even building a fire on the sabbath I Ex. 35:2- 3., and one man was stoned for picking up sticks on that day (Nuns 15:32-36). Now, serious- ly, do you know ANYONE who really keeps the s,abbath. °frets animal sacrifices and goes to Jerusalem three times a year in This ilesmsge Sponsored by: observance of these annual feasts of the law? But if the Old Testament is still in force, why are these commandment.; not kept? There is but one DRUG COMPANY plausible answer, namely; that FULTON BANK law came to an encl, as a law, when Christ, was crucified. -Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way. nail- TIIE LEADER STORE ing it to his cross" 'Col. 2:14h BOAZ AND HESTER GROCFRY See also Heb. 8:7-13 and Rom. 7:4. This is why it doesn't matter now, ticts.: the thief and the sin- ful woman were saved, for they lived and died before the New Testament went into effect. For GRADY'S CAFE THE STEAK HOUSE a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testa- tor liveth" illeb. 9:17.. Hence, the gospel of Christ 11 Cor. 15:1- 41 could not, be preached as a fact, believed and obeyed 'Rom. TAXI ---315 THE BUDGET SIIOP 6:17.18., until after the death, SPEIGIIT burial and resurrection of Christ. This space paid for by Central Church of Christ, Fulton, Ky. iiasevi&-morolo, RE-NU SHOE SHOP J. T. MACE, SAWYER'S MARKET REV. SMALLM.i N a' WEBB pastor of TIN SHOP South Fulton Baptist Church. and Coal will do the preaching in a • Oil, Gas FURNACES KASNOW EVANS DRUG COMPANY REVIVAL MEETING -- — Gutters and Down Spouts 39. there, beginning March Replaced and Repaired • Services each night at 7:1.5. Telephone 302 ix given a special invitation to attend Fallon The public ‘111111NISE each of these ,ervices.