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Zeitschrift/Journal: Beiträge zur Paläontologie

Jahr/Year: 2001

Band/Volume: 26

Autor(en)/Author(s): Tröger Karl-Armin, Summesberger Herbert, Wagreich Michael

Artikel/Article: Early Maastrichtian (Late ) Inoceramids from the Piesting Formation (Gosau Group; Austria) 145-167 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Beitr. Paläont., 26:145-167, Wien 2001 Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids from the Piesting Formation (Gosau Group; Austria)


Tröger , K.-A.1}, Summesberger , H.* 2) & W agreich , M.3)

Troger , K.-A., Summesberger , H. & W agreich , M., 2001. Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids from the Piesting Formation (Gosau Group; Austria). — Beitr. Palaont., 26:145-167,14 figs., 3 plates, Wien.

Contents Trochoceramus sp. aff. monticuli (Fugger & Kastner ), Trochoceramus cf. tenuiplicatus (T zankov ), Abstract, Zusammenfassung ...... 145 Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus (Heinz ), 1. Introduction...... 147 sp. aff .planus M ünster (sensu W alaszczyk et al. 1996), 2. Systematic Palaeontology ...... 147 Cataceramus sp. ex gr. balticus (Böhm), Cataceramus ? 3. Stratigraphy of the Piesting Formation in the Neue Welt glendivensis W alaszczyk , C obban & H arries and area...... 157 Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (Hagenow ). The genera 4. Maastrichtian inoceramid palaeobiogeography .... 158 Spyridoceramus and Trochoceramus predominantly occur 5. Acknowledgements...... 158 in the Lower Maastrichtian. Pachydiscus neubergicus 6. References...... 159 (Hauer ) and nannofossils of the zone CC24 confirm this Plates ...... 162 stratigraphical interpretation. Palaeomagnetic investigations indicate Chron 31R of the lowermost Maastrichtian. Abstract The inoceramid assemblage of Piesting contains taxa (e.g. Spyridoceramus) typical of the Northern Temperate Inoceramid bivalves were collected in two closely Realm sensu Kauffman (1973) co-occurring with neighbouring parts of the type section of the newly which were first described from the Tethyan Realm (fauna established Piesting Formation (Gosau Group; see of Muntigl). Species typical for the Southern Temperate Summesberger et al., 2002). The lower part of the section Realm are missing. at the roadcutting south of Piesting (Lower Austria) yielded Trochoceramus (?) cf. dobrovi (Pavlova ) and Trochoceramus cf. morgani (S ornay ), proving an Zusammenfassung uppermost Campanian age, Chron 32N according to palaeomagnetic investigations (S cholger in: Zwei nahe benachbarte Profilstrecken der neu definier­ S ummesberger et al., 2002). This is endorsed by ten Piesting Formation (Gosau Gruppe; siehe nannofossils of the nannozones CC18 - CC22. Summesberger et al., 2002) haben zahlreiche Inoceramen The Lower Maastrichtian inoceramid fauna from the geliefert. Der tiefere Profilabschnitt an der Umfahrungs­ higher part of the section at the sports area of Piesting straße von Piesting (Niederösterreich) gehört mit contained the following taxa: Platyceramus salisburgensis Trochoceramus cf. morgani (S ornay ) und T. (?) cf. (Fugger & Kastner ), Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli), dobrovi (Pavlova ) dem höchsten Ober-Campan an. Das Nannoplankton erlaubt eine Einstufung in die Zonen CC18-CC22, die paläomagnetische Untersuchung ergibt Chron 32N (Scholger in: Summesberger et al. 2002). 1} Karl-Armin Tröger , D-09596, Freiberg/Sachsen, Geo­ Aus dem höheren Profilabschnitt vom Sportplatz Piesting logisches Institut, Meißer building, Germany. Tel.: ++49 werden folgende Taxa beschrieben: Platyceramus 3731 392430; Mail: [email protected] . salisburgensis (F ugger & K astner ), Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli) Trochoceramus sp. aff. monticuli 2) Herbert S ummesberger , mail: herbert.summesber- (Fugger & K astner ), Trochoceramus cf. tenuiplicatus [email protected] ; A-1014, Wien, Naturhistorisches (Tzankov ), Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus (Heinz ), Museum, Austria. Inoceramus sp. aff.planus M ünster (sensu W alaszczyk et al. 1996), Cataceramus sp. ex gr. balticus (B öhm), 3) Michael W agreich , mail: michael.wagreich@uni- Cataceramus ? glendivensis W alaszczyk , C obban & vie.ac.at, A-1090, Wien, Geozentrum der Universität, Harries und Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (Hagenow ). Austria. Die Gattungen Trochoceramus und Spyridoceramus kom- ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 146 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

Figure 1: Sketch map of the area around Piesting (Lower Austria) indicating the localities mentioned in the text. 1. Sports field of Piesting. 2. Roadcutting exposures (1996/1998) “Umfahrungs­ straße” S of Piesting; 1 and 2 representing the type section of the Piesting For­ mation. 3. Historic locality “Schar­ rergraben” N of Piesting famous for its Late Creta­ ceous corals and rudists.

Figure 2: Position of the Grtinbach - Neue Welt Cretaceous basin at the eastern border of the Northern Calcareous (black = Upper Cretaceous Gosau Group) and its extension underneath the Neogene basin. Af­ ter W ag reich & M ar sc h a l - ko (1995). ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Tröger, K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 147 men fast ausschließlich im Untermaastrichtium vor. 2. Systematic Palaeontology Pachydiscus neubergicus (Hauer ), eine Nannoplankton- Fauna der Zone CC24 und die paläomagnetische Datie­ Class rung des höheren Profilabschnitts (Sportplatz Piesting) Supraorder Pteriomorphia B eurlen 1944 (Scholger in: Summesberger et al., 2002) in Chron 31R Order Pteroida Newell 1965 bestätigen die Alterseinstufung. Family Giebel 1852 Paläobiogeographische Beziehungen zur nördlichen ge­ mäßigten Zone (sensuK auffman 1973) werden besonders Remarks: The inoceramids of Piesting are badly durch das Auftreten der Gattung Spyridoceramus belegt. preserved, incomplete internal moulds. They are all more Ein Teil der Fauna (Fauna von Muntigl -S eitz 1970) wird or less deformed by post mortem compaction. Shells are erstmals aus dem Tethys-Bereich beschrieben. Typische absent in most cases. All specimens are stored in the Vertreter der südlichen gemäßigten Zone fehlen. collections of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW). For symbols and abbreviations see fig. 5. Measurements are in mm. 1. Introduction Genus Inoceramus J. Sowerby 1814 Zittel (1866) was the first to describe inoceramids from the the Austrian Gosau Group. He mentioned Inoceramus Type species: Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby 1814 by Cripsi M antell var. typica Zittel,/. Cripsi M antell var. subsequent designation of Cox 1969, p. N315. regularis D'Orbigny , /. Cripsi M antell var. alaeformis Remarks: The ligamental plate of Inoceramus planus Zekeli, /. Cripsi M antell var. decipiens Zittel, I. latus M ünster and that of the subsequently described taxon M antell and /. cfr. Cuvieri Sowerby from the Neue Welt are unknown. Therefore we use Inoceramus”” (= basin in the Northern Calcareous Alps (text-fig. 2). Fugger Inoceramus sensu lato) & Kästner (1885) established Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kästner and Inoceramus monticuli Fugger & Inoceramus sp. aff. planus M ünster 1836 Kästner occurring in the Flysch of Muntigl and Berg- Plate 1, figs. 2,3; text-fig. 6 heim near Salzburg. This was later called the “Muntigler Inoceramenfauna” by Seitz (1970). Petrascheck (1906) Compare: mentioned I. salisburgensis Fugger & Kästner from the 1835 Inoceramus planus M ünster - Goldfuss , p. 117, pi. flysch belt of Leopoldsberg near Vienna. The new genus 113, figs. la,b. Trochoceramus Heinz (1932) was established without valid description and figure as a nomen nudum with einz Trochoceramus helveticus H (1932, p. 19) as type H / L (%) species. Seitz (1970, p. 112 ff.) revaluated Trochoceramus as a subgenus and gave a description of the subsequently designated holotype of the type species based on a surviving cast when he revised the Muntigl fauna. The type series from the Wang Schichten is lost. The revision of Seitz revealed the following changes:

Inoceramus latus M antell (Zittel 1866, pi. 13, fig.7) = /. (Trochoceramus ) aff. helveticus Heinz Vo/ L(%) Inoceramus salisburgensis F ugger & K ästner , Petrascheck 1906, fig. 3 = I. (Trochoceramus ) aff. monticuli Fugger & Kästner Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kästner 1885, text- fig. 8 = /. ( Trochoceramus ) aff. monticuli Fugger & Kästner

Tzankov (1981) established the species Trochoceramus tenuiplicatus (Tzankov ). Holotype is the original of Fugger & Kästner Inoceramus salisburgensis sensu 100- Petrascheck (1906: 164, text-fig. 3). 90“ NHMW/2001/Z/0125/0001 Abbreviations: 80- KBIN TCM - Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- 70- wetenschappen, Brussel ----- I----- I-----1----- 1----- 1-----1----- 1-----1-----[H (mm) NHMW - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 GBA - Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, Austria Figure 6: H/L-, Vo/L- and S/L ratio of Inoceram us sp. aff. For abbreviations of morphological elements see figure 5. planus M ü n st e r from the sports field of Piesting. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 148 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001


iig< (Obernauserin: Plöchinger, 1961)

Globotruncanids (Oberhäuser in: Plöchinger, 1961) s Pachydiscus neubergicus Piesting sports field CD Inoceramid Fauna (nesting) cO)

Pachydiscus epiplectus CO o f ) f ) Pseudokossmaticeras brandti sc T3o Trochoceramus cf. m organi, S Piesting road cutting Trochoceramus cf. dobrovi O rbitoides jC (0o JOc Pseudokossmaticeras brandti “Orbitoidensandstein" Lupat Quarry 0

coal seam House foundation Piesting

Dreistatten Conglomerate Pollen and spores (Draxler, 1997) Flora of Grunbach Abandoned coalmine (Herman & Kvacek, 2002) * Reptile fauna (Bunzel, 1873) Muthmannsdorf shaft Placenticeras polyopsis, Maiersdorf quarry C. muelleri (under study) Natural Monument Hippurites biostrome Grunbach

Trochactaeon mass occurrences Dreistatten Railway cut W Grunbach 9 Brachiopods SW Piesting road cutting 87Sr/86Sr age 83,3 Ma (Scharbert, pers. comm.)

Erosion, karstification, bauxite

Figure 3: Compiled measured sections of the „Piesting Formation“ (Gosau Group, Neue Welt basin, sports field, Piesting roadcutting, basement excavations; Piesting, Lower Austria (after Egger et al. 2000). ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Tróger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 149

zCO INTEGRATED STRATIGRAPHY OF THE CAMPANIAN - o MAASTRICHTIAN PIESTING FORMATION CO Gosau Group; Neue Welt; Lower Austria LU ÜO&LU Summesberger, Wagreich, Troger, Scholger 2000 0 cc ÿ z û ! MACRO­ NANNO- O < < < LITHOLOGY EXPO­ CO£ LL Û-2 PALAEONTOLOGY PALAEONTOLOGY SURES c CO Pachydiscus neubergicus Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii t:tO *A ■*-> Platyceramus salisburgensis Micula decussata O I SI Q. o Plafyceramus alaeformis Arkhangelskiella cymbifonmis C/3-q Trochoceramus sp. aff. m o n ticuli Ceratonthoides aculeus OÏÔ3 Trochoceramus ct. tenuiplicatus Lithraphidites cf. praequadratus Trochoceramus sp. aff. h elveticu s Q u a d ru m sp. GO . In o c e ra m u s sp. aff. p la n u s Cataceramus sp. ex gr. b alticu s £ 1 Cataceramus? glenaivensis Spyridoceramus cf. teg u latu s

Qj 3 O 03 cO) n CM Ven D CM o o Calculites obscurus û_ CO Trochoceramus m o rg a n i Micula decussata cf. CO o O) 11^ Trochoceramus. cf. dob ro vi oo Eiffellithus eximius y- Broinsonia parca parca =® CO c CO CO +4 o (0 o (0 to<0 0 0 cO) l_3 0 JZ CO c Q. CO Q. E c D D CO o Qj -O(0 E o CO cc O 0 CO

Sandstone Si listone ? I Clayey Interbeds Coal seams Basement p(u-t- Clay excavation c Cfl" !2 ô Oll

Figure 4: Compiled section of the Gosau Group of the Neue Welt basin (Lower Austria; after Egger et al. 2000). ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 150 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

Figure 5: Morphological measurements (external view) in inoceramids with balticus-like subcircular and subquadratic shape according to Seitz (1934), Heinz (1932), Troger (1969) and Harries & Kauffman (1993). Abbreviations: 1 - angle between the hinge line and posterior margin, 2 - angle between hinge line and one undulation, 3 - angle between hinge line and axial length (WA), 4 - angle between hinge line and undulations, Flw. - wing angle, Gw. - angle between the hinge line and the anterior margin, H - height of an undulation, Hg. - height, L - length of an undulation, Lg. - length, S - part of hinge line belonging to the undulation, Sg. - length of the hinge line, Vo - part of the anterior margin belonging to the undulation, WA - growth axis (axial length), Ww. - umbonal angle, lower right comer: h - radial ornamentation: ribs (Seitz), radial folds (Harries et al.), concentric ornamentation: — - growth lines (Anwachslinien), ------undulations (Seitz), a - Anwachsschnittreifen, b - Anwachsreifen (Heinz).

1993 “ Inoceramus ” aff. planus M ünster in Goldfuss , NHMW/2001/z/0125 /0002 /0006 /0001 /0002 1835; Dhondt , p. 217, pi. 3, figs. la,b; text-figs. D 10-30 3.44 2.81 3.1 4.04 3a,b (with synonymy). 1996 “ Inoceramus” sp. cf. planus M ünster; W alaszczyk Table 2: Average undulation intervals (AU) in the umbonal et al., pi. 5, fig. 4. region (D = distance from the beak, in mm). Material: Internal moulds of 4 left valves (NHMW/2001/ Remarks: The umbonal stage of Inoceramus sp. aff. z/0125/0001, /0125/0002, 0125/0006) from the sports planus M ünster is comparable with that of Inoceramus field of Piesting. balticus Böhm (e.g. G iers , 1964, pi. 3, fig. 2). In the Preservation: All specimens are incomplete. Parts of the subsequent growth stage I. sp. aff. planus differs by its wing, of the posterior and anterior margin are missing, more elongated undulations (H/L over 80 %; text-fig. 5) flattened by post mortem deformation. The specimens are similar to 435-4 from the Lower Maastrichtian of the Aimaki section figured by Description: Small to medium sized, inequilateral, W alaszczyk et al. (1996, pi. 5, fig. 4) and KBIN TCM equivalve (?). Shape nearly ovate. The beak projects 10520 from the Upper Campanian of Tercis (D h o n d t . slightly over the hinge line and is bent to the anterior 1993, pi. 3,fig.l a,b). margin .The preserved parts of the hinge line are straight. The anterior margin is mainly straight (NHMW/2001/z/ Genus Cataceramus Heinz 1932 0125/0006 - convex - caused by deformation). Gw (Gesamtwinkel = total angle) = 95-110° Growth axis Type species: Inoceramus balticus Böhm (1909, pi- ^ opisthocline. The undulations are rounded to sharp. The fig. 2). For the complete discussion of the type sPeC t ^ latter is caused by deformation. Thickness of the shell: see D hondt (1993), W alaszczyk (1997) and Walaszcz ^ 0.2 mm. The change of the H/L-, Vo/L- and S/L-ratio is et al. (2001). For the discussion of a partly *ssu^.ti shown in fig. 5. synonymy of Cataceramus Heinz , 1932 and E 01 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Tröger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids ... 151

H/L (%)

Vo/L (%)

Figure 7: Cataceramus ? glendivensis W alaszczyk et al. (2001) with curved beak, which is turned to the anterior margin (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0012 from the sports field of Piesting; scale bar = 1 cm).

are pointed. This may be caused by post mortem deformation. 10CH Height (mm) H/L (%) Vo/L (%) S/L (%) 90- NHMW/2001/Z/0125/0001 ri 80- 11.5 65.7 54.3 — 17.5 85.4 59.5 — 70- 22.0 88.0 58 62,2 I | I I I I 1 1 [H(mm) 32.5 81.3 42.5 — Figure 6: H/L-, Vo/L- and S/L-ratio of Inoceramus sp. aff. Table 2: The H/L-,Vo/L-S/L- ratios of NHMW/2001/z/0125/ planus M ünster from the sports fiels of Piesting. 0011 (umbonal region), intervals between undulations 3-6 mm.

Whitfield (1877) see Seitz (1967) and W alaszczyk et Occurrence: The species is distributed in the upper part al. (2001). of the Baculites baculus Zone and in the Baculites grandis Remarks; The below-mentioned Cataceramus ? Zone according to W alaszczyk et al. (2001). Lower glendivensis W alaszczyk et al. (2001) was newly Maastrichtian age Western Interior Basin (USA), established by W alaszczyk et al. (2001) for an inoceramid Madagascar, Piesting (Austria). species from the lowermost Maastrichtian of the Western Interior Basin of the United States. Dr. W alaszczyk Cataceramus sp. aff. balticus (Bohm 1909) recognised the affinity of the new established species and Plate 1, fig. 4 two inoceramid specimens of Piesting while visiting the collections of Vienna. Synonymy. For synonymy of C. balticus balticus (B ohm) see Troger et al. (1999). Cataceramus ? glendivensis W alaszczyk , C obban & Material: Fragments of a left (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0014) Harries (2001) and a right valve (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0015) and one Plate 1, fig. 1; text-fig. 7 of a bivalved specimen (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0013). Both valves of the latter specimen are fixed together at Holotype: By original designation the specimen YPM the hinge line. 191001 of Walaszczyk et al., pi. XLII, fig. 2. Preservation: Incomplete and flattened by post mortem Locus typicus: Glendive section, Montana (USA) deformation. Only the umbonal regions are preserved. -“«uum typicum:Uppermost part of the Pierre Shale. Description: The bivalved specimen consists of the Baculites baculus Zone of Lower Maastrichtian age. umbonal region of the left valve and the fragment of the ferial: Internal moulds of two left valves (NHMW/ umbonal region of the right valve. As far as visible it is *-°° 1 /z/0 1 25/0011 and /0125/0012). inequilateral and medium sized. The beaks arise at the rioiSerVa^°n: ^ncomPlete- Parts of the wing, of the ante- hinge line, not curved. Hinge line at the beak straight. Des ^°ster*or' anara^°^Ca^ strongly domed beak projects undulations are increasing from 1.5 mm to 5.8 mm. (H/L The am ^ne’ curved and bent to the anterior margin. at H= 6.5 mm: 50 %; at H= 8.0 mm: 59.3 %). ^ncav^Gty0131^ 11 ^ convex’ immediately at the beak The umbonal region of the specimen NHMW/2001/z/ c°nvexlv W = 110°. Growth axis prosocline and 0125/0015 is similarly shaped but slightly pressed over curved toward the hinge line. The undulations the hinge line (Hg - incomplete: 14.5 mm; Lg-incomplete: ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 152 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

23.5 mm; Sg.-incomplete:13.5 mm; anterior margin:7.8 Course of the undulations is subcircular, the intervals from mm; Gw. = 124°). The H/L - ratio decreases during 5.8 to 13.2 mm, near the ventral margin 15 - 30 mm. Shell ontogeny (H = 64.6 mm: H/L= 64.6%; H = 6.5 mm: H/L thickness is 1 - 2.8 mm, in other fragments: 1-5.5 mm. = 53.3 %; H = 8.3 mm: H/L = 47.4 % ). Remarks: The fragments may also belong to the group of the recently described Inoceramus stephensoni Genus Platyceramus Heinz 1932 W alaszczyk et al. 2001. Occurrence (text-fig. 14): P. salisburgensis (Fugger & Type species according to S eitz (1961, p. 54) is Kastner ) occurs according to Seitz (1970) in the upper­ Inoceramus Mantelli de M ercey (B arrois 1879, p.454, most Campanian to Lower Maastrichtian of Western, pi. 4, fig.1). Central and Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The described Campanian specimens from Eastern Europe and Platyceramus salisburgensis (Fugger & Kastner 1885) Western Asia (Pavlova in Moskvin 1959) are questionable. PI. 1, fig. 5 Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli 1852) Lectotype designated subsequently by Seitz (1970, p. 125) Plate 3, fig. 6; text-fig. 8 is the original of Fugger & Kastner (1885, pi. I). Lectotype is the original of Z ekeli (pl.l, fig.l) Synonymy subsequently designated by Dhondt (1993, p 230). 1885 Inoceramus salisburgensis n.sp.; Fugger & Kast ­ ner : 77-79, only pi. I Synonymy v.1959 Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kastner ; 1852 Inoceramus Cripsi var. alaeformis Zekeli: 102, pi. Dobrov & Pavlova in: Moskin : 155, pi.XIX, fig. 2 1, fig-1 (non 1). 1866 Inoceramus Cripsi var. alaeformis Zekeli; Zittel: 1970 Inoceramus (Platyceramus ) salisburgensis Fugger 97, pi. 14, fig. 5 & Kastner ; Seitz, pi. 24, fig. 1, pi. 25-27, text-fig. 1993 Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli 1852); Dhondt : 11. 230, pi. 5, figs. 2,4; text-fig. 10 a,b. With full 1977 Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kastner ; synonymy. Kotlarczyk et al., pis. I, II. ? 1993 Platyceramus cf. alaeformis (Zekeli 1852); ? 1983 Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kastner ; Dhondt : 231. Prey , p. 102. Material: Zekeli‘s and Zittel‘s original material could Stratum typicum: Altlengbach Fm. (Flysch) of Upper not be traced in the Vienna collections. One topotype from Campanian through Lower Maastrichtian age the “Klause” near Griinbach, similar to that figured by (Seitz,1970) Zittel (1866, pi. 14, fig. 1) (GBA, collection W olf), and Locus typicus: Quarry at Muntigl (region Salzburg) two internal moulds of left valves (NHMW/2001/z/0125/ Remarks: The lectotype of P. salisburgensis (Fugger & 0023,24) from the sports field of Piesting and one from Kastner ) is a fragment without wing and anterior and the area of Griinbach were at our disposal. posterior margins. It is uncertain whether the fragment Preservation: The specimens are incomplete and flattened. belongs to a right or left valve. Seitz ‘s (1970, p.126) Post mortem compaction is proved by radial cracks reconstruction is based on the lectotype from the type (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0024) and the pointed shape of the locality. Two better preserved paratypes are described and undulations in the specimen from Griinbach. Parts of the figured by Seitz (1970, pis. 26,27). P. salisburgensis is a wing and the ventral margins are not preserved. large (height over 50 cm) subcircular species, inequilateral Description: Medium sized, inequilateral. The flat beak and equivalve. Gw. is over 90° (perhaps 100-110°). The is turned to the anterior margin. The beak slightly projects flat beak passes slightly curved from the hinge line to the over the hinge line. The anterior margin is convex. The straight to slightly convex anterior margin. The growth hinge line is straight as far as visible. Gw. = 130-140°, axis is prosocline and slightly curved toward the hinge Flw. = 30-40°. The growth axis is straight. The undulations line. The ornamentation consists of growth lines and flat are rounded to pointed. The course of the undulations and undulations. Undulations are absent near the ventral growth lines is elongated ovate (L > H ). The interval margin. The course of the ornamentation at the beak is between the undulations slightly increases from the beak balticus-like. The course of the undulations in the middle to the ventral margin (tab. 3). The angle between hinge part of the valve and near the ventral margin is subcircular. line and undulations is 50-70° “Anwachsreifen” are Material: Large fragments are common in the upper parts present (text-fig. 5). of the section at the sports field of Piesting. Best preserved are: NHMW/2001/z/0125/0018, 19 and 22, all flattened D (mm) 125/0024 125/0023 Griinbach by post mortem compaction. 10-30 3.65 1.89 2.23 Description: NHMW/2001/z/0125/0018 has a length of 30-50 - 4.93 3.16 141.5 mm and a height of 152 mm. Gw. over 90°. Hinge line is absent. Anterior margin is straight to slightly convex. Table 3: Average interval (AU in mm) between the undulations of Undulations especially developed on the umbonal region. Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli); D = distance from the beak. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Troger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 153

Discussion: The specimen of Griinbach (locality “Klau- Genus Trochoceramus Heinz 1932 se”) is similiar to the lectotype of P. alaeformis (7f.kf.tj) designated by DHONDT1993 . The specimens of Piesting Type species is Trochoceramus helveticus Heinz by ori­ - designated as P.cf. alaeformis (Zekeli) show small ginal designation ofHEnsrz 1932,p.19 (Seitz 1970,p.112). differences in the greater distance of undulations and the course of the undulations. H/L, Vo/L and S/L are similiar. Trochoceramus sp. aff. monticuli (Fugger & Kastner May be, that the lower Maastrichtian specimens of 1885) Piesting are acquainted with the uppermost Upper Plate 2, figs. 1,2 Campanian P. alaeformis (Zekeli). W alaszczyk has redescribed the North American species “ Inoceramus ” Lectotype, subsequently designated by Seitz (1970,p.ll8) balchii Meek & Hayden (Walaszczyk et al. 2001, p .212). is the original of Fugger & Kastner (1885, plate II; He compares the incomplete specimens of Piesting with collections of the Haus der Natur, Salzburg, 817). juvenile stages of balchii (= cf. balchii M eek & Hayden ). Both species are very similiar concerning the Compare: juvenile stages. A correct identification depends upon 1885 Inoceramus monticuli n.sp.; Fugger & Kastner : 80, complete specimens. pi. II. Occurrence: Platyceramus alaeformis was originally 1970 Inoceramus (Trochoceramus ) monticuli Fugger & described by Zekeli (1852) from the “Region of Wiener Kastner ; Seitz: 118-119, pi. 17. H/L (%) Stratum typicum: Altlengbach Fm. (Rhenodanubian Flysch) according to Seitz (1970) Upper Campanian through Lower Maastrichtian. Locus typicus: Quarry at Muntigl near Salzburg, Austria Remarks concerning the lectotype: The lectotype of T. monticuli (Fugger & Kastner , 1895, pi. II), refigured by Seitz (1970, plate 17), is a fragment. Beak, hinge line 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 and all margins are missing. Nevertheless Seitz (1970, p.118-119) gave a description on the basis of the type Vo/L (%) series, which has been at his disposal. The intervals between the undulations varies from 10 to 17 mm. The undulations are “Anwachsreifen” sensuH einz (1928, text- fig. 3) partly turning into “Anwachsschnittreifen” sensu Heinz (1928, text-fig. 3). The latter are indistinct in the holotype. The ribs are visible only in the middle part of the valve. They are slightly curved and grained at intersections of undulations and ribs. Seitz (1970, pls.18, 19, 20, 21) pictures several specimens belonging to the S/L (%) group of T. monticuli (T. aff. monticuli, T. cf. monticuli). Material: NHMW/2001/z/0125/0026,28, two fragments of left valves and one fragment of a right valve (NHMW/ 200 l/z/0125/0027) from the sports field of Piesting were at our disposal. Description: In NHMW/2001/z/0125/0026 and 28 only the umbonal regions are preserved. Posterior margins, parts of the anterior margins and of the hinge line are Figure 8: H/L-, Vo/L- and S/L ratio of Platyceramus alaeformis missing. NHMW/2001/z/0125/0027 is the middle part of (Z ekeli) from the sports field of Piesting and of Griinbach. a valve without beak, hinge line and all margins. All specimens are flattened by compaction. The typical Neustadt” We are certain that its type area corresponds ornamentation is visible in NHMW/2001/z/0125/0027 with the area of the Piesting Formation (Summesberger close to the beak: undulations with intervals from 3.4 to et al., 2000) of the Gosau Group in the Neue Welt basin. 5.8 mm. The ribs are irregularly curved. Their The species is quoted from Tercis and from the Petites- intersections with the undulations are slightly granulated. Pyrenees, France (Dhondt ,1993, p.231) and with a query Close to the ventral margin only growth lines are visible. from the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees and the Caucasus. Safely This change of ornamentation may be caused by a dated specimens from Tercis (Dhondt ,1993) are from the geniculation. NHMW/200 l/z/0125/0026 and 28 show Upper Campanian Hyatti -Zone. The Austrian specimens balticus-like umbonal regions with beaks extending as from the Piesting area, which is situated within the type far as the hinge line. They bear undulations with area, are dated by co-occurrence with Pachydiscus increasing intervalsffom 1.5-10.5 mm. Indistinct ribs arise neubergicus (H auer ) from the Lower Maastrichtian at a distance of 20-30 mm from the beak. Neubergicus — Zone. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 154 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

Discussion: The investigated specimens are comparable Stratum typicum: Fm. (Rhenodanubian with those figured by Seitz (1970, pi. 19, PI. 20-21; pi. Flysch) of (?) Maastrichtian age. 22, fig. 1). Locus typicus: Leopoldsberg near Vienna Occurrence: /. (Tr.) monticuli Fugger & Kästner was Material: NHMW/2001/z/0125/0030 a single internal described originally from the Rhenodanubian Flysch mould of a right valve from the sports field at Piesting. (Penninicum) of Muntigl, near Salzburg (Austria).T. sp. Preservation: Incomplete. Wing, posterior and ventral aff. monticuli is now described from the Upper margins are missing. Radial cracks indicate post mortem Austroalpine Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous compaction. The beak is slightly pressed over the anteri­ Alps. The Lower Maastrichtian age of the latter is given or margin. by co-occurrence of P. neubergicus (Hauer ). The Muntigl Description: Large sized, inequilateral, perhaps occurrence was dated as uppermost Campanian through equivalved. Balticus- like umbonal region. Anterior Lower Maastrichtian (Seitz 1970, p. 118). margin convex subrounded. Hinge line only partly preserved, straight. Hg.= 129.5 mm (incomplete), Lg = Trochoceramus cf. tenuiplicatus (Tzankov 1981) 123.5 mm (incomplete), Vo (anterior margin) = 101.5 mm Plate 2, fig. 5; text-fig. 9 (nearly complete). Angle between hinge line and anterior margin (Gw.) = 106° (possibly changed by deformation). 1906 Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kästner; The ornamentation consists of concentric, sharply-edged Petrascheck : 164, text-fig. 3 undulations (caused by compaction) and radial ribs arising V.1970 Inoceramus (Trochoceramus ) aff. salisburgensis at the beak.They are well developed around the axial Fugger & K ästner; Seitz: 119-120, pi. 18, fig. 2 region. Rib interval: 1-2.5 mm. 1981 Inoceramus (Inoceramus ) tenuiplicatus n.sp.; Tzankov : 85, pi. 30, fig. 1. (with additional D Holotype NHMW/0125/0030 synonymy) 10-30 mm 3.78 mm 5.40 mm 30-50 mm 6.93 mm 7.4 mm Holotype by original designation of Tzankov (1981, p. 50-70 mm 7.43 mm — 85) is the original of Inoceramus salisburgensis Fugger & Kästner figured by Petrascheck (1906, text-fig. 3) Table 4: Average undulation intervals in distances (D) from from the Maastrichtian (?) of Leopoldsberg near Vienna, the beak. Austria (NHMW/1963/505).

Vo/L (%) 70-

1-----1------1------1------1------1------1------1------1 H (mm) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 S/L (%)

Figure 9. H/L-, Vo/L- and S/L ratio of Trochoceramus cf. Figure 10: Fragment of Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus Heinz tenuiplicatus (sports field Piesting) and of the holotype of (bar scale 1 cm). NHMW/2001/z/0125/0032 from the Lower Trochoceramus tenuiplicatus (Tzankov ). Maastrichtian of the sports field Piesting. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Troger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 155

Remarks: NHMW/2001/z/0125/0030 is comparable with Trochoceramus sp. aff. morgani (Sornay 1973) the holotype of Trochoceramus tenuiplicatus (Tzankov ) Plate 3, fig. 5 in shape, H/L ratio and the course and type of undulations and ribs. It differs by its smaller Vo/L -ratio and the Holotype of Trochoceramus morgani (Sornay ) by origi­ absence of the ’’Anwachsschnittreifen” sensu Heinz nal designation is the original of Sornay (1973; pi. 4, fig. (1932) visible in the holotype. This may be caused by the 6; text-fig. 5). preservation of the former (internal mould without growth lines). W alaszczyk (pers. comm.) mentioned affinities Compare: to specimens of the Inoceramus balchii - group, which 1973 Inoceramus (Trochoceramus ) morgani Sornay : 91- in contrast lacks radial elements. 92, pi. 3, figs. 3-4; pi. 4, figs. 2-3. Occurrence: Trochoceramus tenuiplicatus (Tzankov ) 1996 Trochoceramus morgani (Sornay ); W alaszczyk et occurs in the Lower Maastrichtian (?) of the Rhenoda- al.: 156-157, pi. 2, figs. 1-8. nubian Flysch of Leopoldsberg near Vienna, in the Lower Maastrichtian of the Nida Trough, south central Poland Stratum typicum: Calcaire a Baculites (Sornay 1973), (W alaszczyk et al. 1996), Ukraina and of the Gulf Coast Maastrichtian of North America (W alaszczyk et al. 2001). Locus typicus: Picauville (France) Material: 1 internal mould from the roadcutting of Piesting Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus (Heinz 1932) (NHMW/200 l/z/0126/0001). Plate 3, fig. 1; text-fig. 10 Preservation: Undeformed internal mould. Incomplete, parts of the beak and of the ventral margin are missing. Holotype by subsequent designation of Seitz (1970) is Description: Medium sized (Hg = 47.0 mm; Lg. = 72.5 the original of Trochoceramus helveticus Heinz figured mm; Sg. = 51.5 mm). Inequilateral, equivalve. Shape by Seitz (1970, pi. 14) from Switzerland. balticus like. Beak not curved, slightly projects over the hinge line. Hinge line straight. Angle between the hinge Compare: line and the posterior margin: 120° Gw. = 113°. Flw. = 1932 Trochoceramus helveticus Heinz , p. 19 37°. Anterior margin convex. Undulations staircase - like. 1996 Trochoceramus helveticus Heinz ; W alaszczyk et Undulation intervals increasing from the beak (2.5 mm) al.: p. 161, pi. 4, figs. 2-3 (with synonymy). to the ventral margin (6.5 mm). Ratio H/L at H=15.5 mm: 100%, at H = 21.3 mm: 85.2 mm, at H = 30 mm: 85 %. Stratum typicum: Wang beds of Upper Campanian to Ratio S/Lat H = 15.5: 59.4 %,atH=21.3 mm: 75.1 %,at Maastrichtian age H = 30 mm: 133%. The undulations are curved to the Locus typicus: N Schrattenfluh, Switzerland beak at the hinge line (angle 2, see text-fig. 5: 110- Material: Three fragments (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0031, 118°). 32,33,34,) from the sports field of Piesting. Undulations crenellated at the umbonal region. Ribs Preservation: All specimens are incomplete. Beaks, wings not clearly visible. Small Endocostea scar present. and margins are generally missing. They are all flattened Remarks: The specimen described differs from T. morgani by post mortem deformation. (Sornay ) by the high H/L ratio at the beak and the form Description: Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus is a large­ of the radial ornamentation. Trochoceramus sp. aff. sized, inequilateral and flat taxon. The umbonal area of morgani (Sornay ) is possibly a Campanian precursor of the right valve has balticus - like shape. Intervals of the Trochoceramus morgani (Sornay ). first undulations are 6.5 mm, 8.5 mm, 11.8 mm. The ribs Occurrence: Trochoceramus morgani (S ornay ) is start in 20-30 mm distance from the beak crossing the recorded from the topmost Lower/?basal Upper undulations. Rib-distance is 1.0-1.5 mm. They are Maastrichtian of Zumaya (W ard & Kennedy 1993), from irregular and sometimes branched. The undulation the upper part of the Belemnitella junior Zone and the intervals on the different fragments vary between 8.8 and basal part of the Belemnella kasimiroviensis Zone (Upper 20.5 mm. The ribs covering a great part of all fragments Maastrichtian; Kennedy 1986) and from the same strati­ are also irregular and branched. Distances of the ribs 1.0 graphic level of the Aimaki region (Caucasus; -4.2 mm. The thickness of the partly preserved shell is W alaszczyk et al. 1996). T. sp. aff. morgani (Sornay ) 0.1-0.5 mm. occurs in the uppermost Campanian and lowermost Remarks: The shape of beak shape and ribs, which arise Maastrichtian. within a short distance from the beak, are comparable with those of the holotype, figured by Seitz (1970, pi. Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova 1955) 14). The fragmentary preservation of all specimens from Plate 2, figs. 3,4; Plate 3, figs. 3,4; text-fig. 1 Piesting does not allow an exact determination. Concerning the course of the radial ribs, belonging to the T. monticuli - Holotype is the original of Inoceramus dobrovi Pavlova group seems possible (Walaszczyk , pers. comm.). 1955 (non Pavlov ), housed in the collections of the State Occurrence: Lower Maastrichtian of Switzerland (Seitz University of Moscow under the number 57120 (field No. 1970), Lwow (Ukraina), Poland (Walaszczyk et al., 1996) 71/199) figured by Pavlova (1955, pi. 19, fig. 3) according and Austria. to W alaszczyk et al (1996). ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 156 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

Compare: D 0126/0002 0126/0003 holotype v. 1955 Inoceramus dobrovi n.sp. Pavlova (thesis, pL 19, 10-30 2.66 3.31 3.33 fig. 3, p. 243) 30-50 4.68 3.48 - 1996 “Inoceramus ” cf. dobrovi Pavlova ; W alaszczyk et al.: pl.5, fig. 3. Table 5: Average undulation intervals in distances from the beak (Dmm) in NHMW/2001/z/0126/0002,3 and the holotype of Material: Internal moulds of a right valve (NHMW/2001/ Trochoceramus (?) dobrovi (Pavlova ). z/0126/0002) and a left one (NHMW/2001/z/0126/0003) fom the roadcutting at Piesting. Remarks: The differences between the holotype and the Preservation: Incomplete. Parts of the wings and of the specimens described are visible on text-fig. 11. Ribs are ventral margins are missing .Slightly deformed by post missing in the holotype. Taking into consideration the mortem compaction . shape and the crenellation of the undulations at the Description: Medium sized (NHMW/2001/z/0126/0002: specimens of the roadcutting of Piesting are comparable Hg. = 56 mm, Lg. = 55 mm, Sg. = 39,5 mm, Vo. = 29 with specimen 454 from the Lower Maastrichtian of the mm; NHMW/2001/z/0126/0003: Hg .= 52,5 mm, Lg. = Aimaki section (Caucasus) figured by W alaszczyk et al. 61,2 mm, Sg. = 45 mm). Inequilateral, equivalve, shape (1996, pi. 5, fig. 4). subcircular to subquadrate. Beak projecting over the hin­ Occurrence: Uppermost Campanian and Lower Maas­ ge line and bent to the anterior convex margin. Gw. is trichtian of the Caucasus (Pavlova 1955, W alaszczyk et 130° in NHMW/2001/z/0126/0002, 110° in NHMW/ al., 1996). 2001/z/0126/0003. Hinge line straight. Angle between the hinge line and the anterior margin (text-fig. 5): 128° Genus Spyridoceramus Cox 1969 Growth axis nearly straight (angles between 65 and 75°). (ex Heinz 1932, nomen nudum) Course of the undulations staircase-like to pointed (caused by post mortem deformation). The undulations are Type species: Inoceramus tegulatus H agenow (Heinz crenellated. Weak ribs are visible near the ventral margin. 1932, Cox 1969)

Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (Hagenow 1842) Plate 1, fig. 6; Plate 3, fig. 2; text-fig. 12

Lectotype: By designation of S peden (1970, p.6) the ori­ ginal of W olansky (1932 )(fig. 5, pi. 5). Compare: 1842 Inoceramus tegulatus Hagenow : 559 1932 Inoceramus (Spyridoceramus) tegulatus Hagenow ; W olansky : 28-29, ? pi. IV, fig. 5, pi. V, figs. 5-6. 1965 Inoceramus tegulatus Hagenow ; Nestler : 57-58 1983a Spyridoceramus tegulatus (Hagenow ); Dhondt : 43 Stratum typicum: Chalk of Lower Maastrichtian age Vo/L (%) (occidentalis or cimbrica Zone; Steinich & Nestler 1967) Locus typicus: Rügen (N Germany) without exact location Material: Internal moulds of three left (NHMW/2001/z/ 0125/0042, 42a; NHMW/2001/z/0125/0047) and two right valves (NHMW/2001/z/0125/0043,45) from the sports field of Piesting. Preservation: The specimens are badly preserved and incomplete. Outer parts of the wings and parts of the posterior and ventral margins are missing. The specimens are completely flattened by post mortem deformation. Description: Small sized (height to 30 mm), equivalve, strongly curved, Avicula-hke shape. The beak projects above the hinge line and is bent to the convex to straight anterior margin. Hinge line straight but in all cases incomplete. Growth axes prosocline. Small anterior auricles were observed in NHMW/2001/z /0125/0047 and 49 ( Spyridoceramus sp.). The ornamentation consists of Figure 11: Comparison between the holotype of Trochoceramus undulations and ribs. Undulation intervals: 2mm. The ribs (?) dobrovi (P avlova ) and Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi arise in different distances from the beak and cross the (P avlova ) from the roadcutting at Piesting. undulations. They are tile-like in most cases. Tubercles ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien T rôger , K .-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 157 at the intersection of the ribs with the undulations were 3. Stratigraphy of the Piesting Formation in only observed in the specimen NHMW/2001/z/0125/ the Neue Welt area 0043. This is comparable with figure 7 in Odum , 1922 (Inoceramus tegulatus H agenow ; Odum 1922, fig.7 = Tenuipteria geulemensis (V ogel) = Inoceramus tegulatus Integrated biostratigraphic investigations using Dobrov non Hagenow according to Dhondt (1983a). nannoplankton, inoceramids, rare ammonites and The strong deformations caused by post mortem palaeomagnetic investigations were carried out to fix the compaction exclude information concerning the H/L-, Vo/ stratigraphic age of the Piesting Formation of the Gosau L- and S/L ratios. Angle between the hinge line and the Group (Summesberger et al., 2002) with outcrops at the anterior margin (Gw. = Gesamtwinkel) = 70-80° Shell sports field of Piesting and the roadcutting of Piesting thickness: 0.1- 0.5 mm (mainly 0.1-0.2 mm). (Summesberger et al., 2002, text-fig. 1). Remarks: Speden (1970) discussed the generic status of Inoceramids: Biostratigraphical investigations at the the Inoceramus tegulatus-G roup. Campanian /Maastrichtian boundary and particularly in The species Spyridoceramus tegulatus (Hagenow , 1842); the Lower Maastrichtian were made by Seitz (1970), Tenuipteria fibrosa (M eek & H ayden , 1856) and Dhondt (1982, 1983a, 1992, 1993) and W alaszczyk et Tenuipteria argentea (C onrad ,1858) belong to the genus al. (1996). Seitz (1970) proclaimed an Upper Campanian Tenuipteria according to S peden (1970). The genus through /Lower Maastrichtian age of the fauna of Muntigl, Spyridoceramus established by Heinz (1932) without containing Platyceramus salisburgensis (Fugger & diagnosis and figures is invalid according to S peden Kastner ), Trochoceramus monticuli (Fugger & Kast - (1970) too. We follow Cox (1969) and Dhondt (1983, p. ner ), Trochoceramus radiosus (Quaas ), Trochoceramus 49), who gave a diagnosis of the genera Tenuipteria und helveticus (Heinz ) and Trochoceramus nahorianensis Spyridoceramus and discussed remarkable differences (K otsiubynskij ). The genera Trochoceramus and between the mentioned two genera. Spyridoceramus are common in the Lower Maastrichtian Occurrence: Lower Maastrichtian and basal Upper (Dhondt , 1983,1983a, 1993; W alaszczyk et al., 1996). Maastrichtian (Dhondt ,1983) of the Northern Hemi­ Text-fig. 13 gives an overview of the FOD (first occurence sphere: North America (Western Interior), S Netherlands, date) and the LOD (last occurence date) of the genera N Germany, Caucasus, Kamchatka, Japan; mainly Cataceramus , Endocostea, Platyceramus, Cordiceramus, occurring in the tegulatus/junior Zone (Jagt et al. 1999). Trochoceramus , Spyridoceramus and Tenuipteria. The inoceramid assemblage at the sports field of Piesting Spyridoceramus sp. consists of a Muntigl fauna accompanied by Spyrido­ not figured ceramus cf. tegulatus (H agenow ) and Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli). Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli) Material: Three specimens (NHMW/2001/z /0125/0046, was found in the Nostoceras hyatti Zone (Dhondt 1993) 49,50). of Tercis (proposed section for the Campanian/Maastrich- Description: The preservation of three specimens from tian boundary). Spyridoceramus tegulatus (H agenow ) is the sports field of Piesting is so bad that determination of a Lower Maastrichtian form of Northern Europe. Cata­ the species is impossible. Therefore, open nomenclature ceramus ? glendivertsis W alaszczyk et al. (2001) occurs at is used. the basal Lower Maastrichtian of the Western Interior of the United States (Walaszczyk et al., 2001). The inoceramid assemblage of the sports field at Piesting therefore indicates a basal Lower Maastrichtian. This is confirmed by the rare co-occurrence ofPachydiscus neubergicus (Hauer ) in the basal parts of the investigated section. The inoceramid assemblage of the roadcutting of Piesting consists of two species only: Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova ) and Trochoceramus sp. aff. morgani (Sornay ). Those not clearly determined inoceramid species do not allow a detailed biostratigraphic interpretation in the uppermost Campanian/Early Maastrichtian interval. Concerning the lithostratigraphic position and the inoceramid fauna, an uppermost Campanian age seems likely.

4. Maastrichtian inoceramid palaeobiogeography Figure 12: Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (H agenow ) with tile­ like ribs. NHMW/2001/z/0125/0042, from the sports field Kauffman (1973), after having investigated Cretaceous Piesting (bar scale 1 cm) bivalve assemblages distinguished three different realms ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 158 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

belemnites planctonic foraminiferal zones Belemnella (Neobelemnella) kazimiroviensis mayaroense zone Belemnitella junior gansseri zone Belemnella fastigata Belemnella cimbrica Belemnella sumensisfalsostuarti zone Belemnella obtusa Belemnella pseudobtusa Belemnella lanceolata c Belemnella langet 'E.2 Q.(0 ECO 00 ü 00 00 00 3 3 cc £ £ 2 £ £ £ £ Oco £ CD£ 8 2 CHRISTENSEN 1990, 2000; SCHMID 1982; SCHULZ et al. 1984; o O o :§ .Q. SCHONFELD & BURNETT 1991, BURNETT,HANCOCK,KENNEDY,LORD •2 -§ & ’S ■o c 3 1992, HANCOCK,PEAKE,BURNETT,DHONDT 1993, C/M boundary after co CO o C CHRISTENSEN et al., 2000 O iS CL Q £ I »£ Figure 13: Vertical distribution of inoceramid and inoceramoid genera in the Maastrichtian of Europe,

North America

Trochoceramus tenuiplicatus a . Cataceramus sp. ex gr. batticus ■ Trochoceramus monticuli 1 Platyceramus satisburgensis Trochoceramus radiosos □ Trochoceramus helveticus A Endocostea impressa M Trochoceramus dohrovi • genus: Spyridoceramus Figure 14: Palaeobiogeography of Early Maastrichtian inoceramids in Eurasia and N Africa, ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien T röger , K.-A . et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids ... 159

- the North Temperate Realm, the Tethyan Realm and the boundary. — Newsl. Stratigr., 27:157-172, Berlin- South Temperate Realm. Further investigations especially Stuttgart. concerning Maastrichtian inoceramid palaeobiogeo- C hristensen , WX., 2000. Belemnitella schulzi sp. nov. from graphy were carried out by Dhondt (1982,1983,1983a, the uppermost Campanian and lowest Maastrichtian 1992) and S. V oigt (1996). The inoceramid assemblage chalks of northwest Germany and Denmark. — Acta of Piesting fits well into the palaeobiogeographic picture Geologica Polonica, 50/1:55-66,3 figs., 1 pi., Warszawa. established by the above mentioned authors. C hristensen , WK., Hancock , JM., Peake , N.B .& Kennedy , The Maastrichtian inoceramid assemblage of Piesting W.J.,2000. Thebaseofthe Maastrichtian. — Bull.Geol. contains taxa which are widespread in the North Soc. Denmark, 47:81-85, Copenhagen. Temperate Realm (e.g. Spyridoceramus; Dhondt 1992). Cox, L.R., 1969. “Inoceramidae” in: Moore , R. C. (ed.): This genus is accompanied by species originally described Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part N., 1, from the Northern part of the Tethyan Realm belonging 6:N 314- N 321, Kansas. to the fauna of Muntigl (Seitz 1970), for example D hondt , A.V., 1982. Bivalvia (Mollusca) from the Platyceramus salisburgensis (Fugger & Kastner ) and Maastrichtian of Hemmoor (NW Germany) and their Trochoceramus monticuli (Fugger & Kastner ). Similar palaeobiogeographical affinities. — Beih. Geol. Jb. A assemblages with Trochoceramus nahorianiensis 61:73-107,1 fig., 3 tables, 5 pis., Hannover. (Kotsiubynskij ) and Trochoceramus helveticus (Heinz ) Dhondt , A.V., 1983. Campanian and Maastrichtian were also found in southwestern France and northern Inoceramids: A review. — Zitteliana, 10:689-701, Spain (text-fig. 14). The Lower Maastrichtian inoceramid München. assemblages in northern Africa, however, are quite diffe­ Dhondt , A.V, 1983 a. Tegulated Inoceramids and Maastrich­ rent (Sornay 1968,1973,1975; Trôger & Rôhlich 1991). tian Biostratigraphy.— Newsl. Stratigr. 12 (l):43-53; 5 This confirms inoceramid migrations between the North figs., 1 tab., Berlin-Stuttgart. Temperate Realm and the Tethyan Realm during Dhondt , A.V, 1992. Cretaceous inoceramid biogeography: Maastrichtian times. Palaeogeography according to V oigt a review. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoeco- (1996). Further used literature: B urnett et al. (1992), logy, 92:217-232, Amsterdam. Dhondt (1983, 1992, 1993), Gallemi et al. (1995), Dhondt , A. V, 1993. Upper Cretaceous bivalves from Tercis, Hancock et al. (1993, 1996), Jolkicev (1962), Lopez Landes, SW France. — Bull, de 1‘Institut Royal des (1995,1996), M oskvin (1959), N estler (1965), Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, Santamaria & Lopez (1996), Schônfeld & B urnett 63:211-259, Brussels. (1991), Schulz et al. (1984), Seitz (1970); Sornay (1973, Dhondt , A.V., 1999. Upper Maastrichtian bivalve faunas 1975), Trôger & Rôhlich (1991); W alaszczyk et al. from the Crimea, Maastricht and Mangyshlak. — Bull, (1996), W ard et al. (1991). de lTnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 69-Supp.:55-65, 4 figs., 1 pi., Brussels. 5. Acknowledgements Dobrov , S.A., 1951. Gmppa Inocermus caucasicus n.sp. - Inoceramus tegulatus HAG. na sevemom Kavkaze. — We are greatly indebted to Dr. Walaszczyk for his remarks Sbomik pamiati akademika a.d. Arkhangelskovo. - and the opportunity to compare the specimens of Piesting Voprosy litologii i stratigrafii SSR:163-172, 2 pis., with specimens from the USA housed in the collections of Moskva. the University of Warszawa and for the access to an Egger , J., Kollmann , H.A., Sanders , D., Summesberger , unpublished paper (Walaszczyk et al., 2001). We also are H. & W agreich , M., 2000.6thInternat. Cretaceous Sym­ grateful for the help of Dr. C ernajsek (Austrian Geological posium Vienna 2000, Field trip C: Cretaceous of eastern Survey, Vienna) for support concerning literature. Dr. Egger Austria, 56 pp., Vienna. (Austrian Geological Survey, Vienna) provided valuable Fugger , E., 1899. Das Salzburger Vorland. — Jahrb. kk. information on the lithostratigraphy of the Rhenodanubian Geol. Reichsanst., 49:287-429, 2 pis., 30 text-figs., flysch. Financial support by the IGCP-Projekt 362 “Tethyan Wien. and Boreal Cretaceous” is greatly acknowledged by Fugger , E. & Kastner , C., 1885. Naturwissenschaftliche Summesberger and Wagreich ; Trôger is grateful for financial Studien und Beobachtungen aus und über Salzburg. - support of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Technician Die Steinbrüche von Bergheim und Muntigl. — Verl. work and photos were done by the staff of the NHMW. Hermann Kerber: 62-82,2 Taf., Salzburg. 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und der angränzenden Länder. II. Teil - Inoceramen. language). — Lvivskij Naukovo-Prirodoznavtchij — Amz. & Co., Tab. CVIII-CXIII, Düsseldorf. Muzei, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR:1- Hagenow ,F. von, 1839. Monographie der Rügen4sehen Krei­ 49., Lwow. de - Versteinerungen, III. Abtheilung: Mollusken. — Kotsiubynsku , S.P., 1968. in Pasternak , S.I., Gavrili - Neues Jb. Mineral., 1842:528-575,9 Taf., Stuttgart. shin ,V.I., G inka ,V .A ., K otsiubynsku , S.P. and Hancock , J.M., Peake , N.B., B urnett , J., Dhondt , A.V., Senkovsky , J. M.: Stratigrafija i fauna Kreidovich Kennedy , WJ. & Stokes, R.B., 1993. High Cretaceous vikladiv sachodu Ukraini (bes Karpat). — Naukova biostratigraphy at Tercis, south-west France. — Bull. Dumka:272 p., 50 pis., Kiev. Inst. roy. Sei. nat. Belgique, Sei. de la Terre, 63:133- Lopez, G., 1995. Aspectos paleobiogeográficos de los 148., Brussels. inoceramidos (Bivalvia) del Campaniense y Maastricht- Hancock , J.M. & Gale , A.S., 1996. 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Fig. 1 Cataceramus ? glendivensis W alaszczyk et al. (2001), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0011

Fig. 2 Umbonal part of Inoceramus sp. aff. planus M ünster, NHMW/2001/z/0125/0002 Fig. 3 Umbonal part of Inoceramus sp. aff. planus Münster, NHMW/2001/z/0125/0001 Fig. 4 Bivalved umbonal part of Cataceramus sp. ex gr. balticus (Böhm), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0013

Fig. 5 Fragment of Platyceramus salisburgensis (Fugger & Kästner), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0018

Fig. 6. Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (Hagenow ), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0043

All are x 1; all are from the Lower Maastrichtian of Piesting (sports field). ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Troger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids ... 16:

P L A T E 1 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 164 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

P L A T E 2

Fig. 1 Umbonal part of Trochoceramus sp. aff. monticuli (Fugger & Kästner), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0026; Lower Maastrichtian, Piesting, sports field Fig. 2 Trochoceramus sp. aff. monticuli (Fugger & Kästner), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0027; Lower Maastrichtian, Piesting, sports field Fig. 3 Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova ), NHMW/2001/z/0126/0001; frontal view with crenellated undulations; Upper Campanian, Piesting “Umfahrungsstraße” Fig, 4 Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova ), NHMW/200l/z/0126/0001; side view with crenellated undulations; Upper Campanian, Piesting “Umfahrungsstraße” Fig. 5 Trochoceramus cf. tenuiplicatus (Tzankov ), NHMW/200 l/z/0125/0030; Lower Maastrichtian, Piesting, sports field

All figures are x 1 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien

Troger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids 165

P L A T E 2 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 166 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001

P L A T E 3

Fig. 1 Trochoceramus sp. aff. helveticus (Heinz ), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0031; xl Fig. 2 Spyridoceramus cf. tegulatus (Hagenow ), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0042; x2 Fig. 3 Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova ), NHMW/2001/z/0126/0001; xl Fig. 4 Trochoceramus (?) sp. aff. dobrovi (Pavlova ), NHMW/2001/z/0126/0003; xl Fig. 5 Trochoceramus sp. aff. morgani (Sornay ), NHMW/2001/z/0126/0002; xl Fig. 6 Platyceramus alaeformis (Zekeli), NHMW/2001/z/0125/0023; xl

Figs. 1,2 and 6 are from the Lower Maastrichtian of Piesting sports field, figs. 3,4 and 5 are from the Upper Campanian of the roadcutting Umfahrungsstraße S Piesting. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Troger , K.-A. et al., Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Inoceramids ... 167

P L A T E 3