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DOWNLOADED FROM: Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) Website "Christian Citizenship Seminar" Session #I: What is the Biblical ate for Christian Citizenship? Session #2: Is here Such a Thing as a Christian Natio Break Session #3: What Does Separation of Church & State Really Mean? Session # t Practical T Informal O&A Christian Citizenship Semilzar Session #I: What is the Biblical Mandate for Chris tian Citizenship? Introduction 9 Purpose of the Church Do We Really Have a Dual Citizenshrp Responsibility? Classic Dual Responsibility Extremes Within the Church But Where do we Invest om Time and Resources? Who's the Real Enemy? So.. .What is our Biblical .Role? Salt and Light Basic Presuppositions Relating to Christian Citizenship Christian World View Major Millennia1 Views Homework: 9 How Will Your "End Times" (MiUermial) Views Affect Your Politics? 9 Wow Consistent is Your World View? What Feeds your World View? The Purpose of the Church The Church Gathered: - Worship God in spirit and trutlt (John 4:24; Col3:16) - Pray for God's will to be revealed and fulfilled in His church and in the world (Mntt 9:lO; 1 Tim 21-4; Jer 29: 7) equipping-of God7;people for service to God (I Cor l2:4- 7) The Church Scattered: - Proclaim the gospel of God's saving grnce (Matt 28: 28-20) - Live exemplary lives in obedience to God to bring Him glop in all walks of life (I Cor 10:32; Col3:17) - Apply Biblical principles and a Christian worldview to all spheres of the culture around us, and to all of life as citizens of this nation (Matt 5-13-16; Prov 14:34; Deut 4:6-81 Notes: Do We Really Have a Dual "Love the Lord your God wit11 all ''But our citizenship is in Heavenly your heart and heaven. And we eogerly Perspective Vertical all yollr solll await a Savior from there, view alld all your the Lord Jesus Christ" (We're mind" (Phil 3:20) Adopted) (Matt 22.3 7) "You are the salt of the earth. "Love your But iftlre salt loses its saltiness, Earfhly how cart it be made salty again? neighbor as Perspective yorrrself' ~t is no longergoodfor View (Man2219) anytlting ... Youorethelightof (We're the world A city on a kill cannot Ambassadors) be Irirlrlen" (Matt 5:13ffl I Believe We Do! The Question is - What is the Proper Balance? Notes: Classic Dual Responsibility Extremes Within the Church "Love Ilie Lord Aeart and with '[Laveyour neighbor Horizontal as yourself' Dangers Notes: But Where do we Invest our Time and Resources? Nation &Beyond Notes: Who's the Real Enemy? Pngnn Wovllvimvs Evangelical Christianity Mutual Tolerance/Common Enemy Divided over Do&ine/Principle Notes: o Attributes of the Non-Christian world o Attributes of "Christendom" Notes: So.. .What is our Biblical Role? As Citizens ofHeaven, we are: @ To "Lovethe Lord your God with all your heart ...soul and...mind" (Matt 22:37) B To be " sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God ...y our spiritual act ofworship" (Rom 12:l) 0 To be "...Christ's ambassadors" (2 Cor 520) 8 To "Be holy, because I am holy" and be a "holy nation" (1 Peter 1: 16; 2:9) @ T o "reach unity in the faith.. .the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Chist'' (Eph 4:13) As Citizens of a Ndion, we are: 0 To 'Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them" (Eph 5:ll) To seek the "peace and prosperity of the city" we are in (Jer29:7) To provide wise counsei to the nation in selecting leaders, laws and affecting society for good (Prov 11:14) @ To encourage government to fulfill it's God ordained role (Rom 13: 1-4) To submit " the governing authorities" and pray ". ..for those in auihorily" (Rom 13:l; 1 Tim 2:l-2) a To "Love your neighbor as yourself' (Matt 22:39) a To work diligently to restore rigl~teousnessto the land (Prov 14:34) 8 Tobe "...the salt oftheearth ...the light of the world" (Matt 5:13-14) Notes: Salt and Light "You are the salt of the earth. But iftlre salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made sulty again? It is )lo longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Matt 5:13; also Mk 9:50 & Luke 14:34,35) "You are the light of the world A city on the hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp andpzit it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, letjwur light shine before nren, that they may see yozir good deeds andpraise your Father in heaven" (Malt 5:16-16) 1. What does it mean to be Light - Disperse Darkness; Illuminates Everything; Provides Warmth; Symbolic of: Jesus Christ HirnseK(Rev 21:ll) and as illuminator ofmen (John 1:4,5,9; 3119) God's truth (Psalm 119: 105; Isa 5 1:4; Prov 6:23) and dwelling place (1 Tim 6: 16) Guidance of God (Job 29:3; Psalm 112:4; Isa 58: 10) and men (Rom 2: 19) Salvation (1 Peter 2:19) and God's favor (Psalm 45) Righteousness (Rom 13:12; 2 Cor 11:14-15; I John 2:9,10) Prosperity and well being (Esther 8: 16; Job 18:18; Isa 58:8-10) Believers (Luke 16:8) The truth ofthe gospel (2 Cor 4:4) and the knowledge of the glory of God (2 Cor 4:6) What good is it if it is hidden? 2. What does it mean to be Salt - Preserves; Seasons; Symbolizes Purity; Fertilize Soil; Antiseptic; Useless if not used; makes one Thirsty; Symbolic of: Covenant between God and His people (Num l8:l9; Chron 135; Lev 2: 13; Ezra 6:9) Brotherly peace amongst believers (Mark 950) Spiritual health, vigor, and character (Matt 5~13;Mark 950) Wisdom displayed in a believer's speech (Col4:6) Healing (2 Kings 2:20) God's judgment (Gen 20:26) Faith without works is dead (James 2:17) 3. Both Salt & Light speak to Christians influence in society in every sphere of work and involvement Preserve the land and maintain peace (Jer 29: 17) Demand justice, godly leaders, punishment of evil doers (Rom 13 :1 -7) * Engage society in the issues conftonting us (Biblical truths, facts, consequences, standards.. .) Most people try to do what is "right" - God's standard of righteousness must be held high 4. Are we like men of Issachar who "Understood the times and knew what Israel shouId do?" (1 Chron 12:32) Basic Presuppositions Relating to Christian Citizenship 1. The Bible is the ultimate source of truth in all matters of faith and practice (Prov 30:5a; Heb 4:12-13; 2 Tim 3: 16-17) 2. Fundamental, eternal change in a person's nature can only come through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the action of the Holy Spirit (Rom 12:2,1 Cor 6:9-11; C013:5-11, Eph 2:s-9) 3. Changes in a person's thinking and behavior (whether they are Christians or not) can come about thru a variety of means (there are limits, however) 4. Most non-believers (and the nominally Christian) will try to be morally "good" according to their own standard (Rom 2:12-16), and influenced by "3" above 5. God has revealed His moral standards and expectations for both believers and for humanity at large o Before the fall (Gen 1:16,27,28; 2: l5,23,24) b. After the fall fDeut 45-8; Psalm 96:l-13; 98:2,3; Rom 1:20; 2:14,15) c. Turning from God's standard results in adverse consequences (Joshua 1: 7 principle) b. Objective data, information, and observation) will generally show the consequences of sin Deut 28:l-68) 6. Wisdom dictates Christians are called to be watchmen for the people of this nation (Ezek3:16-21; 33:7-9; Heb 13:17; Eph 511, Rom 7:7; 1 Tim 1:s-11; Gal 3:24, Matt 5:13-14; 22:39; Jer 29:7) 7. Christians, in general, appear to have withdrawn from the public arena and become less visible in number and in influence 8. Many Christians shy away from exposing gross sin in the public arena because of a fear of man and the consequences that will result (greater fear of man than God) 9. Many Christians believe they don't have a right to tell another person what is good or evil (right or wrong) if it does not affect them personally 10. In general, if a moral standard is removed, the resulting void will be filled with one of one's own making (Judges 21:25). The result will certainly become hostile to Christianity in any form 11. This nation asks its citizens who should rule over them and what is right (good) or wrong (evil). If Christians do not provide the answer, who will? Christian World View "For thozlgh we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every titought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor 10:3-5) 1.