The Schreiber Times Port Washington, New York, Thursday, October 3,1991 Volume XXXII, No

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The Schreiber Times Port Washington, New York, Thursday, October 3,1991 Volume XXXII, No Port WiihiniUn. NY PAUL D. SCHRKIBER HIGH SCHOOL 11050 The Schreiber Times Port Washington, New York, Thursday, October 3,1991 Volume XXXII, No. 1 $350,000 Added to State Aid by Jeni Blum money..-There were more expenditures made in May. One-tenth of a home notinhibitmefrom participating in sports The Port Washington School District in [the state budget) than there were an- economics position was added to and after-school clubs, will give me school received a budget restoration of approxi- ticipated revenues.' Additional state aid Schreiber, and the district on a whole credits, and wilt save me money." mately S350,00O from the New York was distributed after a state revenue regained nine-tenths of a teaching posi- State aid is determined for each school State government in early J u l y , aJlovring package was developed which allowed tion. Teacher aides were added in the district by such factors as the general the district to restore driver education the state to spend more money on educa- elementary schools. wealth of the community and the number and one-tenth of a home economics posi- tion. When driver education was origi- of students requiring transportation to tion at Schreiber. The final amount of The school board, in a meeting on nally ehminated for juniors, some of school. Approximately $4 million out o f the state aid for the 1991-92 school year, $3.9 August 6, voted Co restore some of the cut- them opted to take the course privately, $50 million budget for the distric t isappro- million, will still be approximately S2.8 backs which were made last spring, when while others planned to wait until they priated for aid. million less than the appropriated state initial budgetcuts were announced by the would be allowed to take driver educa- Although Dr. Heebink does not believe aid given for the 1990-91 school year. state. Driver education was restored for tion at Schreiber in their senior year. that Port Washington will receive any State aid was reduced for the 1991-92 juniors and continues to be available Co Junior Jim Fox took driver education more state aid next year than it did this school year because, according to Super- seniors. The board had previously de- privately over the summer because a t year, he said. "Our only concern is that we intendent of Schools William Heebink, cided that only seniors would be eligible that time he was not aware that he do not sustain another significant loss of "New York State was running out o f for t^e course when initial cutbacks were wouldbe eligiblefor the course in school state aid such as we encountered the first this year, "I'm very upset that I had t o year. We've all made adjustments and waste my summer taking driver educa- tried to absorb that loss of state aid, but i f tion when I could have taken i t in school it happens again, Chen iC'sgoing tostart to Nine Seniors Named this year,' said Fox. 'I think it's very really have an impact on the q u a l i t y |of unfair to students s^ch as myself who education]. I don't want people to be de- spent a lot of m o n e y on the course, when ceived that it's all over, that we've gone it is now offered for free in school," through a budget crisis and that's the end Merit Semifinalists Junior Sam Nelson is currently e n - of the story, because unless something by Sam Nelaon ists. Other categories weighing heavily rolled in driver education at Schreiber, drastic happens in a positive sense to the Nine seniors were chosen as semifi- in the judgement of the studentsare their According to Nelson,'! was upset when New York Slate economy, I think realisti- nalistsin the National Merit Scholarship academic records, including course load, it was taken away, and of course I was cally we've got at least another year of competition, Andrew Bernstein, Josh difficulty level, and depth and breadth o f really glad when the budget reinstate- difficulty, and I'm just hopeful that we can Brody, Ed Chin, Oren Eisner, Steve subjects studied, and grades earned. In ments allowed for driver education to be come through wi thou t serious harm to edu- Engel, Peter Han, Nick Kesaler, Michelle addition, the students must complete an offered again. lUung it in school will cation.' Roeettie, and Lewis Shin will now com- application documenting personal ac- pete to become finalists and possible complishments, contributions to their winners of the 6100 available Merit schools and communities, scores from the Scholarships, which have a total value of PSAT/NMSQT and SAT exams, and the $26 million. students' personal statements, including Thestudentsentered Che competition written recommendations from the stu- by taking the Preliminary Scholastic dents' guidance counselors. Aptitude Test and National Merit Schol- The finalists will also be eligible for arship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). corporate- and college-sponsored Merit This test serves as an initial screening Scholarships, for which they must meet measure of the more than one million the qualifications set up under the aus- initial c o m p e t i t o r s . Of this group, 50,000 picesofthesponsors. Afurtherbenefitof wniors were commended, while 15,000 the competition was recognition in a na- were named as semifinalists. Aselection tionwide news media announcement on index, using the sum of twice the verbal September 11, The names of all semifi- score added to the math score, serves as nalists are sent to four-year institutions thebasisforsemifinalisthonors. Ineach of the U,S, higher education system for state, semi&nalist standing requires an college officials interested in contacting indexthatia within the top 0.6 percent of these students to offer financial aid and/ the state's seniors. This index varies or admissions. According to guidance from state to state and might vary within department chairperson John Zanetti, a state fi-om year to year. the benefits ofbeing named a semifinalist are valuable. The accolade adds "^ore To become finalists, competitors need credentials' to transcripts and 'gives col- a Veoord of consistently high academic leges a list of names to pursue for aca- yn-formance throughout all grades, nine demic excellence* Mr. Zanetti com- through twelve,' according to the Na- mented, ^t's a great honor; it gives the tional Merit Schdarship Program. In top students a means ofbeing cont^ted mid-January, a committee of college and furthering their education on a high Seven seniors were arrested on the charge ot criminal trespass folkwving admisBons officers and secondary school level." the abortive senior prartk stwwn atwve. Coverage on Page 3, counselors w l l meet to chooae the final- ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES G N' R Albums Times Advisor page 14 Reviewed Bob Albert Retires Page 5 College Page 11 Admissions THE SCHREIBER TIMES NEWS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1991 New Teachers Enter Schreiber by Supinda Bunyavanich and Alan Gewirtzman teaches English and teacher at the alternate school, enjoys bines herloveofartwithherei;}oymentcif Elizabeth Hellenachmidt math to juniors and seniors enrolled i n working with his students. Hesaidthat working and c o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h people. Pift«en teachers have been added to Schreiber's alternate school. Hesaidthat he is looking forward to getting to know She believes t h a t Schreiber hasa tremen- the faculty for the 1991-92 school year. he became a teacher because. *As I was his students better. *I was amazed at dous amount to offer, because there is l^Me teachers are Doris Behrens, growing up, 1 reabzed that I really loved how friendly all of the teachers, students such cultural diversity. Ms. Palatella Michael Cain, Anita Connors, Ellen to learn, and I decided that teaching is and administrate are. Tm vary happy previously taught a r t a t Weber. Davidson, Alan Gerwi tzman, Neil Miller, probably the best way to keep on learning to be working here,* said Mr. O' Connor. Kenneth Ruggerio, who has taught Bess Mulvihill, David O'Connor, John throughout my life and to communicate Before teaching in Port, he was a Spanish at Weber, now teaches an eco- Osboume, Eleanor Oppenheim, Kris nomics class to seniors and juniors as Palatella, Kenneth Ruggerio, Patricia well. He became a teacher because when Scarantino, Jean Vogely, and Katherine he wasastudent, hishigh school teachers Yanuklis. served as his role models. His flrst im- Doris Behrens, the new special educa- pression of Schreiber was that he loved tion teacher, was previously a resource it!" He sees Schreiber students as being room teacher at Manhasset H i ^ School. very interested in learning. She chose to become a teacher because En^ish teacher Patricia Scarantino she had always wanted to w o r k with kids. teaches mythology and composition. According to Ms. Behrens, the students Before coming to Schreiber. she taught in at Schreiber are 'very inquisitive and East Meadow and worked toward her genuinely interested in learning." Her Masters' degree at Hofstra Univer- impression of Schreiber is that the fac- sity. She decided to become a teacher ulty is warm and friendly, and the because her family had always been school seems to run very smoothly.' involved in education. She has always Physical education teacherandjunior wanted people to be able to enjoy Eng- varsity football coach Michael Cain has lish as much as she did. Schreiber also become a full-time teacher after splitting Pictured above are eight of Schreibefs fifteen new teachers.
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