C M Y K A guide to squeezing in all EWS UN your holiday merry-making NHighlands County’s Hometown-S Newspaper Since 1927 PAGE 14B Run hard ... then eat Being together 19th Turkey Trot draws Salvation Army hosts hundreds to Hammock Thanksgiving dinner SPORTS, 1B PHOTOS, 6A Sunday, November 27, 2011 www.newssun.com Volume 92/Number 140 | 75 cents Forecast County ‘throwing money’ Partly sunny, then at ‘shell of a building’ breezy in the PM High Low By ED BALDRIDGE Barbara Stewart took excep- total allocated funds for the
[email protected] tion to an additional $100,000 project – including the pur- SEBRING — County com- of unbudgeted requests from chases, expenses and an addi- 82 63 missioners showed concern County Engineer Ramon tional $632,464 in encum- Complete Forecast over the costs of a recently Gavarrete to weatherize the bered but unspent funds – PAGE 14A purchased building on building purchased at 4500 N. added up to just more than Tuesday, pointing out that Kenilworth Blvd. $2.1 million for the property Online News-Sun photo by ED BALDRIDGE staff was not diligent on pro- The building was bought to and repairs in addition to the On the outside, the Kenilworth Business Center looks new and professional, but county engineer Ramon tecting taxpayer money. house the Supervisor of latest $100,000 request. Gavarrete told commissioners the $2.1 million taxpayer Just more than five hours Elections offices. Stewart insisted that she investment was “just a shell” with holes in the ceiling into the seven-hour board County budget staff and needed proper permitting.