The Daily Confusion

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The Daily Confusion August 24, 2003 THE TECH Page A1 Sunday, August 24 hatin’. 22:17 — Random Hall — Minrest 06:00 scaxod prefibuwar. Ushrip guacamole zift! 06:00 — EAsT camPUS — Fire alarm. 22:30 — EAsT camPUS — Our desk 06:00 — Bexxxley — All-Star Calis- captain is dreamy. thenics with Phil Rha. Phildo pumps 22:47 — Random Hall — Did you you like the East German swim team. decode our last message yet? Keep Lebensraum! Trunk twisters are 90% French people hit each other over the Stop by the dorm and get a tour. We’ll in the Sun Party. The West Campus working... MENTAL 10% PHYSICAL. head with stale baguettes. .or not. be showing off the “suite life” all after- dorms will be throwing the biggest pool 06:10 — Senior Haus — Continuously 13:00 — Russian House — Sailing on noon and evening, so stop by anytime. party of the year at the Z-Center. Come 23:00 Compulsively Orgasming Cat — Spirit- Charles River. 15:12 — Senior Haus — The devious, with your swimsuit in hand and hungry 23:00 — Senior Haus — The Zestiful ed Away — Basement: Have you had 13:00 — Senior Haus — Courtyard: crafty Dr. Michael Wong Chang will con- for Vinny Testa’s. Infestival — Basement: Ringu: Like the PCP and LSD? Because we haven’t, no Watch Nikki/Dorotea/Josefina/Nicoti- vince you to ditch Team Jesus (or 18:00 — EAsT camPUS — Ride the ring, but you have to know how to read sir, not us. na snort a line of estrogen off her own Allah, Buddha, etc.) in favor of Team Snake. Take the Tour. to watch it. penis. Bonsai Kitten. 18:01 — Burton-Conner — Not in a 23:00 — EAsT camPUS — George 07:00 13:01 — French House — Ah, les 15:17 — Random Hall — There are party mood? That’s ok. You can come Bush is a wonderful president. 23:11 — MacGregor — The name is 07:00 — EAsT camPUS — [email protected] anglophones qui ne connaissent pas lots of people crammed into a gym, over to Burton-Conner and chill in the House. MacGregor House. 07:01 — Senior Haus — We’re all pétanque! Venez assister à ce jeu tra- and we’re near the stairs with comfy TV lounge, watch a movie, and take a 23:15 — French House — À La Mai- asleep. Go somewhere else for break- ditionnel de la France. La culture couches, 2x4 Jenga, juggling, shiny tour. son Française nous aimons beaucoup fast, and come back later. française a besoin de vous. (Le moving lights ... we could stay here all 18:12 — Senior Haus — Get a tour la grammaire. Nous avons un M. Sub- 07:20 — French House — Did you Champs de Briggs). day! If only we had some nice fresh- from Rob while he’s got an inflatable jonctif et une Mlle. Futur, mais nous wake up with the strange feeling that 13:07 — MacGregor — Party like it’s men to talk to... Love Ewe taped to his crotch. avons perdu notre M. Imparfait. Si la you were dreaming in French? Nous 2003. In a MacGregor Single. Ohhhhh- 15:26 — Senior Haus — Mike Brown 18:30 — German House — Guten position vous intéresse, visitez LMF, comprenons. Help is available. Dream hhh yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh (in the voice is Sober-It’s the Michael A. Brown story Abend! 5ième étage, New House 6. Les gens Interpreting — LMF, New House 6, 5th of Duff Man.) hour! Michael A. Brown has exciting 18:30 — Baker House — Camp Out parfaits ne doivent pas appliquer. floor. 13:17 — Random Hall — Circles are stories about True Life to share with all at Baker — Stop by and get a Baker your friends —- that’s why our dorm is you fresh people. Word Up homeslice. tour. Remember to come join us for 23:17 — Random Hall — We have five made up entirely of them! At Random, 15:55 — French House — Pourquoi hot cocoa and smores by the Baker hundred and sixty-eight movies and we 08:00 can’t pick which ones to watch tonight! 08:20 — Senior Haus — Monty we revel in our circleness (circlosity? n’êtes-vous pas au midway? La Mai- fireplace. cicularity? circulescence?). son Française détende a Johnson Ath- 18:59 — Random Hall — We don’t So come to desk and help us pick Python and the Holy Grail — This something to watch. Princess Bride? movie has lots of important ife 13:31 — Random Hall — Closest letics Center, et nous aimerions vous have to pay by the letter, see, so we dorm to Burger King. Come visit us dur- rencontrer. can fill this up with delicious gibberish. Real Genius? Top Gun? The Smurfs lessons. The first of which is that Crack the RSA Cryptosystem? Indiana French people are Horrible. ing REX anyhow. Qwank blorghity svorky meow. 13:33 — MacGregor — As if we 16:00 Jones? 23:17 — Random Hall — Back to the 09:00 haven’t had enough free food already. 16:00 — Senior Haus — Full METAL 19:00 Somethin’ good is waiting for us in Future? The Empire Strikes Back? 09:00 — Russian House — Early Jacket — Basement: We don’t know 19:00 — Chocolate City — Chocolate MacG lobby. Spaceballs? The Dorm That Dripped Russian Style Breakfast: Tea and Blini you but we HATE you. Already. We are City invites you to come chill and take 13:46 — French House — Wanted: Blood? Casablanca? All twenty-four (crepes). prejudiced, you see. Prejudiced. Starts a break from your Daily Confusion in Crazy cow for mascot position. Must hours of Monty Python episodes? 09:50 — Senior Haus — Monty with “p” ends with “ejudiced.” New House. Meet current brothers in speak French and Quebecois. If you Office Space? Blazing Saddles? Apollo Python and The Flying Circus — Base- 16:00 — German House — Still at the the house, listen to good music and qualify for this position, visit La Maison 13? Barn of the Blood Llama? (oh, ment: A nod is as good as a wink to a Residence Midway. If you’re lucky, we relax. We don’t hate, nor discriminate, Française, New House 6, 5th floor. God, nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!) blind bat. still have German pretzels for you. so tell all your friends to come and Please provide references. 16:00 — EAsT camPUS — Beep, enjoy what we like to call home. 23:30 — German House — Gute Nacht! 10:00 beep! Toot, toot! Jenny Hu will come 19:03 — Random Hall — Why are you 14:00 get you. x3-2871. reading this? You should be enjoying 23:47 — Random Hall — Liquid nitro- 10:00 — German House — Bleiben 14:17 — Random Hall — The Safety 16:03 — New House — yummmm... yourself at the Island in the Sun party. gen is cold. No, colder. Even colder. Sie fit und gesund! Eat some bananas Office thought it’d be safer for us to Ice Cream at New House :) Come find the people in the Random No, no, you have it all wrong. It’s and come on a fun, scenic run along have an entire dewar of liquid nitrogen 16:12 — Senior Haus — “ako Hall Rush T-shirts if you want someone COLD! And we have 240 liters... the Charles River with German House all to ourselves... heheheheheheeee.... mozhesh da prochetesh tova, znachi interesting to talk to. 23:59 — French House — Voulez- — all experiences and speeds 14:17 — Random Hall — .... so we’re shte zhiveesh tuk” 19:15 — French House — Tout le vous coucher avec nous? You have to welcome. going to be making more liquid nitro- 16:15 — EAsT camPUS — KAPPA SIII- monde est à la Fête d’Ouest. Nous y sleep somewhere! P.S. We still have 10:00 — EAsT camPUS — The Sover- gen ice cream than even we can imag- IIIIIG!!!!!! sommes aussi, bien que nous aimions cookies. eign Nation of East Campus is in ine right now. 16:25 — Bexxxley — Space people l’appeler la Rive Gauche. Et nos accordance with all U.N. restrictions on 14:20 — Senior Haus — Powaqqatsi think factories are musical instru- chemises disent «meu.» Monday, August 25 weapons of mass destruction. East — Basement: If you mix up the letters ments. They sing along with them. 19:15 — French House — Everyone’s Campus Officials will gladly give tours in the word Know, you get wonk. Each song lasts from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at West Party. We are too (although we 00:00 of all facilities to your inspectors. 14:39 — Senior Haus — senior haus No music on weekends. prefer to call it the Left Bank). And our 00:00 — Senior Haus — Dark Triumph is what the whole hep world would be 16:30 — German House — Guten shirts say “moo” — but in French! Underground Literary magazine literary 11:00 doing on a saturday night if the nazis Tag! meeting room 449. 11:00 — German House — had won the war. 16:47 — Random Hall — Meet at 20:00 00:00 — EAsT camPUS — Call Bex- Deutsches Haus ist zum New House 14:56 — French House — We found a Random’s booth on the second floor 20:00 — EAsT camPUS — Who do ley’s Rush Chair at (617) 306-3179 for Brunch gegangen. Kommen Sie alle mascot just in time for the Residence near the stairs and we’ll take you to you think made those boats, baby? a tour of Bexley Hall. und sagen Sie “Hallo.” Midway. But we didn’t have time to this wonderful place we’ve been telling 20:00 — Bexxxley — Come by for 00:17 — Random Hall — Hey, has 11:00 — Dormitory Council — “Wel- give him a name. Stop by our booth to you about. We call it home. In a few some small talk no one cares about! Oliver bought The Lion in Winter yet? come to MIT” Brunch.
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