RecordTHE 'SHADOW' by BRIAN Mirror WHO QUIT BENNETT FULL STORY PAGE SIX Registered at the G.P.O. More No. 140 WEEK -ENDINGNOVEMBER 16, 1963 EVERY THURSDAY PRICE 6d. as a newspaper news about that film AS ' movie is,potentially,the biggest money -spinning attraction in years, script -writer Alun Owen is working specially closely withhisstars and with their manager, Brian Epstein. Before flying out to join the boys in Ireland, Liverpudlianwrit e r Owen said:"It's most importanttogetto know theBeatles,to findoutexactly what makes them tick. And also to ascertain which things cause those fan- tasticc r o w drecep- tions." The film, a 90 -minute first feature, starts pro- duction in February. It willbe based on the hectic lives led by the Beatles-butithasn't yetbeendecided whether it will be fact or fiction.

BUSY TIME Meanwhile, John Len- non and Paul McCart- ney are having an extra - busy time working out possible ideas for thefilm. Theywill handlethecomplete score - and this could runtoa dozen new compositions. RECORD And the latest The Colourful Beatles Beatlesensation,fol- MIRROR lowing hard on the in -THE Beatles are undoubtedly the big success ofheaped upon John, Paul, George and Ringo as incredible advanceor- 1963. We are very proud of the fact that thefar as the entertainment world goes. This year CHART ders for their new L.P. Record Mirror gave them their first write-up in ahas seen them gar on "Sunday Night At The "With The Beatles" and national record paper. London Palladium", shatter box office records SURVEY thesingle(dueout throughout the country, and take part in that November 29) "I Wan- It is therefore fitting that we choose this topshow of shows the "Royal Variety Performance". P. I na Hold Your Hand,"team to launch our colour programme. The picture was taken by the Record Mirror's isthatallfour boys Practically every possible honour has been will almost certainly ap- brilliant cameraman Dezo Hoffmann. pear together on "Juke Box Jury" on BBC TV., December 7. NEXT WEEK ELVIS, RICK NELSON, R&B, BRENDA LEE 2 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 18, 1963

YOUR PAGE...send us your letters, your views, and your photographs Play thegame Record fans i Mirror drop Beatlemania EVERY THURSDAY Editor: JIMMY WATSON DEAR BeatleFans: Assistant to the Editor: NORMAN JOPLING Please, please stop Features: PETER JONES ruiningtheBeatles' Advertising and Circulation: ROY BURDEN career. What good are you doing to them, and 116 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W.1. ourselves,byscream- Telephones GERrard 7460, 3785, 5960 ing and causingriots which only turn adults and theatre - owners against hearing, seeing or even engaging them? You willeventually drive the Beatles into A TRIBUTE TO the same sort of walled - in existence that nowleads.I think the Beatles are MICHAEL HOLLIDAY the greatest but I still thinkyoumuststop AFTER therecenttragic death of Michael Holli- ruiningtheircareer day, I'd like to say that we've and our enjoyment. - not only lost a great singer Susan Smith, 147 but a great person. I recall Smith's Lane, Windsor, Mike sayinghisfirstlove Berkshire. BEATLEMANIA probably won't be in the next dictionary-but it exists certainly was for his family. He said enough. Here's a pic. of the team on their return from Sweden, when they hewantedonlytoearn L.P. WINNER were nearly mobbed by thousands of fans. enough tokeephis home . . . that hedidn't want * * * to become abigstar. He MANY thanksto Jimmy became one. Watson for his review Mike was not big -headed. of Don Gibson's new Tellme what's wrong you He was never above giving album"IWrote A Song." a personal reply to a letter. I've just become joint I first wrote him in 1961 and presidentofthe"Official '211111E111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 Gibson Fan he alwaysreplied. To me, BritishDon Elvis Presley haters he seemed not justastar FREE Club," along with Miss Susan butapersonalfriend. I Sturt. We thank you for the MY subject for discussion guess many of his admirers RECORDS C and Warticlesthat "If--- Readers letters can win is Elvis Presley. Would felt the same way. - Roger..2 you Free EPs or LPs appearin yourexcellent Elvis haters pleasetell me E.Saunders, 64 Abbotsford weekly.RecordMirroris thereasonsforall the -...-..- of your choice. P_ about the only one that gives Gardens,WoodfordGreen, recentcriticismastohis Essex. b-i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g space to Country music. - record choices, film material EricDunsdon, 13Dormer etc. No other star is Close,HighBarnet,Herts. questioned as to his actions * * * so much as El-but does he SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS reallydeservehiscurrent THIS does it! Another declineinpopularity? ALWAYS WANTED, recentPENFRIENDS, home and week goes by and still After all, to be honest, he LP records. Classical, Soundabroad.S.A.E.fordetails: no single from the great has the best singing voice Tracks, Shows,Jazz,anyEuropean Friendship Society, Jerry Lee Lewis! Itis over and the most acting ability quantitybought.SendlistBurnley. fivemonths sincehislast among the few TOP stars. "The Record Exchange", 46 RECORDS BOUGHT, 45s, EPs, release. "Teenage Letter" Early on he was rejected as South Clerk St., Edinburgh. LPs.-Fowler, 264Vauxhall so whatishis new label being wild; now heissaid ASPIRING VOCALISTSre- Bridge Road, S.W.1. (Callers playing at? They have well to be too tame. Is he such a quired for Coaching/Manage- only.) over 24 tracks to be issued badinfluenceonthepop find ment/Recordings. - Chiswick RECORDS from 3/- each and yet they seem to world that it would be better 4895. difficultyinselectingtwo! withouthim?Andifhis throughRecordCollectors' Jerry Lee changed from popularity does fall off, what CHARLIE CHESTER CLUB. Club Lyndum House, Peters- London toavoidthis kind good willitdo those who Girls18/21 wanted urgentlyfield.-S.A.E. Details. of treatment. Now it seems dislike him? El willstill be as penpals for servicemen.-RHYTHM & BLUES heisgoingthroughthe there, making records even Josie Veen, 72 Clarence GAZETTE 2/6d. USA LP Cata- same trouble all over again. ifonlyforaselectfew. Avenue, Clapham Park, Lon- -C. Redmond, 28 Verbena logue, 272 pages5/-.Either ELVIS: A loyal fan invites "all Elvishaters" to write to Talentwillprevail. - D.S. don, S.W.4. from Lyndum House, Peters - Road,Northfield,Birming- Stone,42MillHillLane, FOR PENFRIENDS anywhere field. ham 36. him and tell him what's all this aboutEl. falling off. Pontefract, Yorkshire. in the world, any age, write E.P. WINNER forfreedetailstoITCM, ROLLING STONES FAN Grindley Hall, Chorlton, CLUB. S.A.E., Annabelle Britain's Brightest Twist & I CHEER FOR * * * Manchester 21. Smith, Radnor House, 93-97 STRICTLY Teen Package IF anybody had told me Regent Street, London, W.1. that I would be taking HAVE YOUR SONG . . . FAB THE VOICE . . . GROUP RE- THE SWINGING BLUE BARRIE JAMES SHOW JOHNNY photographsoftheEverly CORDED. We require talentJEANS' FAN CLUB. S.A.E. BARGAINS! Brothers outside the Mayfair togoon Jim Ireland, Mardi -Gras Club with Gary & Lee HotelinLondonat11.45 records.Zodiac Studios,19Gerrard (NRM), Mount Pleasant, BEAT LPs AT Tania Day p.m. on a Sunday night,I Street, The Strangers would never have believed W.1. GER 8806. Liverpool, 3. BEATIER PRICES Southampton 20795 them.Butitreallydid LYRICS WANTED. All kinds, TOP MANAGEMENT RE- happen, providingafitting by Music Publishing House,QUIRE IMMEDIATELY Music- finaletoafabuloustour 11St. Albans Avenue, Lon- ians for R & B group. Record. WINTER MARTIN YALE AGENCY on which I saw nine shows don, W.4. ing contract and professional 30a St. Peter's Ave., and met Don and Phil three MARY BLAIR BUREAU. In- engagementsavailablefor Cleethorpes times. I hope they'll be back troductions everywhere. De- selected group. Auditions RECORD next year. The Everlys are tailsfree. 52 Ship St., London, Box 119, NRM, 116 Representing:- not only the world's greatest Brighton. Shaftesbury Avenue, W.1. singers but the nicest,too. SALE CARTER-LEWIS Asavery keen fanof And the handsomest. - JAMES KEITH KELLY Esther Chamberlaine, 45 ASMAN'S HOUSTON WELLS Johnny Burnette I wasRoosevelt Avenue, Leighton PYE RECORDING ARTISTES FAMOUS and the MARKSMEN pleased tosee your article Buzzard, Beds. THE SOUND OF on him in R.M. last week. RECORD CENTRES THE ECHOES Unfortunatelyit'struehe ** WEST END with PAUL KEENE doesn't get the recognition Johnnie Sandon 23a New Row, St. Martin's he deserves --I haveallof HAVING seen the Rolling The JAMIE LEE and the StonesattheOdeon, Lane (opp. New Theatre) ATLANTICS his discs and can't see why London, W.C.2 many of them weren't hits. Hammersmith, I canonly and the RICKY WILSON and say thattheirso-called (COVent Garden 1380) the YOUNG ONES CITY Let's hope thathistourrhythm and blues sounds as ERIC LEE and the anaemic as they look, and it Remo 4 CHANTS 38 Camomile St., Bishops - 4 ACES will open the eyesof the gate(nr.LiverpoolSt. record -buying public to what is deplorable that they should The SHELL CARSON dare to perform with artistes Station), London, E.C.3 COMBO a great star he is.-MARY Direction DEAnsgate 5601-2 (AVEnue 7791) BAKER,Presidentoftheof the calibre of Or writefor Free Mail and many other attractions Official Johnny Burnette Fanand Little Richard. - J. A. Order Lists. for stage and ballrooms. Club, 144 Elmers Road, Beck- Worley, 36 Riverside Road, TED ROSS, 6 SOUTHERN ST., MANCHESTER 3 enham, Kent. Sidcup, Kent. RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 3 "WE WANT BILLY" IS BILLY FURY SINGING THE HE LIKES TO SING

CLEM CATTINI of the Tornados talks to PETER JONES

CLEM IT'S a knock -out L.P.Already in the charts and selling supremely, " We Want Billy "represented an ambition reached for Billy Fury. The chance to sing material HE liked in front of a responsive audience of hundreds of his fans.A " live " re- cording. But what makes Billy Fury in action during the film " Play It Cool."His current best-selling album is Billy tick ? Why has he discussedin the featurealongside. developed so consisten- "This on's'Just Because'. Heusedthat,too,asa tly over the years. Man stagecloser. More of that to give an answer is colouredstyleofsinging. Clem Cattini, drummer That double -ending iseffec- withtheTornados - tive, too. He just stops dead . . says 'Hah' . . . and off groupwho'vebacked goes that riot of reaction. Billy on all his dates. It took all dayit "The second side has his The group who were on old hits. Working with Bill that "We Want Billy" isreallyhardwork. We album. were whacked by mid -way. But a satisfiedkind of whacked, if you see what I The set-up mean. Of course, we were I talked with Clem as we wasfantastic nervous.You can't help that feeling. playedoverthedisc.Got his reactions. Heard the be- hind -the -scenesset-up. the control panel. You can that was going on with the Right'. He startsitslowly buildslikemad. He can't Early hits "Ittookallday,"said heartheScreams.Fantas- earphones and so on. But I . . . you can feel the tense stop himself writhing like a tic." like Bill better on this kindexcitement build up. It was snake. A Hank Snow num- "Now we come to those Clem. "We had two separate early hits. Like 'Halfway To audiences but ran through Clem listened to the of material.I think he en- Bill's idea to speed up mid- ber, of course. joys doing it more than the way.I have to follow him "You hear those screams Paradise','I'dNeverFind both sides of the album foropener for a moment. "Such Another You', 'Once Upon A eachgathering.Firstoff, a lovelyfeelto Billy's usual single -typeballads. on the beat and tempo. Out even when he's not singing ? Tony Hall introduced eachvoice. No getting away from "Now hear'BabyCome front,Billywasgrafting It'sjust a movement made Dream'-all withaspecial On'. We didn't know this hard.Theeffectgotus by Bill. He can control an key -changelink.Wejust Tornado.Then weswungit. He really getstogrips went straightthroughthe straightinto'SweetLittlewith this Chuck Berry oneuntilthe morningof going. We all gotthe audience beautifully. LikeI Sixteen'andBillyslippednumber.'Course,beingin the session. But Bill'sjust audience going. Clemre -livedjustabout lot. Some of the tempi were fine. Next comes 'That's All every moment of this excit- changedfromtheoriginal quickly outofadoor bythe box, we couldn't hear all "'Sticks and Stones' ? singles. Yes,Billdug thisone up ing L.P.Thenhesaid: from a Ray Charles album. "Working with Billy is really "Then, right at the end, an experience. I don't thinkwe used the intro to 'Sticks Listen to that feeling in his And Stones' to get Billy off. voiceagain.Hedoesall anysingerhas shown so these numbers from time to much improvement over theEverybody just joined in on time on stage-except 'Baby years. Fans who just hearthe 'We Want Billy'chant. Come On'. Now comes 'Un- himonhissinglesdon't Fantasticandear-splitting. realise how good he ison Bill didn't hang about, chain My Heart'.Get that though. He'dhavebeen tohis the Chuck Berry and Ray colouredapproach Charles sort of stuff. mobbed. By the timethe singing. fans got outside, Billy was "Andyouknowevery probably backinhisflat movement he makes counts. Shy person having a cuppa." A lotof them,Ihave to "He'sthesortofbloke "He'sa thorough profes- follow with a bang on thewho knows exactly what he sional.That'salotrarer bass drum. You know, Billywants, musically. He works thanyou'dthink.Ithink completely loses himself onhisownintuition.He he's one of the most excit- when he's working. Kind of really isa shy person, you ing performers on the scene gone - you think he's know. But he loses himself -and I'd think so even if oblivious to everything. completely once he gets the weweren'tworkingwith "Here comes 'I'm Movingrhythm going inside him. him." On'. Used to be his closer said, everything he does has Dig this L.P-and seeif onstage.Hebuildsand a meaning. you don't agree. The CARAVELLES MEET THE 'KOOK' better not shout, you better I really don't wont to know by LANGLEY not cry, you better not pout, I'mtelling you why. Santa F 11758 45 rpm JOHNSON Claus is DEAD!" Sheactsoutlyrics.But SHE'S a " kook." A then she was an actress. She sort of Angry started with "Allegheny Moon" as her audition song. Do you love me MEMPHIS Young Woman, but And says now: "They don't angrywithasmile. writesongslikethatany She dresses in a way- more. At least I hope not." out style. She glowers, After repertory work. she Brian POOLE & TENNESSEE went into "I Can Get It For purrs, raves, whispers You Wholesale," as Miss Mar- - allin the space of melstein.Thiswintershe Dove Berry & The Cruisers ten seconds.And the starsin "Funny Girl." Her The IREMEI OES "Unfortunately, Barbra careersoarsand shesays F 11734 45 rpm Americanssay she's F 11739 45 rpm won't be able to make the merely: "It could be good. It the most exciting girl trip," said her management. could be bad. But I'm living singer to hit the scene "Unfortunately,MissStrei- my life one day at a time. in years. sandwasn'tasked,"said And I don'tseewhyit Bernard Braden a g r e e s. organiser Bernard Delfont. shouldn't always be fun." The ROLLING STONES "Since Judy Garland,"says However, the CBS folk in Married to Broadway star HEIM he as he tidies up arrange- Britain think it's time for the Elliot Gould, Barbra (she in- ments to feature her work break -throughhere.Ifyou sists on that spelling of the on his telly series. wishtosampleasuperb name) deserves to click with Adam Faith and manager session of song -selling, then fans here. It only needs the Country boy I woo be your mon Eve Taylor agree. "A fantas- try"The BarbraStreisand right exposure to set her on tic performer," say they. Album." If time is short, then the way. F 1176845 rpm F 11764 45 rpm Of BARBRA STREISAND. pick out the "Who's Afraid She isone of the merest But the gal who has burned Of The Big Bad Wolf" handful of girl singers who atrailtostardominthe track. But the whole thing is really deserve the tag Statesisvirtually unknown an incredible display of vocal "unique." here. There was, of course, virtuosity. Just listen to that "Barbra DECCA THE DECCA RECORD COMPANY LTD DECCA HOUSE ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 the strange business of the She'll disturb the mood of Streisand Album" and see if Royal Variety Performance. a ballad with a sudden: "You you don't agree. 4 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 BILLY J. KRAMER IN AMERICA `EVERYTHING IS JUST FAB.' BILLY J. KRAMER, who returns from his first trip to America late Thursday evening this week, has hit the U.S. music scene with a wallop. Singing Dee -jays and producers like him, his song -style - and rate him strongly as a potential movie star later on. Sister And Billy,inturn,has been knockedoutbythe Sourire Americanscene. Here- SPECIAL portedfrom theStates: "Brian Epstein andIhave R M REPORT A MERICA's ' fastest-rising justbeenlapping upthe pop album is being rush - pace of things and the slick lineshave been submitted released in Britain this week- way the music businessis but so far Brian Epstein has end by Phillips. organised. Iwondered at turned them all down. It's The Singing Nun: she's firstifanybody had even SaidBilly:" It'dbesilly SisterSourire(Frenchfor torush into something so smile), a Dominican nun at heard of me.But the folk Fichermont, Belgium. were fab. important.I spend as much Her story:- "Of course, "Bad To Me" timeaspossiblewatching Some years ago a girl de- was released here some time filmssoIreckonIknow cided to enter a convent and, ago.Then came this rushwhether they're good or bad., whilewaitingforthebus job, on Liberty, on 'I'll KeepI'd much rather hang on and that was to take her away You Satisfied.'It's knocked bepatientthantake a from the secular world, she me silly hearing it get the chanceinsome ofthe saw a guitar in a shop win- plugsonthelocalradio rubbishy moviesI'veseen dow, and bought it. She prac- stations. recently. tised in her spare time and " AndI'verealised,too, used to entertain her fellow that I've got to have some nuns with songs accompanied sort of drama lessons before Television BILLY J. KRAMER-First of "the new wave" ontheguitar.Philips Igo into filming.'Course Records heard about her and " Soon after we arrived, I that means finding time but eventuallygotpermission went on for a telerecorded I'mreallyserious about fromtheRomanCatholic appearance onClay Cole's making the grade as an all- authorities to make an album BABY FOR Show.' Itwent outlast roundperformerandI'd of hersweetvoice and Saturday and I was able to MAKE time ifit was going New `Shadow' guitarstrumming. The LP meet up with Boby Vee on to help me reach that am- contains twelve numbers, all SHIRLEY the show.Everybody's been bition. by Sister Sourire. so friendly and helpful. But " Actually there has been announced One numberfrom the SHIRLEY BASSEY'S baby, it's hectic.I won't be sorry a whisper about a possible album has become quitea born on November 7th, has the doubtful honour of to get back home . . . " film early in the New Year. bigjuke -boxhit inthe Billy J. Kramer - theIt's only a whisper, though, PRESENTING thenew Shadow-dark-haired,States.Titled Dominiqueit being the most -travelled Dakotasstayedbehindin so I'm not gonna spoil it by handsome, 21 -year -oldJohnRostill,pickedtells the story of the founderbaby (or soon will be). For Liverpool-is the first of thetalking too soon ... " from dozens of hopeful applicants for one of theof her Order, Father Domi-Shirley, married to Kenneth " new wave " Merseybeat per- nique. Backed with Entre LesHume will be takinglittle top glamour jobs in pop music. Etoiles (among the stars)it Samantha with her on her formers tovisit the States. He replaces Brian "Licorice" Locking on bass guitar. Brian Liberty boss Al Bennett Impressed willbereleasedhereby tour of Australia and New has left to give more of his time to his work as a Jehovah's Philips next week. stressed on a recent visit to In New York, Billy J. wasWitness. Zealand. London: " Tho actual sound impressed withthe way For John Rostillitisa may need adapting for the American dee-jays were dream debut. He goes American scene.But I think " getting with "theBritish straight into the new Cliff - Billy J. Kramer has the per- disc scene.They know theShadows movie "Wonderful sonality and style to make groups-and watch their pro- Life."Rehearsalsforthe itbig." gress carefully. musicalsideofthefilm Billy and Brianmade And the word has beenwere going on this week at severalimpromptu appear- further spread by American ElstreeStudios,with John ancesonotherradioand top popsters who come totakingpart,andlaterhe TV shows.It was a mixture joins the company on loca- 11110001/ Britain and work with our tionworkintheCanary F08 of disc -plugging and ordinary outfits. good -will. Inturn,theAmericans Islands. With news that the were particularly impressed SaidJohn:"Thisreally came outoftheblue.I'd Beatles' film is now definitely with the way Billy J.isso met Cliffand the boys at ON, offers have stepped up photogenic." That guy just Blackpool duringaseason makehis never makes a bad picture," there in 1961. Then I heard containing 12 photographs of movie debut. Many story - said one photographer from about the vacancy coming up aglossy magazine. and met them at the London Which can't be badfor Palladium when they were Bill when he finally DOES toping the bill on the Sun- getamovie careerunder day nighttelevisionshow. way. "We had a short session together and thenIheard the job was mine." John immediately worked KING -SIZE The last from up anunderstanding with drummer - TAYLOR bass and drums have to play Michael together closely in the says group.John,thoughun- known in the pop "big time" PUT YOUR... THE tunes from thelate MichaelHolliday'slast is recognised as a very good recording session will be re- musician-and his looks and leased on Columbia on Nov- personalitywillhelpcon- ember 29. They are Drums siderably. "MONEY" and Can I Forget You? Re- cording Supervisor N or r i e By the sea ON POLYDOR NH66990 Paramor and Michael both Prior to joining The Shad- agreed on Drums as the Aows, John was working with side. a group called the Interns- IT'S A WINNER! Norrie is also working onthey had a resident season POLYDOR RECORDS plans for an album of Holli-at Bournemouth during the 12/13 RATHBONE PLACE, dayhitsto bereleased summer. LONDON, W.I. shortly. Said John excitedly:"I've admired for a long time. Now it'sa fan- tastic thrill to know that I'll ( Inc.Post)

CUTHERE be joining up with them .. RHYTHM & BLUES RECORD SESSION EVERY MONDAY AT THE Coming -and -going note on The Shadows: They started

as The Drifters, backing Cliffr POST THIS COUPON TODAY WITH A POSTAL ORDER TO I Richard, five years ago. They SCENE changed their name to The

91 GT. WINDMILL ST. (ENTRANCE IN HAM YARD) Shadows to avoid confusion GIROSIGN LTD., DEPT, "A" 86-88 WARDOUR ST. LONDON W.I. with the American group of

Listen or Dance to Records by:- thesame name.Tony Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Jimmy Reed, John Lee Meehanleftandwasre- Hooker, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Fats Domino, NAME(blockletters)

placed by Brian Bennett. Jet Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Larry Williams, The Harrisfollowed onasolo I Coasters, and many other R & B artistes. career and was replaced by Address (block letters) LicoriceLocking. Hank B. I This ticket admits 1 or 2 persons at 2/6 each Marvin and re- e

and is valid any Monday. main founder members - I

and Bruceisdefinitelyto sissimmum CUT HERE stay with the group. 111=MI No personalcallers On MIN 11111 WEIN AIMJ RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 5 IT'S A MEETING POINT FOR TWO VERY OPPOSITE POP GIANTS PAT BOONE SINGS ELVIS RESLEY THAT wholesome, fresh -faced, boy -next-door of the American pop scene, Pat Boone, sat with friends round his television set. Waiting for the Tommy Dorsey Stage Show to start. And especially interested in a new young singer to make his debut. A singer named Elvis Presley. Pat recalls: "I'd heard some exciting predictions going on concerning thistruckdriv- ingrock'n'rollerfrom by Memphis. "Well,thesideburnshit thescreen,thehipsdislo- cated, the voice erupted and a big new chapter of enter- KEN tainment history had begun." AndPat,alreadyestab- lished, became A FAN. At PAT BOONE: His treatments of the Elvis classics show that time, they were the two GRAHAM that mere ARE other ways of singing them. Even if most opposite characters im- there's a touch of the mickey-taking ... aginable. Patexplainsfurther:"I wantedtosingsomeof serene - than - usualex- provedthatsomeofthe have mostofhisrecords, them." pression. Presley wildies actually CAN seen most of his films. Even Which reallyishow the But performance -wise, this be sung in a different way. come to know him personally. newLondonalbum,"Pat is unmistakeably Mr. Boone. Titlesinclude"AllShook You might even call me aBoone Sings'Guess Who?" Soft -toned, clearly enunciated Up", "Don't Be Cruel", fan - ofcourse, you can cameabout.WithaPaul - he swings but rather deli- "HeartbreakHotel","Blue call me anything 'cosit'sa Smith -ledbacking featuringcately. He makes positively Suede Shoes." ELVIS PRESLEY: Many of his early songs have evolved intofree country. establishedjazzmenlike noefforttoget withthe A strange liaison to say the beat standards-but strangely enough no other artist has "I like the honest way heBarney Kessel, Don Fager-original Presley stylings. least. Pat, built on the fresh- recorded them since. sings and I like many of his quist and Red Mitchell. ly -innocent image.Elvis on songs.Secretly,I'veoften Of course, Pat HAS tackled the sneering, sexy, smoulder- the big -beat material in the Minuet ingbasis.Even when Pat past.1956 opened withhis He reserves the most re-worked, wearing white shoes "Ain't That A Shame" in our markable treatment for and dark slim -cutsuits, on Top Twenty. It was followed "Hound Dog", oneofEl's beat numbers he never ap- by his "I'll Be Home", which ravingest ravers. It is treatedproached the sheer lack of showed that he really liked early on,as A MINUET!I inhibitionofElvis. balladsbest.But"Tutti- repeat: A MINUET. Harpsi- Frutti" was alivelybelter chordbehindaso -square Question for all that. delivery of the opening lines. It was not until the middle Granted,itswings through It'sinterestingthattwo ofthe year thatElvisex- the mid -passages... but the such different characters ploded on the British scene. damage is done by then! should be dominant on the Now toNovember,1963. scene over such a long time. ThisisPat Boone Month. It's like "Do You Love Me" We posed the question: "Can His official fan -club are leav-beingsungby,say,John Pat ever be as big as Elvis?", SERIES ing no "plug" unturned to Steed in "The Avengers"! bringingintheall-round get their idol on radio.It's But before anybody sug-scene of discs, films, etc. RB is one huge push to get himgests there anything ap- And Pat's fan -following back high in the charts. And proachinga"send up"in came right back at us, say- this'GuessWho?' album this collection, Pat stresses: ing"Itshouldhavebeen forms part of it. "It's an appreciative and sin- 'Can Elvis ever be as big as Patispicturedonthe cere tribute." Pat?' sleeve in gold lame suit, low - The thing that strikes me, Which only goes to show CHOCK BE Y slungguitarandaless- though, is thatPathas something or other! * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * MORE CHUCK BERRY SWEET LITTLE ROCK AND ROLLER ANTHONY BOY LITTLE QUEENIE IMRE! WORRIEDLIFE BLUES CAROL REELIN' AND ROCKIN' :THIRTY DUANE EDDY SHOW DAYS BROWN EYED HANDSOME BO DIDDLEY MAN TOO MUCH MONKEY BUSI- NESS WEE WEE HOURS JO JO IS A LOVER GUNNE BEAUTIFUL DELILAH BfW NOIN' THE JAGUAR REVIEW IT L.P. NPL 28028 7 -SINGLE 7N 25227 opening night of theby NORMAN JOPLINGnumbers. The group received BO DIDDLEY RIDES AGAIN THEDuane Eddy/Little Rich- tremendousapplause,and THIS IS CHUCK BERRY Duane's playing better even BYE BYE JOHNNY ROCK AND BRING IT TO JEROME COPS AND ard/Shirelles tour was a lot ROLL MUSIC: CHILDHOOD SWEET- ROBBERS MUMBLIN' GUITAR OH better than most people ex-lead with the others dancing than on his discs, while the HEART BROKEN ARROW YEA 'YOU DON'T LOVE ME (YOU pected at the Regal Edmon- and hopping about, with a sax work of Jim Horn was DON'T CARE) DOWN HOME TRAIN: ton, 2nd performance on Sat- wonderful stageact. Then masterful, and punchy. NEP 44013 7-E.P. BO DIDDLEY ISLOOSEoHELP OUT urday. Firstly rumours that they sang "Twist And Then Little Richard came CALL ME (BO'S BLUES) DON'T Duane and Richard weren'tShout," an amazingly good on, and with an act full of LETIT GO NURSERY RHYME appearing were widespread- versionwithDorissinging NOWLIN'WOLF DEAREST DARLING in fact Duane didn't appearlead and they finished withgimmickry gave asplendid Syneketstack LIghtnir 12. L.P. NPL 28029 "When The Saints," in which performance,farbet t er SMOKESTACK LIONTNIN7ROWLIN inthefirsthouse dueto vocal -wise than most of his FOR MY BABY: DOING DOWN faulty amplification. everybody in the team joined SLOW YOU'LL BE MINE in. venues withhislasttour. NEP 44015 HEY BO DIDDLEY First of the big stars were The sound at the Regal was HEY BO DIDDLEY BEFORE YOU the Shirelles. They bounced very good, and Richard came THE BLUES Vol. I ACCUSE ME: HUSH YOUR MOUTH on, with "Everybody Loves A THE REBELS over extremelywell,while DON'T START ME TO TALKING - I'M LOOKING FOR A WOMAN Lover" which they performed the Flintstones backed him SONNY BOY WILUAMSON/FIRST delightfully,andfollowed Next was DuaneEddy to perfection. "Lucille" TIME I MET THE BLUES - BUDDY 7- L.P. NEP 44014 GUY/WORRIED LIFEBLUES with two more of their rec- (tickets incidentallyspelt "LongTallSally,""Good CHUCK BERRY/MY BABE - LITTLE WALTER/WALKIN. THE ROME - ord successes "Will You Love "Duane Eddie and The Shir- GorilyMissMolly,""Whole JOHN LEE HOOKER HOOGIME CHUCK AND BO Vol. 1 I Me Tomorrow"and "To- ells"), and he introduced his LottaShakin'Goin'On," COOCHIE MUDDY Wan= night& The Night." group, the Rebels. He went "Hound Dog," "Keep A RECONSIDER NARY - LOWELL CHUCK BERRY FULSON/SMOKESTACK LIGHTNIN. The vocal work from the through a number of his hitsKnockin,'" "Rip It Up" and HOWUN' WOLF/JUKE - LITTLE AND BO DIDDLEY foursome-looking very very like "Deep In The Heart of"She's Got It" brought to a WALTER? WHEN THE UNITS IN YOU CAN'T CATCH WE NO MONEY attractive in transparent Texas," "The Lonely One," close a fine fine show. OUT JIMMY WITIENSMON/ JUST MAKE LOVE TO ME - MINN DOWN: SHE'S FINE, SHE'S MINE black chiffon dresses-was as "Peter Gunn," "40 Miles Of Justonethingthough. WATERWSPOONEIL NOWUW BO MEETS THE MONSTER as excellent as their superb Bad Road," Does anyone besides me think WOLF "Cannonball," 12-L.7 NPL 258111 NEP44012 discs, and for the first three "Shazam" and "Rebel Rou-the Shirelles are the greatest numbers Shirley Owens sangser," plus some lesser known group out? RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 161963 RECORD MIRROR, Week - November 16,1963 7 Brian"Licorice"Locking has departed from the Shadows one of hisclosest friends says his personal farewell MY FRIEND MY old mate Licorice Locking had a job I on his hands. He was taking a hugebass amplifier by Under- ground in London. The thing was five feet high and three feet square. He lugged it onto the 11CORI escalator-andsaton him as the Wilde Cats.But Roll.I'd been offered a Tony didn't make it. Big job in the pit at Great Yar- top of it until he got to Jim Sullivan came in, alongmouth for the season-and the end of the"free by BRIAN BENNETT with Tony Belcher,afine they needed a bassist (string ride." musician who is now study.bass) so I rowed in Licorice. Then something went log Spanish Classics. Tommy Steele and Frankie wrong.He lost his grip onhe'd borrowed from a bass. Later on,I went back to WealsobackedEddie Howerd starred. itanditstarted tumbling Cochran. And then Gene Later, Tommy asked Playing mate of his! London. To the "2 Ps." AndVincent. down. Likeamajorave. LifewaslikethatforLicorice, guitarist Tony Licorice and I to become his lanche, it must have seemedLicorice, who now. has leftSheridan and I had a trio. "personal" musicians.We'd .to the others on the movingThe Shadows. And, because Sharing Byeto Sunday concerts with Those were busy days. We'd Tommy and we gained a lot staircase. They leapt forwe've been together for sixturn up at the l's"at Aroundthistime,1900, safety to one side and clung yearsinaperiodwhich more experience under 7.30 In the evening and play we shared a flat in Kensing-M.D.'s like Danny Walters. to those lamp brackets whichspans most oftoday's popuntil 11.30.Then go round ton.Well, one room] We jut out music, I'd hate to see the oldto Churchill's night-club for Then Igotacallfrom had a primus stove and a aboutjoining geezer go out of the businesscabaret.And then onto record player. Licorice Bruce Welch withouttellingpeopleall Winston's for more cabaret.practised bass. I had a pray The Shadows. PooroldLicorice. He about him . . . We'd never finish until 9 intise pad in the pad. Licorice andIwere due couldn't do anything. He We first met up in large,the morning. Then Marty wentinto to go to Coventry Theatre covBred his eyes and those Scotland. I was with the We backed VinceEager. "Bye ByeBirdie." The for morepit work butI bushyeyebrowswithhis Red Peppers in those days-And, for a while, we were Shadows had " " beggedoff. Licorice went hands. Couldn'tbeartoa variety act.It was 1957. thePlayboys,withVince highinthecharts. We on, though, and we later met look through those fingers,Licorice - hardly anybody Taylor. We goton"Ohthought we ought to be re-up again at lAverpool where those fat fingers which wecalls him Brian-came overBoy," with another rhythmcorded to we became the Tommy Steele was in panto call "Spoons." At the with Ten, Dene and Terryguitar - and backed stars }Crew Kats.Same line-up- mime. And afterwards BRIAN BENNETT and BRIAN 'LICORICE' LOCKING seen together bottom of the escalator wasKennedy to see our Brenda Lee and Con-and our " Trambone" went Licorice joined upwith in the days before Licorice decided to give up the big beat business a pile of broken debris. Perry Ford. We had a mealway Tvritty. to around the thirty markAdam Faith's Roulettes. for gooiL And itwas an amplifiertogether in the digs, but we ThenMartyWilde ap- in the charts. Soon, of course, Jet were really just peering atpeared.He asked Licorice, But soon LicoriceandI HarrisleftTheShadows.Shadows. each other across the table.Tony Sheridan and I to joinhad had enough of the rock And I felt it my duty to get hold Of Licorice as quicitlY jspossible and suggest he LFILMED BY RINGO! oined us in The Shadows. He'sgota fabulous per sonality.He usedtodo comedyroutineswiththe Krew Kets and oftenhe'd writes PETER JAY have me incapable of making tho next announcement. Now, ofcourse,he's yin HELLO again! theconveyorbeltinCus- Wally finished with the busi. toms-toothbrush, pyjamas, Well,it'sstillall comb, underwear - the lot. happening on tour with All bit by bit. All of us will miss him a is back at work in A strong song line-up is scheduled the Beatles. And you'll Dublin was fantastic. The great deal.But for me it's fans there really do go mad. going to be a great wren. the film studios once more. Withfor the film with contributions from be glad, we hope,to Girlswhofainted In the LicoriceandIhave been two box-office hits tucked firmly under the Shadows and Ronnie Cass and hear that Peter Jay and crowds outsidethetheatre really a team through those his belt he is out to make the hat -Peter Myers. theJaywalkershave were cried into their seats six years of pop music. This isonly right-a bassist and Cliff in trick. Cliff and the rest of the cast Pictured with Cliff are co-star Susan made a film debut. On byattenardants.Outside there was the biggest riot yet. It's drummershouldmareto are currently rehearsing dance Hampshireandanother of the Beatle 's a fact that cars work closely together. routines at Elstree Studios prior toglamour girls in the film, Alicia Gur. The drum- As Iwas sag,yin nen be turned andthepoliceover-had THE, SHADOWS-the last -but -one combMation which produced such mammoth hi as setting off for the sunshine of the RecordMirrorpicture byDeco mer -star acted as direc- to make several arrests. In- very sorely missed . . . Canary Islands. Hoffman. tor, producer and sideitwasincrediblefor "Dance On," "," and "Guitar Tango." rehearsal camera -man. noise and appreciation. Seemshelikesthe way we operate on stage, so hen Back home hung aroundinthe wings Belfast was the same. Like sirs "'Jr 3E111= 7..31= .01 SIC ZCD and filmed us through our a Wembley footballcrowd. ANN a.. And in the meantime, Allstreaming towardsthe Beetle George Harrison has theatre.Quitehonestly, we beenfilmingthefantastic PETER JAY allhave tolive onfish'n' IT ONLY HAPPENS IN SINCE I FELL FOR YOU crowd scenes that have hap- chips sent in because ANY- SAM COOKE MARGRET pened everywhere the pack-empty as we thought. Up- BODYin theshowhas THE MOVIES Lenny Welch...A_ age has visited. staim min thecirclewere troublewithmobbings if Little red rooster about 30 policeman waitingthey stray into a restaurant. It's fun to cope with the crowds ex- Better not to bother meeting Gerry Rena SPEAKS later. Anditwas troublee half-way. About Elvis Presley: A couple of fans presentedme noticeablepected that they did not FromIrelandwgot back JOHNNY with a miniature drumscream at the Beatles, norto dear old London. To East "Elvinand I have been kittheotherday. Now Ham. It was No to be back DOW CITY dating steadilysince we did they applaud! NEIL SEDAKA made' Viva Las Vegas.' Ringo and I spend a lot of OurtriptoIrelandwas in Cockney -landbutthe outsidethe theatre TILLOTSON It's too early to speak of timebackstagehammering planned like a military open crowds Bad girl THE BACHELORS The Ramblers , away atit.It's fun-butI aLion.Not eventhe mem-were just as big. romance yeti But he's a don't think the kit will last bersofthepackage knew I've SEENalotofthe Funny how time slips away great guy to be with." until the end of the tour! thedeparture time.The Beatles on this trip sofar. Long time ago About Pat Boone: AtSloughAdelphi,the But I wanted to HEAR them Beatles were allowed through MONEY "Patispublicisedas Beatlesgavetheirquietest onto the tarmac-no Cus- justonce, withoutallthe the clean-cut boy . . and least -applauded perform - toms, no nothing. That screaming. That'show it DUANE EDDY Bern Elliott & The Fenmen No kidding! What stopped the mobbing. came about that I forked out PAT BOONE he can be pretty wild too happenedwasthis.Ringo fora ticket to the Royal Var- MAX BYGRAYES at times." and I started off a am ses- iety Show in London. Guitar'd and feathered I like what you do About recording: sion on stage longbejforethe Fantastic 'Coursethey whipped up Jinglin' bells " Iwant to cover the crowds were duein.Then a storm there as well. Had MISERY entire musical field vrith- George Harrisonjoinedin. In Ireland, somebody (I'm allthepatronsjoiningin in my capabilities. Ien- Then a couple of Jaywalkers, notsaying who)leftRick with the hand -clapping bits. including Lloyd fu i OR DECCA joysinging everything Baker. In Brook, oftheBrook Itreallyisfantastic. The Dynamicstolffol" from rock'n.rolltostan- nO time,we hadareal Brothersinastate. They But it's fun too. -0, dards with no particular sound going. opened his suitcase and sent See you allnext week as ANN MARGRET-hit the scene with her "I Just Don't Understandnow has moved Into preference." But the theatre was NOT allhis personal gear alongthe tour goes thundering on. THE OECCA RECORD COMPANY LIMITEDDECCA HOUSE ALBERT EMSANRMENT LONDON S El films too. RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 161963 RECORD MIRROR, Week - November 16,1963 7 Brian"Licorice"Locking has departed from the Shadows one of hisclosest friends says his personal farewell MY FRIEND MY old mate Licorice Locking had a job I on his hands. He was taking a hugebass amplifier by Under- ground in London. The thing was five feet high and three feet square. He lugged it onto the 11CORI escalator-andsaton him as the Wilde Cats.But Roll.I'd been offered a Tony didn't make it. Big job in the pit at Great Yar- top of it until he got to Jim Sullivan came in, alongmouth for the season-and the end of the"free by BRIAN BENNETT with Tony Belcher,afine they needed a bassist (string ride." musician who is now study.bass) so I rowed in Licorice. Then something went log Spanish Classics. Tommy Steele and Frankie wrong.He lost his grip onhe'd borrowed from a bass. Later on,I went back to WealsobackedEddie Howerd starred. itanditstarted tumbling Cochran. And then Gene Later, Tommy asked Playing mate of his! London. To the "2 Ps." AndVincent. down. Likeamajorave. LifewaslikethatforLicorice, guitarist Tony Licorice and I to become his lanche, it must have seemedLicorice, who now. has leftSheridan and I had a trio. "personal" musicians.We'd .to the others on the movingThe Shadows. And, because Sharing Byeto Sunday concerts with Those were busy days. We'd Tommy and we gained a lot staircase. They leapt forwe've been together for sixturn up at the l's"at Aroundthistime,1900, safety to one side and clung yearsinaperiodwhich more experience under 7.30 In the evening and play we shared a flat in Kensing-M.D.'s like Danny Walters. to those lamp brackets whichspans most oftoday's popuntil 11.30.Then go round ton.Well, one room] We jut out music, I'd hate to see the oldto Churchill's night-club for Then Igotacallfrom had a primus stove and a aboutjoining geezer go out of the businesscabaret.And then onto record player. Licorice Bruce Welch withouttellingpeopleall Winston's for more cabaret.practised bass. I had a pray The Shadows. PooroldLicorice. He about him . . . We'd never finish until 9 intise pad in the pad. Licorice andIwere due couldn't do anything. He We first met up in large,the morning. Then Marty wentinto to go to Coventry Theatre covBred his eyes and those Scotland. I was with the We backed VinceEager. "Bye ByeBirdie." The for morepit work butI bushyeyebrowswithhis Red Peppers in those days-And, for a while, we were Shadows had " Apache " beggedoff. Licorice went hands. Couldn'tbeartoa variety act.It was 1957. thePlayboys,withVince highinthecharts. We on, though, and we later met look through those fingers,Licorice - hardly anybody Taylor. We goton"Ohthought we ought to be re-up again at lAverpool where those fat fingers which wecalls him Brian-came overBoy," with another rhythmcorded to we became the Tommy Steele was in panto call "Spoons." At the with Ten, Dene and Terryguitar - and backed stars }Crew Kats.Same line-up- mime. And afterwards BRIAN BENNETT and BRIAN 'LICORICE' LOCKING seen together bottom of the escalator wasKennedy to see our Brenda Lee and Con-and our " Trambone" went Licorice joined upwith in the days before Licorice decided to give up the big beat business a pile of broken debris. Perry Ford. We had a mealway Tvritty. to around the thirty markAdam Faith's Roulettes. for gooiL And itwas an amplifiertogether in the digs, but we ThenMartyWilde ap- in the charts. Soon, of course, Jet were really just peering atpeared.He asked Licorice, But soon LicoriceandI HarrisleftTheShadows.Shadows. each other across the table.Tony Sheridan and I to joinhad had enough of the rock And I felt it my duty to get hold Of Licorice as quicitlY jspossible and suggest he LFILMED BY RINGO! oined us in The Shadows. He'sgota fabulous per sonality.He usedtodo comedyroutineswiththe Krew Kets and oftenhe'd writes PETER JAY have me incapable of making tho next announcement. Now, ofcourse,he's yin HELLO again! theconveyorbeltinCus- Wally finished with the busi. toms-toothbrush, pyjamas, Well,it'sstillall comb, underwear - the lot. happening on tour with All bit by bit. All of us will miss him a CLIFF RICHARD is back at work in A strong song line-up is scheduled the Beatles. And you'll Dublin was fantastic. The great deal.But for me it's fans there really do go mad. going to be a great wren. the film studios once more. Withfor the film with contributions from be glad, we hope,to Girlswhofainted In the LicoriceandIhave been two box-office hits tucked firmly under the Shadows and Ronnie Cass and hear that Peter Jay and crowds outsidethetheatre really a team through those his belt he is out to make the hat -Peter Myers. theJaywalkershave were cried into their seats six years of pop music. This isonly right-a bassist and Cliff in trick. Cliff and the rest of the cast Pictured with Cliff are co-star Susan made a film debut. On byattenardants.Outside there was the biggest riot yet. It's drummershouldmareto are currently rehearsing dance Hampshireandanother of the Beatle Ringo Starr's a fact that cars work closely together. routines at Elstree Studios prior toglamour girls in the film, Alicia Gur. The drum- As Iwas sag,yin nen be turned andthepoliceover-had THE, SHADOWS-the last -but -one combMation which produced such mammoth hi as setting off for the sunshine of the RecordMirrorpicture byDeco mer -star acted as direc- to make several arrests. In- very sorely missed . . . Canary Islands. Hoffman. tor, producer and sideitwasincrediblefor "Dance On," "Atlantis," and "Guitar Tango." rehearsal camera -man. noise and appreciation. Seemshelikesthe way we operate on stage, so hen Back home hung aroundinthe wings Belfast was the same. Like sirs "'Jr 3E111= 7..31= .01 SIC ZCD and filmed us through our a Wembley footballcrowd. ANN a.. And in the meantime, Allstreaming towardsthe Beetle George Harrison has theatre.Quitehonestly, we beenfilmingthefantastic PETER JAY allhave tolive onfish'n' IT ONLY HAPPENS IN SINCE I FELL FOR YOU crowd scenes that have hap- chips sent in because ANY- SAM COOKE MARGRET pened everywhere the pack-empty as we thought. Up- BODYin theshowhas THE MOVIES Lenny Welch...A_ age has visited. staim min thecirclewere troublewithmobbings if Little red rooster about 30 policeman waitingthey stray into a restaurant. It's fun to cope with the crowds ex- Better not to bother meeting Gerry Rena SPEAKS later. Anditwas troublee half-way. About Elvis Presley: A couple of fans presentedme noticeablepected that they did not FromIrelandwgot back JOHNNY with a miniature drumscream at the Beatles, norto dear old London. To East "Elvinand I have been kittheotherday. Now Ham. It was No to be back DOW CITY dating steadilysince we did they applaud! NEIL SEDAKA made' Viva Las Vegas.' Ringo and I spend a lot of OurtriptoIrelandwas in Cockney -landbutthe outsidethe theatre TILLOTSON It's too early to speak of timebackstagehammering planned like a military open crowds Bad girl THE BACHELORS The Ramblers , away atit.It's fun-butI aLion.Not eventhe mem-were just as big. romance yeti But he's a don't think the kit will last bersofthepackage knew I've SEENalotofthe Funny how time slips away great guy to be with." until the end of the tour! thedeparture time.The Beatles on this trip sofar. Long time ago About Pat Boone: AtSloughAdelphi,the But I wanted to HEAR them Beatles were allowed through MONEY "Patispublicisedas Beatlesgavetheirquietest onto the tarmac-no Cus- justonce, withoutallthe the clean-cut boy . . and least -applauded perform - toms, no nothing. That screaming. That'show it DUANE EDDY Bern Elliott & The Fenmen No kidding! What stopped the mobbing. came about that I forked out PAT BOONE he can be pretty wild too happenedwasthis.Ringo fora ticket to the Royal Var- MAX BYGRAYES at times." and I started off a am ses- iety Show in London. Guitar'd and feathered I like what you do About recording: sion on stage longbejforethe Fantastic 'Coursethey whipped up Jinglin' bells " Iwant to cover the crowds were duein.Then a storm there as well. Had MISERY entire musical field vrith- George Harrisonjoinedin. In Ireland, somebody (I'm allthepatronsjoiningin in my capabilities. Ien- Then a couple of Jaywalkers, notsaying who)leftRick with the hand -clapping bits. including Lloyd fu i OR DECCA joysinging everything Baker. In Brook, oftheBrook Itreallyisfantastic. The Dynamicstolffol" from rock'n.rolltostan- nO time,we hadareal Brothersinastate. They But it's fun too. -0, dards with no particular sound going. opened his suitcase and sent See you allnext week as ANN MARGRET-hit the scene with her "I Just Don't Understandnow has moved Into preference." But the theatre was NOT allhis personal gear alongthe tour goes thundering on. THE OECCA RECORD COMPANY LIMITEDDECCA HOUSE ALBERT EMSANRMENT LONDON S El films too. 8 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 ALL THE LATEST RECORDS REVIEWED * NINE TOP20 TIPS

One of John's best yet BEATLES SONG FOR TOP 20 TIP Beautiful Dreamer;I Guess You Are Always TOP 20 TIP On My Mind (HMV Pop 1230) THE FOURMOST SURELY John's best in I'm in Love; Respec- FOURMOST a long time. An up- able (Parlophone R beatedversion ofthe 5078). oldieandtakenina "Hello Little Girl" rather rasping way by the THE singer.Backing fair pul- hit - makers geta sates behind him and he Beatles' number for sings out with more en- this new stab. It'snot thusiasmthanoflate. wildlydifferenttotheir Mid -section goes like the debut but it should proverbial bomb. Could be whistle, non-stop, into the the re -start of something charts. Good vocal work verybigfortheactor - with a brash sort of back- singer. Touches of har- ingthatimprintsitself monica and hand -clap- easily. Good chordal var- ping.Excitingly different iationswhichkeepthe Leyton. "I Guess .. . " is tracking. Not so good by interest alive. Yes, should a straightforward mid - far. be a real biggie. Flipis less inhibited and an Isley tempo ballad with dual - * * * * Brothers'number on which the four boys whip up averitablestorm. catchy sort of theme and the tips"didn't makeithere, almostdevastatingin same well -arranged approach. how can this one be tipped. parts. There's a lot of brass ring- It'saroar -up,with plenty ing in the bells and there'sharmonica early on, and it's * * * * fair excitement, too. Flip hastaken at a fast tempo with THE FOURMOST; After their big success with "Hello LittleGirl," the team have a probable a lah-lahing choir going on.a load of riotous vocal -yell- bigger hit on their hands with "I'm In Love," anotherLennon -McCartney composition. Rather catchy, again. ing all the way. Rather short on "feel" and on an accept- SANDRA GOULD MURIEL SMITH SUSAN SINGER BERN ELLIOTT * * ** LITTLE STEVIE able beat - the whole thing HelloMelvin(Thisis I Know (You Don't Love AND THE FENMEN is just too fast. Talkie start Iwonder asI WONDER Mama); My son the surfer. wander; Me No More); That Old Money; Nobody But Me for "Monkey Talk" and bon- Sweet little Jesus boy. Feeling (Oriole CB 1882). (Decca F 11770) WorkoutStevie,Work- goes setting up the rhythm. PHILIPS BF 1290. out; Monkey Talk Trouble is the talking goes PHILIPS BF 1291. BARBARA Georgehada to the scene on (State- );RE'S an answer to the hit on this in America, NEW group side SS 238). on too long. Big -band back- H"Hello Muddah!" etc. asongoft -featuredby ing. And harmonica. Reason- look for this one in Here, Susan gets a jazzed -up theBeatles.Butit'snot THE rather remarkable ably exciting. disc which has done so well.DON'T littleblindU.S. Sandra sings with a marvel- the charts. But do give backing (by Johnny Keating) reallyfairto compare the per- a hearken if you like smooth andshesellslikeareal versions. Bernsings out former . . . but if "Finger- * ** lous little Brooklyn accent-soprano singing with a lot good'un.Hervoice andtellsthesonnotto has lustily and the answering bits come home because they've ofquietly -presented"soul" great depths toitand shecome through loud and clear. taken in a lodger. All to the It's commercial in approach same tuneastheoriginal. anddeservesnotto be Veryfunnyinpartsand overlooked.Excitingin a wonderfully relaxed in pres- BLUESY SAMNOT screaming sort of way. Flip alsoconjures up plenty of entation. May not make the TOP 20 TIP charts:butitwill make a IMPACT HIT interest and excitement. A lot of sales. Flip is a similar group to watch. "in - person" performance SAM COOKE * * * MARIA andhasafullquotaof LittleRedRooster; giggles. Shake, Rattle and Roll. LENNY WELCH (RCA Victor1367) SinceIFellFor You; ** * * Are You Sincere (London ELENA offer- HLA 9810) -RGAN-INTROEDing, with Sam in JACKIE AND THE bluesy mood. Interesting well in the States Los Indios RAINDROPS performanceallround, DOINGthis offering from a new withSam'swordswell singerisa smooth sort of Tabajaras Downourstreet;My worth a close listen. Not performance onaslightly heart is your heart. as immediately chart - whining type of song. Slightly RCA 1365 45 rpm PHILIPS BF 1283. worthy as some of his . . reminiscent of "Blue Moon," but we're tippingitfor though by no means 'a copy. 'atmbeatsoundforthe theTwentyanyway. String -laden backing and a -1-fl group who originally in- Rather atalk -alongsort vocal style which is certainly of production. Very well- emotional. Trouble is there's cludedsuchstalwartsas SAM COOKE JohnnyWorthandVince done. Flip has a shuffle - quite a lot of this type of Hill.Thisisan up -tempo rhythm . . . but it's miles corner a lot of the atten- thing on the market. Flip is beater with a lot of power away from the way Bill tion, this side. similarly mournful, but with and girlie lead voice-Jackie Haley did it. Should **** some good piano. is the wife of Raindrop Len * * * BOBBY Beadle.Itswings forsure andtheonlyproblemis about it. Probably it's tilted beltsaway withaninfec- STEVE RACE whether it can force through attheChristmasmarket, tiousgaiety."Square"cor- The swinging bells; Jac- themazeofsimilarbeat thoughthere'saminority net passages throughout. aranda. PARLOPHONE R BARE material. Flip is based on anmarket foritat any time. Rather a good all-round job. 5076. old nursery song and laterChoral work behind gives it Theoldieofthebacking 500 miles goes into an up -tempo raver. almost acathedralquality. isn'treallySusan'scuppa. SINCE "Pied Piper," Steve Another good vocal harmonic Flip is similarly hymnal and The theme seems too "old" Race can't be discounted away display. equally well performed. for her youthful attack. for chart honours. This new one, withit's genuine bell - * * * * *** * * * likequality,could be a from home biggie.Ithasthesame RCA 1366 45 rpm

DAVE CLARK 5AN ORIGINAL TOP 20 TIP rDAVE CLARK FIVE Glad All Over; I Know Y o u (Columbia DB 7154). makeshisown DAVErecords,so he gets JIM what he wants-and what thepublic wants, we guess. Two of the boys, including Dave, wrote the REEVES top side and it'sa raver all the way. Lots of that Guilty ponderous big beat inclu- ded and the voices blend RCA 1364 45 rpm well with the hearty back- ing.Up - tempoanda shouter in the "Do You Love Me" idiom.Should be his biggest to date. "I Know You" is also furious material though somewhat RCAVICTOlt similar in treatment and conception. RCAVictor Records product of The Decca Record Company Ltd DAVE CLARK FIVE; Dave helped pen "Glad All Over," not the Carl Perkins number which * * ** Decca House Albert Embankment London SE1 should do well, seeing as Dave has at last established himself with his "Do You Love Me." RECORD MIRROR,Week -ending November 181963 Record MirrorBACHELORS NEW DISC A TOUCH OF CLASS VINCENT EDWARDS DoesGoodnightMean TOP 20 TIP Goodbye;ThisTrain (Brunswick 05898) ber whichshould make SO -slow opening for the THE BACHELORS it's way into the sellers. "Ben Casey" gentleman. Long Time Ago; The Lyrically soundand He singswithconsiderable Angel And The Stranger. melodically entertaining, emotive quality on the song (Decca F (11772) it could boost further the from "TheVictors"movie. THESE boys are always boys' reputation for classy Rather draggy in parts, but liableto bechart discs. 'The Angel And The there's no doubting the im- entrants. This original Stranger" has some first- provement in the quality of numbergivesthem a rate singing and accom- his vocal prowess. The older chance toharmonise, paniment. All very taste- buyers will probably go for vocallyandinstrument- ful. it. Good choir, mid -way. ally, in a Christmas num- ** * Lively choral opening for the THE BACHELORS; British folk group who have achieved astounding success, in a field flip. Then Vince gets to grips remarkably un-British again produce an excellent folksy bit in "Long Time Ago." withlyricscarried through plays. Straightforwardly effec- at a lively pace. beat group set-up? He's one of the most inventive in the ive.Flipisslower and not GERRY RENO * * * business-and give the wordsreally a commercial proposi- acloselisten."You Make tion,eventhoughJohnny It Only Happens In The co -penned it. Movies; One Lonely Guy FIERY TRINI LOPEZ ROBERT FLORENCE Me Feel . . . " makes us feel pretty good. Again, it's stylist (Decca F 11774) Paula'stheme;Theme *** attack and careful pointing STORY -line piece by Gerry TOP 20 TIP from Cleopatra. LIBERTY oflyrics.Itswings, swings, 55582. in which he points out swings. TOP 20 TIP the good things in life only rrOP side from "Portrait Of happen on the movie screen. TRINI LOPEZ 1-A Murder." Choral "ooh- * * * * DUANE EDDY Up -tempo, dual -tracked, with KansasCity;Lone- ing,"thendelicatetouches a sparkling sort of backing some Traveller. (Pye R of piano. Rather a pleasantJOHNNY TILLOTSON Guitar'dandFeath- 20236) theme and a treatment that ered;My BabyPlays pushingthingsalong.The Funny How Time Slips The Same Old Song On ideaisgood and thepro- COMPETITION onthis isrelaxing. Full string sec- By; A Very Good Year For tion, and well-rounded noises HisGuitarAllNight duction sound. Butit may 1---1from Peter Jay, for a Girls (London HLA 9811) Long; (RCA Victor 1369) be difficult to get away. Flip start, but Trini's -status is all through . . . with piano hasaresoundingdelivery in expressive mood. Flipis AN oldTillotsonrelease, strong enoughtocarry already well-known but here but doing wellinthe anditpounds away likea him throughtoanother getsthequiettreatment. States. Prior to that it was sort of early Frankie Laine chart success. Driving Good late -night listening. ahitfor JimmyElledge. performance. Quite effective. along wellallthe way, Country -styled, with a lot of * * * with the usual percussive *** "soul" ih the selling of the and guitar sounds behind him. He's fiery in his ap- lyrics. Nice tempo, nice per- TRINI LOPEZ formance . . . but we think MAX BYGRAVES proach, this likeable Trini TOP 20 TIP it'll maybe getlostin the -and his phrasing isex- and Trini hammers away rushofpre -Christmasre- Jinglin'Bells;Summer perimentaltosaythe at the lyrics. Lots of deter - leases. He sounds a trifle like Green and Winter White least. Yodel bits, too. Fast min ation. THE HOLLIES Johnny Ray of old.Flipis (Decca F 11773) guitar intro for 'Traveller" * ** * Stay; Now's The Time. an established number-and HALE and hearty (Parlophone R 5077) Johnny does little new for it. guitarsounds from MAX on the sort of song the off. Deep bass sounds whichsuitshimbest. THE ROCK FELLERS complexityofthearrange- THISshoulddo every * * * with a spirit of adventure Good-humoured charm and mentwiththe"tinytot" bit as well as about the approach. One a Christmas -storysortof Ching -A -Ling Baby; Hey voices tends to pall after a "Searchin' ". An explosive JOHNNY TILLOTSON of Duane's strongest in a lyric -line which will be much Little Donkey (Pye Inter-while. We suppose it's aver- national25225) sort of group who manage Talk longwhileand thein- requestedonradioshows age at least. "Hey Little Don- to get an individual sound Back Trembling strumental backing does between now and Christmas. Alively but undistinguished key" has the same sort of to their material. Lots of Lips; Another You (MGM 124) not lose touch anywhere Perkyarrangement, with performancefromthe rhythmiccontent,butwe falsetto in the more excit- along. Sax, piano, double - smooth chorus lines. All veryAmerican group. It's interest- were'nt knocked out. ingregionsandsome TWOTillotsonsin one bass,allcombining just light, airyand well -per- ing up to a point, but the * * soliddrummingforcing week.Thisisonhis fine. Tour plans for the formed. Flip is much slower the pace along. An up - currentlabelandit'sa "twang" man will ensure and certainlyless commer- tempo number of unusual Country number which suits aplaceinthecharts. cial. power. Yes, a hit. Flip is Johnny's distinctive style * * * * an "original" for the boys. well. Not necessarilya big * * * * DEEP PURPLE They sing well and pro- hit,butsurelyone which duce a dynamic sortof will garner a lot of dee-jay STEVE LESTER PAT BOONE Nino Tempo & April Stevens HLK 9782 45 rpm presentation.Couldalso No Other Love; Beyond be a hit. ILike What You Do;I The Stars(Parlophone R Feel Like Crying (London * * * * 5079) HLD 9812) DEL SQTEVE on the oldie and he takesitwith gimmick ballad performance, SHANNON JOHNNY and, ina sense, originality. BIGheralded by smiling and DANKWORTH He singswell enough and swirling strings. Tempo perks enunciates well enough, but up a bit and there's jangle - Sue's The Avengers;Offthe itreallydoesn't have that box noise behind the smooth cuff. FONTANA TF 422. spark necessary to build bigPat. November is Pat Boone gotta be mine THISisone themethat sales.Arrangementiscom- Month, his fans aver, but we HLU 980045 rpm should do big business- petent rather than outstand-rather doubt if this will be there are millions of Steed ing. "Beyond The Stars"is a smash biggie. Should sell andGaleaddicts.Johnny anotherusefulballadand reasonably well, of course. "I presentsitwithahuge, again Steve sings well. But Feel Like Crying" is suitably swirlingbig band arrange- he suffers by being slightly sadwithspasmsofdual - TALK TO ME ment that really captures the dated inapproach. tracking for Pat. excitement.Trumpet solo, Sunny & The Sunglows HL 9792 45 rpm neat drum work, finely * ** * * * * musical. Watch it takeoff. Flip is another useful com- position with an air of con- SUGAR SHACK trolled fire about it. WINNER FOR KENNY Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs HLD 978945 rpm ** ** TOP 20 TIP BUDDY GRECO a regular inthe charts. The This Could Be The KENNY LYNCH This song has the catchi- StartofSomething; Yoe For you; With Some- ness necessary to make it Drifters Make Me Feel So Young body (HMV Pop 1229). big. Funnysemi -dated (Columbia DB 7160) THISisKenny athis backing all through.Flip I'll take you home ONE ofthe many great best. He goes like isa faster performance, tracks on Buddy's "Back mad on a mid -tempo bal- with a whole load of ex- HLK 9785 45 rpm In Town" album. He swings lad with choral effects at citement going for Ken. like crazy, with an unerring rear of him and he sings This is a top -class sort of /1/1 2/)01 sense of rhythm and style. inahighlycommercial flip . . . and should en- Almost untouchableinhis manner. This singer hancethepopularityof own field, he deserves to do foughtforrecognition " For You." London Records division of great things with this single and now deserves to be * * * * TM Deceit Record Company Ltd Mecca House Albert Embankment London 5E1 -but canhe counter the KENNY LYNCH 10 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963

tv 9,,

' 15* wtf A LOOK ::4:::'-.: :1%, .' iroam, ,,::x.: AT The Sensational Searchers THE U.S. CHARTS VAST rising U.S.hitsin- clude - "Drip Drop," must hit top DionDimuci; "AnyOther Way," Chuck Jackson; "For- getHim,"BobbyRydelI; "Midnight Mary)," Joey Powers; "Hey Lover," Deb- bie Lovale; "As Long As I onceagain! Know He'sMine,"Marvel- ettes;"Dawn," David Rock- inghamTrio;"Tra La La La Suzy," Dean and Jean; THE SEARCHERS "I Have A Boyfriend," The Sugar and Spice; Don't You Know; Some Other Guy; One Chiffons. Of These Days; Listen To Mc; Unhappy Girls; Ain't That RecentU.S.releasesin- Just Like Me; Oh My Lover; Saints and Searchers; Cherry clude - "Come Dance With Stones; All My Sorrows; Hungry For Love. PYE NPL 18089. Me," Jay and The Americans; A LBUM number two from that big -selling Liverpool team "The Impossible Happened," is again destined for success. It is packed full of exciting Little Peggy March; "Kansas material served up in brilliant Searchers' style. The group City,"TriniLopez;"Stop is one of the strongest to emerge from Liverpool and they Foolin'," Brook Benton and look like consolidating their position even more. You'll love Damita Jo; "Where There's this one. A Will," Lonnie Mack; "Let's StartThePartyAgain," * * * * * LittleEva;"PistolPackin' Mama,"TheHighKeys; BUDDY GRECO Adios;Ileft my heart in "TurnAround,"Dickand San Francisco; A lotof Iwish you love; What Dedee; "My Name Is Jimmy kind of fool am I; Nancy: livin' to do; You're nobody THE SEARCHERS. Their new L.P. is again composed of older hit material-and I Brown,"TheShacklefords; My funny valentine; Then 'til somebody loves you; On again a good disc. "What Kind Of Fool," The I'll be tired of you; Gigi; I Tams;"ICan't Stop Sing- The easy way;Ileft my collection of his hits butI ing,"BobbyBland;"Too heartinSanFrancisco;i BOBBY DARIN feelthatwiththeTwistI Hurt To Cry, Too Much In Moonlight in Vermont; Be- Walk Right In; Reverend Mr. Black; Not For Me; I Will being in the Dodo categoryLove To Say Goodbye," The witched;Passingpastels; Follow Her; The End Of The World; Our Day Will Come; and the availability of mostDarnells;"Heartless Heart," Angeleyes. COLUMBIA of these titles in English, this FloydCramer;"FineFine 33SX 1544. On Broadway; From a Jack To a King; Rhythm Of The one won't make the charts. Rain; Ruby Baby; Can't Get Used To Losing You;18 Girl,"Falcons;"Don't Go," ofmood for Yellow Roses. CAPITOL T.1942. TriniLopez(KingLabel); ASWITCH However Chubby is a Buddy here as he APOTENTIALLY strong seller for Bobby Darin here in popular lad and I would likea "Today'sTeardrops,"Rick caresses some beautiful and that he has taken a bunch of the best sellers of recent to be proved wrong this time. Nelson (Imperial); "Row tender ballads.Strings are times and given them his own distinctive treatment. He's a * * * Your Boat," The Chanters; in full support and he again powerful artist and never far away from the charts. Could I "Do Wah Diddy," Exciters. proveshisrighttobe up be one of his biggest albums for a while. there among the greats of Irecommend you to lend an ear as he sings his way SARAH VAUGHAN the vocal world.The album through this particular programme. nicely coincideswithhis Snowbound; I hadn't BOBBY DARIN * * * * anyone you;What's Royal Variety Show appear- good about goodbye; Stella ance and willsellallthe by starlight; Look to your better for this. the street where you live. standard. Thefirstvolumehitthe heart; Oh you crazy moon; Ilike Buddy. Ilike this CAPITOL T. 1944. The programme wasre- charts in a big way and con- record. Ihope youwill Blah, blah, blah;I remem- share my taste. DAMONE is one of the cordedliveatthefamed tinues to sell in vast quanti- ber you; Ifall in love too VICmost polished singers on New Yorkniterie Basin ties.The basic ideais easily; Glad to be unhappy; * * ** recordtoday. His every Street East. take hit discs and cover in Spring can really hang you asnearafashiontothe up the most. COLUMBIA VIC DAMONE , album offers musical delight * * * You and the night andin large quantities.All he original as possible.I can't 33SX 1542. themusic; Whenyour reallyneedsisthatlittle HITSVILLE VOL. 2 predict anything but success lover has gone; What kind extra something which helps for this one. THE delightful,delectable of fool am I; At long last onereachthestatusof She loves you; Bad to* * * * Miss Sarah Vaughan, in love;Fascinating rhythm; Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, me;IfIhad a hammer; herlatestalbum, brings a I forweek ending November 16 They can't take that away Mel Torme and theother I'llnevergetoveryou; CHUBBY CHECKER direct contrastto her pre- Then he kissed me; I'm vious release.It's cosy bal- BIRD DOG from me; The most beauti- greats. You willfindhis Twistin' around the 1 (1)Everly Brothers fulgirlintheworld; efforts here of his usual high telling you now; It's all in world;La Palomatwist; lads all the way and Sarah II the game;In summer; athersmoothlysatisfying Hava nagila; Twist mit mir; 2IT'S ALL IN THE GAME Wonderful ! Wonderful !; Never on Sunday;Twist peak of vocal perfection. II (6) Tommy Edwards Judy's turn to cry; Forget Marie;Let'stwistagain; liked the programme choice him; Do you love me; Wipe STUPID CUPID/ CARO- Twistin'Matilda;0sole immensely as will all Sarah I3LINA MOON (2) Connie out; Theme from the mio; Tea for two; Alouette; devotees. Legion's Last Patrol.PYE Francis Misirlou. PYE GOLDEN I GOLDEN GUINEA GGL GUINEA GGL 0236. If you enjoy good songs, 4MOVE IT 0233. well sung, you won't go far (3)Cliff Richard ALLAN HERE comes aceTwister wrong with this set. I secondHitsvilleset 5COME PRIMA/ VOLARE THE Chubby singing in seven (4) Marino Marini SHERMAN makes a good follow up.differentlanguages. It'sa * * * * I 6HOOTS MON WON'T YOU COME (9)Lord Rockingham's HOME DISRAELI? I XI A CERTAIN SMILE I 7(7) Johnny Mathis I KING CREOLE 8(5)Elvis Presley I 9BORN TOO LATE (8) Poni-Tails BILLY J.'sHITS 110MORE THAN EVER BILLY J. KRAMER Eddie; Da doo ron ron. even released. This particular 111(10) Malcolm Vaughan LONDON RE -U 1381. quartet of songs comes from II MY TRUE LOVE (13) Jack Scott Bad to me;Icall your of the freshest sounds theirfirstLP,analbum name;Do youwantto ONE which topped the best sellers TEA FOR TWO CHA know a secret; on record today isthat 12 THE GIRL SANG THE BLUES I'll be on by Crystals. soon after release and has CHA (15) Tommy Dorsey myway. PARLOPHONE perfected the remainedinthatposition. I Orchestra WB 10945 rpm GEP 8885. Their recent major hit "Da Watch this climb the EP list doo ron ron" has become an 13WESTERN MOVIES BILLY J. KRAMER'S firstR & B standard being fea- rapidly. (12) The Olympics chartsuccessesarere- turedonpracticallyevery * * * ** POOR LITTLE FOOL vived in this attractive pack- beat LP currently available. BOBBY VEE MEETS I14(14) Ricky Nelson age which hasalreadyhit Thathit,and threemore, the charts. In close and firstare to be found within this THE CRICKETS I15VOLARE EP sleeve. Watch the sales Someday; Bo Diddley;I (11) Dean Martin class support are his swing- gotta know; Peggy Sue. ing group the Dakotas. The zoom! 116SOMEDAY LIBERTY LEP 2116. (18) Jodi Sands set should rise even higher * ** ** VEE andthe inthecharts even though BOBBYCrickets have a very fair{17WHEN PETER, PAUL & MARY the forthcoming LP release THE BEATLES (16) Kalin Twins mayslowthingsdowna share of hits both individu- BLOWIN' IN THE WIND littlewhilethefans work I saw her standing there; allyandcollectively.This LOVE MAKES THE WE 10445 rpm out their budgets. Misery; Anna (go to him); latest four -tracker looks like WORLD GO ROUND Chain s. PARLOPHONE drawing the fans to the shops -) Perry Como ** ** * GEP 8883. once more. The materialis lively and slickly paced. The MOON TALK THE CRYSTALS WHAT can youpossibly say 20) Perry Como about anyBeatlesre- mood suits the demands of He's a rebel; He's sure today. You'll enjoy it. 120MAD PASSIONATE Warner Bros, Records Decca HouseAlbert EmbankmentLondon S E1 cording these days?It's an LOVE (17) Bernard the boy I love; I love you automatichitbeforeitis **** Bresslaw RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 11

CASHBOX TOP 50 Record Mirror BRITAIN'S TOP 50 AIR MAILED FROM NEW YORK GERRY holdsoff,butonlyjust,the COMPILED BY THE RECORD RETAILER Searcherslooklike making thetop for the second time with their "Sugar and DEEP PURPLE* CRY TO ME* 1 27 Spice" Others like Cliff, Kathy Kirby, Billy YOU'LL NEVER WALK 1 (7)April Stevens & 28 (5) Betty Harris 1 25 MEMPHIS TENNESSEE Nino Tempo J. and Freddie quickly jump up, whilst Mark I ALONE 19 (9) Dave Berry 28WALKIN' PROUD* Wynter has a surprise biggie on his hands 1 (6)Gerry andthe (Decca) WASHINGTON 34 (2) Steve Lawrence Pacemakers (Columbia) 26 SEARCHIN' 2SQUARE* with his version of the Dream Weavers "It's 3 (7) Village Stompers 29WILD!. Almost Tomorrow". 2SUGAR AND SPICE 27 (9) The Hollies 30 (4) Dee Dee Sharp I 4 (4) The Searchers (Parlophone) SUGAR SHACK* LIVING A LIE (Pye) 27 SHINDIG 32 (8) Jimmy Gilmer and30 18 (9) The Shadows 39 (2) Al Martino 3SHE LOVES YOU the Fireballs 2 (12) The Beatles (Columbia) 31I WONDER WHAT 28 SWEET IMPOSSIBLE 4 I'M LEAVING IT UP TO SHE'S DOING TONIGHTL BRITAIN'S TOP LP's (Parlophone) YOU* YOU 4 (5) Dale & Grace 41(2)Barry and the 4 BLUE BAYOU/ 33 (3) Brenda Lee Tamberlanes MEAN WOMAN BLUES (Brunswick) IT'S ALL RIGHT* PLEASE, PLEASE ME SINATRA'S SINATRA 5 32SINCE I FELL FOR 1 11 3 (9) Roy Orbison 29 HELLO MUDDAH 5(6) The Impressions I (1) The Beatles (10) Frank Sinatra (London) YOU* (Parlophone) (Reprise) HELLO FADDAH SHE'S A FOOL* 42 (2) Lenny Welch 5BE MY BABY 26 (9) Alan Sherman 11(7) Lesley Gore 33WITCHCRAFT* 2HOW DO YOU DO IT 12STEPTOE & SON 6 (5) The Ronettes (Warner Bros.) MARIA ELENA* 36(3)Elvis Presley (3) Gerry and the Pace- (7) Wilfred Brambell & (London) 30 THE GIRL SANG THE 9 (6) Los Indios I makers (Columbia) Harry H. Corbett BLUES 34WONDERFUL SUMMER 6 LET IT ROCK/ 25 (5) The Everly Tabajaros - (1) Robin Ward MEET THE SEARCHERS 13SUGAR & SPICE MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 3(2) The Searchers (Pye) (-) The Searchers 7 (6) Chuck Berry Brothers (Warner 35CAN I GET A WITNESS (FYe) (Pye Int.) Bros). 40(2) Marvin Gaye BORN FREE 31 IT'S LOVE THAT I4(5) Frank Ifield 14WHEN IN SPAIN 7 DON'T TALK TO HIM REALLY COUNTS BE TRUE TO YOUR (11) Cliff Richard & The 23 (3) Cliff Richard & 36SCHOOL (Columbia) 24 (10) The Merseybeats Shadows (Columbia) The Shadows (Columbia) (Fontana) 46 (2) Beach Boys KENNY BALL'S LITTLE TOWN FLIRT LODDY LO 5 15 8 DO YOU LOVE ME? 32 IT'S ALMOST 37 GOLDEN HITS (19) Del Shannon 5 (10) Brian Poole & TOMORROW 47 (2) Chubby Checker (6) Kenny Ball (Pye) (London) The Tremeloes (Decca) (-) (1) Mark Wynter YOU LOST THE 38 6CHUCK BERRY ON 16GEORGE MITCHELL'S I (WHO HAVE NOTH- (Pye) SWEETEST BOY STAGE MINSTRELS 22 (6) Mary Wells ING) STILL I (8) Chuck Berry (Pye) (-)George Mitchell &I 98 (8) Shirley Bassey 3320 (13) Karl Denver The Black & White (Columbia) (Decca) 7THE SHADOWS Minstrels (Columbia) GREATEST HITS 10THEN HE KISSED ME RED SAILS IN THE (4) The Shadows 17CHUCK BERRY 9 (9) The Crystals 34SUNSET I (15) Chuck Berry (Pye) One Caravelle . . . (Columbia) (London) 43 (3) Fats Domino 18BO DIDDLEY I'LL KEEP YOU (HMV) 8FREDDIE AND THE (13) Bo Diddley (Pye) 11 BOSSA NOVA BABY* DREAMERS SATISFIED 35DEEP PURPLE 810 (5) Elvis Presley (12) Freddie & The 19 LISTEN 34 (2) Billy J. Kramer & 47 (2) April Stevens & I Dreamers (Columbia) (-) Billy J. Kramer & I The Dakotas Nino Tempo (London) EVERYBODY* The Dakota's (Parlophone) 918 (4) Tommy Roe TRINI LOPEZ AT P.J's MULE TRAIN 9 (Parlophone) 12SECRET LOVE 36 I CAN'T STAY MAD AT (14) Trini Lopez (Reprise) 22 (5) Frank Ifield 10 20FOOL BRITANNIA 30 (2) Kathy Kirby (Columbia) YOU* WEST SIDE STORY (17) Original Cast (Decca) 8 (9) Skeeter Davis 1 10 WHAT DO YOU SAY (9) Sound Track (CBS) (Ember) 13IF I HAD A HAMMER 37 BUSTED* . .. and another. 45 (3) Chubby Checker 117 (11) Ray Charles 10 (11) Trini Lopez (Cameo -Parkway) 39YOU DON'T HAVE TO (Reprise) MEAN WOMAN BLUES* BE A BABY TO CRY* a 14 38APPLEJACK 1212 (9) Roy Orbison L BRITAIN'S TOP EP's THE FIRST TIME 31 (11) & - (1) The Caravelles 11 (9) Adam Faith (Decca) FOOLS RUSH IN* 13 40DONNA THE PRIMA (Parlophone) LOVE OF THE LOVED 14 (9) Rick Nelson DONNA* THE BEATLES HITS 12 IF YOU GOTTA MAKE 39 1 115FOOLS RUSH IN 50 (5) Cilia Black WALKING THE DOG* 17 (9) Dion DiMuci 1 (1) The Beatles A FOOL OF 12 (5) Rick Nelson (Parlophone) 1416 (4) Rufus Thomas DOWN THE AISLE (Parlophone) SOMEBODY (Brunswick) 40JUST LIKE EDDIE 41 (8) Freddie & The 35 (15) Heinz (Decca) BE MY BABY* 45 (2) Patti LaBelle and 2TWIST AND SHOUT 16MARIA ELENA 156 (11) The Ronettes the Bluebells (2) The Beatles Dreamers (Columbia) 28 (3) Los Indios 41I WANNA BE YOUR (Parlophone) MAN TALK TO ME* 42MISERY* 13 JUST ONE MORE Tabajaros (RCA -Victor) - (1) The Rolling Stones 1613 (9) Sunny & The 48 (2) The Dynamics THE BEATLES NO. 1 CHANCE 17BLOWIN' IN THE 3 (11) Frank Ifield (Decca) Sunglows 43 BLUE VELVET* (10) The Beatles WIND 42GUILTY (DOWN AT) PAPA 20 (13) Bobby Vinton (Parlophone) (Columbia) 16 (6) Peter, Paul and 29 (5) Jim Reeves 17 Mary (Warner Bros.) JOE'S* 44 CRY BABY* I 4AIN'T GONNA KISS YA 14 FOOT TAPPING (RCA -Victor) 19 (5) The Dixiebelles 27(11)Garnet Mimms (3) The Searchers (Pye) (7) The Shadows 118BOSSA NOVA BABY 43FROM RUSSIA WITH 500 MILES AWAY and the Enchanters (Columbia) 14 (4) Elvis Presley LOVE 18 5 - (1) Matt Monro FROM HOME* 45CROSSFIRE* (4) The Shadows LOVE SONG (RCA -Victor) 21 (5) Bobby Bare (Columbia) 15 (Parlophone) 32 (11) The Orlons (-) Cliff Richard 119MISS YOU 44IT'S ALL IN THE GAMEI DOMINIQUE 46PART TIME LOVE 6HOW DO YOU DO IT? (Columbia) 15 (6) Jimmy Young 32 (13) Cliff Richard 19- (1) The Singing Nun (5) Gerry and The (Parlophone) (Columbia) 38 (11) Johnny Taylor 16C'MON EVERYBODY LITTLE RED ROOSTER Pacemakers 20 HELLO LITTLE GIRL SALLY ANN 47YOUNG WINGS CAN (Columbia) (13) Eddie Cochran 45 12024 (3) Sam Cooke* FLY* (Liberty) 13 (10) The Fourmost 44 (8) Joe Brown (Pye) (Parlophone) WISHING MISTY* - (1) Ruby and the 7CHUCK & BO 46 21 Romantics (6) Chuck Berry & Bo 17 FACTS OF LIFE FROM 21 SUE'S GONNA BE 36 (11) Buddy Holly 23 (5) Lloyd Price Diddley (Pye) 'STEPTOE & SON' (Coral) 48SATURDAY NIGHT* MINE I WANT TO STAY 122THAT SUNDAY, THAT BILLY J. KRAMER'S (20) Wilfred Brambell & 21 (4) Del Shannon 47 SUMMER* - (1) New Christy 8 Harry H. Corbett (Pye) HERE 15 (9) Nat Cole Minstrels HITS (London) 41 (13) Steve Lawrence Billy J. Kramer & The 22 YOU WERE MADE & Eydie Gorme (CBS) YOUR OTHER LOVE* 49 THE MATADOR* Dakotas (Parlophone) 18LUCKY LIPS 12325 (4) Connie Francis - (1) Johnny Cash (-) Cliff Richard FOR ME 48PRETTY THING 1 9CHUCK BERRY (Columbia) 39 (2) Freddie & The 46 (7) Bo Diddley 24HEY LITTLE GIRL 50THE GRASS IS (14) Chuck Berry (Pye) Dreamers (Columbia) (Pye Int.) 26 (3) Major Lance GREENER* 19[FIELD'S HITS 35 (9) Brenda Lee IN DREAMS 23 EVERYBODY 49 SUGAR SHACK I ADORE HIM 110 (15) Frank Ifield - (1) Jimmy Gilmer & I 125 Figures denote position this (9) Roy Orbison (Columbia) 17 (8) Tommy Roe 29 (3) The Angels (London) The Fireballs (London) week, position last week and (HMV) 50 SOMEBODY ELSE'S I 14 24 HOURS FROM number of weeks inchart. 11VIVA IFIELD 20JET & TONY 24 BUSTED GIRL TULSA* Asterisk denotes that record (19) Frank Ifield (16) Jet Harris & Tony 40 (3) Ray Charles 38 (7) Billy Fury L33 (2) Gene Pitney is available in Britain. (Columbia) Meehan (Decca) (HMV) (Decca) A STACK OF HITS As featured in SWEET RED SAILS IT'S IT "READY STEADY GO' IMPOSSIBLE IN THE ALMOST COMES THE SUNSET AND GOES YOU TOMORROW HITCH -HIKER by by by BURL MIKI & PETE by MARK FATS IVESGRIFF DEUCHAR BRENDA WYNTER I I I THE CHUCKS DOMINO Brunswick Pye Fontana LEE Pye 7N 15577 058977N 15580 TF 423 on Decca F 11777 Brunswick 05896 HMV POP 1219 KPM KEITH PROWSE, 21DENMARK ST., W.C.2 music PETER MAURICE MUSIC COMPANY, 21 DENMARK ST., W.C.2. 12 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending November 16, 1963 THIS NEXT RECORD IS GOING TO BE THE DECIDER IT'S AN ORIGINAL! I'mnocopyist' saysBrian Poole

BRIAN POOLE sipped at an iced drink-and you could almost hearhis tortured tonsils give off a hissing noise!He said: " Two hitson the trot.Now the third.Boy, are we worried-everyone's toldUS that the third one is the hardest of them all. Hisvoice,cracked and raw edgedafter weeks of hollering " TwistandShout " by PETER JONES and" Do YouLove Me,"softenedfora moment. " The new "But we'reglad we had ambition. Well, we want to one is out next week.that experience. It taught us tryfilms,forastart.Not There was a time when tocope. Now we haveto justtheoldmoronic pop - a meet a lotof big -wigs and theme things but something we hoped for real wefeelmorecomfortable with a bit of acting meat in soft sort of vocal but, thanwewouldotherwise. it. believeme,' ICanAnd having it pretty rough "And we've all got funny Dance ' is anevenfor a while meant that we little personal ambitions. For biggerrave-upthanbecame, asagroup, much instance,I'dlikeamotor- more closely knit. It seemed bike.Isuppose it'd be dif- Do You Love Me.' sometimes that it was all of ficult, 'cospeoplewould "I've been thinking of add- usagainst therestofthe think I was one of the ton -up inga new member tothe world." boys butI'dgetalotof Tremeloes. A throat special- Resultisthat Brian and kicksoutofjust riding ist!Ithinkhe'dearnhisthe Tremeloes have their own sort of Clan. They even go around on one. keepthewaythingsare "Troubleis, my manager going. That larynx trouble Iaway on holidays together- Peter Walsh, would probably had a few weeks ago had mea sure sign of matiness after take a poor view of it. worried for a while. I imag- living,eating,travellingto- inedallsortsofhorrible gether the rest of the year. "It'sfunny how you can things happening to my voice Brian paused. Then said: be so happy . . . and yet so "But it's funny what "It's odd how people think worried. a good audience can do for a couple ofhitrecords "My fingernails are in dan- you. You hear them gettingmeans the endofallthe ger of disappearing as I think into the mood and it kindaproblems for a group. They about how importantthat forces you to go on and give seemtoreckonyoubuy third discisto usall. We Brian Poole who fronts the powerful Tremeloes discusses everything you've got." everything you can possibly just hope all the fans like it, his tonsils, his views on hit records, audiences and holidays. Brian created more hissingwant and films is the end of that's all." (Dezo Hoffmann picture) noises withhisiceddrink. "Yes, the thirddiscisthe toughest one. The second one usuallyhasgoodadvance orders ifit follows a big hit. But the third one shows only tooclearly -whether you've --consolidated your position in SUPERCHARGED BUDDY! the charts. "This has been a fantastic year forour group. We'veBUDDY GRECO, who appears to have a super- Of the friendship ring on just got back from Paris- charged larynx, had just achieved what most hislefthand:" I'mreal ourfirsttripabroad. This people would have said impossible.At mid -day, proud of that. It was given raises a point. What we must me by Frank Sinatra. There go out for is record successhe'd swung through a 20 minute act for a battery are only three in the world overseas. You know, Britain of Press -men . . . and caused them to lay down - one for Frank, one for istheonlyplacesofar their glasses and applaud wildly. Dean Martin, one for me." where our discs have hit the Buddy, now released here charts. We can't even start It was a fantastic perfor- on Columbia, hasfivebig - feelingconfidentuntilwe mance.It brought back the selling albums to his credit buildournameinother words of Sammy Davis: -"I Like it Swinging," "Let's countries." " The world of Buddy Greco by Love," "Buddy andSoul," More hissing noises - or isavery,veryswinging "Buddy'sBackinTown," was it just imagination? Said world.No matter what the "Soft and Gentle." Brian: "We've been hurt bymood, no matter what the those allegations that we're JAMES CRAIG His hit singles go back to tone of the picture that the thetimehe wasjust20 copyists. We knowitisn'tsong is supposed to create, when he sold a million on true but it's hard to persuadeBuddy achieves it." some people. 'Course, you've " OohLook -aThereAin't got to learn to take criticism He'd played piano, too.A She Pretty."Nowadays, he's when you start getting complexwork -overof" I him. " They're a great a regular in cabaret appear- successful. Anyway, theycan't get started," which re- bunch of characters.I liked ances atall the top night- can't complain about 'I Can calledthedays when he them alot . . . for their clubs in the States. Dance,' because it was writ-played and sang with the humour, for their music, for And Sammy Davis might ten specially for us. Benny Goodman orchestra. themselves.Real nice guys. toomuchdifferentback what they calla stand-up as well have the last word: "Some people tend to for- " But people keep asking home. act.'Thisiswhat's called " WhetherBuddysings a get that we had several stabs Afterwards,stillbemused me about their chances in " Course,they dohave development! Like Nat great standard, whether it's atthechartslongbefore by the fact that it was the the States.Now that's not those hair -cuts. I don't ' King'' Cole did it." aninstrumentalwiththe 'TwistAnd Shout'broke middle of the day and not soeasy. Their material-athink we have anything to Of London, hesaid:" I trioora bigband,or through for us. And that we themiddleofthenight lotof it-has been around match that!" love it here.I was first here whether heissinging the had to gain experience the which is his usual swinging - in the states for some ten Ofhisownact,Buddy in 1949 withtheBenny music or writing the arrange- hard way, by going round all time, Buddy talked. years.We've got alotof said: " I don't play so much Goodman band. It's wonder-ment, his world is a madly, thedancehallsandthe About the Beatles, who did these R and B -styled groups piano nowadays.About two ful to meet so many friendlymadly swinging world." dumps and the tiny clubs. the Royal Variety Show with so the Beatles might not be years ago,I developed into people." THE GREATEST INSTRUMENTAL OF THE YEAR ! ! SOMETIMES ON FRIDAY Orchestrations Recorded by CLAUDE GORDONon Warner Bros. W.B. 113 in the press PALACE MUSIC CO. LTD.,9 Albert Embankment, London, S.E.1. Sole Selling Agents: Southern Music, 8 Denmark St., London, W.C.2.

Cap] Printed by Papers and Publications (Printers) Ltd., Swan Close, Banbury,Oxon, for Cardfont Publishers Ltd., 116 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.I. (Telephone: Gerrard 7460, 3785 & 5960.) Sole Distributing Agents for Great Britain, Surridge, Dawson & Co. Ltd., 136-142 New Kent Road, London, S.E.I.