Pensamiento 1

Alicia Pensamiento

Professor Mary

RHET 105

24 September 2018


Rhetorical Analysis: Disparate Perspectives on Global Climate Change ​ ​

The Green Party of the was founded in April 2001 as a federation of state green parties. Initially, the Green Party formed to aid green parties in all 50 states and

Washington D.C, transitioning to form a national green presence in politics. The Federal

Elections Commission recognizes the Green Party as a National Committee. The Green Party focuses on issues such as activism, environmentalism, and social justice. Relating to environmentalism, the Green Party finds global climate change as a danger environmentally, socially, and economically. In comparison to high prominent parties such as the Democratic and

Republican parties, in which the focus and priority of global climate change is at an all time low.

The thesis of the Green Party is to create an advanced society through independent politics, free from the control of corporations through democracy, and a process that empowers and strengthens the people of the United States.

There are 10 key claims of the Green Party: “grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, non-violence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism and gender equity, diversity, global responsibility, and future sustainability” (5). Grassroots democracy refers to public participation, including the allowance of citizens’ personal beliefs in decision-making processes. Social justice and equal opportunity Pensamiento 2 mean that all persons are of balance and are not judged based on age, disability, homophobia, race, sex, social class, etc. Non-violence, decentralization, diversity, and community-based economies include destroying weapons of mass destruction and reconstruction of economic, political, social aspects of society. The call for feminism and gender equality are in response to mass gender control by the male gender, and another area of enforcement for equal opportunity.

Personal and global responsibility directly address personal care and environmental care, equally. Lastly, future sustainability looks into the growth and advancement of the United States government.

Ecological sustainability, according to the Green Party is in dire need of attention due to events that have occurred, such as the harming citizens of both our society and countries around us. Government officials are in denial of the downturn of nature in society, due to their specified arrogance and ignorance in regard to this subject. Support of the thesis affiliating independence from politics is eliminating control of corporations, and strengthening the people of the United

States; beginning by coming together to defeat global climate change. Every individual living on this planet has an individual responsibility to aid in ending global climate change. The Green

Party data states, “Many of our children suffer from accumulations of mercury and other toxins in their neurological systems, environmentally related cancer is on the rise, and our air and water are increasingly polluted. Meanwhile, our ecosystems are being compromised by the spreading presence of genetically engineered organisms,” (41). Medically, the United States is one of the most technologically advanced countries, yet, do not realize that the cause for some of the world’s deadliest diseases are a result of global climate change. With our power as a nation, the Pensamiento 3

United States has a personal obligation to take action in both modifying their efforts, along with preventing further damage of global climate change.

The Green Party claim has created 6 steps to explicitly address global climate change conflict. These steps include a strong international climate treaty, economic policy for a safer climate, paying climate debt, efficiency and conservation, clean energy & jobs, and green agriculture (42-43). The strong international climate treaty under the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change, would continue to successfully reduce gas emission pollution according to the Green Party. The Green Party would like to establish a fee & dividend system based on the percentage of pollution caused by fuel changing the way the environment affects economics. The same fee would be used on fossil fuel as they are similar in their damage to nature. Lastly, the Green Party states a zero waste policy would be initiated (43). In relation to paying climate debt, the United States would take responsibility for the climate debt from other countries that are not responsible for the mass destruction of nature. As a warrant, Conservation relates to the public transit system. The Greens propose creating a low budget system to reduce the use of companies like Uber and Lyft, that use fuel to gas vehicles, increasing pollution at a higher rate.

The warrant that jobs prioritized by the Green Party idolize environment and social justice, includes creating green jobs in minority and low-income communities, which also decreases the unemployment rate that continuously flourishes. Agriculturally, the government would reinforce organic production of food by using these ideas to regenerate different aspects that require government intervention to end global casualty. The United States is associated with Pensamiento 4 many of the world’s largest companies, industrialized in both the United States and other countries such as China. The Green Party states,

“Among Greens, our guiding principle is to think globally and act locally. Community

needs recognize a diversity of issues, and local control recognizes a variety of approaches

to solving problems, ones that tend to be bottom-up not top-down. Green politics does not

place its faith in paternalistic big government. Instead, Greens believe face-to-face

interactions are essential to productive and meaningful lives for all citizens,” (9).

This is essential in carrying out their step-by-step process to succeed in relating to global climate change, because situations cannot be resolved by just one person. To save a dying planet, there needs to be a sense of community, and communal agreement that together as a country, everyone has the same goal.

Similar, but not identical, to the equivalent resolution of the Green Party, the Democratic

Party focuses on in Global Climate Leadership. The thesis of The Democratic Party is that the party centers their attention on all areas of freedom and equality. In support of this thesis, The

Democratic Party states, “Climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security, and Democrats believe it would be a grave mistake for the United States to wait for another nation to take the lead in combating the global climate emergency,” (40). As stated before, the United States has an obligation to fight global climate change. As a warrant, The

Democratic Party confidently expresses their perspective on the effects of global climate change, for example, climate change contributing to catastrophic natural disasters that are in constant occurrence. The Democrats prioritize national mobilization and strive to aid developing countries in their efforts to alleviate carbon pollution, even though they’re likely not a large contributor to Pensamiento 5 the global crisis. The Greens also commented on this, particularly, they applaud individuals such as 44th President Barack Obama, as he created the Paris Climate Change Agreement. (40). The

Democratic Party in addition, targeted Donald Trump and his statement that climate change is a

“hoax”. (40). This leads to the large contrast in the Green and the Democratic Party to the

Republican Party; global climate change.

The Republican Party warrants focus on patriotism, political, and economic freedom.

They also believe strongly that the Democratic Party has “dismantled American healthcare”.

With global climate change, the Republican Party plank contains an area specified “global threats” such as the Democratic Party and Green Party. Their plank on “global climate change” only refers to the subject of “environmental progress”. The Republican Party states,

“Conservation is inherent in conservatism,” (20). In affiliation with conservatism, the Republican

Party finds that government control over government acres of land is “absurd” and state that public property is to be used freely for “appropriate” activities like hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting. As stated previously, the Green Party promotes the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Republican Party states, “We demand an immediate halt to U.S. funding for the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change

(UNFCCC) in accordance with the 1994 Foreign Relations Authorization Act. That law prohibits

Washington from giving any money to “any affiliated organization of the United Nations” which grants Palestinians membership as a state” (22). In warrant, the platform believes that environmental issues can be resolved by “giving incentives for human ingenuity and the development of new technologies, not through top-down, command-and-control regulations that Pensamiento 6 stifle economic growth and cost thousands of jobs” (22). This platform is inherently dissimilar to the emphasis the Green Party centers upon.

In essence, the Democratic, Green, and Republican Party all contain a variety of beliefs regarding global climate change. The Green Party above all other parties, provides several differentiated steps and ideas, suggesting solutions to different issues related to global climate change. The Democratic Party contains comparable suggestions to the Green Party as they both promote climate recovery. These parties also acknowledge that global climate change exists, and promote the funding of missions set out to aid global in reducing climate change around the globe. The Republican Party has opposite beliefs, finding climate change to be insufficient issue, and providing little to no solutions to global issues, while declining current funding in order within the government. Through the investigation and information I have provided regarding each platform, I have found that global climate change is rapidly growing, and minimal efforts done by leading political parties, whom fail to promote and voice the present unfortunate circumstance.

Pensamiento 7

Works Cited

The Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. “Republican ​ Platform 2016”. 2016. PDF File. ​[1


The Democratic Party Platform Committee. “2016 Democratic Party Platform”. 2016. PDF ​ ​ File.


The Green National Committee. “Platform 2014 Green Party of the United States”. 2014. PDF ​ ​ File.
