Number 172***DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER***Thursday 09-09-2004


VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected]


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The TAKLIFT 4 lifting some crane parts at the Kalmar location Photo : Jos Leentvaar ©

SMIT Transport & Heavy lift was contracted by KALMAR in Rotterdam to assist with loading of crane parts for 24 container cranes , the crane parts are loaded on the pontoons E 3503 and E 1601 and seafastened, and will be transported to the Hessen Noordnatie in Antwerp where the cranes will be assembled using Kamags, mobile cranes and strand jacks by SARENS – De Kil, units involved in this operation are the TAKLIFT 4 , TAKLIFT 3, TAKTOW 1, EERLAND 4 , Pushertug MAAS and the pontoons E 3503 and E 1601. Groningen blijft tegen winnen waddengas

De provincie Groningen blijft tegen gasboringen in de Waddenzee. Volgens Gedeputeerde Staten (GS) zijn er vooral op het gebied van verplaatsing van zand door gaswinning te veel onzekerheden, waardoor de gevolgen voor de bodemfauna in de Waddenzee onduidelijk blijven. Dat heeft CDA-gedeputeerde H. Bleker dinsdag gezegd. GS in Groningen wijken hiermee af van het standpunt van het kabinet en de provincie Friesland.

Links : De ENSCO 72 welke momenteel in de Waddenzee staat te boren Foto : Jaap van de Meeberg ©

Die provincie sloot zich vorige week aan bij het kabinet, dat winning van waddengas onder strikte voorwaarden wil toestaan. Groningen vindt die stap op dit moment onverantwoord.

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Bleker ziet desondanks voldoende aanknopingspunten om met het kabinet en de betrokken provincies in gesprek te blijven. ,,Wij lopen niet met oogkleppen op. Wij kijken naar de feiten en naar de onderzoeken en hebben nu een andere afweging dan Friesland en het kabinet gemaakt.'' De noordelijke provincie vindt dat er ook los van eventuele gaswinning geïnvesteerd moet worden in de natuur bij de Waddenzee. GS vinden echter een directe koppeling tussen eventuele aardgasbaten en een investeringsprogramma ongewenst. BC Ferries order set for Germany, says union BC FERRIES has sparked a major political row after its decision to award a C$500m contract for two superferries newbuildings to a European rather than Canadian shipyard, writes David Osler. The recently semi-privatised company’s controversial American chief executive David Hahn insists that Canadian shipbuilders cannot be trusted to construct the vessels on budget and on time. He bases his case on an earlier order for three fast ferries placed when the operator was still fully in the public sector, which was substantially delayed.

As a result, the shortlist for the new ships is understood to have been whittled down solely to German and Finnish yards, with none of the Canadian bidders making the cut. But local opinion polls suggest that 66% of British Columbia residents are against the decision. Moreover, unions and opposition parties insist that European yards enjoy considerable state subsidies. Shipyard union official George McPherson told the local media: “We can do this and we can do this at a competitive price.”

But Mr Hahn countered that he had a duty to secure the best deal possible for the company. Some 22 BC Ferries vessels will need to be replaced over the next 15 years, he added. Mr McPherson has now claimed that the contract has been awarded to Flensburger of Germany, subject to formal board approval later this month. BC Ferries is refusing to confirm or deny the suggestion.

Cargo ship quarantined after crew member dies A cargo ship remains under quarantine about 10 miles off the Galveston shore after a crew member died Aug. 31 from an as-yet unidentified illness authorities said could be Lassa Fever or malaria. The ship, which had returned from a voyage to West Africa, was headed to Pasadena but voluntarily anchored offshore Sunday, Galveston County Health District spokesman Kurt Koopmann said.

The county, along with the federal Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Department of Health Services, is investigating the unidentified man's death. The Galveston County Medical Examiner's Office will conduct an autopsy today, and samples will be sent to the CDC, Koopmann said. The CDC is not identifying the cargo ship until the conclusion of the investigation, Koopmann said. Lassa Fever is a rodent-borne viral illness that can lead to deafness and is believed to cause 5,000 deaths a year in West Africa. CASUALTY REPORTING Ship with Toxic Waste Sinks Off Turkish Coast

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A ship containing toxic waste sank on Monday after being moored in a Turkish harbor for four years, sparking fears among environmentalists of serious damage to local marine life. The Ulla had sat in the port of Iskenderun in southeastern Turkey since 2000 as officials tried to decide what to do about its two-ton cargo, which Turkish media said was waste from the chimneys of thermal powers stations. Turkish television showed the ship, its bottom rotted away, gradually sinking beneath the waters of the east Mediterranean. "Unfortunately this was something that was bound to happen," Banu Dokmecibasi of Greenpeace's Mediterranean office told the Anatolian state news agency.

She said officials had ignored a report last year warning of the risk that the ship might sink and spill its contents into the sea. "The necessary measures were not taken," she said, adding that the authorities must now mount an urgent investigation to contain the effects of the spillage. Environmentalists fear the carcinogenic cargo could destroy local marine life and also enter the human food chain. Officials were not immediately available for comment.

The Turkish-owned vessel had originally transported the waste from Spain to Algeria. But it was diverted to Turkey after Algeria declined to take the cargo, Anatolian said. Seamen missing in typhoon

All 18 Russian crewmen aboard a Cambodian-flagged freighter were missing on Tuesday off southwest Japan after their ship sank during a typhoon, the Japanese Coast Guard said. The seamen on board the 3 249-ton Blue Ocean asked for an emergency rescue at 14:47 local time, a Coast Guard official said.

A cargo ship is stranded at Kochi beach while high waves wash over the boat at Kochi, in western Japan, Tuesday. Powerful Typhoon Songda has battered Japan and South Korea, killing 19 people and leaving 17 missing while injuring more than 200

The ship was in the port of Mokuzai in Hiroshima prefecture. "The area's waters are very shallow, about 10 metres deep. But the waves were rough," the official said. The ship arrived at the port on Monday from Nakhodka in Russia to deliver lumber. Powerful Typhoon Songda battered Japan and South Korea on Tuesday, cutting power to millions, injuring more than 200 people and grounding nearly 400 flights.

Songda is the seventh typhoon to strike Japan this season - a record number. It hit the islands of Kyushu and Okinawa in the south, packing winds of up to 144km/h. A meteorological agency official said the weather system was moving northeast, bringing heavy rain and high waves and floods to southwest Japan, including Hiroshima.

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Arklow Shipping, the owners of general cargo Marja, have hired SMIT Salvage to get the vessel moving again after it ran aground in the Ribadeo estuary off the coast of Galicia late on Sep 2.

Japanese rescue workers search for missing crew members of an Indonesian-registered cargo ship stranded on Kasado Island, western Japan September 8, 2004 after powerful typhoon Songda lashed southern and western Japan September 7, 2004. Twenty-one seamen from Russia and Indonesia remain missing in western Japan



TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77

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Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl New bid for Kongsberg Maritime The Nordic Capital investment group has put in a bid of NOK 3.3 billion for maritime electronics manufacturer Kongsberg Maritime. This is 45 per cent higher than the value estimated by the Stock Exchange before the weekend. Kongsberg Maritime is the civilian division of defence contractor Kongsberg Group. According to Nordic Group, Kongsberg Maritime's operations in Norway will be continued, and that the company will continue as a Norwegian-based company with its head office in Norway. Nordic Capital plans to invest further in order to further develop Kongsberg Maritime's position as a leading concern within Maritime electronics worldwide, the statement said.The Norwegian state owns 50.1 per cent of the Kongsberg Group, and a possible sale will have to be put before Parliament. First ship for Vasco Maritime

THE Singapore-based Vasco Maritime Ltd recently took delivery of its first ship, the 600-TEU container vessel, the Vasco-da-Gama, at New Mangalor Port.The vessel with ro-ro and container capability will be chartered out initially by the six-year-old company which plans to make further acquisitions at a later stage. The container ship has been hired on time charter basis to Bengal Tiger Line (BTL) and has been renamed the Tiger Arrow, the company said.

Vasco Maritime is a NVOCC which operates with a fleet of containers with services to China, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta, Surabaya, Port Klang, Penang, Pasir Gudang, the Indian subcontinent, Karachi, the Arabian Gulf up to Bandar Abbas, and Iran. Vasco Maritime plans to expand its services to cover the whole of Asia, starting with the setting up of representative offices in China and Iran. 'Havenbaas was niet onze boodschappenjongen' Druk op order voor duikboten was er niet

Door Alexander Bakker Rotterdamse havenbedrijven met grote belangen in China weerspreken dat zij 'havenbaas' mr. W. K. Scholten als boodschapper hebben gebruikt om een stokje te steken voor de bouw van onderzeeboten voor Taiwan. RDM-eigenaar J. van den Nieuwenhuyzen zei vorige week dat Scholten onder grote druk van deze bedrijven stond. Volgens de vertegenwoordigers van deze groep bedrijven in de Rotterdamse haven was dat ook helemaal niet nodig: ,,De mogelijke levering van duikboten aan Taiwan was niet eens een onderwerp van gesprek, zelfs niet in China.''

De vorige week weggestuurde directeur Scholten van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam heeft eind 2002 de RDM voor honderd miljoen aan financiële garanties toegezegd om 'havenbelangen veilig te stellen', zo heeft hij verklaard. Volgens RDM-eigenaar Van den Nieuwenhuyzen ging het hierbij om compensatie voor zijn besluit om af te zien van de order voor zes conventionele onderzeeërs met een totale waarde van zes miljard dollar. De drie belangrijkste vertegenwoordigers van die Chinese havenbelangen ontkennen desgevraagd het Havenbedrijf te hebben gevraagd om RDM-eigenaar J. van den

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Nieuwenhuyzen te 'bewerken'. ,,Dat was helemaal niet nodig,'' zegt directeur J. Buiter van Cross- Ocean, de Rotterdamse agent van de Chinese containerrederij Cosco. ,,Voor zo'n order zou door de Nederlandse overheid nooit een exportvergunning worden afgegeven, zo was afgesproken na eerder duikbootleveranties in het begin van de jaren tachtig. Dit was twee jaar geleden geen onderwerp van gesprek.''

Ook W. L. Vos, voormalige directeur van het Rotterdamse agentschap van containerrederij China Shipping en nog altijd één van de belangrijkste pionnen in de relatie tussen Rotterdam en China, noemt de door Van den Nieuwenhuyzen gememoreerde pressie 'onzin'. ,,In het begin van de jaren tachtig, ten tijde van de eerste duikbootorder voor Taiwan, toen is er wel wat druk uitgevoerd,'' zegt hij. ,,Maar dat was twee jaar geleden zeker niet het geval. Iedereen wist dat voor zo'n order een exportvergunning nodig was en dat dus de Nederlandse regering een dikke vinger in de pap had. Dat wist iedereen, de zaak was duidelijk. Ik heb over dit onderwerp nog niet eens één telefoontje van mijn Chinese relaties ontvangen.''

Voormalig directeur A. Jansen van containeroverslagbedrijf Hanno, waar veel Chinese lading wordt overgeslagen, kan zich ook van enige druk op het Havenbedrijf niets herinneren. Buiter van Cross Ocean betwijfelt ook of er wel echt sprake is geweest van een derde Rotterdamse duikbootorder. ,,Toen ik er van hoorde was mijn eerste reactie: daar wordt toch geen toestemming voor gegeven,'' herinnert hij zich. ,,Het was en is al jaren rustig om dit thema. De eerste keer, in het begin van de jaren tachtig, is er door havenbedrijven wel druk uitgeoefend. De tweede keer, een paar jaar later, was dat al niet meer nodig.'' ,,Bovendien,'' gaat Buiter verder, ,,Rotterdamse delegaties zijn de afgelopen jaren met grote regelmaat naar China gereisd. Tijdens geen van die reizen, waarvan een aantal onder leiding van burgemeester Opstelten, waren mogelijke duikbootleveranties aan Taiwan onderwerp van gesprek. Dat was in het begin van de jaren tachtig wel anders. Chinese bedrijven trekken ook meteen aan de bel als er wat aan de hand is. Hierover heb ik ze de laatste jaren niet meer gehoord.'' Man killed in Wellington crane accident named

Police today released the name of a worker who died after being crushed while helping to rig a crane on Wellington port land about 1.30pm yesterday. He was Frank Joseph Hospenthal, 59, of Lower Hutt. Mr Hospenthal became caught in guide ropes at the site of a new building for the Statistics Department. He was a sub-contractor on the Fletchers Construction site.

In a statement today, Sergeant John Bryant, of the Wellington police maritime unit, said the police file on the death would be referred to the coroner. Occupational Safety and Health was investigating the accident. Fletcher Construction spokesman David Peach said yesterday that, before the accident, workers had only just started the rigging process of positioning the crane in place. Only a small crew had been working on the site when the accident happened, Mr Peach said. The $20 million Statistics building was expected to be completed by the end of next year. Mr Peach said counselling and support services would be made available for those who saw the accident.

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MOL ORDERS 5 BIG BULKERS ON BACK OF SUMITOMO DEAL MAJOR Japanese shipping group Mitsui OSK Lines says it has agreed “mid- and long-term transport contracts” with Sumitomo Metal Industries covering five ships, including a 230,000 dwt iron ore carrier.

The iron ore carrier will be built by Namura Shipbuilding for delivery “after 2008” to transport ore from Brazil to Kashima and Wakayama.

Three 200,000 dwt bulkers, two built by Imabari Shipbuilding and the other by Universal Shipbuilding Corporation, will be will transport ore mainly from Australia to Kashima and Wakayama and will be delivered in 2006 and 2007. The fifth vessel, ordered from Oshima Shipbuilding, is a 100,000 dwt bulker due for delivery “after 2008”. It will carry ore on the Australia-Wakayama route.

A company statement says: “MOL worked closely with Sumitomo Metal Industries to determine the best way to meet its continually growing need for transport of iron ore. As a result, the companies decided to launch a 230,000-ton bulker that will optimize the capacity of Sumitomo Metal’s Kashima port. The 100,000-ton carrier is the most suitable to serve Wakayama. Three 200,000-ton bulkers will offer efficient transport to both Kashima and Wakayama, with capacity of 30,000-ton more than the current Cape-size bulkers (160,000 to 170,000 tons) now in service.” Odfjell orders again Norwegian owner Odfjell ASA is expected to confirm today that it has ordered two more 40,000-dwt chemical tankers at Poland’s Stocznia Szczecinska Nowa (SSN). It means the parcel tanker giant has now ordered eight ships in the B588 series, among the largest stainless steel chemical carriers in the world. The first six were said to have been at an average price of $54m but it is unclear what the latest pair is costing given the hike in steel prices.

Left : The BOW PEACE Photo : Piet Sinke ©

It means Odfjell has effectively reinstated all eight chemical tankers on order a couple of years ago when the Szczecin yard’s former owners went bankrupt. Those earlier orders, evenly divided between Odfjell and its Ceres Hellenic shareholder ChemLog, were cancelled.

The yard has had a long relationship with Odfjell, building 12 tankers for the owner in the 1970s and another four in 1999. At least two of the current 40,000-tonners have been delivered, with others pencilled in for completion at the end of this year and at roughly six-month intervals through 2007. Maersk Sealand digs deep for major Hanjin order MAERSK Sealand has beaten many rivals to bag some comparatively early berth space at a Korean shipbuilder, but it has paid through the roof for the privilege, writes Sam Chambers in Hong Kong.

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The world’s largest container line, which has restrained itself from ordering during the summer, has snuck in with a quadruple post-panamax order at Pusan-located Hanjin Heavy Industries. It will pay $91.5m for each 6,400 teu ship. Just 12 months ago, a similarly-sized ship would have cost around $55m. “It is quite a lot of money,” concurred one Hong Kong broker, with another chipping in that the price was “a bit rich”. Hanjin Heavy was able to offer the first delivery in April 2007, earlier than any of the three other post-panamax containership manufacturers in South Korea.

Hanjin Heavy filled its 2006 berths quicker than most, then held back on 2007, while others moved to fill their yards out, but this year has been quiet for the yard. By Lloyd’s List estimates, Hanjin Heavy has managed to hit $736m of its $800m annual order target. Its orderbook is exclusively containerships. Maersk Sealand has not ordered at Hanjin Heavy Industries before, preferring Hyundai Heavy primarily in South Korea as well as Samsung Heavy for LNG. The AP MØller group has ordered widely in China for smaller tonnage but leaves most of its prestige containership manufacturing to its own Odense yard in Denmark. The group has more than $5bn of contracted newbuilds to come out of the yards.

According to ci online Maersk Sealand has a fleet of 303 operating vessels equating to 825,029 slots with a further 60 vessels totalling 298,081 slots on order. Its nearest rival, MSC, has 236 ships totalling 607,874 slots with a further 38 vessels on order totalling 257,475 slots. Hyundai Merchant Marine to Buy Tanker from Japanese Firm Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., a major South Korean shipping company, said Wednesday it has signed a deal with Japan's Idemitsu Tanker to buy a 270,000-ton oil tanker for US$53.5 million.

The purchase comes after Hyundai Merchant Marine placed orders to build two 300,000-ton tankers in November last year. The shipping company bought two 300,000-ton used tankers in May 2003. NAVY NEWS Sailors punished after drinking at sea The navy has disciplined 13 crew members on its Anzac HMNZS Te Kaha after they broke the navy's rules about drinking on board. The 13 sailors were charged after an incident on the ship when it was at sea early last month. The navy said their alcohol consumption broke the ship's rules and they were charged the following day. Their alcohol consumption was not excessive but the incident was serious because they broke several rules and undermined the basic rules of safety at sea, said defence spokeswoman Commander Sandy McKie.

"Their behaviour was totally inconsistent with the navy's core values of courage, comradeship and commitment," she said. The sailors faced a range of punishments including reduction in rank, stoppage of leave, fines and terms in the defence prison at Burnham near Christchurch. Cdr McKie said the punishment reflected the navy's determination to send a clear signal to sailors that such selfish behaviour was not acceptable.

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The Dutch F 804 DE RUYTER and the F 802 DE ZEVEN PROVINCIEN moored at the Den Helder Naval base Photo : Aad Horians ©

D: 5,864 tons (6,048 fl) S: 30 kts (19 on diesels)

Dim: 144.24 (130.20 pp) × 18.82 (17.15 wl) × 5.18 (mean hull) A: 8 RGM-84F Block ID SSM; 40-cell Mk 41 VLS (32 Standard SM-2 Block IIIA and 32 RIM-7P Evolved Sea Sparrow SAM); 1 127-mm 54-cal. OTOBreda DP; 2 30-mm Goalkeeper CIWS; 2 single 20- mm 90-cal. Oerlikon AA; four fixed, paired 324-mm Mk 32 Mod. 9 ASW TT (Mk 46 Mod. 5 torpedoes); 1 SH-14D Lynx helicopter

Electronics: : 1 Thales Scout nav./surf. search.; 1 Thales APAR 3-D phased-array target desig. and tracking; 1 Thales SMART-L early warning Sonar: STN Atlas Elektronik DSQS-24C hull-mounted LF; provision for active towed linear array TACAN: Thales Vesta EW: Spectre (U.K. UAT) intercept (0.5–18 GHz)/jamming (7.5–18 GHz); Mk 36 SRBOC decoy syst. (4 6-round Raytheon Mk 137 RL); 4 twin Nulka offboard jammer RL; SLQ-25A Nixie towed acoustic torpedo decoy E/O: Thales Mirador-FD surveillance, tracking, and gun f.c.; Thales SIRIUS surveillance

M: CODOG: 2 Rolls-Royce SM-1C Spey gas turbines (26,140 shp each), 2 Stork-Wärtsilä 16V6ST diesels (5,630 bhp each); 2 CP props Electric: 6,600 kw tot. (4 × 1,650-kw sets, 4 GEC-Alstom Paxman 12VP185 diesels driving) Range: 5,000/18 Endurance: 21 days Crew: F 802, 803: 32 officers, 47 petty officers, 123 ratings (232 accomm.)—F 804, 805: 182 tot. Frigate returns from the Gulf The Navy Anzac frigate HMNZS Te Mana is due home from the Gulf of Oman on Friday - almost two years after the first New Zealand warship joined the multi-national fight against terrorism.

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The Government said yesterday that it had not planned to replace Te Mana with another warship, but that did not mean the naval contribution to Operation Enduring Freedom in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea was over.

The ship has been away for nearly eight months, most of it in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea where it has been stopping and boarding ships as part of an international search for terrorists. Te Mana's latest deployment was the third by a New Zealand naval ship. Its sister ship HMNZS Te Kaha began this country's naval commitment in November 2002, and was replaced by Te Mana early last year.

Te Mana returned to New Zealand in August last year, but left the Devonport naval base in Auckland this year for its second deployment to the Gulf of Oman. A spokeswoman for Defence Minister Mark Burton said the return of the ship did not necessarily mean the naval contribution to Operation Enduring Freedom was over.

"The Government considers all requests," she said. "You would be a bit premature to say that [the naval commitment to Operation Enduring Freedom was over]. As requests came through they would be considered." During its deployment Te Mana, with a crew of 174, spent 98 days at sea, queried 380 ships and boarded 38 in the Gulf of Oman or the Arabian Sea. The ship is due to berth at Kauri Point in Auckland's Waitemata Harbour to unload ammunition early on Friday morning, before it berths at the Devonport Naval Base for a welcome home from families and friends. Most of the crew are expected to go on leave and the ship is due to go into maintenance at Devonport.

MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet [email protected] http://www.multraship.nl

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The CAP POLONIO at Maaspilot station – Photo : Fred van der Spek ©

The NAVIGO enroute to Cattedown Wharfes in Plymouth with a cargo of Petrol September 6th 2004 Photo : Ian Denton ©

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The BEVER entering the Vandamme locks in Zeebrugge – Photo : Piet Sinke ©

Smit Tamar sailing from the Cattewater into Plymouth Sound September 6th, 2004 Photo : Ian Denton ©

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Top : The KOSMONAUT VLADIMIR KOMAROV – drawing : Piet Sinke ©

The KOSMONAUT VLADIMIR KOMAROV was named after a Kosmonaut which made two trips into space , for the first time onboard the VOSCHOD 1 in 1964, and later Komarov was launched again with the SOJOEZ 1 , but after lift off the space craft came in orbit and all kind of problems occurred, a day later prior the landing the space craft encountered problems with the parachutes and the space craft crashed on April 24th, 1967, Vladimir Komarov died in this accident, he became 40 years old.

The KOSMONAUT VLADIMIR KOMAROV (UUVO) was operated by the Space Investigation Service of the Marine Expeditions Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and was built in 1966 as the merchant ship of the POLTAVA class GENICHEVSK in Romania, later the vessel was converted and commissioned in November 1974 into the Space Investigation Service roll and was homeported in Odessa that time.

Top : File photo of the KOSMONAUT VLADIMIR KOMAROV passing Maassluis outward bound Photo : Piet Sinke ©

The vessel had a displacement of 17.500 ton , a length of 153 mtr and a beam of 22.7 mtr and was powered by diesel engines with a total output of 24.000 hp for a speed of 22 knots, the ship which was a regular visitor to the Port of Rotterdam also could be seen regularly at the Indian Ocean and the Western Atlantic during the several space flights conducted by the USSR., the vessel could easy be

PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 09/08/04 DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 172 recognized by the 2 large domes with a diameter of 16 mtr and 1 small dome with a diameter of 3.6 meter.

From July 1993 the vessel was flying the Ukrainian flag and the KOSMONAUT VLADIMIR KOMAROV arrived November 3rd, 1994 in Alang (India) to be broken up. AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Air France posts positive Q1 results AIR FRANCE-KLM Group has posted a positive result for the first quarter (March-June) 2004/05, with a 12.3 per cent increase in turnover and a profit before tax of EUR$95 million (USD$115 million). Cargo operations rose by 11.7 per cent over the three-month period. The $95 million profit included $17 million from companies consolidated under equity and $30 million in goodwill amortisation gains. This profit represents a 106.5 per cent increase over the same period the previous year. The company said its cargo numbers showed a 12.8 per cent increase in capacity, on the back of a turnover of $537 million. The load factor was down slightly, by 0.7 of a percentage point, at 67.7 per cent and yield per revenue tonne-km fell by 2.7 per cent. Operating income before aircraft disposals in cargo operations amounted to EUR10 million, compared with EUR3 million a year earlier.

Chairman of the board of directors Jean-Cyril Spinetta said: "In a context where the sharp increase in oil prices poses a new challenge for our industry in spite of global recovery, we have posted good results thanks notably to the immediate implementation of the necessary measures to obtain synergies". A company representative added the group is targeting a substancial rise in operating income for the 2004-05 financial year, which is based on an average market price of US$40 dollars per barrel of oil the rest of the year. Transavia schrapt naam Basiqair Transavia schrapt de naam Basiqair. De volle KLM-dochter blijft wel actief op de markt voor goedkope vluchten als concurrent van prijsvechters als Ryanair en Easyjet. Dat heeft de luchtvaartmaatschappij dinsdag bekendgemaakt. Transavia had eerder gezegd zich op zijn naam te bezinnen. Als Transavia wil het bedrijf uitgroeien tot een completer reisbedrijf. Daaronder vallen dan niet alleen chartervluchten en goedkope vluchten maar ook bijvoorbeeld avontuurlijke vakantiereizen of kaartjes voor evenementen. RIJNMOND WEATHER Vooruitzichten van donderdag t/m vrijdag WEERSOMSLAG! Morgen zonnig en warm. Vanaf vrijdagmiddag of avond overgang naar wisselvallig weer, een flinke toename van de wind en lagere temperaturen.

© Ed Aldus 2004 DO-09 VR-10 ZA-11 ZO-12 Maximumtemperatuur: 25 25 20 18 Minimumtemperatuur: 12 13 17 13 Zonnekans in %: 100 60 30 30 Neerslagkans in %: 0 40 70 60 Neerslag in mm: 0 2 5 4 Windrichting kracht: o-3-4 zzw-3-5 zw-4-6 zw-5-7

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The SMITWIJS LONDON departed with the FSO LADINDA from Lalang Terminal, Indonesia bound for the Jurong Shipyard, Singapore. Transport is expected to arrive September 9th. Photo : SMITWIJS ©


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