ATRRM PRSRT. STD. P.O. Box 1189 U.S.POSTAGE Covington, GA 30015 PAID TWIN CITIES, MN PERMIT NO. 1096 Address Service Requested Railway Society. Railway Mike Lloyd photo, courtesy Hawaiian courtesy photo, Lloyd Mike Railway train on Oahu. See page 18. page See Oahu. on train Railway (Whitcomb 1944) pulls a Hawaiian a pulls 1944) (Whitcomb museums in Hawaii. Locomotive #302 Locomotive Hawaii. in museums update on tourist railroads and railroads tourist on update In this issue Frank Kyper gives an gives Kyper Frank issue this In Spring 2013 Spring Number 12 Number 2 3 ASSOCIATION OF TOURIST RAILROADS PRESIDENT’S COLUMN AND RAILWAY MUSEUMS By G. Mark Ray The purpose of the Association of Tourist Railroads and Savannah, GA, was the location of the Spring 2013 Railway Museums is to lead in the advancement of railway ATRRM Spring Conference and what a great time we had. heritage through education, advocacy and the promotion of Scott Smith, Terry Koller, and the rest of the Coastal best practices. Heritage Society put together a great two-day package of educational seminars and technical presentations. Although For more details, or to report address changes, please contact us at: Mother Nature handed us some chilly weather, we still Association of Tourist Railroads and Railway Museums managed to enjoy a feast of a low country boil and the P. O. Box 1189, Covington, GA 30015 sound of a 28 pounder being fired in our honor at Fort, Jackson. Many thanks to the Coastal Heritage Society and (770) 278-0088 we all look forward to returning there soon for a Fall
[email protected] Conference.