Adaptation of the Submerged Pumps Intended for the Irrigation in the Arid Regions
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Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science 2014; 3(2): 17-21 Published online May 30, 2014 ( doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20140302.11 Adaptation of the submerged pumps intended for the irrigation in the arid regions CHEBIHI Lakhdar, KHODJET KESBA Omar Laboratory of Mobilization and valorization of the water resources Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Hydraulique, RN n 29, BP 31, Soumaâ, Blida 09000, Algeria Email address: [email protected] (C. Lakhdar), [email protected] (K. K. Omar) To cite this article: CHEBIHI Lakhdar, KHODJET KESBA Omar. Adaptation of the Submerged Pumps Intended for the Irrigation in the Arid Regions. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 17-21. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20140302.11 Abstract: The first area of work is to study only submersible pumps PUVAL "Pumps Valves" of Berrouaghia. While tracing the effects of abrasion on submersible pumps installed in the shelters in drilling and suffered the consequences are for irrigation in arid areas. The second line stain work to answer the following position: "Should we fight against the causes and not against the consequences?" The result of the proposals will help manufacturers to pump Algerian, one with the best hydraulic performance for the chosen material. Certainly, there have been abrasion tests on samples, but determining the duration of wear and the wear rate of the types of materials is always a line of news. Increasing the life of the pump while remaining within the proper range of operation. Keywords: Optimization, Energy, Wheels, Abrasion, Performances the Sahara Algerian, It counts 13 communes distributed out 1. Introduction of 03 daïras and covers a surface of 86,560 km ². [15] In Algeria, and more particularly in the Sahara, the The valley of M’Zab, founded in XI century, is a true independent source of satisfaction of the demand for water museum with open sky located in full desert and covering a it is the subterranean water, because of the aridity of the surface of 50 km ² (20 X 2,5 km). It is classified like climate and the relatively easy exploitation of this national heritage in 1971 and inheritance of humanity by underground resource. UNESCO since 1982. The population growth, drillings albian, and the Table 1. Surfaces of the communes of the wilaya [15]. modernization of agriculture involve a major problem either by the reduction in the quantity or by the Communes Superficies (Km²) deterioration of the quality of this underground source by Ghardaïa 300 causing an unfavorable process of this subterranean water El-Menia 27 000 evolutionary in the space and the time, which present a Daya 2 175 current problem and remain not easily controllable. Berriane 2 250 Our zone of study, namely the wilaya of Ghardaïa, is Metlili 7 300 located in an area Saharan, the repetitive dryness’s and the Guerrara 2 900 limitation of the water resources did not allow the EL-Atteuf 750 valorization of the enormous efforts authorized as regards Zalfana 2 220 agricultural hydro installations from where the Sebseb 5 640 development of the exploitation of the tablecloth. Bounoura 810 Hassi El-F'hel 6 715 2. General Information on the Wilaya Hassi El-Gara 22 000 of Ghardaïa Mansoura 6 500 Total 86 560 Ghardaïa is located at the center of the Northern part of 18 CHEBIHI Lakhdar and KHODJET KESBA Omar: Adaptation of the Submerged Pumps Intended for the Irrigation in the Arid Regions irrigation IRR ; 5 for the water supply for industry WSI ; 24 in mixed matter DWS and IRR ; 76 drillings not exploited for various reasons (equipment, not electrified…) [15] 3. Abrasive Wear Abrasive wear is defined as being wear by displacement of matter transported by hard particles or hard protuberances. Thus abrasive wear is the result of the sliding friction by tilling or plastic deformation. Wear can be done with two bodies, directly starting from the solids in contact or with three bodies. [5] [10] Figure 1. Localization of the wilaya. 2.1. Systems of Collecting of Subterranean Water The subterranean water is preferred because it allows the space extension of the farms and because the works of Figure 2. Pump housing immersed damaged by abrasion. collecting occupy of reduced spaces. It is presented by 3.1. Diagrams of the Mechanisms of Abrasive Wear drillings of well going beyond the 50 m of depth and the realization to this level of galleries of collecting of source According to the severity of the contact, several and storage. [13] transformations of abraded surface occur. They depend on According to the monograph of the wilaya, the hydraulic the mechanical properties and the geometry of materials in systems are the following: contact. If the surface of the solid solicited is regarded as V Systems of collecting of subterranean water by the perfectly planes, the following damages can be observed: drilling of well exceeding 50m depths, and the cross, if the abrasive is sufficiently sharpened; realization of galleries of collecting of source and V embossing of the matter on the surface; storage: kind of system of Foggara. [15] V fracturing, if the solid is fragile; V The systems storages of the water of believed by V Removal of grains, if the material is insufficiently the realization of the dams of reserves in the level homogeneous. of palmerais and small tanks in each garden. 2.2. Resource of Subterranean Water 2.2.1. The Final Complex The tablecloth of the Final Complex is contained in the various permeable horizons of the higher Cretaceous and Figure 3. Diagrams of the mechanisms of abrasive wear [10]. the Tertiary sector. It extends in Algeria on a vast territory 3.2. Symptoms of Wear going from the dorsal from M’zab in the West until the hamada from Tinhert in the South. [12] The symptoms of wear are caused so much by the presence of these bubbles, like by their later collapse or of 2.2.2. The Continental Guide the implosion. [1] In geology, the Continental Guide indicates the The symptoms include/understand: A sudden fall of the continental formations which settled between the marine discharge pressure, Popcorn noise of bursting, vibrations, cycle of Paleozoic closes by orogenesis hercynienne and sometimes violent, a deaf noise, Loss of great listening, a the marine invasion of Cénomanien. It covers a broad wear fish scales on the back face of the frequent need and period of Sorted with the albian. turbine blades to adjust packing tree. [7] 2.3. Drillings 3.3. Factors Influencing Wear The first drillings albian carried out in 1948 and 1950. The depression during which a given pump starts to use The gushing impressing of subterranean water revealed the depends on several factors: quantity of sand; the quality of importance of the tablecloth contained in the sandstones of sand; the total head total of the pump; the type of wheel; the Continental guide. [04] [14] vibration (frequency and amplitude); penetration depth; From this period, the number of drilling did not cease carrying fluid (natural, circulation terms); tool (natural of increasing. The wilaya account currently more than 288 material, forms and dimensions); part (natural of material, drillings, which arise as follows: forms to realize). [11] 75 for drinking water supply DWS ; 108 for the Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science 2014; 3(2): 17-21 19 3.4. Parameters Influence Abrasive Wear V Period during the dryness’s characterized by the fall of the outputs; The quantity of the metal of the abrasive furrow V Period of implementation of the pumping which made eliminated from surface in the form of particles of wear it possible to make up the deficit out of water and a compared to that affected by the plastic deformation is certain improvement of the farming techniques relatively weak, approximately 10% to 20% on average. This removed quantity depends on many parameters and 4.1.2. Oncern more particularly by hardness and the form on the particles To supplement the information received from the abrasives. farmers, it was necessary to consult the company’s suppliers of the equipment and the services. Main concerns 3.4.1. Hardness which interest us are: When the hardness of striped surface approaches that of V To characterize the sector of private pumping and the abrasive, this one blunts, decreasing its aptitude for the the methods of intervention in decision making and cut. [6] [8] for the installation; 3.4.2. The form V To define the characteristics of the material of The form of the active part of the abrasive, if it presents pumping. sharp angles, suitably directed compared to the direction of 4.2. Tests of Pumping slip, abrasion will be similar to a process of cut and the left trace will be indicated like a stripe of micro cut. [3] The tests of pumping constitute a preliminary stage before the exploitation of a given work, they are necessary 4. Methods and Diagnoses to avoid the interferences between nearby works and to plan the flows and the schedules of operation of pumping In order to achieve our goals, the followed step consists for a whole long-term area in order to prevent the causes of of prospections of several forms: wears for the pump. [2] • Documentary prospections: it is carried out near the They consist in pumping during a certain time until the various services of DHW, AOW, NOC, NAHR and stability of the water level to the permanent mode in the NOID. These prospections aim to characterize the zone objective to optimize the exploitation of the work (flow, of studies and to determine the problems well.