No 18, 14 March 1929
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flume. 18. 627 THE NEW ZEALAND G.AZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929. RRATUM.-In the Second Schedule to the Proclamation, I Block X, Upper Waitara Survey District ~ thence along ~he E dated the 5th day of March, 1929, and published in north-western and north-eastern boundarIes ?f that sectIOn the New Zealand Gazette, No. 15, page 517, of the 7th day of I to Ngatoto R?ad f t~ence. along the west s~de of Ngatot~ the same month, proclaiming land as a road and road closed Road to a pomt m line WIth the no:thern SIde of Tarawal in Blocks XI and XII, Waiwera Survey District, Waitemata Road; thence to and along Tarawal Road to the county County, for the sixth area read 0 acres 0 roods 1·5 perches in boundary; thence generally southerly, westerly, and northerly lieu of 0 a,cres 0 roods 1 -3 perches. along the county boundary to the westernmost corner of (P.W. 34/2829.) Section 1, the point of commencement. SECOND SCHEDULE. Altering Boundaries of Stratford and Olifton Oount?"es. STRATFORD COUNTY. ALL that area in the Taranaki Land District bounded on the [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. north by Clifton County, hereinafter described, from the A PROCLAMATION. south-eastern corner of Section 6, Block X, Upper Waitara Survey District, to the north-western corner of Section 2, HEREAS the Clifton CoU?ty Council, in pursuance .of Block XVI, Upper Waitara Survey District; thence southerly W subsection three of sectIOn fourteen of the CountieS generally along the western boundaries generally of Sections 2 Act, 1920 (hereinafter referred to as "the .said Act :'), and 1 (Forest Reserve), Block XVI, and Section 9, Block XV, presented a petition in accordance with the saId subsectIOn Upper Waitara Survey District, to the Tirangi Road; thence three praying that the boundaries of the Stratford and Clifton south-easterly along the northern side of that road to a point Counties be altered by including in the said Stratford County in line with the western boundary of Section 11, Block XV, the area of the Clifton County described in that petition: aforesaid; thence to and along that boundary and the south- And whereas a Commission was appointed to inquire and western boundary of the said Section II to the Confiscation report thereon in accordance with subsection four of section Hne; thence south-westerly along the Confiscation-line to the fourteen. of the said .Act, an~ has duly reported th?,t the Te Wera closed road; thence along the Te Wera closed road boundarIes of the. saId co~ntles. ~hould be altered m the to the Mohakau Road; thence along the southern side of the manner prayed for In the saId petItIOn: . I Mohakau Road to the western boundary-line of Section 10, And whereas it is expedi~nt that the boundarI~s of the SaId Block X, Ngatimaru Survey District; thence southerly counties should be. altered IX: such a manner as IS deemed to generally along the western boundaries of Sections HI and be in accordance w,lth the Said report: . 15, Block X, Ngatimaru Survey District, to the southern Now, therefore, m pursuance and ex~rClse of the power an.d boundary of Block X aforesaid; thence easterly along that authority conferred on me by the saId Act, I, General SIr boundary to the western side of the Ohura Road; thence Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-C:-eneral of the Do- along the Ohura Road to a point in line with the southern minion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaIm and .declare that boundary of Strathmore Township; thence to and along the area described in the First Schedule hereto, bemg now part that boundary to the north-western boundary of Section 12, of t~e Clifton County,. shall, as on and from th~ first day of Block XIV, Ngatimaru Survey District; thence along t~e AprIl, one thousand nme hundred and twenty-nme, be added north-western and south-western boundaries of the Said to and form, part of the Stratf~~d County;. and that the Section 12, the south-western boundaries of Sections 9, 8, 7, boundaries of the Stratford and Clifton Co~mtIes a~ so a.ltered and 6, Block XV, Ngatimaru Survey District, and the south shall be those set forth under the respectIve headings m the western and southern boundaries of Section 16, Block XV Second Schedule hereto. aforesaid, to the north-eastern corner of Section 15; thence along the western and southern boundaries of Block XVI, FIRST SCHEDULE. Ngatimaru Survey District, to the south-eastern corner of Section 21; thence along the western boundaries of Sec- AREA EXCLUDED FROM CLIFTON COUNTY AND INCLUDED IN tions 20 and 19, Block XIII, Mahoe Survey District, to the STRATFORD COUNTY. south-w@stern boundary of the Pahautuhia Block; thence ALL that area in the Taranaki La~d District bounded by a south-easterly along that boundary to trig. station, Mount line commencing at the westernmost corner of Section I, Humphries; thence along the western watershed of the A 628 THE NEW ZEAI~AND GAZETTE. [No. 18 Wanganui River to a point in line with the southern boundary boundary to the westernmost corner of Section 14, Block I, line of Block VIII, Ngaire Survey District; thence along a Ngatimaru Survey District; thence along the southern right line running due west to Koane Road; thence by the boundaries of Sections 14 and 13, Block I aforesaid, to the said Koane Road to Section No. 17, Block XII, Omona Waitara River; thence to and up the middle of that river to Survey District; thence by that section to Moeawatea Road; a point in line with the western boundary of Section I, Block thence by Moeawatea Road to a point in line with the northern X, Upper Waitara Survey District; thence to and along that boundary-line of Section No.3, Block VIII, Omona Survey boundary to the south-eastern corner of Section 6, Block X, District; thence across the Moeawa~ea Road and by the Upper Waitara Survey District, the point of commencement, northern boundary-lines of Sections 3, 4, and I, Block VIII excluding therefrom the Borough of Stratford. aforesaid, across the Karewa Road, and by the northern boundary-liiles of Sections 21, 4, and 1, Block VII, Omona' CLIFTON COUNTY. Survey District, to the south-western corner of Section No.5, ALL that area in the Taranaki Land District bounded by a Block VII aforesaid; thence by the western boundary of line commencing at the mouth of the Mokau River; thence that section and the southern boUndary of Section No.8, up the middle of that river to a point in line with the eastern Block II, Omona Survey District, to the westernmost corner boundary ·of the Mokau-Mohakatino IG Block; thence to of Subsection I of Subdivision I of Matemateonga Block; and along the said eastern boundary and the eastern thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Subsections I and boundary of No. IJ through Trig. Station Tawhitiraupeka to 6 of Subdivision I aforesaid and the eastern and southern the Mohakatino Stream, and down that stream to its con boundaries of Subsection No. 7 to the Patea River; thence fluence with a stream intersecting the Mohakatino-Parininihi alonD' the Patea River to a point in line with the northern No. ID East Block, the said confluence being near the western bo~dary of Section II, Block VIII, Ngaire Survey District; most corner of Section I, Block III, Waro Survey District; thence to and by that section and by Block XII to Trig. thence up the latter stream to the Mohakatino Road, and . Station B, Rl}hui, by Subdivision 15, Pukengahu Block, to along that road to the north-eastern corner of Section 6, the eastern corner of the northern part of that subdivision Block VI, Waro Survey District; thence along the northern of 23 acres I rood 8 perches; thence by the southern and south-western boundaries of that section and the western boundary of the said northern part and by the said S~b boundaries generally of Sections 5, 4; and 3, and the southern division 15 to the Pukengahu Road, by that road to a pomt boundaries of said Section 3, and Section I, Block VII, Waro due west ·of Trig. Station B, Rahui; thence by a line running Survey District, to the Kotare Road, then along that road to due west to the north-western boundary of Subdivision 13, the Waitaanga Stream, and down that stream to the northern Pukengahu Block, and b'y that subdivision to the. northern block-line of Block XVI, Waro Survey District; thence boundary of Block XI, Ngaire Survey District; by that westerly along the northern block-line of Blocks XVI and XV block to the northernmost corner of Section 35, and by that to Mount Damper Road, and along that road to the eastern section to Oru Road, by that road and by Ngaire Road to most corner of Section 8, Block XIV, Waro Survey District; its junction with Karepo Road, by Karepo Road to and by thence along the northern boundaries of Sections 8 and 5, the northern boundary of Block X, Ngaire Survey District, Block XIV, and Sections 10 and 9, Block XIII, along the to the middle of Waingongoro River; thence by a line along western boundaries of Sections 9 and 2, Block XIII, Waro the middle of that river to the middle of Finnerty Road; Survey District, and Section 4, Block I, Pouatu Survey thence by a line along the middle of Finnerty Road to District, to its south-western corner;.