July 16, 1998 (W)A3
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m^^m '&• Westland's Chris Tompkins wins in golf classic, CI Homelbwn f C>HtU'.SH-.\ f IQNa NI1IV.IIHK'* Putting you In touch Thursday with your world July 16,1998 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years .--^¾¾^ : VOLUME 34 NUMBER 12 WtsuANn, MICHIGAN • 70 PAGLS • Imp: •<> SUfMV FlVf CFNTS O 1MB HoWTown Communication! Network, Inc.; IN THE PAPER man Dancers: Jennifer TODAY Vinson, 4, ofWest* Ill Donation: VFW JPpst 3S23 dances raises $2,649 for the with "The state's proposed Vietnam:^ Spoon memorial in LcmsingjM Man," Jim Cruise^ from COUNTY NEWS Grand Rapids Jail mlllage: Alihough who is western Wayne County dressedin leaders aren't completely the part of a hillbilly, • The Wayrie-Westland -¾¾ pleased with the millage, school board elected for a . some are taking a wait- one-year term at its annual arid-see attitude and cctu- Squirt, at organizational meeting the Per Monday night. tiously support ity while forming others remain Arts Pavil Without a single opposed/A7 ion behind round of consensus vot the West- ing, the Wayne-West- land land school board elect-! ed its slate of officers' COMMUNITY LIFE library. for a. one-year term at Behind its annual organiza Wheel adventure: Jeff (left) is tional meeting Monday night. Ashley Trustee David Cox is president; Martusand Aaron Zima Gatesy, 7 trustee Robin Moore is vice president; are spending their sum 112 of Martha Pitseribarger remains secre tary; and David James remains.trea mer bicycling a northern Westland surer. route from Seattle^ Wash:, as Billy This indicates we don't have a rub to New York City in hopes Bart. The ber-stamp board," said Cox of the of raising money for the event is mixed voting pattern. He was elected sponsored president on a 5-2 vote of the board. Multiple Sclerosis Foun- Cox, a former Westland city council dation./Bi, by West- man, is beginning his third year with land Com the board. munity Cox said "no one lobbied for points" Founda in this year's election of officers. He ENTERTAINMENT tion, West- acknowledged; the different points of view of the new board. "I look forward land Parks to those disagreements. People recog Jazz: Birmingham Jazz and Recre nize checks and balances." . iest, Thursday-Saturday, ation and He said the district has moved out of July23 25showcases in part by crisis management arid into a period homegrown theFriends "where we can do some good for 1¾¾ of the schools." Working oh the school bo'aro musicians., is the most important. woirk ih the com Library. munity, he said. "Everything goes from Movies: DirectorTheresa Connelly weathers contro Please see OFFICERS, A4 versy over her debut film, "Polish Wedding,". opening Friday., AT HOME sex Bloomln' success: Gar minors dens in Birmingham, A 52-year-old Westland man has been, charged with five counts of first- Livonia andRedfqrd fea degree and three counts of third-degree ture dazzling displays of criminal sexual conduct with minors 15 years of age and younger. living epl6r./D& Michael Albert Henisse was arraigned in out-county district court Sunday by 24th District Court Judge REAL ESTATE Family fun! At left, Heidi Staudenbaur and daugh Michael Russell. Bond was set at $1 ter tessie, 2 112 of Westland get in volved with the million. Spoon Man show. Above, The Spoon Man, Jim A preliminary exam is set for 9 a.m. Starting but:; There are Cruise, plays the spoons on the head of Jack Thursday, July 23, at the 18th District lots of things to do when Court before Judge Gail McKnight. Six Hoover, 3, as his parents Pat, Suzy and brother, witnesses have been summoned to you move to your first Max, 8 months old from Livonia, watch. apartment. /Fl Please see CHARQE3, A2 INDEX • Obituaries A6 for blind • Opinion—w- _ A12,ia 'TQDHS • Classified Index F6 £f-iUsi i Monday's grand opening of the or family, but some came by puhlic limitMioni:This; in eludes individuals- Autos Macqu' It l newly relocated Wayne County. transportation. Public accessibility was who are unable to hold or turn pages of one of the main reasons the library print books. Home & Service \ JS Regional Library for the Blind and m Physically Handicapped on Michigan moved from its former location On Van The library houses 15,000 volumes. Jobs HI Avenue cast of Merriman had all the Born and Venoy roads in Wayne. Besides recorded best sellers, myster makings of a summertime picnic - "I love this library. It does such, won ies, biographies, science fiction, poetry, Crossword G2 PiTrrter Michigan • Sports CI r Gitovjpod /Avenue ' sunshine, music, box lunches and derful things for the blind," said Anne humor, Westerns and thrillers, the 1 H plenty of speeches by officials. Wheatley of Detroit, a patron since library lends large-print books and • Community Life Bl New »lte for Wayne io«l 1931, when she was 10 years old. descriptive videos, which are films with County Regional library 1*. But most of all, it had lots of faithful • Entertainment El "Some people have nothing but the the action described aloud. for the Wind end V4fi8<xn patrons who came from all over • Real Estate F6 Phy»k*ay-HefKMceppe<i Wayne County to tour the neW build books, and isn't this a blessing." ' Wheatley loves Gothic novels and Th* library has moved to It* ing and express their appreciation for The Wayne County Regional Library has both books and magazines sent to new site, 30555 Michigan years of service that helped keep thein for the Blind serves county residents her home. Thanks to an'act of HOW TO REACH US Avenue In We$tlend. in touch with the world. who are unable to read conventional Most were accompanied by friends printed material because of physical '" ~ Please see LIBRARY, A3 Newsroom: 734-9*3-2104 NewsfOomFax: 734-591*7279 Red Wing autographs About 4,000. U.S. families host international stu dents each year in tho program. E-ma//.tJ«chm»ntoe.hom*comm.n«t Detroit Red Wing Jamie Macoun will bo in Center Nightllne/Sporis: 7.34-953-2104 Court at Westland Shopping Center 1-3 p.m. Satur Credit rating Reader Comment Line: 734-953-2042 day, July 25. Standard & Poor's recently assigned its single A Cidtsifted Advertising: 73A-B914m Tickets, which aro limited, must be bought at Fan welcome a now "son" in August - Satoshi Masuda, a Zone prior to the event. Each ticket is $15 and Youth For Understanding International Exchange minus rating to West land's water and sewer system Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 revenue bonds series 199ft dated June 1, 1998, due includes one autographed photograph or item. student from Japan. Home Delivery: 734-6910500 1 Satoshi, who will be a student at Wayne Memorial April 1, 1999-2018. The bonds were sold July C, The line will start outside of Lot No. 9 at Hudson's 1998. According to the report the rating reflects: package pickup area off of Central City Parkway, High School in Wayne, will live with the Masters family for an academic year. • A diverse local economy; For more information, call Fan Zone at (734) 762- ;. •.Reasonable/water and sower rates; and 9618,1 .;; ,,.... Ho will participate in nil family activities from vacations to household chores to.help him learn • Satisfactory financial position and performance, about U.S. culture. despite a water main break resulting in $1.2 million Hosttog^tudent- - - ~YmTth-Por-lJnderstwuhngr-eHt^hli^hpd-in 1951, is ilLJ£lLa^s_jvn^nsm;yjicejpayinejits^which caused "^IpfTmd MrW Daniel. Masters of Westland will JY_}\onp rpfit in te r nationai,£*?•'Vftn6G o r fra n i z a t i o n. debt service to drop for fiscarT99TT 63174 WPtW). The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 16,1998 Blood drive from page Al honoring teen s appear. release a photo of Henisse and 'According to court documents, pertinent information Friday exceeds goal the alleged incidents took place morning "because we need the between Feb. 1 and July 5 of this help of the media and the pub-. year. There, was no indication of He.'; /,/V-V,.;- .;..-:.'.,.. Monday's blood drive in memo Wliere they took place. Henisse First-degree- criminal sexual ry of a Weatland teenager who lives on Woodview, between Conduct is a felony offense that died in an accident was ia suc cess. •;-:..' A^ayne and Newburgh in the involves sexual penetration with a not Central City Parkway area. minors under the.age of 13. It The goal of 70 Pi^ «W > Westland police are not releas carries a possible life term. only met, but surpassed, as 87 ing any information at this time. Third-degree criminal sexual pints were collected, according to They have' scheduled.a press -conduct is a felony offense Mandy Long, a senior at John conference at 10 a;'m. Friday involving sexual penetration Glenn High School and coordina with investigating officer Sgt. with minors; 13 to 15 years of tor of the blood drive, which was Michael Terry present. age. It carries a possible 15-year held at VFW Harris-Kehrer Post 3323 on Wayne jRdad south of ' "We have an obligation to pre prison term. .;. ; serve this man's Tights^ and we Court documents indicate \that Cherry Hill; ; * have an obligation to the public Henisse worked at Win Stuff Inc. "We ran out of bagSj" and sev I and the Constitution of the Unit in Westland. When"contacted, eral potential donors were ed States," said Deputy Chief the manager refused to comment turned away, she said. liennis Hayes. other than saying Win Stuff is "I'm very happy with the Hayes said the police will "just a vending company.'' turnouti" she said.