LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 21,2010 ERIC GARCETTI COUNCILMEMBER PRESIDENT,LOS ANGELESCm COUNCIL September 27,20 1 0 Mr. Art Leahy, Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza, 2 5th Floor Dear Mr. Leahy: As the President of the Los Angeles City Council, and in consultation with Councilmember Greig Smith of the I 2th ~istrict,and with concurrence from Mayor Antonio ViLLaraigosa, I would like to nominate Ms. Kymberleigh Richards for reappointment to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority San Fernando Valley Service Sector Governance Council, subject to approval by the Metro Board. Her resume is attached. Ms. Richards can be reached at 16003 GauLt Street #7, Van Nuys, CA 9 1406, or by email at
[email protected]. If you require additional information, please feel free to contact Marcel Porras of my office at (2 13)473-70 13. c!L&Sincerely, ERIC GARCETTI President, Los Angeles City Council Councilmember, 1 3thDistrict Cc: Mayor Antonio ViLLaraigosa Greig Smith, Councilmember, I 2th District June Lagmay, Los Angeles City Clerk City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St. Room 475 Los Angeles CA 90012 0 213.473.7013 Fax 213.613.0819 District Offices Hollywood 5500 Hollywood Blvd., 4th Flr. Los Angeles CA 90028 * 323.957.4500 * Fax 323.957.6841 Glassell Park 3750 Verdugo Road Los Angeles CA 90065 323.478.9002 0 Fax 323.478.1296 e-mail:
[email protected]~ www.lacitv.orelcnt1ncillcdl3 Kymberleigh Richards 16003 Gault St., Apt. 7 Van Nuys, CA 91406-4937 818.781.0487
[email protected] Resident of the San Fernando Valley since 1988, daily user of transit service since 1991.